This is What A Real Demon Looks Like

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I hope you slept well last night because you may never sleep again after watching this I'm going to show you what a real demon looks like in our world if I asked you to picture a devil I think a lot of you would go to Like Him from Powerpuff Girls like just that really classic red monster with horns but in real life that's not what a devil looks like this is what it looks like Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland is a preacher evangelist whom I've referenced many times in the past that exploits religion for financial gain he is extraordinarily Wealthy by taking advantage of the people in his faith and he does all of it with a smile on his face and an attitude that resembles just pure evil he is what I believe to be a wolf in sheep's clothing as they say let me show you one of his most famous interviews which is going viral again which is why I wanted to talk about it where he was interviewed by Inside Edition about his lavish lifestyle how are you sir we'd just like to ask you about why you don't want to fly commercial why have you said that you won't fly commercial you said that it's like getting into a tube with a bunch of demons why do you think that yeah he's one of those private jet preachers that I always like to insult and call attention to the hypocrisy of people like him these evangelists or heads of mega churches that live a life of outrageous luxury financed off the backs of those in their congregation who are donating under the guys that it's going to help further their faith or help the church or something like that when really all it's doing is enabling them to live a lavish lifestyle always it always just makes me sick to my stomach it runs so counter to the Bible that I have no doubt in my mind they will likely be going to Hell Without God even giving them a consideration of entering the Pearly [ __ ] gates up there it is deplorable it is just diabolical stuff and yet it is so common I just recently talked about an online pastor who blamed his cryptocurrency scam on God saying that God made him make a shitcoin to scam the people that follow him which has to be one of the most Blasphemous things you can ever say as a pastor but he had the gall the [ __ ] hootspa to blame the crypto scam on the Lord and you're going to see this a lot throughout this interview and if you ever dive into this Rabbit Hole of corrupt pastors they always use their connection with God as the excuse well God actually wants me to have a whole Fleet of private it's actually very Christian to be wealthy and it's just a complete bastardization of what the Bible's supposed to teach no no listen to me just a second not the people the main reason is because of the need if if I flew commercial I'd have to stop 65% of what I'm doing baloney what a load of horseradish you wouldn't have to stop 65% of what you're doing If you flew commercial you can fly commercial and still reach all of the same places there are more planes in the sky right now than there is poop in my butt and trust me there's a lot of poop in there cuz I haven't taken my morning [ __ ] yet you can fly commercial and still do all of the same work you've been doing and it's not like you're doing important work Kenneth all you do is you're basically like this dementor who sucks money out of everywhere he goes it's that's not important work you're just perverting Christianity to fit your own agenda of making as much deons as you possibly can acrew in this lifetime isn't it true that you want to fly commercial so that you can fly in luxury how much money did you pay for Tyler Perry's Gulf Stream jet for example well for example that's really none of your business but isn't it the business of your donors listen I paid you kind of caught me off guard here okay certainly well if you like to come out here I'd like to give you a chance to to catch your breath and he's floundering here because he knows there's really no way of justifying this when actually confronted with the question he usually relies on the Bible as a shield from criticism so all the people in his faith if they question him he says oh well you're questioning God but now he's actually getting interviewed by someone who's done their research and is actually talking to him about how his lifestyle is the complete opposite of what the Bible talks about and he doesn't really know how to defend it cuz there's no way of doing that it's also very telling the way he views all the people around him by calling them demons in a tube when talking about flying commercial and why he just won't do it cuz he can't stand to be around people in general he just wants to use them for his own financial gain it's a [ __ ] sickening perspective and his mannerisms the way that he does these like creepy smiles and his gestures all of it is so menacing and have a conversation we don't want to we don't want to catch off guard I Love Inside Edition you got to get this now hey you listening to me my my wife thinks Inside Edition is oh yeah now that'll send a shiver down your spine the way he acts and the way he sounds all of it is what I imagine it would look and sound like if a demon was ever made Flesh on this planet he is what I would picture the Antichrist looking and acting like oh just like disturbing listening to him speak my wife thinks Inside Edition is oh yeah what does that even mean like he he's clearly trying his best to like suck their [ __ ] like inside edition is incredible I can't believe you guys would do this to me when I'm such a fan of yours it's just weird it's so off-putting everything about him feels so fake and Sinister thank you Lord help me just let me let me pray just well let me let me just ask you a really simple question a lot of people think it's Unbecoming for a preacher to live a life of luxury and to fly around in private jets what's your response to to that very simple it takes a lot of money to do what we do we have brought over aund let's see this the latest figures just came out uh 122 million people to the Lord Jesus Christ can you show me the Carfax on that I I'd really like to see uh the data to support that claim what I think happened is you brought in $122 million that's that's not necessarily bringing people to the faith you know what I mean that's more like bringing bringing the clams to the to the bank is what it seems more to me I really appreciate the Inside Edition interviewer not pulling any punches just playing hard ball here she is absolutely cooking Kenneth she is slapping his cheeks on the grill and whipping up a fine ass Patty here at the barbecue today watching Kenneth squirm is priceless and you're going to see his defense mechanism as it is for a lot of these corrupt past is always like I need to pray hold on wait a minute I'm getting a message from God it's a transmission into my cerebral cortex hold on a minute then he's like oh Lord I pray wait wait hold on a second Inside Edition he's [ __ ] I'm getting overcome with the faith again he said I need another private jet oh yeah like it's one of those things where in the middle of being confronted with an indefensible statement and or an indefensible act they desperately cling to hold on I got to pray real quick like no I'm I'm I'm a good person because God's talking to me and I got to pray I'm so overcome with it I've got to pray and you see that time in time again when it comes to this it's pathetic and it's honestly an a front to God I would imagine to try and use him as your get out of jail free card that [ __ ] again that's got to be Blasphemous it's got to be without the airplane that we have that I bought from Tyler Perry and I didn't pay anywhere Tyler is one of the greatest guy he made it he made that airplane a't so cheap for me I couldn't help but buy it case closed it was such a good deal he was losing people's money by not investing it in that private jet man thank God for Tyler I I have no doubt the good Lord put Tyler in the position he's in today just so he could give Kenneth Copeland a private jet at a great deal to continue to spread the good word and the gospel well my question then well okay all right but I want to get to the demons cuz people are very concerned about that comment chance here Inside Edition I love your eyes and uh I don't know what all this was here it was like a cat playing with a toy he was just like swatting at her or something to get her to stop and then he gives her a random compliment out of nowhere just like a rogue statement uh you have great eyes what the [ __ ] is that why are you so unhinged he's all over the place here here's what happened we flew in 21 days 70 hours 40,000 miles touched five continents and preached face to face personally with 125,000 people do you ever do that what in the [ __ ] are you yapping about he's huh what are you blabbering on about that has nothing to do with your statement about the demons in the tube from commercial airlines you can't be caught dead around this [ __ ] this is a nothing burger what are you talking about this is again dodging it and just putting it on like oh we do great work work that can only be accomplished through the use of a private jet we couldn't reach all of these places commercial it wouldn't make any sense it's got to be a private jet a very luxurious one so I can be closer to God up there in heaven it's [ __ ] ridiculous do you ever use your private jets to go visit your vacation homes for example yes I do okay again getting back to the comment you said that you don't like to fly commercial because you don't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons do you really believe that human beings are demons no I do not and don't you ever say I did we wrestle not with flesh and blood but principalities and Powers he was so close to letting the mask slip off his face right there in that moment I really thought he was about to reach over and start strangling her like Homer Simpson to Bart like he gets the finger out and he he gets really Stern and serious that look that he gives her that would strike fear in the hearts of anyone his facial expressions are so exaggerated he's like a Pixar character the way that he's able to constantly have these wide range of emotions that he conveys like that the way he flips from infuriated to like smiling at her in the creepiest way possible it's alarming everything about this guy should be sending you into a fight ORF flight response as opposed to just throwing money at him it should be running away from him can you explain what you meant by that that by that term then just just explain because it's really simple you said you didn't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons what did you mean the well let me ask you do you think that people that fly commercial are demons if you give me a chance to talk sweetheart I'll explain this to you but it's a Biblical thing it's a spiritual thing it doesn't have anything to do with people people I love people Jesus loves people that's probably the first truthful thing he's ever said in his life I have no doubt that Kenneth Copeland loves people because people are the ones that Finance his lavish lifestyle they pay for his private jet vacations that he goes on all the [ __ ] time out the Wazoo so I know he loves people I'd argue there's only one thing Kenneth Copeland loves More Than People wallets and sticking his dick in there and just [ __ ] them raw taking as much money out of it as you can possibly find through misleading them through the faith and exploiting them and taking advantage of them that's the only thing that he loves more than just people in general would be my bet so again he will not just answer the question of what he meant by being in a tube with a bunch of demons on it and the Inside Edition interviewer continues to press that which I really appreciate he continues to just tiptoe around it let me ask you a question no goofball just answer it yourself just say what you meant say it with your whole chest but people get pushed in alcohol do you think that's a good place for a preacher to be and prepare to go preach to a lot of people when somebody in there is dragging some woman down an aisle it made me so mad to see that on television I wanted to punch the guy out myself I can't be doing that while I'm getting ready to preach so you just don't like to be around the sinful people or the the hurtful people is that what you're saying not the people baby not the people back during the days that we couldn't do anything else we had to travel commercial the saddest period in his life when he had to fly commercial God bless I can't believe he made it out alive with that yeah that's horrifying horrifying uh but again Kenneth you're directly referencing people when you're talking about this you gave an example of a man dragging someone down the aisle like what you're literally talking about people and you're like no not the people what the [ __ ] are you talking about he brings up like alcohol I can't be around alcohol in commercial that's not a good place for a preacher what the [ __ ] the reason he won't just say what we all know he meant is because he knows that even the most brainwashed in his following would hear that and get a very bad impression of it because he is basically calling them demons and that could potentially hurt his bottom line we wrestle not with people but with principalities and Powers unseen things rulers of the darkness of this world talking about the Devil he's a very real devil just the same as Jesus is a very real lord yeah I'm starting to agree Kenneth I feel like I'm watching an interview with the devil right now he continues again to just try and start spouting sermons that are pretty unrelated to this whole thing he then talks about how many jets they have and uh well he still has no way of Defending it in any meaningful capacity because you can't really defend it cuz there is no Universe where a preacher needs this level of wealth to do what they do it's gluttonous that's a sin Kenneth it's corruption blatant corruption and it comes from the at least partly from the donations of just normal people that go to these mega churches or go to these traveling evangelists that kind of [ __ ] it comes from them trying to better their life but they're doing it through a con man who's taking advantage of that desire and it's [ __ ] sad they it always makes me Furious Kenneth Copeland is one of my least favorite people on the planet and has been for the better part of a decade I've talked about Kenneth for a long time now and I'm sure I will continue to do so because this guy is going to most likely live forever because he is propped up by the puppet strings of Lucifer himself so this guy he's he's probably going to outlast everybody on this planet at some point but the main thing that happened was not that wasn't the main reason the main reason was I could no longer do what I called to do and be on the airlines besides that I need my clothes when I get there and so and you have some fancy clothes I mean for a pastor you are living a life of luxury you've got great homes you've got great planes you you drive in limos I'm a very wealthy man you're a very wealthy man yes cool I guess if I was someone that was putting money into the church and what I believe would be a man of God I think the number one thing I wouldn't want to hear is that he just uses it to be a wealthy man with a bunch of really fancy clothes cars and private jets feels like it defeats the whole purpose don't you think I also can't help but focus on his turkey neck that keeps jiggling every time he speaks it's like a like paper in a in like a strong gust of wind constantly his neck like there's so much loose skin on it it's it looks like the rudder to a boat or something and it just keeps [ __ ] flapping around and it distracts me uh I I my wealth doesn't come from offerings alone because you sell things books and DVDs yes and I have a lot of natural gas on our property didn't know that did you babe now I do now you do a't that wonderful you realize that you still just did a big self-report there don't you Kenneth you said that your wealth doesn't come from offerings alone which means some of it does which means some of your wealth is taken directly from the offerings of those in your churches and those that believe that what they're doing is for the greater good of the faith not to line your pockets you openly just admitted to that but it will run something in the neighborhood of 20 25 million in the poor can't do that and be broke so final question is a lot of people maybe have a misunderstanding then about what you do and prosperity preaching so the final question is this to those critics that say that a preacher should not be living a life of luxury what is your response to that they're wrong that's it that enough said hey check mate now give him more money for being wrong and hurting his feelings so he can get himself a new private jet to dry his tears with he says that he invests 20 to 25 million in the poor what what what do you do how do you help them seems like you just take money from everybody what do you do with that 20 to 25 million that you apparently invest in the poor I looked it up and I couldn't really find anything on that there's really no information on it I'm super curious now seems like just kind of a lie maybe invest 20 to 25 million in like smaller businesses that serve less wealthy areas or something I have no clue but I can't find anything where he's like directly helping anybody except themsel actually it's a misunderstanding of the Bible that if if you go into the old Covenant do you think the Jewish people believe you should be broke are you saying that Jewish people appreciate money more than they believe in wealth some people would find that offensive no wait a minute now I'm not talking about some people I'm talking about the Bible shit's getting really weird now and Kenneth copelan is clearly struggling and sweating this has nothing to do with the Bible either by the way because the Bible makes it clear and no uncertain terms that this house of worship should never be used as a place for like Financial benefit for those involved like you know that moment a lot of people recall from the bible where jesus flips a table they might forget why that happened so I'm going to go ahead and post this Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves it is written he said to them my house will be called a House of Prayer but you are making it a den of robbers this is has been brought up before and I have seen a lot of slimy excuses and really weird interpretations of that to still justify taking a ton of money from people in the church but the way I always interpreted that and really the way I was kind of taught when I was still very religious back when I was growing up like I mentioned I actually got baptized twice in case the Lord slept through the first one like if his alarm didn't go off to watch it I did it twice just to ensure but with this I was always under the impression that the lesson is that the faith should never be used as just a way of making money from people through it the Bible also says that it's more difficult for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for a camel to get through the eye of a needle correct the rest of the scripture but he said all things are possible with God I thought that was a really good dunk from the reporter there that Kenneth copelan tries to weasel his way out of I don't think it's a really good excuse though that's kind of a copout oh yeah you know it does say that in the Bible but it also also says anything's possible through the power of God when that's an excuse you see a lot of terrible pieces of [ __ ] use what's the expression sin six days of the week ask forgiveness on the 7th repeat the cycle something like that he's basically just saying like yeah no it does say that and me taking all this money from these people maybe it is sinful but hey anything's possible through the power of God I'll probably still get into heaven cuz he forgives anything so who cares I'll do what I want and then ask for forgiveness and and get it both of my grandfathers were preachers they were both very poor they lived simple modest lives they were extremely offended by men that made money like you do preaching like you do what would your response be to people that think that preachers shouldn't live this kind of a lifestyle folks like my both my grandfathers and I understand that and I love them with all my heart it's it's your grandfather's that we're standing on their shoulders not exactly an inspiring thing to say it's your grandfathers that I have built my Empire on top of the preachers that were actually doing some good work and being genuine people well I was able to exploit that good reputation for myself I'm standing on their shoulders it's thanks to them they're the real heroes like oh my God they're turning over in their grave right now hearing that statement that is abhorent sir thank you so much for your time today Lisa Guerrero Lisa God bless father bless Lisa today thank you for her grandparents I love inside aition I love the people on it and it Thrills me to get a chance to have my face on inside Mission thank you very much Reverend you have a nice day yes that's where the interview concludes and I think Kenneth copelan is a real [ __ ] I think that guy is evil he everything about him is exactly what I would picture a demon on this Earth disguising itself as to a te it's almost cartoonish how evil his Aura is so yeah anyway that's really about it see yeah
Channel: penguinz0
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Id: 20y2Alkbc30
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Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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