She Was Trying to Catch BIG Drum but THIS Is Better!!

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getting out here for an afternoon winter session it started out at like 27 degrees this morning so when I was looking at the forecast I thought to myself well let's just wait till it warms up a little bit and then I'll get back out here because right now it's currently like 55 degrees very comfortable I'm actually sweating from walking out to my spot so it's nice to comfortable getting the hoodie on probably could shed it for the moment but I'm sure once it stopped moving a little bit it's gonna it's gonna cool down for me looking for some wintertime fish out here in the surf doing some set Rig fishing excited to be here such a gorgeous afternoon it's bright and sunshiny not a cloud in the sky decent water Clarity on the back side of the bar up close here it's not it's not bad but it's just a little dingy not upset about it for the species that we're going to be going for today mostly the drum species hoping for the primary winter Target looking for one of these big black uglies big black drum big uglies whatever you want to call them they uh become a little bit more prevalent in the wintertime wintertime black drum fishing is all about patience you've got to be patient you've got to put in the time A lot of times you're going to come out here and sit and you're not going to catch anything for hours but that's all you can do you just come out here you wait doesn't matter something smelly as far as baits go I like to use synthetics like fish gum of course pieces of shrimp go shrimp you can use pieces of punk crab great options but anything that sits out there that's stinky and smelly and can sit as long as we're not dealing with a lot of bait Stealers the longer it sits the better a good chance of picking up one of these fish so I'm going to spend a few hours this afternoon see what we can get into let's get to fishing I've got some Publix shrimp here these are some thick jumbos allows me to get plenty of pieces of bait off of One Piece and some fish gum so we're gonna keep it real simple here to begin with I've just got single drop rigs on everything even my quote unquote Pompano rigs I've got them tied myself as single drops I have four baits out two further out too close in got some bases covered mostly shrimp and fish gum is what we're working with there you go looks like you got on there that time this fish hit it like three different times before it actually decided to get hooked ah that feels pretty decent [Music] here we go first little fish of the day we're gonna hang on to you in case we do want some cut bait catching fish in the wintertime is always a plus so gotta get started somewhere a little Widing [Music] there he is oh yes all right we must have a school level my daughter and Courtney are headed over hopefully they can get here before uh before this bite dies down hmm feisty booger a little bit better fish that was immediate as soon as I threw it out there this guy took it nice thank you buddy we'll get you back save some of that from a dollar when she gets here so let her catch you I don't even know if my daughter's ever even actually caught a Whiting which might come as a shock if you follow the channel as much winding fishing as I end up doing out here in the serve I do and I brought annalize out here she she's had to have caught a Whiting I don't know but they're on their way out here hopefully uh Courtney and at least will get here and I can hook up a couple lighting for them anyway thank you it was a rather aggressive hit there I don't know if he's still here oh yeah he's still here man that thing hit it hard and fast this thing's swimming a little quicker than normal just an aggressive Whiting man he smacked it this one's kind of got that gold tint to him as well a little bit heck yeah all right thank you dude well the lighting bite seems fairly solid I've gotten several bites caught four or five fish now hopefully by the time annalize and Courtney get here we can still maybe catch a few fish while they're while they're here they're not staying too long but we'll keep our deep baits out and see if uh see if we can pick up one of these bigger drum species on the back side of the bar but so far encouraged we got a decent bite going on that's a good thing hey you made it what'd you find feathers those bird feathers yeah those are pretty cool just found those on the beach I'm pretty you want to hang on to them or you want to let them go let them go you want to let them fly away it's cold hello getting our steps in today oh annalize grab it serve that go go go can you reel it here here I put the shovel down here you go here put it put it on this side oh there you go right now oh you're getting them you're getting them you feel them just keep keep turning it you see it swimming it's going that way now oh we got one over here too oh come on go mom go mom [Music] you got it you got him good job you still got that one oh missed that one looky there you got him ready to touch him here you want to try to hold this one yeah these are pretty nice fish they don't no they don't bite look at that you walk up and you catch a fish you want to try to hold him you gotta hold them tight here Here Comes come stand right here the sun on you all right yeah all right you don't have to you want to you want me to get them back all right we'll put them back you want to kiss him okay all right we'll get them back there he goes good job hey give me a give me a fist bump way to go oh there you go there you go right here go for it there you go fighting back at you a little bit it's probably been a while since you caught a fish huh probably got a little Whiting look at that little guy he's not terrible but little guy I mean if we want to make some ceviches he's keeper you want you want ceviche not many I've got one that I did keep that was probably about the size okay so we'll hang on until we're gonna start way to go Courtney get him we've been striking out get a real yeah keep it tight there you go good job you're doing great yeah I know it's hard isn't it oh good job look at you it's fighting back we need some ceviche I got it you getting it oh there he is I see him I see him it's a bigoted him look at there good job that's your second one today what do you think hey do you think we should keep him or let him go your decision you can't you want to keep him okay we'll put them in the cooler you want to get a picture all right here can you can you put your fingers in his mouth no no yeah the bite is painfully slow I've lost my family accordion Elisa exploring the beach they've definitely lost interest we've caught a few fish but definitely a few and far between and out deep I'm having a hard time keeping baits out something keeps picking me clean so that's a little disappointing but I keep cycling through trying to keep baits out as much as I can start real you got it real fast yep there you go there you go oh you got them oh look at them tugged he's tugging hard can you do it there you go keep reeling look at him there you go I know you got to keep reeling baby you got to keep on reeling don't stop you getting tired yeah oh look at that tug you almost got him all by yourself come on you got to keep reeling look at him swimming he's swimming that way good job way to go you did that one all by yourself he's a good one too he'll keep way to go you don't have to I'm so proud of you good job look at that it'll make some delicious ceviche real real there you go you got him you got him yeah real I don't know just keep reeling yeah it is I feel it you think he's there is he strong is he trying to swim away from you I can't see you on that side oh yep he's swimming in oh it's a good one Annelise it's a good one nice good job that's two fish all by yourself that's so good I'm so proud of you way to go you got another one look at him what's inside what the fish yeah and blood well that's what that red stuff is just like we have blood yeah yeah I didn't show any of the cooking process but we've got our Ceviche ready this is one of our favorite things to do with Whiting is it your favorite my favorite thing to do with lighting yeah I haven't had it in a while I cooked the winding in lemon juice we've added in mango tomato jalapeno onion and a little bit of cilantro and then we are trying we're trying to be you know better with what we eat we're trying out these chips chips are definitely not good for you but I think these these are like somewhat they're supposed to be a little bit better healthy chip option yeah let us know comment section below all right go ahead hop in take a bite I've not been tasted yet oh yeah you refrained I did okay I'm impressed as good as you remember mm-hmm perfect what's on your plate now what is that chicken chicken nuggies and mac and cheese chicken oh okay definitely fun going to the beach taking the family doing some fishing you actually caught two of these a couple of these whining you helped provide this dinner like all by yourself caught them I know I'm so I was so proud that's the first time that she is completely reeled in fish by herself completely by yourself yeah you held the rod by yourself and you did The Reeling all by yourself yeah we kept you kept my rod holder which that works we didn't touch the rod you did it all by yourself you've caught fish but we've helped you a little bit but we didn't help you be good but you did thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed that video if you did give it a big thumbs up if you haven't subscribed go ahead and do that now and as always you stay fun
Channel: Bama Beach Bum
Views: 328,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cm1TkoAkE8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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