Saddest Twitch Stream Ever

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when it comes to sad pathetic things on the internet I feel like I've seen it all I'm like the Oracle from The Matrix nothing surprises me anymore yet today I bore witness to something so tragically embarrassing on Twitch that it's making me reflect and it's put me in a very somber State feel as though I'm at a funeral service a streamer invited one of her mods to hang out with her in real life and then did a stream that was an hour and 25 minutes of agonizing miserable inhumane torture waterboarding would have felt more pleasant for this mod I imagine she spins the entire stream basically just insulting him he is the butt of every one of her jokes and she kind of just reduces him to a spatoon for her and her chat to spit in and make fun of now I think punching bags get treated with more respect than this guy did and it only got worse the longer the stream went on she had a donation goal where if the stream gave her5 00 she would kiss him [ __ ] one more shot one more shot dang if you ever want to get drunk really fast just have to kiss D you'll be [ __ ] up by then the night's over that is soul crushingly mean-spirited that is downright diabolical saying if you want to get drunk just try and kiss Dilly you'll be [ __ ] up by the end of the night saying that you have to be hammered to want to kiss this guy and this is the itude for the entire stream so she makes it pretty clear that she can't really stand to be around him unless she is extraordinarily drunk so the whole time she is drinking throughout the stream they reached the donation goal so now she's obligated to give them a little smooch can't I do it sorry it's okay can you come closer this close okay yes okay okay whenever you're ready can you Pock her up Puck her up this is I have small lips you SN on me you just snotted on me my little snots went on my leg it did yes I'm so sorry okay oh my God all right come on okay okay sorry I need wash my mouth if I was watching a hostage video where someone had kidnapped my grandmother threatening to Slit her throat unless I paid the ransom I would honestly find that video to be less cruel and more Humane than this twitch stream I just watched this is absolutely brutal my heart breaks for this guy I don't know who he is I don't know what he's done to deserve this but this is like a Divine punishment here this whole thing was her idea this was her donation incentive and now she's acting like it was the worst thing that ever happened to her it's so bad she's got to go rinse her mouth out she's got to [ __ ] brush her teeth and scrub it all down with soap and bleach just to try and erase the stain that his lips put upon hers it's just evil this whole stream is her basically just bullying this guy well Jesus Christ well are you okay I'm good okay I'm back guys sorry I'm good I'm good she's putting on this big song and dance about how gross and disgusting this was when it was her idea she's doing this just to make him feel even worse and put on a show for her chat at this guy's expense like oh this Loveless loser Virgin flew all the way here and oh I just had to kiss him like that's so mean and this should be a wakeup call to her chat that like donates money to her under this idea that she's going to like them or something like that that or parasocial donating to her because they think that they're going to be friends or even more than that this should be the biggest wakeup call your third eye should be [ __ ] beaming from your forehead right now with this out there this is her mod someone who literally like does a ton for her and this is how he's getting treated in front of everybody that's what she thinks of you as well now like I said it's not just this viral moment here the very beginning of the dream comes out [ __ ] guns blazing going Hog Wild about this guy having no shot with her and that she doesn't even really respect him at all oh yeah Dilly is living the dream aren't you so happy to be here yeah it's my dream y'all yeah I've been posting pictures of Dilly every single day on Discord and this guy cannot hang Dilly's eyes are [ __ ] it's because I have cats and he's allergic and he has allergy medicine doesn't he look like grw from this is B cool me sorry every I see d i just start laughing this is the very beginning of the stream this is chapter 1 it's not even chapter one this is the prologue and she immediately comes out of the gate saying that he looks like grw from Despicable Me and she can't help but laugh when she sees him the stream doesn't even make it five full minutes without her making sure to insult him in front of everybody he's just getting publicly flogged immediately she is faying him alive throughout most of the stream again this whole hour and 25 minutes is basically just make fun of Dilly and let the chat make fun of Dilly too it's so mean-spirited and this guy again I don't know anything about him he wasn't even creepy or weird or awkward he seemed like just a very normal guy he even seems pretty nice and really not weird yes he does come across as like a little lonely and a little socially shy but there's no like red flags or anything alarming about this guy at all this must have been hell on Earth for him to not only only get invited out by the person that he clearly cares about since he mods for her but to go there and then just be perpetually insulted directly by that person and the community that you mod for having all these Tomatoes thrown at you throughout the whole thing and on top of all of that be surrounded by cats which trigger his allergies the misery must have been Indescribable like I'm getting parasocial with it because I actually just really do feel bad for him here like Brother come on have some more self-respect have some more confidence you deserve deserve it you deserve better than this treatment here that was just so mean now I already know the cope I know what the excuse is going to be oh she's clearly just pushing his buttons they're just joshing around they're very close friends obviously but I don't get that impression at all these aren't jokes I would tell to even my best friend Matt who I've known since middle school a lot of what she says to and about Dilly is just downright nasty I would never say to Matt like the only reason reason you know your wife ever kissed you is because she must have been blackout drunk and forgot what you looked like or something that's just so [ __ ] up and like she makes statements like that pretty often throughout this stream these aren't really jokes she is just insulting this guy as much as possible to make him a laughing stalk for her stream cute couple baby are not dating I did not claim this sorry that's so mean but I'm don't claim it so yeah one hour stream so every minute counts I made a donation goal $500 I will kiss Dilly so we hit it we hit it but hopefully I will be drunk for that let's take the first shot of the night yeah is it too early no cheers the way she responded to the cute couple statement seemed like she was genuinely offended anyone would even say something like that now keep in mind she's still sober right here so this is still her insulting him with the training wheels on she hasn't even taken the gloves off yet it gets really bad shortly after and I made all the boys go at Dilly to help change his pants so I think Dilly threw away his chunky throat pants in the trash Dilly had the same size hands oh my God you have baby hands no way yeah we have the same size hands that madees you a small dick the astute observers out there will have noticed that I put the stream to two times speed during her story times and I'll openly admit to it the reason is because it was genuinely painful listening to her tell those stories because it's just [ __ ] on Dilly she's putting him on blast as frequently as possible sharing his most embarrassing moments so giving his low lights here's the worst of moments with Dilly here's what Dilly did that was so embarrassing last night you guys need to hear this it's just again so unnecessarily mean and then of course she has to do something about penis size so she says we have the same size hands which means you have a tiny dick your hands aren't even the same size his hands are visibly bigger than yours but again this is just being rude for the sake of it nobody is meaner to tier three subs or twitch mod than the streamer themselves it seems she is so much nastier to her mod than anyone on Twitter has ever been to any mod for any streamer ever now there are a couple times in the Stream that she says that they're good friends so it's all you know in good fun and what a load of dirty Barnacles I think she says that to try and convince Dilly and Dilly he believes it Dilly's bought into that fantasy this does not strike me as two people that are friends this strikes me as her using him for Content as a punching bag that's what this all seems like no friend Dynamic is like this no friendship goes like this of course you're going to joke around with your friends you're going to get mean with your friends but at the end of the day you're close and you know that there's no actual bad blood or malicious intent there I do not get that vibe from this interaction at all cuz it is unrelenting for an hour and 25 minutes and what I'm about to show you here I think is the most foul thing that she said throughout it oh my God go back with my ex or get with for 6 months [ __ ] okay so in case you guys know or don't know uh this I don't want to say his name out loud this ex [ __ ] traumatized me get a g he actually [ __ ] me up okay so either go Del trauma and emotional abuse or date Del for six months tr get back my ex okay next question is it true it's in two times speed because again she was going on a montage of degrading him and then it got to that question would you rather get back with your ex who apparently traumatized her or date Dilly for 6 months and she chooses her ex and then just laughs it off she would rather be in I guess this emotionally abusive situation that she called it and be traumatized then be with Dilly for 6 months why would you even answer this question in the first place that is so [ __ ] up I was stunned when that came around like she knows Dilly is clearly interested in her romantically and yet she uses that as the butt of the jokes like half of the stream is making it clear that she feels she is so out of his league so Superior to him that the comedy is that people would even suggest there's a chance so this question rolls around and she's like oh yeah I'd definitely just go back with the X definitely wouldn't go back or go with Dilly for 6 months I'd rather be emotionally abused than spend time with this guy in front of his face too the guy who basically does work for you on your streams by modding who has also now gone out of his way to hang out with you in real life life and on your stream for your content and now he has to sit there and hear that you would rather be emotionally abused and traumatized than date him for 6 months this guy who obviously cares about you I can't even imagine what a statement like that must feel like to hear and he has to keep himself composed because she's broadcasting all of this to her audience publicly like I I've never met anyone that I've had any kind of relationship with a friend or even an acquaint that has said something that even Teeters on as mean as what she just did right there and she did it right to the face of someone who very clearly cares a lot about her now she laughs it off and moves on to the next question and I think Dilly has been brainwashed by her into thinking that he's a good friend of hers but Dilly I'm just going to hit you with a cold water friends don't treat each other this way she is treating you like a subhuman pile of garbage me personally I would not hit so yeah there is the right or wrong answer me personally how about you rate me first 10 out of 10 oh F you know I'm going to rate I was going to drink that means I'm a six it's okay if it was oh the L loud L anyways again it's just an absolute flurry of disrespect from her towards Dilly but I wanted to show this clip here at the end because I think this is a great summation of how this whole experience went where he rates her a 10 out of 10 and then she refuses to rate him so he playfully is like oh okay that must mean like I'm a six and then she didn't have to say anything she could have just moved on to the next question but she went out of her way to let him know that that's not the case so she says if it was a six I would have said it out loud anyway just trying to take another little stab Drive the dagger deep inside of his heart here to let him know that he is beneath her he's not a six to her and he needs to know it it's so unnecessarily mean it's just being an [ __ ] and nothing more she puts him down every chance she can find she attacks every single one of his perceived weaknesses in her eyes and is doing everything in her power to publicly humiliate and degrade him it is not friendly there is nothing jovial about this whole stream at all it is mean-spirited and just really [ __ ] sad like I mentioned there was a couple of times he tried to cush in the blows like oh we're such good friends this is all okay and then when one of the questions during truth or drink is what was your favorite thing about Dilly she says that he's nice and that he's like just super nice and not awkward those are the only couple of instances where she wasn't just [ __ ] on him and I think she did that because she could see from the chat that people were dog piling onto Dilly and it is just a really uncomfortable stream entirely How likely is it for him to pick up a girl tonight I'm going to answer this honestly honestly you're not getting [ __ ] I think maybe a girl be down to dance with you you know that's a but there's no way I don't think you're getting any RS numbers or going home with I I want to say it's a zero out of 10 well obviously I wouldn't bring anyone back here but I would let you I'm a good friend so if you want to bring a girl back here you can but I'm just being honest I don't see it prove me wrong though you don't prove me wrong I was perfectly content to not show you any more clips from the stream I was just about to end the video but then I remember this moment and I just had to Showcase it even if it's not directly about her she won't even let him think he has a chance with any girl for that matter none like he's not even allowed to go into the club with a good mindset they're they're going to a club later this evening and they were getting hype for it like chat was asking hey do you think he has a chance with a girl and this was her response to it he's not even allowed to have a good mentality going into it because she's already [ __ ] on him beforehand to bring his self-esteem down it's just bullying like she is just a bully to this guy it just doesn't end he's not allowed to breathe for a second a because of the allergies that he's subjected to but B because she is constantly this my Asma of hate to him like he it's just so negative if this was actually any semblance of a friend she would have lifted him up like yeah you're going to get some [ __ ] tonight let's go you know let's have a good time out there tonight that's not what she's doing she's immediately putting him down again for the millionth time this stream who's better looking Dilly or your ex my ex um next question do you have do you ever have any feelings for any of your mods including him hell no that's why they're my mod last clip from this stream I promise but I thought this was an important one I have for a long time preached about how awful parasocial relationships are and how prevalent it is in streaming I think hearing her say this should have snapped a ton of people out of that mentality that just by donating to somebody or modding for somebody in this case that all of a sudden they're going to somehow develop feelings for you or something doesn't happen it won't happen and that is not a healthy Minds set for you as a viewer to be in I wanted to put this here because she just says it with her whole chest right in front of Dilly again per usual here for this stream but it is this is actually an important lesson to learn just because you mod for somebody or donate to somebody if you're a tier three sub to somebody if you've been sub to somebody for years they are not all of a sudden your best friend and they are not obligated to fall in love with you or have feelings for you so tough pill to swallow for some I'm sure but it needs it needs to get through now all that being said what Dilly was subjected to here is nothing shy of heinous nobody deserves this level of public humiliation and I feel extremely bad for him and I'm just genuinely wishing him the best going forward I just had to talk about this because it is one of the downright meanest and saddest streams I've ever seen on Twitch like probably ever I think so yeah that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 7,340,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Q3rPzzZJLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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