Father VS Son Beach Fishing

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me and Santa down the beach look it's really foggy weird day sea spray but there's no wind it's actually quite strange conditions overcast and foggy I've got a little ZX 33 I think it is the tiniest ZX and you want a soft plastic yeah I can actually put a camera on Sunny this time because I got this neck piece one that I've been using lately the head cams and stuff are like really annoying they kind of bother you give you a headache but that shouldn't really bother Sunny that much for sunny I'm putting on a little 2.5 inch bait junkie this gutter only looks about two foot deep one or two foot deep we're gonna give it a go I have a few casts we don't get anything move on because I think there's a big gutter down there all right so Sunny's rigged up one eighth actually I can see it right there it's a 1 8 jig head with a one size hook and little 2.5 inch Plucky I'm gonna just set your drag feels pretty good there's not much wind at all really yeah it's like a light it's kind of like a light westfully well I reckon we just cast straight across it first first tiny little gutter and we're having a fishing con too by the way so I need you know that all right the biggest fish wins you casting from here we're gonna go right to the entrance here definitely one of my favorite zones to Pepper water is cold so I might not be super oh big hit I'm on Sunny I'm on winding winding oh I dropped it it was silver I think it was a Brim just went outside and I don't think there'll be much out there hook up that's literally like at the entrance is that mullet the mullet jump Sunny's flaring up I think you saw a mullet jump yep can't be in the pressure on this time keeping the pressure on I don't want to lose that Sonny this is a comp remember oh I dropped it I didn't get this I didn't get to see it oh we're on here two hookups in three cars work it a bit slower Sonny yep on this little ZX is killing it okay it's the same thing it's silver it could be a DOT I might have a little Dart yeah it is it's a little dot I think that's what the other ones were yeah you're gonna have to hold my rod for me it's the littlest art in the universe let's go I'm in the lead no I think it's 15 not 50. it's funny we're going to the tip of the tail though yeah yeah it's 23 centimeters you might have to step on the measure map for me just in case a wife comes [Music] back out there into this tiny little one foot deep gutter what was he how big 23. all right dad's got 23 that's the record so far I'll untangle it in a sec we've just had a wind knot situation it's only got a little wind knot and I'm putting his plastic on my rod and reel and my ZX on his rod and reel because I've got thicker line I think I've got eight pound and he had six pound less wind knots the thicker the line in general so hopefully it helps out a little bit and we're walking down there's another gutter here that looks I don't even know if it's better this kind of looks similar this one is literally just a puddle and I happen to have those little dots I had three three hookups and four casts or something on Dart and that's kind of why I sneakily put on this mini ZX I was thinking I might get a wide in you could still hook a floody I think that's a good all-rounder I saw plastic obviously a good all-rounder too he might be aiming for a bit bigger fish and then getting the answer you might win this if you hook up the beginning of the gutter's way over there but we're going to start casting here and then walk and cast along and pepper the whole Zone um I'm casting right in the middle I'm getting Bots hold on it's red yeah yeah oh it's a cloudy keep walking back we'll measurement um I'll get the measurement ready you that's baiting my little dot I reckons on all right what do we got you're beating me that's for sure but how much Buy oh he's got me mental 32. good fish Sonny you're in the lead [Music] foreign I got a 23 centimeter Dart so I'm well and truly losing Sun's in the lead now Rosie's got some catching up to do I like the look of over here I'm gonna keep working my way over here let's keep walking around this way so you guys are frothing they got something over there one of them's got a fish I think oh a big hit yep oh something it's something silver I'm getting the silver ones on the ZX you're getting the brown ones oh it's going skits is it another Dart I think I've got another Dart another Dart s it's not even bigger it's still just like 20 or something it's so light it's barely even bending this rod and this Rod's like the lightest Rod I own Daddy I'm gonna release you no point in measuring him he's had a little attack by something there not just now that looks like an old wound anything would want to eat him oh he's out of there [Music] ah back out there come this way a bit more I really want to work this edge here yeah it's sinking Sunday watch out for the wives did he get a bite mullet yeah I'll carry you out and we'll walk along the sandbank out there you pick up your odd knock I'll pick you up so you keep your Rod off okay ready now you are heavy now you're way heavier than you were last time I did this the conditions are really calm enough to do this kind of fishing and half the time Sunny's at school or something like that and then we can stay till dark this is frozen mother we've got the low tide after school no wind all the conditions are lining up for us I'll put you here stay up in the drop High bits and we'll make our way over to this shallow okay yeah be careful big Wives coming buddy we can dry the camera nearly there get further a bit further Edge cast I reckon there's something bad there Joe I love lining up on my Edge a little wave this on you're hot are you called yeah yeah that's awesome really I was on for a second come on yeah bro oh good fish you think that's good yeah I had a bit of dry God flatty again oh much bigger much bigger cloudy much bigger much bigger how are we gonna do it's kind of one can you hold your rod and this rod big one yeah right you go buy frauds okay I think this is possible I've never done it before but we're gonna attempt to measure the floody while he's still in the water oh he's on he's measuring we're measuring him by the look of it I think it was 40. we'll get one more hola this is gonna work I think it's what I think it's more than that okay I'm gonna land him and then I'm gonna pick him up first I think this is the lighter door here he's a 44 son 40. I'm gonna put him back in for a sec okay so you just keep him yeah you're definitely in the lead 44. you guys definitely a healthy flattie perfect release I hate casting yeah let's stop and start your camera the eggs that are here you get another one Sony's little GoPro is fogged up and what what I usually do is just crack the lens off and even just that long with it off is enough no don't put that on the water because the gods will go Rusty even that little like two seconds with the lens off is enough to default it say it back or all in Sunny oh there are the bombora step back a bit come back this way because this is the Deep part right so stay back a little Sonny just oh wait let me check your leader as far as I can tell you later's fine Plucky same later back on still working today well you get lifted Over The Line twerking it that's like a triple up wow that would have put down though that would have been like neck deep that one for you look at the backwash you're right ready yes right on the song Right On The Edge there I wanted to get a Blackie on are you okay uh it's not as big as the last one though okay so we won't measure this one he's crazy [Music] well I don't know I scatter that drops right down to about four or five foot deep straight off the shallow there so such a nice gutter just drops down so Dave let me check you um leader again because that one actually had it in its mouth nah see that white bit it's cooked we'll walk back in because your latest pepper and my lures dog is not working all right I'll turn this off yeah I got 44. was it 44 yeah it was 44. [Music] my my biggest is 23 centimeters so yours is like double well that was worth it though going out there getting at 44 Sunny's Frozen poor thing got wet when we went out he got like I can see like the wet lines up around his shoulders so you got pretty peppered teeth are chattering I remember being a kid and used to get so bloody cold your lips go Blue everything's shaking and stuff like it probably nearly got hypothermia a few times when I was a kid I reckon um signing's not at that level yet but he's definitely called so we'll we'll bail soon called okay let's go all right you won sunny it's too cold this kind of looks quite promising but Sunny is freezing so we're gonna bow you won give us five I hope you all enjoyed the film Sunny smoked me once again I got a 23 centimeter Dart and you've got a 44 centimeter flutty
Channel: Briggsy Sport Fishing
Views: 982,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing competition, beach fishing, father vs son, fishing australia
Id: mH7QQpk_Vyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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