You Need All 3 // Will You Take the Next Step? // The Upgrade // Michael Todd

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welcome to transformation church where we exist to represent god to the lost and found for transformation in christ my name is amber lee bell and i have the honor and privilege of serving as one of the executive pastors here at tc we are so honored that you've decided to join us today get your phone your notebook whatever it is that you take notes with and get ready for today's message somebody let's give god a shot of praise all over the world god we honor you there's nobody like you hallelujah [Music] you know what this week i heard um i heard a lot of people um talking about how the holy spirit has become very active in communicating with them through daily things like getting dressed and and which way to take to work and i i just really believe that they're starting to be a revelation and a revolution of the person of the holy spirit and today if this is your first time tuning in with us and joining us we want to say welcome we're excited about you being here and we believe that this has been a divine collision in your life so that whatever's going on right now it can come in to rest and i just feel this thing for myself and for everybody else there is a rest coming to your life when you allow the holy spirit lift your hands right now some of y'all need to rest i didn't say sleep you've been sleeping but you haven't been resting and i just feel the holy spirit said today i'm going to give people rest yeah if you need rest in the chat right now i need you to just say i need some rest come on some of you been grinding and hustling some of you been doing the right thing but there's just seems to be this this anxiousness or this i gotta do more but right now there's going to be a rest that comes to you come on hands lifted receive the rest of the holy spirit holy spirit right now we are we are leaning back into you yeah yeah i just see how my daughter when she says daddy i want to i want to sit on your lap one thing she does is she leans back into me she knows i'm strong enough to hold her full weight and i hear god saying to somebody i'm strong enough to hold your full weight i know your job i know your kids lay back in me i know your responsibilities i feel this thing right now i know what you want i know the house is supposed to be built i know you got this bill but lean back into me right now come on somebody needs to spiritually lean back somebody is about to get rest for the first time father we rest in you father we rest in you i know some of y'all want a message right now but somebody needs a transformation god we rest in you yeah we rest in you we got we got projects due tomorrow we got mid our finals do we got all these things but god's saying rest in me rest in me rest in me rest in me [Music] we lean back into you with all our responsibilities with all the things going on in our head we rest in you lord yeah come on worship team just feel it right now this is invading somebody's home right now it's invading the depression right now father we rest in you [Music] is our god i hear this god says lean back into me cause great and mighty is a god great in my our god come on let's make him big one time can somebody just lift your hands and say say great in my ears i got great [Music] god you're big enough for everything that we're dealing with right now [Music] hey [Music] father i thank you for every person that's under the sound of my voice father you've given me a word but you wanted to give more than a word today you wanted to give rest today and so for everybody who's tired and been weary i thank you for the rest of god right now i thank you that the rest of this week i hear the holy spirit saying some of you are going to sleep and actually rest some of you go take a sunday nap and it's going to be like you had a whole vacation god said because it's the burdens that have been weighing you down and he said today you're going to somebody say rest hey god i'm arresting you [Music] i'm laying down the burdens that i picked up god i will win just one more time god i'm not going to do it in my own will hey i'm not gonna do it in my own mind but god i'm laying back on you lay that weight upon the lord they will renew their strength god we are here today saying we rest in you hey god you're big enough you're strong enough you can deal with my complexities my emotions yeah have your way in this place god somebody say have your way in this place god come on somebody say have your way in this place touch yourself have your way we trust you we believe you and we thank you in jesus name so holy spirit you are gone just one time say come fly this place that's what happens when you rest your glory [Music] huh you're here holy spirit [Music] just one more time can everybody lift it up no music say holy [Music] [Music] we want more of you lord [Music] holy spirit do whatever you want to do today we are inviting you in to do whatever you want to do i got a plan but whatever you want to do god you are the guest of honor here have your way in jesus name can we give god a shout of praise all over the world come on i dare you to lift your voice and give up right there in your home [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel like all those old prophetic conferences i used to go into like i feel like i feel the presence of god is here like before i say anything he's already working before i give you a note he's already moving on your situation this is just gonna be confirmation ah this is just gonna be confirmation to what the holy spirit is already working on the inside of you have your way said have your way have your way happy with when i was young my mom and dad used to drive me to all we used to go to all these prophetic conferences and they would usually be at hotels and it would always be funny to watch people who were coming to stay at the hotel go to the elevator to go up to that room past the conference room where the holy spirit was moving because you would see these people some of them coming from the bar or some of them and as soon as they would get close as soon as they would enter something would start moving on the inside of him because holy spirit wasn't confined to the room and i saw so many times people that were in drunken states people who were broken and lost people just on their way minding their own business on the way to their room it was like the holy spirit reached out and snatched them and he started dragging them into the presence and about an hour into the meeting you would see a row of people who weren't dressed properly who didn't know the protocol who didn't have all the right things to say but the holy spirit started drawing i feel that same anointing today somebody's watching and you in the room and you didn't even think this was for you but the holy spirit he's throwing you he's drawing you he's swallowing you ah i steal that somebody said the holy spirit is drawing me [Music] i don't know who that's for right there but he is ah he's drawing somebody back to his feet he's throwing somebody back to the altar he's throwing somebody back in the purpose he's drawing somebody he's swallowing me somebody say deeper he's throwing me deeper he's drawing somebody [Music] thank you lord some of y'all thought that was for somebody who was unsaved but some of the people that been walking with him you've been walking distant from him he said he's drawing you back to your first love he's drawing you back to his word he's drawing you back to repentance he's drawing you back to intimacy he's drawing us [Music] draw me nearer [Music] near a precious lord [Music] i feel the presence of god in this [Music] yep all right y'all ready for week three of the upgrade because if i this got to be a hard transition cause the spirit's gonna continue to move in this moment i feel him right now he's leading this whole thing and so if you if you can because somebody's having a fit in their home right now because they're remembering somebody on the track had to stop running somebody had to pull over your car i know because what i feel in here is god has been drawing somebody and right now there is a sweet anointing that is redirecting i feel that there is a redirection some of y'all were about to do something god is divinely redirecting you holy spirit is saying rerouting rerouting the root hallelujah i feel this so strongly there's just a prophetic on me right now and i need to let you know god the holy spirit said that some of you were about to make a life-altering decision this week and this moment of praise this moment of interruption god said i'm redirecting you this is not for everybody but this is confirmation for somebody that's what prophecy is for god says i'm rerouting you and the destination will not change but the way you get there will cause you to have faith in me he's saying hold up wait he's rerouting you father i pray for the obedience or whoever that's for in the name of jesus whoever they have to disappoint or whatever they have to renew and reschedule father god i thank you in the name of jesus that they will have the presence of mind to hear you and obey we trust you and believe you for it in jesus name somebody say we agree amen let's give god one more shout of praise oh come on all over the world all over this arena let's give god one more shadow praise y'all i feel all my ancestors i feel no no no i don't even like i feel the weight of generations of people who've been crying out for a move of god like i feel them all behind me and i just feel like god's saying push push we're going to push i feel this thing we're about to move a generation we're about to come off the sideline you've been looking for a revival where here it is there is a there's a cloud of witnesses that are saying let's go let's take territory let's flip this world upside down these are safe these are vape these are the ones that don't flip this whole thing upside down have your way god whoa whoa if you're homie like i can't understand it just stay with us maybe it's gonna make sense here in a second but god's about to oh [Music] that's why we're doing this series that's the whole reason we're doing this series god said the territory that you're about to take you can't do it without the power of the holy spirit so so so you can get your money right and you can have your salvation intact and you can be saved by grace but if you don't get this power i can't take you outside of these four walls and impact the seven mountains i can't take you into government and entertainment and education i can't take you there without power we need the power of the holy ghost the power of the holy spirit the power of the helper the power of the advocate that's what a move of god is going to come out of it's not a stadium it's not a good worship song it's not us being able to have good graphics and leds it's the power what happened on azusa street in the early 1900s they didn't have no technology all they had was the power of the holy ghost and it turned the whole i feel this thing there is a power oh god i feel this thing there is a power coming to the church somebody say power the [Music] that's why he told the disciples wait here [Applause] wait here wait until you get endued with the reason why the upgrade is so important is because there's board rooms you're going to go into that you're not going to have the intellectual prowess to know what to do but the power of the holy ghost it's gonna come up on you and it's not gonna be crazy and weird and i'm not talking about falling out i'm talking about the power of the holy spirit telling you the things to come i'm talking about the power of the holy spirit giving you cunning and witty and understanding there's going to be somebody shouting me power we will not be a powerless church ain't nobody going to do this for another decade with no power i'm not gonna come up here and preach and try to make good sermons and get good graphics and good illustration for us to go home and be defeated alone not when on the inside of us somebody shout i have power oh you better believe that somebody say i have power i have power oh holy spirit what some of y'all are feeling right there that's the holy spirit he's he's moving on the inside of you there's impressions coming on your heart right now there's ideas and things that he's bringing back to your remembrance there's dreams that he's awakening in this moment right now there are things that he's corrected and saying you're about to do that shut that down you never even asked me about that that's the power we have and his name is the holy spirit have your way gone well today i want to welcome you to week three of a series we're calling somebody help me the upgrade and um if you feel what we feel in here right now i'm already sweating i've already come out of my glasses and i ain't even started nothing but we need the power of the holy spirit to live our everyday lives and um what i've been tasked with bishop what i've been tasked with charles is i want to take away the miscommunication or the misrepresentation of the holy spirit like my job can i be very frank with you guys can i be friend i need to take the fear out of the holy spirit because you flee from what you fear and because many of us has feared what would happen if the holy spirit took over we have fleed from him but that is the very thing that gives us power to live an overcoming christian life the reason why you're still struggling with the addictions is because you shut up the holy spirit in your life today i want to take away the mystery and i want to take it no we can't take away the mystery because we're not even going to understand all of it but i want to take away the misunderstandings and more than anything the fear of the holy spirit can you write down my first point real quick the holy spirit is your friend and he's not weird i have to be this practical with the point because everybody needs to understand no matter what your big mama did and no matter what they did at that one church or no matter those people who brought pets in and started doing stuff with snakes that ain't the holy spirit and some of us equate that with the holy spirit the holy spirit is my friend somebody said the holy spirit is my friend and watch this he's not weird can i tell you the truth about it the people are weird and can i be very frank they would be weird with or without the holy spirit people are weird let me tell you i heard this poll that it said one in three people are weird so look to your left and look to your right if neither one of them look weird it's you i'm just playing the actual statistic is one and two um but anyway what i'm saying to you is the holy spirit is not weird he's a gentleman and can i say something else he's not forceful he's faithful he's not about to force his way in the reason why i'm up here sweating and i'm begging you to accept the person of the holy spirit is because he's not going to force his way in he's a gentleman he's gonna stand at the door of your life and he's gonna knock and he's gonna be faithful he's gonna keep knocking when he was at that job he knocked when you were with that group of friends he knocked when you were in jail he knocked and when you were in the penthouse he knocked he's been knocking at the door of your heart and the door of your life and he's saying will you let me in he is faithful but he's not forceful and this is where a lot of believers like well if god wants to do something just tell him to take over the greatest thing that god gave all of us and you see it traced all the way back to adam and eve in the garden is choice the reason why god gave us choice is because he did not want to be worshiped by robots robots don't have a choice let me say it very clearly it can't be love if you can't choose if the person you're in relationship with didn't choose to love you you wouldn't want that unauthentic relationship and god wants a real or an authenticated relationship with you so he has to put on the table the option that's why adam and eve somebody once told me like why didn't he just take the tree of the knowledge of good and evil out of the garden because that would have negated love out of their relationship because they had to choose to obey him they had to choose to love him and that's where god is saying to you choose the holy spirit choose the upgrade and i don't know maybe you're like the people um that are listening right now there's three types of people that are listening see we're on week three everybody say week three so we have weeded out all the people who don't really want to go to the next level now the only people that are on and watching this and re-watching this is the people that really want to check into the upgrade is it statistically known from from the people and the data that we get that in the first two weeks of the series that's when the crowd is there they're trying to see what it is but once we get into it then we'll know by week three who's about to actually progress in their journey through this topic and so i just wanted can we give it up for everybody who is a part of service today oh come on in the chat i want you to give some claps because you're willing to transform and today i didn't come to play with the revelation i got to go deep with it today so i need you to understand where we are and what we're doing and if you haven't watched the other two i want you to go back and get them but today everybody's saying we're going to the deep the only reason we can go to the deep because we know what transformation church the word of the year is and if we're going to be anchored you don't need an anchor in shallow water so god has told us go to the deep so today we're going to the deep and there are three types of people that are watching and participating in this series when the holy spirit is knocking on your life i want to know are you a door shutter y'all know what a door shutter is right you know when somebody comes to visit your house or to deliver a package or try to come sell you something you don't even go to the door to figure out who it is you say the door is shut leave it at the door i'll get it when i want to but i'm not going to have any interaction with that person or these people and the crazy thing about it is that's what some people have done to the door of their life and the room the house of their life as the holy spirit through this series is trying to come knock on the door let me give you a picture of it right now this is the door of your life and the holy spirit is trying to deliver some gifts to you he's trying to give you something and he knocks on the door of your life is somebody at the door i'm asleep i'm not i ain't the upgrade oh no i ain't open the door for him he's been chasing me down since i was in high school [Applause] no that's i'm not here no did he keep coming back it's been six days you've been trying to let me see if it's the same one oh that's him that's him that's it that's it and the crazy thing about it is this will be the picture of your life for the next decade every day the holy spirit is coming through television through books through instagram posts to friends to people he's trying to get your attention he's knocking at the door of your heart he's trying to lead you to jesus but the problem is you're a door shutter and the problem is that the gifts that he has for you are going to transform your life so you can't see him from the outside right now but he has gifts that will change the quality of everything around you but you have to open the door and the problem is spiritually so many of you have been shut off maybe because of tradition maybe because of religion maybe because of even hurt but today i'm asking you don't be a door shutter don't keep the only one who can come and clean your house out of your house the only one that can come and repair what's broken you've tried alcohol you've tried sex you've tried success you've tried notoriety and none of them could fix the walls of your emotions but the holy spirit is knocking at the door [Music] and you still ignoring him but see that's not the only person watching that's only one type of person there's some other people that are watching today and some of y'all are what i call your door openers but you're not like going actually open to let him in your door blockers so the holy spirit comes to your door hold up i'm coming hold on hold on hold on i got instagram i got friends i got family it ain't my priority i'm coming i promise i'm coming well let me go hold on y'all hold on one second cause i'll be right back i'm alive hold on let me go answer the door real quick hello and what you do is you stand in the door you're letting them know you're letting the holy spirit know very clearly i'm here but you ain't getting in this is what i call the lukewarm christian i i need you to see this i need you to see this that you'll stand here all day and you'll listen oh really oh you want to help okay that's great no no no i just wanted to make sure okay yeah i'll go to service i'll watch online i'll post scriptures that's awesome i'll still go club on the weekends oh really oh yeah yeah yeah no no no i'll make other things a priority no that's really cool that you would like to come in but i really know that right here is kind of where i want our relationship to stay and i know i know i know i know i know to my family members who are less saved i'll quote scriptures but to the to my friends and family who still like to turn up i don't want to be fake around them so i'll just stay in this lukewarm door blocking situation [Music] [Applause] and what god is saying to us as a church is how long will we keep the holy spirit at the door how long will you stay lukewarm in your pursuit of god how long will you be able to act like he's the lord but he's actually just an option [Music] and the holy spirit continues to come in and he's trying to let you know that he has something for you but he's a gentleman he's not going to be forceful he's going to be faithful and there's other people that are watching today and these my type of people these the people that when the holy spirit knocks they anticipating the knock how are you doing holy spirit you are the ones who are door openers come in come on in do whatever you want to do matter of fact do you need something i'm at your service and when he comes back the next day come on when he comes back the next day oh dude the door's open come on in holy spirit and when he comes with another package and when he tries to come through the door is open he already knows [Applause] he already knows my question to you is will you be one that says this one phrase by the end of this series welcome holy spirit see the the person who's the door shutter and the person who's the door blocker they're not saying welcome only the person who has the door opener and god has put a burden on my heart that every person in this whole world that watches this would say is somebody just say welcome holy spirit the crazy thing about when you welcome somebody watch this you have to move out of the way and there's people that until you move out of the way and say god whatever you want to do you have to move your pride you have to move tradition you have to move religion you have to move being able to try to figure it out and explain everything somebody just say welcome holy spirit and i'm not telling you which one you are today but if you are a door shutter or a door blocker it's time for you to get an upgrade revelation so that you can welcome the holy spirit in to your life this is week three of the series and i said god so how do you want me to help help them get a welcome y'all know those people you don't want to come to the house come on let's be honest like you made a date and you told them you was they could come over and then when they show up you like i wonder is that how the holy spirit feels in your life that today you're saying holy spirit you are welcome here and tomorrow when he tells you don't go on that lunch date come flood this place and feel the atmosphere don't go on that vacation i plan this pre-pandemic and this is a year after i thought i was and the holy spirit's saying to you today it doesn't matter how you feel about it welcome me in because i need something that i can own there is something that only i can fix and i've just been hearing the holy spirit say i can fix it i can fix that i can fix that say it with me i can you can't but he can and as i was looking at this god said michael i want you to stay on the number three today and i said okay this is week three of the series there's a fact that three is the biblical number of harmony completeness and god's presence god is three in one go back and watch the past two series you'll find that out when jesus was born the magi they brought three gifts jesus lived 33 years and jesus rose on the third day what i found is you need all three the title of my message today is you need all three say that with me you need oh three that's gonna make a lot of sense here in just a minute when i found out about the holy spirit and i started to to really to really understand you need all three persons of god you need god the father god the son that's jesus and god holy spirit somebody say you need all three and as i begin to drill down on the holy spirit and go deeper i found out that there's three things that the holy spirit has been commissioned initially to do in our lives i want you to go to john 16 verse 8 we're just going to get to know about the holy spirit today okay john 16 verse 8 and he says when he comes the holy spirit he will conflict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment and the reason why i put this here is because in our day and age we have a bad view of the word convict anytime you hear the word convict you think it's a bad thing it's like oh they got convicted or not but let me redeem that word for you another word that could help you real quick is convince the holy spirit's job is to convince you of these three things the first thing the holy spirit is trying to convince you is that you have sin and you need a savior you never ask for somebody to fix something that you don't think is broken there's some of y'all right now in your homes there are things that broken but you have jerry rigged them so long that you don't even think that they broke it no more it's not until somebody else comes in and says you know that ain't supposed to work like that you'd be like man it's been like that for six years the holy spirit is trying to convince you of your sin and trying to lead you to a savior the second thing that the holy spirit i want you to understand these foundational things because let me just give you scripture first corinthians 12 3 it says no one can say that jesus is lord except by the holy spirit you meet the holy spirit before you meet anybody else in the trinity he's trying to draw you from a young age he's trying to say and you'd be like something told me that was the holy spirit i just felt that was the holy spirit i don't even know why that was the holy spirit and what he's trying to do is lead you to jesus the second job of the holy spirit and i like this one is to convince you that we are the righteousness of christ see this one is a hard thing to believe that when you get saved by faith after he does the first thing and convinces you you have sinned and you need a savior then he's going to convince you that hey you're righteous you're in right standing with god no man i messed up again no i'm telling you what jesus did for the propitiation of your sins there's nothing you can do but god i looked at it again there's nothing you can do the holy spirit is fighting your own thoughts about your salvation do you know how many days the holy spirit has to remind me that god called me to be the pastor of transformation church and i didn't call myself he was convincing me well i was a bad dad this week i wasn't a present husband this week or i didn't do enough this week and the holy spirit said boy snap out of it when you gave your life by faith to jesus you have been made righteous now watch this not by performance by position and any other foundation that you've built your life on other than that is a toxic theology well now i need to do this so god will accept me when you put your life in his hands by faith your eternity was secured now you got to figure out how to live and the holy spirit knew that we would doubt ourself that we would doubt ourselves that we would listen to the lies of the enemy so the holy spirit's second job is to convince you that you have been made right with god no you've been made right with god no i know you messed up but you are right with god like i know you got drunk last night but you are right with god when you repent when you turn you are right with god and i know this is messing with some people's religion because at your church they kept you coming back to god through manipulation [Applause] so they made you think that every bad thing that you did meant that you needed to redo every good thing that you've done but what that is is demonic what what what christ said was any man that be in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold abracadabra everything has become new and now we have to be regenerated or reformed or renewed or transformed into the image of christ but my eternity is secure when i put my faith in jesus christ and the holy spirit is trying to convince me you need a savior because you're a sinner but after you put your faith in him you're right you're in right standing with god that's his second job can i tell you the third job the reason i'm going so line up online and systematic is so many people have been robbed of these truths and they live their life trying to earn what has already been freely given and this is the third job of the holy spirit is to convince us that satan has been defeated we give the enemy so much daggone credit what if the enemy f him forget him thank you mom all i'm saying to you is that the holy spirit was there when he felt like lightning the holy spirit was there when jesus went down remember three in one he went down and snatched the keys of death hell and the great the holy spirit knows he's like the enemy ain't gonna power over you and he has why does he have to convince us because somehow we believe the lie that we're powerless but my bible tells us we are joint heirs with jesus christ that we have the same power that raised him up from the dead and lives inside of us and his name is holy spirit you got this that's what the holy spirit is he's a coach you've got this you can raise those kids you can work that business you can be the boss the enemy can't stop you no weapon formed against you shall prosper you he's convincing you daily that because of what christ has done you have been given authority and the enemy has no power somebody say we need all three i need all three of those things i need to be convinced or convicted that i'm a sinner see see the greatest moment of my christian walk didn't come in a church it was when i crawled out of somebody's bed that i wasn't supposed to be in and i was on the drive home and the weight of conviction that was in that car with me at the moment the enemy told me i would be feeling good at the moment that it that i should have been like we did it nobody knows i made it happen that felt good at that moment is when the conviction the holy spirit sat in that car with me and all he was trying to do is convince me that ain't the way you want to live you don't want to be crawling out of people's beds like that i called you to be a man of god i called you to have a family and raise arrows that would be in my hand i asked you i asked from the time you were in your mother's womb i knew you i know who i called you to be you be living two-face that's a counterfeit michael right now the level of conviction there was no pastor there was no preacher there was no prophet it was just me and the holy spirit oh and he was convincing me he was telling me he said you need a savior [Applause] and in that purple chrysler sebring i pulled the car over with no worship music playing you don't need all of this to give your life completely to the holy spirit on the side of the road on my way home trying to figure out i would sneak back into my parents home the conviction of the holy spirit signed me and i believed i needed a savior but can i tell you more of the story three weeks later i was good for three weeks i was resolved for three weeks i was i knew that god had changed me and transformed me for three weeks but i got in a moment of weakness and i went back again and when i got in the car that time the holy spirit's conviction or convincing came again but he had a little different tone hey you need to repent you need to turn from this hey you're going to heaven your eternity is secure your future is in jeopardy you miss it your eternity is secure you'll spin forever in heaven but if you keep up this your future is in jeopardy and there was a different level of convincing or conviction that came on me that time and the holy spirit was so gently telling me you're still righteous you're still righteous you're still in right standing with god because of what jesus did but now you need to embrace right living okay i need to help somebody right here so when we talk about righteousness that is our eternal position when we talk about right living that is a process in the bible um i'm termed sanctification this is the process or the journey of being made into the image of christ i'll cuss you out today but hopefully six years from now i'm still not as quick to cuss you out because i've been being sanctified i've been on a journey of progression not perfection my eternity is secure but i'm trying to get my future in alignment i'm trying to get in the right place so i can be all god has called me to be i'm trying to be trusted and so my righteousness who was convincing me of that the holy spirit and then it goes a year the person that i was falling into this situation with moved away it feel like i had victory over this and then they decided to come back and when i found out they were back in the city it was like the enemy convinced me you're not gonna make it you know how easy you felt last time and there was all of these voices and guess who came to convict i mean convince me that the enemy had no power of me the holy spirit said bro she could move in next door but what you have been doing in this last year to build up your inner man [Applause] you've been putting the bible in you and you can stand like jesus and say no no no it is written there are some different principles and guardrails and accountability and community the devil has no power over you and i came to tell somebody you better let the holy spirit convince you that the enemy has no power he has been defeated he's under my feet there's not enough preaching telling you that you have power over depression you have power over temptation you have power over impure thoughts cast down every vain imagination that would exalt itself against the knowledge of god the enemy is defeated and my convincer is the holy spirit [Applause] somebody said you need all three i need the holy spirit to do that in my life every day you need all three and some of you haven't even got one of those you're watching this message right now and you still think you can live any type of way and you have not been convinced that you're a sinner and you need a savior and so that means you have not been made right with god and that means the enemy's being able to tell you all kinds of crap and the crazy thing is you believe it we need all three look at hebrews 6 1. i got to go to the bible this entire sermon because i need y'all to get this i got stopped in my tracks y'all know your pastor is on a journey of progression i don't act like i know everything about the bible because i don't and any pastor who does run we are all on a journey of becoming i've read this scripture in hebrews 6 a thousand times but when i was saying you need all three the holy spirit was showing me something that that we need all three of that i've never seen in my life let's see if you can figure it out it said so let us stop going over the basic teachings about christ any scripture that starts like that beware so let us stop going over the basic teachings about christ again and again let us go on instead and become what is that cuss word mature oh in our understanding surely we don't need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in god watch this one this is where it got me you don't need further instruction about baptisms you don't need further instructions about baptisms the laying on of hands the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment how many baptisms is there because before god showed me this revelation i thought there was one [Music] like i need to be baptized in water like you know what i'm saying baptized but this thing called me yeah you don't need further instruction they said this was elementary teaching they said this was basic and i felt like the kid in class that was like i didn't get i was i was sick when y'all covered it y'all know how you do i wasn't there did we have a cause he said let's stop going over basic teachings you don't need further instructions about baptisms plural so that made me go to the word and y'all guess what i found out there's not one baptism there's not two baptisms three baptisms and you need all three can i walk you through it real quick because some of you this is gonna be the illumination or the light or the revelation that you need to be able to take your next step on the progression of your faith and journey listen to this write down the word salvation the first baptism is the baptism of salvation and this is what i want everybody to know write this point down the holy spirit baptizes us in jesus remember earlier when i was saying it's the holy spirit that is drawing you it's the holy spirit the first part of the godhead that you meet is the holy spirit and what he is trying to do is baptize you in to salvation that's what happens when you say that prayer according to romans 10 9 that's what happened you are being baptized into jesus first corinthians 12 13 again for by one spirit that's the holy spirit we were all what is that word baptized into one body and that's the body of christ so when you by faith puts your belief in jesus the holy spirit spiritually submerged you and you came up in a jesus suit when god sees you now he sees you dripping in jesus that's why when he looks for sin after you put your faith in him he don't see you no more he sees his son stretched out on the cross and he said the man who know knew no sin became sin he became it so that we could be made what in right standing with god the first baptism everybody needs to know about is the baptism of salvation and the crazy thing about this is when you get baptized and your salvation is is secure you need to know your future is secure for eternity you're going to heaven i want to normalize that heaven is not the goal i'mma say it because nobody's gonna say it all you're just trying to get to heaven just trying to get there when we all get to hell and listen if god wanted us in heaven he wouldn't have made earth spoil alert we're coming back to earth some of y'all haven't read that far in your bible the goal is not heaven the goal is a new heaven and a new or i'm messing with somebody the goal is not heaven the the goal is eternal fellowship with the father whether that be in heaven whether that be on earth that's why we pray let your will be done and your kingdom come on as it is he said wherever you are i need to have king domain i need let me stop i'm talking that kingdom talk now and that messes with people [Music] stay with me what i'm saying to you is baptism into salvation secures your future you're going to heaven at the end of the service today once and for all you can stop playing the hopscotch game in and out of sin maybe get out of hell free card let's end all of that put your faith in jesus christ your eternity is secure the first baptism is the baptism of salvation okay but number two write this point down because this point has to do with water so so so so in baptism number one which i need i get salvation but baptism number two includes water and this is the crazy thing is so many churches have made baptism number one the end goal but it was the start not the finish so when we celebrate how many people have gotten saved at transformation church this year 20 20 how many 29 000 people can we give god y'all missing it 29 000 people walked through this door 29 000 people said i'm going to get [Music] [Applause] saved thousands eternity secure as we celebrate that and please believe that's what we're going to celebrate because this church the whole reason we are foreign is to represent god to the lost and found for one reason and its transformation in christ that they would get this first baptism but i would be a horrible leader if we just celebrated this first step and not encourage you to take the next step do you all know this was some of jesus's last words to his disciples can i show you in matthew let's go to the word real quick okay i need y'all to see this in matthew chapter 28 verse 19. this is jesus talking he says go therefore and make disciples of all nations what is he takes for them to do baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit write this point down disciples baptized in water so the first thing you need to know is that the holy spirit is doing the baptism at salvation into jesus but then disciples and all disciples means are disciplined ones ones who have put their faith in jesus christ how many disciples do i got in the building right now come on in the chat if you're a disciple put your hands up okay so that means disciples are to baptize in water this is what we see as a symbol and a sign a public declaration that our past is no longer dictating our future baptism into water write this down buries your past see the worst thing is to walk through this door and my eternity is secure but every mistake i made before still keeps me in limbo so everybody's trying to be reminded of their past and god's saying no no no i want you to go make a public spectacle invite all your exes invite everybody to see that you are going down as a sign in water out of the burial that was jesus christ burial and you would come back up or resurrect a new person my name is michael but the old michael went down and when i walked through this door of water baptism a new michael has emerged some of y'all missed me [Music] how do you do that watch this word by faith how did you receive salvation by faith how do you receive water baptism by faith this is something that every person needs to experience after being saved see some of us were drugged by our parents to come down and be baptized and we got cute little pictures but it meant nothing for your life because you didn't know what you were doing and you didn't know what it meant i don't care if you're 60 years old have three million dollars in the bank if you've only received the first baptism it's time to receive baptism number two i don't care if you got hair plugs or weave wear a swim cap it's time to get submerged i don't care what's going on in your life right now that makes you think you're too dignified if jesus the son of man got baptized what makes you think oh let me stop i'm getting too ahead of myself you need to be baptized in water and when you bury your past publicly it's almost like this wedding ring this wedding ring doesn't make me married it shows that i'm married and some of y'all have had a side chick savior you need all the benefits in the dark but you won't represent in the light and god's saying to somebody today hey would you not just claim me as a side chick savior and walk through the first baptism but can we make this thing public can we be facebook official now i've been covering you and providing for you for years of your life would you let the world know that you are unashamed of the gospel of jesus christ it is the power of god unto salvation you need to be baptized in water but that's only two baptisms the two were precursors to the last one you need to be baptized in salvation i feel the presence already and you need to be baptized in water but let me help you with the last one you need the spirit salvation water and the spirit jesus baptizes us in the holy spirit can i make it plain the holy spirit draws you to be baptized into jesus salvation disciples me and you who's the minister here you are we baptized in water as a public sign that the old is gone and we've been buried with christ and we've been raised again to new life but then jesus turns around and baptizes us in the holy spirit and this gives you power to live your life the reason why people are getting jacked up in this life is because they have two baptisms when you need all three [Applause] [Music] somebody say you need all three i didn't say it's nice to have all three i didn't say it could be good to have all three somebody say you need all three i'm gonna prove it to you i'm gonna prove it to you jesus baptized us us into the holy spirit i'm gonna show you in matthew mark luke and john because some of y'all is like oh that's only one place i'm gonna show you four times matthew 3 verse 11. i indeed that's jesus talking or this is john talking i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance this is john so that's salvation okay so john's saying i baptized you into salvation but he who is coming after me is mightier than i whose sandals i'm not worthy to carry he underline this in your bible will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire oh i'm about to get too excited mark 1 8 indeed i indeed baptize you with water but he capital h will baptize you with the what holy spirit luke 3 16 john answers saying to all i indeed bapti these are other people's accounts i need everybody to understand one person didn't hear this all four of them heard this and i indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than i is coming whose sandal straps who heir jesus's i am not worthy to lose he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire last one john 1 33 i did not know him i didn't know him but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining on him that's jesus this is he who will baptize with the holy spirit you need all three you need to be baptized into salvation you need to be baptized into water and you need to be baptized with the holy spirit and a lot of people mess it up because of grammar they say that you need the baptism of the holy spirit but the scripture is very clear you need the baptizing baptism in the holy spirit or with the holy spirit see the baptism of is salvation that's that's what um the holy spirit leads you into but what you need to know is once you get saved eternity secure once you are water baptized past buried what you need to know is to live this life you need the empowerment of the holy spirit can i ask you a question was jesus our example no i need you to say it out loud type it in in the chat was jesus our example okay so if jesus was our example and he had all three of these what makes you think you can live without it remember what i said salvation water spirit salvation water spirit say it salvation water spirit one more time salvation okay watch this remember those three when the bible tells us that jesus was baptized in matthew 3 jesus didn't need salvation because he was salvation when we come into christ we are born again he was born right the first time so he didn't need salvation he was salvation okay is that clear so he was salvation but then luke 3 22 or luke 3 jesus get baptized by john and john like me would be like jesus you don't need to do this he literally tried to convince him not to get baptized and jesus said no no no this must be done i'm an example there's going to be some stubborn young man that is watching this and doesn't think that it takes all that to perfect god knows my heart yeah he does know your heart but he watches your actions and what god is saying to somebody right now is that jesus did this whole act over 2000 years ago so that you would know that nobody is exempt from this type of behavior if you're too cool to get baptized in water or you have too many complications and this doesn't look good for your m.o you can keep all of that baby but for the god who went to the cross for me if he set an example to for what i need to do to represent our relationship i need all three and jesus get baptized and what happens directly after he gets baptized after he goes down in water look at luke 3 22 the spirit comes and the holy spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove and a voice came from heaven this is the anointing right here it's god's approval right here you are my son whom i love with you i am well pleased can i tell you that once you experience all three of these baptisms something crazy happens at this last baptism god's approval gets on to you there is stuff that you've been trying to do without being baptized in the spirit that as soon as you get baptized in water and you allow the spirit of god to baptize you the approval of god this is my daughter this is the business this is the church in whom i'm well pleased you need resources to be released you need impact to go all over the world get all three and watch how god jesus starts doing all the miracles we read about every miracle that you heard about happening after jesus got all through i'm teaching the bible good up here right now and some of y'all have been debating of how to make things happen trying to skip the last step because somebody was weird about it what i'm telling you is you can be perfectly normal have a right mind and be intoxicated by the holy spirit see that word intoxication i'm not going to spoil it maybe for a later week but but literally that word do y'all know when y'all pass by the liquor stores what do they call them wine and spirits do you know why they call them wine and spirits is because the contents is so strong that when you drink it it should change everything about you if you take a drink to the head it changes uh it changes everything about you and there are some of you that have been trying to change yourself and trying to make things happen on your own but i'm telling you after you are salvation baptized and water baptized baby come with me and get spirit baptized and watch it change your speech watch it change the way you act watch it change everything about you holy spirit baptize us oh i feel that thing holy spirit baptize us okay i'm gonna show you like this i'm gonna show you like this is this helping anybody somebody say you need all three and i'm praying by the end of this series that you would not ignore the knock of the holy spirit on your life that that this message is a knock for you and he's saying let me in so i can be your power source to live life i saw this picture of the holy spirit thank you um this right here if you could come close real quick this is a power source but it represents the trinity this is three in one my dad used to have these he used to have a studio and he used to get these type of cords and i woke up this morning and the holy spirit showed me a picture of this that i saw when i was young and he said this accurately depicts the power of god in every person's life this is hooked up to a source that if anything gets plugged into this if you get plugged into the power source you are able to be empowered to do different things and the problem with this is this is how many of of of us look when it comes to our god equation that the father son holy spirit are all equal sitting right here and you have nothing plugged into them you are sitting here trying to figure out how to power your own life and there is available power for each one of you right now and i felt god say this so clearly that everything in your life is going to come from this trinity power source the upgrade this is what you need for the rest of your life and i'm going to show you what happens at salvation at water baptism and at the uh a baptism of the holy spirit will y'all walk with me just for a second i want to show you what god will do in your life see when you accept jesus christ as your anchor i feel the presence of god already when you accept them as your anchor and you connect to god as the power source what ends up happening watch this right now you get light for the rest of your life and some of you need to understand that your light is not going to turn off because you're connected to an eternal source your salvation is secure you have a girl hold it on to a grip to a strong and sturdy anchor and he will not let you down somebody say i have an anchor and this is what happens at salvation but this is what most of our lives look like i'm saved i'm saved i'm not going to hell yes and then you have to live 60 years of life hell on earth can we be very clear your internal destination is heaven but your life's a living hell it's only because you've used one of the three available sources of power and so the holy spirit says come be baptized in water yeah yeah come get filtered see this has a level of ph that is probably okay to drink but it's not the best when i plug this in what it's going to produce is a filtration system that what comes out is not what you see right here this represents the baptism in water that when we go down and go through the process what comes out on the other side may look the same but baby it don't taste the same it may look the same but it don't taste the same and god's saying would you get water baptized and plug into me so that when people drink from you when your family drinks from you come on look something's changing on the inside when you go to that job oh i feel the presence of god it may look the same when people have conversation with you it tastes different when they come to transformation church why why i've been to churches before this doesn't this doesn't feel like no no no no because we have decided that our old life the life of pride the life of of being seen the life where we got to get the credit that was crucified with christ it's no longer i that live but christ that lives on the inside of me galatians go check that out on your free time what i'm telling you right now is it may look the same but it's not the same that's some good water right now and guess what when you get baptized this is what your co-workers drink when you make a public display and you usually only post about aesthetics and and home design and your trucks but then randomly on your feed comes up i got baptized would you mess up your your social media aesthetic to let the world know what god has done for you how he's filtered out the mess and the sin in your life and he's made you something that's worth drinking see the crazy thing about it is that's where most people stop i have eternal light or life i've been changed but then now i've got to live life oh shoot how i'm about to live life hold on let me and make sure i got enough yep i got enough the water baptism yeah it's good but now i got all this stuff around me no yeah let me let me just go i'm saved i got eternal life but let me try to self-power through purity let me try to self-power through my finances now come on down on the floor with me come on come on down here let me try to to get my business off the ground by myself and this is what many of us look like this is what your spiritual real life looks like [Music] god why aren't you hearing me how am i going to have good relationships how am i going to get to the intended destination how am i going to stop watching pornography oh no i touched something and my feeble hands broke it it broke the relationship and now i gotta try to raise kids [Music] no it's conference time it's conference oh god would you just take this life away from me i'm trying not to be depressed i put on the new elevation man city but and this is what many of you look like raising kids it looks good on the ground but there's no breath there's no pneuma that means the spirit of god do you know that's the only thing out of creation that god put his hands on you it said he spoke everything else into existence but he formed you and then it said he put the pneuma of god the spirit of god the breath of god the on the inside of you and the enemy's whole job for your whole life is to take your breath away to take the spirit out of you and he'd done a good job to make you think that it's weird and it's crazy but it kicking your butt to be able to live your life because every day you wake up and try to blow your way through relationships and god says but if you're baptized in the holy spirit there is a power source that is readily available to push you through every situation that you might ever go through oh holy spirit somebody this is the season where you need to know that you don't just need one two but you need all three you need to go ahead and plug in to the holy spirit and you need to throw over at everything everything in my life that needs to go from worse i am empowered by the holy spirit somebody give god some praise in here [Applause] how am i going to live a victorious christian life the power of the holy spirit how am i going to be able to stay pure after years of pornography addiction the power of the holy now watch they're trying to bring them back come behind me they're trying to get them close to me right now but the holy spirit goes before me he's around me you can try to get it close if you want to but i have a comforter i have a god i have an advocate i have an advanced edge [Music] if you would allow the holy spirit to empower you you could actually live why do you need all three because you still need the power to live jesus died so you could live what did he say in john i came that you might have life and life to the full how do you have a victorious overcoming christian life you have to be empowered by the holy spirit the breath of god the pneuma of god have you ever heard of a pneumatic drill a pneumatic drill is a drill that is powered by air breath it takes the air from the outside and it powers it what the holy spirit says i want to give you a life that has my pneuma in it the spirit of god empowering you to live a victorious christian life you need all three how have you been in a relationship for 10 years and y'all haven't been lovers and partners you've just been business associates how is that going to change as you walk through the door of salvation and get baptized in salvation then get baptized in water and then get baptized in the holy spirit and when you want to say something the holy spirit will say hope you missed it do you know how many comments i have locked and loaded and ready to go on instagram and how many times the holy spirit be like why because he empowers me to live it says he will give me both the desire and the power to do what pleases him have i walked free from pornography for almost a decade not because i didn't want to look at it oh y'all doing y'all gonna act like there's not a desire for the things of my lower nature but i've been empowered by the holy spirit you know that scripture that says the same spirit it didn't say same principles it did not say same worship song it did not say it said the same spirit that raised christ from the dead is now resident his home of choice is somebody say me i am the temple of the holy spirit i hope scriptures are clicking for you today why would you take the power out of the homeowner he lives in the house and can't set the wifi passcode he lives in the house and doesn't have a key to the front door at salvation it says he takes up residence but you got to give him power and i think about that scripture that the same spirit that raised christ from the dead this is a revelation that changed me in my purity walk the spirit said to me one day he said michael if i can raise a dead body what makes you think that i can't help you manage a living one and some of you have not released the holy spirit to help you manage your attitude to help you manage your anxiety to help you manage the depression to help you manage the comparison oh i'm in your business you are so robbed by what other people have and the holy spirit says i can make you so content see the fruits of the spirit maybe i'll talk about this next week but the fruits of the spirit are what love joy peace patience kindness those are proof that you actually have the holy spirit he said the reason why the world doesn't have the fruits of the spirit but they wear them on t-shirts it's because they have not been baptized in me getting a tattoo that says love doesn't give you love for people who disagree with you and don't like you the only way i can hate somebody and then love them is it has to be super natural and the only one that is able to take us into the supernatural is the holy spirit you don't just need salvation you don't just need water baptism you also need the baptism of the holy spirit you need all three let's give god some praise right there just ask the holy spirit what are you trying to say to me right now come on let's just ask him holy spirit what are you trying to say to me through this message we ask him every week holy spirit what are you trying to say to me because he's speaking different things to different people right now yeah i believe what he's overarching speaking to all of us is take a next step take a next step if you're in this place or in this experience whether you're watching live or a rebroadcast and you are out here and the holy spirit's been knocking on your door trying to lead you to jesus all i'm asking you to do is pray maybe maybe that tug why everything's not been working out it's been trying to set up the situation so that you would invite jesus into your life and today maybe you've been far from god [Music] but the holy spirit is coming to convince convict that you're a sinner and you need a savior and today all i'm asking you if that's you if you're in that category right now you've been a door shutter all i'm asking you to do is let them in say welcome holy spirit and i want you to be saved today if you're somebody that's been saved and you've been going back and forth [Music] just from salvation to just living you thought that was it and maybe because of bad teaching poor teaching or you just didn't know or maybe you've been rebelling or maybe it's just like it's never been broken down so clearly for me and today you're saying you know what i don't just want to be saved i want to let everybody know i want to maybe i was baptized when i was a kid but i didn't know what i was doing i i i got sprinkled but i didn't as an adult after salvation i want to go public i want to let my co-workers my boss my family my hate i want to let everybody know that i've been bought with a price and that i'm committed to one who committed to me first [Music] and you know what i just feel like there's going to be massive baptisms that are going to arise and me and the team started the holy spirit gave me a glimpse of the future and and so what we're doing is may 23rd it's gonna be flood sunday at transformation church oh yeah may 23rd we're gonna have mass community baptisms it's gonna be flood sunday they're gonna be water everywhere and some of y'all saying like pastor mike how y'all gonna do flood sunday the church is not open yet no no no no you're the minister here [Music] yeah if you need to go back and understand my job is to equip you for works of service [Music] in texas in florida in california remember the point disciples baptized so i want you to get together with your community i want you to get one friend that believes i want you to get a uncle i want you to get that auntie i want you to get it don't matter about hey i feel the presence of god right now i feel that we're about to start a revolution all over the world we're going to be in hot tubs and pools we're going to get in lakes and hotel pools we gonna get in pond water and we are going to be baptized in water that's what i need you to do because we need to be able to let everybody know the world know that there's a church that's crazy enough to not just follow the message of the bible but we follow the method of the bible and he said no no no this must be done that's what jesus said so we're gonna get baptized some of some people in the comments are saying right now i'm getting baptized come on put some waves in the comments if you're gonna get baptized come on right now put your hands that's me i'm getting i don't want just one baptism into salvation i want the second one too and if you listen this is going to be a huge undertaking but i told the team this is what our ministry is for we have decided that we are going to incur the cost and all of the manpower to for every person who signs up for baptisms in the next seven days that we are going to send you an entire baptism kit it will have videos from me to walk you through it salvation prayers i baptize you now in the name of the father son of holy spirit we will have t-shirts for you we will have all that other stuff and i'm telling you i just feel it y'all i believe tens of thousands of people i don't care what it costs i don't care what it costs i don't care what it costs it's more important than a building it's more important than i will sell the led screens it is important that you be baptized [Music] if you want to be baptized husbands and wives i see it right now are going to get baptized your relationship the dead relationship is going to go down and what's going to come back up is something new and fresh that god can use there's teenagers there's people that have been addicted there are people who've been molested trauma has filled your life and god says can i make it new if you want to be baptized everybody that's watching now there will be thousands of people that sign up on the rebroadcast more people watch during the week but i want you to be the first ones if you want to be baptized i want you to put baptism i believe on the screen and right there text baptism to 828282 i need you to do that right now do it all through the day if you're watching on rebroadcast do it the team has seven days to collect because we got to send it out to you we got a week to send it out to you and on the 23rd what we're going to do is we're going to meet you here and i have a short message for you that the holy spirit has already given me and then we're going to go get baptized i want you to record it listen i want you to invite your friends the ones that think it's weird they know you're not weird so when you do it it's going to prove it's going to be a witness to them and they're going to get their life changed make it a community event but you're going to get baptized and you don't need a bunch of people you can only have one or you can make it as big as you want to but transformation nation we're getting baptized this flood sunday on on the may 23rd listen to me the building will not be open i'm gonna be at somebody's pool somewhere baptizing somebody building won't be open what if we take the church outside of the building [Music] what if i'm just saying what if what if 15 000 people get baptized all over the world every state every city i'm just throwing some vision right now [Music] listen i'm even encouraging you go to another church if you want to i don't care this is kingdom go find a life-giving church tell them you need to be baptized have their youth pastor baptized have the janitor baptize you are you a disciple take me down like you understand what i'm saying like [Music] but we will let no formality keep us from the baptism in water and then today see somebody said well do you have to do them in order help let me help you you have to get saved first you have to make sure your eternity is safe before you can even know what you're committing to with the other two okay let me be very clear but we know that the man that was on the cross with jesus the thief he didn't receive water baptism or baptism of the holy spirit [Music] he was with jesus and he believed and when he believed jesus looked over him with one of his last breaths and said today you will be with me where in paradise but for everybody who has to still live on earth to live a victorious christian life you need to be water baptized and spirit baptized and today i'm going to take the spooky out of all of this okay if we're on a journey if you want to be baptized by the holy spirit the first thing that you have to do is desire it and today i believe there are thousands of you that for the first time have desired to be filled with the holy spirit if you desire to be filled with the holy spirit desire is the first step to a destination and today i'm not saying what's about to happen to you but anytime my children have a desire guess what they do they ask their father and today if you want to be filled with the holy spirit we're not going to tarry and spit and and and stay with you and say say hallelujah until you we're not going to do another day we're going to ask the holy spirit to fill us up can we do that would you do me a favor and stand wherever you are right now all over the world and just put your hands out like this and if you want the spirit of god if you want to be filled or baptized in the holy spirit on the 23rd as a community we're going to be water baptized but today you can be baptized with the spirit of god wherever you're watching this whether you're watching it on rebroadcast well pastor mike how will i know how did you get saved by faith how do you get water baptized by faith how do you get spirit baptized by faith so lift your hands right now holy spirit by faith we are asking you to fill us up now god we are putting aside all of our questions and all of our doubts and all of our all of our fears and we believe that if jesus said that we would need water baptism salvation and to be empowered by the holy spirit father we believe today we need that spirit of god come in and transform our life take us from being a shell of ourselves into actually living empower our decisions empower our daily lives welcome holy spirit come in change everything about us change the things that we feel like we need to hold on to take everything out of us that is not like you holy spirit creating us a clean heart and renewing us the right spirit a righteous spirit fill me up god [Music] fill me up god come on somebody say that out of your mouth say fill me up god fill me up god feel every doubt fill me up come on i need you to begin to let him do it this is not pastor mike this is god the holy spirit come on say fill me up come on right now he's feeding you come on just say that all over the world some of y'all need a fresh feeling of the holy spirit right now ask him for it fill me up overflow take hold on transform transforming come on worship is going up all over the world holy spirit invade us holy spirit do what only you can do empower [Music] say [Music] let it come out of my family let it come out on my friend let me come out of my business god only you can do it by your spirit holy spirit empower me empower me god just see that again [Music] [Music] we need you god i give myself away that's what we're doing when we surrender [Music] come on somebody's inviting the holy spirit in welcome the holy spirit come and change my habits change my heart we need you to sing the next part my life is not my own it's to you i'll be this is what you're doing today [Music] holy spirit come in [Music] just one more time the holy spirit's moving right [Music] show me show me where i'm wrong show me lead me into all truth god [Music] fresh wind of god fresh revelation over your life fresh spirit of god do whatever you can [Music] you're going to see him you're going to be directed and redirected let us speak speaker holy spirit i feel a revival raising up [Music] 900 people have already signed up to be baptized [Music] that wasn't even nine minutes in nine minutes 900 a revolution come in holy spirit welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit [Music] in nine minutes 900 people what's gonna happen in the next seven days malia dale what's going to happen in the next seven days but oh i forgot holy spirit already told us what the year was called he said this year we would be angry [Music] if you want to be anchored and you need to receive salvation i am so hype right now i'm about to do a backflip and i can't do one of those if you need to walk through the first door of getting an anchor for your soul i believe that today is your day of salvation you can get baptized into salvation the holy spirit's been drawing you all your life and all service today is the day of salvation if you want to get saved on the count of three i just want you to lift your hands i don't care who's around you i don't care what you did yesterday and i don't care what you plan to do after this service right now the holy spirit has interrupted and invaded and convicted you or convinced you that you are sinner and you need a savior and today i want you to make the greatest decision of your life it's the thing that took me from being a liar addicted to pornography a manipulator somebody who had so much evil and bad things in the heart and he didn't make me a perfect man but we've been on this progression journey and i'm a progressing man and today god wants to give you that one this would be the greatest decision you ever made over finances and family and everything two i'm so proud of you but more than that your name will be written in the lamb's book of life and your eternity will be secure forever three if you want to accept jesus as your personal lord and savior lift your hand all over the world come on lift it in the chat there are hundreds if not thousands of people and if you're watching this on rebroadcast you can have that same decision right now now transformation church you know how we do we about to pray and we all pray together for the benefit of those who are coming to christ so right now would you just do one more time just to lift your hands this is the international sign of surrender this is what you have to do the holy spirit's saying freeze and your hands go up and say i'm not holding anything else i'm not holding on to it anymore i'm giving it to you everybody say god thank you for sending jesus just for me today i am convinced that i need a savior and i choose you jesus come into my life and remake me i believe you lived you died and you rose again just for me today i give you control change me renew me transform me i'm yours in jesus name amen can we rejoice with heaven oh heaven is turning up and throwing a party right now hallelujah glory to god too y'all too excited about just the baptism they're in heaven now [Music] if you just got saved so happy for you everything's about to transform in your life would you text save to the number on the screen we're going to send you some information because we're committed to walking with you already 29 000 people have given their life to christ and now we're going to go over 30 000 people giving their life to christ do you know what that means we just robbed hell again we just robbed hell again but could i admonish you or encourage you don't stop at step one you just got baptized into salvation after you text the number go ahead and tax baptism to the same number and join us on flood sunday and roll the tape back and and just ask and this is for everybody all week just keep asking the same question holy spirit fill me up and i'm telling you it may not look i don't feel anything remember it's by faith everybody say by faith you don't want me to confirm that you've been filled with the holy spirit there will be a knowing on the inside of you and next week i'm going to teach you how you surely know that you've been filled with the benefits and the evidence i'm about to break this thing down so nasty i already got it but if you feel like god filled me up and if you've been filled before ask them fill me up again bri i don't know how many times i asked the holy spirit feel me again give me a fresh wind blow the pneuma into my life blow the pneuma the spirit of god into my marriage blow the pneuma into my thought life transformation church can i tell you how much of a pleasure it is to lead a growing church i'm not talking about in numbers i'm talking about immaturity there are many places i couldn't get up and teach this for hour and 30 minutes and people stay engaged but transformation church they're going to speak of us one day and say these are they [Music] who went out with power that's the only reason we talk about the disciples today is because they waited to be endued with power and they went out and turned the whole world upside down transformation nation welcome to our new lives of being empowered by the holy spirit i love you and i believe this week is going to be the best week of your life go out and live a transformed life let's give god some praise thank you so much for joining us today if you've made the decision to make jesus christ the lord of your life i want you to know you have made the best decision you could ever make and if you haven't already we want you to text the word saved to 828282 and if you're international be sure to go to transformchurch.s we want to celebrate with you and we want to give you the resources that you will need on your next steps in this journey if this message has impacted you in any way be sure to like subscribe and turn on your notifications so that you know every single time that we post also be sure to watch our live full experience every sunday morning at 10 45 a.m central standard time thank you so much for joining us today now go out and live a transformed life
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 460,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 34sec (6454 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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