Stocking my Pond with GIANT Bluegill!

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a few months ago me and my dad built this Pond but instead of paying like $500 to get it stocked my goal is to catch a bunch of fish and stock it myself so in this video we're setting Min traps we're fishing in the creek and we're going to be catching some Giant Bluegill to stock in the pond this going to be pretty epic now let's get started and the first step is to actually get loaded up so that we have everything that we need to transport the fish I got this cooler rigged up with a bubble box it's going to be pretty cool pretty much alive well while we're doing all this fishing we are going to have a Min trap set so I've actually got the miner trapping kit that I created it's pretty cool got it up on the website I'll show you a little bit more about it once we get down to the creek but we're definitely going to be setting that and then for catching the actual blue gills I got my ultra light Rod right here and a nice little kg box Tackle Box anyways y'all get the point let's head on down to the creek I think we got everything if not then we'll probably remember when it's too late but that's how it goes I guess step one we're going down to the tiny Creek where we're going to set the Min trap trapping is all about about time so the quicker we can get the Min trap in the water the longer it can be working for us before we actually get back from fishing and here we go cool all right guys now we are at the tiny Creek y'all can see it's legit a tiny Creek this isn't the same Creek we're going to be fishing for Bluegill the one we're fishing for Bluegill is going to be quite a bit bigger but I am going to set a inner trap just to see what we can get to stock this Pond I'm pretty sure I only want bluegill like pure bread bluegill because if you start stocking a bunch of random species in ponds it's maybe not going to work out the best we're going to stick to pure bread bluegill because there's a lot of panish you can catch that's actually bad for your pond I'll actually probably catch them at the other Creek and I'll tell you about them but yeah the kg Min trapping kit something cool put together comes with the Min trap the clip a trap tag so you're legal two portions of Min bait a steak and 6ft peac cord so you know you can actually hold on your trap pretty simple though we got them up on the website if you guys do want them if not okay I'm going to put some of the Min bait in here really doesn't need to be a ton this bag could honestly probably last you four times if you don't use much we'll just line up that Miner trap put the clip right here clip it together now that thing's ready to rock and roll we're going to clip it in right there trap tag to make it legal you got to put your information on it well you don't go to jail I guess and the steak is if needed I don't think we're going to need it today now let's toss her in the creek without dying this is definitely looking a little snaky if you know what I mean don't want to get snake bit for this video but I will if I have to I guess oh come on come on come on come on oh oh oh oh all right boys we're in nice little hole it's not very deep at all honestly don't plan on catching a lot but sometimes you would be surprised at what you can catch in a tiny little creek like this and I guess today we're hopefully going to find out low key going to be honest guys not expecting much out of this but luckily the Min trap isn't my main place I'm going to to be getting fish this is a spot that I wanted to try but it's not where I'm banking all the catches on I plan on getting a lot of catches at the creek we're going to and maybe even the pond we're going to but like I was saying name of the game with a Min trap the longer you can have it in the water the better so while we're fishing it's going to be fishing and we ain't going to have to be doing nothing to make it do it plus we may get some bait out of there if we catch a few menn that'll be good we'll take them home turn them into bait we'll catch y'all at the creek we're going fishing fishing fishing this time real fishing this time with a fishing pole this time fish fish all right guys so our first spot is like the creek creek may not look like much it's not very much but there is fish in here and that's what actually matters the rig we're going with pretty simple literally a 162 o jig head we're just going to be putting one of these little pellets on there I don't know why it doesn't look like much but the fish eat it and that's what matters however what my prediction for this spot is since we're after pure Brad bluegill I don't know if we're going to be getting too many right here I feel like there's going to be a lot of random species and especially the ones we don't actually want in the pond but pretty simple we'll throw it in reel it back super slow and something should eat it hopefully before we get it back that's the plan at least maybe balance it a little bit here and there we're not here to fish we're here to catch you know what I mean I'm try to be quiet though these fish might be able to hear me especially if they've seen my YouTube channel before I don't know they may not bite today who knows let me see if I can cast over in that little hole no bites this ain't good there's one don't know what he is but there's I believe this is actually a creek chub oh gosh and this Creek chub's been almost eaten dude look at this thing that's recent that's got to be like a snapping turtle or an eagle I'd say probably a snapping turtle though got a hold of him and he somehow escaped dude I don't know what would have took a big gash out of him like that something did though anyways this is a creek chub it's not necessarily going to hurt your pond but it's not really going to help either he's just going to eat stuff and not really reproduce at all long story short these guys belong in the creek not in my pond we're really looking for since this Pond really doesn't have any fish in it yet is we're looking for Bluegill something that can go in there spawn a lot and pretty much populate the pond themselves even though the creek chub would be cool to fish and catch if he's not really going to reproduce he's really not going to populate the pond for us where if we catch a bluegill he could spawn one time and bring 50 new bluegill into the pond that's what we're after and that's why we're strategically not bringing in bass yet right now it's just bluegill cuz if we immediately bring in bass he could eat the same bluegill that we're trying to let pop relate the pond and you can't really have bass without a bunch of bluegill for him to eat so right now that's the objective later on we will definitely in later videos be going after some bass but right now we're pretty strict on what we want and it's bluegill and bluegill only I'm going to see if I can catch one more fish in this Creek then I think we're probably going to move on they don't seem to be biting too good today there's something we'll see what it is could be a blue gill is [Music] it personally I think this is some kind of hybrid but we'll take it it's close enough it can be a slight hybrid in still be okay but if it's like completely the wrong species it's a little too much we're just going to slide him in there I'll show you more about this cooler a little bit later but not right now all right let's go for one more fish and then we're going to head out we can't end on a bluegill oh gosh there's a bass there's a big bass oh that was cool too bad that's just not what we're after today all right guys we did pretty good not going to lie we caught a big chub man but I think we're going to head on out we're going to head on out and go to a different spot so the creek was okay we did catch a nice creek chub and we did even catch a blue gill or at least some kind of hybrid of one but they really didn't seem to be biting that good and it's not really what we're looking for so I'm going to make a run about 20 minutes heading into a little Backwoods Pond and this place has got some bluegill and there's a ton of bluegill so it's the perfect place to take some out I'm going to make this little ride I'll catch you guys when we get there this is going to be a pretty good spot should be all right guys we have arrived at the pond it's a pretty solid Pond my not is is not looking perfect and it looks like it's a little frayed right up here so I'm just going to cut it off and by the way the USA pocket knife is back in stock after a long time the USA pocking right up here kenel gr or the first link in description you can pick them up they just restocked and then of course you got the Wildfish and then you know you got a bunch more colors too but just want to let youall know cuz everybody has been asking about the USA knife and now it's finally back in stock I'm hoping it doesn't take long to catch some fish in here I know there's a lot in here oh I know there's good potential to catch some Giant Bluegill the question though is what kind of day is it I don't know is it a day the fish are biting or is it a day the fish are not biting that's a great question and unfortunately it's all up to the fish not me what I'm going to do is go ahead and un ratchet strap live will that way when if I catch a fish I can just come straight over and put him in there we got a little bit of water so far and then we got that one little blue gill I brought the Min bucket though so I can put more water in as we need it as for now let's just go ahead and get straight into it let's get started I'm running super simple the same rig little pink dot that's pretty much the bait and it works boom I don't know how but they can't resist it all right let's test our luck let see if the fishing's good today just going to toss it in bounce it back when one takes it just like that we got him it didn't take long at all this is a big one dude straight off the bat we got a magnum bluegill baby pulling straight up dude what a stinking Magnum a stinking Magnum bluegill to start the day what even is that like these are ones that you take to the fres fry brother Straight Out The Gate man the first stinking cast what even do you call that he just peed on me that's what I call it anyways we're going to go ahead and put him straight in here oh he's going crazy he's going crazy I knew he would do that I knew he would do that we're going to shut the lid make it dark on him I'm going to go ahead and get him some more water too we want these guys to not be stressed out so more water equal more better for fish there we go we plan on bringing back a lot more fish like that so hopefully we're going to need a lot more water name of the game boys catch them all ain't it water's a little dirty yeah there we go now that is plenty of water they should be pretty happy I'm going to leave it open though let's stinking gold boys what about that one time stocking that pond ain't going to be too bad is it take the creek tub for example they eat stuff but they don't reproduce in ponds typically whereas you take the bluegill they eat stuff but they reproduce like crazy obviously it's going to be better to just put the Blu geew on the pond and save that little bit of food that the Creek chub eats and save it for that fish who actually reproduces that's the real thing about stock in the pond all these fish would love to live in the pond but it's just where do you want the food to go do you want it to go to the fish who's not going to reproduce or do you want it to go to the fish who will reproduce and have like a ton of babies realistically any of these fish would do fine but there's only so much food in the pond and you want to make sure it's going to the right places as we catch another Magnum bluegill this one's not as much of a Magnum but buddy if he can spawn hopefully it's a sheep cuz he don't spawns oh he just peed on me dang if this bad boy can spawn a couple times we're going to be having a lot more fish and I'm going to play this smart I'm going to pull in here and grab this towel so that I don't get my pants smelling like an absolute aquarium before church because heck yeah no need to smell like a dead fish if you don't have to smell like a dead fish you feel me playing smarter not harder guys and since both of our casts have been about 3 ft off the bank we're going to throw it back back three feet off the bank and we're going to pull in another bluegill and this is how you know that this Pond is ready to you know be have some taken out is whenever you have some bluegill that are literally the size of bass like these over here and you're catching them every cast it's not a bad time to take some out especially when the way it works is that whenever I take away 15 bugs a day with that bluegill there's just going to be another bluegill pop up and eat 15 bugs a day and the way that bluegill reproduce it's not going to take long for there to be a bluegill that's going to replace him there will instantly and gladly be a bluegill replace that big bluegill in here and I just got a big b pretty big bluegill I'd say it's another Magnum isn't this fun running around the creeks and stuff and catching bluegill to put the pond and that hopefully we catch later he was right there if he remembers won't take long to catch this guy now all this fishing's making me pretty hungry but luckily we don't have to rely on the leftovers from last week's catch and cook because we have Factor now Factor pretty much a meal prep that's shipped straight to your door there we go now one of my favorite things about factor is is that it is actually able to be made in the microwave which means it's 2 minutes from the time you want it to the time you actually get it I believe we got a week's worth in this box and they send it to you every week that you subscribe to that way it's not just stacking up in your freezer because that's not cool either we got one two 3 4 5 six that's one for every day of the week Yello if you're interested head on over to and use promo code kg 5050 to get 50% off your first box and 20% off your next month of orders that's code kg5 at for 50% off your first box and 20% off the rest of your boxes for the rest of the month all right here we go this is definitely better than the most recent catch and cook there he is dang dude look at how he's been in the rock this isn't ultral light but like these bluegill are tough jeez I can't hardly turn this guy look at that what now we're going to go ahead and put this guy this is actually perfect eating size if y'all wondering how big of bluegill do you eat this is the size bluegill you eat he the same size of my head all right we're going to toss him in let him go now let's get this thing working let's get this area you're pumping just to keep them a little bit more calm and make sure that we have plenty of oxygen fun fact if you're keeping fish alive even if it's bait they can't live very long without air and that's what this thing does we're going have to hook it up it takes two d batteries which was not easy to find stick them in there see if we can turn it on all right so it's pumping none of it's made it down the hose yet may have to do some troubleshooting here our arator is having technical difficulties and is not wanting to work yeah we'll let it run for a minute we'll see if it starts bubbling but the good thing is that I do have that bucket so I should be able to just refill water ever so often and give them more oxygen I'm try to catch bass right right here this is a prettyy bass looking Pond let's try a cast right over there by those reads about might have just turned off that's funny I'm try something different to get a little bit more casting distance I'm going put a bobber on here and see if it makes a big difference I don't have a big bobber I got a tiny bobber but a bobber that hopefully should work let's do that mainly hoping this thing gives me a little casting distance so I can get it out there a little bit further oh gosh yeah that definitely got it out there a little bit further there we got a blue gill oh we had a blue gill oh and now I'm hung up in a stinking Brier Bush 4T away from me yeah I don't like the bobber I'm taking it off there's a fish oh he came off again probably the same fish let's throw in there one more time at him should be able to get him there he is got him this time he's not a MAG but he's a good one even this one being a medium siiz bluegill if it spawns we're in good shape looks like our bubble box is unfortunately like literally doing nothing so we're not even going to waste my battery just going to turn it off I have to go to Walmart for Amazon buy a new one I guess cuz that one's not working luckily I don't think we're going to have a problem I think we should be able to get them back pretty easy there's the bait that's catching them all super simple but uh yeah here we go I'm going to catch a bunch of bluegill then we got to go back home check the man traps and make sure we get those fish to the pond without them dying for [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go another blue Gil maybe not the biggest one in the pond but he's a good one in the pond kabo all right guys I'm going be honest I think think we're certified slaying them right now like we can't hardly get a cast in without catching a fish right there got him oh this is a big one dude this might be the biggest one of the day he's running like crazy I've not even been able to turn him yet all right I turned him okay never mind eat my words he is not the biggest one in the pond but he is a good one in the pond that's for sure we are not doing bad today I will say that and operation stocking the pond with bluegill we're getting pretty dang close to honestly being complete I believe the pond is about a third acre up to like 8 fet deep I think maybe 10 ft so definitely big enough for fish and um I think we would supposed to stock it with like 300 bluegill that big so far total I think we probably got 30 bluegill that big honestly if they can spawn one time they can make 200 collectively not one of them oh I caught a fish no way oh this is a dark one this one might be the biggest one of the trip right here a big dark bluegill you can tell he's been in some I don't know why I Flinch like that it's just a blue come on brother stop flopping get you back in a different Pond I that but yeah collectively one good spawn I think there'll be hundreds of bluegill in the pond after that and I think it's going to be important to make sure there's at least one good spawn of bluegill before we start putting bass in cuz the bass are going to eat the baby bluegill and if there's no baby bluegill the bass might just eat the big Blu Gill which is not what we want cuz we need those there's one oh that's a good one that's a good one there another nice blue gill oh wow look at the color on that one not only is he big but he's colored different too I mean that's that's a big bluegill let's toss him in see how the rest are doing they're doing good they're all kind of humped up in the corner but I think that's pretty normal as long as they can't jump out and as long as they're doing pretty okay I think we're good honestly guys it seems like it's just more of the same so I'm just going to keep on fishing going catch some more bluegill and then our objective is going to be make sure we get those back to the pond and check that Menor trap on the way home so far so good I think stock in the pond is going pretty good so far but the more we can put in there the [Music] better all right guys we're back in the tiny Creek and just from up here here's what I'm thinking so you can actually see the Min trap right there and if we zoom in every now and again you can actually see some Min swimming around it see you just seen those right well since the Min trap's only been in there for about 2 hours I think her BET's actually going to be taking these fish onto the pond and then coming back at the end of the day and checking them trap because even if we catch miners we're not really going to put those in the pond we're just going to put them in a pool pond and save them for bait realistically the chance of catching a bluegill bluegill in that Creek extremely low so probably just going to pass it up we will come back before the video's over but right now we need to take these fish and get them in the pond I think that's their next move all right guys we're at the farm there is the pond that's the big pond but that's not actually the one we're stalking you probably did know about that pond that pond we've made a lot of videos about that pond but we've also created another Pond up here which we've been keeping a little lowkey and it's the one we're actually stocking ourselves fun little summer project you know what I mean I've been making YouTube shorts and Tik toks about it but I'm thinking I might just start making Vlogs about it because these videos are way too good to only be 60 seconds Rolling in the Deep what do we got and that there is the pond this is the pond that we are stocking ourselves it's 1/3 of an acre but as you can see plenty big enough to have have some epic vision and frog gig and if you paid attention the pond that we was catching those Giant Bluegill out honestly probably smaller than this so that just let you know how much potential there is even in a small pond like this man this going to be pretty sweet dude right now it just came to rain this week so that's why the water's brown but usually the water's almost blue kind of crazy all right let's put the fish in I'mma to put the GoPro on for this one this is kind of handson so I need both of them we'll go ahead and undo the ratchet strap there we go and then we'll drag the cooler down to the pond unfortunately my bubble box never actually worked however I do have a replacement coming and boom all the fish are alive so luckily we didn't really need it this time I'm going to go ahead and pull it out though come on come on little bit further let's go come on come on oh no what was that I think I destroyed the bubble box it's pretty much broke anyhow for whatever reason it wasn't getting the right compression and it also doesn't turn on half the time so you know sometimes things just wear out and sometimes they're not worth going through all the process to fix them unfortunately in this scenario I think this might just be that scenario however I will take this off of it because I might need that later who knows I mean it's yeah it's pretty well dry red I've had this thing for a few years and it's definitely served its time but I think it's probably about time to get a new one let's put these bluegill in and hey hey hey I know that a lot of pond biologists ain't going to like what I'm about to say but there are a few bits of grass in here and there is a chance that that grass takes root in the pond and makes there be grass I don't really know it's literally only a few strands of grass in there but the question is will it be enough to start grass in the pond the thing about it is that no one actually likes grass except the fish and they love grass so with me I'm kind of iffy do I want grass cuz the fish definitely like it and it does help the Pond cuz it gives a lot of oxygen keeps the water clean but as for a fisherman it's not the funnest to fish in when you got to pull grass off your hook every other cast and whenever it literally takes over the pond that's not too fun either cuz once grass gets in a pond it's really hard to get out I'm going to go ahead and put all the water out that way we can do the stairs separately they're probably going to start flopping right here in a second all right let's see what we got now look at them slabs baby son did we do a job out there man listen if these got spawn one time we are in good shape and I mean look at that it don't get no better than that that is a legit bluegill not a hybrid or anything straight bluegill and boom he's peeing but this time not on me that's pretty sweet probably about 20 I don't know let's go ahead and dump them in though it's going to be pretty fun when we get to do this for the bass but for now pretty important that the bluegill come first all right here we go nice and slow just going to dump them in and let them do their own thing there we go bluegills out some of them's going to chill on the bank for a minute some of them's going to swim straight away some of them's not going to go very far at all we'll look at the ones that don't want to swim away too much there he goes there's that nice little blue gill let it go this one seems like it might be having a hard time but I don't really think it's going to have a hard time I think it's going to have a little bit longer time to get used to the water I think this is the one that we just picked up and looked at and there he goes it's fun some of these fish I've noticed that whenever you turn them out they don't exactly go anywhere obviously I think there's a few reasons for that first of all they don't know where they are okay so kind of hard to go anywhere you don't know where to go second of all they can't see plus they just went on like a 30 minute cooler ride and they probably thought they was dead be honest this blue gill right here definitely thought he was lunch oh this one's different looking I think this one is the one we got in the creek and he's definitely not a pure Blu Gill but I think he's definitely at least partly one my guess is that he's half bluegill half pumpkin seed maybe I have no idea but that's not a bluegill I know that it's not a pure bluegill we'll send him on his way he's good he's flying away and we still got this big one over here don't know what it's doing he's good he's good he's got it just don't know where to go I can't hardly blame him if I was put in here I wouldn't knowwhere to go either it's cuz there's no structure yet there's a few rocks right over here a few rocks right over there but besides those rocks there's nowhere to hide and I think that's our next real project that we need to conquer and the video is not over don't forget about that we still going to go check that Min trap but I think after we got these bluegill in here we're probably sitting at 35 to 40 bluegill big enough to spawn in here so I'm thinking he what are the chances we back off from stocking fish okay we done plenty what if we focus on structure that way all the baby bluegill can have a place to hide and then we come in later in the summer maybe even fall and put some bass in I think that sounds good kindall I think that's a good idea yeah I know that's what I was thinking too cool let's do it all right well there we go I think it's decided right there boom phase one stocking bluegill complete Next Step leave them alone let them spawn and let's be working on structure that's probably going to be the next pond episode putting structure in the pond natural and unnatural might sink a car in here I don't know anyways guys we're going to let the clock tick for a little while probably about four five 6 more hours then we're going to head down check that Min trap I'm prettyy confident we're going to have some I could see miners floating around the Trap not too long ago so if we give up 6 more hours I can almost guarantee there's going to be something in there we'll catch you guys [Music] then all right guys a little bit more time is pass and we're going to go ahead and take whatever miners we catch put them up at the house in my little small pool pond and I'm going to let them be baited cuz eventually I don't need them right now but it won't be long I need Mir bab I'm done oh so somehow I landed that but not without a cost and my chicken socks are dirty all right looking at the miror Trap I can actually see 100% craw dads which isn't what we want but let's go ahead and pull the Trap and we'll see what we got but first let me make sure get some water in here there we go should be plenty to get home Moment of Truth what do we got baby do we got minners oh come on man we do indeed got minners they are tiny let's get them to the house and then we'll inspect them and see what they are for sure come on come on come on come no no no no no no oh there's no way this just happened well boys I dumped out half the water directly into my Croc I don't know if it could get much worse than this right here boys I'm at an all time low right here alltime career Miner trapping low right here right now all right well we're going to get home looks like I'm changing socks not how I planned my Min trapping Excursion sometimes it's just what you get all right so here's what we're working with we got this right here which is the big pull Pond fun sickle you already know Elite pretty good pretty massive pretty unused on this side we have the smaller pull Pon which is actually one of the original pull pons and I got miners in here strictly miners strictly bait and so hey I catch bait that's where I'm going to put them the question though is did I actually get bait what did I even get here we're going to zoom in a little bit looks like we did have some baby Creek chubs which is normal and fantastic but we also got lookie there I think we might have got a baby Blu Gill and then of course we got a craw daddy here's what we're going to do about it nothing we're just going to put them in there we'll use them for bait the craw dad technically yes they'll eat miners but hopefully in this Pond they'll just eat dead miners tough life out there men sometimes in goes the cwad in goes the bluegill I'm going to dump a little bit of the Min bait in here let these fish in the real pool pond be eating them now we have these two minners dump them in and the rest of the men food can go into the big pool pond there's not a ton of fish in here but there's a few but we're going to work on that just don't know how you can look at how dirty the water is I mean question of the day is it dirty or is it just uh algae e cuz algae well that's algae and it decreases visibility a lot but if y'all are down for the pool pond series let me know cuz I got some pretty good ideas for pool pond stuff and it's what you call aquaculture big word science and stuff all right guys that's pretty much the video boom go over here if you want to see a complete recap over the pond we built the big one not the one we stocked today or here for another video I don't know what it is but it's there
Channel: Kendall Gray Vlogs
Views: 453,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallgray, graygang, outdoors, kendall gray 2, kendall gray 2nd channel, kg2
Id: TL7NwLntj4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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