This Is Why You Use Big Baits from the Beach!

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oh oh oh he's jumping like crazy he's all in our lines nine jumps nine jumps nine jumps ten jumps oh my gosh what's happening y'all welcome back to another video now today i'm going to do something that is probably more challenging than anything that i've ever done in the history of this channel all right i put up a poll yesterday and y'all voted for me to go try to catch a cobia from land easier said than done folks but the good thing about it is even if we don't catch a cobia we do have a good chance of catching other stuff but i am going to try my best to catch a cobia because they are migrating down the beaches right now and in order to do that we've got to start with the proper bait all right so here's what we're going to do i have my micro rod here all right this is a little dock demon and i've got on the end of it a little tiny hook and it is baited with a little tiny piece of squid okay we are going to catch some live bait right now because that is going to give us the best opportunity to catch something big out here we got a lot of wind guys right in our face watch this hopefully we can get us some bait though there's a bike there's a bike come on yeah there he is there's a fish come on baby all right all right guys there is a that my friends is a live pinfish okay whoop come here you know anything about cobia they love pinfish they love croakers and so we're going to put them in our little live bucket right there catch us about a dozen of them there he is there's another one come here come here all right another pin now these are not big pen fish i wish i had them a little bigger but it is better than nothing all right we're getting them pretty quick right now oh there's bud come on oh got him come here buddy there we go little better one right there that'll work couple more we gonna be ready to go fishing we have got us some pretty good baits in there it is now time to take it to the beach and try to catch us a monster fish [Applause] [Music] one of the many great things to enjoy about pensacola florida so every i think tuesday they have an air show practice out here so if you're visiting the area you come out to the beach and you'll get your own blue angel air show and it's pretty cool unfortunately we have really nasty water today it's that sweet tea colored water and uh it's usually not good first bait going out guys live pinfish on our small rod and we're just throwing this out just in case something comes riding the beach right here we're not gonna put it out very far so folks we got three rods set out right now all with live pinfish in the deep water and you can see the deep water right out here off the beat oh shoot our big rod guys our big rod got hit you got to be kidding me oh my gosh first bait to get get whacked today all right that's cool i'll take it that pinfish stayed out there like 10 minutes [Applause] and got whacked it's a drag screamer whatever it is guys what i'm uh it has zero head shake man that's not good if it is a ray it's a giant my gosh there ain't much i can do with it you got here just in time you can go take my stingray off the hook for me i knew you had a ray when i was coming around the corner up there look at look at who just shows up got a big old rayon hold my rod for me real quick so i go take him off the hook where's he at right out there ate a live pen fish all right guys let's go get this thing taken care of right here guys look at the size of that ray dude he is absolutely massive that may be my pb ray right there at least want to get my sputnik back here oh he broke it broke off right there there he goes golly the line broke we're getting another pin fish going right here on a big rod just to uh we got to keep multiple rods going no more stingrays all right there we go that was a great cast that's where i wanted it right there my subscribers were getting beginning to think you didn't care about them no more what are you talking about man i love you guys yeah well you know i mean did you even bother telling them that like i've had some medical issues over the last two months like with me you didn't even tell me whatever you knew full and well i hadn't been doing it all right let's see i've had some kidney issues but we got it all worked out we're good to go let's see this is my first time ever casting an 11 foot rod well let's see you get it out there i'm gonna get it out there as far as i can bro that was weak that was that was weak when i would run fishing charters right off this drop-off where we're casting here there's structure all through our pass and this time of year through may we would catch cobias coming in and out of the pass on bottom rigs while we're you know bottom fishing for whatever redfish and other stuff on the structure so that's why i thought i had a had an opportunity out here if it is oh is it on the bummy stick no the mummy sticks in the middle you almost lost your rod did you catch that this is a brand new setup too guys he almost lost his rod let me go get him for you let me go get him for you that's a good one ron heck yeah dude nice fish dude so that was your very first beach redfish wasn't it that's like game fish so to speak i've ever caught from the beach pompano yeah most has always been catfish sharks whatever but yeah so guys we got seven rods out right now one two three four five and then two big ones on the end and we've got a mixture of baits we've got pin fish we've got bonita we have shrimp uh and so we're kind of prepared for everything out here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh big fish big fish big fish oh he's jumping like crazy oh my gosh he's jumping like crazy this fish has jumped like seven times eight times eight times eight jumps oh my gosh he's all in our lines nine jumps nine jumps nine jumps ten jumps oh my gosh 10 jumps dude i don't care that's all right that's okay try to get him to go out heck yeah such a different hit when a game fish hits it versus those rays when a ray hits it you've got that smooth bend in your rod but when something like this hits it dude he jumped 10 times it was what such a cool catch here he comes look here he comes see him right there go out there and eat him ron look at him right there coming into the beach what's that okay yeah i don't know if that'll work either i'll pull him by the tail and get him up on the beach so ron you're going to get an opportunity here to redeem yourself yeah i'm going to eat that so know what i want you to do i'm going to take the camera i want you to go grab him by the tail and drag him up on the beach oh my gosh he's a good one all right ron that's a big one go grab getting closer net i ain't getting in that deep no no grab me by the tail and pulling backwards gotta get him closer like where he can't swim and then i'll grab him all right go grab him before he gets in our rods he's gonna get tangled just grab it that's a good one too golly that's a good one all right grab him [Laughter] all right grabbing by the tail dude shark i'm not trying to get eaten today here hold this and i'll get him good girl he is messed up all right what i'm gonna do here let's let's get some pliers and get the hook out of his mouth hold his head down and i'm going to take the hook out of his mouth further further up further up further up further up right there a little right here holding down like hardcore dude there it is hook out of his mouth right there all right ron drag him backwards take him out god you got this bro that's a nice nice all right hurry real quick before he gets hurt how about a dragon no you're just dragging backwards straight backwards straight backwards there you go hurry up just like you're back pedaling keep going no no no no keep going keep going that way that way you're good you're perfect you're perfect dude that's it that was not quite it but that'll do there he goes guys wow what a cool beach catch that was a cool beach cut good job ron good job dude hey shark cost and champion 2022 i need that trophy guys let's pl let's let's show the shark eating toss right now this is the first this is his first experience with sharks for the water no no no no no no you walking back there's a bunch of bait going nuts over here i'm gonna throw this uh pin fish right in the middle of it and just see there we go there's a decent throw decent throw guys we got a big fish on at the end down here good gracious oh that's a good one that's on my small rod or this could be a shark could be a shark got a little head shake what are you doing down here on my end of the beach anyways i want i want to show y'all something y'all look where brandt's at right here these are my three rods brandt was down there and now all of a sudden brandt's got a sand spike and down here on the east side of the beach what are you doing on the east side you're more of a west side guy you're more of a westside guy actually you're more of an uptown guy honestly if we're being real here but you know what we don't need to happen now is like more rods go off yeah we do we always need rods to go off what are you talking about this sucker's got some weird headshots whatever it is is coming in hardcore i can't believe i forgot a belt of all days look at him out there on top [Music] i think it was was that a street heck i don't know i didn't see it yeah that's what i wanted right there bro everybody in the country knows about this would you have known to come here today that's a big girl hey man you're you're good luck ever since you walked up we started catching fish i know i know he just hey he just start what you you just started your channel today didn't you therapeutic fishing therapeutic fishing all right he caught a big redfish out here today y'all go check him out grab him by the tail if you lose my fish for me there we go there we go oh that's a giant dude heck yeah heck yeah that is a that is a studly five inches check out that sucker right there guys what a bull what a ball let's go in this clear water right here to release him there we go big girl right there you know a hundred feet out there they don't look as big well that was incredible i didn't get the target fish which was a cobia but that was not a total loss was it you were catching a cobia that's what i was trying for good lord that's what i was trying for well you failed at one but succeeded in a lot of others so it was a you gotta say that was an eventful day dude i mean it was probably one of the best bites we've ever had on the beach we never had a dull moment and we lost a lot of fish that just hit and we missed them and stuff like that so osprey online like that was awesome you
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 587,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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