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i'm just gonna follow leslie around lead the way leslie wherever you wanna go i'll go okay okay i need to do this kill in a way that uh i won't get sussed for it but this is incredibly difficult peter i need you to do one kill buddy [Music] i need you to do one kill wow oh wow not leslie um it's also definitely not me so like leslie i don't think it could have been any of these guys is there anyone who can hard vouch besides me and leslie nope i am pretty sure this is abe leslie do you want to kill abe i'll believe you if you want no it's okay i'm just gonna follow leslie and hope she doesn't wise up to it abe just got vent killed i i didn't see who it was though you saw the vent open it's not leslie well i didn't see the vent open but he just popped into the vent wait there's two imposters left right yeah well that's what's happening i'm voting for peter i'm pretty sure there's a self report by cycuno wait really yeah all right edison wendy you guys got anything um all i i just saw edison going to specially and then we ran into each other and that's it i came from la or from med bay and i went straight down peter was the only one in there i'm leaning towards peter hey before i get randomly sells leslie can you can you tell them it's not me too it's not toast i've been trying to lose him the whole round where's the body it's in med bay leslie who do you want to kill oh god all right leslie who do you want to kill can i do do you want me to decide oh leslie you decide leslie decided oh you guys actually went for me thank you oh leslie such delicious marination oh no peter don't do it peter don't do it [Music] i i keep getting imposter okay sorry pokey but you you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go okay okay come on come on show yourself pokey show yourself so i can shank ya come on show yourself pokey come on oh god what did he not see tina might have saw something tina may have seen something and you're cuttino and you go inside specimen room and kill tina sartina [Music] oh my god um well i can clear leslie for this because she was just watching me spazz out on me and me and wendy no me and wendy have been like moving around together it's not wendy yeah when the reactor got caught i just like walked ray yeah which pair do you think it is wait are you too paired up wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't i'm not saying i didn't clear cycle you don't care wait what do you mean you didn't clear wait where are you right now what do you mean where am i you saw me spazzing out on a vent for like an hour i did i did i saw you go spanzing on the vent i went down south and then and then i went to go find you the reactor gets called i mean you could have killed on your way to left reactor i need to go there i was spazzing out on the vent even when the reactor was out you don't want to vote me off right now because you know i'm not the imposter i just cleared myself you sit on the event all game when you're imposter i was trying to get leslie to do it no no i was like what's happening wendy do we trust the paradise with each other on each other i mean from our perspective it's not us the whole time well it's not me and leslie so with the impossible changes who did we gang [Applause] no i don't know [Applause] [Music] don't kill buddy don't kill one kill [Music] okay oh thank god we got another shot okay wendy tell us relax yeah huh why don't you guys call the button what do you mean i was trying i'm trying you got this yeah let's break up the pair let's pick up the parade we it's not looking good for you that's the problem wait what it's not wait why because ray was my partner yeah she's dead yeah yeah and i'm telling you that i'm telling you that it's wrong yeah you're not dead because someone called now we take out toaster wendy right no no no no no what no wait why not no no no no no no this is so [ __ ] big by abe he [ __ ] up the comms to make it seem like they [ __ ] up but i would have [ __ ] that up wendy would have [ __ ] it up sakura would have [ __ ] that up leslie probably would have [ __ ] that up i think hey this is such this is a big replay isn't it the hiccup toast look i don't want to hear it one second yeah there's a game together you guys no there's zero benefits we would just call lights me and wendy could just commit to the pair and that's really true yeah if we voted we no no i think we should break up the parachute no no we should vote for toaster wendy this is a big great plate by eight years style points one crewmate game today that's crazy at least it was a win at least it was a win well that's a fast light call she came down to look at me probably want someone to look at her to scan which makes her more innocent in my eyes one two three four five six nine nine ten because like you would want someone to see you scan right that's the logic so i'mma trust a hippo for now one guy just left office there's still three guys in laboratory download let's go [Music] oh no it's like no between no comms and weapons somebody wanted revenge i don't think this was corpse we're together at lights yeah i can also vouch for corpse i saw him in i don't know the bottom computer i don't know exactly i think it's all weapons yeah yeah yeah who's next to vitals with me i was in there alone with corp so he would have killed me uh it's not ray she met babe shh don't tell them oh tell them don't tell them oh you're not supposed to say that oh yeah when it's hurt don't tell them but when it's me you yell at me ray come on man um wait someone was making me invite this when lights are off and they're not saying who it is where was the body uh between comms and weapons which is out the door on the left side of office i was gonna say my dumb ass said that without knowing where those locations were you could have said anywhere and i'd be like oh okay and not knowing where that was um i don't have any sausages i was just at the bottom doing the wheel things that you spin and then the water goes up bottom left i think it's the office room um and then i can vouch for corpse who was in the weapons area so that happened right as lights went off right because you guys were checking vitals and did you see a body on it i mean i didn't see the body corp you were on vitals as well right i believe i checked wait did anyone see toast come out of my base all right interrupt my brain yeah uh did anyone see toast come out of specimen bottom side by med table not my table admin room area that you were at corpse you said no idea what were you doing uh i was i was once again being innocent i was in uh all right it's not oh you got it better it was a completely different room i knew that was just being understanding no that's that wasn't possible it makes no sense do i have different voices no but i still think you did it she's suffering me because she saw me go into specimen but no one saw me come out so what's the logic here right that i vented out when there's no vent in specimen or that i double back which she would have saw it if she and ray were at top scanning i mean it's fine for her to throw sauce but this shouldn't be strong uh but i'm always down for someone to third imposter to keep things spicy well i'm done on my task that's crazy gorgeous on admin oh it's very scary people who look at admin are people who want to find someone to kill i need to see someone here oh damn how did pokey get there what that was so weird how did pokey get there oh why is dead oh i kind of hope hippo stays alive so she can accuse me oh he's down to give a counter attack i'm so surprised pokey was there i could have sworn i was standing there all right there's literally there's literally no way we can work i mean we have like the last rectangle of tasks let's just finish the task voter just vote skip i mean we can vote on eight it's fine yeah i was gonna say coming from anybody else that would have sounded completely innocent to me but i voted for dotto okay i'm gonna swing back i'm defending myself here i don't think it's dotto i was with him i was gonna say i think i can clear poopy and valkyrie i kind of have sauce on toast jessica's the first kill um and he's also reporting the second one because i saw him go into specimen and i wanted him to follow me to do the medpay test i don't know what you did after that but corpse you're at the vitals you said and you didn't see him run out um so what's the theory there my theory is you killed and self-reported it's at a different location uh i can kind of vouch for uh is it valkyrie right no it's not me yeah i can kind of yeah we already know she's there yeah i was gonna say yeah we were both in uh dotto is a little sketchy but i don't know either way you know we could just impostor voice just because dotto it looked like he walked in and then he walked back out and walked back in he was like really thinking about it i was actually wondering if you were gonna kill them right yeah the old i thought you were going to do a trick can we hold on can we talk about hippo cause i don't i don't trust the backwards hat look no she's currently backwards in real life i'm scared okay never mind we can we can move uh yes actually okay test um uh there's only one bar left that's boring oh wow less than a bar ah [Music] come on someone kill me someone kill me so i'm like i don't like being left alive at the end because i don't want to be the person to catch a killer if that makes sense i want to be like oh damn it okay so i followed dion into uh med bay lights went off and then i found the dead body wait so that means he's innocent for the previous rounds who's dion oh cereal sorry siri x oh doo doo is dead yeah i thought you were talking about me now i don't even know i mean wait hold on okay who was what rhyme who was with you it was just me and dion i was or me and cereal i was following him i was just i was literally dancing because i've done all my tasks and then he's dead that's weird because toasters called it a double and i kind of would also guess that it should be at the i'm [ __ ] confused if it's just you so i have a question unless you're trying to clear yourself no wait where is the body to be honest i thought c reacts was the impossible he was going to say we got 50 seconds we should probably throw out oh sorry sorry it was it's in the bathroom next to um um med bay is it i'm obsessed with because i was with doo doo for a lot of the round prior and he's a studio so next to the back as an exercise no not next to the event i know hippo is of toast i know ray hippo are clear corpse i was with him for the first kill and i saw him near the end of the second kill so i leaned to our corpse on this one well we should be literally like once we should be like one uh task away from winning though i'm no more than corpse we have to vote oh i'm trying to rhyme took a little long on the asteroids in the beginning but it could have just been him [ __ ] around um ray who are you voting for i know you're in the center uh wait i think i'm gonna vote for a rhyme sorry would he self-report here though no i wouldn't sell report here oh you guessed the drawing that's fair i i have zero ideas notice noticeable evidence that we have is only half he's probably innocent that's fair go fix the lights please go fix the lights please go fix the lights there's three tasks left please fix the lights please fix the lights there's no one waiting oh god oh god pokey fix it fix it fix it oh my god good button all right now i can tell you guys what the safe play is that's here to kill corpse i don't know how that's safe yeah i don't because rey and hippo you guys are both innocent from my perspective i'm innocent from my perspective logic was flawed and sussing toast um toast did you see corpse on the way on a specimen no oh okay so you guys can see each other well my theory is not the window what about which one are you talking about that was the very first round i mean pokey could be one of them from the first round that it wasn't me for the first one so that i don't get why that like correlates no i'm throwing my sauce on toast out the window i was suss of toast but he did call this button what then maybe he just knows the safe place is to kill her no matter what ever since toasted that is true if we want to shoot on five but uh right hippo corpse toast also keep in mind that 1v3 is pretty doable so yeah it's up to whether or not you guys really think it's corpse personally i know you guys i'm cleared for the first is there anything else you should unfortunately on five if it's after lights when a six was shot yeah no we're definitely shooting here and it's definitely between poking corpse for me possibly toast but not too you know so it's it's either pokey or i don't understand the situation i can't clear my skull itself because i don't know why i'm getting sussed in the first place but like why are we why are we slicing him because we haven't stopped him from the first because i've personally seen chords i didn't do the first and second kill like 100 confirmed it's corpse and pokey right well pokey i'm just gonna go hide in this corner check this out what a nice little hole check this out what a nice little hole ah wow like ah i don't want to throw too hard but i also want pokey to have a chance [Music] unfortunate oh no look i'm just gonna play somewhat optimal i'm gonna go back and check for bodies okay there is zero universes where pokey would skip on five if there was one imposter left and possibly two imposters right let me explain i think in most other cases perhaps however this was clearly a situation where you guys were really sus of corpse but because i had personally seen him at the end of two rounds where there were kills i wasn't suspicious of him so for me i didn't want to vote out um someone that i knew was crewmate because then i know that makes it easier for the imposter ah so who do you think the other imposter is well it has to be toast and i know someone can 1v3 on this map so that is true what should you say so i'm definitely skipping here but i just i feel like it's impossible for it to not be pokey here because of last voting session i i just i've never have seen plus your vote right at the end yeah no no because only the ends at the beginning of the round well because when a lot of these bodies have been called it's because somebody died in the last five or ten seconds so he even said it like as his dying words look he's like guys there's only because i had vouched for him at the end there's only one task left so okay i don't want that whoever has it don't do the things that might have it okay ray don't do the pass don't do it don't do it hippo can you go um go to lights and me pokey and ray hey hey we pokey and ray will have a discussion me pokey and ray we're gonna have a little nice chat we're gonna have a real nice chat no right okay no no no no no right don't do your tasks do not do your test we're gonna have a nice chat and we're gonna give we're gonna give the power to hippo here oh my god come on kill me please don't you do it ray ray don't you do it right rey do it do it pokey pokey do it pokey pokey do it pokey you have to do it or we're gonna win off task she'll do her task poke i'm giving you a chance for this 50 50. well well hippo you got yourself a 50 50. thank you ray you you did good you did good why okay let me explain me toast and rey we're all standing together and i was just [ __ ] pause champ waiting to see what happens lights got called we all stack together lights get fixed we're still chilling so it's just kills and insta reports and you know it wasn't me because i would have reported to myself uh okay toast look i'm not even going to defend myself you're not going to say anything no no no i will say rey had a hold spiel at the last meeting right yeah she did so okay i'll put this um you know i i'll see you tonight um depending if you lie to me or not it'll be a hard session um are you lying to me are you imposter pokey listen regardless of what happens this game you could work me out as hard as you want but i'm not lying to you i do you trust pokey or do you trust ray cause i'm not gonna get into this that's the two option because i'm not gonna bother saying anything let me just say earlier rey won a game that was like 1v3 and that's why i hate being in groups of four scenarios anymore that's why i didn't want to vote corpse off on five i i don't that's so sus though not on this mountain and we would have died right if yeah if corpse wasn't an imposter figure this out which makes me think that there would be five seconds so she's gonna kill us tonight that was [Music] incredible [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,036,168
Rating: 4.9676509 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us marinate, Toast marinate
Id: qhgOmD3PQTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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