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[Music] [Music] yes you threw your entire imposter around [Music] either we get him to fess up or we start randomly killing can i tell you who i think it is sure just by the vibes in the air right now just from a straight vibe perspective okay are you gonna ask them about jurassic park no no arya what's the main plot of star wars oh you know what that's enough that's it now not a single star wars movie well i was i think watching tv but i didn't really understand it is our favorite watch are you serious actually this game is so stupid hey i got it all right this is my this is my shot to take i think it's lovely okay okay uh well can i take my shot as well sure i think it's five up oh all right yeah is white chocolate actually chocolate no it's cringing bad and terrible well it tastes good but it's not chocolate i actually think it tastes like two [Music] yeah that's right i love you do we get did we get him ray did we get him yeah nice you're my job guys [Music] my turn okay go ahead i think it's sydney all right i kind of appreciate it on what prime yeah sure whatever no no are we using logic right now yes well i go ahead and train one question for toast yeah what if toast talked before stream with valk by making an awesome crazy youtube video where he outs her and she kills seikuno and then uh she plays along with everything after that and toast kills us all right he gets 10 million views that'd be a genius like imagine this entire thing hey you know i think just to be safe right yeah we gotta [Music] [Music] didn't see who left first i have med scan but i need a buddy here all right corpse is cleared uh he's not getting off though i guess some lobbies they play without uh scan cancels so that people can't stack their scan and there's always a chance of someone lying but at least i can kill clear corpse right now i'm trying to not stack with people to stay alive oh wow um i don't want to hold reactor early on because if everyone's too far away and i hold it early it signifies there's a guy alone here so i want to wait for people to show up if anyone would like to show up at any point this would be perfect all right there we go corpse pokey pokey and rey are together again and have been together for a while it's a little worrisome don't want to do simon says oh god no thank god carter's here um just keep an eye on corpse he's the only one i can really trust i might just hang out with him for the most part nice is called pokey didn't go straight to light she kind of doubled back for a second [Music] oh no janet's doing anything are you talking about [Music] because that was the longest round of all goddamn time any bodies uh but someone is dead nah but i can't believe you would kill my bffl like that that's [ __ ] up was a really weird moment with rey when the reactor went off oh what kind of weird moment we were both walking down the y and then she doubled back towards uh like light's room yeah and then when i doubled back in there she wasn't in there and then when i went down to decontam she was there so i was like i promise i think she vented no no no no no there i walked up and i went to decontamination i doubled back to do the task faster okay no i walked up and um i think i saw abe and pokey no wait was it corpse it was corpse i walked up decontamination with you guys yeah but i met you at the decontamination gate when you doubled yeah i'm doing simon says i never saw you get up there i think hippo's been the weirdest for me because i did the leap task i don't know if train you were there i did the leaf task but she was on the leaf task before me and then she left right after me which i just thought was weird right i mean then you went to the cafeteria right now okay sure well that would work we went to cafeteria together and the reactor got called and you just didn't leave say the word ludwig say the word a small bit of information anything it's not toast it's also not dead for [Music] blood would be my biggest sub for now blood went up and that's the last i saw of him race doing car tasks i could just sit on numbers ray and pokey are on the right side right okay ray was there pokey uh pokey's dead body is an admin well it wasn't corpse hippo where are you right now you're cyan in the middle of the map she's pink she's she's pink warding but i don't know when she got there okay uh i'm only asking because i was on the logs really early on and you were the first one out and you looks like you went like left side but i don't know where you were yeah i wanted d-can to finish my simon says lord where are you right now but wait you were there by yourself last round what yeah i'm a digital who does tasks no i know but like so okay so here's my problem i left cyan in in med bay uh in reactor uh last round just me and her and i left and then i went to press the button and i so i had to run all the way to the button and in that time she didn't do her simon says but went back this round i had wires who was who was bottom cafeteria uh that finished their task on the bottom right oh yeah that was me i walked over i walked up with train oh wait when lights were off i thought you meant like i was right before you got walked up with me corpse yeah i thought you were up there with them you four no no i did the other thing in the bottom right and i saw you in cafeteria [ __ ] with the doors and then i walked up to the y with you i am suspicious of cyan once again oh okay say say the word this is eight this is our last oh it i believe in you you got it i was skipping we're skipping oh we're skipping but i i believe in ludwig he's got it right oh wow he's right like 99 percent of the time with cat power of captain yeah voted in with him oh that is so confusing is so confusing led one to the bottom right why i think i genuinely believe lud might be one of the killers [Music] i'm not sure though this is so strange corpse i need you to escort me corpse i need you to escort me of course i need you to escort me toast am i tripping um i just found abe in the middle of decontamination no what's up yeah it did did rages fan no what no no sorry i'm eating pop tarts okay and i i know i was i was i was being really awkward there i know i was really really awkward but where is everyone because i'm in cafeteria well i'm in decontamination i reported the body there i'm north with uh corpse and toast right up on me and uh okay who skipped on hippo i didn't i didn't i did not i voted i trusted ludwig on his cap you know he's he's doubting himself and i just want to help him believe in himself so i'm guessing it's me corpse and hippo that skipped yeah uh-huh yeah that means you two are probably clear uh why do you think it's not her well it's either her the problem is how many votes were on her because five people voted for her so unless both you skipped because she was the imposter that means one of the imposters you two that means that would mean ray lied about skipping right did you say she's good no because i don't think hippo ever answered right she did not answer it but there was no other vote anywhere else she voted for herself my biggest sus is right for sure i don't have it yeah i don't know i don't actually know here i don't know if i'm imagining anything you think we're right on hippo corp said he saw her no i didn't i didn't visually see her event but like that first round was really weird where she i'm sorry a little bit okay we have to agree though yeah we gotta pick one person i prefer i don't know i would go rey over lud i i mean corpse did say it's really not invented off of the information that i have i i feel like i don't have too many hints right now unless toast is the imposter but i uh well if you threw her together the entire time and bloods and cafeteria we have no eyes on them yeah that's fair what corpse car reactor here or was it would it be lights all right um so i want to kind of do blood here what what i disagree with that because i think it could be hippo or it could have been ray but i think we definitely got one because there's no reactor called yeah we definitely got one that's what i was thinking i just don't i mean you're right but i don't think it's helpful right wow no i'm not that convinced hold on ludwig said cat hippo look yeah i cap i look i'm very shaky on it but i'm like 95 today on caps yeah he's been right every single time he's starting to doubt himself this is the logic if rey was the imposter then i'm the imposter if hippo's the imposter then toast is the imposter or corpse sure wait why am i not the imposter why not sakuno uh because i don't think you were partnered with anyone really and didn't pokey clear toast [ __ ] oh wait pokey cleared toast uh i don't remember that i thought pokey said toast was clear but was that last game the thing is i don't i don't i don't i don't know between them who i would think it would be but i do feel good enough about cycuno and train but i guess train's been quiet that's the case if you're good on train and psycho that means you're the only option no in my head corpses scanned you're the wait toast wait a second wait a second so how did pokey clear you toast if you haven't scanned she just knows the way i play yeah you are i don't know you're double clearing yourself with no one else able to clear you which is like hard for me i think what do you guys don't know i mean we could just do tasks it's fine you know i couldn't be wrong about rain it's actually hip hop fostering super hard it's totally free who voted corpse oh yeah you just got scanned right i thought that was left of course train who did you vote for there i skipped cap is it train or train take a free shot there i mean it's gotta be blood or maybe i'm wrong about rey i don't think so a lot of people died right no only one person died i could be wrong blood nothing here waiting to come out where is it it's on the left side of the reactor it's ignored where was the body the left side of reactor oh i was just there it's like oh don't do this wait what am i doing where are you now cycuno no i really was there i was uh just clicking the right next to simon says i was clicking the one to ten um i just finished right when this meeting got called so you're there currently yeah i just finished my task right there well i i wouldn't place myself there without the imposter right what's up toast where are you at this point i'm at lights you then see the body in reactor i like no i went to reactor with cycuno pretty early on but i don't know i still don't think it's him i i just yeah i don't think it's me either i just saw a letter reactor yeah i just walked down all right this is what's gonna happen we're gonna shoot lud if it's wrong i'm gonna fix light you're going to call a button and then we'll shoot saikuno okay wait wait go for me first go for me first then i'm going to vote for myself no don't vote for no come on seikuno don't vote for yourself vote skip i we don't need to kill anyone here oh yeah i'm going to vote for myself i will i'll vote for myself too then okay this actually [ __ ] things up because ah that's like good uh hmm i didn't think that would happen oh my god saku no trolled for meme so now we don't get a guaranteed win oh that's bad was i supposed to do that i don't even know what he was one of us hit the button yeah but now our fox because we're in the same spot as before so i'm going to vote for myself again oh my god i really don't think it's cycuno here guys no here's the thing it has to 100 be loved because love lied about voting for himself what mathematically me and corpse account for the two votes on lud that means that two votes on sakura has to be saikuna and la that means he lied i thought they were trolling [Laughter] sakura if we lost off this i would actually come over to your room and yell at you all right hang out yeah put me on speaker i want to yell at him too okay why was psycho no clear why because toast is clear i mean it's either ludd or saikuna right and in that sequence we just had lud only had two votes you voted right yeah i voted so that means blood voted for saikuna sakuna voted for himself well i don't want it to end just yet maybe okay someone can win this game and i think i wanted to give him a shout out cap i think somebody's shot [Laughter] the stream i think it's fine to vote for me now because there's still going to be three left right that works yeah then we just the problem is if you turn off lights off you get a guaranteed kill on both of us oh guys my mouse broke my mouse broke i can't vote but you guys do what you do my mouse is broken this [ __ ] i got another one i'm skipping i got another one i can i skip wait oh you actually skipped yeah oh no i don't have a button no it's fine we just stick together i'm so confused it fits blood fix the lights blood hang back he didn't go fix the lights no no no no no no no corpse do not hang out with them so what'd you see cycuno i uh i might have killed him honestly i might have accidentally hit the report button after i i killed him is that right that could have happened i might have misclicked um we're in a bit of a spot here because uh i mean this is it we're gonna have to vote so we're all gonna have to make a decision so you're awfully quiet i'm going to yell at one of you after this game okay oh all right well don't well i just what okay what did you see cycuno i i didn't even see the body i just hit report um and um so yeah i what what'd you guys see um see anything nice today i didn't see much to be honest where was the report specifically the reactor room um okay on the right side or the left side left side i think oh i huh i uh oh i kinda wanna vote saikuno why just because you've been ruining my life i'm sorry ludwig this is the farthest it goes i'm sorry i'm sorry the road had to stop somewhere saikudo i really thought he was gonna go all the way with one second left this was way harder than necessary that was way harder than it is i saw a lovely kill were you sure or were you unsure i was pretty sure until cycle started hinting me right i i was like if i was in his shoes i was interested i can't i couldn't tell whether ludwig was covering for psychonauts like you know i was covering for ludwig we both work good job everyone wow that's yeah i felt like cycling had such a hard time i think i had no shot of winning and then i showed saikuna i was the [Music] imposter [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,193,652
Rating: 4.9606767 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, corpse husband
Id: WGwu5ELU7Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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