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whoo I just got a good one I'm not telling you hey guys this is Steph from Stevens stuff Raziel killers today is the much-awaited gift card day I am checking 300 gift cards today I've got more trust me look at this this many more these are just Barnes & Noble and I'm not checking these today I'm just gonna limit it to 300 and these are various stores these are all Ulta and these are all the others that are just different random ones I've got a little list of how many of you have of each and I'm going to what I wanted to do was count up first of all have 300 and see how much time it takes me and how worth it is it to get gift cards you guys see me grabbing them all the time when we're dumpster diving and I think well I don't let you guys be the judge if you guys think it's worth it or not for your time I personally find it therapeutic to sit there and type in because I come from an accounting background so I love to use my ten key on my laptop I've got a little portable one and on my computer obviously I use the ten key there so I really enjoy sitting there and typing in the numbers it's fun it's relaxing and it's sometimes you get a little jackpot sometimes you get most let me get nothing but when you get that little jackpot of even if it's a penny it's still fun so I really like doing it I just wanted to show you guys how I do it if you guys think it's gonna be worth it hey babe you want to see how many you think how much money do you think I'm gonna find on these 300 gift cards there's only three there comes Steve this is 300 goodness this is 300 that's a lot of gift cards it is umm let me guess how much money is on it yeah how much money am I gonna find and of course it's gonna vary every time because sometimes you find might find one jackpot one and some time you're gonna find a lot of little ones so let me feel it okay this will tell me I'm only gonna fill one one wet one stack yeah how much money down there you gotta show them what you're doing I'm just feelin it um that's a lot of gift cards I will say you will find I have $25 as the first thing that came to mind I didn't think it was gonna be 300 so I'm gonna save $35 35 well here we go wish me luck wish me better more like I hope we find $6,000 just kidding do I need to change I do you know something that I told about these things no all right I'm sticking to what I said and I think cuz I'm thinking like I mean if you had a dollar a piece on each one that would be freaking amazing there's not that's the time when I grab them they're all zero I mean it's because there's a mistake sometimes if there was a dollar on every one 300 bucks yeah right now did it take you know time to collect them yeah all right I'm sticking to my guess okay a lot of you guys ask why why would there be any money on there basically what happens is somebody goes to the register and they pay for their gift card like say bye-bye baby gift cards and a lot of people register and they've got a bunch of gift they get a bunch of gift cards for their baby shower then they get to the register they're paying for it they're like $25 on this one $10 on this one I got you know $5 one I got this leftover one at four dollars and 27 cents and it comes up $200 okay well here's my gift cards and you've got a balance and so sometimes they give them customer the empty one back we've heard a lot of people have told us that the debts happened to them where they go to the register the pay and the salesperson just makes a mistake gives the wrong one back sometimes it'll have one cent that's usually what it is it'll be a couple cents 20 seven cents here and there and the customer doesn't to carry this around they're never going back in the store again they don't want to carry that around forever so they just chuck it so it's not really common for most of the time you're gonna check them there's gonna be nothing but sometimes there's a mistake we've heard of people who've gotten hundreds of dollars on them one of our subs who's another dumpster diver they they found two $100 gift cards in Barnes & Noble in their trash in with a bunch of coffee grounds that of Starbucks in there so imagine that jackpot I mean I don't know how they got in there we don't there's no way to know the story about why something goes in there but there's sometimes money on these and sometimes nothing so let's see how it goes okay the first thing I'm doing is I'm making my stacks I've got this whole box with gift cards bags you have gift cards all over the house so I'm just gonna do what I've got right here in front of me cuz first thing I'm gonna do is have to go through each of these gift cards have a little plastic thing on here and take a plastic razor blade peel off that on every single one of them because they need to expose the number and the pin so I'm gonna do that on all these but first I want to sort get them all ready cuz it's easier to check one whole store roll them on the website check this whole store roll them on the website so that's what I'm doing okay for this sitting look at how many Barnes & Noble ones they have and their gift cards are not fun to check they have a reCAPTCHA that makes you select things I'll show it to you later but it's not fun so I'm gonna skip these for now and focus on all these other ones mmm these are all my ulties and those I took out all the store credit ones these are the ones that actually have a little number on the back so not a lot from some of these other stores so these would be fun to check because I haven't checked them so let me start checking and peeling here's how I do it take a big piece of tape and move some of these out of the way take that I'm gonna take my little plastic thing feel and stick it on there okay as of right now peeled off all these here's the fruits of my labor that's all my little skim stickers will stick on there that's a lot I checked all I peeled off a lot if you go to the website pretty much all of these are gonna be on their website usually in a section maybe at the top it'll say something like gift cards so you just click on it and I'll take you to a section where you hear it stuff like this it'll say check your gift card balance and then the pin that's what I filled a little sticker off of so your balance is zero on that one so that's how I'm gonna check all these one by one by one over and over so wish me luck [Music] got a to center that down look like it's funny if you found two cents I get excited when I find two cents in the dumpsters though no big deal I like finding free money so two cents I'm excited makes it worth my while okay I could not find staples where their gift cards are I'm might have been looking right at it but I love gift card granny it's a great website to buy gift cards I buy from at least you can shop all the gift card sites they have a thing up here called check gift card so I'm gonna find staples and they've got a thing that'll take you right they've got it set up it'll take you right to wherever their gift cards are so when I check my balance for staples and there it is so let's check this is a weird card and this is on the staples website not giftcard granny it took me here okay so it's probably just something we're here six of the sick okay anyway that's a good tip to use ooh I just got a good one I'm not telling you but I just wanted you to know I was excited okay let's just say it's over $5 and under $10 all right I don't know eight at this pile I appreciate the drama like I like that but every time I have one every time like recently there was a big one you know talking about uh-huh and then you tell everybody but now you're shouting it out celebrating and I'm asking for him you're not telling me okay you don't even make the mistake of telling me you want me to show this to you no I know you didn't I know but you with my stuff you blurt it out with your stuff you're you have enough discipline to not even Sychar them every single one of these but I know that you'll want to do a reveal all right I don't want to hear anything you'll ever reveal as much as you have to build up to the review it's fun and like that's why you're welcome I gave you one now yeah I know there's something good so my guy should have changed my cousin anyways dude that was my stuff okay honey I'm spilling the beans they're gonna see one it might be reversed to you guys don't tell Steve I showed him all right all right all right I'm just gonna stay here on gift card granny since that was pretty easy let's go to Bath & Body I just got a good one 869 not bad yeah I've been checking forever and I just found a huge one I'm not gonna tell you the dollar amount but it was on Apple you remember that Apple one that I found it was in the Barnes & Noble dumpster and it was just the other day like maybe day before yesterday I don't know what it was just the other day and it was in I think it was their lost and found so it's a big one I've got to show you I'll tuck I'll let you know when I tell Steve cuz I don't want him to know I don't want to say out loud and he can hear me so I just found a good one I'm excited started in started doing on the Altos and I'm probably I don't know where they started to put seen here but that far end of my huge massive pile and look at this one 30 bucks right there 30 even on this card haha yay okay so I've gone through my 300 gift cards and some of them some of them ended up being not working which is normal some of them just like you know it was a blank whenever Grant registered system of them were nothing some of them were ones I couldn't check like some stores like Pet Smart I think it is they don't have a thing where you could check it you have to call and I'm not calling there are some that were just mistakes I didn't even have them in there so they'll give or take but I also found a few there were a few that just randomly and my purse I found a couple sitting in there I found a couple other ones randomly - hey big yeah you want to see how much we made okay mm-hmm okay are you getting ready to tell me yeah okay well you're smiling that's a good time most okay I'm gonna do some of these are gonna see in the video just Eve's gonna edit and he'll put some of them that you're gonna see but just to summarize it up 3,000 good cards she checked got a penny on bye bye baby Jenny I'm Bob a baby five dollars on this Ulta 27 cents on this Ulta whoo-hoo I'll wait on that one cent on this bye bye baby yeah 57 cents on this bye bye baby killing it three cents destroying it wait where are we at right now 30 cents so we're I think we have five dollars no 41 cents beautiful two cents yes all right no no cash in too thin yeah I told her I want my two cents yeah okay one cent it wasn't to a store what are those blank ones okay no we got money go 86 cents an adulterer creeping out okay here we go think about all those one sense though where do they go somebody the store keeps it nobody ever redeemed any story all right so then we've got eight dollar Ulta okay there was a five dollar also in there too that's not bad no um pick up a dollar eight dollars and 69 cent bye bye baby good job I'll pick up a penny to be honest with you can I do 2196 on CBS that's pretty good I only found eight CBS cards to even chow I haven't found I don't find them very often though and one that $8 even okay so that's pretty good yeah $30 on this Ulta are you kidding 30 30 diamond ice I'll keep this one no that's not the best one this isn't the best time what was my guess uh I don't remember either way I'm happy right this one I can't see it it's backward on the Apple card where did that come from this isn't the bar no that was recent and it hasn't been registered I know a lot of people say why don't you give it back to the people who you got it who originally went to there's no way for me to find out I can't this one hadn't been a step and put on anybody's Apple account I put it on mine so it wouldn't have left me if somebody else had had it registered to him and even if I did have it and found it who it was I'd have to call Apple they're not gonna give me their person's address so sorry um my grant to it awesome all right honest with you this here just this cart alone for the amount of time it takes to gather these that's worth it so took grand total 126 dollars and 14 cents that's fantastic yeah good job Thanks no shards 126 dollars and 14 cents so is it worth it to grab gift card I have said that it's a waste of time he keeps telling me don't get gift cards what like if you're in there focus on the big stuff so we can move along but I did say when you check these will we'll be able to say if it's worth that are not worth it like if you check all these and you get $5 it's not worth it no hundred dollars is worth it but sometimes I might check it and there might be you know those at $400 and sometimes it might be $10 it doesn't it doesn't take long to grab them so if you're out there for a rainy day you don't have to check them for a years you don't want to those are all Barnes & Noble ones I haven't checked those yet yeah I think I think it's worth getting like you said you can gather up a bunch and if you like doing it if you like checking them I do you don't care how long it takes you but you just have your pile and then one day you just start checking them and how long do you think it took you um I did it in different little sittings because you know stuff came up we left for a little while came back that's another thing you don't have to just sit down and go straight through it no I didn't think I was gonna finish it but I wanted to get it done so we could get the video out so um the answer to me is yes check it there's gonna be stores that I know now I'm not even gonna bother checking some of them because I can't check I'm like Tuesday morning I can't check their dollar amount they don't have it on their website almost all of them do but Tuesday morning doesn't some I can't I mean I could call for the few that we ever find there I could call and find out the balance logical don't yeah some of them like Barnes and Noble takes me a lot longer to check theirs because they've got that reCAPTCHA on there where it just shows the little pictures and there's takes me way longer than the other that Apple one took me about one second all I did was logging in my iTunes accounts hold it up to the camera and a camera scanned it and knew the numbers on here well on our account I think that I agree you should get them because it's it's fast to get them right there in their light you just shove them in your pocket you're done it didn't hurt anything you know and it's free money this money is not it's gone now it's the stores money that's in the trash and the store just gets to keep it so why not have somebody use it better than you use in the store and if you collect these things and you don't like you could take as long as you want so you know you got a massive pile and then one day you're like rainy day I need some crack you go checking these you need crack to buy you're cracking me you need crack you need to get some money to get some fresh meat meat diapers on wet diapers okay you need die please I mean you just say I'm gonna check these cards what if I check the cards or what if you did it's like putting pennies in a little jar you get a bunch of these cards and then one day you go to check them it's almost somebody's birthday or Christmas and you look down you got $500 and you're saying I'm not getting them anything that's right keeping just $500 here's the thing - a lot of you guys might say you know what I I'm too embarrassed to go to the store and give him a three cent gift card a $0.57 gift card like a stack of gift cards but you can go on the website like Ulta I've got 35 like 30 under $40 somewhere around there 37 dollars of Ulta I can go on their website order something and I can type in this code this code this code and nobody's embarrassed it doesn't matter they're not gonna know it's from 10 you know Peters not gonna judge me and say oh you got these and you know wet in the store when to say this was my gift card and I had 57 cents left on there I'm keeping this for why wouldn't I use it I'm not embarrassed they don't know it came out of a dumpster that's a carolien it's brilliant buy them because all these cards if they have a penny here and a penny there yeah nobody is gonna most people will not do the 50 cent since so those stores are making tens of thousands of dollars I mean probably more than that I mean cuz this adds up when you look at all their cards that they're going through but I think that's good to stress what you just said on the you could do it online you don't need to walk into a store and give me my penny although that would be funny I do mean I want my pin oh I got a penny left on this card I wanted to pay me back I've a hundred and twenty gift cards I checked for Bed Bath and Beyond and bye bye baby and one two three four five six seven eight of them eight of these had money left on him so eight out of 120 Ulta one two three four five five of them had some money and I checked 136 of them so my ratio is better for Bed Bath and Beyond by far the the ones normally that are like a Visa gift card these are the ones that seem to have more money on them typically no they need the pin these are the ones that typically because the store can't check them if in it if a customer goes in there and says hey I have this gift card how much is left on it and they say it's 67 cents or whatever it's gonna be then you got it in your purse but the store can't look up to see how much is left on this one so if in you know say somebody goes there do their registry they pay with this they pay with all these other little ones all added up they don't know how much is left on this so they might just throw it away yeah so these if they have somebody's name on them you have to know their zip code and you could try your zip code hopefully it's the same one and you can use it if it's there but the ones that are blank most immoral like this in their blank they don't have any name on it and these are the best ones they usually have something on them not usually of something but for how few you find they seem to have a higher ratio of success yep well good job man and if you can find a gift card from another store in another dumpster like the Apple one we found this in Barnes & Noble that's an even better likelihood because it was probably thrown away by mistake or who knows this one was in a lost and found so good job yeah that is real I'm really surprised and I'm really pleased with that thank you now you didn't call me to quit getting good I'm gonna just get them on my own honey after we get it enough Dick's Sporting Goods gift cards I can get you a pair of shoes there you go if I stack up my old two gift cards I can go get my haircut yeah or get some makeup splurge on makeup but I'm a bug in my hair done I'd love to see if you guys in the comments below and I know other people would like to see them to tell us how much you've ever found the biggest card he ever found and where you found it yeah or which one seems to be the best store to find him you know I I'm gonna try to keep a pattern and we'll get an idea which stores are best but maybe somebody other people will start doing this too and there's some real success
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 1,382,302
Rating: 4.7164488 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, SHE FOUND 300 GIFT CARDS- HOW MUCH MONEY DID SHE GET?, SHE FOUND 300 GIFT CARDS, HOW MUCH MONEY DID SHE GET?, FOUND 300 GIFT CARDS, My wife found 300 gift cards Dumpster Diving, found 300 gift cards Dumpster Diving, Dumpster Diving
Id: tV3PdgZl2X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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