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hey lovely weather we're having huh saying that you can see me wait purple purple white blue lime black orange [Music] orange is this guy bothering you yeah this guy's bothering me hold on she willingly ran on top of the vent i'm just saying i didn't [Music] right before her death she said lupo really what i so like the body i'm standing i saw somebody all right all right what would i describe them describe them yeah i i i'm pretty sure it was courage but i'm not i'm not 100 sure oh he says it's courage [Music] i defend myself i literally met me from nine people and then it was censored who fixed lights the light fix was by brooke and here's what happened i was right above electric the entire time listening in like a creepy person would and i heard brooke walk in and she said lupo lupo oh so i'm walking down the hallway i'm complete i can't see anything no one's in my vision and i hear love say hey lovely what are we having huh no and then after two seconds he comes into my vision [Music] it's like you just want to vote for him i just thought you saw him i'm going oh oh oh psycho i'm not going [Music] oh oh jesus okay wait what happened what happened okay we were screaming that was ludwig right yeah where are you going hold on i'm with ludwig right now bottom right of the cafeteria and right before i ran into him i heard him running away laughing maniacally too it's it's either it's a lead wing or a toe slipper i'm not sure no yeah so it's it's not me what happened is i saw leslie and then i went uh and she said don't kill me and i said i'm gonna kill you and then she started running away and then i started laughing maniacally and then i said okay i have to go back and do my task and that's where i met up with psychonauts who are you guys vote who'd you guys look yeah tell us who'd you vote for um so here's the thing i may have prematurely voted but i can't say for who because i think i'm wrong if i say that person's name out loud the other two impossible it's gonna jump on it i think we do four skips four skips and then we fix it oh nice yes oh that's true we can fix lights no we should vote here and then fix lights and vote yeah yeah no no no no no no no no no no wait one house is gonna [ __ ] with it yes how are you gonna find this right you're appealing to saikuno wait so if we if we we gotta skip right because otherwise and they're no no the lights are off right now so we gotta start go ahead right oh my god everybody guys guys i'm fixing it oh my god who was messing with the lights toast who was doing it good job corpse okay for sure innocent yeah okay uh also i think it's weird that toast wants to skip on six oh it's because we're at the lights off well no it's a little weird yeah no but like if the lights are off that means we shoot and then we shoot again right hold on yeah the last thing ludwig said before he died okay let me explain so if you shoot there one imposter messes with the lights and the other one kills isn't it the same if we shoot or no no if we don't shoot they have to do a double kill which is impossible because they can't both [ __ ] with the lights and both not [ __ ] with the lights uh-huh i i don't get it i don't get it either but but here's what i think what we've been through um scenario so many times yeah yeah but it's like he's right so based on the timing if you if you do shoot one down if you feel wrong you lose but if you skip you can call it like shouldn't we talk about who the imposter is um who do you think the imposter is oh wait you're making me so suspect you feel bad that you asked me we've been in that situation i don't get it i don't get it we can uh we can explain it afterwards right okay guys remember the last thing ludwig said right what said he heard brooks saying lupo lupo before she died yeah it was not me i don't know what else really i thought it was just pulled lupo out of suss when we voted courage that is true no no that's the one that skipped really toasty oh no no no no one i've been sussing loves guys reaction it's gonna be pretty sure it's not curious i think from round one i've been talking about we haven't gotten one yet no no no no no you've got to go already no no no okay the only hope here is one of them no we have to vote for toast because no no no no no no no no no we have to go lupo here we go [Music] do you want to kill it do you want me to kill you yeah okay do you do you mind yeah you go ahead go ahead get it this time okay thank you i you know i appreciate that yeah right oh it's so dark i can't see i my vision right just hold on wait wait wait ray's running to i thought we were all supposed to vote together so i thought we were feeling sorry i appreciate it i appreciate yeah you showed on six yeah no here's how that last section works so lights are off already and there's six people alive if you don't vote then to instantly win they have to get the double but since the lights are already off and the timing of the kill cooldown makes it so that you can get a button press off if you fix the lights fast enough and get the next again but if you vote somebody off and it goes down to five and there's two impostors left one impostor stays and messes with the lights the whole time to slow you down so the other imposter can get there was that happening okay all right um i woke up early and by early i mean 10 a.m which isn't that early to play some among us with uh i like playing with hafu and five up a lot of people going right uh yellow red and uh pink was standing outside it's been a while since i played a manga so i'm really rusty i just hope i don't embarrass myself here no death yet i don't have a lot of information to go on uh attaching specimen two guys in the laboratory let's do the specimen clear there's two guys in laboratory no one's in office so no one should be behind me just yet hafu and five up walking through gabby following and then stopping midway but i think if she killed someone she wouldn't um come this way right uh i mean i can so far remember everyone i've crossed uh the only person that's not accounted for is uh red right no i crossed blue but that was a long time ago on the top right there one through ten that i can find bodies with that admin table i can say it's not a self report on my cams and he's bottom left uh yeah the body's dead on water wheels like deep into water wheels though dumb ass chill holly why are you just standing like here like a psycho me oh wait wait it's on third water wheel or uh it's on the the far left water wheel inside it's actually like almost in the wall it's like right outside of it too no i wait i think it's about to escape someone probably has miles away because i've see was i was i sounding like against the wall were you just yeah it looked like you were in the other cancer wall yeah yeah i'm in oh two canisters i've seen this before where people are in o2 and they've just seen it only once before well it's not perfect for this kill i mean it still could be me but when you walk through death valley where did you go because i got scared i ran back into office i didn't walk up to the death valley i went through electrical nice and i went down no i'm saying uh when you left office right side i i went right you came out yeah i went down through the bottom part of the rock through bottom storage area and then i went up to electrical craze just right there okay it is exactly what happened i saw a train and talia fixed lights together i'm pretty sure did you guys vibrate after that uh i went into med bay area italia i went to left engine that sounded like an impossible right engine right engine yeah because i am you're on to me dk i know but like why would you ask that no i just want to know where the body is oh um i did my boarding pass first and uh yeah that's it this is impossible you sound nervous i'm very nervous he's a lot of new people super nervous [Music] okay i'm gonna go straight to upload hufflepuff through a little sauce on me i forgot how hafu plays if she suffers me is she the bad guy half was a great deflector if um if her partner gets sussed out she will deflect like really hard and protect him detectives do you walk by dk went into camera room train i wanted to node you would have seen me come up here didn't come up to kill me which is pretty cool train peter's doing upload in the dark i'm inclined to think it's not peter talia i came from the bottom left again what's your finishing o2 canister maybe doors closed which is very scary why you double back there oh no i think you're guilty that's why i doubled back so then we 50 50 it no i don't i don't believe in 50 50s no i actually don't think this is steve well here's the thing it couldn't be me because peepee and i saw the body die in vitals together let's go where did pee pee come from then it could have been ppe we both saw the body on vitals died together it had to be well i mean where was the body first left office weapons weapons uh and did do i didn't do why didn't we check advantage well i mean steve checked admin i saw him back and forth yeah everyone was like there was no good information from admin there was just one person in like every area there was like one in med anyway it's pointless but uh here's exactly what i saw great story yeah i go to i see talia is dead on vitals i see it happen peepee's right there on vitals i go left towards weapons i don't know why i just uh it was the closest place i was like maybe she's dead in weapons um and then i pass train on the way like outside of office and then he doubles back because he sees me opening weapons door and then he follows me into the dead body area okay i didn't see a toast i did see toast check on me uh in comms i did both of my comms tests the body might have been already dead door was closed on weapons but i didn't open it i don't know where toast was before that steve is saying that you guys already saw the body then it sounds like it is trained no it's not me train your return how could you tell us i mean we grill train for not voting on it is not listen it is not me two things first the timing change second thing steve couldn't understand that uh lights were off oh yikes we passed [Music] [Music] peter and steve were the ones who pushed him right oh they skipped well why did peter skip david is back in the bottom left i've seen him come from the top side here before he went to fill up some water jugs if i die here i die here steve came from the bottom left again double kill and gabby reported her failed double kill yeah i have a very good listen just think about it listen no i passed half one toes i would not kill in front of two high-tier players you really yeah but you didn't vote i did what do you mean gabby didn't fall oh i thought about last game when we threw oh that's why i grew both i think i should have got the record i mean i voted on train last night i was on i got off cams they kill i spam report she reports i'm telling you right now i just passed one twist i would not kill you now i would not kill after passing you're not just passing this second time being heart accused so unless you think by the same people though steve walked in with me i didn't want to say anything because that was a really nice compliment man i'm voting dude are you kidding this is so you think it's me and gabby then for sure okay thank you for the compliment [Music] no matter what happens thank you though i'm going to be mind blown report is insane interesting oh the dk who pushed it it was blue red and that was peter who didn't vote right i should check the water not gabby uh oh oh thank you i mean obviously okay well oh you record it okay no i walked in with you because i think you opened the door but i kept yeah this is a classic half year ago what me walking what circles what what is it what's the classic um wait where are you guys at the classic kill where are you guys at walking in the lights oh this is a classic hill where where the lights get hit where the doors closed half of vince goes around shows up near gabby she's done that can't be us can't be us classic is that actually you sorry from the get-go yeah but this is actually you want to talk classic this is your kill oh uh no actually hoffy this is your classic well i don't know i i don't like killing a satellite because it gets reported right away oh that's true you like the skill also true also i really don't think it's toast it's toasty okay i'm going to vote wait what peter what's your vote that's actually i tried to send train from the get-go he careful he did try and send train from the toast how are you doing who do you think it is toast um well i mean process of elimination it might be peter right dk voted on train i would have followed hafu into lab and killed her i was scared that she was following me because i was trolling and trying to have some fun okay i mean listen i'm going to skip but you just sound [ __ ] so suspicious what the [ __ ] no toast knows i was sending a train from the gaga know what i'm saying [Music] i don't know if it can be hafu man peter was the one that didn't sustrain out [Music] i'm almost done my task he didn't kill me lose that this died about two seconds ago can't be toast he's with me next to me have vitals is that true toast yeah yeah i mean i don't know when this time oh okay i don't know who's throwing here um i saw two in storage i didn't even check vitals because i just figured someone's dead in there and this body is right in the entrance of storage okay i passed toast coming from that general direction but dk is saying this died two seconds ago if that's true then it can't be toast no toast is with me how are you vouching for him when he's with me no that's what i'm saying it's like if you're saying that this body died two seconds ago okay then it can't be toast because i passed them more than two seconds because it literally died and lights aren't off so it has to be you peter so you're not gonna fool me i don't oh for for this to be peter he either had to like kill and then report here or when i reached lido's self report and storage yeah also yes i i just passed you like yeah like peter passed me like very recently yeah that's why he killed and reported that's why it makes sense like he just passed you he killed reported like i'm thinking dk killed what insist what i'm on finals toast comes in the doors are closed bro is that shoe test i mean when i reached vitals he was coming in from the right side peter when you crossed me did you check vitals on your waves yes no one was dead yet no one was dead yet i'm telling you i've been i've been specimen i haven't done oh i think this is still a skip [Music] okay i'm pretty sure this is dk wait tell us i just saw you in office right around yeah i've been table yeah okay i'm pretty sure this is dk then hello yeah what's up excuse me hello can you help us that was awkward okay okay okay i'm in office still okay i'll do it i've been circling the table and saw toast multiple times i don't do it the body is like right next to the com sabotage nice try oh so dk are you the kind of guy to throw your partner out the airlock absolutely he would absolutely absolutely yes he absolutely is this guy peter is trying to get a video on you toast you know i don't upload among this video [ __ ] for me you know that i've told you there's a multiple yeah he wants to pop off he wants to pop off it's just the storage thing doesn't make sense like peter you reported like two bodies i don't think you would self-report there right after passing i wouldn't kill i wouldn't kill in storage and then this man got lasik this guy got massive recently and he's dude do you know how many times i miss [ __ ] with lasik clearly it's a scam because i'm still blind but yes i would not change i would not pass toast and then three seconds later kill someone and then report the body right after i'm voting dk toast i put this this is toast this is a video you did dk that's why i've been keeping you alive he self-reported toast you got the biggest brain i've ever met in my life and i hate you i just want you to know that but like secretly love you did you actually vote for your partner round two holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] figured that out evil i think it was just like too weird for me as imposter to like report that body yeah [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,339,622
Rating: 4.9708543 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, dream among us, corpse among us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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