Apr 16, 2020 - I Want To Be A Matzah, Matzah Man!

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Heavenly Father I am so incredibly appreciative for what you've done in this place maybe I get to see more of it father because I'm in touch with the guys overseas and I'm in touch with so many people so I do have a distinct mantich point that very few in the congregation have so I guess I'm very blessed to see your mighty hand in Betty schewe father I also know that although most of the people that attend here maybe maybe they don't have the same vantage point that I have but they'd have to be blind not to be able to see what you're doing father I hope and pray that when we come back to reconvene as a family and I don't know when that's gonna be that's not up to me it could be in two weeks it could be in two months nobody really knows but I hope when the people finally come back in here they come back with a new zeal and a new appreciation for what they have and what you've done because I think to not have that father is a disgrace to you and your name father the only thing I would ask you personally just to please help me help me to bring glory to your name help me to do what I desire to do which is to lift you up I'm limited Lord my desire is to lift you up seshu is name okay I'll go for the tissues early today well it is the last day of the feast of unleavened bread and the Lord asks us to have a holy convocation and as always whenever we have a holy convocation that the Lord has requested of us God always shows and I don't know if you can feel him in your homes but I could definitely feel him here no question about it he's in every every window every every chair he's sitting in every chair son believable right now the Feast of the Lord I mean there's books written on the subject I've I've never read one I've read Leviticus 23 many many many times but the Feast of the Lord were appointed appointed times by God to distinguish the people of God from all other people the world doesn't celebrate God's feasts the people of God celebrate God's feasts and that's how God distinguishes us that's how we're kind of different we have a whole different system of living when we observe them we're being obedient for sure but when we when we observe them where we keep walking out the remembrance remembrance is a big deal in Judaism it's a big deal with God the word is zipper notes and we're always supposed to remember why because human beings forget so easily what they should remember and they remember the things they should forget we hold on to things that people have done to us we hold on so I mean years 20 years 30 is a lifetime of two family members could have an argument at a Thanksgiving and they've held a grudge to death and yet we tend to forget how good god is we tend to forget the blessings that though that those family members have been to us we forget all the great things they've done for us so remembrance is very important but specifically when it comes to the feasts guys we're supposed to remember the benefits we've already received as well as the prophetic benefits yet to come in other words putting Shabbat aside for a moment there's six feasts and you know this and I just forgive me for being repetitive but three of them relate to the issue is first coming that's the spring feasts and we remember we remember his death on the cross remember his burial we remember firstfruits his resurrection we remember him writing the Torah on our hearts we remember him sending the Holy Spirit to energize our hearts to walk things out we remember these things and forgive me but you know when we sing songs about Yeshua's death and things like this I think that song should be sung every day not just on Passover every day you should remember that the Angel of Death it has to pass you by I I wouldn't wait till Passover to celebrate that however God knows that we forget God knows we gets busy so he just sets aside a special season and then there's this big interlude which we are in right now there's this big interlude we're in it right now we're in the wilderness going to the promised land and the only way we're going to get this for you she would return which is yom teruah you don't get born Sukkot so we're we're rehearsing that's what feasts are prophetic feasts are rehearsals we're rehearsing for when the king comes I'm sure the music team got together probably last night in rehearse these songs we need to rehearse the coming of the king guys can you just imagine if the whole believing world celebrated Shabbat no more Messianic Jew no more you know seventh-day adventists no more Shabbat observing Baptist there's a group about this their seventh day Baptist how about no more how about just just children of God who celebrate God's feasts well the Shabbat sanabria the other ones you know we can discuss but the Shabbat say no brainer we twin it's a no-brainer we will celebrate it from one new moon to another and from one Shabaks unto all flesh it will happen at the end of millennial reign we will we will but just imagine imagine if a major denomination just announced today we are going to honor Shabbat from here on in how much more unity there would be and that's a big part of the feasts the feasts create a unity that God wanted with his children he wanted his children being unified and getting along and looking out for each other but when we have all these different feasts and all these different doctrines it's really impossible to have unity because no matter what no matter how much you agree on the minute you disagree you're gonna feel a wall you're gonna feel somewhat of a wall I know I know it and that's not what God wanted for his namesake or his children and as far as a reminder why do we do these things over and over again well you would never tell your little child just one time to look both ways when they cross the street you tell them over and over again why because that's how human beings learn doing a routine repetitiously it's just the way we're designed if Passover is to remind us of our Redemption which obviously it is no question about it then the feast of unleavened bread is to remind us of the kind of lives redeemed people are supposed to live once once the children were out of Egypt they had to get Egypt out of them and this process before they got to Israel God was working that in the wilderness he was sanctifying them in the wilderness that's what's happening right now every believer on planet earth is being sanctified in the wilderness we're not home yet that's just what's going on it's it's not hard to figure out these are not deep spiritual ideologies like some people get into some people you know they love to be on a submarine but you got a periscope every now and then you keep going deep forgive me but I see people over my years now I'm you know I used to say I'm not a believer that long well it's 31 years it's a long time I've watched people so deep and yet their families are falling apart so deep and yet they fall apart when when something you know horrific happens all hell breaks loose it's not that deep God did not write the Bible to confuse us he wrote it for our Moretz common people in a way I'm glad that the unleavened bread is coming to a close because I got to tell you I love matzah and I eat it constantly I could eat matzah for dinner I just need a little bit of butter and for you maybe newbies to the feast um try egg and onion matzah you haven't lived till you tried egg and I mean what so there's nothing like it it's hard to get around Macon but you know if you go to densely populated Jewish areas like you know South Florida or the Northeast you know it's you have a plethora of egg and onion matzah you can't get this stuff up in Atlanta constantly but you know it's just let's face it there's just not a ton of people in Meghan celebrating Passover but egg and onion notches tremendous and this is something that Bernadette makes you know she takes sugar and and butter to make her own Carmel and then she takes chocolate melts it down and puts it over the matzo and it's it's it's very dangerous in fact it's so dangerous we called it on house it's a crack because it's addictive so once you start your ear you're you're a monster crack addict that's what happens yeah I've been celebrating it for a long time I even have my matzah socks on it's burning that gun for me it's called lots of matzah and anyway sadly enough as a traditional Jewish person I didn't really understand the me I knew I understood the meaning historically what we were celebrating about the redemption of my people and how we should all experience Redemption and deliverance at the Seder but in Yeshua we have this is the best of both worlds we have the rich history we have the the experience of being delivered personally and then we have the final Exodus to come I mean you know the Jewish people don't have that the Christian people don't have that forgive me you might say do you think you're you're better than the Jewish people do you think you're better rabbi than the Christian people no I just think I'm better off not better better off and for you they catch flack from from from some family members of some friends don't you dare let them give you a hard time don't you dare let them why are they so much more angry that you're doing it then you are angry about them not doing it did you ever think about that why are they so angry about me celebrating on Shabbat I'm not angry that they celebrate on Sunday not even remotely angry why but what are they so upset about don't don't let them get to you don't let them rain on your parade man only you can let them steal your joy they can't take it from you they can't take it you can't lose your joy it's like virginity you don't wake up one morning go in I put that thing you give it away you give away your joy that's your decision rabbi but they they Hawk me and they Hawk me they they they they they they know where don't don't tell them where your goat is tied up and they can't get to it don't let them and if you're around the family member that constantly berate you don't be around that family member if they're toxic I would I would sit them down and go if you love me you have a shore funny way of showing it I'm trying to get close to God what is the problem here I'm trying to on him I'm enjoying it and you're just berating me how about this if you really love me let's never talk about this again don't do it to yourself you don't have to you're gonna make yourself sick I used to spend time you know trying to prove that we should all do this now I just spend time celebrating you follow I'm just trying to help you let's look at off first set of scriptures okay obviously we go to and in the book of Corinthians because you know Paul uses the Passover to to make a point so it's it's really a no-brainer here 1st Corinthians 5:6 through 7 says your boasting is not good speaking to the to the members of this Corinth congregation don't you know the saying quote it was a saying in Judaism it takes only a little cometh a little leaven to leaven a whole batch of dough that was the same like we have colloquialisms in America you know kill two birds with one stone that's colloquialism they had colloquialisms in the hebrew culture and this was one of them get rid of the old comets get rid of the old leaven so that you can be a new batch of dough because in reality you are you are unleavened that's the reality of it for a Pesach Passover lamb the Messiah Yeshua has been sacrificed now forgive me but it is not possible for me to just you know give a verse out of context because there are things that disgust the person what disgust me probably disgust you child abuse disgusting spousal abuse even if it's manipulative and not physical disgusting there's now there's now senior abuse even though I'm not an animal lover animal abuse disgusts me let me tell you what else disgust me when I hear somebody taking a verse and preaching on it it disgusts me it disgusts me because there is no way if they don't teach in context are they going to get the meaning correct and then they're teaching other people the incorrect meaning and they're gonna teach their little people and other people incorrect meaning and it spreads like a like a virus really so forgive me but this is a pet peeve with me for instance if I gave you these verses which I'm giving you and I and it says your boasting is not good and I said to you what are they boasting about what would your answer be you have no idea there's no way because you're reading it out of context so what do you do you don't pay attention to that like a lot of times you read a verse to go well I don't know what that means and who cares about context I just know I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me what does that mean what what is he saying to the people in Philippi what's going on guys I how many times have I said context but like my wife says we need reminders so a reminder it is so Paul is reproving the Corinthians for their boasting and he's using the theme of Passover which is why we chose it to reprove them unless we read it in context we won't know what they're boasting about if we don't read it in context we run the risk of taking the verse or verses out of context and thereby misinterpreting them which Satan just loves what did Satan say at the beginning did God really say guess what if you don't read in context you won't be able to answer that you were like I don't know if he really said because I don't really read in context and he's gonna constantly twist things out of context because text taken out of context is pretext how many times does somebody have a motivation of their heart but their words don't match their motivation and it comes out and what happens you take it the wrong way you get perturbed and you're in a massive fight over a little miscommunication because this is what the devil does he twists iniquity and in Hebrews of own it's a twisting he twists so your motivation might be all but the way you said it was all wrong and all they know is what you said nobody knows the motivation of another heart I think after listening me so long you know the motivation of my heart you know I want to glorify God I want you to stay strong in the faith I want your marriages to be strong and it comes out sometimes if you don't know that if you were to come here one day and hear me speak you'd be like wow that guy epitomizes a loudmouth obnoxious New York Jew who thinks he has all the answers I am a loudmouth for the Lord I am a Jew from New York yes but arrogant no no shop the only thing I'm arrogant about is the greatness of God period end of story that is the only thing I'm arrogant about I'm not arrogant about me my family nothing I'm arrogant about the greatness of God and I always will be arrogant about the greatness of God so if you're thinking that if you stay long enough and I might change you're wrong I'm gonna disappoint you for a long time okay so let's get a little context let's go back to the beginning of the chapter first Corinthians 5 verse 1 I I find this unbelievably exciting you have no idea how exciting I find the Word of God it is actually being reported that there is sexual sin among you and it is sexual sin of a kind that is condemned even by pagans a man is living with his stepmother apparently it had become widely reported that one of the men in the Fellowship and I don't think there were many it there was no megachurches back then 2030 people one of the men in the fellowship at Corinth had committed sexual immorality but here it was an extreme form of sin one that was not even a practice by the ungodly Gentiles what's the hope of the body of Messiah when we're doing things that not even pagans are doing most versions if you read other versions it says the man was having illicit intercourse with his father's wife that's confusing for a lot of people his father's wife that means his mother no it would have sent his mother his father's wife that's why this cjb his his stepmother apparently his father was either divorced or his real mom his biological mom died and this happens today I hate to say it but some rich old man marries a young girl he's got some young kids and you know what she's bored he doesn't do it for her but he's out there making money and the stepson it happens this isn't like now back then that didn't even happen among the pagans today it happens all the time commonplace so at any rate his stepmother was probably an unbeliever because nothing is said about taking action against a rabbi how do you get all this information from a verse the same way you should have is it detective come in and look at a crime scene and figure out so many things that you and I wouldn't see cuz they're detectives they're trained if you're trained and understand the Word of God and you spend a ton of time and it you'll pick these things up is it important to pick all these things up maybe not maybe not I don't I don't have an answer to that let's look at the next verse and you stay proud now we can connect the dots he said your boasting is not good and you stay pretty saying to them you've got a guy sleeping with his stepmother people know it and you stay proud shouldn't you rather have felt some sadness shouldn't you have been ashamed and said in a shame for the guy that would have led you to remove from your company remove from your congregation the man who has done this thing he's asking questions but they're all rhetorical Paul's heard about this and he's writing a letter in regards to it how did the in thien's react to all this apparently not well by this one verse all I have is the Bible instead of mourning they were proud and horny now let's look into it a little bit let's detect a few things ok let's have some fun with the Word of God so we understand it perhaps they were proud perhaps I'm saying perhaps I'm only detecting here that they were proud of their tolerance in not discipline the offender people are proud today of being tolerant look at us we're so tolerant we accept anybody anytime any day we're so loving kumbaya we are the world there's no difference tolerance has been around forever maybe they were tolerant and they were proud of that look at all congregation we're not difficult we're well we love whether people of love that's what it is now Live Love Laugh that's the mission statement of most churches today Live Love Laugh live love laugh come to our congregation you can experience life and love love disciplines a loving father the Bible says disciplines his son the Bible says discipline starts in the house of the Lord the Bible says where there is no discipline there is no love so perhaps they were they were proud of themselves and not disciplining the offender because of their tolerance another idea perhaps they were so proud of the abundance of spiritual gifts in the church that they did not give serious thought to what had taken place Corinth had tons of gifted people so maybe they were overlooking it like like let's say something like this happened here and I overlooked it because I go well but look at what we're doing in Africa and in India and in Israel that's a little nothing you follow I somebody goes rabbi you need to come on I'm not gonna focus on the minutia you need to focus on all the good things that are going on there's two columns there's good and bad and and they don't interface they're not interdependent the good is good the bad is dead we glorify the good we take care of the bed that's the way it is okay or better yet my personal favorite just detecting it is playing spiritual detective perhaps they were more interested in numbers and money than in holiness perhaps this guy's this guy was a big giver you know and he had a lot of influence and if they disciplined him and they lost him maybe they lose half their congregation today that's very popular we don't want to offend anybody because we can't afford to lose anybody guess what I don't say this arrogantly but Beth yushua can't afford to lose people look we lost everybody somebody I found out from the account and somebody just sent this twenty thousand dollars to missions so guess what we're able to do we're able to take that twenty thousand and not just send out the twenty thousand right away and I know you're watching I know you want to be anonymous so I'm not going to give you a name but we're able to put twenty thousand towards it so in the midst of difficult situations we're able to send out forty thousand dollars and we're also able to help Nevin Mahale and to help with the iPad projects in that beautiful because God is blessing us because hopefully we're trying to do the right thing so I don't have to worry about losing somebody I don't have to worry God doesn't want me to worry he doesn't want me to preach the word on eggshells he wants me to preach the word the government doesn't take care of that issue it the Lord is our provider not the government that would be the day you know how many people are on government assistance and sitting home and doing nothing not paying any taxes not contributing to society it's pathetic the bottom line is they were not shocked by their sin and they should have been that's the bottom line to the story going back to our scriptures now first Corinthians 5:6 it says your boasting is not good now now we know what they were boasting about prior to that you had no clue and it's right there you just had to read a few more verses don't you know the saying quote it takes only a little hummus to leaven a whole bunch of dough now what about you don't excuse me let's take a look at the word leaven we're looking it up in the Greek concordance because the new test was written in Greek zooom a and it means leaven I know I have to give you what the dictionary says I can't play around with it leaven means leaven that's what it means leaven is 11 okay like rain is rain but it there's a metaphor in the Greek and it's metaphorically used for inveterate and I'll explain that in a minute because that's a tough word for anybody but that's the Greek dictionary I'm just going what's there inveterate mental and moral corruption viewed it's viewed in its tendency it has a tendency to infect others now inveterate means chronic or habitual or deep-rooted it means sin is a lifestyle it means walking it's a regular occurrence walking in sin as opposed to sin being a foreign invader you follow it's there's a big difference some people feel like well I do sin rabbi yes join the club everybody does but there's a difference when sin is a lifestyle and intermittent sin okay with that being said you have to know that in in the Jewish culture they would take some leftover bread some leftover dough from the week before and just inject it into the dough for the new week because just a little bit injected would leaven the whole batch see he's speaking to a people in a culture that totally understood what he was saying he was saying to them listen to me guys if you let this go on with this kind of stepmother it's going to infect the whole congregation and before no time it's gonna fall apart where it's a wisdom and is using Passover to explain they should have known they knew that a little leaven leavens the whole lump leaven here as polls using it is moral sin moral sin not ceremonial sin moral sin the Apostle basically is saying Paul is saying that if they tolerate a little moral sin in the church it will grow and expand until the whole fellowship is seriously infected so he was instructing them to discipline which forgive me but church discipline is nowhere to be found today doesn't exist right now let me tell you where it does exist let the pastor get in sin and boy they're ready to chop him down but the people for some reason you have a different you guys have a different set of Commandments than I have see I've got to obey the commandments of God you guys not so much you know what I'm saying let it pass that now am i sticking up for pastors yes I'm sticking up for pastors because I love to ask this but I'm also sticking up for what's right you can't have a double standard you can't judge people by the letter of the law and judge yourself by grace you can't judge people by what they say and judge yourself by the motivations of your heart it's a double standard there is only one standard for everybody so with that being said we go to the next verse first Corinthians 5:7 and he says this is what you need to do you see God never just tells us what we need to get rid of he tells us what we need to embrace you know it be something tell you know you you got to stop eating that well what should I eat give people a solution just don't tell him the problem you know what the problem is you know the problem is I'll tell you what the problem is you because you keep telling us what the problem is but you won't give us a solution people are so quick to tell you the problem even in relationships you know the problem is the problem is yes the problem is you keep telling me what the problem is but you never with a solution it's almost like you like the problem it's like you're codependent or something why don't you figure out a solution and I'll try to abide in it so this is what Paul is doing because this is what God does he gives us solutions he gives us remedies to our diseases he says get rid of the old leaven so that you can be a new batch because in reality you are unleavened for our Passover land the Messiah has been sacrificed he's he is using the feast of Passover and unleavened bread to explain about sin and holiness and newness of life no question about it let's look up the word unleavened for a moment and it means odds ooh MOS it's unfermented free from leaven okay free from leaven that's that's the natural then metaphorically free from faults or the leaven of iniquity okay Paul is saying if we can go back for a moment to first Corinthians 5:7 if you won't mind he is commanding them to purge out the old leaven in other words he's saying they should take stern action stern action against the evil so that they might be new in a sense of pure lump hear me now they were commanded to quarantine the center anybody know about quarantine you do now so that the spiritual virus wouldn't spread and infect others now I find it very interesting I'm gonna I'm gonna take a shot here I find it very interesting that the people of God are being so careful not to catch a spiritual physical virus but they're so Cavalier about catching a spiritual virus now if it Naida was coming what I warned you yes would it be ignorant for us to walk at a park in the morning now and there's a there's a playground there and I I do a few exercises on the playground stuff and then I wash my hands afterwards now there's a lot of little kids in that playground and they're touching the stuff little kids are gonna touch their face is that wise what the parents letting them do I say no but by the same token I'm watching believers quarantine themselves afraid to go out and get the mail but they don't have the same attitude in the spirit they're so afraid to die when to die is gain now some of you guys haven't believed is a lot longer than me what I'm saying is straight-up hardcore versus out of the scripture then Paul goes on to say we should practice this because in reality in reality because she she would died for us and we have the blood of Yeshua figuratively speaking on the lintel dose besought we sit in heavenly places that's our position right he's saying look guys you're born again you've been redeemed but your position should match your condition you can't just say a prayer and thinking you're gonna live the way you want to live and go to heaven it's not gonna happen if you're watching and you think you said a prayer but you were living the same way you were before you said that prayer I'm here to tell you you're not and you how dare you the Bible dares me to tell you no there has to be some kind of change I'll tell you what we need in the believing community right now we desperately need to practice spiritual distancing not so much social distancing spiritual distancing Paul is stressing exactly what God has stressed in the whole New Testament namely that our Creed our beliefs has to line up with our character God wants all beliefs to come in line with our behavior although doctrinally we are positionally righteous God is looking for us to be practically righteous as well then he ends he says for a Pesach lamb the Messiah has been sacrificed that's how he ends that section Paul's mind goes back to Passover of course the good Jewish boy that he was and still celebrating Passover mind you we're on the eve of the first day of the feast the eve of the first day I remember my Bilbo doing this really the people of God will command it to remove all the leaven from their houses the Jewish people went to the kneading trough and scraped it scrape the kneading struck truff they scrubbed the place where the leaven was kept till not a trace remained they searched the place with a lamp you know and and and a spoon and a feather to make sure that none had been overlooked then after they went through this arduous task of removing every ounce of leaven they lifted up their hands to God and this what they said quote Oh God I have cast out all the leaven from my house if there is any leaven that I do not know of with all my heart I cast it out too in case I missed any to me that pictures the kind of separation from evil to which the Christian is called today I would like to give you another idea about the subject not just from corn so you see that it's not just a Corinthian issue if I stop right here everything's fine you get the message the message is easy guys we're supposed to be on leaven we could leave we I could have said that the beginning and I'm sure somebody's watching going why didn't you because it went if it wouldn't have driven the point home I have to show you I really do I'm trying to take time I'm trying to help you and me but if I stop right here you could say well it was just an issue in Corinth no it's an issue in the human heart so I want to use if you don't mind Paul's letter to the believers in Rome the book of Romans is probably if not definitely the most influential of all Bible books Bar None if you think about it I'm sure you couldn't come up with another one that's more influential Romans is a classic to the unsaved Romans offers a clear exposition of this sinful lost condition and God's righteous plan for saving them many people many of of the Great's and I don't want to say who they are because some of them I don't think is so great but the Great's in Christianity was saved reading the book of Romans okay so to the unsaved that clearly talks about their loss condition new believers learn from the book of Romans their identification with Messiah and a victory through the power of the Holy Spirit they learn how to be victorious through the book of Romans and mature believers even for some of us I shouldn't even say us maybe I'm not a mature believer I don't know but some of you that a mature believers mature believers in the book of Romans find never-ending delight in its wide spectrum of doctrinal prophetical and practical truth now chapter 5 of the book of Romans teaches us the benefits each chapter teaches us something chapter 5 teach us the benefits of justification to believe his life meaning how blessed we are to be believers to be sons and daughters of the Most High God the chapter ends where Paul states emphatically that grace super abounds over all man sins let me show you the last verse verse 21 of chapter 5 in the book of Romans is the last verse it says all this happens talks about that that grace reigns for righteous what Yeshua did all this happen so that just as sin ruled by means of death and and I gotta tell you a sin absolutely ruled in my life prior to me in the Lord there's no question about it III thought sinfully I think just accidentally I thought sinfully my mind that's the way it worked I could remember vividly so also since sin ruled so also grace might now rule through causing people remember in Ezekiel 36 it says I will cause you you'll do it the Holy Spirit is so powerful the Word of God is so powerful it's gonna cause you you can't make me you know what my prayer is make me why would you be so stubborn god you can't make me make me I want you to make me and remake me causing people to be considered righteous so that they might have eternal life through Yeshua the Messiah our Lord hallelujah grace reign for righteousness all the demands of God's holiness have been met this is where we are right now in Romans the penalty for lawlessness has been paid hallelujah so now because of that because of the issue is death and burial God can grant eternal life to all who completing the merits of Messiah their substitute theirs Obama okay that's what we off the elapsed way right now in the book of Romans but the very next verse well the beginning of chapter 6 raises an all-important question for the feast of unleavened bread and for us today does the teaching of the gospel meaning salvation by grace through faith permits or even encourage sinful living this letter is is full of objections there's an objector it's a it's a a make-believe objective Paul's objecting to help people understand the objections that will come or the misunderstanding of what God is trying to relate to us the answer as we will see in a second can you go back to 521 for a minute thank you dear the answer as we will see is an emphatic denial as it extends to chapters 6 through 8 it's not just the next verse I'm just giving you a verse but it's three chapters on the subject about holiness it will help us to follow Paul's argument you know if you see the letter it starts with all the fallen short of the glory of God and opens with an excuse who's a Jew went out Lior eminently you know the wages of sin is death and then it speaks about salvation and and it speaks about no condemnation and then it goes into Israel 9 Israel's passed a chapter 10 Israel's present chapter 11 Israel's future then it goes on to what should we do with all this present yourself a living sacrifice and then it ends it's a beautiful beautiful theological letter just gorgeous but we will see when I put up the next screen that it will help us to follow Paul's argument in this if we understand the difference between a believers position and a believers practice his position our position is outstanding with Messiah we are righteous positionally no if ands or buts but his practice is what he should be doing in his everyday life grace puts us in the position and then teaches us to walk worthy of it you follow grace isn't just hey man thanks I'm in no show grace some respect show grace a little respect and show that it was not for nothing oh you schewe paid it all he paid it all I don't have to do anything baloney the entry fee into the kingdom is free the annual dues will cost you your life that's the teaching of the Bible saved by grace sanctified by truth that's the Bible straight up I'm not I'm not even making this up it's like crystal clear crystal clear our position is absolutely perfect because we are in Messiah hallelujah but our practice should increasingly correspond to opposition and I say increasingly because it should be present progressive it never will correspond perfectly you hear me let me say that again for somebody who's watching going I feel terrible every time we talk about holiness people feel terrible my god so kind of sad since God is holy and we want to be like him don't we you want to be chips off the old block I'm here to tell you that our practice will never correspond perfectly until we go where he comes when we see issue a face to face that's when we'll be glorified and that won't even come in the millennial reign that comes after the millennial reign but in the meantime we should try to become more and more conformed to Yeshua's image fair okay let's look now at 6:1 of Romans it says so then all we just say based on oh I'm delivered grace hallelujah saved I've sit in heavenly places with Messiah hallelujah so then here's the objection and Paul's doing this himself it's not somebody who's talking on he's just thinking you know what some of these knuckleheads are gonna run with this they're gonna be like wow Christ paid it all good deal thanks man cool I'm covered he knows he knows human beings he understands so then are we they say quote let's keep sinning let's keep on sinning so that can DIF can be more grace rhetorical question but he asked the question this is a very important question for the feast of unleavened bread the objector comes forward with what he thinks is a clinching argument he's saying so if God so grateful and he wants to pour out grace then if we sin more than he pours out more grace for you and I it's ridiculous but just a picture the pagan who might say that God God is a God of grace he loves to bestow grace so let's just help him out now you realize the questions ridiculous but trust me new believers in a pagan society wouldn't understand this and Paul's thinking about this if the gospel of grace teaches that man's sin provides for an even greater display of God's grace then doesn't it suggest that we should continue in sin that grace can be all the more abundant a modern version of this is you say that men is saved by grace through faith apart from the law but if all you have to do to be saved is believe then you can go out and live in sin in other words should we keep on sinning so God could keep on forgiving I think about that in your relationship well my wife's very forgiving so let me just keep on doing the wrong thing so she gets to forgive me more think about how ludicrous that is Greg I asked you when you come home please please don't throw your clothes on the floor it's no big deal I'm home I keep a tidy house please Wellborn I keep doing it because I know how forgiving you are so I just want to bless you with more opportunities to forgive me okay if that's what you're thinking listen to me I'm not a psychiatrist but you need a mental institution and and and drugs immediately the in fat answer that poll gives us heaven forbid meaning heaven forbids it god forbids it god forbids it when you say heaven forbid do you know what you're saying you're saying that God says no no you shall not send more so I can forgive more no in first John it says my little children if you sin it does not say when you sin when you sin is defeatist well I'm just the sinner saved by grace Jesus paid off Wow what a way to run you don't let me ask you something man I know I know some of you people I've met you you say that but when you run your business you don't run your business like that uh-uh you're there there like 24/7 making sure you get every nickel in how many people in the faith jumped on this this this plan that the government extended even if they didn't need it they had money in the bank but they thought hey a free loan why money free money so you're cavalier with your relationship with God but in the business world you are on it you give God you give your business your all sports you'll miss a game you exercise you love your body man it's my temple you hear what I'm saying there's nobody that's gonna refute me why because it's a refutable rabbi that sounds arrogant no I'm just saying that's the way it is let's look at a few more verses I don't get talk to people as much anymore so I want to stay here for like three hours because every time I gotta talk to somebody they won't talk to me if I wave when I'm walking the park date III don't know if they think a wave can give it to him but I think they do if I got like this thing did he just throw Corona at me it's unbelievable it's unbelievable do you see how spook people are in a store again I'm not being glib I'm just saying Wow I wish they were spooked about spiritual viruses like that okay Romans 6:17 2:19 says this by God's grace you who will once slaves to sin this this is all about Redemption and being free this time of the year is all about freedom deliverance you will once slaves to sin slits in was your master obeyed from your heart the pattern of teaching to what you were exposed you were exposed to this and after you had been set free from sin redemption you became enslaved to rights this so why are you no longer in slave you still slave I mean you schewe called himself a slave my god the Messiah the only unique begotten Son of God our Savior the prophesied deliverer of Israel call himself a slave so we're still slaves but to righteousness Paul says I'm using popular language Paul was if Paul used the language that he wanted to use that he was a custom nobody would understand them Paul it would it would have been normal for Paul to speak in five six seven syllable words he was an absolute brilliant he was the kind of guy that would score sixteen hundred on the SAT he just was he was just a brilliant intellectual man and he was using simple language for the commoner I Got News for you if you're brilliant surely you can understand simplicity but there's more simple people than aren't Rhodes Scholars they can't understand complexity see your best speaking simple that's what I'm doing with the book of Revelation I'm making it so simple so you'll get the gist of it without getting bogged down in the minutiae we get lost you get lost in in the mark of the beast you get lost in the two witnesses people are fighting well who are those two witnesses what's the difference they're two mighty men of God that are going to be imbued with incredible power to witness to the lost souls of Israel in the last half of the tribulation if you if God wanted you to know who they were he would have told you it's not important but you get caught up with it what do you think it's do you think it's Moses and Elijah no Enoch Enoch got taken up what are you doing man this has to stop so I'm gonna make it very simple and if it's too simple for you oh well I'm using popular language because your human nature is so weak for just as you used to offer your various parts as slaves to impurity and lawlessness which led to more lawlessness so ridiculous to be lawless so ridiculous it'll always nail that's just it's absurd it's so unbelievably unscriptural so now all for your various parts of slaves to righteousness which leads to being made holy set apart that sanctification set apart consecrated set apart that's unleavened bread right there that's why we chose those scriptures or God chose those scriptures the Lord wants again our state to correspond to our standing or a practice to correspond to opposition he's trying to avoid the high talked low walk syndrome that the Pharisees had they talked a good game a lot of people talk a good game if it sees somebody on an interview they sound like the best thing since sliced bread and then they get to work and you go I can't believe I hired this guy anybody know I'm soaking up the phrase free from sin does not mean that they no longer had a sin nature we have it we will have a sin nature to a glorified the sin nature is what produces sins we will have a sin nature everybody has one that's listening to me including yours truly so it doesn't mean that we won't long I have a sin nature once we're saved and it doesn't mean that we won't no longer commit acts of sin get that out of your mind the context those shows that he is referring to freedom from sin as a dominating power in our lives you follow as the dominating force sin is not the dominating force the Savior is and if you were honest with yourself you'd realize yes rabbi sin but it's not the dominating force I guarantee you it's not the dominating force you just have the same problem I have that when I sin we take out the magnifying glasses and then we invite Satan and his demonic forces to the sin party and then we let him you know put us on the witness stand and then your shoe is nowhere to be found as an advocate because he's too busy you know with some other persons case and then the Lord doesn't want to talk to us because he's gives us the hand because he's done and that's what we do does anybody know I'm talking about that is not healthy trust me I've done it my whole believing life it's not healthy not good not good he's saying true believers though will never live as slaves to sin but God has transformed their hearts a conversion so that they will now grow in their love of righteousness and live according to God's Word because of the people's intellectual and spiritual difficulty and understanding truth which I mentioned before Paul uses an illustration from everyday life that they can all understand truth often needs to be illustrated in order to become intelligible basically he's stressing the importance of giving oneself wholly over to God now we looked at it in the congregation in Corinth we looked at it from this quintessential theological letter in Romans I just want you to see him in a couple other places and I'm done I know it's a little long but but you know what I love the Word of God that's what and you're watching at home so if it's too much for you you it's easy right you're not gonna turn me off with you turn your set off right what am i apologizing for my god let's look so so we've seen Paul speak about it in Romans and in Corinthians Peter says the same thing 1st Peter 1 1416 as people who obey God do not let yourselves be shaped by the evil desires you used to have when you were still ignorant on the contrary see that says they don't do this do this following the holy one who called you become holy yourselves in your entire way of life since the Tanakh the acronym for the Old Testament Torah Nevi'im K - viim writings and the Prophet says you ought to be holy because I am holy this is God speaking he says in Leviticus right so Peter begins the letter if you look at the first 13 verses by talking about the glories of our salvation okay and the illustrious position we have is believers he starts off on a good note he's basically saying man was so lucky what lucky beggars we are man was so blessed man was so blessed we're saved we're on to glory lands an eternity of bliss guys I know it doesn't look like that right now but that's because your temporal you're looking at the here and now why you focusing on the here and now all of us are dying I don't care I don't care how many new nutrients you find out about I don't care what's the latest latest juice out of the Amazon I don't care how much wrinkle cream you put on I don't care you're gonna die but if you're born again you're gonna live forever and you won't need wrinkle cream so he talks about what I just kind of went nuts over forgive me but I'm excited I have a disease I'm excited to be disease-free I don't know about you but I'm excited I'm excited to eat the leaves of the tree of life that revelation speaks about the healing of the nation's I'm excited to have complete perfect health yes I'm excited yes I can't wait looking very forward to it so forgive me for my emphatic little minor tirade there but he moves on from there here and he says now I want to discuss about practical righteousness he's saying while living on this earth believers have to fight the desires of sin you have to fight it in fact to be humble you have to practice humility and let me just say if you're watching your non-believer it's much easier to swallow your pride than to try to chew humble pie he's saying that living on earth busy believers have to fight the desire of sin so they are called to be obedient children that's what'll be the in children do they obey their parent they have to separate themselves from evil in all that they do if they conform to the ungodly world they are denying a heavenly character they are not giving grace it's do you have a heavenly character and if you conformed to the world you're denying that the things they did in the days of their ignorance should be put away now that they have been enlightened no longer ignorant we're not ignorant we used to ignore I ignored the truth because I didn't know the truth and now I'm enlightened the light has come in enlightened by the spirit and it is illuminated in my heart what I should be doing Hebrews 12:14 we don't know the author people say Paul I could care less Hebrews 12:14 is this keep pursuing Shalom with everyone and holiness without which no one will see the Lord now some of you pursue holiness but you don't pursue peace with people your lowness I love the Lord I love the Lord he loves me I love the Lord he loves me well guess what if you really loved him you'd love what he loves which is us in the midst of persecution they're being persecuted the Jewish believers were being encouraged onto holiness can you imagine and that's what you got for me I'm being persecuted in you and you want me to be holy look where it's gotten me he's saying keep pressing forward in the light of God's great mercies towards us look at the witnesses that are watching from above come on show em what you got the thought here is that holiness is clearly expected of all believers this is not a salvation by works manju believe is a sanctified once and for all by the death of Messiah let me say that again believe is a sanctified once and for all by the death of Messiah but holy living is a part of the perseverance that is encouraged through our Hebrews it's the evidence of being safe if you want to know in evidence you know like I talked about the crime scene before if you want to see the evidence there might be a murder weapon there might be some DNA there might be some hip you know the evidence of you being saved is that you're living that you're persevering and you're trying to be holy that's the evidence of a believer last but not least we heard it from PETA we heard it from Paul let's hear from Yeshua their most important okay John 17 15 through 17 this is his final the third and final public prayer okay third and final public prayer right before he's going to be arrested very very important prayer 26 sentences of a prayer he says and I picked a few verses it says I don't ask you he's speaking to the Father now I don't ask you to take them out of the world he didn't ask his disciples to be taken out guess what with his disciples the word doesn't change God's the same yesterday and say he's not I know you want to just go some of you I just want to go I know you're not going because he's not gonna ask the Father to take you out of the world but to protect them from the evil one that's good if your shoe is praying to God to protect me from the evil one no offense I'll take any pride and get but that's that's a good one they do not belong to the world father just as I don't belong to the world set them apart for holiness sanctify them unleavened them by means of the truth Your Word is truth so the Lord did not pray that the father should take believers home to heaven immediately they wanted to but no that was not his prayer why they have to be left here to grow in grace and to witness for Messiah why are you here to grow in grace and a witness for Messiah why am I here to grow in grace and witness for Messiah rabbi what's my purpose to grow in grace and witness from Messiah does it mean you can't hang out with your family and go on a vacation that you can't go to a restaurant with friends you can't go see a ball game No but if you want to know your purpose is to grow and grace and witness from Messiah Yeshua flat-out praised for their sanctification flat-out priceless be come on Levin the sanctification process involves separating ourselves from participating in and being influenced by evil and growing in holiness and our attitudes our thoughts and actions as believers we need to believe and think and live according to the truth what is this truth the Word of God the Bible the Word of God for the word of God is the standard of truth it's the standard it's the gold standard of truth against which everything else must be tested and compared in other words take whatever you're thinking about and and line it up with the Bible and if it doesn't line chuck it when we read and obey the word it sanctifies our lives nothing has a sanctifying effect like the Word of God nothing that's why the Bible says wash me in the word now before we leave what we leave I want to share something with you that I think is really important obviously I think it's all important but look at second Corinthians 5:17 says therefore okay we're coming to the close therefore if anyone is united with the Messiah he is a new creation the old has passed look what has come is fresh and new some uninstructed people folks may think that old habits evil thoughts and lustful looks off forever done away with and everything literally becomes new at the time of our salvation in other words you think well I'm safe now so I'm not gonna have lustful looks I'm I'm not gonna love money anymore no sorry it'd be nice but no you got to work it you got to work it because if you work it it's gonna have value and if it has value you'll cling to it but if you could turn on and off your holiness then you'd go wow it's just one night I'll turn it off and then in the morning I'll just turn it back on not so easy you would appreciate it we must go through the sanctification process and I'm here to tell you it is lifelong and let me help you with seeing it leviticus 23:6 talks about this unleavened bread it says on the fifteenth day which was seven days ago of the same month Nisan is the festival of matzah the feast of unleavened bread which with completing today for seven days you were to eat matzah now if this was only just to eat matzah that's ridiculous because I eat matzah you know eating lots all year round so it's not just about eating matzah it's not just about food that's ridiculous the kingdom isn't about food so let's look up the word unleavened in the Hebrew and we're going to see something interesting unleavened means matzah and it means unleavened okay let's go to the root word the root is what I want you to see the root word is matzah and it means to drain out or withdraw gradually now look at that if that doesn't paint a beautiful picture of hope and if that doesn't paint a beautiful picture for us to know that this is a lifelong process nothing will we can't drain this spiritual swamp overnight it just is gonna take time and God's okay with that it's a lifelong process I want to end with something that is gonna be very strange and I told the friend of mine who was a pastor I said I'm gonna teach something and it's not going to be traditional he goes when the heck did you ever teach anything traditional it's when Yeshua will wash the disciples feet now everybody knows about that it's it's a very poignant part there was just a a meal that he was attending with his disciples almost like a last meal if you will and then John 14 15 16 he gives his last words 17 he prays 18 he's arrested this is the end the tail end of his ministry and right before he goes he washes their feet let's take a look at the first five verses in John 13 it says it was just before the festival of Passover and Yeshua knew that the time had come for him to pass from this world to the father having loved his own people in the world he loved them to the end never stopped loving them they were at supper so this isn't the Passover supper and the adversary the enemy had already put the desire to betray him into the heart of Yehuda Ben shamone from kiri Oats Yeshua was aware that the father had put everything in his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God he could have taken that away but this was the very purpose from to come I've come to seek and save the Lost he said in Luke 19:10 this was his purpose so he arose from the table removed his outer garments and wrapped a towel around his waist then he poured some water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the Talmud Dean and wipe them off of the towel wrapped around him can you imagine just so you know I think it's important foot washes were common in the first century the task was performed by a house life that was their test to wash people's feet it was a culture where people walk long distances on dusty roads and sandals and it was customary for the host to arrange for water to be available for the washing of feet like sometimes we go to a restaurant we have valet parking that's that's what it was like in the first century he had a foot washer the sight though of the Divine Son of God in the role of a servant it's quite disturbing to me to say the least I remember when I first went to see Samuel in India he's watching right now and he'll remember this we dedicated the school we built there was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people there and I know that I needed to establish him as the leader not me the people all came out to see me because they knew that we built the school and I was rabbi Gregg you know the apostle I knew that was a mistake you know why because I knew I was leaving and he was gonna stay it's like guest preaching anybody can guess preach he blowing you blow up you blow out anybody can take a kid for a day and buy him ice cream I'd take him to a museum that's easy it's easy being a grandparent it's not easy being a parent and I knew I had to establish his leadership in his father's leadership so I said Lord what do I do he says you know what to do so I asked mommy I said can you get me a basin you gave me some water and in the midst of a plethora of people that must been a thousand people I asked if they would sit down and they sat down diva das has fallen Samuel and then I start to walk up with the basin and they literally jumped up out of their seat and they ran I'm not I'm not making this up I had a few people with me this was my second trip to India and they will attest to what I'm telling you I am not exaggerating one iota they got up and ran and I begged them to come back and they said no no you won't wash our feet I said Samuel I have to please sit there and they were weeping as I was washing their feet if Samuel who is a giant in the faith and diva Das who is a giant in the faith could weep from a slug like me washing their feet how much should we weep from Messiah washing us what an incredible lesson for us all but there's something else I want to get to that's the obvious lesson I want to get to what's not so obvious look at the next few verses sixth or eighth john 13 it says he came to shim ohn keifa he is Yeshua who said to him this is shim ohn speaking Peter Lord you are washing my feet Yeshua answered him quote you don't understand yet what I'm going to do but in time you will understand no he says emphatic no said keifa you will never wash my feet Yeshua answered him if I don't wash you you have no share with me so the meaning of the foot washing is now being unfolded to have no share with you schewe means that one does not belong to him here the foot washing symbolizes the washing necessary for the forgiveness of sins in anticipation in anticipation of your shoe is death that which sins are forgiven we're on 2,000 years on the other side of the cross right so he's saying I have to wash you I have to wash you with the blood of my sacrifice otherwise you will have no part in me God cannot forgive you unless you're covered in my blood he cannot accept you in his presence here we go last two verses 9 and 10 John 13 Lord Shimon replies he realizes he wants to be with him right he wants to be with him not only my feet washed my hands in my head too like he's overwhelmed that he doesn't want to take any chances like wash me clean give me a bath Yeshua said to him quote a man who has had a bath doesn't need to wash now he was just coming to a party in the shoes on you know he took a bath but after you took a bath from his house and he walked to where they're having dinner his feet got dirty because he's wearing sandals knees I'm dusty road so listen to what your shoe is doing here I think this is forgive me but this could be another one of Rabbi Greg's obsessive nuttiness that sees something that isn't even there and then everybody else goes home yeah guys nuts a man who has had a bath doesn't need to wash except his feet his body is already clean and you people are clean but not all of you meaning Judas of course the bath I think because he's making a distinction between a bath and washings without a doubt to me if you don't agree it's ok it's ok really I want to share with you though because I think it's so cool the bath refers to the one time justification from the penalty of sin the one time we have saved we are saved locked done the washings though is the constant continual cleansing from the pollution of sin anybody with me anybody can see it now even though what do we do we read the storm whatever do you schewe is is is humble he's a humble servant we need to be a humble servant yes that's the obvious but I think there's something bigger in here because he's going to die and he's leaving and he wants them to know something that sin is gonna come after you it's crouching at the door hear me hear me as believers we walk through the world and we pick up unholy things like vile talk and other things and we get soiled right you know we're home in a house with it's in the morning my morning time I got the Bible I'm crying I'm praying I'm reading everything's good but then I go out in the world and I'm kind of protected but you know what a joke here thought there I'll look here and all of a sudden you're soiled does anybody know I'm talking about we all do but I want this to be an encouragement to you guys listen to me the cleansing takes place by the washing of the word as we read it study it discuss it and of course live it it cleanses us if we neglect it if we neglect the word we don't have a barrier and the easier it is for these wicked influences to remain we don't get washed and they stay and they stay and they stay and they stay therefore I believe that Yeshua is teaching to his disciples and to us there's one bath but many washings and to me that's incredibly encouraging incredibly encouraging so let me leave you with a quote from Romans it says so then all we just say let's keep on sinning so there could be more grace heaven forbid how can we who have died to sin still live in it don't you know that those of us who have been immersed into the Messiah Yeshua have been immersed into his death through immersion into his death we were buried with him so that just as through the glory of the Father the Messiah was raised from the dead likewise we too might live in a new life we know that our old self was put to death on the execution stake with him so that the entire body of our sinful propensities might be destroyed and we might no longer be enslaved to sin what this is saying is if your schewe could die for our sins then we have to try to die to them we have to see the old man we have to say I have to see the old Gregg I don't want to talk about the old Gregg because the old Gregg was you have no idea was that the chief of sinners no but I was high on the list yes and I know many others will probably just like me but I can't talk about anybody else I don't know anybody else we have to is believe as I'm telling you this feast of unleavened bread we have to see the old man I need to see the old man that all view the way God sees him on the cross crucified he's dead no there's a very famous theologian st. Augustine and I wasn't crazy about his any cemet any Semitic thoughts and his propensity for supersessionism and replacement theology would that being said though there is a story I want to share with you he had a mistress before he was saved he probably had a bunch of them but he had this one on the side it was his regular mistress his regular go-to girl and after he got saved reading Romans he was walking in the street and his mistress saw him and she started coming towards him and as she come towards him he starts to walk away very fast and she said Augustine it's me and he turned and he looked over his back he said but it's no longer me you got to crucify that old man because he wants a rear his ugly head he's not gonna leave you alone therefore on this feast as we come to a close and we won't celebrate it again for another year I don't think we have to wait another year I think we should continue to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread not by eating matzah but by living unleavened let us bury the old leaven and live in the newness of life in Messiah Yahshua through the power of the Holy Spirit hogs the mouth and amen let's stand together now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace issuer give a record on oi face Morocco your Aaron - oh Vanessa Vanessa yes I don't know boy novela ha the assembly hall mouth guys revelation this Sally today's hallelujah
Channel: Getzel
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Length: 80min 0sec (4800 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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