Easter Eggs - Oblivion - Elder Scrolls IV

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Wow the Jiub easter egg is an incredible one. Hats off to bethesda for including that.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Secretly-a-potato 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

That was great!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pedromac 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blundering_ninja 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love Camel, I was just coming here to post this. Beat me to it :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lolaluli 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

Awesome! I wonder why he didn't include some Easter Eggs (like Maiq's other phrases and small tidbits, like corpse parts "inside" the Matron) though he did an amazing job with the video!

Has he done a Shivering Isles Easter Egg hunt? It would be glorious!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/giulianosse 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

I absolutely loved this thanks for putting this up I def subscribed to his channel too nothing like old school Easter eggs it's like 3am and I had to finish that vid lol it's crazy the amount of cool Easter eggs in oblivion I still have it and will never give it up just cuz it was a solid game and it's always cool to go back every now and then and see what's up

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LastnameJordan 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2016 🗫︎ replies
No captions available for this video.
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,923,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oblivion, elder, scrolls, IV, six, VI, release, shivering, isles, knights, nine, easter, eggs, secrets, hidden, treasure, explore, skyrim, fallout, bethesda, DLC, zenimax, todd, howard, star, wars, lord, of, the, rings, frodo, argonian, lusty, jiub, kvatch, gate, lore, dwemer, races, cyrus, red, guard, adventure, arena, little, shop, horros, lurtz, sheep, charming, nudity, M'aiq, Liar, elvis, uderfrykte, matron, hermetic, order, dawn, one, ring, anakin, skywalker, dungeons, dragons, best, graphics, 2016, interesting, facts, documentary
Id: 7DKJHvRjr8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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