Beach Buggy Walkthrough

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loha this morning and we're going to go fishing and I'm going to take this opportunity to uh walk you through the cart uh so before we can go fishing we got to get everything loaded up and then we'll head to the beach I don't know if you noticed what just happened but I was able to just climb the cart onto the truck and some more interesting things like that are [Music] coming all right we're all loaded up all I got to do now is is uh take the camera down get it in the truck and then we'll go fishing all right I got my ice going to get unloaded load up the cart then get ready to go [Music] fish [Music] [Music] all right let's do this [Music] all right hopefully uh everything uh camera wise has worked so far this morning um if so you saw me pull up I found a spot on the beach that I wanted to test out uh so I put bet on a line casted it out have it in one of my rod holders it's meant to fish from the cart um if you see me looking up it's because I'm watching my rod uh while I'm talking to you but this morning we're going to take you through the cart um and let you see uh some of the things I did uh and why I did it I forgot a few things this morning um and uh so I'm going to be showing you some pictures uh of them later um and they'll just be probably be dropped in the video as uh I mentioned the things that I forgot to bring uh so first of all one of the first things that I did uh was I started with an offshore angler cart it's the Bass Pro Shops offshore angler cart it was a pull cart two wheel um that lasted 2 days two days uh then I went looking uh to put four-wheels on it um I found those wheels and I'll go into those here in a few uh but I started off I made it a four-wheel cart but it was still short um and everything else that you're going to see this morning um has been done over the last handful of months and uh let's get started so one of the first things that I did was I swapped out uh well I shouldn't say one of the first things I did uh one of the first things I did was I customize the existing handle um and installed it on the cart so that uh I could use it as a push cart and um it worked and I fished it that way for a few months the whole time taking notes figuring out what was going to work what wasn't going to work um and uh ultimately realized that that handle was not going to do what I needed it to do if you remember this morning uh you saw me uh climb the cart uh into the truck and then take it out also that same movement is how we steer a push cart um you push down on the back and you raise the front or you pick up on the back and you raise the back and you maneuver around um it's how I climb stairs it's how I climb downstairs so that handle needed to be strong now um there was a couple handles on the market that I really wanted and I just couldn't get it to work out um there was a cart that had a big uh box here for storage and for my camera gear and stuff I thought that would be great I also have a tendency to walk into the water with my electronics so um thought I would protect myself but it didn't work out um so I ended up finding this um if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it um it's a solid solid handle let's talk a little bit more about this handle so if you see right down in there right my connection tubes are on the inside rail of the cart and what that has done is that has made this cart completely strong now I have 20 lbs of ice I got all of my gear and you saw me just tip that car back front wheels off the ground right no movement whatsoever right it's also got a little Bait Bucket I've hung up all of my sinkers um a little bit more on those you'll notice that I have some uh Clips here perfect place to hang my my towel um but I'm really really happy with the way this handle has turned out I will point out I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it uh by holding the camera but it slides in and out right but you notice I could pick up on this but you notice if I pull hard it slowly starts to slide out the candle is completely removed removable and with that handle removed I can actually tip my cart front nose down right and I can hang it on a hook on the wall in the garage so one thing I wanted to point out specifically if you see when I slide this handle out I'm hoping that this is turning out well in the light right but if you see this is some heat shrink tubing um it's typically used to uh put on the ends of fishing rods um you'll see that I've got it on the end of my sle rake there whatever ever but this eliminated all the wobble it's very quiet there's no jittering or whatever and it allows me to secure that handle um unless I want it to come out so I think the handle came out really well um please uh comment below what you think uh feel free to ask any questions so I'm not doing these in order uh that I did them but I am doing them in order of how excited I am about them um so one of the things I want to point out is that lift kit now that lift kit um aside from that handle uh was probably the biggest upgrade that I did um in fact I'm going to call the handle the lift kit and the wheels a three-way tie um but that lift kit uh inside diameter um it's over 14 in right it lifted it up to where i' never have to bend down um unless I'm pulling something out of there but um when I sit out here on the beach and uh bent over at the waist the back really starts to hurt um but uh it's just aluminum and I'm going to zoom in by the way I'm not a welder all right and especially not with aluminum so don't judge me on that but I want to explain to you what I did here so I took the stock angler cart which had Hollow tubing below and I made this bottom piece right and then inside of those is a slightly smaller d uh it's not diameter I guess but it's a slightly smaller size so that can fit in the top and the bottom and then it was welded in place so this whole all four points have been significantly strengthened um so there's no way that those are going to go um anywhere underneath there I can Stow all my candle uh camera gear I can uh put chairs I can put just about anything that I need to um but interestingly enough once the uh you get it on there the biggest thing isn't the storage the biggest thing is the height of the cart so when I stand up fully I have access to everything and I never have to bend over so the lift kit highly recommend the lift kit all right so I'm moving on from the lift kit um I got a little bait board here it holds my Bait Bucket trying to also keep an eye on my rod so if you see me drop this and run that's why I got a fish right now so far this isn't looking like a very good place to fish but standard basket um by the way I got some Blan sand fleas underneath I got some fresh sand FAS on top um got a little bbard here this where I would just basically keep my shrimp shrimp bites or my fish bites and my fish gum stuff like that hanging there one other thing you notice that I have these little uh Carabiner s carabiners um perfect for holding my weights right they hook right to the edge of the boards they're protected doesn't get in the way doesn't bounce off of anything and it's great then another thing um that I've done I call this my bait and tying board uh I'm going to go below first got my tying scissors there got my bait scissors there Etc um this is just a little cutting board there's my 11in pompino line I know if I walk over here and I set a fish on that and the fork is the nose is here and the fork is here that's 11 in I also know that this is a 14-in cutting board so I need to be hanging off an inch if it's a 15in fish really quick measurement by the way I don't depend on it um but it's definitely a way for me to very quickly say this is a fish that I need to uh measure more fully and go in two one of the other aspects of this though you'll see these three little circles and I'm going to go in uh to what that is but before I do going to spin the camera around I'm going to tell you a little story uh it's been about two and a half three years ago now um I was injured and uh really really tore up my left shoulder um so uh even though I have movement I have full uh movement um I can do just about anything that I need to do um with it one of the things I can't do is feel very well so it damaged my illary nerve and as a result of that I feel like I've been sitting on my hand or my hand's asleep all the time so it makes doing things like tying an FG knot difficult or tying a drop Loop difficult if I'm going to do it uh correctly so let me walk you through what I did uh to solve that problem so now if you'll notice I have flipped this cutting board over what was three holes or three circles is now three rods they are being held in by these black imp pieces this isn't going anywhere um I keep these type of clamps with me from any rod holder on the pole I can run down hook to A rod holder come up over the side clip my line in place wrap around and I can tie a perfect drop Loop um it's uh I I'm sure if you are a pompo fisherman you have seen all of the videos about not tying boards and rigging boards and all of those different things this is my on thee-o rigging board now one of the things that I forgot and I can't take a whole lot of credit for it cuz I bought it on Amazon but I will show you a picture of it later um I have a tool that helps me tie the FG knot normally it's hanging right under here where I keep my scissors by the way I put these on this little bungee uh because I lost them I got these through Salt strong in fact I can zoom in maybe and let you see that maybe not um love those scissors um I don't know how long they're going to last but I've had those now for about 6 months these are the cheapies I get on Amazon I buy these in bulk they last about 2 weeks um and uh um but I keep them both on um but this not tying board um and clotting board and all of those different things Dual Purpose allows me to do it I basically bought two of the exact same cutting board I measured out I drilled holes so that they all lined up um I put some just this is just little 1/ in packs right put it in there super strong haven't broken it yet probably tied I don't know two 300 drop loops on it since I made it um and it has been working out really really well for me okay the next thing that we're going to talk about is the rod holders and real quick I'm going to check my line it just had a little bump give it a little push all right doesn't look like there's any anything on it sorry it just blasted you with the sun we're going to talk about the rod holders and I got two kinds right again Amazon to the rescue this is just a uh aluminum with a plastic insert rod holder these their only job is to hold the rods while moving towards or away um from where I'm going to fish on one side I have a four by if I come around on the other side I have a three by um and you might be asking why I'm able to carry nine rods uh sometimes I bring kids out sometimes I bring guests out Etc um um so that's why I need to have uh the ability to carry so many rods another couple of things though um you'll see there is a rod holder that I made from scratch I got the 2in aluminum tubing and I'm us I made my own brackets now I'm sure some of the engineers or manufacturers or whatever going to laugh at me for doing this but these top ones it's just a doubled up hose clamp and then it's am mounted to the rail down below is a single one this uh I got through Deerfield thank you for that um but this is just a rod holder cap um I have duplicates this and that are the exact same um you'll also notice down below I've got these pins that are uh insert I can move them in and out and this is so when I'm carrying a something that I want to be um held up I can put that in and then it won't slide through but these are passrs looking through there those are passrs they can go all the way down so bringing a really big surf rod or my Shark Rod or whatever out um they fit right in there also if you come over here same thing but these are not rod holders this is my cutting and bit board holder right um if you zoom in right there that black cap that's one of the few things other than this top piece that is from the original angler right come over here I have the same situation again I've got another rod holder I keep my pins right here when they're not being used um I'm actually going to add a couple of more of those because uh for the camera work that I do I like to use the little blue rod holder sometimes to hold the camera and if you come over here you look at my other one I'm using a uh a rod wrap uh to hold my camera up in the air like that so those rod holders um that I made out of I made them out of pure necessity so again one of the things that I forgot and I will show you but if you're not familiar with the offshore angler it had some uh clamp on rod holders um and in in practice or in design they look or they look like they would work really well but in practice they don't they were constantly shifting you were constantly tighten them up I knew that I was going to eventually break them so I removed them um now these are completely bulletproof um and like you see I can actually catch fish uh from these I've caught some big fish right on this cart uh and that cart has never once uh pulled over now if I'm surfing for a pompo right I'm fine to set up on that side of the cart but let's say I was surfing or if I was fishing for something that I thought was going to do a bigger strike now I have I got my uh I've got my drag set really well right but if I was fishing for something bigger I would come to the other side of the cart right and put it in place now just like I did with the handle all of the force when I push down on this handle or I pick up on this handle all of the force is at the strongest point right same idea here if I was fishing this was my big rod and I was fishing for big fish and I was worried about it running away with me running away with my gear or whatever um first of all my drags always set so that's not going to happen um but um all of the force would be on the back side of the cart there's no way this cart is getting pulled over by a fish um especially if I have the drag set so we'll move it back over put it back into place give my drag just a little bit of a tightening go back into an arch deel um I'm going to go into the next feature now um and that is my stakeholders okay now I told you just a few minutes ago that the lift kit um was less about storage and more about not having to bend over but when I first built it it was all about storage and the number one thing it used to store was my Stakes all right now couple of things about this first of all um keeping in mind that uh imagine I can carry nine rods so that means I used to carry nine rod holders and they were all down here and you might be asking why do you only have four staks there right four steak holders there those clamps again 2 in plastic flexible clamps I've been using them now for about 2 months they Haven them broken um the only thing that's happen to them is the paint's starting to wear off them a little bit but they're plastic so I don't care however for here I pull this piece of Bungee that I have connected on both sides right and I can stuff in between all of them all of the remaining stakeholders that I need and so far it has held really really well I haven't had to worry about it one of the things I do is I just Nest them if you will the next ones will be up a little higher right so that they basically rest on the top of this one by the way you see me hitting that that's not going nowhere and that's just from the gripping power of those clamps and it completely opened up the bottom of my cart again also gives me a nice place to stuff my high-rise camera there all right I know that I've said several times that this is the best thing or this is the number one thing um but I think I might end up here with a four-way High um on what the very best thing is so I'm going to move on to my wheels so I got these wheels from Benjamin's um I've had two sets of Wheels before this right now full disclosure I don't put my cart in the water um but I do use my cart just about every day um if not I I would say a slow fishing week for me is 4 days on the beach so these wheels get used the wheels that came with the original angler lasted less than a month and in addition to that once they self-destructed um you couldn't replace them you couldn't fix them you couldn't get bearings for them or whatever in fact if you see right here that there used to be about a 6-in quote unquote axle that went in there it had a cap on one in it ke came out I had to use a sawall to get them off because they had welded themselves to to uh that axle but I got him out uh met with Benjamin Benjamin helped me out got the axles from him got the uh uh clamps for it um by the way full disclosure not a single thing on this C is sponsored nothing everything I either built myself paid for um or paid to have made um so these wheels have been fantastic now I will tell you those sand hubs right the only thing wrong with them is that they don't have a Benjamin sticker on so Nathan if you're listening to me from now on when you send those out they should come pre-installed with your stickers all right but I haven't done a dog on thing to these things I get home I hose my card off I haven't touch these uh since I bought them I am almost deliberately trying to destroy them because I don't want to do any maintenance on them or whatever um because I plan to fish just like I'm fishing now and I want to make a go of this YouTube thing with this I plan to to uh really really be depending on these things um I've had these wheels in their current state uh going back to August so what we're at 6 months now uh 7 months now and I haven't done so much as put grease on them or nothing all I've done is rubbed them out I think that's all that I had um to do uh please if you've got any questions any comments any concerns uh ideas by the way I this isn't done I told you I've got some extra things that are coming um that I'm going to uh do to it but uh if you've got any advice uh please feel free to share it in the comments below um looking forward to interacting with you I hope to see you on the beach um one of those additions that I'm going to do is right here the piece of slap scrap that I have from making those I'm actually going to make a flag holder so pretty soon you're going to be able to see a big old flag sticking out there um that's also going to act um as a steak in the ground and the off chance that I catch a great white which we all know um isn't going to happen now that pole hasn't moved except for that one time so I think we can all clear be clear that it's probably time uh for me to move on all right well as you can see I haven't been interrupted a single time um that Rod has barely done anything I don't think there's any fish in this trough it's probably time to move on I want to thank you for um watching and uh stick around for a few minutes I'm going to go ahead and leave the 360 running I'm going to go up the beach I'm going to see if I can't find any more fish uh or any fish at this point I haven't had a single bite yet um but who knows maybe we'll catch the big one Aloha and thank you for watching one more thing and this is very important maybe the most important thing that I leave you with today if any of you happen to talk to my wife this cart and everything that goes in it only cost me 250 bucks feel me all right
Channel: Tide & Seek Fishing
Views: 9,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surf, fishing, beach, cart, ista360, DJI
Id: C_LceJuPgPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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