Yom Kippur 5782/2021 Kol Nidre Service

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[Music] [Music] so just as it's a mitzvah to fast on yom kippur refraining from water food it is also a mitzvah to eat the day before so i hope you all had a chance to eat and get your fill and i'm on these chats it's really uh interesting different suggestions on what to eat i don't know if maybe that happens in your household where it's don't do a lot of salt don't eat a lot eat a lot have gatorade don't have gatorade drink a lot of water take a bunch of aspirin anyone have these arguments yeah so uh um who knows in the end that will be what we call a mock loki or a argument for eternity uh when a sadiq would age and approach death their khasi dean would humbly approach their master for a final bracha and one of the most influential rebbies had reached advanced age and his qasidine came to receive the bracha with joy the rebbe gave his blessing one question asked how is it that after all that you have been through pogroms and arrests by the authority ransom poverty you've always remained joyful and the rebel responded every morning a voice asked today do you choose to be joyful and i always answered yes i ask you today do you choose to be joyful we start call me dre services with moto vu on page nine but before we enter into that turn to your neighbor wish them a [Music] some call and easy fast it all got quite right when you said that yeah [Music] we turn now to page nine for matu [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] i need to fill up [Music] oh a [Music] them [Music] [Applause] she [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is jump now to page 394 as we read forgiving i hereby forgive who has ever heard me and whoever's whoever has done me any wrong whether deliberately or accidentally whether by word or by deed may no one be punished on my account may it be your will o lord my god and god of my ancestors that i sin no more did i not revert to my old ways that i not anger you anymore with my actions that i do not do that which is evil in your sight wipe away my missings of the mark with your great compassion rather than through sickness or suffering may these words of my mouth the prayers that are in my heart be acceptable before you o lord my rock and my redeemer we really officially begin our service on page 397 with or allah that if you see at the bottom of the page on 397 the translation is light is sown for the righteous or light is spread out through those who are saudi those who try to do a little bit better each and every day where do we point our hearts where is our focus where do we spend our energies and our time yashar is an interesting word it means really straight uh if you're in uh in israel and you need to ask where to go they will say yeshua yamina yashar yashar keep going straight take a right do that it literally means keep in the direction that you are going sometimes we too often are pulled in many different directions maybe this year has been that way for you feeling as though you're pulled in many different directions family friends work many different places but here it says stay strong stay steady and then allow yourself for the opportunities for joy to reveal themselves if we get pushed in many different directions sometimes it's hard to see where the light comes in or it's 397 [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's [Applause] see or [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i'd like to at this time invite all of our past presidents that are present in the room this evening to represent congregation beth shalom community to please come forward open the ark as we remove the torahs for coolney dre all vowels as the ark is open we rise by the authority of the heavenly court and by the authority of this earthly court with divine consent with the consent of this congregation he hereby declared permissible to pray with those who have transgressed [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] ah oh [Music] the corny dre is read three times the idea was it gave the opportunity for those who were running late to hear but it looks as though we have all arrived on time for transgressions between a human being and god repentance on yom kippur brings atonement for transgressions between one human being and another yom kippur oh is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] a [Music] all vowels oaths and promises which we made to god and were not able to fulfill from last yom kippur to this yom kippur may all such vows between ourselves and god be annulled may they be void and of no effect may we be absolved of them and released from them may these vows not be considered vows these oaths not be considered oaths and these promises not be considered promises the third and final recitation is even louder it started off softly and gets louder and louder and that is how our prayers ought to be over the course of the next 25 hours a little louder a little stronger because as we know right now the gates of heaven are open and they hear they hear our prayers call the dress [Music] is [Music] i [Music] on sr [Music] ever the torahs are placed in the ark the ark is closed you may be seated yes [Music] we all know that you can tell how advanced a society is based on how that society treats those who are most vulnerable in that society in fact the torah is extremely concerned about those who cannot care for themselves it is a responsibility for each and every one of us to help those who cannot help themselves in fact when you walked in tonight you had to pass two opportunities to help those in need i hope you recognized it on the table there are little packets that show how you can support those who are in need mentally spiritually ways and numbers to call to help and support those who truly need help and i hope that all of us also had an opportunity to grab a brown bag to bring food to those who are in need it is extremely challenging for me to understand in a country like ours that has so much abundance so much abundance in fact i even joked a few moments ago about how it is a mitzvah for us to eat correct and i hope we all did and we all had food that's the truth but in our society in our country with great wealth there are people still going to bed hungry tonight we cannot forget that we also have to think of our children and our children in our society need need people to advocate and to be there for them but more than anything they need to know that and so i'd like to invite jody monteleone up to read a poem this is called a prayer for children by eina hughes modified for 2021. we pray for children here and around the world who give us sticky kisses who blow bubbles and chase butterflies who play in puddles and ruin their new pants who sneak cookies before dinner who can't remember their homework and who can never find their shoes as we rush out the door and we pray for those who are still separated from their parents by a wall who are battered by poverty disease earthquakes and hurricanes who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep who stare at photographers from behind barbed wire who are born in places we wouldn't be caught dead who live on the street or in a car or in a tent and who have lost family members to genocide or coveted we pray for children who bring us fistfuls of dandelions and sing off key who have goldfish funerals and build blanket forts who slurp their mozza ball soup to annoy their mother who get gum in their hair and pick up their food who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink who run up and hug us for no reason at all and who are lovingly spoiled by parents and grandparents and we pray for those who never get dessert who don't have a room to clean up who can't find any bread to steal who watch their parents watch them die who have no blanket to drag behind them who are bruised and broken from daily domestic violence or child abuse and who seek any human lighthouse who will provide a safe harbor we pray for children who spend all their allowance before tuesday who shove dirty clothes under the bed who get visits from an overly generous tooth fairy who whine for higher speed internet whose tears we sometimes laugh at and whose smiles can make us cry and we pray for those who are denied an education by the taliban whose nightmares come in the daytime who will eat anything they can find who have never been seen by a dentist whose parents value alcohol and drugs more than they value them who live and move with no roots and no support from a helping hand and who are left behind despite the best efforts of their teachers we pray for children who want to be carried and for those who must for those we never give up on and for those who don't have a chance for the ones who turn out fine and the ones who don't for those who are blessed and smothered with love and for the forgotten who will grab the hand of anyone kind enough to offer we pray and accept responsibility for all the children of the world we now turn our attention to page 400 as we continue our service with viomera [Music] lionel [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] on [Music] [Music] i [Applause] [Music] me ah [Music] are you lord our god ruler of the universe who has kept us in life sustained us and enabled us to reach this season and we all say amen please rise for the bar of flu on page 408. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] one [Music] please be seated we continue in the middle of the page 408. [Music] my [Music] [Music] are [Music] page 410. [Music] ah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo my [Music] [Applause] new oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Music] on page 412 we turn now to the shema and notice that the second sentence is read out loud this is the only time of year it is done this way [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they are a [Applause] [Music] please continue silently on page 414 and we will join together on page 416. [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] please join me responsively on page 419 true and certain it is that there is one god and there is no none like our great are lord things that god has done the lord's wonders are without number one may you continue your protecting care over israel and guard all your children from disaster [Music] they accepted your sovereignty willingly and sang in joyous thanksgiving [Music] who was like you o lord among the mighty who was like you glorious in holiness revered in praises doing wonders this is my god they explained and said the lord shall reign forever and ever [Music] baruch israel praised are you o lord redeemer of israel um israel [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] language [Music] alone [Music] is [Music] this day the day itself atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you of all your missings of the mark shall you be cleaned before the lord [Music] [Music] time this is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they [Applause] [Music] to [Music] we rise on page 424 for the mahariv amida so uh let's see and so you i'm uh um just a story he says when you live people will enjoy living with you when you die they will miss you this is how we ought to live this is how we should live on a certain day there was a guy named and his wife she was very very angry at her husband we've all been there yes so she makes a soup and she puts five extra spoon full of chili powder she came and served she came and served it to him it was super hot and she wanted to see what would happen when he ate it and she so she was waiting and he was of course of course jewish guys studying torah of course right she kept saying the soup's ready the soup's ready have some okay just a moment just a moment please he still continued to study she wanted to see herself the chili powder was strong enough so she took a spoonful of the soup it burned her mouth and of course tears welled up tears started to flow at that moment down his studies and he came over to his wife and he asked her why are you crying and she said i just saw the soup bowl and it reminded me of my mother and tears came said i know what can you do we all lose our mothers and fathers at some point then went back to his studies and he took a spoonful of the soup and it went off in his mouth with dynamite like a fire like an explosion tears came to his eyes and then his wife said oh you're also as emotional about my mother he said no no i'm not crying that your mother died i'm crying because the good mother of yours went and left you here that's no way to live when you live people should enjoy your presence when you die they should miss you this is how you know if you're living equality life we continue with this in mind what kind of life are we living what kind of quality of life are we bringing to those around us or do we bring just a little bit of chili powder to those around us page 446 we rise [Music] care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] on [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] as the ark is closed you may be seated and deborah and ryan block uh had the honor virtually of opening the ark and they said cbs to us means a place for learning and socializing the sisterhood has welcomed me as program chair for a number of years i enjoy preparation for shabbat lunch everyone is appreciative for for the volunteering and services that congregation provides to all we continue our page 458 with schmackling [Music] shaman hey [Music] a day [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] no [Music] [Music] there are [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] page 460. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] page 462 please rise for the confession our god and god of our ancestors may our prayers come before you and may you would not ignore our pleas we are neither so arrogant nor so stubborn as to declare that we are righteous and have not missed the mark for indeed we have missed the mark ah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all new [Music] new [Music] [Applause] [Music] she knew [Applause] [Music] she he knew [Applause] [Music] [Music] our god and god of our ancestors forgive and pardon our missings of the mark on this day of atonement answer our prayers blot out and remove our transgressions from your sight direct our impulses that we may serve you and humble our pride that we may return to you renew our inner being so that we may observe your commandments and open our hearts so that we may love and revere you as it is written in your torah the lord your god will open your heart in the heart of your children so that you will love the lord with all your heart with all your soul that you may live who now can turn continue on page 466 with the faith [Music] [Music] oh [Music] they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we continue to remain standing as the ark is open for the avinu volcano by judy and richard eichner who say we believe in tolerance and understanding and in the new year hope to do our part to spread both throughout our community and let us all say amen [Music] i'll be democracy [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] they [Music] new [Music] caren is [Music] the same on you [Music] therefore [Music] may be seated as the ark is closed [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the energy's really great and it was so nice i think this is the first time i don't know if you felt this way cantor that we i could hear everyone really clearly up here uh and it's because there's so many of us here tonight i'm very grateful for that it is such a blessing to be able to come together and offer prayers as a community something that i don't know if you missed it last year but i truly missed it uh i need it i need it in my life and so i'm so grateful that we remind each other to turn our cell phones off although i will say last i guess it was rosh hashanah evening a cell phone went off and it was perfect uh because it went well with my sermon but i don't know what it is about my sermon that the phones keep going off at that time but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna take it personal right now well growing up yom kippur was really a a day that i i honestly didn't look forward to uh it meant a long day of show it meant prayers i didn't fully understand fasting of course it kind of felt loaded i don't know if you have that experience i did however enjoy seeing friends that i didn't get to see regularly that was nice i did enjoy the sense of community i've always loved that sense of being together in general there was a sanctity to the day that i know we all feel and appreciate not until though i decided to take responsibility for my spiritual life did i come to understand that this is a day of true connection a day of development a day to anticipate and a day to really truly delight in a day of joy in 18th century lithuania a well-respected and highly influential rabbi the vilna gaon made a connection between yom kippur and purim by using this biblical name of yom kippur yom hakipurim is how it's referred to in the torah does not mean day of atonements according to the ge'on in hebrew the letter can be used as a preposition at the start of a word meaning like or ass in other words yom hakipurim should be translated as a day like purim we all know that purim is the most joyous day in the jewish calendar you're brought that way into the world in fact we are told that when a month that includes purim which is adar thank god we have two this year we need extra joy don't we when this month comes you are to increase joy increase joy we build towards that day by increasing our happiness by increasing our joy this day yom kippur we have been building since the start of the month rosh hashanah to this moment to build our relationships to make sure that these relationships are opportunities for our love and our joy to be expressed we have spent this time reflecting on where we have been and where we're going we have spent this time admitting when we made a mistake and pledging to each other i'm gonna do better this time we do this all in a desire to live our lives enhanced to live free and to of course be joyful we've all been happy before we've all been joyful haven't we to be joyful all the time would be ideal that's what we all want isn't it but how do we keep the joy that comes to us that's the question to do that there is a joy that we ought to recapture you've all had that joy when we were children someone had to come and take away our joy as an adult something has to come to bring it we have it backwards any child will show you somewhere along the line we got it mixed up as a child imagination is unbridled i sometimes ask our preschool students questions as they wait in our hall tell me about the pattern on your shirt without missing a beat the child could go into a story if you ask the same child what god sounds like they often offer a profound answer i ask you as an adult the same questions you look at me asking and wonder what am i up to what's the trick rav what are you getting at children do not relive their memories like adults adults have accumulated so much information fantasy or real that controls their current experience an example i use often is going to disneyland tell any child that will be going to disneyland and they are beside themselves they'll count down the day with joy when their day arrives they're unable to sleep the night before with joy the day of there's excitement with joy upon arrival so s such big smiles hopefully the masks you can see and then with joy the adult experience is often different what day can i get off work so we can go traffic costs food all concerns moments of joy for sure yet worries abound the burdens that take us from joy we chalk up to responsibility experience or some other catchphrase like adulting have you heard this one isn't it just a reaction to the information we have acquired over the past and applying it to our current situation we know better even in senegal and even in synagogue life i hear memories from adults regarding their experience their unadulterated joys a child running around seeing friends loving the singing and the first time seeing the torah open i do it with the students all the time they are so excited to see the torah this joy is sometimes crushed by an instructive adult that shushes them be quiet at a young age we're told to fall in line i was placed in advanced classes at one point in my life later to be demoted i was shorter so i was always in the front of the picture i found humor and music that's what i found slowly our identities are created around what we aren't as much as what we are we begin to compare ourselves to the other we begin to replace joy with comparison there's a story as old as our torah you remember the story of cain and abel yes cain and abel are compared identities are created one is favored the other is silence the torah states and i quote in the course of time kane brought an offering to the lord from the fruit of the soil and abel for his part brought the choices of the first lane of the flock the lord paid heed to abel and his offering to pay but to cain and his offering he paid no he cain with much distress and he fell on his face and the lord said to cain why are you distressed and why is your face falling surely if you do what is right there is uplift but if you do not do what is right sin crouches at the door it urges towards you yet you can be his master comparison our identities are such an integral part of our experience so much so we are often unaware and unconscious to this reality we're oblivious to how much it penetrates our day-to-day living surely if you're pleasant you will find joy if you're unpleasant your joy will be diminished it's entirely up to you this year and certainly the previous year one could view the experience as a series of problems rather unpleasant at times covet problems school problems money problems job problems political problems family problems unpleasant the list goes on and on and on these are all certainly troubling and consequential but where does the problem actually exist isn't the problem really on how we experience it is it the problem you every religious and spiritual tradition is structured on the basis of this idea we as spiritual beings having a human experience have a problem and that problem is us when you are a problem everything's a problem your life is just a reflection of you is it not those who have intellect those who have what our tradition calls those who figure it all out maybe they live a little better in fact you think they're doing great but isn't that in comparison to the other person that's sitting next to them i have my political identity and it's clear that it's better than yours i figured out my money issues in comparison to yours and so on and so forth but when you see someone surviving better than you you won't feel that great when you live your life like that our entire world is structured that way from a young age and me maybe even in your home we compare in terms of who is surviving better than this is our societal foundation and structure this is where we have removed joy so when we are presented with the problems of the last few years racism violence anti-semitism coveted we compare we revert to the structure and everyone wants to get approval we want to get the rate of an aid we want to feel good we want to feel we made the right decision we want to feel good regarding how we handle these circumstances that came before us we want to believe we did all we could to better the world by getting dichotomy for example good or bad we can only use comparison to understand one with the other you're bad compared to my goodness truth is i'm super tall in asia and i'm not so tall in northern europe if you're to get a break how well did you do this year it's not very helpful is it it's not a useful thing to do to give yourself a grade it puts you in direct comparison to somebody else question if you're a little smarter have better resources are you living better than me we of course all want an a in how we handle our families our jobs but who gives out the grade for life we have this structure and brain in us to compare and grade and judge yet when it comes to the life itself we lift it up leave it up to some god or it's our in the heavens to ultimately judge everyone here we judge in our judge this is part of us this is our intellect there's nothing inherently wrong with making judgments we all have to make decisions the problem is we have just been using it haphazardly we do judge others and we do grade them but do we give them even a passing grade the sages state that we should judge everyone favorably judge everyone favorably the hebrew alludes to a scale in front of you is the scale you can judge poorly you can judge favorably you can do it it's up to you here it says to be the kind of judge that puts weight on the balance and looking at the merits of others look at the merits of others look at the favorable virtues of another person ultimately when we see and look at others in a favorable way a pleasant way aren't they pleasant to be around are they not a joy to be around what if we spent the next day looking at what brings joy to those in our lives instead of what brings joy to our life can you actively and consciously concern yourself with the joy of others for the next 24 hours can you do that if you could if you could do this it would increase the love and joy in all your relationships exponentially how do we do this in our lives the answer is to understand and know that we are always our essential life that wants to live a life of joy if we can see that who who is able to be able uh that was weird who is able to see the joy in another person whenever we as a human being compare we become distressed we fall on our faces as the torus says this year we must take the wisdom of the torah and lift others up consciously as we enter into this day let us be mindful of our comparisons know that the moment we compare we remove joy from our interactions lest we capture the joy of our youth and allow others the opportunity to express their joy it is your responsibility to be a joyful human being young yom kippur is the day to commit joy is not some goal in life it is fundamental once you are joyful once you have fit yourself to live in this way then and only then can you open the possibility up to others it's a hard thing to say let's try it may you finish this part of our season these last 10 days this is the last day of the yami norae in the holy days may we truly truly spend 25 hours starting an hour ago you're already well into it yes that you try your hardest to bring joy to somebody else's life you will interact with no less than a dozen people before you get out into the parking lot tonight that's where the real work begins we continue with elaine please rise on page 478. [Music] shalom [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] a [Music] prophet two proclaim this promise the lord shall be so sovereign over all the earth that day the lord shall be won in god's name one night [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] we ask those who are mourning or observing your sight remain standing for the mourners which can be found on page 482 and may the memories which we cherish and lovingly now recall inspire us so to live that we too may bequeath the heritage of precious memories to those whom we shall leave behind in tribute to our department we enrich the lives we touch and may we share and preserve the faith which our mourners will now affirm as they rise to sanctify god's name in the hallowed words of the kaddish together on page 482 but [Music] [Music] [Music] amen may god who makes harmony and peace in the universe grant harmony and peace to us to all israel and all humankind and let us all say amen i want to thank you uh cancer for leading us this evening um we will conclude with a song but i wanted to invite us all to return here at 9 30 tomorrow morning as we continue our morning service for young people uh and before we do that uh thank you rabbi pleasure to serve with you again uh and i'd like to welcome back dino harmony to the uh to the keyboard um thank you for coming back from hawaii i'm not sure i would but all right [Music] shalom [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] shalom [Music] is is is oh [Music] we did you
Channel: Congregation Beth Shalom, Santa Clarita
Views: 322
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Congregation Beth Shalom, Conservative, Judaism, Jewish, Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, Synagogue, Temple, Preschool, Religious School, CBS, SCV
Id: 5k02ApDax8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 36sec (5796 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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