OMG! Where did these Mystery Packages come from? Let’s open em up!

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hey everybody hi look what we got back there so we're gonna unbox this and see exactly I'm so excited I know a couple things that I don't know what they are but a couple people have told us I think we have things that the rest are a total mystery no idea so well I for one I'm excited to find out me too let's do it let's do it this one I don't know go for it first one no no okay all right they don't definitely Australian you say no all right all right video they don't say it like that though they say Scotland yeah right okay ooh paper sometimes Jay Jay you sent us a game cool we love games this one it says I'm not saying you're stupid but that light is room okay there we all know you get that we are Casilla now awesome that's really cool no we love us some trivia we do and any game it's super fun thank you first ones that make it look extra fun all right okay what do you got still I get something from you engine qmj that's gonna be so fun we don't know where I'm Jace from or we would we would this is from state or country England in the UK it's yeah last name that's all that's all bruised glued to the sticky part of the package in here so look everybody loves book no this is my first book Oh paw and Sammy's adventure she gave us for coffee okay this is my first book first print first edition these are best when read to children oh that's gonna be great children oh there's four books she said my son was being bullied at school so I wrote this book for him and all of those children being bullied who think they have no reason to smile Thank You Deanna that's so sweet thank you I love the color I can't wait to read these to the grandkids that's gonna be so cute there's pictures and drawings in there too even how adorable thank you very nice graphics and the design there oh and read to your grandchildren thank you last summer on Decatur that's a good idea we'll keep one and Katie will get three for her kids and she'll know which ones to give them to thank you Thank You Deanna in public hey that's amazing in the UK I know she's an author that's awesome so cool okay I once thought about writing the books for a second tell you how to actually think of something right about I don't even know how to spell a wicked licks no there's two from that wicked wicked licks okay then we'll wait maybe there's an open one you guys we could licks okay no so maybe it's from nutty Mountain Montana Montana somebody sent down through Amazon and they're gonna be mine is butter toffee ghost pepper inferno popcorn my goodness my is - climax corn special blend of butter toffee pretzels and nuts yes are these hot or just climaxed this is just a climax corn what what you see your these will be interesting to test Oh yours is ghost pepper mine just says climax horns climax climax corn I didn't I didn't make it up everyone's saying holding like separate video where we do these cuz they're gonna be good thank you you know what I'm Tam is like Tim Tam oh nice choice pretzels and let us know who sent this to us cuz we don't know and we want to feed maybe with this maybe was this guy it could be a team on tan Montanan mom nanny Montanan he's got a nice beard Wow fine much I can't wait looking forward to that know what there was uh YUM so I'll tell you guys a little okay I'll start up with information a little science did Steph dropped on me she said she had read something about eating hot stuff oh yeah she's like obsessed with finding a hot chili peppers right now great we watch to see videos with it I want to do a chili eating contest not chili like chili you want to do the column shepper yeah but they call it a chili with two L's chili in the UK and there's a place in somewhere in the UK and Scotland and and all of Europe there's a traveling pepper eating contest but anyway she read this article and what happens when you eat a pepper the capsaicin or what there's a chemical in their skin there's something in the pepper they gets it it gets on your tastebuds and then that sends a signal to your brain to say hey this is hot but but in reality yeah in reality it's not hot so Steve is now I'm training my on a mission to conquer that part of his brain that tells him it's hot because now he knows it's not hot hold on I'm not going to I'm not trying to conquer it I'm gonna try it under control to experiment if it's possible that I say say I convinced my brain hey ignore that sight signal yeah well this Boston and then I eat something hot and I beats death oh you're gonna you could beat me let's see it's on I'm not saying I want to compete with you I'm saying if I can control that part of my brain I would totally oh no ok this box right here it's from blazing foods but it says what let's shift to Kelly Withers so maybe Kelly's who sent this or maybe they did the typo I don't know but at the bottom here look what it says what's it say tube of terror Oh Oh what does it look like it looks like what's up pretty oh those two boats Tara she rollin terrible you don't mind a reaper peanuts allenge oh my goodness that nose tail it's on what's the challenge we're gonna have to see what the challenges no food or drink you have ten minutes to finish the tube by eating one two two peanuts at a time you have to wait five minutes after the mine unit to complete the challenge oh if it's worth doing it's worth overdoing it hey been there no comment longtime subscriber Thank You Ben thanks for uh if you're a longtime subscriber you definitely have a lot of patience and we appreciate you tolerating us yeah okay okay crazy-looking though well this is gonna be fun Kelly withers if you're the one that sent this to us thank you as everybody I don't know who sent it but we will do it okay we will I gotta do my I'm doing my meditation to get my brain realize that those signals are not accurate don't just ignore the signals when I get my brain and in tune will experiment you know that works with his science he wants to move on to talking about him I read them at it it wasn't hot Ronnie's face I believe it so that means my brain just doesn't have those receptors as much as strong right I don't know I think I think genetics plays a big part in being able to eat hot stuff yeah I do and getting used to it some people if they grow up eating it I think they're more used to it okay this is from Department California number 42 oh maybe there's a note I don't like when the state sends us stuff there's no note nothing good comes from the state sending you anything like this bubble wrap though like this so far here you look at I don't know what I'm looking at is it like a digital thing it looks like it's gonna be maybe one of those little um one of those things like Bart's in US Department California number 42 even staff my friends wait a minute maybe it's not I got a message from somebody that said they were sending something from Stevens stuff my friends that looks really is that a digital it's gonna be one of those things where we do this little dot like um I can't what what it's called one of those design art that's right Avery guinea pig diamond aren't remember the ones that barb going on grandpa sent us of Jerry and she went one by one to put those little beads oh yeah very time so this is what it looks like before hand oh I mean you have to color each dot yeah he's done each chart at the side you stick a bead in this it looks like it's a raccoon wait okay so you got colored beads uh-huh the correspond with these tiny little dots but do you put the bead just the B yes on it you with this little thing you got a dot it and then you glue it on so it's gonna be when you touch it you'll feel the this is sticky you peel this off and it's sticky like a piece of tape man that would be good meditation right there it looks like something already oh I thought it was a chair it is here's what I think oh I see we're saying it's a chair on the beach I don't know I think I don't know help me hold that I think it's a raccoon I don't you think that's the raccoon right there um yeah I think this looks like raccoon ears why would a raccoon in the behavior you can see it better than clothes that why would a raccoon be on the beach somebody tell me that because it's fun to get all that I don't mind recommend Easter what's the kitty cat so it must look different to them winner no they definitely said they oh so they did this one okay fun we're gonna do it that is gonna be hilarious let's keep going here when we say we're gonna do it that means I will do it because his EDD won't handle it much longer than about I'll be able to put a couple on about six thank you thank you I love it okay yep this is from Freda bar Nagar okay you know what be Ont Raj trigger yeah I that's a racing rate no moat the mountain bikes uh-huh there's a guy that started doneger now it's big name oh you know that he built like a real high in mountain bikes back in the day I know be great maybe she's like this one mom this one is from a Decker in Covington is hold on it says where is Steve Reap parking the car look at what they threw away okay that's hilarious that is so cute she's been around a while yeah okay so I like to reap arc and I'd like you guys to say whether say yes or no whether you think this is a good reason to reap arc I so like if I go to park saying pulling to Starbucks and Steph wants to jump out get Starbucks I look for a better parking space because I want when she comes out I want it to be convenient and simple for her that's my whole goal is to get a good spot so when Steph comes out she just walks up to the car jumps in and we head out riddle me this no we put reason nose in and then we get out of the car by the time I go out to the car the next day if we're going he's turned it around and he's all the way out in the street it's not closer to me at all but I backed up moving but I'm backed up and he's probably gone forward and back and switched around several times while I'm grabbing baton daughters and snacks I backed up so when she walks out the door her side of the car is right there it's not that lives right there Steph no it's not closer for me anyway I think it's I think it's a good thing well it's ridicu oh this is he's got a problem okay I got mine open first so let's see there was this one both names yeah and this is a Decker okay I'm having trouble at this box go ahead Oh hope this package found you found its way to you and once one piece as noted in my email it was packed bubble wrap styrofoam and even saran wrap wow that puppy wasn't moving night oh this is the glass piece is a glass dome inside okay here this was gonna be very fragile well great job packaging it yes she has it surrounded Joanna it's surrounded by that was funny styrofoam good job this is how you package she the fight styrofoam fits she custom-made it to these pieces of okay her phone let's see it I can't wait to meet it's coming here we go Wow sighs oh it doesn't sound like it's broken doesn't sound broken I think the way that that this was packaged that they would have had to go out of the way to break it let me see the box a Decker okay there's a note whoa oh yeah here we go guys this was handmade handmade all items are handmade with the exception of the rusty star before okay glass date you when left red flower mini oh I don't know what that is okay so it looks like it's gonna be one of those glass dome things so far so good I'm being very very careful okay I don't feel like it being careful enough how did the two of us who do you think is more cautious about this kind of thing what thanks mark Covington for the super chat you two are so much fun thank you Mark that's sweet thank you very much can Steve open it with his tiny hand what does that mean I don't know I got normal and yeah let's see okay okay this is the glass unbelievably hard to endure you wrapped it very well and very well oh look at this okay don't mind this goes on it it's like a well that cute is that okay a diorama what this is pretty detailed Wow Wow is right we're not great at getting our lighting so they can see what's going on Oh that'll help you bad this is unbelievable she made a dumpster she's got rolls of toilet paper or not toilet paper but um saran wrap like the packaging there's cardboard box it looks like one that we've been to Tesla Oh Tesla that's a nice touch there's bad a bag of trash right here wait I'm gonna go all the way around what does it say you're talking about stuff in the back you're seeing the stuff there's a Starbucks cup right here wait dumpster juice in it awesome oh my gosh this is very very nicely done these little guys right here are little Christmas balls Christmas balls with hook we we've gotta know oh these are things that we find boxes corn candy corn candies in there well where'd you see a cop or something that decorations right that is so cute look at the trash the dumpsters cardboard boxes the little trash bag right here oh my gosh that is really well yeah whatever I can't believe that little Starbucks okay cause isn't the only thing on there do you not play honor around the dumpsters dumpster area no parking with a nine or fifty feet morning she's got little to say about circle here hold on all trash must be placed in the dumpster she's obviously a dumpster she says what treasures well you Wow and you are so talented very attention to detail is awesome this little test the book that's the best part Wow that is the best part of the whole thing thank you very much that that is sad okay now let's read what it said this is so cool okay we kind of put this in a safe spot um safety first okay all items are handmade with the exception of the rusty star glass vase red flower and mini dumpster signage and glass stone man hand-painted contents are as follows blue dumpster with rust red box with dividers and ornaments mini all took a gift card miscellaneous wood slats Tesla coffee table book Starbucks coffee cup with lid how'd she do Wow um she took she must've tiny hands tiny turning hands look sometime okay tall cord breadbox roll of paper towel small cardboard box with cardboard sheets two bags of garbage garbage two ears of dried Indian corn I saw the corn hand lettered wood base I make miniatures with shops closed and have an opportunity to try my hand at a dumpster loved every minute of it I would that was so cool thank you very much and there's attention to detail and there's also like the Tesla and the Starbucks that's very yes that's so neat and we appreciate you taking the time to do that you know and actually thinking about us in that tie that's oh my gosh you're gonna keep this forever and love it forever your stick this with it so we don't forget that all that went together and all the cute little things that you read I want to read them later and really look at it so cute okay okay I'm on to this box that was freedom launcher all right whatever okay here we go thanks for watching this looks like a handmade something cute what are we looking at here that is nice United States flip flop that is so cute looking as beautiful handwriting is that handwriting oh my goodness the handwriting I was like it was done with a laser look at that it is real handwriting wow that's beautiful that's a lost art just writing like that okay look at this ad Whaley it's beautiful she made this honey she made this and this thing the little towel thing I love them that is very nice so sweet okay lovely pull the corner of the flower where the bloom meets the red and pull it back through the hole then put the flower through the handle free furniture or perfect I'm totally doing it because we got drawer handles all over yeah look at this yeah when I saw the towel with the flip-flops I thought of you so enjoy your trivia games Oh enjoy them I try to guess the right answers but when it comes to movies I'm lost Oh tell me anything I'm lost it is heavy this is heavy yeah it totally is but she has a good lap keep up the fun in your smiley faces I've been cheered up by your laughs and goof-ups oh there's a lot of those ok those flip-flops are cool it is crochet one of them is different than the other one oh it is crocheted by the men and women in Haiti Oh what every year there's an option in ship Shipshewana on Friday evening and Saturday all day all items are new and donated in the auction they sell doilies to help raise money they're very poor country to clean the doily just swish around in dish soapy water rinse and lay out flat on a towel if you'd like it oh if you'd like it took frozen body and an iron with a warm iron they didn't have the auction this year but you can receive my last one oh thank you that's really sweet Frieda and Sam right Sam Hades had to overcome so thank you some serious difficulties I know I'm totally using these I love it very very nice this is from you this is Anna and this is from me for you I think you have this scent and I wrote it in Tunis yes I think one's for you okay oh this is so neat fun stuff are you gonna not show this Oh classified intelligence report of the miracle of Nikola Tesla's purple energy plates energy plates what is that mean benefits of the purple energy trades are said to be almost supernatural but the truth is they are firmly rooted in a scientific principles of Nikola Tesla I don't know anything a man who saw and lived in the future I don't know anything about purple plates yeah you're gonna have to tell me about it I know I love this if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration I can't my brain doesn't know how to think that way that's it that's like the hot stuff you got it capsaicin or whatever that step is creates a frequency and a vibration like the cat like the kitten Anna I love this okay I will read this like a maniac and then I will talk to Steph about it while she's sleeping Amy said are the purple plates related to purple pickles pickles is if you guys see her let us know can't find her I don't know what happened she had that crazy neighbor next door and we haven't heard anything since I don't know what happened but if you guys see her let us know okay yeah thank you Anna yes this is gonna be fun really fun he's gonna like it's not that big of a book so you shouldn't mind discussing it with me I'd rather just have you do it and just share your scientific facts and findings with us Thank You Melissa Melissa Berta all right whoa that was like a superhero thing Terry McFarland sent us from Texas depressed state of Texas where a grandkids are well anyway what is this here you start wrapping that I'm gonna look at this big ol note Terry in Texas you know there's a Terry Texas also this is letters that you can read without dirty rapp dirty like Texas Wow our grandson wears his Texas Longhorn gear and he says his his sister his younger sister he's a long horn fan but he's made her a cowboy fan as an Oklahoma State Cal okay I think that's a rival of theirs but he wants to be a cat he wants to be the long horn fan she has to be on your YouTube channels for a while now and ever watched you do in your garage sales and flea markets and I think Steve is such a good sport to play with your step you I've often wet myself with laughter over yours oh that's funny all of this stay at home you told me it open I know open down there like quietly are you warranty nimi in our own home open six feet away down over the edge it's a noisy one okay and since all of this stay at home business started I've loved the Steven staff game show that's cute Steven staff game show I do not miss a video that's cute watching Steve learn to cook and bake is just perfect and seeing how joyful he is when he's done a good job is very special it feels good Thank You Jamie yes we are not allowed to speak about that yet but maybe if the end will give a little hint somebody you don't know same thing about it they can say it yet not until the official press release oh okay let's see this sounds good we've got a super check from Kimberly hunter hello Steven Steph love watching you and happy I caught you live I've had lots of time to catch up with your video since my surgery really enjoyed watching the video with your daughters oh thank you I hope your surgery went well and your recovery is super fast yes and I hope you got a Tim Tam slam to try cuz so good thank you for the super chat okay so I believe every cook needs to have in his cookbook one special recipe that they do not even have to think about how to make that's true that sounds like it really good I've been closed such a recipe for you Steve I hope you will give it a try I can attest to the fact that it'll take ten minutes you were so wrong I hate in theirs lucky now I'm on it because the time never is accurate for somebody that doesn't know what you're doing well maybe we'll do ten minutes well here's what you get a timer if you don't get it done in ten minutes no you can't time me oh yeah no I'm a human being I don't I don't work like that well let's see okay I don't believe into the construct of time take ten minutes to mix in the baking time of about thirty minutes Steph will love the results of your effort I think she will you think the right okay she got pumpkin oh yeah okay 100% pumpkin I love comes in super moist spicy spice cake I got it that looks that looks really good and if you're gonna add some pumpkin to something that means it's making it more moist like this here if I make it look anything like that Steph's gonna lose it with pumpkin and here's the thing about learning how to do these things it is rewarding to me like if I do it and it tastes good and Steph likes it that feels good because it's not easy okay I think when you put an effort like I mean you have to really try to do something then you are happy if it comes out reasonably well all right it looks like we're gonna be making cupcakes she included instructions with two ingredients so all we're doing is that in that it should be less than ten minutes then this isn't a no big ya know there's a big if there's nothing that we don't have to have anything other than a can of pumpkin in that you can handle that in ten met wait she said ten minutes I want to see what these these folks are saying you can do it okay I'll give it I will try and I will do it I just not saying I'll do it in a ten-minute fashion okay thank you this will be fun and we will do it he can totally do this he can do this in ten minutes for sure bacon for how long now yeah he's a pro Baker oh this is gonna be so fun very much that is so cool and thank you for the letter it's really sweet appreciate it Terry font that big I don't know but it's appreciated appreciate it thank you very much and I will make that for Steph and we'll see how long it really takes him to do because I don't I don't feel completely confident that we ten minutes I don't think time limits are are reasonable yeah alright this is from Mary in Indianapolis Indianapolis the Hoosier State okay while you're opening at home of the course I just noticed a pacer this box from Jane says private if you wish so while you're getting ready to open that you're gonna talk speak because I don't want to if she's maybe staying private then we'll see meet david mcmillan righty then what's up David yeah rock and roll aah okay what is that um okay this is from Mary Indianapolis Indiana what is its losing grip O's repose repose barbecue potato chip you're supposed barbecued potato I love barbecue between you okay look at the guy this might be something that's a staple in Indiana maybe is it from Indiana that's where she's from so we've got a number of these and I wonder if that's because barbecue isn't necessarily hot whoa they got the flames next to it though okay oh no the flames are on a little grill anybody familiar with grip pose I'm gonna be familiar with him in about one second do it there okay wash my hands real quick you owe me 200 you got to smell this one it opens because I'm sure it's gonna have a no not yet the packaging is very nice so anybody familiar with grip owes era lives in in Indiana oh no I sit down here Oh smells like barbecue chips your stick one in my face anyone open your your feeble okay here we go hmm a little bit of my beer but mmm those are good give me another one please gripper whoa a little bite little bite yeah it's only in your mind only your mind I hope it started meditating on that you closed that down shut that spice part down it's all in your mind Wow yeah really good that's a really good barbecue potato chip I'm gonna tonight Wow hmm those have a good little burn after I love them that's a good not hot they're just delicious what's going on with that get you at the end they said wow that's yeah hey it's a little hot I love it I know Steph said it wasn't hot but it is a lot well you know I'm telling you it's hot it's good Deanna I seems deaf I hope you got my parcel if not it's on the way Deanna it might be in here so that's a UK think you're in the UK okay here it could be in here okay this is from Judith this is a big one whoa Oh in Canada wow this is big box from Canada Canada Canada hey well that wasn't a letter it is buddy from race through we're in Southern California anybody from Iceland Iceland Norway's there Wow lesser man Michelle Nathan my game partner are you Michelle's in in Virginia look at all this it's got recycled paper in here Wow Michigan New York this Ryan's in Michigan is shredded at poems forgot Texas um confetti yeah we're gonna be careful this is gonna go everywhere but I got my robot vacuum don't Rose on it thank you melody that's cool thank you very much melody that is a cute bag okay you and I let's it turn how do you say that lassiter UK oh whoa look it's Canadian money let me see I've never seen Canadian money other than the coins okay dear woolly people comment on how there in other countries it's clear they think it's weird that the United States like even the denominations the sizes and all that this doesn't feel like like it yes look at that you could see it's clear Wow like this but they think that ours is kind of boring and it makes sense like ours is kind of antiquated where you could tear it and stuff here and decide this from me please $20 for your both tea or whatever you can do you thank you thank you oh really cool I know this is weird to us I know it they feel waxy they feel plasticky they're not paper right and some countries they're the denominations have a difference these aren't the same size they're not okay so I think let me see it felt like if you throw these in the washing machine on accident there's yeah they're the same size because they're the same denomination but some places I think their sizes are different as well Wow colors and everything that's pretty cool this is probably harder to counterfeit I have some tea for you that is made in Sussex New Brunswick Canada plus I'm sending you two boxes of chocolate that we ride in st. Stephen New Brunswick Canada at Wow ganache chocolates they're very good there are a few other things in your box too um oh don't tell us she's telling split up I don't on test we're going in I'm digging in look at this go see what it is oh my goodness this is some good packaging right here okay here oh here's the tea oh she knows how much I love tea and coffee what couldn t is that this is King Cole okay your way your cup your way alright you know what's the like we're excited about trying different teas cuz we fell in love with the tiger tea is it called tiger tea yeah Bingle Bingle tea is incredible I mean it's super super good master dams in the open these on a separate video and Wow will in here so these are been like some little candies these are Canadian Canadian and treats ins yeah oh look at that Wow okay what country you're in you're looking at that and saying YUM II Wow whoa and then we'll try this tea this is for Stephanie here you open this one ooh I like sardines you do yeah oh you're trying just sort of like trying stuff that you don't really want to try but you try it seafood snacks I don't like them this is my jam right here yeah I love it okay our neighbors are Canadian Wow the husband's Canadian wife's American and their kids are happy in their Canadian right now yeah nice video yes we will taste all of these on huggy because what the heck is in this that's add elector dove milk Chuck there's a pink thing in there though assorted milk chocolate there's all kinds of stuff in here let me see if they tell us the play look at this Wow Canadians you're right next door but we didn't know what is it what is it that Bob loves that we thought was odd our Canadian friend Bob um there's something he does with chips or something right do you mean that cheese curds and gravy or maybe on french fries gravy crazy like we have another Canadian friend who's married to Katie our schoolteacher Frank he's Canadian and he loves cheese curds or no gradient 15 poutine yeah that's it he loves poutine King called chocolate peppermint tea oh my goodness we got so much stuff to drink old tea chocolate peppermint is gonna be fun this one Nat King Cole tea yeah I'm gonna sneeze with all this dust okay i mighta got it all whoo I see French riding in here too because of Quebec maybe I'm gonna sneeze I think okay all of this is amazing no wait to do it let me know if you're gonna sneeze so I can put my mask on Judith Wow Thank You Troy this we're gonna keep we can open but I'm gonna open his shirt first and I didn't show you guys this look okay these are these things these are the fist things we have a version of these what is that an owl it's a Belgian general store Albert County New Brunswick Canada that is so cute I love it and it will totally fit me yeah I like it too that is so cute LG Logan Tennessee also there is actually adorable um okay so we've got some sort of a chocolate thing here that we're gonna try we'll do it on another video so the other other channel we go are we on recyclers are we on Steven separates popular okay we have a channel called Steven stack and we do lots of our food stuff on there so I think this is versions of the Canadian versions of maybe not I've never heard of wunderbar and it has a night or a Viking longer bar what is this no there's something in here pollo mine this is a hey pal of mine what is this oh I'll wait for the video there's something mysterious one thing her she's I don't know what this is I don't think that's just a regular her she's either it's got fancy wrapping serving Atlantic Canadians so it's 1907 I don't know what Dad is that some kind of jerky or son I don't know I don't know we're gonna have to find out so romantic we need to keep all of this together here weird is it all in here okay I know I gotta see I don't know I think that's some kind of fish like seaweed or something it's very light I don't know if they'd see weed over there seaweed very good wheeze salty is see what seaweed seaweed seaweed seaweed is good for you yeah that's seaweed too we're in the east of Canada a new bread of it for snacks I don't think Steve will like it I think we like it I won't we will see that sounds delicious to me oh my goodness okay Judas we're gonna do a separate video for all of this stuff and where my cute shirt after I watched me doing some food testing yeah so this Tsukasa here can you put all the Canadian snacks and stuff together so we don't lose any of it anything money - okay okay this is it has it spelled it two ways zero Oh gue gooey and then z ug u CA se su gasps okay I think it's good Vivian Marcos sent this Vivian more coast because that's who it's addressed to but that's no this isn't our box somebody else's box we got someone else's mail there was another box we got that said the same thing to it oh did that not our penalty box whoopsie let's open it see what you got No can we cut it zhuge I see okay well bring that back I don't know how long we've had that at her house so whoopsie but I do want to peek in it you can't just want a peek okay okay an email you sent today about a pay it forward oh we will never sell them get out Debra thank you I know this is from bill I can tell by this bill is our Death Wish coffee buddy he's been sitting there Death Wish coffee because it's at the bajalia and I was obsessed with it and I still AM we had Death Wish coffee for breakfast today it was so good Death Wish coffee is no joke it's really really good look death wish sticker I love it okay so neighbor is it this time bill what is this a giant I thought it was a mug of it you can't drink that much Wow the Valhalla blend is this wait what is this blend well College AMA rainforest blend unearthed in Spain assessed by the canister is that was it coffee that is so cool bill Mahalo Java odinforce blend the odinforce is what we could honor they get the beans from did you say spank ooh whoo this that's what this is it'll keep it fresh in there yeah look so this Deathwish coffee is missing oh nice that's right okay that's fresh so look there's a little guy in there I've been saving this coffee cuz it's that good and this is how much we have left so it's going in there it is the best coffee either of us have ever met it's so smooth and it's so good even just drinking it just straight coffee it's very good no better taste no uh until I wash it and then I'll get it all ready in there this is nice that way it'll lism this will keep it fresh so if you guys are interested in trying the strongest coffee ever supposedly is the Deathwish coffee it's finally caffeinated but it's not bitter it's really good really really I like the color as they choose me too it matches their name yeah some Deathwish mugs last time and they're funny I want coffee a tattoo and a vacation and the other one says something about I'm gonna party her some when I mean hard I mean without my pants on that's not weird I can't remember it's funny I'm gonna use them they're really great they have a nice marketing but they fulfill it with good product yeah it really is it's not just bells and whistles it's really you also sent us the instant coffee and we have had three times now the instant coffee as our our coffee in the afternoon our whipped coffee and it's so good okay this is big bill Christopher he's in Michigan okay URI which is in my Traverse City Traverse City Michigan Michigan yeah Missouri Ms Traverse City MI is Michigan okay you're missing me ms is Mississippi Traverse City Michigan we look at the chat cuz we need help well he's in Traverse City Michigan okay thanks can do there is him oh that's right that's see that's trivia why do I know that we're like we've done so much trivia yeah whoa oh no oh well you don't just look at it you wipe it off he tipped over his own XR Nick Tesla got a little dropper - this says oh here is Ana in here this is Steve okay but there's other stuff okay to read out loud for Michigan okay CJ from Michigan I came across one of your dumpster diving videos in January 2021 video I was hooked it's like watching to go on a treasure hunt you never know what you might find that's the truth that's the truth since I'm caught up in a lot of your older videos and started watching your quarantine games live it gave me something to look forward to every day while stuck at home think you're both hilarious to keep me laughing every day I loved watching 7/7 baking videos and sent some goodies for him to practice with just relax little Steve thanks CJ this is gonna be fun here I don't know crunchy when I am a chef what is it saying I don't know but I know it's one of these you know was spelled hold on what is it wait check this out seven master baker yes Steven stack that's right yeah he's a master baker yeah he's gonna wear this every time he doesn't cook for him thank you very much I'm proud of my ship I'm excited about that that is wow this is nice it goes on it covers everything that I get dirty yes nice oh my gosh if you guys haven't seen the cooking videos it's um it's interesting I'm learning a lot watch Steve but I really really appreciate this yes I feel official yeah okay can you plug your ears real quick I have to tell them something but you can't know about it so you cannot rewind this video and find it but it's for your next baking okay on the next video I'm going to hide the items that he knows how to use that he trusts but he said so I'm gonna hide his whisk his gloves off or his trusted items and just see him panic hilarious so I'm done do not rewind that and see that a place there it's gonna be funny okay look awesome I see Gino's good those are so good they are super good ah she's not going up at bedtime Cecil Dino's late at night you know how Steve always thinks somebody's eating chocolates at night that's that's what these people that's what they're doing they're naked eating chocolates yes you can't help it all the people I'm saying you you have your snack but when it's bedtime you you can't have access to those these are you're dreaming about it dark chocolate sea salt Yemen had him ooh you inside what did my meet you met here oh this is dark chocolate peppermint is that he knows your shirt bites just add new can butter oh these those are gonna be good those are gonna be don't is it we loved York we do and I love anything in a little cupcake tin that's gonna be more delicious Wow Wow I've never seen this it's a no bake honey you can do this no baking got a no bake I know you're a master chef oh no big if you don't believe it just ask CJ look at this okay what's that white chocolate oh because you don't know what white chocolate is so that's a controversy about the white chocolate I was I was surprised at the know the variety first said it doesn't exist and all that stuff stiff we got to move on okay well you're gonna try a chunk of this procedure Wow she sent it well he I don't know if she did the girl or guy could be anybody yeah it's true okay um so you're gonna taste a chunk of white chocolate right now looks really good hold on huh hey I'm gonna - hey do you like it are you tasting you're just playing no it's good mmm white chocolate is like they're not all the same what do you mean not like go ahead white chocolate since we had that discovery uh-huh they're not all the same delicious this is a very very smooth and buttery hmm it is buttery that's good you know it's so weird like it's Ghirardelli the difference between the white chocolate yeah milk chocolate and dark chocolate big difference very yeah it's such a big difference and you've never even had semi-sweet chocolate I thought you said that was for baking no that is cocoa cocoa chocolate yes okay little Steve really this is like Sutton Stef ah will just die for Oh random Ryan can't wait for the new show and now I'm busy I'm hungry watching this I bet so are we look at this good dinner this kind of thing stiff is like not just death deep - anything with a molten man and a GU involved man oh man makes six live healthy look at how they shredded that chocolate stuck it in the back there and Steve will like this part adding some ice cream to it dad a no big I know that's a big WOW oh wait damn big lava cakes I've never made a lava cake I don't know how you get the goo inside we'll have to see how oh my this is definitely steps favorite thing oh wow delicious no babe oh I see this kid my mom used to make him and we'd stick them in the freezer and we eat them frozen they have no bake when you're a kid this exact thing but I don't how long's nothing been around I don't know but I remember this exact one and I haven't had it in 30 years probably step loves peanut butter she loves Reese's she'll freeze the individual Reese's we all right we all think everybody does it I know we do very unique - you know I've got some in the freezer right now so good what are these hold on there's a note Stef CJ huh this is cool okay hold on what country is this hold on what is it we mean what are you looking at what country I don't know this country guys held um I might have answers oh that's that's northern Michigan what yes northern Michigan what does mine say she can Sasquatch Research Institute and it's got Sasquatch in I bet you have a line on Michigan they absolutely where does Michigan have like it's gonna Island there's lakes that's the like Lake Michigan this is cute remember that in a trivia guys yes how many lakes there were you say home Iran Iran um Ontario okay Lake Michigan okay Jiri home so then there's an S an Erie and then there's an S superior superior carrier was it home or did you make that it tongues that's how you Ricky just now that we never knew those until trivia no thank you yes what this is my favorite color yes it is and I can't wait to write your little name in the little teeny label maker that's gonna be fun and iron it on I'm gonna do this search in Ridgewood in northern Michigan since 1970 yeah fun that's true this is so cool Tito bit okay I'm only gonna be able to write two letters CJ I got a suit on CJ and this - I can put Michigan now CJ's yes CJ's name will be yes Traverse City Michigan Trevor's Traverse City there's a Traverse City I think that's how well there's a Chevy Traverse that's why I call it a trap Traverse but maybe it's a Travers Wow I love this color - this is cute what is that and he's got red on the inside that is so cool these are awesome see thank you these little baby wonder if CJ is a Spartan fan or Wolverine fan or maybe no fan like he doesn't love sports I didn't say he or she but you know what I'm saying see thank you I love this colors that I love look this is more staff a coaster and you guys we just talked about the coasters coasters but look at this is Michigan known for their cherries what look at the cherry on there sidious where did cherries grow this is adorable CJ this is a coaster it's like Western northern Michigan Sasquatch Research Institute Institute established in 1970 that feels like a piece of travertine or something together oh these are so cute thank you thank you very much I love every single team Wow shoveled money your baking uniform yes that's gonna be fun very much that is weird that you sent us this apron we got a dumpster dive video coming up but it's from aprons today why you're such a little happy brings a little half one chopped onion that up because it's so weird isn't it there's a lot of weird things that have all the things to find just moments ago well we're good coincidences remember yesterday oh wait remember do something that was really cool incidental more like well how did this just happen I do remember but it came there was two items I know I don't remember now we were talking about something and then we found your brain we can't remember it now and we had a couple things yesterday it was like how is this happening is you know what's doing this well thank you CJ for all ages every single item we have to put all these together I won't remember to write her name on everything okay here we're his name CJ I hate to say she or he but here all right CJ on you right now you're in there CJ we don't know CJ and write it on your ear right now so I can remember so CJ man thank you we need to go on like a road trip someday just to see a lot of these places that we haven't seen like Michigan and have a Michigan cherry I don't have to look up that I don't even know what I don't either but why would they have that cherry on there okay this isn't in the chat somebody would have known here all done I'm right and CJ on this mug also I write it on the edge that way we can remember who sent it every single time we drink it like this and this one up two bills written on here thank you here fun here I'll take all these bacon oh here this is CJ we gotta kick that with your thing CJ got it are you put them together yep almond bakes yum this goes with it fun your oh this is from Carol bargain shopping channel Carol bargain shopping this is our buddy Carol you guys see her in the chat all the time she's one of our dear dear friends ever so much yes awesome she sent us this box and guess what it is for the next quarantine as always feel free to wreak if sell or give away a KA also known as the game that says the things you know in other words that we fight well why don't I ask you guys one right now okay do you you can't answer oh you're an expert oh do you know the dog breed also known as a prizefighter Susan Clark says there's a cherry festival every year in Traverse Carol's in there Oh cute do you know the dog breed also known as it there you go Carol got it Carol she read the back yes Carol knew the answer what's the quiz the question it's a boxer no what did it say no do you know the dog breed also known as prizefighter oh I would not have gotten that myself I get it now no this is a hard one name five can you name five yay I love it thank you so much Carol for getting us games because we're gonna have to be on quarantine in a couple weeks and we're gonna be on quarantine for two whole weeks so we're gonna be having more today probably again and we're gonna need some games to play yes LT no pork we're gonna go visit Steve's mom who is I risk right now so we're gonna go visit her have you ever played the children's game also known as warm spud yes hot potato hot potato give it away okay here we go everybody knew that okay she sent us three other games okay this one is say it the game of crazy combos Wow okay we're going we're gonna be able to play some of these this is in a pickle what's in a word gadget gadgets word game what's in a word game this is gonna be fun Joe name it not your average party game Carol Thank you Thank You Carol these are reading that I can't wait to play these yeah we always use the games yay okay all right is this the one that's from Anna name all right this is from Anna let me open it real quick Anna said can you name five things that make a personal sneeze pepper um yes it made the person people person sneeze lab cats dogs and allergy things done like dander I don't have the answer I don't have the answer because I'm like yes sunlight makes yes that's true yeah okay you said pepper this is from Anna and she sent me a message in Antunez she's in the chat I think I think she is somebody said she wasn't here want to make sure she was in here before we open this she said she wanted us to be her guinea pigs for a medical device and I know I didn't tell Steve about it cuz I don't know what she's talking about but she wants us to be the guinea pig cuz she wants to do it so let's see what the heck this is about oh boy okay it says expect a miracle oh you better read this that's what this is for this must go together okay what am I reading this original nikola tesla positive energy purple plates plate small purple plates oh that's what's in this thing here so this is awesome han says expect a miracle what are these what on earth are these ok just plate Wow this is all coming together now this book was opened earlier and I didn't know what purple plates were and you didn't know either then I don't I didn't say I did understand I'm gonna read this book ok do that I don't know what the purple places energy products of the future available today positive energy plates ok you have a big plate I have a little plate what is this form ok positive energy plate the atoms and electrons of aluminum have all been altered so that the plates are in resonance or in tune with the basic energy of the universe they function as transceivers creating a field of energy around themselves that will penetrate any material substance by osmosis this energy is very beneficial the life force energy to all life plants and more human it might be considered as positive energy or as God power love is positive energy God is love love is God God is energy Wow alternate science is proven by projecting love or positive energy to a plant which Steph has experimented with that recently mm-hmm the plant will flourish and grow vigorously ok we'll we'll read all of this and I am totally down with we're doing an experiment plates will help to raise the vibrational rate of any individual using them in no way can these plates be harmful expect a miracle many people place their food on the large plates when they're still in paper sacks from the market the time required is about 15 minutes plate energy will change the taste of wine and for some reason cheap wine improves and Ramez wine becomes like vinegar but a glass of water maybe oh we're gonna have to do this we will test it and there is a thing it like things vibrate that's what Goods like there were vibrating at different rates that's what creates the density and a shape and how we see it Wow some people sleep on these plates for placing them under their pillow helps give them more energy oh this is gonna be fine I bake I will stick one of these in my underwear it'll be baked with love true love true love engraved there we will totally test this and we will do this whole scientific experiment and Steve will read the book so yeah keep an eye out for that coming out wonderful this is weird purple just the color has something to do I feel I feel energy from it you're gonna feel some energy my chairman he was serious a serious scientific yes study of it Anna this is fun this is gonna be so so fun thank you fun thanks Anna okay and we will let you will do it over a period of time there would be you know a true experiment we're not gonna just trade one thing we're gonna test that thing out what is okay this is from did you guys who's your promise I don't know yet good this is from K Jones okay in Australia nice K Jones in Australia straight yeah you can read live it says okay well this stuff's gonna have to read this yes yeah that's a funny song is too too great for reason with it he's gonna read that book okay hey Steven Steph my name is Katrina I have epilepsy and I live with my mom and teacup chihuahua names scratchy she's a great sweetie sorry it's Scratchy yes ma'am right I love watching you guys on YouTube and I think you guys are funny I started looking up stuff on Bigfoot Nikola Tesla thanks to Steve I let him die Jerry sorry for his loss he was watching over you I've added some pictures to know I know you left a color and two of them are for you and two of four staff there's also ones I've done myself the one I colored is for you Steve is a Pikachu to go on the fridge I'll write your name on it yeah that's awesome good job Katrina that looks it looks like it's alive good job Reena I love it oh he's on Steph got out of the car and I she told me to catch a thing like this you know what on her pokeyman katrina says that we're friends on Facebook on Pokemon so your flats 14 yeah that's so cool very pretty I love the color is that Pikachu's normal can she made this one for me can you guess why probably kinds of the cherries on top I bet those are northern Michigan cherries from Australia their Australian cherries and what is so cute what is you Valerie NSW Australia is that north north south west would it be Norton or wow he knows what NSW Northern in southwest Australia would you say doesn't know it could be does anybody know that is so cool and then these are for us to cover you I love the picture thank you very much this one's for you well let you guys see it before Steve sees it cause he likes to look at it first oh no very good for me thank you very much that is so thoughtful thank you this kind of looks like a piece of toast with some Vegemite on it new Southwest ok South New South Wales new South New South Wales Australia yeah our straya yes straight yeah yeah Thank You Katrina yes that is very sweet of you thank you very much I love it I will hang this picture yes and I'm gonna keep mine on my desk that'll like Pikachu what does he do like this does he have a superpower you know what I've never played you look innocent I'm only played Pokemon go I've never seen go I know but I don't really know what he does everything if you have measure buddy he sits in your backpack or on your shoulder what does he do good and pokey mango no he's just a buddy he's like the best friend or this is the best Pikachu ever it's cute I own it yeah he's everybody's favorite or something so I don't really know I'm not expert on Pokemon but I do play pokemon go and I just found out it's been on for four years and I think I've played it all four years so okay what you got this is from Deborah cook in San Francisco Deborah there's no no really except there's it recipes zis spaghetti caprese which i think is zucchini noodles maybe yeah sue Keaney noodles yeah good right now yeah I'm hungry like it's getting close ah I got a question taco baked with cauliflower veggietones okay what's the the most common time that you guys eat dinner because it's we've watched some shows like in a UK it seems like they eat dinner wait later but they call it t in the UK t is dinner right he is lunch t is T okay 6:00 p.m. okay I'm just curious p.m. that's normal grab your 7 what time do you go to bed Avery's 5:30 hey Tracy weird like Tracy like 5 o'clock yeah 6 linda's darkest 6 in the summer though it's different than cuz its day late longer yeah 5 8 p.m. see there's like there there are people that eat like dinner like it 9 o'clock and stuff ok well Deborah also sent us some cheap ones by flex nice osteo by flex maybe that's for you honey and nature's bounty and then dog food I'll give this to Amanda and boot Buffalo or blue blue treats will give that to Amanda - we're gonna we might be watching her maybe baby send her oh wait there might be a note gamblin news Bunner says I just need all day what's the Fargas aw thank you honey thank you put these to you thank you very much that's sweet delicious I mean like these are seriously there's a bite to it whoever makes these grip owes yeah you did good ok it looks like good we have four envelopes here from Diana in Illinois and the end of this one is kind of ripped out I don't know why but I I know exactly what these are now and I see it though look at that oh good lotto ticket Illinois lotto tickets that is a lot of lotto tickets yes thank you for those I wish they have a second chance thing there I don't know I don't know there we're down in Illinois one and I also don't know if I need to be in the state of Illinois to win it so you could check yeah sound if she wins something on it and you're getting the money back yeah I've never won on any of these yet anything that I was submitted but all the odds that's right okay this this is from Tammy Thank You Tammy Dotson okay in Indianapolis hmm Indianapolis any other and there's cute little stickers all over it like um flag stickers and stuff you know I don't want to show her her address but there are stickers all over in several hundred videos I look forward to them all oh um a lot of them give me a good laugh really helps me when I having a laugh oh oh that's cute thank you so much oh that's really sweet thank you for that sweet card thank you that is really sweet you're very kind Thank You Tammy love it thank you guys everybody Hoosier State yeah thank you everyone who sent to stuff I can't wait you're gonna see some more videos on snacks and food and play games yeah and all that good stuff yes we love doing the games we've been a little busy lately but we will still do the games and since we're at the end of the video we're going to secretly tell you what we're not really allowed to say yet but for our TV show that's coming out some of you guys might have seen commercials for it I know a lot of you guys have sent us messages so you know some of you have but you might see it on Annie and it's there's commercials out front right now but because hold on because it hasn't had a an official what do they call it an official press release hasn't been released yet we're not allowed to talk about it so keep it down but it's gonna be coming out uh I've those been washed yes okay like they just touched my chin and they're right next to my nose it's not here oh well I'm talking to the hands anyway here lower down yeah so I don't know the title I've seen in the chat like a billion times if somebody would like to write it in there you'll see what it's called I don't know I don't think we're allowed to say it but you'll see Steven one of the commercials there's we've seen a couple commercials and he's it's good we're kind of nervous though it's gonna be funny yeah if somebody wants to put it in the chat feel free please Linda Stark maybe I don't know whoever knows there it is Michelle Nathan wrote it that's the name right there and you'll see it and at the end of some of the courses it says when it starts and so it's soon it's what we've always said is it a whole time we heard it was gonna be honest but it is gonna be August unless they change it so I don't wanna say anything official because if they change it you never know but there it is that's the name of the show that's what we're gonna be on and since that channel owns we asked the guy if if it's gonna be in other countries and he's going to find out because he owns like history discovery all of those they're all sister channels so he thinks they probably will be in other countries but he doesn't know yet he's gonna find out so there you go now you're gonna find out and we're nervous so thank you for doing the sign language for all of that my land I think it helped yeah all right guys hey glad you guys are going on this journey with us it's freaking crazy embarrassing it's very strange for us but we appreciate you guys being a part of it and well done yeah listen guys hold on I learned karate we - keep your hands out of it ready I got sucked out how can you hear me wait now hold on now since my ear okay hey guys thanks for uh thanks for being being a part of it we appreciate everyone nation every one of you guys enjoy your life guys
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 81,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, mystery box, unboxing
Id: VvPuvH_Mc5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 43sec (4303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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