We Walked on a New BEACH and Saw the BIGGEST Fishing Phenomenon in the WORLD!

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how was the ride over yeah freezing yeah you had two jackets on well we just drove two hours from Orlando we're in Vero Beach I am rocking the man bun what do you think about the man bun I like it yeah well we're gonna walk in this tackle store I got to get a few things had a lot of legs on this trip I was fishing with salt strong had to do some stuff in Tampa and then we're staying in Orlando and for a few more days and so I wanted to come over and Fish Vera Beach we're by a busy highway it's a little noisy but we'll see if they have what I need all right we made it to our spot we had to stop by the tackle store and get some shrimp and some rod holders because we didn't have enough space in the car traveling down for anything else it was slam packed this will be my first attempt to ever fish there's a water bottle we'll pick it up anytime you come and try to fish a beach in a brand new area and you have really no information is tough I don't know what seaweed's like you don't know what kind of conditions you're really going to run into but we'll just get a peek out here and see what we got it's pretty calm we've just got some pretty large rollers but I'm just doing a little bit of looking to see if there's anything that stands out any feature on us there's some fish that just started hitting the top over here and it does look like there's a rip see some moving water right here so we might just walk down a little ways to set up in this direction because that water is definitely being pushed out I'm using frisky fins rattle rigs today I thought they're pretty interesting so the bead you probably you're not gonna be able to hear that out here but the bee has rattles in it just to give a little bit of clicking we got a five ounce pyramid that I'm going to put on that rig and then I've got a four ounce that we'll try over here I've got a couple fours couple fives like a bunch of fish oh dang something's busted right there dang it and I didn't bring any lures I mean I got them in the car I should probably be throwing like an NLB end or something it's Tarpon okay hang on I'll be back all right there's mullet getting blown up by some tarpon right here so I tied on an NLB end oh it's over here they're all right here oh my gosh I don't know if they'll hit this they're going nuts a lot of grass out there oh they're rolling this is insane man I guess this is the Mullet Run there's another pot of mullet right there I'm just trying to see if anything happens oh they're still they're in it that's a jack I think I just saw a jack oh big blow up foreign oh yeah they're rolling come on Tarpon come on Ethan lbn I know there's a lot of mullet around this is crazy never fish the mullet ride we're getting to be time we caught it just right we got super lucky don't know how hard it is to get them to hit artificial when there's so much mulling around I'm just keeping my eyes peeled we're chasing a school but I think with all these mullet I think I think there's fish around them there's Tarpon right there there was a tarpon like 15 yards off the beach right there right there all right the early morning chaos has died down a bit so I'm gonna get just little pieces of shrimp and some synthetic bait onto our rattle rigs I've got the uh swivel and nlbn ready to go in case things fire up again but I'm going to cut that rig off I'm packing light today because traveling all right we'll get a bait out all right fishing on just start reeling keep it tight keep Rod tip up first fish of the day you feel them keep rolling just keep rolling yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah he was swimming in he was swimming in here we go it's been real slow just keep up with him he's moving quick oh yeah there you go what is that [Music] no freaking way a hard head I honestly I didn't even know they had hard heads water is uh kind of dingy today all the way it's been a slow day we had all that action this morning with the uh tarpon and Jax couldn't connect with any but it was cool to see but we got Mr hardhead first fish of the day got us excited see ya it's been a slow day this is not your kind of fishing you don't really like fishing you like you like the catching and we missed our last two hits they didn't look significantly big but they were aggressive who knows what they could be maybe Whiting We There are the potential for Bonefish around here so it could have been some little Bonefish would have been cool but you never know I mean there's a million things it could be but it's a little warm eh definitely warm out here but it is beautiful conditions just gorgeous day other than it being hot water is kind of murky so that may not be playing to our advantage all right keep them tight keep them tight there you go there you go all right you did it perfect just keep it tight nice nice Courtney you come off just keep reeling oh there he is he's just coming towards you you just got to keep up with him home now okay oh yeah yeah just keep up he's swimming fast which is a good sign this is probably a good fish swimming around ah nagging I was excited it's a blue Runner which that's probably what those other two hits were makes sense so at least we have discovered our mystery fish I was hoping with the way he was swimming around and stuff there's gonna be a pomp in it all right see you buddy that's all right you're doing good there you go feel any better in the last one no my okay okay I mean it looks like it's got some weight behind them but we do have a big pyramid sneaker feel the same oh that's a cool catch heck yes very cool let's get a picture of that one they don't get real big they get they can get a little bigger than this but really neat catch Palmetto check that out I've never caught well I caught one in Cabo but uh really sick catch all right we get it back you're gonna toss them in there you go Courtney way to go got him back way to go hey that's a cool catch yeah I mean he's not big but that that's a cool surf catch that's a rare one well hey that's uh that's three catches three different species catfish Blue Runner Palmetto yeah yeah that's cool man oh he's on he's on yeah yeah still there still there there you go oh did he he's jumping hitting the top whatever this is still there or not just keep keep doing what you're doing looks like he is like he's swimming uh Lady Fish you called it I did I didn't know I didn't know if they had a bunch of ladyfish down here well that's a species number four today that we are we are racking up the species well you know it's all about perspective little lady we'll get her back thought we had a good one there for a second see ya there's nothing wrong with a little bit of variety Courtney you got to think positive we've got two crabby species we've gone four fish we'll see uh hard head okay one of our four was a decent fish the pound man I mean it's small yes that's okay that's a small species fish they don't get big you know I wish I could go back to the days where you'd be like more impressed with just whatever [Laughter] you're spoiled now on a scale of one to ten how hungry are you 11. pretty famished we stuck it out pretty a pretty long time we stayed out there until almost one o'clock fishing it was hot we were we're trying to grind it out for you guys we're trying to we're trying to get some good fish so all thumbs up that's right thumbs up this video that's right I'm already feeling better food on the table cold water Chipotle burrito are they burrito burrito that's just a bowl I guess this is I'm tired my brain is melting yeah my legs are on fire yeah man what's up what's up how's it going thank you I appreciate it yeah man I'm hanging out with Ryan how you doing brother yeah for sure well all right sounds good check that out I know we're welcomed with chaos here those that you need bigger mullet than that no but the bigger mullet they normally participate a little better all right we're here we got a live mullet we got some chaos going on all right don't let me get you well I'm hanging out with Ryan uh thank you things are like just kind of kind of crazy right now oh did you get eight oh dude all right I got a mullet I'm gonna walk down to the beach down here see if we can make it happen down here all right buddy do your thing I was Ryan hooked up let's go there what you got Ryan got me look at that joker holy cow that's a bigot nice freaking snook way to go man go subscribe to Ryan dude check this guy out and oh man holy smokes she ripped I think it's long dude you can tell thanks brother mind holding my GoPro no not at all foreign nice man way to go all right we got another mullet going out I tried the beach for a minute and uh no no what on the beach so I'm back on the jetty wall or whatever you call this thing Brian just popped a nice Snook so we're gonna get another big malete out here I need a video that I got definitely just threw over both of our Lives yeah he did I got this guy over here oh yeah well that sucks oh man dang it well that's all right you think I can catch a jack like that yep was that rolling okay I was rolling at least we were literally about to leave and then Ryan hooks up on a fish so that that's my sign Matt was just literally trying to break his Rod up over the rail yeah he whacked it there yeah it's it's it's toast now yeah it got caught right in that crack and just I you know what you know what the reason is huh because I'm too short Ah that's what it is man if I was a little bit taller that wouldn't happen yeah broke the old paraplex I've got I've had some great memories with this Rod maybe I should play like a you know sad song and a highlight reel what was that uh some catches yeah yeah what time is it Courtney what's Tom it's Jack 30. yeah well Stefan's hooked up just man I'm trying to walk out of here and I'll get out of the way got a broken Rod was that just on a little mullet yeah I saw the swirl was that your fish eating look at that guy that's so cool man that's a good one this time last year we uh we were getting like 10 15 of these a day doing this but unfortunately the boats are kind of sitting right on top of where they sit so it's gonna be a little bit tougher of a bite that's cool well we are headed back to our condo we just wanted to come out here for a short period of time and see what we could get on unfortunately for a snow fish and a broken Rod so kind of a bummer but got to hang out with Ryan got to see him catch a nice note make sure you go subscribe to his channel we had a good time if you did enjoy this video we were hanging out here in the world of Disney and in honor of that comment Mickey as in Mickey Mouse in the comment section below if you did enjoy this video just drop that in the comment section thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and as always you stay bummy
Channel: Bama Beach Bum
Views: 78,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IalDaGE41g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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