I Made a New Shiny Form for EVERY Pokémon

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if you could change any pokemon shiny form which pokemon would you change and what would it look like well what if i told you that i spent almost two months making my own custom shiny forms for every single pokemon you'd probably call me crazy but that's exactly what i did and now i'm gonna spend the next hour showing them all off now before i do i will say my goal was to not improve every shiny form just make my own versions some shinies i made specifically to look better than the original shiny some shinies already look perfect and i wanted to make something else that would also work some shiny colors i chose for a reason like being based on something and some shiny colors i chose just because they look cool so with all that being said here is a new shiny form that i made for every single pokemon starting with with the bauble saw line i changed their skin to purple and the petals to orange i wanted to use purple to signify the poison typing and carried it out throughout the entire line charmander and charmeleon i gave the black color treatment same as charizard's regular shiny and since charizard's shiny is already black and red for my version i inverted the colours making charizard red with black wings however i also made a nod to its gen 2 shiny for the mega revolutions i made the wi-fi much more accurate to beam black instead of a dark purple and since the x form was already black i changed the blue parts to red here's what the gigantomax forms look like both red and purple for the squirtle line i wanted to make the shell blue as well as changing the belly to green i think the blue shell works really well especially on the jack antimax form caterpie and metapod i made black but i didn't just make them black because black is cool i wanted to give butterfree a traditional butterfly look which is why the prevos were also black however if i didn't go with this shiny then i think the other shiny choice is obvious i also my gigantomax forms of both versions and even though the pink one's nice my custom one i personally think really stands out widow i made similar colour to bidro since kakuna is already yellow i made it the other colour and be drawn as mega i inverted the colours and pretty happy with how that turned out pidgey's actual shiny is pretty underwhelming so i give it a nice red tint pidgeotto and pidgeot came out all right as well however my favorite of this line easily is the mega the red and black really stand out on it in my opinion ratatan raticate get a blue treatment i know the actual shinies are different colors but i think they work nicely here and the alolan forms are given a darker version of ratata's purple color firo i made similar colors to the animals based on so spiro is also similar colors although i think the green is a nice look on it atkins i made a nicer shade of green than its actual shiny and with our buck being a cobra a dark grey i think looks really nice pikachu i wanted to keep really simple so i just changed the cheeks to blue but in my opinion this is already much better than its actual shiny raichu i also gave blue accents too and the alolan form is shiny was already amazing looking like a chocolate mouse so i wanted to keep that as well as adds a bit to it i really like the red and sand slash so i carried it over to sandshrew and sandslash i kept the red spikes as well as the greenish colour that santru has in its original shiny the aluminum forms on the other hand i gave an ice cream look too it was pretty difficult to think of what i could do to need around female and need arena since their original shinies already work really well so i made their colors a bit brighter and stand out a bit more near the queen on the other hand i think we know what its shiny form should have been neither on male and nidorino i wanted to make even more poison looking and neither king i wanted to keep the blue except i made it a bit darker clefairy and clefable are tinted blue and given purple accents giving a more moon color than it was vulpix i made a bright red emphasizing the fire typing even more and nine-tailed shiny is already perfect so instead i tinted the blue to red the alolan forms i tinted orange similar to their regular forms similar to clefairy i think a blue works really well on jigglypuff in its evolution zuban golbat were obvious the crowback colours work so much better than the actual chinese they got making odish look like an actual tomato i think was the way to go and i think the colours will also work well on the evolutions a neon green mushroom for paris and parasect i think worked really well as well as emphasizing the zombie that parasac eventually turns into banana turns blue similar to venemoth's original shiny and venomoth also keeps a bit of blue as well as still looking like a poison type digler and doug trio like to be underground all the time so i gave it a more soily look as well as making the alolan forms more steel looking meowth on its lone forms i basically swapped the shinies making meowth and persian a black cats and the alolan forms white cats gallerian meowth i changed to a nice silvery grey making it look even more like a steel type and for meowth gigantomax form following the new shiny i gave to its regular form the gigantomax form also gets the black coating zydecker made green and gold had to be gold although another shiny color i really liked on psyduck would to give it a more traditional duck look very unrealistic of what the chinese would have been but i still think it works pretty well monkey and primip get a red color to signify their anger growlithe and arcanine get a nice purple archanine is supposed to be the legendary pokemon and purple is usually associated with that polywag and paliwal i made pink and since polyroth has a different shiny from the two i made him red instead for the abral line i made this skin a nice gray as well as turning their spoons to gold so in a way swapping their skin spoon colors it wasn't easy figuring out what to do for the matchup line but since their shiny colors were already pretty horrible changing them to a deep purple i think is already an improvement the bellsprout line gets some autumn colors to them although i also made this for weeping belle for obvious reasons tentacle and tentacruel i kept red and blue although i inverted the colours the geodude line i gave more of a charcoal look and the alona forms get a more gold look ponyta's shiny is already really great so i made it more of a similar color to its scalarian form and since the blue already worked really well on ponyta i decided to give it to rapper dash as well glaring ponyta wrapper dash have somewhat similar colors to their regular counterparts while at the same time being a bit more colorful slowpoke line i made blue to more signify the water typing both coloring slowpoke and slowbro turn up purple with slowpoke having the red accents and slowbro having green since magnemite and magneton are magnets i gave them a nice black coat farfetched i gave colours similar to its gallerian form glorion farfetch on the other hand turns a green similar to the leak it holds doduone dodrio i added reds i don't know why red looks so good on birds a lot of the times but it works here ceiling dugong get the dark gray similar to dark grey seals muck and grime well well i wasn't gonna make them white your learning forms get a black coating similar to tar shorter and cloister i swapped their shiny colors around works a bit better on shelter in my opinion but still pretty good ghastly line i made black as well as with green accents and i think this is a bit more suiting even if the blue does look really nice as well and yeah i know that the white on the mega looks amazing so here i made one as well phonics well we had to go the crystal onyx route drowsy i made similar colours to an actual taper and hypno i made white which i think works really well here crabby and kingler get blue to more signify the water typing for turban electrode i decided to make green in reference to the green pokeball at the beginning of the anime but another color choice would be yellow to signify the ultra ball and purple for the master ball executor made white more similar to actual eggs and this evolutions i made pop a bit more cubone and marowak get a much nicer green shade than the actual shiny's got and alolan marowak gets the red for the fire typing and the spooky flame colours for the ghost typing hit monolay i gave colours similar to bruce lee's jump shoot and i like the idea of changing him on chan's gloves like in this actual shiny so gave them a nice green tint liquor tongue i made green because well some lizards that like to shoot their tongue out are usually green coughing and wheezing i changed the color of the smoke as well as making their bodies red kind of similar to mines they're based on gallerian wheezing keeps the dark grey except this time the gas covering its face turns a purple as well as the top part turning green ryhorn and raidon are made much darker giving a more charcoal look is yellow similar to an egg yolk tangler shiny already works really well so i swapped the colours of blue and red together kangaskhan and this manga i gave a green tint similar to marowak and cubone since that's supposed to be kind of related horsey i made yellow similar to actual sea horses and seizure i made an orange and going by this pattern you can probably work out what color i made kingdra golding shiny is already really bad so i gave it a nice blue to signify the water type or gold because it's a goldfish and then seeking the gold also works here however i also chose a nice purple staryu i went with a blue gem and a red body colour and i also did this for starmie although star used colour also rocked pretty well once dummy mr mime i thought it would be very appropriate to make black and white this is the same case for galerion mr mime also turned in black and white scyther i made brown making it look a bit more natural looking jinx i changed the hair to a more icy color representing the typing a bit more wasn't sure to leave the dress as the shiny color or to make it blue but either works electabuzz becomes white whereas mark mark gets blue flames pins are experimented with green and red and i think both work pretty well and the same goes for the mega taurus becomes a black bull and i think we can all agree this is a much better looking shiny magikarp shiny is already pretty perfect so i tried to see what it looked like as pink but also blue giving it gyarados colors gyarados shiny is already the most iconic so i had no idea how to improve upon it so i just tried making it green and i think it still works pretty well lapras i wanted to make a nice pink although making it much lighter giving it a more icy typing still works really well and it also looks pretty good on the jack anti-max forms ditto i made a similar color to what mu shiny eventually becomes since given the theory i wanted to keep that shiny similar evie evil one with a really nice pink also looked really nice in the gigantic max form for vaporeon i went with a more turquoise color joyoution gets the blue treatment being an electric type and flareon i originally made this although wasn't really happy with it so in the end changed the fluff to black and honestly i think it works much better here porygon i swapped the blue and pink around ammonite and almost i changed the blue to red kabuto and kabutops i made their shells blue more signifying the water typing aerodactyl i gave a more charcoaly look and the mega i made brown since the stones on it are already black and i still wanted them to stand out somewhat snorlax i went with a black coating similar to a black bear and for the gigantomax form i added a cherry blossom tree with legendary birds i had to make similar color to their gallerian counterparts and in my opinion this is much better than the chinese they already have glare galerian articuno goes to a more icy color with added turquoise gallerian zapdos has a nice blue shade added to it glaring maltra stays black but the flames become a bright green this is somewhat similar to the green colors you see from disney villains for example dratini and dragonair are red i wanted to make them orange but i think the red works much better on them and dragonite gets their blue coloring i also tried red on him but i think blue works much better when i first saw mewtwo i really wanted it shiny to be blue instead of green and i think blue does work really well although i think red also works good here for the megas i'm not really sure which one i prefer but both blue and red work really well and mew i gave more of a dark coloring and like i said kind of similar to ditto's i really like the autumn colours going on the chikorita line so for my shiny i made the leaves a nice red while giving a green tint to the rest of the bodies i wanted to give the cinder core line the purple look that the original gen 2 shinies have but only really came out well on cyndaquil whereas changing the colours to red i think works a bit better the touchstyle line i made a darker blue as well as making the spikes on it to purple sentra is changed from brown to a nice pink as well as for it taking on a red still giving off a candy-like look hootoot i made into a black l whereas knocked out becomes a white owl with black on the outside the ladybug line take on a nice yellow in reference to yellow ladybirds spinner rack and arya dusk get a black shade similar to black spiders crowbar i gave zubat and golbach's original colour scheme which is such an improvement over its original shiny the chinchilla line i added a light aqua look which i think works well with the water and electric typing like pikachu i changed pichu's cheeks to blue however i also made a white variant in reference to the white's pichu that was originally supposed to be in the game like its evolutions cleffa and ugly buff get similar colours to what i gave them the togepi line i changed the colour of the patterns from red and blue to green and purple as well as giving togepi a more similar color to its evolutions the bodies of the nutty line go from a green to blue a bit more stand out than its original chinese the murray plan was interesting marie shiny i made yellow in reference to ram for us fluffy look great either blue or yellow and ambrose i think works really well is a nice blue blossom i gave some hawaiian colors since i didn't really want to make its body completely red like its other forms the maryland gets the pink coating in reference to its fairy typing sudowoodo already has a pretty great shiny so i simply changed the body to a nice white polytoad's colour changes to an orange a different colour to its pre-evolutions but still kind of similar in a way the hop of line all get a deep pink coating as well as some changes to the accent colors a palm gets a traditional monkey look becoming brown along with a gray face see dot's color becomes green where some flora gets a more traditional sunflower look yanma i changed the body to green as well as its face to yellow wooper and quag's eye become black with the yellow on the accent colors i remember seeing someone making espeon whites and i think this is a perfect shiny for it it's pretty hard to top umbreon's already amazing shiny so i tried simply making the patterns green but i also tried making the body blue they work but come on it's pretty hard to make it better than what it already has macro gets a red coating along with green accent colors it's looking like the other line gets a blue body as well as a slightly different tint to the crown glaring slow king's color scheme is basically the same as glaring slow bros purple body with the added green misdreavus takes on a really dark color and it mainly gets its color scheme because it's evolution well you have to see unknown i simply change to red since it's pretty opposite to its original shiny wubba fett's blue color changes to a nice green as well as his tail becoming red almost like a warning to its opponent the yellow and brown and giraffe reg switch i also tried other colors like red and blue but i do think this works better picon becomes brown more similar to what it's based on and ferratris also takes some brown with a more metal looking shell then sparse loses the yellow and takes on a more turquoise look gliger also takes on a turquoise look as well as the wings shifting to a light purply pinkish colour steelix also takes on the crystal look just like onix as well as its mega evolution looking very crystal like indeed snowball shiny was already really good so instead i gave it a nice minty color with red accents and grumble also carries over the mintish color crawfish are made more poison looking with a mix of blue and purple however i also made a pokeball pokeball-like variant that i also think works pretty well scissor takes on a steel look with green accents almost looking like a scyther wearing armor this mega evolution pauses off really well also the shell and shuckle becomes a brown more referencing the rock typing however i also think green works well more representing the bug typing heracross takes on the colour looking more like what it's based on as well as his mega evolution becoming a nice black sneasel shiny is in reference to which gen 2 sprites and in my opinion works so well teddy essa becomes a brown cub as well as ursaring becoming a black bear slogan shiny was already amazing so instead for this one i just decided to make it a more deep red kind of similar to macago with macago on the other hand taking on the molten look the swine and blind get a nice icy coat which i do much prefer over their actual shinies closely shiny is already very suiting but i made one of its variants red like actual coral as well as yellow glarion costler takes on a purple shade still looking very ghost like romeroy takes on a deeper blue as well as artillery although i also made doctorate an orange color also similar to what it's based on daily bud gets a nice icy look with the bright blue replacing the red mantine gets a deep pink mainly because it's pre-evolution looks great in it i really like the rusted idea on skarmory so i tried keeping that as well as making the wings yellow since the houndoom line are hell dogs i made their bodies red with the grey accents kingdra becomes a nice red completing the color line of the evolution going from yellow to orange to red the accents on phanty become brown looking more like a ground type as well as don fan although a nice red i think looks really good as well porygon 2 just like porygon has the blue and pink switched satna gets a more christmassy look one with a nice snowy color as well as another with regular deer colors i wanted to make smiggle a bit more colorful so i changed the brown to green as well as keeping the brush red i really like the blue on tyroque so the main change to it is changing the bandages from a white to a black the blue shade and hitmontop changes to a nice red smooching shiny follows from jinx's with the hair becoming a nice icy color ellicott and magby also follow their evolutions ellicott becoming white and magby red with blue accents miltank becomes more of a cow colour white and black with pink others blissey also follows its pre-evolutions becoming a more egg looking colour similar to bedroll the black and yellow and rico has flipped and i think it came out really well the ferrari entei becomes a nice red as well as keeping the black accents on the face suicune shining was already pretty amazing so i kept it somewhat similar with some changes here and there the lava tar line i wanted to look more rock type giving it more rock like colours changing the body to a gray and the accents to brown lugia is shiny i have to make it in reference to its shadow form and it honestly works really well there's no way in hell i'm going to make a better shiny than hoho's so i said screw it made it red still came out pretty good i think celebi i made a nice gray color as well as changing the accents to green the draco line takes on a gray color while keeping all the leaf parts green torture can combust and take on a red and white with blaziken taking on a grey with red accents and then mega blazer king going for full gray with red flames with the mudkip line i wanted to add some colours to show off the ground typing so i changed the orange to brown and changing the blue to a sandia color both puchiana and matiana's grey coats changed to brown as well as their eyes and nose changing to blue zigzagoon also becomes completely blue with lillian's brown becoming a nice grey for glaring zig zagoon li noon i changed the black to red although i also experimented with blue and i think both them work pretty well warm falls red changes to green the screen carries over to both silkoon and carcoon while while beautifying dust tucks take on a pinkish purple scheme the ludicolo line becomes a mixture of red and green their top parts becoming red and their main bodies taking on the nice green color see dot and nuzleaf take on more green for their grass typing and shift tree takes on a darker color to represent its dark typing both swallow and talo have the red and blue flipped although i did like the green colors so i also made a green variant i took wingle and helper's blue and changed it to a pink the rostline goes to green to a dark purple with guardawa's accents becoming a much nicer color the mega form of course keeps the black dress susket becomes much lighter and mascaraine takes on a bit of pink in its colour scheme shroomish yellowish colour goes to a nice grey and broom loses the red to become much greener looking slackoff's accents become a dark colour making its eyes look baggy big ross hair then becomes yellow however when it evolves again with the baggy eyes and dark fur nincada becomes much more colorful with the adding green and red ninjask also takes on the green as well as keeping the red and sidinger takes on a more colorless blue being dead and all the whisper line become white representing white noise makuhita's body changes from yellow to white as well as haryama's colours changing quite drastically with the orange changing to blue and blue changing to red azura like its evolutions takes on a pink nosepass becoming more rock type becomes a brown with a gray nose skitty and its evolution take on each other's colour schemes with skitty becoming a purple and delcatty becoming pink say blai and its mega form take on black over purple mower becomes a gray color and it was pretty hard to find a color scheme for the mega since this mega already has an amazing shiny so i added some red in there as well the grey for the iron line becomes a nice black along with the eyes becoming yellow metatar and metachan become a purple closer representing the psychic type although medicine and this mega do look very good in red electric changes to a really cool blue color similar to the blue that manetrik has and may nature keeps the black however yellow accents also change to a streak of blue plus all mining almost swap their colors but become a bit lighter bulb shiny becomes blue while in lumizu's shiny takes on a pink the main green on rosalia also becomes pink with the other parts of his body taking on the shade of green golpen and its evolution swap colors gulping becoming purple and swallow up becoming green the red and blue and carvana flip and this red carries over to its evolution while my anus evolution take on a whale colour with black and white the green colour on normal becomes a red and that carries over to its evolutions the main color on top of the body becomes a white similar to its ability white smoke spoink becomes darker with green pearl and that colour scheme somewhat carries over to grumpy as well the patterns on spinner turn from a red two and pink trapeze goes from orange to a dark grey it's evolution also takes on a grey whereas flygon takes on a red and white as well as a turquoise accents cacne's colors become a little bit more blue with cactus taking on a much darker color scheme to represent its dark typing better the swab loon line become pink which nicely foreshadows altaria's eventual fairy typing the red on xangoose becomes black and survivor takes on a poison looking colour scheme lunatone becomes even more moon coloured and saurox shiny is similar to its original shiny except the other rocks become a light grey instead the blue colour on barbooch becomes brown more representing the ground typing with wishcash's body becoming brown itself similar to krabby coefficients evolution become blue baltoy and claydol have added purple for the psychic typing the outer pink on lilip goes to the body with the green on top for the grass typing that's the same going for cray dilly anora's body becomes green with blue accents and our model takes on a nice green as well feedback becomes a more blue color representing the water type more and my latex shiny becomes more blue as well i'm not gonna lie this is definitely one of my favorite shinies i've made cast forms shiny becomes much darker and i also did the weather forms the chinese the weather forms had were already pretty perfect for them so i just made some minor adjustments since cake lean on shiny should already be purple that's obviously going to be my choice although the blue in its original shiny works on this as well shop it becomes white which is very fitting for a ghost while bayonet's body becomes black the score i changed toward turquoise color and our sculpt color scheme becomes a bit darker tropius takes on a more autumn look with an orange shade for the leaves charmaker's red is swapped out for purple for the psychic type the blue color and absolutely swapped out for purple although a turquoise color also works quite nicely which i think works great on the mega like its evolution winer also becomes more green i really loved the red eyes neuron had so i kept that as well as making his hood more ice like bloody shiny becomes a little bit more darker and the blue on its mega evolution is swapped out for a more angry looking orange the sphere line all become more ice looking with a much nicer shade of light blue clam pearl's blue has green added to it and its evolutions pretty much swap their colors until becoming pink and goribus becoming more blue i wanted relicanth shiny to make it look older so i gave it a bluish gray love this becomes a nice blue for its water typing bagon's blue changes to a nice red shell gun shell changes to a black and salamance takes advantage of both those colours i really love the silver colour that the metagross line has so i kept it similar as well as added red accents on it red rock's color scheme is darker with the orange rocks being turquoise looking more like gems regis color scheme becomes much more noticeable with a slight green tint to it and registeel's gray color becomes closer to gold latias takes on a nice pink including its mega and latius becomes a much darker tone also carrying over to the mega gradin and kyogre i flipped their colors with kyogre becoming more red and groudon becoming more blue this also goes for their primal forms rayquaza i made a purple colour which is in reference to the purple rayquaza in the anime the tags and jirachi changed to a pink color with the yellow turning to gray and deoxys does keep the yellow color however has added blue to contrast the yellow turtle can grottle become gray with green accents whereas the light brown on torterra becomes a darker brown as well as the leaves on both grotto and torterra taking on a more autumn look the fur on the chimchar line becomes a black and how can i resist the blue flames along with red accents the pitbull blind take on a more penguin-like color with black and white the starly line become blue although red does work very nicely as well beadoof and b barrow also become blue representing b barrow's eventual walter typing both krikatot and cricket tune take on a very nice looking green the shinx line takes on a white and i messed around with either yellow or blue accents like it's evolution produce green coat changes for purple whereas for rose raid i gave it a more red looking coat as well as a black mask similar to zorro rampardos and its evolution have a more emerald gem looking coat with grey accents the ground shield on our bastiodon becomes much darker with the yellow changing for a light blue all the bummy forms change the grass having a more autumn look the sand foam looking more like cotton candy and the glass form looking more like metal and these color choices carry over to the evolutions mutton's yellow changes for a white with light blue accents combi and vespa quinn take on a blue just like a blue bee katarisu's blue is swapped out for a nice purple with the cheeks becoming blue floss those accents change from yellow to blue with the main color changing from orange to red cherubi becomes a red like an actual cherry although a blue also works here with its evolutions changing accordingly both forms of shalas and gastrodon basically swap their colours becoming each other in a way amber palm like its pre-evolution becomes brown with some additional blue accents since driftwood are known for wanting to take children away a red color signifying danger seemed very suitable instead of becoming partially pink venerie's entire body becomes pink this carries over to the evolutions although i did experiment with blue as well and they both work nicely miss maggias takes on a black coating and in my opinion works really well here the red and blue of haunch crow flip giving it a colour scheme similar to its pre-evolution perugli become black cats the gray fur becoming much darker jingling's bells giving their silver coating with the red becoming more pink stunky and stung tank are giving a more traditional skunk color of black and white bronzer and bronzon were changed to purple looking more psychic type bonsalai mime junior and hapini all share these evolutions colour schemes chatot's blue shade is changed out for green as well as an added red spirit tomb shiny is very similar except has added red onto it garchomp has the black coating with added yellow as well as blue definitely a shiny that needed to change the mega also looks really great in this colors munchlax also shares the colors this evolution gets i really wanted to replicate the white skinned lucario in brawl so for really when it's evolution i did exactly that while adding nice purple and blue to its mega revolution hippopotamus takes on a green bluish color depending on its gender as well as those colors changing as it evolves skrupi and drapion take on a blue color scheme as well with drapions being slightly darker krogun can toxicroak's accent colours become a yellow with their main body becoming red carnivane gets a more autumn look along with some green accents vineyard and lumineon get some extra pink and purple added to them the pink worked great on mantak so i had to keep it for the evolution line snover and bomb snow get some red added to them with green replacing the brown on snover weevil follows up from its pre-evolution with the darker skin and icy accents magnuson also follows up with the same colour scheme as its pre-evolution with the added black licky licky takes on a more blue a somewhat similar shade to liquitang ryperia continues the charcoal look as well as the orange becoming red tangrowth rectangular has the red and blue flipped having a red body with blue accents electavaya takes on the white coating as well as some added yellow for the electric type mcmorta adopts the blue flames as well as a bit more added blue the red and blue on together also changes to a purple and green just like its pre-evolutions now mega is already green so like its pre-evolution's regular form takes on a red i experimented with some accent colors and any of them work really well leafeon also gets the autumn treatments whereas glaceon takes on a really nice pink gliscor becomes a bright red very different than out there compared to its shiny as well as gligar's mama swine continues the icy look becoming more blue porygon z just like its pre-evolutions has the blue and pink flipped around gallade similar to the line has the added dark blue and accent colors the previous evolutions had proper also gets the grey coats along with the brown accents dusk noir now gets the red its original pre-evolution shiny hat and works very nicely here frostless gets a combination of pink and green added to it the main body of roton becomes yellow representing the electric typing more and this goes for every form yux's yellow becomes a nice green although i also experimented with pink since his head is shaped a bit like a brain mesprit's pinks becomes an almost gray color with the blue gem and red eyes and azel's face becomes a nice red with a green gem on his head the yoga i had to go with the primal colours it was too good not to however if i had to make my own original design i made its main color darker with some light greenish blue sections pakia i changed the pink to a blue to represent the water typing more heat ran i gave a more molten look being gray with some added red the yellow on red gigas i changed to a white as well as changing the green to a red it was really difficult coming up with the geratina shiny since it already has a really good one so i ended up just changing the gold parts to a silver the pink rings on cresselia i changed to a nice green however i also tried out orange and both of them worked out very nicely fiona and manafi i changed to a pink and it suits them very well in my opinion dark right i wanted to completely flip making the body whites and the top part black shaymin i swapped out the green for a nice pink and the leaves to red wear a shaymin skies red and green flipped giving a more christmassy looking color and for arceus well for the god of all pokemon you can't really go wrong with black can't you i really liked the white on victini so i kept it as well as changing the orange shade to blue with the added red eyes the snivy line i changed the yellow to green as well as adding red which i think pairs really well with this line i also tried it with blue although superior with blue does look very similar to its actual shiny the tepid line i made pink just like actual pigs being pink with some added red for the fire typing the oshawa line i added brown like an actual otter as well as some blue accents here and there patra i added red similar to its evolution and the evolution i made it more purple looking also changing the yellow parts to blue the lily pop line i made a dark blue shade with some added purple to stoutland purlin and light powder wanted to make black cats and make their color schemes darker in general for the dark typing with the monkeys the yellow parts in it i changed to their respective colors being green for grass red for fire and blue for water as well as slightly changing the outsides of them when i changed the pink to a very light blue and mushroon of the light purple to a distinctive pink i also added pink to the pit of line with unpheasant being different depending on the gender purple for the female and red for the male for blitzel and zip striker i changed the gray to a red which i thought stood out a bit more than other colors i tried i really liked the bluish gems that the bordeaux line had so i changed them for a green similar to kryptonite wuban swooba i added pink to and in my opinion this was very fitting i added brown and gray to drawbar to make it look even more like a ground type while making excudril's colors darker with some added blue voldino shiny is a similar color to indies but in my opinion looks pretty amazing on it the concealed line i changed their veins to the blue as well as changing what they're holding slightly the seismitoad line changes from a blue to a very bright pink for sock and throw there were two simple options the first one would be to swap their colours through becoming blue and salt becoming red or make them look like bernery the levanny line i gave a more awesome look for obvious reasons while at the same time keeping a bit of green on it the scalloped line i made black with world of peep looking more like a tyre as well as yellow accents cottony and whimsicotts i added the pink to go with their fairy typing the liligan line i made the green a much nicer shade of green as well as adding some pink onto elegant bascillin's shiny form depends on the form the red stripe becomes red and the blue stripe becomes blue sand down croco rock take up crocodile's colour scheme and crocodile shiny form becomes standout brown darumaka and darmanathan switch colours with the zen mode daramako and dar manatan becoming blue and the zen mode becoming a bright red colorian darumaka and darmanatan the blue accents changed to a red that's kind of a callback to its original colours the zen mode however i found it very appropriate to make this a bright blue also referencing its regular form miractus also becomes a bright red keeping the green accents i really like the green and crystal so i decided to keep it throughout this line making crystal even more green i gave scraggian's crafty a much darker color scheme making them look even more like hoodlums with the added gray and black the gillif i changed the yellow to blue as well as added red i really like the idea of your mask holding a silver mask so i kept that changing the eye to blue the red accents on glare in your mask i changed to a nice green as well as making the eye green as well and for coffee grigas changing the yellow to a silvery color and the blue to a purple tortuga has a more purple shade on it with carrot costa becoming a much darker color arcane and archeops look much more like rock types with added brown grey as well as some green the bag and trubbish and garbador becomes red as well as the trash becoming much darker zorowa and zorowak already have great shinies each so i just changed the red to a nice blue mincino and chinchino i went with the chocolate routes as well as some added pink for gotha tau i changed their pink skin to white as well as some added purple for the psychic typing the cellosis line i made red similar to red blood cells ductless i made yellow like a baby duckling as well as carrying over the yellow in its evolution the vanderlight line i made green to make it look like mint ice cream while also experimenting with pink for strawberry dilling i changed the yellow to green and the evolutions i changed from brown to black while keeping the green as well among the yellow colors changed to a nice blue kara blush shell changes from a blue to a green better representing the bug typing and as scavenger's red changes to a blue with yellow changing to red fungus and the mungus changed to green better representing the grass typing foolish and jealous kind of have a colour swap depending on the genders with the female becoming a light blue and the male becoming purple and bright pink alomomola like love disc gets a nice blue shiny joltik and galvantula get a black coat pretty similar to our actual tarantulas look perseed gets the red spike colors that it probably should have got with its original shiny and furathon takes the blue coat instead along with the orange eyes the cling clang line gets added yellow better representing the electric attacks it eventually gets dynamo's yellow becomes a blue with electric and electros becoming red lg mobium trade colours lg becoming brown and behem becoming a light blue the fire on the litwick line becomes red better representing its fire typing the hackstrease line also adopts a bright red with hexoros embracing it a lot almost shifting the red and black from its original shiny the icy blue colour uncub geometric changes to a nice pink dragon all gets some added green to it both the face parts of shelmet and excel gore changed to a blue with a celgo keeping the black since that already looked really good some fisk's body changes from brown to a blue glaring stone fisk i made brown with added grey representing both of its types of ground and steel myemphum myanchol's accents changed to brown more similar to the animal it's based on drodogun's colours were changed pretty drastically becoming red and black which in my opinion make it look much cooler than actually is the gold look line become much more spookier looking with the added purple the bishop line changed from red to black similar to an actual chess piece woof lump goes from brown to red better symbolizing the red color that balls like to chase roughly gets some added blue as well as braviary and bravery shiny is similar keeping the blue but this time with some added white followed by amanda buzz i wanted to make look even more like dark types so i gave it a slightly darker color scheme here more shiny is already perfect but if i had to change it i would probably give it a color scheme closer to an actual anteater durant's grey parts become a red similar to a fire ant the blue and the dino line becomes a white with some added red which in my opinion works really well the red and the vocal line become a really bright pinkish purple which in my opinion make it stand out even more cobalian goes from blue to red with its horns becoming a faint blue terracion takes on even more blue the orange and brown tarakian also become blue with added gray to the bottom of it verizon's green coats becomes a nice pink with some added blue the green on tornadoes moves to the accent colors with the main colors becoming a dark gray the blue and thunderous becomes much lighter with the purple becoming a strong blue restaurant gets a darker coating along with some white accents which is a lot more noticeable than its actual shiny anzac rom gets a bright blue coat the landorus forms become gray with the orange parts moving to where the pink was kieran's grey becomes a much more icy color and its fusion forms become more similar depending on the pokemon it's fused with keldi's blue coat goes to a gray with the red on the top although i also thought yellow worked pretty well milota's forms almost kind of swap with its regular forms green hair becoming pink and the other form taking on the green and genesect instead of the iconic red takes on a much darker coat [Music] chest pin and its evolutions get a christmassy look with a nice shade of green and red added furniture line take an orange like an actual fox with the added red for the fire typing the greninja line become green similar to actual frogs and yes i know that nothing is going to talk greninja's actual shiny so i made this one as well bunnaby and diggersby i made white rabbits along with some red accents the fletchling lang i switched the red and the grey grey going on top and red going on the bottom with vivion the wings don't change in the shiny form so i made the body of this line pink and it fits pretty well lit leo i made orange like an actual cub and this carries over to the evolutions along with some changes to the mains for the flawless line i changed the accents to a bright pink with the pink shade depending on which color was changed the girl got line i added whites like actual goats and moved the green down a bit i wasn't really sure about the pancho line so i simply made it blue kind of opposite to his actual shiny fur throw i kind of wanted to go in the middle but not make it gray so i made it bright red as per like its evolutions becomes blue except a bit lighter whereas the myosic lion's shining colours depend on the gender the female has a very dark pink and the male has bright red the hernage and the blade the hilts become red and the blades themselves are a nice silver with this going on to age slash as well along with the gold outer blade spritzing aromatase become a black color similar to an actual plague doctor swellix and slurp buff i gave a nice minty color ink and malamar i give red tentacles like an actual squid as well as some dark features for the dark typing the bionicle line get an added blue color for the water typing screw up on trigology i wanted to make more poison looking without necessarily having to rely on purple so this greenish shade i think works really well on it clauncher and clorox are kind of difficult because red or blue was honestly perfect but since those are taken i decided to try out a yellow hilly uptown helio whisk have an orange shade given their association with the sun although a blue shade also looks really nice on them tyrant and tyrantrum get a green color added which i think fits very nicely amora and auroras on the other hand become a bright pink for sylvian the obvious choice for me was a purple with the accent color either being a red or blue given holux's origins i went kind of wacky with the colors and these the two i came up with for it again very very wacky but then i changed to a blue shade keeping with the electric typing carb income is somewhat similar to the antsy with the darker rock colour as well as the pink gems for the fairy typing the goodra line the colours are almost flipped with the top part being the darker colour and the belly area being the lighter color klefki i'm gave it a more rusty look making most of the body brown there was absolutely no way i was going to improve phantom's shiny at all so i decided to just make it look like a dead tree without making it whites and the same went for trevenant except this time i made the leaves a more autumn color pumpkin boo and gauguist i gave actual pumpkin colors as well as some added black burgmite i gave a more icy color while making avalor more blue in the process noibat i changed the purple to a blue almost grayish color and neutron i added a bit more red xerneas takes on a bright pink with different colored jewels on its antlers and if although i experimented a bit i wanted it to be a bit more evil looking so some variation of this i think worked really well zygarde i changed the green to reds similar to red blood cells the antsy changes the pink to a very nice looking blue the pink on hoopa changes to a blue with the rings changing to a nice pink still representing the psychic typing and for vulcanian there was obvious fire water typing red and blue you kind of had to do it there are lit line i wanted to make white owls as well as giving some sort of dark hood to represent the ghost typing a bit although the white color could also represent the ghost typing well the litten line i gave a white tiger look although for incinerate a red chest i think would work okay as well the popular line gets pink added better representing primarina's eventual fairy typing piggyback and trombique get blue added to them and this also continues on to two canon young goose and gum shoes look a bit more brown as well as the yellow changing to a nice silver gruben and charger back have a very nice green shade added to them with the green continuing on to vikavolt for the accents and a deep red for the rest of it i had to give creprola the red boxing gloves so added blue to the rest of it and a very similar color scheme goes for the evolution i really like the idea of oricorio shiny being inverts or what the regular forms are so it's kind of hard to improve upon any of them but i tried my best since i can't already do pink i went with a nice screen for the robot line as well as keeping the red scarf rockruff becomes a grey stone colour and for the evolutions the day like in rock form is white the dust form grey and the midnight form is black very suiting in my opinion wishy washy becomes a bright pinkish red and this really shows in its bigger form talks about sentence preview become even more purple emphasizing the poison type even more mugberry and mudstale get red added to them and i also changed the orange and mudsdale to a yellow although i did try out a blue either can work dupida and araquina's bubbles become even more blue as well as their legs gaining a nice red lorentz and its primo almost swapped their colours one becoming more pink and one becoming more green molo and chennatic have more green and pink added to them better representing their grass and fairy typing for cylander and celestial i went with the deep purple representing the poison type as well as yellow added stuff along this evolution go from pink to a light blue as well as the other part slightly changing serena's lines bodies become green further representing the grass typing as well as a bright red for the top parts comfy i wanted to make even more hawaiian looking so instead of changing the body the flowers get a nice change to them oronguru's cloak goes from purple to a turquoise where passimian becomes darker with red accents on it one pod's purple becomes a deep blue further representing its water typing and galicipad shiny was already amazing so to also keep it simple i swapped the red and blue around palace and in its prevost i went for white sand instead of black as well as changing the shovel to a purple pukumuku i wanted to emphasize the water tapping a bit more so i think blue works well on it type nylon silver are supposed to be kind of monstrosities of a pokemon put together so i went somewhat crazy with the colors minion already has a perfect shiny so a light gray i think works fine on it kamala i added red to its bongo although i also wanted to change something on its body so added blue to its ears tursonator has a much more volcanic look with a deeper reds and grey accents together gets some brown added to it and i also tried pink on the accents mimikyu shiny was already amazing but i'm not gonna lie i think my shiny also works amazingly well and you can probably work out why i chose these colors the yellow and brushes changed to a blue better representing its water typing drum part in its pokedex entries is supposed to be pretty crazy so i think a red is a well-suited color for it darmeiser wanted to give it the shiny that better represented its typing so i made the main body green and the cloaker spooky looking black the jiang moa line wasn't that hard to improve considering how awful kamoa shiny ends up being i think a pink was suiting giving the heart shapes on it however a blue i think also works really well for the tattoos i went with colour schemes that yet again better represent their typings koko already represented its typing really well but i think it looked really nice with red as well as the blue streaks on it lately i went with a purple bulu gets an obvious green and finny gets a nice c blue cosmolium shiny already changes red but i also changed the outer shell as well as well as changing cosmic to red also i am really not a fan of solgaleo shiny at all so changing the main face part to red like its prevos as well as adding blue accents in my opinion already looks so much better lunala i wanted to give a more moon look so change the accent colors to one more moon color now her logo i changed the blue accents to a red although completely inverting it i think looks pretty good as well buzzword i faramosa i went all out with the green and i think this works much better especially for buzzwole circuitry gets completely inverted and here i think the white outlines work pretty much perfectly for this pokemon celestial goes from a green to a pinkish red i was thinking about making it look more metal but i think the red looks really nice on it gatana's yellow also changed to a bright red making it stand out a lot more ghost lord i kept the dark skin and mainly changed the mouth although i understand if people really loved the white shiny so i also made a white variant as well the crossman's body takes on a nice purple and this color scheme also continues on to the necrosma forms i don't think anything is going to work quite as well as black but i still think it looks decent for its ultraform the purple is obvious although a red being the opposite of its original shiny also worked well as well as almost completely white mcgearner's shiny doesn't change at all so of course i had to change it myself giving it a more rusted look as well as making its other form blue in reference to the grey ball the only color that changes on my shadow shiny is when it attacks being the green on it so i changed the green to a mixture of red and blue which i think is very suiting on it poipou i wanted to keep some purple on it and even though this won't be as popular as actual shiny i think it still works this evolution also gained some yellow being a bit more similar to its actual shiny giving a much more bee-like look stack attacker gets orange added making it look like it's made of actual bricks lucifer and i had to add red for the fire typing either making the body entirely red or just red additional accents and i think both work pretty well i really like zero aura changing to white so i changed the accent colors a bit and either of these two i think work really well and for melton and male metal i made the bolt in it a more silver color as well as the liquid metal or gold basically flipping the colors around i could not have made all the real and fake shinies for this generation without little sheldo's help so please do send us some love after this video the brown and green on the grookie line flip places with the skin going to a brown color and the accents becoming green although that would be the opposite for a boom the score body line takes on a blue coating and if we're being real the main reason why i decided to go blue is because cinderace riding a giant blue fireball looks pretty awesome the subwall line becomes green similar to actual lizards and chameleons along with some additional blue for its water typing scovet ingredients coats become much lighter along with the undercoat and parts of the tail becoming a nice brown the kovanite line taken on red shade the red spreading throughout corvo knight's body along with the gigantomax form rocking the black and red dotler gets the colours of an actual ladybird whereas the rest of the line take on a yellow very similar to a yellow ladybird which suit all beetle and its gigantic max form very well in my opinion nikki and evil's red and black colours flip making the body mainly black with the red accents making them look even more like dark types elder ghosts in its preview take on some pink and their shades of green become much nicer closer to blue wulu and its evolution takes on some brown maybe not as cool as the black shiny but it had to be different somehow tutu and dreadlord's color schemes are inspired by koopas from mario and i really liked how they turned out personally yampa takes on a pink with some light purple accents and the light purple carries onto bolton as well as pink on the accents rolicully and its evolution lines bodies become red making them look even hotter and having the fire type stand out even more aplim becomes a golden apple and this yellow gold color carries on to its evolutions silicoba takes on some green with its evolution is taking on both green and brown further representing the ground's typing gramran takes on the colour scheme of an actual seagull with a clean white body a rakuda and bar scuda take on some more blue further representing their water typing the toxicity line rocks a bright green with the amped form and low-key form still taking on different colours from each other and those colours carrying onto the gigantomax form the center scorch lines red goes to orange similar to actual centipedes grapplox shiny is already amazing so i only made some subtle changes adding some blue and making the preval white dynasty and polti guys i added green giving a somewhat similar vibe to a ghostbusters ghost the hatteran line i added a faded blue along with some light grey accents which i think look very nicely on this line impedance and its evolutions go red just like the little demons they are with this carrying out all the way to the gigantomax form obstacle berserker and cursela continue their pre-evolutions colours obstagoon with the red or blue depending on how you want it berserker with the more metal colour and cursula with the purple for surfaced i kept its body white however i made its weapon blue and its shield red the same colours as the sword and shield mascots mr ram and renegas also followed their pre-evolutions colours mr rhyme becoming black and white and rio negras with added green milkery and now creamy take on some pink giving them an added strawberry flavor phalanx i wanted to go with the mega man route so i made it blue with light blue accents although blue with yellow accents also looks really nice pinkychin i made red with yellow tips yellow four is electric typing snowman frostmoth i added some icy blue further showing off his ice typing at first i made stone jonah brown but one color scheme i liked even more was changing it to green giving it a mossy look and this in my opinion works really well ice cube's head goes from blue to a nice green probably not as cute looking as the pink it gets in its actual shiny but i still think it works pretty good indeed he takes on the red somewhat similar to the shiny colors i gave to the meow sticks more pico's regular form takes on some purple similar to the hungry form and the hungry form takes on red just to show how hangry it can get copper roger and its privo become a steel-like silver as well as some blue accents making them look even more like steel types the fossils take on a combination of different blues since blue is a good colour to represent the typings of dragon ice and electric pretty well geraldon takes on a slightly darker color making a bit more rusty as well as some red to go against the blue i had before the droopy line i made look even more ghost type with some added faded blue and this in my opinion works really great on them the sheen and zamasunta i flipped their colors around sashin becoming bright pink and zamazante taking on blue eternities i wanted it to look like an actual skeleton so i made the outer parts a gray color as well as the inner parts orange the irish full line i made a bit darker as well as a little bit more added blue however with the gigantomax forms i also made them a bit darker keeping the red on the stingle strike form as well as the blue on the rapid strike form so rude i changed the skin to a bright brown almost red looking color with green accents however another color scheme that i really liked was something inspired by a certain cartoon character reggie leckie's coils take on gold and its body takes on a white whereas reggie drago goes into purple and as much as i'd like to take credit for these amazing shannies these were completely made by little shelder and let's be honest she did a pretty amazing job the ice horse has a very underwhelming shiny so i had some ideas making the purple darker was an obvious choice but if i wanted to make it look more like an ice type then blue was obvious and safe to be honest however even though this probably isn't the best idea to do for an ice type yellow honestly looks pretty good on it in my opinion either of these work the ghost horse i made white giving it more ghosty vibes and the accents are dark gray making it even more spooky looking and finally calarax's brain becomes a bright pinkish color becoming closer to the color of an actual brain and since his other forms just keep its shiny colors my shiny would carry on the same as well and before i end there i also did some additional shinies where i asked some of my friends what their favorite pokemon was and gave them full control of what color the shinies would be and these are some of the ones they came up with pretty interesting i will say and that was a new shiny form i made for every single pokemon this was a huge project that i spent a lot of time on that i couldn't have done without help so i do hope you liked at least one new shiny in this video and let me know which one was your favorite please leave a like if you enjoyed as it really does help the video out subscribe for more pokemon videos in the future and until next time thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 427,881
Rating: 4.914989 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, shiny pokemon, every shiny pokemon, best shiny pokemon, worst shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon that look the same, custom shiny pokemon, new shiny pokemon, shiny charizard, shiny celebi, shiny mew, shiny calyrex, making new shiny pokemon, improving shiny pokemon, changing shiny pokemon, all shiny, all shiny pokemon, fixing shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon that changed, making shiny pokemon better, making every pokemon shiny, shiny pokemon I would change, shinies
Id: Hpt0yZu9cX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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