Sex Container :: Relationship Goals (Part 6)

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[Music] let's clap our hands if we're excited to be in the house of God this morning I can tell by that intro some of y'all just had a conniption y'all just like oh my god in the house of God today we're talking about sex and I'm gonna approach this topic very delicately but very directly because I believe God's clear about it but the church many times doesn't communicate about it I'm so glad for all the first-time visitors that I'm seeing in new faces and old faces who haven't been here long and the faithful that are here I think this relationship gold series has been one of these things that we'll be able to benchmark when things changed in our church and this is what's happening right now things are changing in the lives of people and so I'm so excited about what God's gonna do today but what I want everybody to do right now is just take a deep breath in come on everybody just take a deep breath in now just let it out and I want you to say out of your mouth relax okay look at your neighbor and just say relax okay this is gonna be okay okay this is gonna be okay some of y'all like you're gonna bust me out no no relax it's funny that something that the Bible is very clear on the church is really silent on like there's tons of scriptures about sex there's a whole book of talking about how to please your wife there's like there's all kinds of stuff you know that cuz you don't read your Bible but what I am saying is that I feel like that this perversion in sex in our society today is silently eroding the destinies of so many people and and and you maybe in this room like I was and the things I didn't know about sexual sexual interactions sexuality sex period all of those things came to literally take from my life they never came to add to my life they always came to take from my life and I was just in delusion for so long and I would go to youth group and I would go to church and I would praise and I would jump and I would shout but nobody talked about what I was struggling in and so what are adults older kids with more responsibility so if it doesn't get addressed when you're a kid and it doesn't get addressed when you're a teenager guess what shows up in your adulthood the same thing with more consequences and more sophisticated ways to hide it and what I said is God if we're gonna be a church that represents you we're gonna talk about the things that people are really dealing with and and sex and sexual impurity and sexual relationship is something that is usually being defined by culture and not defined by the Word of God if we're honest you didn't learn anything you know about sex from going to Bible School not one not one thing what did you learn in church about sex is don't have it before you're married that's all you need that's it that's all I need to know whole courts do not have it until you're married and what that does is leave a lot of us to figure it out and I believe the Holy Spirit wants to do something significant in this place so I want you to open your heart and open your mind for what God's gonna do because John chapter 8 I believe it's verse 32 says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you what it'll set you free but there's two things that come before freedom it's knowing and truth and it's one thing to want to be free but if you don't know truth you'll never get free and many people in church are walking around claiming freedom singing about freedom wanting to be free but we're not honest and the truth is that sex is ravaging most of our lives and it's one of the biggest things we deal with talked about or untalked about sexual urges sexual frustrations sexual partners um sexual ideas whether we do them or not it's one of the issues that everybody is dealing with some guys walk down all day long because they don't want be tempted by anything some people on social media all day skipping and deleting and following people because it speaks to you sexually it affects our entire life but what does God say about this well I think the first thing is that we got to come clean and walk in spirit and in truth and can I tell you some things that I found that are the truth the truth is that 80 percent of adolescents say that they find out about sex violence and drugs by their peers television or on the Internet 80 percent that means that 80 percent of adolescents are not finding out about sex from their parents from educators or from church or biblical knowledge so what ends up happening in most people's life is they get this image of what sex is and then everything in their life is coming against this image that was not given by God but was given by their big cousin and what we're doing is we're fighting because it's the truth and see not a lot of churches want to talk about this we want to shout hallelujah but whenever we come off the hallelujah we're dealing with horniness okay let me come to this side cuz maybe y'all will be of look everybody over there was like oh not me of no pastor no yeah yeah if if we if we're honest about it we're saved sanctified in sexual beings and what happens is God has solutions for these things but we're not willing to deal with the truth you know what the truth is that children that are ages 10 to 17 will see a hundred and forty three sexual images this week on prime-time television this week not even at like midnight one two or three in the morning light for a hundred and forty three sexual images you know the crazy thing about it is that you're you're more likely to see three to four times more likely to see sexual relations happen between men and women who are not married than ones who are that's the truth you know one of the saddest truths that I found as I was reading and studying through some of these um health and medical studies this week that 50% of every high school student has been sexually active half of all high school students have had in sexual experience some of you parents are sending like nah my child and the satyr fact is that for African Americans 72% have been sexually active by the time they are out of high school seven out of ten fifty two percent for Hispanics forty seven percent for white people yay white people here what I'm saying though the sad truth is if the church does not stand up and begin to say something about this topic then we let the enemy win and we never put up a fight and I'm and I'm here to say that many of the problems that you deal with in in security today become it is because you never sexual things were never addressed when you were younger you have secrets and pains and frustrations from your family things that you saw things that happen to you that nobody ever had the gall to address with the Word of God they told you to be quiet they told you no that didn't happen you didn't say nothing because you knew if you even hinted that anything happened he was gonna get a whuppin you were gonna get in trouble you was come on let's be honest and so now we're sitting here in the greatest most vulnerable position for the enemy isolation and anything he can isolate it's the same thing he can destroy but today there's freedom coming for you that we're gonna expose the lies of the enemy and this thing that is called sex and I want you to realize this one simple truth and I want you to know that sex is good come on let's have therapy just for one second everybody in the room I want you to say sex is good everybody say it sex is good okay and this doesn't want to take it one more step further sex was God's idea see this is this is the crazy thing some of y'all just broke out in hives right there by saying sex is good in church because you were taught that it was bad but what happens is the first mention of something usually is the thing that you that you grade everything else by and so because many of us were introduced to sex I know when I was introduced to sex it was in sixth grade in a locker room and in a bathroom and these nasty little perverted sixth-grade boys told me everything that I knew I mean majority of so I didn't know nothing and they just took me from a little sheltered Christian prophesy and family background and they said bro here's what it is now hear me I didn't learn it in Bible School I didn't learn it at my house I didn't learn it anywhere else so that was the foundation of my sexual building and it was given to me by some dumb sixth graders now think about how crazy that is but people are educated who educated you how did you did a magazine tell you did it did it did a friend tell you did late-night pornography tell you that HBO tell come on let's be honest who educated you and what happens is then I grow up and I start coming to church and they give me the sex talk the birds-and-the-bees talk at church don't have sex until you're married is that it and it's coming against something that already was my foundation all this stuff I've been exposed to so now I'm in a battle what I know is true cuz it was presented to me first and what you're saying God says about it and that's where most Christians stay and a battle between what was first planted in their hearts and allowing God to uproot that thing and put something else new there I'm proud of every parent that has a middle school student or somebody in here though we gave that announcement cuz they already know if your child is over 12 they already know they know what's going on they see it but it's time for us to address it so my first point today is that sex is God's idea we have to redeem and reclaim this idea of sex being a bad thing it's a bad thing out of the context that God meant for it to be in it's a great thing inside of the context that God meant for it to be in and I'm gonna help you understand this this morning cuz Genesis 1:28 what is the first statement that God says to Adam and Eve after their creation the first thing he does is bless them he said I bless y'all now go be fruitful and multiply so what basic can I translate it for you he said y'all are bless go have sex do that thing put it down Abin put them down Adam do you understand that's what God that's what my god that's what my God said to Adam okay he wasn't talking about planting a tree to be fruitful he told them to go be fruitful and multiply okay I want you to realize this because until you can acknowledge the fact that sex is good and that sex was created by God your distorted perversion of what sex is will always be preeminent in your mind and I have to resect this so that we can see it how God sees it God didn't tell them to go learn and pray he didn't tell them to start creating something he told them to go have sex and be fruitful what does this tell us that God knows how he made us and inside of the covenant of marriage he made us to enjoy and be sexual everybody just nod your head like just yes that's what somebody I was just sitting there like you hear me because the enemy has distorted it so bad in your heart in your mind that when you think about sex is something that's supposed to be covered something that's supposed to be secret something that's supposed to be behind the scenes and what God says is what I created I look at it and I say it's good when I created it in the right thing but what we have done is we've taken it out of the context that God meant for it to being I want you to just get this God's first command to humanity was go have sex be fruitful and multiply I'm telling you that sex is not bad what you've been taught about sex is bad sex is not an abomination sex is amazing but he put it in a container that is supposed to control it so that it can give him glory when it is out of that container then it becomes destructive and it causes death to come to people's lives so the title of today's message is sex the container okay sex container I want everybody to see this what does Jesus say about this mark chapter 10 let's go to verse 6 mark chapter 10 verse 6 this is Jesus talking he's talking to a group of people who are trying to figure this thing out just like you trying to figure it out he said but God made them male and female who made him okay so God made them both male and female that means God knows our parts he knows our desires he knows our urges he knows our appetite he knows all of that and how does he know it because he created us from the beginning that's what it says this explains why a man leaves his father and mother that's the only reason you leave your father and mother is from marriage covenant and is joined I want everybody the underlying Circle that word joined right there because it means when you study it out in the Greek in the Hebrew it means so much more than what we say right here this is talking about sexual intimacy right here they're joined together through marriage and I want to explain this you're joined physically through sex you're joined emotionally through intimacy and you're joined spiritually through covenant now let me help you with this every time you have sex with somebody it is not just a physical act this is not just skin-to-skin when you have sex you are joining to that but this is how powerful God made sex is that every time that you join with somebody come together you are joining physically through that action you are joining emotionally through through what God has called us to be close together or into and you are joining spiritually through covenant what I'm trying to say that every time you have sex you're marrying somebody without the covenant no no no hear me I want you to get this clearly every time you have sex you are marrying somebody without the Covenant prove it to me Pastor Mike marriage was supposed to be the perfect picture of God everything that he does in human nature is supposed to be seen in a marriage so when Humanity was separated when God was separated from his church he had to send a sacrifice a blood sacrifice one that was poured out so that we could be in covenant you could go to the Old Testament think about the children of Israel when they pass through they had to circumcise themselves why because it was a blood covenant I could speak this whole thing but I want you to understand that inside of every woman God has put blood that if you understand Anatomy at all that when a man penetrates a woman blood is shed because every time that's supposed to happen they're supposed to be a covenant established every time you have sex and so what people are doing is they're marrying people willy-nilly and walking around for a piece of pleasure and God is saying that every time that you joined with somebody you're not just getting that physical moment you're getting their emotional status you're not just getting a physical connection you're getting a spiritual withdrawal that's why some people can be in abusive relationships for 17 years and all they're doing is having sex it's because they didn't just have sex they married that person they emotionally physically and spiritually join with that person that's why there's somebody right now that you had sex with before you got married if they walked in this room right now you'd be all jacked up been 15 years since you've seen them but if they walk in this room or they're seen because there's something called a soul tie that has you connected to them you thought it was one night that you would forget but it was something that God said you married that person without the covenant and we have an entire society of people who are having one-night stands our hookups or Netflix and chill and what they don't understand is they're robbing their bank deposit they are filled with something that every time they connect with somebody it's taking a withdrawal and when they get with they're husband and wife they may be in the negative I want you to see sex was God's idea but inside of what God called it to be so when we look at this this scripture mark chapter 10 verse 6 go back to what he said that's why they leave their mother and father so they can be joined physically emotionally and spiritually to who their wife so this makes you know that it's supposed to be in marriage that you're not supposed to be just joined to that dude who you work with they're joined to that person that you go to school with this is supposed to be joined not to the mailman you're joined to your husband or to your wife oh don't act like this don't happen every day don't don't act like you don't see people at your job and at the watercooler and at the different things and you know what's being planned right now you know it matter of fact some of y'all in this room are people who have made opportunity for your sin to give life and what I'm trying to say right here is it's not bad it just has to be in proper context it said and the two are united in two what is this word one and then he says it again since he knew some of us like me would be remedial like God what are you really trying to say you saying like the two really become one like every time I have sick like what is sex anyway you know I'm saying a sex oral sex it's say y'all know we'd be asking these questions like no you know what it is it's what you did and look he says it again for the remedial once he says the two are united into one since they are no longer two but one let no one split apart what God has joined together now this is crazy because God didn't puts his stamp of approval owner see every time you have sex what God is saying is I'm joining this together you know I'm on the inside of you and I'm joining this together many of you don't realize that marriage was not a piece of paper and was not a a ceremony in a white dress when they were writing this it was a covenant was made when you had sex with the person so you did not have sex with anybody you were not planning to spend the rest of your life with and so what happens when we talk about this in this passage what we're doing is we're saying well I ain't it ain't legal with the courts and I haven't had a marriage ceremony God says all that's for you like the dress I don't get no glory from that the bridesmaids the groom's men the music the people walking down and saying all of it that's you that's what you want that's American Americanized view of what marriage is he said you know what marriage is with me when a person decides what is it so valuable in me that I'm ready to give it to somebody else and I'm ready to give it to this one person for the rest of my life and I'm gonna give them all love me and so when we step into that covenant God is there saying I do when the intersection of joining comes together so my question is how many times have you made God say I do and you didn't how many people have you been in sexual relationship with that wasn't you making a covenant with them but it was you satisfying a fleshly need that God could meet if you allowed him to but you decided not to allow him to so you went and did it for yourself saying that you're your own provider and it ended up robbing you I've never met anybody that's sexually active and charged and all this other stuff who comes out feeling freer after the situation oh I'm just blood they may act like it I see this this whole generation of people like I'm free I can I can do what I want to do this independent woman if men are gonna pimp I'm a pimp too and all this other stuff that is all a broken insecure person trying to figure out how to God in their own life and it'll never happen so you got to understand that sex is not bad everybody say sex is not bad sex was God's idea but then comes to my second point sex was perverted it's the enemy's plan in society to prefer anything that God says is good so if God says sex is good the enemy's automatic plan is to come in and figure out a way to make it bad just think about it in the garden listen the enemy never showed up until there was unity and Eve came into the picture you don't ever hear about the devil when it was just Adam and God but it was when there was supposed to be a picture of what God's relationship with his bride look like in a marriage that the enemy said I was like I can't have this unity thing I can't have this oneness thing I can't have this so I need to deceive can I give you what I'm calling God's plan of oneness look at this this was God's plan this was God's idea he wanted it to be one God one man one woman one marriage one sex partner one flesh one lifetime to create one picture that's what God designed marriage to look like it's to be a reflection but I've seen these things you know there are people that have like an expensive painting of Van Gogh or a Renoir or something like that and then because everybody can't afford how amazing that picture is they make prints of it okay so a lot of us in our houses or in our dorm rooms or in our plays we got prints of like the real thing okay but it's beautiful because you can appreciate the real thing because it's a copy of it it's supposed to be a picture of it but it would be like God creating this picture of marriage that is supposed to be all of these ones and then us getting sent a copy of it but somebody took a sharpie and started drawing things on it and perverting the picture and this is what a lot of sex looks like in our society a lot of perversions all you can be with two women or you can do it like you don't even need no man you can do it by yourself or man go get your homeboy y'all can get to it's all perversion or sleep with your kids or have six wives and all these what it is it's the perfect picture and why do they want to be married if it's an institution that God has set up it's because everybody desires on the inside of them to create to connect with the Creator and it's what God placed on the inside of us but most of us are creating counterfeit pictures that have been perverted so the enemy has come to pervert what God has made good and it reminds me of Paul in first Corinthians go there 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and we're gonna look in this but let me give you a little backstory that Paul is basically talking to a society that's kind of like our society today a society that is full of lust a society that glorifies people and things that that basically are a fantasy in somebody's head you all know that we glorify people who put fake implants and they butts and in a chest and literally have fake we fake this fake that and then we put them up on stages and people watch in mass views and they just shake they but they don't got no talent no nothing but we glorify it even people in church oh she should be a sec Julia move so I can see the devil that word just let's be honest we we glorify things and so this city of Corinth is like the Las Vegas Strip of its time so like Las Vegas they cater to your sin like like y'all know the phrase what happens in Vegas yeah and even been and you know you got what I'm saying and so it'll cater to the things of your flesh and this is where Paul is and he's talking to believers who are coming out of this lifestyle and trying to live a Christian lifestyle but he's trying to give them practical steps of how they live spiritually in a world that looks like this kind of like what we got to do every day and let's see if we can't find some keys to what God says about sex in this verse 9 don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God and this part messes me up every time don't fool yourself I mean the Holy Spirit came to me so hard when I started reading this and really giving God my sexual um impurities and did he said Michael don't fool yourself don't think that I'm about to come and bless what you won't allow me to come in and fix don't fool yourself you will not inherit the kingdom of God in that area of relationships cuz you will not stop sleeping around don't fool yourself you got grace you are saved you're gonna make it to heaven but don't fool yourself that i'ma bless what I've already cursed and some of us walk around like God is just gonna work in this relationship guys just gonna take this God is doing no don't fool yourself maybe that relationship has been taken from you since you got into it and you've been giving your body and you've been been been lowering your standards and fella don't fool yourself everything that's sitting up right now is gonna fall gravity gets us all don't blow yourself hear me what I'm saying because these people were Christian people but they thought they could dabble in sin and still have the blessings of God and Paul was telling them you're saved you're gonna make it into heaven and that's what I hate I hate this thing that that all we need to do is make it into heaven that is the lowest level of blessing that God has for your life did you just make it into heaven that would be like my parents having an inheritance for me that could be on this earth but they say hey Mike we just gave you the house no furniture in it you got the house but they said man we also had a fully furnished furnished house for you we had cars we had a jet we had on bank accounts we had trust we had funds but we watched how you managed your other things we gave you we so we can't give you the inheritance we wanted to give you God has so much for you so much more beyond what you can see in what you've experienced and what you've done but don't fool yourself the area you won't allow him to come in and you keep doing wrong in he cannot supply he cannot supply and that's why he's saying these people's like oh that sounds kind of rough like what do you mean don't fool yourself what are you saying what do you mean people who do wrong and Paul clarifies he says those who indulge in sexual sins who worship idols commit adultery or male prostitutes practice homosexuality our thieves are greedy people some of y'all was good till we got there y'all was like honor that I mean that I meet that I'm greedy oh who are drunkards who are abusive or people who just simply cheat people none of these will inherit the kingdom of God I want to tell you the saddest story in our earth today is that there are people with Kingdom inheritances that God gun wants to give you right now he wants to give you not just an eternity but in history he doesn't want you to just have an eternal reward he wants you to have a right now reward but don't fool yourself if you keep entangling yourselves in these situations and not allowing him to come in and deal with them you're still hiding them you're still walking around with them you will not inherit the promise of God and all that he wants to do in your life right now and that's why we get frustrated and then we go to other things to fulfill something that God already has if we'll surrender what we have if you would just give up what you have he'll give you what he has and I promise you it's better than anything you could have for yourself but it's been perverted look at verse 11 but it says some of you were like that thank God but you were cleansed you were made holy you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God just for one second I thank God for grace I think that some of us need to remember who we used to be some of us need to take 10 seconds and just remember how faithful God has been to us that we used to be just like that I looked at that listen I said I was all of those things but for the grace of God see some of y'all have forgotten how God has delivered you you ain't always been that smart you ain't always been that put together you were a ho and it's been buried so long that you forgot how to relate and what you forget you judge I'm gonna just say it one more time what you forget you begin to judge others based on that thing he's so critical but when it when when I look at my Bible the ground is even at the foot of the cross that everybody from the homosexual to the liar it's standing on even playing field saying god I need you and so I want you to see that it's not about where you are it's about letting the god of the universe come into that thing because it's been perverted sex sexuality impure thoughts it's been perverted verse 12 it says because these people was like okay I hear what you're talking about and Paul knew what type of people he was dealing with and he said I already know what y'all thinking right now I know what you think of look of ourselves you say I'm allowed to do anything but not everything is good for you now watch this and even though I'm allowed to do anything I must not become a slave to anything now this ups the ante because this ain't even about sin you can be slaves to something that's not sin some of y'all are slaves to video games every day we're 2k some of you are slaves to social media some of you are slaves to the opinion of others oh she won't do anything because God told you to do it you'll do it if everybody agrees with it and and this is saying sins shouldn't just be your first bar you know you're maturing when you start not evaluating things like is that a sin is that a sin is that a sin no is this maturing me is this making me better is a my a slave to this yes some of y'all slave to fast-food if Starbucks went out of business you die die die like it and hear me but the Bible's telling us we shouldn't have anything that's a master over us except the master does everybody understand what I'm saying and so my question is what are you a slave to and I can't answer that question for you but you can answer it what are you a slave to and let me help you one of the worst things to be a slave to is sexual impurity let me tell you why because sexual impurity is one of those sins that doesn't come alone you can't be sexually impure and not be a liar if you're sexually impure you have to lie you can't do it in the open you can't be like just think about it if you were sexually active before you were married and you were in high school or something and you were going to have sex and your parents ask you hey what are you going to do tonight you didn't say going to have sex then they said see you at 11 that didn't happen what you do what are you going to do tonight oh we're going bowling you know just bowling strikes fair see you know just and just you automatically learn to lie with sexual impurity comes the session comes manipulation I'm telling you it's like when you when you when you look and somebody's knocking on the door and you're not fully dressed are you not in your your swag yet and stuff and you be like before maybe like who is it I'm like oh it's just them okay and then you open the door never like come on in everybody cause sexual see brings unbelief doubt it brings the whole party to your house and that's why when you deal in sexual sin it allows every other kind of spirit to join to you that's why the enemy would love for you to keep secrets in those areas because it invites other things in that you don't have no control to keep out and so we sit here I mean just think about it even David the man after God's own heart when he committed adultery what's the first thing he did he lied and after he lied he murdered this was a man after God I'm telling you you can't be in sexual impurity and it be the only sin that comes and that's why God says that you have to get free you have to take this perverted view of sexuality that is breaking you that has you looking at people distorted that has you looking at yourself like you're not worthy you have to give that back to me and you have to let me redefine it what I created sex to be is good who I created you to be is good but what this thing is doing to you is bad you gotta let pornography go you gotta let slide into the DMS and stay sexting and talking late at night and allowing those people to come into your life and slip in and slip out you gotta stop joining the people and marrying them without the Covenant you gotta let me have this why cuz for God's sake if you're not going to get sexually pure for yourself get sexually pure for your children and your grandchildren see what you don't understand is that most of y'all are dealing with the problems that your grandmama and your granddaddy had and it's passed to you I'm going to teach you two words that that may seem kind of churchy to some of you but they're all through the Bible the word transgression and the word iniquities transgression write it down transgression and write the word iniquities down because I want to show you what these two things are okay a transgression is it's something it kind of reminds you of the English word trespassing like it's committing a sin and coming back like it's I made a transgression I stepped on the property and I wasn't supposed to and so I got off the property it's what sin is is a transgression and and and and a lot of us make transgression adultery would be a transgression okay I stepped over the line and I trespassed in something that wasn't mine and I came back but lust is the iniquity it's the thing that's in the heart let me help you both of them are sin but what happens inside and one happens outside so transgressions are the action the outward actions iniquities is the heart posture stay with me a lot of people will believe the lie that since I don't do anything it's not that bad you think about it you have it in your heart and it's all you have iniquities in your heart but you don't transgress you don't act on them so it's like as long as it's not hurting anybody it's not that bad as long as I masturbate in my bathroom by myself it's not that bad as long as I touch myself it's not that bad but what you don't understand is you're arousing something that can never be satisfied you are starting a train down a road that will lead you to destruction and look what the Word of God says about this thing right here called transition trends aggressions and iniquities and let me make it clear it's all sin like transgression and iniquity is not like one like oh the transgressions ain't that bad the iniquities that no it's all saying Jesus said he said if you even look on a woman lustfully you might as well already done it so but this is what I want you to understand is the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 5 chapter 9 it says that the iniquities the inward motivation those things that have been in your heart and in your thoughts they are passed on to your children to the third and fourth generation here what I'm saying to you that if you do not stand up and deal with the sexual impurity in your life it is going to pass down to your children and your children's children and your children's children's children and they're gonna have to deal with stuff that God asks you to cut off may I submit to you that you ain't even dealing with your own sexual problems you're dealing with your Grandmamma sexual problems see cuz nobody stood up and broke this thing off of your life and you're saying you said Pastor Mike no no you do know your grandmama was a hoe your mama was a hoe and now you are hoe and you think there's something magically happening no no no baby it's the iniquities the heart position of generational secrets oh come on y'all if you really would open up and stop living your life idealistic Lee like no my mom was perfect you got here in your last name which is Rory's and her last name Smith what you think happened and maybe it's starting with you and you have a pornography addiction that you're saying as long as I handle it by myself see that's the lie the enemy told me he told me as long as it's not hurting anybody else it's okay but what it was doing was arousing secret desires and secret sins in my life that allowed me to have a thirst for something that nobody could ever quench and so now I'm sneaking out of windows and I'm and I'm going over to this girl's house and I'm doing this and I'm going to do this and I'm texting nobody knows see it's a hole in the dark it's all in the secret and some of y'all are trying to be out front with it and be like this is what I'm doing but you ain't tell everybody everything that's happening if they really knew what was happening they wouldn't even be your friend they wouldn't touch you don't give me a five no no no baby wash your hands do you understand what I'm saying listen what I'm telling you is that it's enemy's trick to arouse your sexual secretive lifestyle at a young age so now you've done it all these years with your girlfriend and your boyfriend and your friends and your big cousin that you hope ain't your big cousin and all these other things that are having oh this is really happening Oh can I come to your house and then you get married and all of a sudden it's no longer pleasing because it's not scratching the edge because it's not a secret anymore so so it was good when you couldn't do it and now that you get it inside of marriage it no longer pleases you because it loses the air of secrecy and perversion and so the enemy has tricked us to think that perverted sex is enjoyable sex that perversion that darkness being in the mix and that's why he's like jump out and surprise me like we're not supposed to be doing this why I'm supposed to be here like this is what's supposed to happen like bow here I am come get it daddy like but no but no that's why a man will be in the closet jacking off and has a woman right there to meet his need but that's not a secret and this is I want y'all to hear the Word of God today some of y'all sitting so stiff right now some of y'all ain't that some people ain't moved all day what I'm telling you is that the enemy has perverted what this looks like to make you feel that if it's not secret if it doesn't have that spice in that adrenaline and all that other stuff it's not good God never made when he made Adam and Eve he said they were naked and unashamed and so what I'm saying to you is that these words of transgressions and iniquities it's time for somebody to stand up and say it stops with me I'm not passing this on to the next generation I'm not letting this go past me I will not let this homosexual spirit that keeps trying to tempt me I'm stopping it with me I'm letting these transgressions and these iniquities be stopped they will not pass down to my family the Bible says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children my question is what type of inheritance are you leaving are you leaving one of iniquity and transgressions one of blessings but this is the beautiful thing and why the Word of God is so congruent I love it isaiah 53:3 because i know some of you are dealing with transgressions and iniquities and you're dealing with things that you haven't even told the person you're married to and you're dealing with things yeah you were abused and it happened to you and nobody even really knows the turmoil that's going on on your heart and maybe you are out here looking for love in all the wrong places because you feel like you're devalued and maybe you are out here exploring your sexuality and trying to be with men are trying to be with women and women and you're tried you're so confused about who God has made you but this is the beautiful thing about transgressions and iniquities Jesus did something about him he didn't just leave us in this place and say figure it out he didn't just leave us right here to have to try to go through it he said but he was wounded for our transgressions remember what I said about transgressions transgressions are the outward the outward experience where do you get wounded on the outside you get wounded on the outside but he was bruised for our iniquities that's inside when you get bruised that's something that comes from the inside and it comes to the outside God said I took every transgression every cell I feel the presence of God every sexual sin everything that the enemy meant for evil and I let them beat me and I let them bruise me and I let them take me so that you could walk in freedom you don't have to live that life you don't have to struggle with that thing you do not have to carry it he saw every transgression and he saw every iniquity and he said hit me again bruise me again I'm not getting off of this until I get it all out I want you to see that that's how much God loves you so you don't have to live in this that you don't have to perpetuate this cycle of fatherless children that you don't have to keep going and rolling you're sowing your Wild Oats and leaving that's a generational iniquity that's a hard posture as God says I took those bruises for every one of your iniquities look at the rest of this verse the chastisement for us to live in peace was upon his shoulders he carried the city on his back and by his we are we were and we are right now I came to tell you that if you receive the grace of God for every transgression transgression and iniquity it's not gonna take 20 years it's not gonna take 15 years it's not gonna take a look you are you weren't healed somebody shot at me I am healed come on with Kate say I am healed I don't care if you are abused I don't care if you've been in cycles I don't care by the stripes you I feel the presence of God you heal somebody needs you to say that over I am healed I'm not what happened to me I am healed I am healed I am healed I'm not broken I don't have to do what I am healed sit down I want you to hear me say this so because God is so good because he's so good he made sex and he said it was good then sex got perverted because it was so powerful you can mess up our whole life so what did he do cuz he's a good guy he made a container for it to go in and that container is my third point is marriage so when you put sex that destructive force inside of a container that can handle the power it becomes something that generates life for you and for others can I give you an example this is what water looks like in a container hundreds of thousands of gallons of power contained now produces light and life for an entire city because it's in the right container if you put sex in the container of marriage it will produce light you are the light of the world it will produce life they'll know you buy your fruit they can eat all for that and you'll be able to change people's lives but what does water look like uncontained what does water look like when we're having sex outside of marriage it looks like destruction it looks like total devastation it looks like you can get into areas of our life that we never thought it could get into and even when it leaves it leaves residue and we'll be dealing with the ramifications of this for years to come what I'm asking everybody to do is to do it God's Way hold on to your purity and stay close to God in marriage and even when you get married to keep God in the center of your marriage stop bringing those other women in your head into that bedroom and defiling it stop bringing those other men and to get off of those websites why cuz God took stripes so that we didn't have to live with these transgressions or iniquities some of you won't make it another week dealing with the things and heart and your mind that you've been dealing with for years but today God's here to heal you young lady you're not your body you're more than that God has made you special and beautiful and these buster's around here who just want you to send them pictures and do all this they don't want you they want what you can provide for them but if I tell you if you would just hold back and say you're not worth it you're the best thing I never had I think Beyonce the prophetess Beyonce said that and I and and what I'm what I'm telling you is young man that if you would know your Worth and would be able to stand as men of God and not be drawn by your other head I think that God would be able to use you and be able to produce in you men of valor men of honor men of stature men that will stand and say as for me and my house we are gonna serve the Lord hear what I'm saying is god cares that much about you so you look at it God created a container and so what are you saying Pastor Mike today I want everybody to surrender your sexuality surrendering peso Mike I was taught this I believe this I've done it like this but today I'm giving it back to the Creator he made it he knows what to do with it and he knows everything about me so I'm surrendering my sexuality I'm talking to Mary two people who you've been so jacked up in your sexual relations some of you and I said earlier that you need to come together because sex is not just a physical act it's a spiritual act and it is an emotional act you connect you can never connect with somebody without getting off on them some of y'all bedrooms have been so dead and so dry you just need to shut up and connect no hear me and allowed the spit let your spirit and let your emotion see this is bigger than a physical act God's trying to bring the picture back to earth that he's created from the foundation so you gotta surrender it God my life is not my own I'm giving you everything today with what Romans 613 says don't let any part of your body become an instrument of evil look at this to serve sin instead give yourself completely to God that sounds like surrender to me for you were dead but now you have new life so use your whole body all of it your eyes your ears your mouth your fingers you're texting thumbs use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God this is a decision day for many of you that there are relationships you're gonna have to get out of there are people that you're just going to have to delete out of your life not just out your phone out of every contact you have you you you may have to take a season off of Instagram and Facebook and you may have to go up to your wife and apologize and come clean you may have to go up to your husband and say I've I've been emotionally cheating on you with somebody at the office and today I've come clean because God only frees people in truth
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 1,813,187
Rating: 4.9201932 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Tulsa, Represent, God, Christ, Sermon, Jesus, Sex, Sexual, Relationship, Relationships, Goals
Id: KHAcHA2wlqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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