Creepy Nice Guy Meltdown

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I have to talk about these text messages I can't help it what do you want from me what do you want from me I'm only human these are extraordinary in like the creepiest way imaginable I usually don't like to do the same type of content back to back and yesterday I covered some text messages as well but I can't resist the urge it calls out to me the void beckons and I have to speak on these so the context a lady had an old coworker whom had been fundamentally stalking her for quite some time her and her husband had dealt with this individual for a while and decided to share some of the unhinged messages that they had been sent by him there was a lot more that happened besides these text messages but that's what was shared and what I want to go over fuckle your seat belt here cuz this is about to be a pretty intense ride this is a good read from cover to cover if you like lunacy hey I hope your weekend has started nicely I apologize it took me a few days to feel like I could say this no need to apologize goober I get it had to muster up the courage here hype yourself up in the mirror so that way you could really let the demon out you need to break up with blank and then agree to be my girlfriend with intentions to be my wife and let me explain why so he's basically acting like a car salesman here trying to drive the hard bargain it's like an episode of Shark Tank I'm seeking a wife for 10% equity in my [ __ ] I have no doubt he also had a PowerPoint presentation prepared for this but unfortunately maybe it didn't attach so it didn't send I can provide more for you than he can the independent woman facade you engage in wouldn't be necessary with me I make more than enough money in my job in order to take care of you and provide you with a Lakefront house which I know is a desire of yours I can provide you the free time that you often post about and yearn for to engage in your favorite hobby Ceramics all I ask for you is your devotion in return I know I am perhaps not physically desirable to you which is why I plan to compensate with the lifestyle you often talk about wanting to provide yourself you can really feel the Fedora through these messages it smells of such potent desperate ation it's also very interesting that he calls attention to not being physically desirable to her it's an interesting negotiation tactic exqueeze me Madam I know you may not be physically attracted to me but here's how I can make up for my face looking like turbo ass I know if you could be given an opportunity you would take it because you mostly desire to be able to experience freedom in life it is something painful for me knowing you could have everything you wanted if you would simply agree to be my wife in the future I could also pay off your student loans and car loan which I know you've expressed desire to have those completed in the next 6 years I could do that today with a simple call to your loan companies all I need from you is to immediately move to my property and begin your new life with me Jesus Christ that is concerning I can pay off all this just come join my cult and I promise I am not a rapist or a creep nothing nothing screams good guy quite like needing to clarify that you are neither a rapist nor a creep I mean would he lie to you right I mean that's what a normal person says like by the way Miss I am neither rapist nor creep so you should feel safe around me now come live on my property immediately I am not going to imprison you or shackle you or enslave you to a basement well all right breath of fresh air I was a little concerned about that but now luckily he explained it now there's no reason to feel alarmed anymore about that being a possibility you are free to continue your friendships with your womanly friends and your relationships with your family I would never take this from you I would never force you into sexual situations you do not want to be in I know it must sound so strange hearing this but I feel I must make it clear to you that this is a dream opportunity that will not harm you in any capacity other than dropping your current life boyfriend and job and immediately begin pursuing your hobbies while we plan our wedding I've got a sneaking suspicion that this guy would absolutely shackle her and imprison her in the basement but I imagine she wouldn't be alone down there there's probably quite a few other victims that he has in that basement this is a [ __ ] unhinged creep now it's important to mention that this isn't just some random person sending a bunch of nonsense this is a very credible threat to the safety of this woman so according to the husband they had been dealing with this individual for quite some time and they even went to court over it there there's a lot that this individual has done aside from just these creepy messages and it' been a huge problem for them for a while this is a really dangerous person to be around I hope you're not overwhelmed I know we have not spoken very much in the last 6 years we've known each other I've always known you were supposed to be mine as soon as I met you on March 3rd 2018 he's got that [ __ ] marked in his calendar is the most important day of his life I've never once inserted myself into your life I haven't pestered you for your phone number and we have an occasional chat on Facebook now now that we're not in the same office anymore I've been satisfied with this level of acquaintance ships for years and I understand that you have been with blank since 2012 I understand you were committed to him prior to us meeting but blank you must agree that we have something special we share so many interests and we were always able to have great natural convers conservation when we would attend lunch together during the work day it was an effortless and relaxing experience to share those 40 minutes with you once or twice a week and don't think I forgot how often you paid for yourself a trait I knew was you trying to assert your Independence in front of me oh the delusion the delusion is sickening that's an example of something I've talked about quite a bit on stream where no matter what there are people that will view things in an entirely different lens that make no sense something as simple as her buying lunch for herself was interpreted misconstrued by this [ __ ] Menace as her trying to assert her independ independence in front of him so it's just like this honestly scary situation where something totally innocent like just buying yourself lunch has now completely been lost in the sauce of this dude's noodle where he thinks it was all about him it's so weird I knew then you were trying to show me that you'd love for someone to take care of you I'm ready to settle into a family oriented life and I recall you saying you would have children if you had the financial Capital to do so I know you desire to be a mother despite your current male partner not wanting them you would make a wonderful mother to our children I would ensure you had everything you needed to live the family life of your dream wow I just had a voice crack that was a big voice crack too this man's serial killer stalker Riz just attacked my vocal folds and I know you love the travel before we settle down with children I want to take you to your dream destination list I've kept track of all the places you've mentioned over the last few years that you'd like to visit you always share such a beautiful landscape photos he's like the Zodiac Killer here I bet if this wasn't over Facebook Messenger or whatever it would have been sent via postage letters in the mail using cutouts from magazines for the letters I want to take you to Japan to Thailand to New Zealand to Greece it's like that that classic one Oregon [ __ ] the the dean scream and after that we'll go to the opal mines in Australia for your dream ring and then I'll take you to all the waterfalls the islands have to offer how does this sound my proposition is serious you know I am a serious man I'm turning 45 years old this year and you are turning 32 years old it's time to start making decisions about our fam familial life and how to enjoy our remaining years please know I have never offered any woman this proposition I have a very secure career that I enjoy and will do whatever it takes to maintain in order to have your companionship sexual prowess and motherly raising of our children I will give you everything you desire as long as you agree to be my wife and raise our children a very strong negotiation overall I wonder how she'll respond to this in the Shark Tank hey blank I wanted to acknowledge that I received your message it's really long though so give me a minute to read and respond that feels more like she's very afraid and is doing this out of pure obligation like buying time to figure out how to handle this without setting this guy off on like some kind of Rampage like this violent Outburst which is smart on her part for sure to like very gently navigate this cuz it's a scary situation having a stalker like this good morning I am still awaiting your acceptance of my proposal I look forward to hearing from you oh God he he's he's dropping the hammer now it's all business and he's not taking no for an answer good morning goofball I'm going to be perfectly honest I don't know how to respond to this I don't mean this negatively but I honestly don't know whether or not to take this seriously what I mean by that is I don't know if this is a joke or not you said this is quite out of left field so I'm not exactly sure how to respond to you this proposition is very serious I have to make serious considerations about my familial life as I'm ready to establish this I know I can offer you much more than your boyfriend can it has been 10 years and he still has not provided you with those things you desire most I am a better provider than he is and I will ensure your needs are met please I would appreciate you taking this seriously and giving me a date and time I can come collect your items and move you into my house it's in Northern blank this guy is already convinced that it's a yes and now he's just trying to figure out when he should schedule the college hunks hauling junks to come collect all of her [ __ ] to move in with him so now she fully responds to this surely you have to understand I can't agree to something like this my life is my life because I've built it this way I am not a damsel waiting to be rescued while yes I would enjoy an easier path to achieving the lifestyle I want I don't mind working for it and frankly I'm insulted that you perceive my career to be a choice I'm settled to because I have not found the right man most importantly it's another level of egotistical to assume I would dump an 11-year relationship in an instant for a fantasy pipe dream of yours I mean this seriously I'm not interested in your proposition trading my life for materialistic items and to be breed mare is not something I ever intended to do with my time I don't know you you don't know me you have a limited glimpse into my life through my social media posts what you see online represents a fraction of who I am as a person we were co-workers and nothing more I made this very clear to you in the years we worked together I was in my relationship prior to even working with you yes you're right you never crossed that boundary but instead you spent the last six years building a fantasy and dream life in your mind in which you think I would trade my value as a human being for a Lakehouse and free time for pottery I'm not sure how you became convinced this would be enough to make me leave the life I have built but I need to assure you it's not please do not ask me this again I'm not interested nor will I ever be interested in being your wife and child Bearer so she she lets it all hang out here she pulls no punches she sets the record straight and says it right to his face well as close to his face as anyone will ever come through text messages here breed may now there's no need to insult me I am not propositioning you to live in solitude and to raise children alone I want a family I want you to be my wife specifically and I want to build a family with you I thought you were intelligent enough to understand how great of an offer this is Buddy she is intelligent enough to recognize that her life would be in danger saying yes to you you absolute Maniac you [ __ ] weirdo she is extremely smart to say no to this as pretty much everyone on the planet with any level of survival instincts would you're weird you're dangerous you're creepy you're a stalker everyone's going to be saying no to you I know you're primarily saying no because you don't find me physically attractive if I looked better than your boyfriend I have no doubts you would emphatically tell me yes I didn't know you were so shallow now he's going full nice guy mask off mode even though he wasn't really putting up a nice guy persona in the first place you would learn to be physically attracted to me just as I learned to be physically attracted Ed to you after you gained 60 lb you look much better when you are staying in the 150 to 200 lb range yet I never said a word to you about the fact that you gain so much weight because I realized you were perfect otherwise I realized your looks didn't matter when your soul is what I wanted to spend time with he probably wants to suck her soul out of her body like Shang Tsung like this is he he's this is a threat to her life and she is absolutely making the right call trying her best to get away from this guy and shut it down as hard as possible possible it is simply a trade for a house and free time oh the barter method of course I am offering you the very thing you constantly talked about and post about the freedom to enjoy your existence without Stress and Anxiety there would be more stress and anxiety with you because you are actually dangerous it it'd be a constant like guessing game of whether or not she's going to survive through the night under your roof this guy is [ __ ] scary and he makes it seem like so simple simply in return we are married and have a family family together yeah I mean that's small potatoes that's nothing that's no big deal it's a great trade you get a house and you get the weirdest man in the world a win-win you would learn to love it because our home together would be so peaceful and joyful however perhaps you're right and you are not the woman I thought you were you're attracted to a low-life loser who filed bankruptcy at 25 hit his credit card debt from you you pay his bills while his job while he job hops because he doesn't know how to stay at a job for longer than a year you cried constant at work and had panic attacks not knowing where the money was going to come from and what did you do you worked a second and third job to make in Meet while he P away at putting in applications and not Manning up to do what he needed to do why are you choosing this weak Boy Over Me I am mature career oriented family oriented and I am a devoted partner I would never force you into a position to make up for my shortcomings like your boyfriend does I am better than him in every way and yet you still choose him it is baffling to me why young women like yourself want to be with with the losers and drug dealers who who will end up beating you silly keep in mind this is coming from the same worm the same specimen who had to assure her he's not a rapist and wouldn't imprison her and shackle her I think this guy is the one that most likely would beat a woman silly because he has all of the red flags you could possibly [ __ ] imagine about a man I'm going to fast forward through the second paragraph meltdown here which is just a teary eyed tantrum with him shaking his fist saying I thought you were different you must stay with him for his penis size because I can't even begin to understand how someone as intelligent as you are would turn down my offer a luxury Life free of stress turned down for a life of second guessing and financial strain why what good reason do you have to turn down my offer he immediately goes to wiener size just another huge insecurity here so I'm guessing not only is he physically appalling but he also has has a tiny [ __ ] she says I'm not even going to entertain that message with a response I don't owe you any explanation about why I'm still with my boyfriend even after all his shortcomings I don't owe you an explanation on anything ever I've been wondering all evening what it could possibly be about me that you're so repulsed by that you won't accept the offer of a lifetime yeah it's such a mystery what about this perfect gentle gentleman here and Scholar would she find repulsive I I'm racking my brain and I got nothing I have no idea what what could she possibly not like about him he's he's such a doll my friends are also appalled why aren't you accepting this yeah I'm sure he has so many friends he he contacts all his friends he's like guys she won't just give up her life and move in with me what's wrong with this [ __ ] huh what's going on I huh is she crazy she's crazy right it's not me I'm not the problem right I didn't think so it's definitely her it's everything you have ever wanted and you're turning it down still why you owe me an explanation after I spent years uring I had enough to offer you that's really scary if this guy's whole motivation for like working hard grinding and you know getting money is just to try and act on this fantasy delusion with a stranger that's unhinged well all of this is unhinged but that one's even Wilder because again they're not close to each other they're they're still pretty much strangers uh I'm starting to get very upset by your actions you have one more chance anything less than an emphatic yes will not be accepted so he tries to like bring it down an ultimatum last chance this is the last last ball game pitch here it's got to be a home run yes or I'm out I'm sure this will come as a huge surprise to all of you watching this but she still said no in the most polite way possible [ __ ] off I don't owe you [ __ ] I'll be blocking you now have a great rest of your life I waited all day to see if your little conniption would resolve and you'd come back begging me for this opportunity but I see you've decided to block me on Facebook but too stupid to also block me on messenger at least for now he's now fully in his villain Arc he put on a trench coat sunglasses and he's doing this while typing I see you've blocked me on Facebook but not messenger for now I cannot believe I allowed myself to become entangled in the idea that a beastly fat woman such as yourself would actually choose to settle down with me I can do so much better than you and yet here I was offering you a way out of your wretched life we both know you're settling with blank because you're too lazy to lose weight and make yourself more attractive and you've trained him to be okay with your fat I was willing to let your fatness go to the side because I knew if you had free time you'd lose the weight and retain a more attractive figure for our relationship I'm embarrassed I've spent so much time preparing for this moment and was wasted on a fat [ __ ] who doesn't know when she has struck gold I truly thought you were different that you actually wanted a nice man to be with I see I was dead wrong and she says you can literally suck the juices out of my fat blank and choke on them you absolute trog lodite so at least there's a happy ending here it ended on a positive note for both parties involved so this guy did end up doing the quintessential nice guy sign off that standard song and dance of you know what I am better than you I should have never wasting my time with you cuz you're fat and you're a [ __ ] and you're you're chunky you're chubby and I hate you you're tacky and I hate you you're fat and I'm a nice guy the nicest guy you'll ever meet you blew it you blew it it's on you and you should feel bad I'm not crying you're crying that's where the text message Journey comes to a conclusion like I said there was a lot more outside of text that he did but I only wanted to focus on the texts hopefully they don't have to deal with this individual anymore going forward and uh yeah it's a about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,788,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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