Why Is This Tik Tok Creator So Controversial

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who the [ __ ] is lil zan sonny v2 makes these really great videos on a bunch of different topics that i always find interesting uh lil xan is a rat was a rapper i guess i don't know if he does it anymore but lozan's biggest claim to fame was he was a guy who almost died from overdosing on flaming hot cheetos i remember he got sent to the emergency room because of eating too many flaming hot cheetos and that changed the way i approached snacks forever so we have quite a few here that i've stockpiled because i think all of these are pretty interesting i don't know jais though but i was talking to sunny like a month or so ago and he has been blowing up and this just one went wild so i'm assuming js must be a pretty big creator that did some [ __ ] up [ __ ] so i figured this would be fun to learn about a little internet drama despite having incredibly uncontroversial content if you're at a house party and you got a drink in your hand don't hold it up here by your chest try to hold it more down towards your hip this will make you seem more open and confident and people will be more willing to come up and talk to you not true you could just be a giant [ __ ] loser and you could put that beer bottle up your butthole it's not gonna help so bad advice stop giving people false hope you might just suck and you have to accept that you're gonna throw a fit because i didn't make you my priority after a petition to ban only js from tick tock garnered over 400 000 signatures it'd be safe to say that she's a contender for the platform's most hated creator did the did the petition work positions have always like historically been incredibly effective she's gone up four million two hundred there nope exactly four million followers probably these petitions are so effective not bad did you know that your birth month actually has a huge effect on who you are as a person and the things that could possibly happen to you yo did you know that your birth might actually has a huge effect on you and the things that can happen to you in your life people born in march are way more likely to have asthma and i can actually speak to this one because my little sister the only one born in march has asked what the [ __ ] are you talking about what is that real like these are things she actually believes in or is this like some kind of tick-tock meme i don't understand who the [ __ ] actually believes that why do people just like wanna disregard basic reasoning jesus christ astrology is one thing like it's harmless like you can believe in astrology it doesn't really matter or whatever like zodiacs dictate who you fall in love with what or whatever your lottery numbers it doesn't matter it's harmless but do people parade it around as like actual real things like your birth month changes you or has an effect on your life there's no way people actually like believe in that [ __ ] jonathan responded by stating that he'd simply found the information on google and as a result only js was berated and mocked by her audience with him stating that she was in the wrong i have a hard time dealing with the negativity i still don't know what to do anything i've done anything wrong maybe you do but honestly i don't see it what are they talking about it's not even like real anything it's [ __ ] nonsense you got this information from a google source oh my god holy [ __ ] yeah it's like a full-blown reddit post nice man tick-tock is this like its own little ecosystem of degeneracy with this in mind it's barely surprising to find out that approximately six months later an old message would be dug up in which only jesus had said the n word taking center stage controversy what the [ __ ] was that what is it oh yuck uh oh ooh the abortion didn't work oh boy she's she's really going full blown xbox live here even dropping the racism oh my this no this is outrageous on tick tock oh come on now good this was a this was a heated gamer message [ __ ] got crazy she went [ __ ] insano i wonder what the controversy was like what what sparked this message explain how i'm sucking up to luna maybe like fanfic or something maybe i don't know you're a role model to 10 million people bro i hope things get better and i hope you educate how did she respond i wonder there were a couple of comments in support of only js however as a whole and understandably the response was mostly negative hey the best way that jazz could have responded to this expose would have either been no response at all or a short cold call oh my god she's in a rolls royce is this where she did her apology video this is a rolls-royce right they're the only ones that do this starlight thing right so she was born rich that's nuts it's not a royce i thought they had a patent on this we watched the whole video on the dog [ __ ] and rolls royce does i thought they had the literal patent on being able to do this in the interior of a car i don't think it's a filter what the [ __ ] now i sound like an idiot it's not a filter it's a custom it's a custom mercedes it's a custom mercedes top oh okay i see all right maybe i'm misremembering the video but i remember rolls-royce made a huge deal about their ability to put stars in the the roof of the interior and then being the only ones allowed to do it they'd have if i remember correctly they have a full-time star guy his whole job is putting stars that light up in the roof of rolls-royces i'm i'm pretty sure they must have some kind of patent or like a stranglehold on the technology they have one designated grand master star lord for their vehicles which would have actually you're right but she did this diy simply and there is no excuse and there are no justifications for what i said and you guys deserve better and when i first saw the screenshots i didn't even think that they were real because i forgot how hateful and how angry of a person i used to be all that suspense just for it to be trashed the worst insult you could tell somebody was liking black people wow with a scandal being shared across every platform imaginable was that your apology video all right let me just look at the apology video hold on let's get caught up to speed here all right i don't like because i forgot and how angry of a person i used to be why aren't you crying and where's your dog no i know that my words hurt people and i know that my words have consequences well not really the consequences were four million new followers actually but i am so deeply seemed to walk away pretty strong the first book that i decided to pick up was how to be anti-racist by dr ibram kennedy this will push readers that think that they're not racist into beating something better to her credit she did acknowledge that it was a grift in the title stage i know it might come off as performative talking about this at the end of blackout i'm just gonna i'm gonna hit you with a cold water if you need to buy a book on how not to be racist you've already failed i think you're already too far gone what the [ __ ] hey guys i just picked up this book on why murder isn't awesome and it was a real eye-opener for me like it made some points that i never even really stopped to consider and i think if any of you are considering murder you might want to check out this book like it really might steer you in the other direction message so i am sorry for basically ghosting you i didn't mean to do that i just have a very chaotic schedule and adhd on top of that so i genuinely just forgot and it wasn't me trying to ignore you um you could have just hit me up again but instead you decided to go public and try to add public pressure onto me and that's not cool so i don't want to collaborate which once again received a response from aunt karen explaining that she had emailed only.js multiple times with no reply you're gonna put it on me in your voicemail you said i should have emailed you again i emailed you how many times that sounds like a scam back me and in classic only js fashion she'd post another emotionally charged response to this today's episode of what are people mad at me for now not checking my emails in a timely manner because i was choking forgot to respond to an email from this creator that wanted to collab with me and you know instead of just like hitting me up again they made seven videos about it can you please leave me the glow have a diet this is like a chris farley sketch that makes me forget things i couldn't check my email because i was lifting it up and down by the river for example she will post this video you can get your letters delivered for free without any postage if you just put where you want it to go on the return address instead of where it's actually supposed to go which will get the post office activists involved with comments such as yes please encourage people to do activities that cause the already failing post office to lose more money or when she posts this one nothing more than what if bro however it eventually got to the point where only js couldn't even make jokes anymore without being cancelled seriously on the 23rd of may 2021 only js will post the following video if a service dog ever approaches you but they're alone that means that their owner is in trouble and they probably can't move so you should follow him because you'll get a free wallet it was clearly a light-hearted joe ship can't believe this is still up it's obvious that it's a joke but some people may still do it it could start a trend what you post on the internet reaches so many people and some of those people what are you talking about how often is a service dog going to be approaching people and lead them to someone who is injured that surely can't be such a frequent occurrence that it could start a trend on tick tock what in the [ __ ] is going on over there like it's not a good joke or anything like it's just a pretty generic one it's like something that your grandpa would send you in like an old email chain but like what why are they pretending like it's somehow like a terrible thing it's like oh my god someone might actually do this i haven't even i see a service dog like once every six months maybe she's been tested over and over and over yet has been unable to switch off and let things go whenever she's being put under pressure as an end result there's not only it seems like she's only done apology trivia negativity and hatred i thought it was gonna be a lot more that was interesting i never heard of any of that uh let's see how she so she's gone up four million subscribers since this video so she's doing pretty well on that front her followers so she's doing well there what do the comments say do they still bring it up here she posted six hours ago not just everyone being supportive yeah seems like everything's on the up and up i was gonna watch this one as well this is about sam pepper i'm sure a lot of you remember sam pepper if you've been on the internet for any length of time sam pepper was an old prank channel who got notoriety when he did the kidnapping my best friend in executing his friend in front of him prank i'm pretty sure it was faked i'm not really sure but either way it was really disturbing and weird and then he turned into just a full-blown scammer so he's the he's taken big part in a lot of the nft scams over the last four or five months however long it's been he's been like an integral part to scamming people in all of these big crypto scams surprise as those who know the past of sam pepper from his active persona on big brother to his fake pranks on youtube hey that's the one i was talking about built on lies in a similar fashion to dan bilzerian who he unsurprisingly happens to be an acquaintance of judging from an instagram photo taken out the front of bilzerian's la mansion i think unironically being sam pepper has to be truly miserable the man's entire life from everything i've seen has been just living a full-blown lie and i don't think he even has that much money to his name i remember not that long ago i think he was homeless so he just lives a full-blown fake fabricated life and doesn't even make a living off of it because he has so many problems and just wastes all the money he scams what a crazy cycle what a absolutely truly awful existence sam pepper had a prolific reputation on youtube as one of the fakest pranksters on the platform dating back to the early 2010s oh okay i can do these pranks that these other channels are doing he was one of the first internet punching bags however from youtube punching about already big point at which sam pepper's audience discovered that his pranks were fake is pretty damn obvious on his social blade he went from gaining 100 000 subscribers every single month consistently between january 2013 and september 2014 however one month later in october 2014 the growth not only stopped but it began to lose around 10 000 subscribers every single month the catalyst for this massive dive in viewership was a video titled fake hand ass pinch prank and after receiving a barrage of criticism from other cool prank ideas the most recent fake hand ass pinch garnered the most negative attention because he was grabbing women's bottoms without their permission as well as a trending hashtag on twitter stating report sam pepper he had no other choice but to admit that the video had been faked you know another video and that brings me on to making the best friend killing prank yeah that's the one killing prank arguably one of if not the most over-the-top insane youtube pranks of all time certainly crazy enough to put sam pepper's name back on the map involved in the video was the fake kidnapping of two friends after which one of them [ __ ] i remember this i remember this very premise of the video being how will someone react if they watch their friend get killed let's see how he reacts to his best friend of five years being killed in front of him obviously the whole thing was a good prank all three people wanted what would happen if i executed your family cool we'll help you out with it would you find it enjoyable when i reveal they're not dead sam had some success as an irl streamer in the 6 network however he was ultimately dropped after an argument with ice poseidon which had partially been fueled by sam pepper's lack of integrity he's like oh it's okay to lie as long as it doesn't affect anything and that's not okay like why are you telling my girlfriend it's okay to lie to me as long as it doesn't affect anything like dude this is not your relationship after this sam pepper disappeared from the mainstream until crypto scams baby three two one chris clearly set up and probably used a stack of fake 100 bills racked up over 28 million views now the most interesting part about sam pepper's tick tock blow up is that it follows the exact same trend as his youtube journey he blows up with a genuine heartfelt video about saving some duck eggs from a restaurant then progressively makes his content more and more staged and by the end he's claiming that he's won the lottery zero evidence if i play you rock paper scissors and i win can i like rip this down the street rock paper scissors shoot oh my god get [ __ ] idiot in the passenger i'm scared get [ __ ] dummy instagram and an old forum post titled as follows that's just game time yeah man life of luck tick tock although in order to be buying an 8.9 million dollar island in thailand you're probably going to need around 50 to 100 million in order for it to be a comfortable purchase and while sam pepper has had a fairly successful social media career i doubt he has access to that kind of money i can assure you he does want this to rest would be sandpaper he's a serial scammer who is also historically awful with a track record like sam's field no chance it seems pretty obvious that like the rest of his entire career this is nothing more than yet so is this what he does now like full time he just full-time pretends to be a lottery winner on tick-tock i mean it is better than the alternative of scamming everyone now he's just lying again what an interesting loser yeah it means like an og punching bag for the internet and thanks to tim gibson's cobalt appreciate it man killing best friend prank is a timeless classic it really is literally dan bilzerian there's a huge difference between sam pepper and dan bilzerian dan bilzerian was a massively rich kid from birth because of his dad sam pepper pretends to be a massively rich guy from scamming they're both like genuine full-blown liars living a fake life but at the very least dan does have a lot of money to back it up because of his family sam has nothing besides lying on tick-tock and scamming year olds on twitter out of crypto yeah this will be the last one we watch here and then we'll switch to something else sony v2 just makes actual bangers man i love the way he puts out these things on topics i would have never even thought about like sam pepper's someone i think about once in a while and remember just like how pathetic they are but you know lil xan is a name i haven't thought of in so long it was just so what happened years prior that on the very same podcast lil xan was sitting back and bragging about owning three different los angeles apartments wow same one ten floors up now really yep why don't you have another one down the street too and another one uh on the same floor why three apartments one for my uh parents one for me and eli my hacker and then one for uh the hose the hose despite once being what seemed like my dedicated thought apartment over the long run that's where i send the whole inevitable they could never get zan to do the [ __ ] that he actually had to do for his career like i remember i don't think i ever heard one of them ever frustrated there are going to be numerous examples throughout this video of little i only know about him from the flaming hot cheetos we already discussed him dropping a little zan kept missing the meetings either as a result of being disorganized or because he thought the meetings were too good to be true you can't believe everybody it's ellie it was a time when soundcloud was popping up left right and center what does that even mean this meeting's probably not real so i'm just not gonna even think about it i'm just gonna go eat more flamin hot cheetos till i [ __ ] die what a wee just say that you're too [ __ ] dumb to go like no one's going to look at lil xan and listen to him for more than a sentence and be like yep that guy is an intellectual like just own it like you're [ __ ] stupid like you are visibly stupid every word you say is like a caveman trying to speak while having peanut butter in his mouth like just saying like yeah i'm kind of [ __ ] dumb so i kept missing the meetings there'd be a lot more respect to be had there is it like i remember when leslie's album came out right and i remember having a conversation with with stat and being like what you think about because it was pretty obvious that the album was bad and put in like no work for the album and i remember having that conversation with him and if it was up to stat xan would have been sitting in the studio recording every night and instead he was just doing drugs and having randomized girls come over every night the other issue might have been that after the insane success of his single betrayal might have been lured into a false sense of security about his future and how he's an artist you have to keep working uh what they what they don't tell you is that you coast totally fine um there's another hill you gotta you gotta keep going from little zan's perspective [ __ ] love i was instead the fault of his management i dropped like a mixtape is the actual goat positive laugh about ruining a 1 200 hoodie after leaving it on the floor so everything is on the floor expensive hoodies 1200. and then go on to purchase two copies of the game destiny with the goal of showing the store some love honestly probably the destiny now you could probably make the argument that this was just like it's like it's like target however there was plenty of hey target this one's for you two destiny copies right now in this [ __ ] and i'm not a hero okay i'm just doing me all right i am a hero [ __ ] it fine all right you need an autograph okay i'll take all my homies i'll spend seven hundred dollars to take seven of my friends in there just to see it butterbeer and we did it and i don't film it or nothing in addition to this little zan would take this is stupid that's just really stupid the price of it it's not even cool it's just embarrassing it's not a flex sad everybody now if we ignore the fact that little zan would go into key his own car whilst angry at a later date i just did this to my car why what the [ __ ] i just bought it the levels of stupidity for this purchase go pretty deep alone to buy a car [ __ ] on the 21st of december 2017 just before he'd buy the car lorzann would make a tweet which read as follows if you live in the inland empire la area and want to meet me tonight pull up to 100 to 110 north 5th street redland ca 92373 united states at 7 30. now it's hard to call xan an idiot for this i can't imagine more than like 25 people showed up and the average age had just been 16. i gave like a four hour notice i was heading to my hometown so i tweeted a location and then i just expected what like 50 people to show up that's just how i am oh i got there and this video is on youtube it's like two thousand people but i gotta find off because a lot of damage is the cars and the streets to haunt him the industry just doesn't care they just want you to pump out hit records and when you're useless to them just leave you in the dirt you know in this video a little zamboni that he is absolutely right about that just that quote gang member oh you're a snitch now bro he didn't make you do that all this stuff like bro how am i a snitch did i go to court and rat on my gang i don't have a game you're not as you can't snitch if you're not a gang member bro miss me with that i'm trying to help other artists in particularly my same similar situation in the instagram livestream little zen help them with what these men i paid literally it's all my money in the car and he won't give it to me without thirty thousand dollars to take full ownership of his g wagon a declining follow account across each of his services for seven months it seems like this could possibly be the end for little zan's career nah he's he's about to make a big comeback i feel it man i didn't know any why didn't he talk about the flaming hot cheeto moment i i don't even know lil xan from his music back in it must have been like 2019 maybe it was 2018. there's a big story that broke about lil xan of how he went to the hospital in the actual er because he ate too many flamin hot cheetos and it made his tummy hurt that's not the only reason i know him he's pumping a crypto scam on his insta story right now that is the most like 2021 2022 [ __ ] ever everything's going wrong that you guys see these nfts like what's up
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 9,617,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1dyEnFm3J58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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