Among Us but we can only use 3 WORDS, a 5700 IQ gamemode...?

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who's in weapons you're gonna die who's in weapons you're gonna die dead body radio said too we [Music] [Music] so [Laughter] green left office [Laughter] where is the body [Music] why vote jay he said admin oh jay you always call light way too fast man oh god it's just a double kill this is a double kill i thought about it i really thought about it who can we even kill at this point if i kill ray what just happened i think jay's youtube videos are only going to be the three word wigs just killed everybody he just killed everyone oh god pokey says she's not streaming kill me okay oh that was scary all right pokey said she's not streaming kill her okay i just sent her a smiley message on discord oh someone's coming where is it hello no i have found spoopy's body poker an angel has fallen now dude just end the game already i don't even want to play anymore oh would the imposters like to uh you know come forward maybe that was pretty [ __ ] up whoever did that true oh wait kimmy's voice sounds yeah sorry where was the body it's under vitals under your vitals okay i don't see vitals on the map sorry vitals is like the roof of a meeting room oh where are you right now specimen lies [Music] it might actually be like desync or something because like i didn't see peter when i killed chris the other time even peter said wendy said you weren't in specimens so either one and the manifold thing the number thing both in there if she was doing specimens slice okay so how does it go for a hail mary play here [Laughter] i need three innocent people and wendy but i can only do this on seven people so that it's safe for them to vote i need to find where wendy is i need to find where wendy is she's gonna have to take the fall for this one don't kill me don't kill wendy don't kill one don't kill one you don't kill one wendy has to take the fall for a kill i need to find wendy and group with her okay this is the yolo play this is the yolo play secuno and plushies uh where is wendy where is wendy how do you do the yellow planet hmm where is wendy i need her to take the fall for something oh she's dead dude's body oh my god i couldn't find oh peter it wasn't calm's room oh wait christopher wait and oh no wait we voted out tina nevermind um definitely not wait how long has this body been dead a while i think i walked in on the body together but no one was around uh was anyone alone i was pretty much with leslie for like a good 70 of that i crossed a lot of people i was alone running around doing everything uh so it's likely wendy and abe then you can kill me i don't think it's wendy wendy sold out tina why would you wait wendy why would you want us to kill you it's not wendy i was that one i was alone with her and she didn't kill me i would like to say i did left reactor solo okay yeah wendy wouldn't sell out tina like that because it's a kind of dick thing to do what if it wasn't tina wendy it wasn't that was a tina wait what are you sure are you confident on tv like the way wendy's saying she sounds pretty crude to me okay listen all i got is she said it was do you think all i got to say is like i didn't see her um i don't know if like it was desync or not but i really did the speed of these kills as well because i was on uh vitals and peter died like 30 seconds ago i am inclined to think it's one killer yeah peter's been dead yeah this is some very slow killing so for me i would guess abe it's probably abe then if it's like wait why would i why would i sell out tina like that wendy was the one waiting don't take that where she was i was the one that said i saw her on camera yeah but wendy was the one who sold out if i had to take a shot i'll take a v like we don't have to vote on six because we already got one it has to be toes hey this is not a good color on you i could color on you all right with uh five seconds yeah with uh well to be safe we do all right gloria is yours leslie go ahead [Music] maybe with this group i can't speed one task because i'm gonna get sussed out instantly or murdered in a ditch somewhere which would not be fun uh uh from our group no one usually goes to specimen to shankar fool so i generally feel safe in specimen and i feel safe about the people who go to specimen if that makes sense you gotta be a pretty innocent person to go to specimen okay so here's what i'm gonna do someone's coming into specimen right so i'm gonna hit him with this and see if anyone shows up oh no he's died first wheels lily what happened i left him when i went to go to the lights oh left him sorry i don't know who else i left in there who tina tina just ran up tonight i just say that when i went in there john was already in that first and it was water wheels i was never in water wheels i was doing oh two cans with you wait where is the body actually water entrance to water wheels not exactly like quality oh two canisters and john was there so he could have killed and just went to tina started oh two canisters first i walked up finished mine and fixed the lights while she was still doing it but you were already crazy i would never kind of anna cringe nikina i'm not an imposter guys i say we got a 66 chance i'm about to take the chance tina's the new johno died first tina and john tina you voted me no i'm just saying the other person that was also left in there was tina because i fixed lights on my left yeah i also went into this i'm just wondering who to have my suspender on that's all cell phones i fixed lightsaber how are you eating tina and john you're you're stuck yes i left first and fix the whoever was left in there is a potential killer sounds like something an imposter would say you know i'm innocent i wouldn't have held you first twice i didn't change it right now ah let's see let's see who's the monster that would kill psycho first after being killed first who would do something like that would you do something like that jj why you following me bruh jackie mads us uh mark's doing temperature out in the middle oh he's chasing me down he's acting mad sauce mad sauce he tells ya you know what's the water wheel again dead body dead body i don't know huh electrical right outside is fun wait um where are you joey juice i am yeah calm right now right outside his spine go he's safe i saw toast walk by when i was walking in so okay yeah okay i passed mark and he was heading that way that's why i was a little confused but the body is uh near electrical john oh are you outdoors on indoors outdoor outdoors above storage okay well i saw tina um water wheel again so i don't think it's her you saw me yes well tina thank you for getting me killed after vouching for you i want to say thank you when they throw me into the lava pit because of what you say i want you to remember okay okay well i just want to say someone had the nerve to cross me as i was going up the lights so i want someone to mess up the nerve to walk near you yeah the lights wore off and then i'm pretty sure whoever walked past me was the killer so fess up before i reveal what kind of pants you were wearing tell them okay what pants were they wearing well i was walking i saw you on the water bottles the water jug and then i started going up i'm not sure if you saw me i don't think so because i left before you got off well i don't know what pants they were wearing i know that a lot of people specimen i'm not wearing pants specimens jesus only thing i did this round was go to specimen and did the simon says and that's literally it before this meeting was called done [Laughter] i'm not getting any information right now god damn it does tina have the foresight to re-fake water wheels after killing jay because i gotta say that's a little big brain even for me i think it's lily there's always a chance it's slowly is it lillian joe huh this is kind of scary i mean lily's not doing a single darn task right now which is scary wow oh hello crew just wow all right where's the body now where is it it's in med bay i was just going up to do my last task the weather node and i went up from decontamination and then i open the door and lo and behold there's a dead body um he he's been dead i've been yeah i'm checking vitals and walking into advent he's been dead oh that's so sad i forgot traveling with the group this should be ray then hmm that yeah i have a big defense the first thing i did i did upload in the weapons room against the wall in the dark and then after that the lights came on i went and did upload or download whichever vice versa in the communications room tina and joe both ran in and saw me in there i ran out and i did the water jug in the water room and then i ran back into communications i saw a toast with two other people in there so i'm confused why toast thinks this is me because i saw him near the end of that round and then i ran into the office to do the water jug which is where i'm at right now and then this body sounds pretty serious man sorry i lost your defense yes i'm pretty serious i didn't go top right at all and i have people vouching for me that saw me bottom left how do you think it's ray uh she was in the office and there's a vent connecting the two places ah but even john doesn't need an admin i'm also walking into admin i mean i didn't see rey for the first half of that i see i see i have people that can vouch for me first half of their own well is that true yes you guys saw me in communications right i only remember seeing mark in communications joey or joe joey joey was with me my speciometer is going off man my sisometer so thermometer [Music] it can't have been one of the four so that's either tina self-reporting i don't believe she did that or it's jody i'm really freaked out right now i'm really freaked out i think i'm gonna die to racing [Laughter] you guys think you can just kill joe and walk out toast joey i think it's toast and lily wait um i'm walking in the backyard and they come out what you can okay i'm walking in the admin uh whatever reactor goes off toast and literally came out of specy i'm like that's kind of sus the reactor's going off they probably just got a double kill so i go in and then well toast got there before me and this is reporting the body my biggest confusion is why didn't one of you kill me on the way out i don't think there's not this knowing that i don't think toast would report this this is what's throwing me up there's a body and specimen and jody and lily walk past me on the way out okay that makes this makes it easier for me because they just totally straight up lie down no you're the one lying i walked into sweaty it's you and lily no it's okay no that's fine that's fine jody jody see jody is trying to throw stuff on both of us because if it was cool i know lily's the easier vote yes from your perspective it doesn't matter it's lily for sure okay it has to be lily and jody here wait tell her who to vote for specifically i can't do it i feel like lily is the safer officer that's fine because it's toast it's not oh my god oh my god oh my god dude if i lose here so stop smiling please spicy spicy games i'm just surprised he didn't kill me on the way out no ray i need you to come fix it with me no oh god oh oh i think's left she did fix right uh no one it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it it it doesn't matter it is pushing the button doing reactor no one died it's just so you guys can see medicine so this is the crazy thing right why didn't you kill me when i was walking in there was two of you what you i walked in you came out so if anything toast why didn't you kill me jody are you like projecting what you messed up no jody we're gonna kill you here no matter what i just wanna know why you didn't kill me on the way out i literally am not the imposter and i don't have an answer for you because it's toast toast came out of specy with lily technically yeah lily lied about not being specy toasty my specie he's doing this five-headed imposter play and it's toast all of this is doing is making it easier because we i was running in and he knew that i was going to report the body he saw me on the other side of the door that's why i decided to get an impostor killed i can't imagine him gunning for lily so hard that's why i reported a body with because five people left you literally reported the body so that you could be proven or shown to be proven innocent jody there's too many logical gaps here okay well it's toast and that is as good as i can say tina yes do you want to skip or do you just want to shoot i'm down to shoot wait what do you think it is ray i think i do i definitely think it's jody but you know i think we could be safe but but we want to spice it up right that's what it's all about also jody and lily both said it's me and the other one but they both yeah no i noticed that too it just i just don't think toast would report it knowing there's just need a double kill also we couldn't kill you because there was a problem [Music] like i don't know like like the fact that he walks into bessie like at this time was just really because we only needed one quail after that you're really unlucky it was an honor driving by my side john oh it was awesome thanks for playing [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,554,125
Rating: 4.9679699 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, jae park, mark tuan, kpop toast
Id: TmRZa_bHiS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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