I TRAPPED him inside my 6100 IQ DEATH CABIN...

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i was going to say charlie and hafu are two of the like really good players that i've played with so oh thank you yeah it goes oh that's wholesome all right i'm going to call a meeting here to assert dominus all right just a quick thing i know it's hot right now we can skip instantly go away i just need to make a statement who has been killed first for the last three rounds and the reason why i'm calling this meeting is because not to say not to kill her but you're insulting me now by not killing me first because you're saying she's a better player all right you guys are hurting my feelings right now okay we can skip okay i'll kill you next time no no no guys skip guys no no no it doesn't count now it doesn't count when you guys vote me out no no no no no no no no no no it doesn't count when you guys vote oh no no no guys it doesn't work if you guys vote me i'm talking about employment i love this logo i love this lobby holy sh [Music] sorry guys it had to be done this guy's toast [Music] and you find people ah papa oh man don't download doing download all right doing trash doing trash [Applause] doing upload doing upload okay body is in bottom left very like next to the left wheel the last person i left sydney with was toast and saikuna was also hovering in the area happened to come up from o2 area saikuno well if not grease on this cup what can i say but it wasn't me did you guys know if you stand in oxygen room you can hear birds tweet do we i think it's for the tree you know wait there are birds in the tree really yeah you can hear birds make noises he's trying to change the subject also i actually don't recall seeing sydney oh me neither in that room but it's this is either sick sick uno or toast or both look i must say all i could say i'm trying out this new strategy where i only tell the truth i was on download in the oxygen room and i went out and then i did upload in comms room if you anyone want to dispute that go ahead go ahead i saw him do that didn't you do trash as well no it's suspicious look i can only say the truth that's all i got and that's what we can all only do the truth maybe we should be asking ourselves did you see me at the node for like a long ass time i did arya uh nothing i thought you were protecting me as a king said he saw you running out so what is it what was the defense on that i think i missed it i didn't see a i didn't even where was the bomb oh we needed to kill it it was like uh the wheel left i just walked up oh man i can only die it's okay i can only tell them i'm pretty sure this is toast and sakuya i got the bang bros i got the bang bros [Music] appetite i'm just doing the pew pew the papa why is it every time i do one kill it's enough to get sussed up maybe i need to do like shadow kills [Music] maybe i need to do shadow kills like kage bunch no jutsu did okay i need abe to help me throw edison down uh so uh sorry charlie wait wasn't he was he in the stack with us ah who was crazy [Laughter] wait who right yeah but at the end i can only account for sakuno in the last like 10 seconds wait so where's the body body is in front of lights and the only person i saw just running around his dead body is abe oh no no abe no what do you mean no i'm just saying he's like running around so there's two intellectuals for a very long time i was just making sure that uh the body was dead what huh um kicking it kicking it a few times and lights were not turning on checking for zombies you know yeah the lights are still off by the way and abe you didn't want to fix lights at all or or report that i have a crazy theory huh you know how we were all four of us standing on the vent together right yeah yeah do you notice that the lights sabotage went off when we stood on the vent together for so long yeah you think it's one of us no no if you stand on a vent your button changes to vent instead of sabotage yeah but there's but there's two holy no he's right it couldn't have been any of us he's actually oh wait there's two of them you're right there's two imposters oh oh well it couldn't have been us for this kill at least ava's med skins no no no no i guess i have a suspicion that's psycho it's gotta be cycuno what because he's talking as if he's talking as if he knows like the venting and the usage as a sabotage she would only know that if he's imposters kill him i'll provide info ah eve knows eve knows goodbye [Music] ah [Music] hmm yeah i was just kind of going along with it but i thought we'd have seven he fixed the reactor that was a good round well played kills guarding the body that was so good i'm so confused abe saw i'm pretty sure abe saw me at lights he absolutely had to i did but there was eight people alive so i was gonna wait until next round to reveal the information wait it was a double double kill [Music] so instead of reporting it i ran around the room to see if someone was hiding in the corner i was just in the corner i mean edison like the data is very simple he's the only person i know that consistently instantly call um doors i wonder if he can figure out what his tale is but it's only specific to this map okay this confused me because the report button popped up but it was like on the other side of a wall in electrical if that makes sense and i just saw edison wait did i see anna gee it feels real great to be alive i agree with you faye the body isn't electrical wait edison did you not have the report button i ran down from the top of electrical and you're standing on the body okay oh that doesn't okay so now i think it's you because i the body wasn't okay unless there's like some sort of a [ __ ] glitch or like whatever there's no body i have a report button i'm not i'm not hard accusing you i like i believe you if you're saying that the button bugged out it's a little buggy but i don't think it broke down i'm just saying it seems like the body is on the other side of that like a wall body is at the bottom like uh in the hallway at the bottom oh it's in the hallway it's right there so you you just walked in there that means you walked over the body no i came from the top of electrical oh no i didn't confused we did lights i checked the back of the electrical to see if anyone was dead back there and then i came down and you're standing on the body there oh it's not double you came in to go check but you didn't see it on the way in it's not a double kill because i just fixed lights we came in because of lights right no i know but i was the one fixing the light right obviously so while you were fixing it i ran to the back to check is there anyone who can clear someone well i was looking for train this round to make sure he doesn't die first i found him near the cameras so yeah psycho knows cameras uh i'll hard clear fate i think there's not enough time for like a back-to-back kill i i don't actually think this was korrina i think someone's trying to frame her i'm gonna hard clear faye if i ever die you're trying to frame me if i ever die i'm not really facing a hundred percent because we were stacked um do you think this was a double kill because it couldn't have been i didn't see another body in the area i don't think it's a double kill in the same area but i also don't think someone has enough time to kill two separate people by himself yeah it's a pretty short round that is yeah the horse weren't instantly called this time interesting did edison catch on to his tail did edison catch on to his tail oh my god this was the boldest kill ever and i can't believe they pulled it off i walked past faye and she stood still for a second as i was walking past her and i thought she just stood still but she wasn't standing still her body was falling dead her legs were still upright uh storage below the gas tank all right clear edition adds up for toast this is an insane kill to do it right next to me i'm so impressed i didn't see anything i i just ran past that and i didn't have a report button yeah it definitely just happened like toast said the body was like you said it was in storage yeah bottom of storage okay the thing is editing so wait wait train where did toast come from or rather so here's the thing um i'm not sure how deep toasts uh you know uh professor x x-men style uh you know my name's go but he knows i saw him he knows i saw him with faye so i don't think he would make this kill because you know i'd speak up quick but if you guys know better then i don't know but yeah he came from uh navigation he definitely wouldn't wait so where is the storage where is everybody else right now if the body is just dropping edison that's like you guys were together where'd you go from there we're at reactor right now okay you guys are still there okay i can confirm that i'm in lower left engine right now okay and the kill just happened so training your shields i yep i finished my map test i started running i wasn't paying that much into the shields everywhere in the bottom shields or near like i'm taking the turn to get into the hallway you changed your story no i didn't it sure okay fun being alive wow [Music] interesting okay wow karina probably voted who did it i actually did it i actually didn't vote yeah wait did i get it i don't remember it's such a bold kill maybe i passed them but like i can't remember like out like even thinking now thinking back i just can't remember because the lights were out i saw her the legs i thought she was just standing there and nobody teleported on her body either it was upright yo that's crazy yeah that's actually crazy hey it's me again i just wanted to say okay the only reason why i accuse train hard is because i feel like when you ask somebody where they are and they tell you that they're somewhere and then they and you ask them about it and they like kind of change their story and they're not confident then i think never mind i'm just going to shut up i feel like when the lights when we were the lights were off and train ran into administrative going to run to fix the lights yeah because i know there's a kill call timer uh cool never mind it's a stupid button that's the minute where did you see um uh wait i believe edison in psycho we all went left at the start of the round they went into mepe i think i'm not sure because i went left and then i didn't see them on the left side so i'm assuming they went you said you're a lower engine yeah i did a task in reactor the lights went off and then i walked down there and then the body got caught if you did a task in reactor you would see edison in secondary no well they i went straight to reactor and i said i didn't see them there so i'm assuming they stopped at med bay or something did you guys stop at memphis oh that makes sense then oh my god okay i'm going to skip but something is um i was on admin table last time this is such a bold kill yeah but he could have been there in the time period between when i walked from admin table electrical i mean i might have been like on the edge of the hallway or something maybe but i didn't see on the top engine either so oh i wouldn't have been there i was definitely in the lower left right so i don't know but like running from top to bottom oh this is such a nicely done kill it throws a wrench in my brain i feel like i should have seen it edison's no longer calling the door sabotage first [Music] um like saikuno might be one of the killers along with but if dumb dog or trina are killers too they would have sabotaged something already right there's no thor savage dodges either he's not pushing the votes on me is it dumb dog [Music] karina interesting my mind is i don't usually get confused but i am confused oh well one of them's dumb dog oh his name where was the i think i know who the other one is the body is at the inter uh right a little above the intersection of lights it's above the intersection of that oh sorry not like uh security and reactor that is undog who do you think it is saikuna huh um well it's probably not toast because he reported this right i think a regular imposter would leave it up and try to get another kill well i passed toast going up and i think he was near dumb dog i left dumb dog over there so it has to be i don't know where he came from where did you come from dog i came from top but there wasn't a body there at the time so this is very confusing to me but i guess i toast wouldn't report on five so my only assumption is that someone sniped the kill from the right why are you standing on a vent you know that's a tough question to answer so here's the thing um i just so i was trapped in re i was trapped in like the reactor area i was doing uh the one two three five six seven ten and when i closed it dumb dog kind of just appeared and i s i went down past toast i don't see anything else there so i'm assuming the second body has to be on the right side so who's on the right side who's in the middle area me and karina were on the right side but we were like next to each other like almost the whole time okay which for me means she's probably completely insane as far as i mean i don't trust not that much but i mean we were on the right side and i didn't feel too scared around you oh thanks i didn't feel scared either i think you're maybe you're on your cooldown so i shouldn't have felt scared i'm not sure that's true i could have killed you at any second yeah yeah that's true that's also true you have to admit though toast it was a pretty good kill who skipped would the other one be trained then why didn't he kill me on the way out i'm so lost i'm actually confused it's correct innocent that's gotta be trained no karina don't go please don't go okay everyone's alive oh my god psycho no you're gonna give me a freaking heart attack oh together holy crap holy crap oh [Music] honestly i don't mind shooting all four man we're going to lose to a isolated kill into another kill down this is also the thing same here's the thing yeah i really really really really do not think it's toast i agree but i don't know which it is because sekuno i saw you going back and forth between admin like three different times and i don't know where karena is at all so i'm confident with toast but i don't know where so you two i'm really confused on and i don't i don't buy that uh last round story where you guys were right side and you were stacked the entire time well i'll kill you sure it's not karina train i'm so obsessed with you from like first round and then when i went to go do my like whatever uploaded or whatever it is an admin i got off early purposely to see if you would leave and you only got on like a millisecond earlier than me and you were already off of that [ __ ] so like that makes me also a little bit i could be like just really dumb and maybe i'm just like not thinking straight and maybe i just timed it wrong but from the first time and knowing it's not toast i don't know the uploads eight and a half seconds to ten seconds it changes it's dependent on the last guy that leaves the folder a guy could leave the folder at a hundred percent okay so it'll last one and a half seconds longer how do how do people even know and not to mention how are you seeing me with the download with the upload open how do you see when i saw you because you walked up to it first and then i walked up to it that's how i saw it right but how do you know when i left if you're saying i left early how do you know when i left if you i just explained to you that i ended my task early by like a millisecond to see if you were still there because you got there sooner than me and you already gone you weren't even anywhere in my screen i got there sooner and i left no no like a millisecond i'm shooting train i don't care no shot i'm skipping i don't know it's like i think i feel pretty safe on this [Music] 10 seconds he has competed in tournaments who sniped that fake kill uh no i killed him no i killed valk on a med-based game yeah i got the kill electrical that goes so clean [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,880,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay
Id: q4hpZoXjWF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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