challenging 3 of the best Among Us detectives with 5300 IQ...

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I have to watch Dan play this. He's built for this.

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/BOESNIK 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love Toast but I can't believe my man is sticking with this naming convention this long we're on 5300 IQ. I remember the drama when he stopped playing HS because people were hating on his YT video titles and now he's just having fun with his videos like this, its nice to see. He's by far the most entertaining streamer to come out of the HS community, glad he's doing well with variety stuff after that Facebook Gaming deal. I always wished him and NL would collab on something so its cool to see him interacting with the gang in some way.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is this the room NL wasn't invited to?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/glenheartless 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

That production value is off the charts!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/cheatyhotbeeeef 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right not streaming this this is actually a locally recorded game so if this is on the youtube you guys are getting an exclusive what has happened that has caused me to upload this game who knows pokey brown white and oxygen so i kind of just went to the right sukuno is doing tasks and he is doing the top zippity zoop zap and then she went down oh that is sus that is sydney what can i say anyone dead all right that's sydney here's the problem i called this meeting to kill her so i got nothing oh really why did you think it was her oh when she was a navigation you know how there's two tasks navigation right the blue one so you can stand in the middle and do both right but she stood at the top one and then she moved at the bottom one and that's just inefficient so i was going to kill it for that oh for inefficiency we're doing like a casual i also want a buddy i also want to point out that ray is doing download just now at the top right just saying what's that guys first of all i wasn't ready to start okay that's a word bubbles and and and i'm dropping frames so i've been afk first of all second of all among us oh wait like the internet you mean yeah well okay okay are you dropping frames pokemon i was just gonna say i'm not but i didn't want to throw here wait a minute dropping frames that's why i'm freaking i've heard like in the amongst client you actually use more internet when you are imposter so that explains why he's wrong okay i wasn't gonna kill you but you know what i think i'm going to next time i'm imposter next time don't kill me this time though don't kill me this time ray i didn't accuse you i'm just saying don't kill me just adding to my stress levels oh my god saku now i'll protect you baby this guy's toast [Music] okay if you're watching this that means something terrible happened or amazing why when did i become so bad at cardstock i used to be able to first try it every single time when he's doing download and she did it real quick lilly's doing upload and she did do upload at some point let me just follow her she did do download so you know i'm just gonna guard lily with my life now we probably should have figured out uh what the body was anyone got the balls to kill me on cam that's what i thought that's what i thought oh i'm just chilling lily's innocent she want to kill me kind of weird you're going to the right side again lily even though oh for the power diverter all right i mean lily's 100 innocent unless she's not in which case she's not innocent i don't think it's her if she if it's her like it would be so unexpected because there's no reason for her to try and marinate me right [Music] it's not me it's not me i swear i okay so here's what happened i went i went into electrical right before lights right and i went to the top and i swear i thought it was like who knows that hopped out of a vent so so i so i so i ran i know so i ran away to report the body but sakura's dead now so someone then killed seikuno like literally right right before lights went out oh he did the thing he did the no no no no he was doing that in um security this was an electrical oh yeah i was with them in in security i mean ryan was honestly an electrical wait how do you know this was an electrical because i saw cycuno in electrical and i saw the vent open so i thought it was cycuno so i ran towards the button um i went into med bay to do the dropper thing and then i also realized i had a scan so i'm still in there just alone toast is standing around and following people without doing tasks i was actually fixing the lights so this was an electrical i'm guessing the back area because i was the first to fix hey where'd you see the vent open from security no no the vent so i was in the electrical i saw the the vent in the electrical open then how come we didn't see you abe oh well i ran out because i thought it was like you know peter my two biggest susses are wendy and a maybe ray i'm pretty clear on lily peter did you see abe run out i have electric i'm gonna be honest i don't remember but that's probably more of my failing memory i'm down to kill abe it's not me wait there's seven it's not me new rule you vote on seven now oh oh oh there's a week you guys have been right toasted [Music] oopsies huh maybe peter's a bad guy abe went on left side so that's what i'm worried about one electrical some ass oh one guy went to security one guy went to security instantly who's the other one call i call i call it call it call it oh my someone literally just oh that is pokey she pressed the button and was murdered for it wow i didn't even see who did it i think we couldn't see it because she got killed during the emergency button and information okay okay so uh well that's unfortunate yeah cause i have no info does anyone like was anyone on her when she was pushing the button did anyone see anything i didn't see like i didn't see any animation actually just override the killer that was so perfect so unfortunate i think it's toast and ray sure uh okay okay okay why do you think it's toast i was suss of abe from the previous round and they were just thrown at ray but i wasn't 100 sure so this past round ray was chasing me in the cafeteria right yeah because thus and i was so i figured i would stay with the other sus person and hope you'd kill me so i wouldn't be put in this situation but here we are oh i'm just really sad i was gonna vouch for pokey because we were literally the first at reactor and then she and the first round when tosta called the button saying that he was going to accuse cindy i think he killed cindy and then called oh to haida's body or her body to to clear himself from killing cindy saying he wanted to kill sydney toast you're doing your reason humming what's up oh um i want to kill either peter or ave here okay so how come you don't want to kill me toast uh everyone else does i gotta kill somebody peter and abel at the electric car yeah i think i um wendy who do you want to kill i think it's abe no it's not me i'm voting we lose all of you hey where are you going i voted peter wait why me let's good i've already voted you think that the common denominator is peter because two imposters would want to not i don't i think i did the math wrong i don't know i changed my i changed my mind the last second because peter was acting real supportive oh wait i just i just remember um wait was that right that was right baby lucky mother oh my gosh i was so off it's peter and wendy you're welcome oh my god yeah so i i did a smart thing but i don't know what i did you know because like most people were pointing out it did add upgrade because like once wendy was pretty confident that it was abe as well dad also set alarm bells off for me okay so when you voted peter i knew you were kind of innocent so i went in on you wow good job great okay goodbye wendy is it wendy or should we i don't know what to do it's really not me if anything it might be even peter that is possible it's really not me though that is i've just been walking around here's the thing if it's a or and peter that means they both voted for each other yeah they were against each other though uh i mean that just makes them that makes them look like not suss right like that's why they voted for each other [ __ ] she ain't wrong rey i'll be honest hey listen i used all of my iq last round toast it's your turn i don't know anymore oh man do we play this out [ __ ] [ __ ] it dude i don't know it's not me wait wait uh ray what you vote trust your gut toast who do you think it is your gut your gut toast yes wait are we wrong did we lose [Music] i didn't know okay let's go oh oh oh oh toast and yeti one two i don't wanna kill train um because i know he's been dying real fast um so i'm just gonna chill one two three four five six seven eight nine ten zoop zap now i'm gonna do gas canisters now i'm gonna go to card swipes opening the door opening the door oh god someone's on cameras oh god i don't get caught in 4k was in the office hallway office fibo was the last sleepo 2 i think i peaked him i saw him doing water wheels and then a big group of us went to the right i'm assuming he went to office shortly after and died there he did he he crossed me around weapons area okay i saw a train moving towards office on camps right i don't know train train you saw me moving toward office on cams i mean you were going down that direction you didn't see anything else when did you see that dk you know what it's almost like maybe you can wonder what's even crazier than all that what tell me i saw you on cams correct the camera light was flashing yeah and as soon as the camera lights stop flashing doors close you head toward lights lights go off what are the chances that doors shut and electric as you get off cameras think you got off and you open your interface just to close doors you're overthinking this i don't think it's sticking i would much rather accuse yeti for the doors than dk motez i have a question for you yes how many times are you gonna do those wires above cameras uh i i didn't even do those wires above cameras oh you were just i didn't i was just kind of looking to see who was around i mean uh if if you want me to account for someone i can but i don't think i'm successful you know sometimes i actually toast has this service it's this ferry service that uh it goes by the wires up there to see who's in that corner i already voted oh you're suspicious of me okay okay no i don't all right uh yet he did a kill so now i should do the kill when the wire is there becca see yeti killing i saw he's running at the vent kim's then good enough for me i see him wait who did you see yeti trying to desperately claw his way to the vents yeti what's your defense uh it's not me i'm saying okay the door is shut and i noticed that the cam light turns off i finished the last pass with my part of my storage and so i noticed that the cam's light turns off and so i head into electric doors right now if you guys open the doors very fast how long do you think he was dead for a second he's running to the event for after killing training only dead for a second wait wait wait wait i was on vitals i was on vitals i saw train die and i counted the seconds it was five no way that's so wild to be caught on camera actually it's actually not me that's what i'm supposed to say here and oh it's yeti i know it no i can hear it in house oh my god trust me i see him running towards the vent i see the half of his body so right now it looks like he's anything why aren't you accusing back yeti and i don't i i'm telling you what i'm saying so the reason that i've been trying to figure this out is because i am can skip and discuss this when you she's not like anymore please get yet look it's yeti she thinks that she's better to get more she's going oh my god she's either protest is we just stay stacked and call a meeting all right get out of here you had to get out of here get out of here thank you that i gave you around i actually can't believe i gave you around what is wrong with that's messed up bro get him out of here are you a hundred not me i i am one million percent sure well yeah so hafu's dead which means she's telling the truth she yeti why'd you do that bro the body it's not actually in there for longer than then she's like i said i wasn't sure if she saw someone else or if she was the imposter there's no way we can let that's the problem so like i said i didn't accuse her of being the imposter you'll notice that from last round i wasn't in the area that's what i was trying that's why i was sitting here i was like why is she accusing me did she see somebody else is she different see a different color why is she why is she so like on top of me for this and i came to the conclusion that she's either the imposter or she's third impostering and i was didn't want to accuse her either because i wasn't sure which one it was so dumb dog is hard accusing me that makes me think it's absolutely him here that's my that's my opinion are you holding real quick are you guys with each other right now because this was a double kill by the way we could you can clear each other if you're together no okay well i mean i i we literally cannot let yeti get away with no i'm telling you right now like i wasn't sure oh by the way my story really quick lights are off yet it is coming out of office the bodies and i do what do you got i mean for hafu i have to vote yeti just yeah i think the lights are also off i mean if we're wrong about this we just lose no it's my guess it's yeti protest i think it's yeti think about it this way if you think about it when i when i was if i'm if i'm actually the imposter i'm heart accusing i'm hard accusing hafu there yeah of here yeti you have to do it get out of here yeti you got you got a freebie you don't get two freebies unreal um i wonder if i called to kill both tests i think we killed botas first [Music] all right did we just yo toast talk to me uh i actually want to vote both tests it's a little yolo but i'm pretty sure so do i it's two years hang on hang on i know i know but the the thing is um on cams she saw yeti kill and jump like crop start running forward his info was just it's completely uh i both says you might have had him carrying you i'm a spicy boy what can i say let's go baby hang on hang on i i was just by emergency button did you see me at all dk before you guys vote because i actually don't want to throw it we have time we don't have to vote this early why are you pressuring people to vote when there's 64 seconds left let's slow down i'm relatively certain it's you my problem is i can't see i can't reliably cover toast here so like it would be really low yolo for me but but this is about this it's too risky if toast and dum-dums at lights back to the button like come on guys well why don't we skip this to be safer i was just waiting by an emergency look i just don't want one you want to vote do you want to vote dk there's no there's not enough stuff my sword man okay then i get to blame the loss on you if we lose we just spice it up rafu for hafu bravo are we dead okay just would like to say this one is not on me this is not on me sorry i'm so sorry listen in a four man of dk and uh toast why are you yoloing on the newest player if anything you slow play if you think it's vocal it was fun i thought it would be fun it was a lot of fun i agree thank you that was fun all right capo toast trying to solve the mystery of who is planning to assassinate the godfather now who is the godfather in this case so then you're taking way too long on a freaking dropper task is all i'm saying but then again would sidney have killed me first yeah she loves doing that i got she didn't just kill me how come she went to the drapa jack you're doing water wheels you faking what a wheels jack you want to do something like that jack jack jack don't leave me okay okay pull it pop it zap it hop it jack oh the second the third water wheel good job good job jack good job jack where are you going jack i need you buddy i need you yeah one person's dead ray's moving sister she's freaking me out yeah she's kind of looking around yeah she's just going back and forth all the time not want to be in a room with um person red look look calm down look i'm i'm white i'm not red anymore that's true i'm just true you can't you can't suss here yeah i'm just like just i i'm sorry you're just stressing me out all right i'm just i'm checking to see making sure you guys everyone is the ask that's what i'm doing that's what i was what i've been doing makes sense corpse is dead yeah i noticed i noticed that corpse is dead yeah you're saying just because you're white that means you're innocent wow ray that's kind of messed up right anyone's like privileged hair folks last time guys who saw corpse glass i will say i saw corpse at the same time i saw valkyrie oh oh god she's looking worse it is looking bad did you kill corpse where'd you see him together i saw him in the middle last i saw but it was a bit ago do you think he left office like how would you say a bit ago how long do you mean oh no i saw him at like uh the weather node by gasp a bit ago i feel like i have to go right here otherwise i feel racist yeah yeah this is this is that's true guys don't look racist wait why are you stuck with me because i'm pretty sure we [ __ ] you guys man i hate the fact that i'm bad at card swipes now i used to be good i know jack's innocent jack is guarding dream jack is innocent i mean honestly the kill might not be raised i'm kind of worried every time i look in the mirror all these lines on my face getting clearer the pass is gone i'll just do downloads before checking vitals that's the worst thing that can happen two sets of double kills i'm so scared i'm so scared you guys it went by that's the dog that's the way everybody gotta do sakura is following sydney no glock came from bottom side carol came from the left side i mean no one's dead so it doesn't does it really matter hi kuno did you see what i saw oh you dirty i've been following her yeah that's a really unlucky timing and then the one second she slips my vision now this should be pretty clear listen i'm very polite and i normally let other people speak but not today okay here's what happened saikudo has been stalking me like a freaking weirdo i've been running for myself like a what nearly positive he's going to kill me i run okay i see no glass dead body grease now let me finish i see no close dead body grease is running away and as soon as i run up he turns around it's it i don't know why psychonaut is trying to possess on me it's 100 greasy well let me tell you what i saw i've been trying to follow sydney to be my partner and then i lost her for a couple seconds and now greaseball's saying he saw her kill he did it okay perfect we have an interesting we have an interesting way to solve this here yeah okay i know it's not jack and i'm with jack toast where are you uh i passed carl with nogla so i don't think it's called that's what i'm about to say seconds ago that i passed you with nogla why did you not how was it not you oh cause i went to comms and no god kept going left that's where the body is right so it's gotta be but they're saying well listen carl doesn't matter because they're saying they're saying you left toast with with him and he did not kill him because they're saying they found that body and they're accusing two people are accusing um nitri right yeah and there's two imposters left and if they get one person out they win in this scenario there's two of us me and jack are both clear and we're together the whole time so there was a clear car so either it's her or it's both of them how do we kill dream both of them it should be clear i say what i say you skipped for now skipper now for now okay [Laughter] you were you were with me up until i what left you and that's when the kill happened so it doesn't clear you really when did you even leave me i thought you were right behind me i ran to the right [Music] we should probably call a meeting oh damn oh damn oh damn there's a thousand heads in oxygen [Music] i feel like we should discuss what happened there let me oh what happened just now no no like last game dream i think i can explain i can explain what i'm saying from last round uh carl you said you left host with with uh with brown right no no no here's what happened um me and moise were at bottom left uh i ran to the right because i was doing the valve thing and i had to finish the valve task and i don't know where co2 right above you that's what i thought okay and when i was running to the right toast and nogla went to the left yeah then maybe this is five seconds later but this is what i'm saying carl that's what i'm saying that's why i'm saying what you're saying actually proves toast let me tell you why because of the fact that they reported the body and now greece is saying that that greece saul neetri kills either lying or it's neat well hold on you're misunderstood misunderstanding what i didn't say i saw her killed i did no i went past the body and i assumed it had to be her killing no you said you said you saw her kill well then it's an exaggeration because that's not what i meant to say oh well i i said i said i said i thought he said that but yeah it's grayson i think it's prison i saw the first round so then he started following me around the second round because if it's greece and greece killed nogla and i ran up on it and they're back there is a scenario i did follow her and then she left my vision and then grace reports the body i really don't think i said myself why don't you think about what's happening right now greece is the safest bet here but i think it's like either is lying or would just happen to step out i did follow him in greece where are we voting where are we going skip again if that's reason i don't put in greece yeah i think we trade yeah i think we do training right that's the safest thing to do outside but then ah unfortunate maybe sakura should have killed sydney but then he didn't know there was a body right ahead from right unless it is sydney and this is a big brain play by dream i think we still do it anyway yes but but it's interesting i do have one question i have one question um last round not the round where the kill happened but the round after that um you went down bottom left right what tasks did you do there i did the garbage and then i finished the water wheel okay you finished okay that's what i said it took it was really quick so i was like oh yeah i was like halfway done with it already i just had to fair enough um did any did anybody who was on the bottom left like i i just wanted like you don't have to kill me here and i'll tell you why i did the water jug thing in the bottom left and i think some people can confirm that right maybe like i think maybe spacey was there i saw you okay i just think to be a million percent sure just because i didn't yeah i i think we i think it's the same thing because if it's if it's i think it's like but it's the same thing to do so yeah sure yeah you know guys i think it's cycuno but it's the safe thing to do too [Laughter] oh huh thanks toast i'm just skipping straight to the round two i was debating it but ah i mean if it's dream my lord my god man she just walked in on charlie killing huh that's crazy oh who is that who is that who is that who is that who's opening the door there's the sakura oh it's with icy did i call a meeting i feel like i called the meeting why are we calling a meeting where's the body i was by uh by the lava ah dream's dead oh oh god your wha what happened to him all right well i just saw jack in the bottom left carl where were you i'm at laboratory bottom top right ah sakuna did you self-report me self-report uh i mean why would he kill and then self-report when like confidence it can't be him yeah it's kind of weird guys kill and then self-report because he can just wait and then get another kill right that's true huh yeah so you know we don't vote on four right but it would also be disrespectful to sydney to not kill psychono that's true wait what why i don't like disrespecting people yeah disrespecting's not cool so if we're wrong we can just blame it on sydney oh yeah yeah yeah totally yeah yeah you're not sydney if we lose this you just stop blaming yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a win-win situation we didn't say it out loud so we're doing second right yeah yeah yeah yeah uh-huh glad we're on the same page okay i just want to make sure i didn't throw right there [Music] guys i appreciate that of course no problem no respect no problem oh yeah you killed ray anderson i mean [Music] right [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 4,143,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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