There’s No Condom For Your Heart // Relationship Goals Reloaded (Part 9)(Michael Todd)

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hey welcome to this week's sermon I am so glad that you were here no matter if your usual or somebody sent you the link I believe that God has a message just right for your life at this time okay I want to let you know that this is a series that is going to help you win in relationship and if you want to take that to another level in resource I'm gonna let you know relationshipgoals is still out everywhere the book as well as the study guide and for everybody who's already gotten it thank you for being a part of changing the world for everybody who has not bought this from somebody else they need this in their life and if you've never heard of relationshipgoals this book is written to help you win in relationships I'm telling you that God cares about every one of your relationships and we want to help you win so this sermon is about to give you revelation get ready as we go into this week son yup I hope you prayed this morning because I believe that God wants to speak specifically to you and I want to give everybody the opportunity to just ground yourself come on right now I need everybody to just take a deep breath in come on now let it out I see you in Kansas and in Texas and in England and in Africa wherever you're watching from I want you to take a deep breath in now let it out cuz today we're talking about sex glory to got y'all thought we was gonna go through relationshipgoals reloaded and not talk about sex the reason we have to talk about this is because the church is way too silent on something that God created and this is that one thing I'm going straight in so if you don't have your notes ready I need you to go cuz we're on week nine of a series that we're calling relationship goes reload it I need everybody to know I only got two messages left this one and next week and I'm coming with everything that I have because I believe that the culture has tried to hijack something it did not create the culture has tried to make everybody think that it invented sex that sex was something that is supposed to be nasty it's supposed to be uncovered it's supposed to be something we don't really talk about it's supposed to be something that we can sneak and see on movie channels and and on websites but the church is not supposed to take them talk about it I am standing in the authority that God has given me today and I'm about to talk about sex in a manner that gives God glory and makes the devil look dumb I'm telling you right now that there's been too many of us that have been hidden under this cloud of sex and how it's been defined and everything that's evil about it but I want you to know that trey songz did not invent sex even though he made a song that said he did sex he was not lost Justin Timberlake said he was bringing it back Marvin Gaye said that he was providing sexual healing but still there's so many people sexually broken what I wanted to tell you today is God invented sex top type that in the chat that's when you ain't never put in there before God invented sex that's the mic why are you talking about this so it's like I have my kids in here they're there they're there in middle school and elementary they already know like if we want to be honest about this thing they already know do you know that statistics tell us real quick because the god only reveals things in spirit and in truth he wants us to be in spirit but he wants us to have truth and he wants us to counteract the the truth with the Spirit of God the truth is I need everybody to hear me seventy fifty percent of all high school students will have a sexual interaction before graduating high school that's one out of two so look around if there's two of y'all one of y'all sexually active before you get out of high school that's Mike you shouldn't say that that might give them ideas instagrams already given them ideas they're cousins that you invite over and they play so well together you think they play in house some of my first sexual experiences were with my cousins I want to pull the sheet back because we sit here like we cannot be able to talk about the things that God created and then Italy gives the enemy the opportunity to mess with generations of people in secrets in the dark but we learned on the first week of this series that wherever there is knowledge that's light there's understanding but wherever there is a lack of knowledge or darkness or ignorance that's where the enemy is able to rule and I'm here with the floodlight today and I'm asking the Holy Spirit on your life and your family to shine a light so that we can see this topic of sex in the way that it was intended 50% of all high school students will have the sexual activity before they graduate high school it's even a were statistic for African Americans 78% of African American high school students will have a sexual encounter before they graduate high school seventy-eight percent it's fifty two percent for Hispanics and forty three percent or forty seven percent for white people yay white people I always say that good job guys the reason I have to talk about this is because if I don't then who will I need to redeem this idea of sex real quick because if if you grew up in the youth group that I grew up in the only and relational advice that I ever got about sex or relationship period the reason I wrote relationship goes is because this is all I got don't have sex finish it before you get married we went to the same youth group and what ended up happening was that was an incomplete instruction it was with good intention but there was not enough information and what happens when I was at my friend's house late night and the the movie channels it went from Transformers to something completely different what happened when I was looking for the tissue at the house and their words magazines under there what happened if I was abused touched illegitimately whom things were awakening aroused and I wasn't even in control of it I was in a place where I was supposed to be with people who would protect me and they took advantage of me what happens with this idea and what I wanted to do today is I want to redeem it I want to let you know because I thought for so many years sex was bad sex was evil sex was something that was not supposed to be done except in a back room with two adults that really didn't enjoy it and we sell all of these lies to young people and all this other stuff but I came to tell you the truth point number one sex is good ah I feel the spirit right now sex is good say that out of your mouth everybody say it sex is good some of y'all are turning pink others y'all ass you around the mouth you stinking of you you are stiff-necked right now because this has never been addressed in church but I promise you more than half of the things people are coming to the altar for and more than half of the things that were counseling people out of have some tie to some type of sexual perversion I'm trying to go for the root of the thing today sex is good why is sex good Pastor Mike many reasons but the first one is because sex was God's idea I'm taking sex it's not the cultures idea dear sex is not something that it that is a man-made sex was divinely created by the Creator now I want you to think of that in contrast to everything that you've thought about sex this was made by God for his children to enjoy within the right context let me prove it to you Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 I need to set some foundation so that you can know what this is where it's supposed to go and how you're supposed to use it it says then God blessed them this is Adam and Eve in the garden and it said look at the first commandment to man ever be fruitful and multiply this was not an agricultural term he wasn't telling them go plant some seeds let me give you the remix version of this he said y'all blessed cuz I made you in my image Adam go put it down bro I want you to be fruitful and multiply this is what God intended for it to be and that's why in mark chapter 10 verse 6 then Jesus is talking to us and look he gives us more clarity he says but God made who made I said who made it God made God made them male and female he's given parameters God made our parts he knows our desires he knows our urges he knows our appetites he made them somebody said God made it okay I need you to get this because I'm trying to undo many decades for many of us of wrong thinking and bad theology sex is good because it's sex was God's idea and God made it verse 7 it says this explains why a man leaves his father and mother and they get married and watch this and is joined I want you to underline I want you to circle I want you to make it big in your notes that were joined because I begin to study this in the original language and it means so much more than the word when we say it when we say joined it's like all yeah they just came together no no joined has a three-fold meaning in this context they are joined physically through the act of sex they're joined emotionally through closeness or intimacy and they're joined spiritually through covenant every time somebody is joined or has sex it is not just a physical experience this is an emotional and spiritual connecting and that's why you haven't been able to figure out why that one-night stand when I was tripping on my birthday you know I'm saying and you can't get that dude off your mind and you can't get that girl out of out of your head it's because you weren't just joined to them physically the Lord said when y'all came together and did a sacred act you joined together emotionally and spiritually uh-huh that's why you're in a relationship with them but you're still thinking about them that's why you keep claiming we're happy but you can't get them out of your mind it was because that joining together didn't just stop when you left the house when you creeped out in the morning something will stuck to you let me stop I got to stay focused see the thing that you got to realize is that we think God recognizes marriage when we do the wedding and we have the food and we have the white dress in the tuxedo that's not when God recognizes a marriage the Bible tells us that God recognized a marriage when that man and that woman comes together to consummate that marriage or to connect or be joined into one this is so deep that if you study the thing out that God has so divinely orchestrated a woman's body to have a piece of that body be called the hymen that is actually for storing blood that when there's a covenant made if you study it in the Old Testament and the New Testament anytime a covenant is made there has to be bloodshed so God said when a man and a woman come together and are joined I'm gonna put something in a woman that when they come together there has to be bloodshed because every time they connect there has to be a covenant and when there is a covenant and bloodshed that is the thing that secures them forever together and what you gotta understand is this is the same principle that God uses in the Old Testament when the children of Israel are coming out of Egypt all of the men had to get circumcised because there needed to be bloodshed just so that that was the Old Covenant but this is the New Covenant can I bring it up to the New Testament for you when God was separated from humanity and we needed to be joined back to him he sent Jesus and he went to a cross because there had to be bloodshed and when there was bloodshed I'm feeling happy already when there was bloodshed there was a new covenant made a better covenant where we don't have to sacrifice goats and lambs but what their eternal lamb was sacrificed for us God does not want us to just have a connection he wants us to be in covenant and that's why when you have sex with somebody god says oh they do every time I have sex with somebody they're making a commitment to be in covenant I do no wedding no dress no songs but in your apartment in them queen-size bed with the dirty sheets I do in the back of the car when nobody you think is looking I do sneaking out of the office and going into the Secretary's room I do and how many of us are married without the Covenant how many people have we said I do too but you really didn't and what happens is we keep moving through life trying to act like we're not tied to anything that we don't have any any emotional baggage or we don't have anything that's keeping us back but God said you are taking what I have called sacred and you're throwing it to culture to give you your playbook but today God has sent me as a messenger to be able to let you know that sex is good sex was God's idea sex is the thing that he wants you to enjoy inside of the right container but you cannot have God's results without God's rules they turn it off Charles but it's okay they can go and keep having those broke relationships that they keep trying to form through a sexual tie and they're gonna go from cycle to cycle do you wonder why everybody that you date is the same person with a different face and they all end around the same time of year because now you give them their body because you're really interested in them and after they have to stop pursuing you because you'll just give it up there is no more interest in you and now you get out of it trying to feel the hole that is in the inside of you and you somehow find the same person with a different last name I'm talking some of y'all the past decade of your life has been the same story different face same story different face and today by the power of the Holy Spirit I'm coming to yank some of y'all out of this cycle the cycle I feel the presence of God my help has come the cycles that have been keeping you down that have been keeping you distracted that have been keeping you under wraps today God says whom the Sun sets free is free indeed somebody's shout in the tracks a freedom that's what God wants for all of his children he wants us to walk in freedom but you cannot walk in freedom if you don't understand truth and the truth is sex is glue the easiest way that I could display it is anytime you have sex the goal is to make whoever is having sex be stuck together forever now I know we don't look at it that simply that's why we do one-night stands and Netflix and chill and what you are doing right meal what you got going are you trippin I'll come over and put it down are you playing you don't even well none it is your own saying ain't nobody been able to and you do all that dumb stuff and what you're doing is you're setting yourself up to be glued to her do they be glued to him that is what the act is doing and what happens is it looks like this I think this would be simple for everybody to understand sex comes into the picture we take all of our issues all of our desires all of our wants all of our one-night stands all of our connections we come with all of our baggage and all the abuse and the stuff we haven't told anybody we come with that website we looked at in those fantasies that we dreamed up and all of those things and then we get with somebody that's just this broken they go to church stuff and they read a Bible and they own they own a streak on a Bible reading plan he a man of God except after 11 o'clock when stuff starts changing it he went from watching cartoons to nevermind yeah and the situation is right and they take you out to dinner and they do a couple of things that make you feel special you ain't never met a man like this and no girl understand me like this wrote she like where J's and she likes shorts and like and she loved investments so that one night when everything is right and everybody's out of town and it just is raining outside and it's kind of cold and she got a Snuggie belenki and I was gonna go back to my apartment but it's like well these are all the things that people say I've never felt like this about anybody before and what happens is that sex is supposed to join the two together forever but I'm in college so are you I'm saying I can't really settle down you're I'm saying I'm actually like on my way to being a billionaire and a music producer so I can't really you're on saying be tied down but we have something special though but maybe five years from now when I settle down and you're on the same finish sowing my Wild Oats then maybe I could you to one girl are you one you're I'm saying like I want to let you know I got you saved in my phone as the one and all of these mental and emotional and manipulative games that get played and then what ends up happening is you're like I'm done with it I don't want to do this anymore and you try to rip apart the problem is when you rip apart when you were always supposed to be glued together it will never look like what it looked like in the beginning and there will always be pieces of you on pieces of me and I wasn't insecure until after I got with you and that insecurity transferred to me and I used to be so confident in what God called me to do but now there's pieces of you that gotta for me I used to be so faith-filled I used to be so optimistic I used to want something in life and now I just want you even when you told me that you don't want me this process over and over and over and over again is how people then say I want my husband or my wife to marry me think about doing this process over and over again by the end of that process this may be the only thing that's left of you and that's why people say marriage it's not a 50/50 partnership it's a hundred on hundred but when you keep giving pieces of yourself away you're only ten percent now you can post like you you can act like you still ho but half a youth with Jerome the other half of you is Sheila the other pieces of you are with everybody that never had an investment in your future and you were not safe in the Covenant in the confines of marriage and now you're walking around with pieces of you the reason I'm telling you this strongly is because when God said this thing when God set this thing up in mark chapter 10 it in verse 8 it says and the two are to be united in to everybody say one I said say one he wanted the two people every time sex happened to be united deeper and closer into one since they and and I love the Bible because the Bible is really for remedial people like myself because I start asking questions like okay what did you really mean by when they joined you I'm saying into one does one count if it's oral sex or if it's bad the bass [ __ ] or if it's this and that and we start trying to do all of these things he said Michael duh - so it can't be three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay let me leave that alone because some of your fantasies have have have thought that more can satisfy you more and all it does is it's more people you would be glued to to be able to people to rip okay he said so the two are to be everybody shot at me one and then he gives a guarantee of what will happen if people two people decide he said let no one split apart what God has joined together it was never supposed to be pulled apart that's why God says that when you have sex you should save that until marriage and I am so grateful that I'm getting to share this with you because nobody shared to me the why we don't have sex before we get married they just told me not to they didn't tell me why so why you don't have sex before you get married it's because when you take the sex outside of the container of marriage you have the opportunity to damage more than you do help more I think about it put that point up there I'm out of order right now but the merits container is sex I want excuse me sex has a marriage container and the container is marriage and when you put it in the container that container can be able to be the most beautiful thing in the whole world how do you know Pastor Mike I got three kids a fine wife and a lot of practice do you hear what I'm saying but that same thing outside of the container can destroy tons of stuff I don't know if you have the picture of water do you have that picture of water put that up here this is what it reminds me of and I want to show you an example of this this on the right or the left is a picture of water that is in a container this water in a container is rushing through these things that are contributing electricity and this water in the right container millions of gallons of it is bringing life and light to everybody around it but that same water outside of a container is bringing devastation to everything it touches I preaching right now and even when the water recedes or you get out of the relationship or you think you're healed there's still mildew from the dough there's still residue and residual from what was done all I'm telling you is the reason why marriage is so important is when you put sex inside of the marriage container it protects you and everybody else but I don't get that on the box I'm like if God so good why did you even give me this sexual urge before yo I'm saying like maybe if he just did it on my wedding day and then I felt all of this listen it's not how it works the greatest thing that God gave you is choice and to be able to stay pure and to be able to commit a life of discipline and to get stronger you're gonna have to choose to invite God into your everyday life not every week life not every month life not every year like yo every day life can I take it every moment life that you can have the power of the Holy Spirit to help you be able to manage every urge every desire and be able to do what God's called you to do that's why I said I made this it's good it's great but it's made for a container where two people are joined together to become everybody say one and that's why you got to understand that this is not just about sex and relationships this is about God's plan of one for every person write this down God's plan of one it's to have one god one man one woman one marriage one sex partner one flesh one lifetime one picture that's what he wants he wants your life your relationship your sex life to reflect as a picture what heaven looks like on earth but until you get the gods principle of one you buy into what culture says about it that's what happen to me me and Natalie we're together and we hadn't had sex for four or five years we had doubled and dabbled and touch stuff and rub stuff and did all that other stuff I'm just gonna be transparent with you right now cuz ain't no sense in faking at this current moment and we were Dibble and dabbling and dry humping and and and touching stuff and doing all this other stuff and then culture came in and culture came in to say bro how you how you gonna settle down with one person and you ain't never seen what's out there God had given me a promise at 15 16 years old that was untouched undefiled was all mine and I trade it in a treasure for a try and I wonder how many people out here are trading in the treasure that God's given you to try things that may or may not fulfill you and that's why I'm coming to you today and talking to you with such a passion because if somebody would have got up and talked to me like this it would have saved me so much hurt so much time so much pain I caused other people and y'all be like this is for the young people this is for the young people what are old people they're young people that got older and if these things and cycles haven't changed in you you can be sitting up there in your house at 56 years old you nasty old man looking at all of these people and all of these things well I didn't do nothing the Bible tells you if you think the thoughts you might as well have done it because your heart is allowing you to go to a place that you have not let God touch I hate how people get so religious over this type of well I'm married you can be impure in your marriage you can be in an emotional affair with somebody on Facebook that you ain't never met before but you think things about them that you never think about your wife you make more time to make sure you logged on then laying with and finding about the woman that you said before God you are going to take care of Pastor Mike why are you coming this hard cuz I'm sick of the enemy playing what people's mind marriages and the future generations the broken relationships are the only thing that the children can eat from so if the mom and dad whether you're together is baby mama drama it was a one-night stand I should have aborted you it was abuse all of these things it doesn't matter how it happens if we don't allow the Holy Spirit to come in and sever and cut and restore and heal and change we pass that on to the next generation and if you're not gonna get sexually pure for yourself by God do it for your children we're living in the most fatherless generation ever no examples in models but they know that you're going out for the weekend with your girls they know what that means mom I'm praying that the Holy Spirit right now it's going through this technology and it's grabbing people's hearts and that you would get in a place where you would know that what you've seen about sex which you've experienced about sex may not be God's best for you see the thing that I want you to write this down is sex has been perverted it's been perverted y'all the enemy's job is to take whatever God says is good and make you think it's bad all the way from the very beginning think about it Adam and Eve in the Garden God says UK eat of one tree not a whole field of trees not the whole forest he said the whole forest is for you to enjoy just don't eat of this one tree what did the enemy do and I want you to see how cunning this is because the enemy wants to break God's plan of one remember the two are supposed to be one and so we never hear about the enemy or the devil or Satan in the garden when it was just Adam we do not know how long it before God gave Adam Eve but you never hear about the devil until there was unity and he said well I see unity I gotta break it up and he comes in the uh he comes in the form of a manipulative snake and he starts whispering not to both of them to one of them died vision and he whispers to one to pervert what God said and she saw it she just tasted it she touched it and this is the crazy thing about being in a sexual or a temptation or or any of those things is when you get to it you always want to share it Eve tasted what God told them not to taste and then took it to Adam and said uh I ain't gonna feel guilty by myself let me let me put it in two turns this is our last time so since it's our last time let's make it count I'm moving after this so you want to hook up one more time you want to share the dysfunction with somebody else and that's what the enemy is trying to do he's trying to pervert what God calls good and this is the great thing for us if we read the Bible as believers this I know this has been happening for years Paul was in a situation where he was having to go through the same thing in the city of Corinth it's like the Las Vegas Strip of our time and y'all know what they say in Vegas whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and happy y'all ain't even been in Vegas so you already know the like like you know the slogan had been there and so first Corinthians 6:9 Paul's telling these people he said don't you realize that those who do wrong will not everybody say will not inherit the kingdom of God I love this part don't fool yourself don't fool yourself that you're gonna get all the king's resources relationship responsibility and the rest of the kingdom and you're not doing it the way he's doing it don't fool yourself don't fool yourself that you can keep going out here and sleeping with everybody and ripping yourself away from and connecting yourself to stuff and then live the fullest dumb life that God created you to live I want everybody to understand this kingdom living is not for heaven heaven is already a kingdom what Kingdom life is is for earth and God said you just so happy to get saved he said once you become a believer seven salvation allows you access to heaven and heaven is the lowest level for a believer that is the guarantee of salvation but are you just going to wait for eternity are you going to live like a king's kid in history and God says you don't get to inherit the kingdom of God all the things that I have planned for you all the things that I'm made for you before you were informed your mother's womb if you keep doing the wrong things or going against my precepts they're going against my principles that's why I want you to read relationshipgoals that's why I want you to get into my word that's why I want you to rewatch all of this series why because I want you to get understanding and a revelation so that you can do what I've asked you to do so you can inherit what the King has already prepared for you don't fool yourself somebody needs to put that in the chat don't fool yourself I love it it says because most of us like okay what do you mean do wrong what is doing wrong I'm glad you asked let's clarify those who indulge in sexual sin who worship idols who commit adultery who are male prostitutes who practice homosexuality who are thieves who are greedy people and I love that one because some of y'all thought y'all was getting out of it cuz he was like nope that ain't me past there nope that ain't me past there nope that ain't me pastor then I said greedy and you Brady and God literally saying if that spirit of greed and selfishness doesn't get out of you you won't inherit the kingdom of God either and that's the crazy thing about it you heard homosexuality and male prostitutes in some freezin for believers you think that those things are our big fans and they're gonna be the ones that really do but when Jesus sees in all of them at the same level maybe your little white lie is on the same level as male prostitution and what God is saying to you is you better stop comparing yourself to one another narrow is the way that God has called to live I can't look to my left or look to my right I gotta be led by the Holy Spirit and walk it out and that's why people are trying to figure out is this sin is this doing wrong is this the one that's gonna take me over and God saying will y'all get off the line of sin and try to get into the life of success in me will you stop trying to figure out can I touch can I finger can't ideas can't I kids can't I live can't idea can i and we're trying to go and see what's acceptable so we can still do what God's called us to do and he's saying listen those who are greedy people drunkards abusive or use things for abnormal use cheat people none of these will inherit what the King has already prepared for you look what it says in verse 11 and some of you were once like that but then you were cleansed huh you were made holy you were made right with God by your good works no by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of god can we take five seconds and give God praise for his brace cuz some of y'all sitting there like you ain't never done nothing they never thought nothing ain't never been nowhere but if it wasn't for the grace of God over my life that's rescued me out of the lost dark pit Oh somebody's gettin a breakthrough you're not where you wanna be but can we give God praise you're not where you used to be thank God for His grace so crazy how Christians get amnesia so quick you want to judge people who are in the middle of they process and you is just this broke up six years ago I gave him too much credit six months ago oh I gave him too much credit hours ago some of y'all just made your declaration to God before the livestream and God says I'm good for that but you need to judge others with the measure of grace you needed hey I'm on your toes I'm in yo business I mean your house and I know you don't like it but I don't care I'm still call me you don't see it you start running I don't know where that came from but it's time for us to live a life that is in view of God's grace for ours well I feel the presence of God and I know what y'all are saying this is what they were saying in Paul will you say I'm allowed to do anything but then Paul says but not everything is good for you and even though I'm allowed to do anything I must not become a slave to anything my question to you today is what are you a slave to and I just opened a big can of worms because we're talking about sex and impure thoughts and sexual immorality but my question to you is are you a slave to food uh-huh are you are you a slave to people's praise are you a [ __ ] are you a slave to God says the reason we got to get control of this body and you got to allow me to come in and you really don't at this time need to be joining with anybody else physically emotionally and spiritually because you got to get right yourself he's like this is why I'm asking you because what are you a slave to and I can't I don't even have time to go through all the things that we could be a slave to but one of the worst things to be a slave to is sexual immorality because when you're a slave to that it never comes alone when you're a slave to sexual immorality it brings all of his friends lying deception manipulation it brings abuse it brings all of those things when you start dealing in that stuff even if we go back to David who we were talking about Latin the past two weeks when sexual immorality entered into his eyes through lust when he saw Bathsheba automatically he started manipulating he started lying he started up making up story what I'm talking about you you think that is one thing but it's like 50 things that come into your life excuse me they don't come in you invite them in that would be like me standing here come trouble low self-esteem insecurities come on I want to be a liar next year I know I want to manipulate my parents I want to I want to tell them that I'm doing one thing and I want to do another come on I want to lower my standard to satisfy a guy who doesn't plan to be with me for another six weeks I'm gonna give the best parts of me to a female that just knows I have a little money and once the clouds jump come on that's why I need to let you know this I said all that to get you here write this down sex creates sull ties sex creates soul ties let's break down that word soul ties the soul most theologians theologians believe is the mind the will and the emotions okay so it's the mind it's my wheel my actions what I do and my emotions my feelings ties I think the easiest way to define it today the culture is calling it entanglement so it's my mind my wheel and my emotions entangled with somebody else I don't think you got it so I need to show you guys a picture of this because the problem is that many of us are walking through life tied to people things and ideas that had one space in our life and maybe we didn't understand all of the ramifications of being joined emotionally spiritually and even physically through the act of sex but God made this thing so powerful that he said it only needs to happen within marriage and what ends up happening without proper revelation we then do what feels right and this is the thing that I need you to understand that when you pay attention to your feelings you're paying attention to your flesh your flesh will only tell you what makes sense in the moment but the truth will tell you make what makes sense for your history and for the rest of your life and what we do is we make decisions cuz it feels right Pastor Mike ain't nobody when he just talked to me here is gonna be making me like and when they text that certain thing and when they do that y'all know what I'm telling me up here talking by myself and that's why you watch that show all the time I just want to watch power Pastor Mike I just want to watch power you need some real power of the Holy Spirit because those images that are going into your gates and the images that are going through your gates there's a ton of people you need to unfollow right now because you're giving them access to your gates and you have no control over you think you have enough self-control to be able to do it but one seed in your eyes can result in an activity six hours later that one moment that uh that one moment that you just felt something can end up in you holding a baby nine months later land and you don't even look like you this is what I'm telling you right now is that you have to get away from the soul ties Pastor Mike that's easy to say but you don't remember you wasn't there when it was me and Rebecca I mean me and Becks this was my first and I was scared and she was more experienced and I always thought she was beautiful and and and it was that one night that we connected and it wasn't going to be much and I feel a little tug every once in a while when I want to study and be able to be be focused but it was so good that one time that I had to come back a couple times and I'll never do it with anybody else because we had a special connection and she had curly hair and I think her eyes is hazel I never been when nobody had hazel eyes but I'm gonna follow God and do what he called me to doing but I can't stop thinking about that one concert we went to and what we did after it my mind is entangled and every time I smell that perfume that's the perfume that she used to wear and it gives me a feeling and I just walked into the restaurant and somebody that don't even know me had that same perfume on and it hit me because I was doing good I was walking away I was doing what God but then I smelled it and it took me back to a place that I've been tied up and maybe I can't live a Christian life and maybe this is too much for me and maybe but I think I can walk away from that I think I can walk away I think I can walk and you know I went off to college or I went to Explorer and I really started going to another place but I met this one friend that we started off in Bible study we started off doing the things that God called us to do and the thing that was initially attracted to me about her was how much she studied the Word of God and she went through a hard situation and some of y'all wondering what's the FWB oh we became friends with benefits like will never be official it'll always start off as a Bible study but it might end up with laying on of hands it might start off with us thinking about the future but it might end up with us delaying both of our futures now every time I go to church I'm not thinking about praising and worshipping God I'm thinking is she gonna be there when we talk about soul ties the mind will and emotions being tangled with people and now I try to lift holy hands and there's restraint have you ever been in the house of God after committing something that you thought was sexually right in the moment but ended up being wrong and it just feel like you can't worship right and it feels like you don't got the right things to say it's dare I say it's because you're tied and it's crazy that many of you you go to a place you go to a place in your relationship where this is the sad truth for so many people but there was a family member or a neighbor or a cousin who abused you and you are never allowed to talk about it and the one time you tried to say something they made you feel like that would never happen and you are a liar because they like the personality of the person they never considered that they would be one who caused pain well that's uncle such-and-such a heater you know he would never do that to you are you sure he and so what do you do as a child or an adolescent or somebody who was raped or you carry around you hide that abuse we never talk about it there are people I feel the Holy Spirit right now under the sound of my voice that are sitting here over three decades of silence because you are abused and your husband can't figure out why you can't connect with him the way that he wants you to connect with them or you're a man and you are abused by another male as a young man and you can't figure out why your attentions don't get as attracted to a woman it's because somebody robbed you of something now I'm trying to move in purpose and go for what God has called me to do and I got my first my friends with benefits and my abuser still tangling up my mind will and emotions and many of us what we do is we get tired and stop I don't want to fight this anymore I don't want to keep going after you said it was the year of being stronger and I feel weaker so I quit and whenever you become inactive whenever you stop going after the things of God whenever you stop fighting for purity you give your sanch itself an opportunity to be connected to somebody else do you know one of those my favorite ones is the young people and even some of the old people who think that they can go ahead and start creating soul ties and have sex because they're about to get married the wedding date is only three months out you ain't even de marriage counseling yet you don't even know what they come with what we're deciding it's just gonna be me in forever and the enemy tries to play you and what you now are are connected to is someone who you want to have a covenant with but the time has not come yet for you to honor that covenant and what it does for most people is it complicates the the period of time where God's trying to get the last little stuff off for you get that residue let forgiveness come and you're connected and tied to things that God saying if we're gonna be doing this if you're gonna be having sex for the rest of your life what's three more months of consecration what's what's what's six more months of preparation and some of y'all honestly do need to move the wedding up because the sin is causing a setback in your life and gods saying I can't do everything for the business I can't do everything don't fool yourself just because you made the date and you're still going against the rules that I've set for you as parameters I cannot give you the inheritance I have for you don't fool yourself and some of y'all some of y'all older ones who y'all can control your urge for six seven eight months and then there's a cycle there's like a week around your birthday it's my birthday for my turn and if I see somebody I mean I don't know what it might be but it might be something good and I don't think you do all of these little things and you have all of these rationalizations of why it's okay some of y'all you just continue to fall for setbacks he tall he handsome I mean what size shoe is that is that a 14 you know what they say about men with big feet oh come on y'all y'all gonna ask fake with me he got a beer he look like you goin today you put that smile you do for who okay cool can I go is you can I have Birkin bags and get my booty injected and get breast implants and be able to be your side chick can I this life that I've been trying to live ain't working so let me fake my way into a different life and become somebody I not to try to fit in with what is eventually going to be classified as a set bag some of y'all have people in your phone that you need to go rename them set back his name in your phone is Jerome her name in your phone is Alicia you need to go in your phone today and you need to retitle them set back is calling so every time you answer the phone you know that you're potentially setting back the purpose God has for you set back once the Netflix and chill set bag wants to take me out for my birthday said back wants to talk but no I fasted I prayed I sought the Lord so tie is broken I'm going after you god no I'm going after you but I couldn't get free completely it felt like one came off it felt like a little freedom but I'm still connected to all these people mentally emotionally and spiritually entangled and now I want to lead a family and now I want to lead a church but can I expose probably the most covert assassin in the body of Christ as when you hook up with people who are kind of saved see the kind to save people will trick you to feel like y'all have the same beliefs that y'all doing a Bible read and playing together but you know you can have sex between every Bible reading plan you do planting images and thoughts and stuff they picked up from other people in different seasons and now everybody is walking towards purpose and at any moment I'm almost to the position or the spot I'm supposed to be act I'm I can see I can see how God wants to use me I can see that I have a call on my life I can see I almost can write the book the book is right there I can almost be the one to change but I have not been loosened from the ties let me let me give you the title of my message it took this long but the reason I'm so passionate about this is because nobody told me there's no condom for your heart everybody's concerned about sexually transmitted diseases but the craziest thing that you can get is a spiritually transmitted dysfunction there is no condom for your heart we did it we did it we made it but my heart was affected in it and that's why so many of us are walking around thinking we're practicing safe sex because we wrap it up there's no way to wrap up your heart unless you wrap it up in the Word of God unless you have a standard that allows you to protect your heart that's why the Bible tells us to guard your heart above all other things because out of it flows the issues of life if I do not protect my heart and I allow all of these entanglements and all of these soul ties my heart is the thing that gets affected and there's no condom for your heart the only way that you can actually practice safe sex is when you submitted to God you surrender your sexuality safe sex I made an acronym for it that's in the book if you're gonna have safe sex safe sex means it's sacred safe sex means that it's anointed and don't get all deep on me all anointing means is God's approval when he told Adam and Eve be fruitful and multiply they had his approval for that and God's saying if you put sex in the container that I'm meant for it to be you got my approval it says the marriage bed is undefiled flit from things swing from things bring whipped cream and and and and whips and chains and and hand sanitizer do it all that means because it's under file because you're doing it in the container I put it in but when you bring it out of that container I can't put my approval on it it's not anointed so if you're gonna have safe sex it's got to be sacred it's got to be anointed it's gotta be faithful what if God was as faithful to you as you were to the partners you've been with let's be honest some of y'all are faithful to the same wife but mentally and emotionally you check out every day what if God was as faithful to us as we were he said no I meant this to be something that you consistently did a covenant is not a contract I need everybody to understand that you can get out of contracts a covenant is meant to last forever a covenant it's something and that's why it always cracks me up Charles that people get married in the sight of God to make a toughen it but they go to the courthouse to get rid of the contract they come before God to get married but they don't go back to him when they want a divorce oh you go to you should invite all the same people you invited for your wedding and you should bring them up bring the bridesmaids the groom and everybody and say we lied we said till death do us part but we really meant until they annoyed me enough and they come to God for a covenant but they end the relationship with the contract I'm preaching right now man if you're gonna have safe sex it has to be sacred anointed faithful and then watch this one this is gonna go against culture this is gonna bug every rap video that has you thinking around about three unfold bees on my dirt and this is what I'm gonna do until they thought up there and you can slaughter that's what we see but if you're gonna have safe sex it has to be exclusive sacred anointed faithful and exclusive and the truth is many of us are all tied up see the thing you can't control is when my friend with benefits hooks up with about to get married and my first starts messing with my setbacks and my kinda safe starts walking in abuse yeah y'all y'all just switch up because they hooked up on a one-night stand on spring break and then we were separated for a season and then what ends up happening is they cooked up with them because they met at the same birthday party yeah keep entangling and then they went from there to there and I'm still sitting here I'm really trying to seek God and go after my purpose and go do the things that God told me to do and all of them I can't control them cuz I left them behind and I don't have nothing with them anymore and then I said you know what this is the season I'm going after God and I'm about to move and look what has happened the entanglement is stronger now because it's tied in many places my kind of saved friend come on over here and get with the set back and that's why yeah now don't let it down don't let him down make him go through the hoops and now that's why they think no y'all stay together cuz it's okay for men to be with men and women to be with women and people to go and then at one time I'm just frustrated deny I'm back in it and now what I try to do is convince everybody that hey y'all God has a purpose for me so let's make a deal since I can't let you go on willpower can we just make a step towards my purpose together one two three oh that feels good so I got to another level with the same setbacks so maybe I'll just keep bargaining with all of the people and the emotional drama and the heart hey guys can we take two steps forward towards my purpose real quick one two three one two oh my goodness look how much I'm doing look what God's doing in my life this is what Facebook and Instagram looks like this is how God is blessing me and look I'm on vacation and all this but you still all tied up and what happens is because we've made some forward progress still tied emotionally spiritually and physically to people and then what happens I don't then what happens here come here yeah and then God shows me stand up there by the podium and then God shows me who I'm supposed to be with just standing and the reason I can't go after who I'm supposed to be with cuz if you knew what I was still tied to this is what you don't talk about this on your first day many of you got married and don't even know your partner's past cuz if you knew what I was tied to you you might not even consider me ever again so let's keep lying let's keep the truth in the dark let's not submit it to God let's act like it never happened can I tell you a secret to all the people who want to get married you do not get blind deaf or dumb when you can have sex legally before God if you do not check the perversions and the thoughts and the intents of the heart before you get married all you did was invite somebody in so you could hurt them so what I do pastor might think what I do how do I get in uninvolved how do i how do I come back to a place that I could get back to spirit and truth that I can get to my purpose in my destiny how do i I get untangled I need you to write these points down real quick cuz I'm not gonna show you all of this and not give you practical steps of how to get it if you need to go peace but there's somebody whose whole life is depending on this message hitting the heart of their situation so I gotta give you solutions right now if you want to get untangled the first thing you have to do I'm gonna give you these C's you have to cut it call it confess it cancel it and cast it all these ties individually I have to cut it call it confess it cancel it and test it I'm gonna give you one minute on each of these you have to cut it according to first Corinthians 6:18 it says that you need to run from sexual sin not walk not ponder if this is a good thing or you can handle it as a man cuz I ain't seen breasts before and I don't see him booties before and I don't been to the strip club before and I done done this before no no Ron from sexual sin and many of us are walking and jogging away from what God is asking us to run from so you got to cut it it's got to be a clear cut I'm no longer doing this if they're there and it's there I'm running the opposite direction and people I was like but I want to be friends they're good people though I really want to be friends with the people that I caused myself to be depleted from and I know there's all type of philosophies on this but if you check the health of the relationships you want is it worth cutting it and the Bible tells you it is running from it and then you got to call it seek all it is is one of those things that I need to help people cuz a lot of people will get out of the relationship but then they romanticize it like man there was some bad stuff that happened but they were the best person I ever been with and we try to make this picture of what it is not and we try to make it be like yeah I mean it was crazy but I remember that one time we try to replay the good memories and romanticizing you need to call it what it is it was a thief it's told your time they stole purpose from you they stole nobody makes friends with the thief and there's people out here saying that people who stole for them was the best thing they ever had you need to cut it and you need to call it what it is then you need to confess it according to James 5:16 you need to confess your sins to each other not to the pastor not to the leader he says go find another fellow believer that's why I always encourage you you're the minister here if the church shuts down forever it doesn't matter you can call or FaceTime or get around one believer and it says I can you can get healing from this stuff with one other believer confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed because the earnest prayers of the righteous person people who are in right standing with God not perfect people but the righteous has great power and produces wonderful result who have you told what actually happen to you what you've actually done to others and what you're actually thinking about doing if you would get that honest and that real there's husbands and wife that need to have real conversations there's kids that need to have conversations with their parents why are you saying this because God only can change thing in the light he only can heal things that are revealed and many of us are not being healed because we will not reveal we want to move on from this point like that's in the past we're just gonna start from here but the past has a hold on you and you can act like it doesn't and you can act like you move at first but God's progress for you it's way up there and you're still fighting to stay right here so you need to cut it call it confess it and then you need to cancel it I like this one because have you ever seen a TV show that was on the air and they would actually um give advertisement forward and they would plan for it and send fires and do Instagram posts and all that other stuff and if the show doesn't work they say they canceled the show and at the moment they cancel the show all the advertisements stop everybody is disband there is no more connection to it people disassociated with that's what you need to do in these relationships some of y'all have ended the relationships and you still running the reruns right now you're still going back to the situation because they will cool with my family or they just a fixture in our household I mean now you're a cool person you need to cancel it give them back the Jordans they bought you give them back the necklace they had I don't want any remembrance of this time well it's the most expensive thing that you ever have baby you don't know you're the most expensive thing that you've ever had that your kids a king's kid you're valuable you're worthy until you understand that you're worthy you won't cancel the things that God has asked you to cancel you cut it you call it you confess it you cancel it and then you cast it this someone I like first Peter 5:7 says cast all your cares your anxiety your mistakes on him why because before you cared about it he cared about it and more than he cared about it he cared about you so God's saying I don't want you to spend the rest of your life carrying your mistakes carrying what's going on in your life and that's why when we get back to Paul talking to this church in Corinth he says I know cultures telling you one thing I know cultures telling you that food was made for the stomach and the stomach for food that means I got urges I got love you I'm saying men are made for women women are made for men like I mean this is true though someday God will do away with both of them will be just spirits but you can't say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality they were made for the Lord and the Lord cares about your body some of y'all I believed alive that this is just my body I'm not hurting nobody like this is yon saying just how I get through and express him to leave myself and thought that I think I said man I care about that too I care about everything I made you I need you to cut it and call it and confess it and cancel it and cast it if I could sum all of that huh God wants all of us today to surrender our sexuality everything that we were taught about it that was not founded in the Word of God everything that we've experienced everything that happened to us wrongfully God said I'll take all of it you can surrender your sexual the husband and wife that right now the passion is gone and you just feel this distance that's coming between you God says hey surrender it to me I can make you have the best most passionate sex life at that age that you've ever had but you cannot do it alone you got to surrender it young man young woman that's watching this right now and it was a decision between turning this message on and looking at pornography again let me say congratulations you made the right decision and there's tons of other messages just like this that can help you hide yourself how does a young man or a young woman keep his way pure Psalms 119 by hiding themselves in the Word of God God is saying if you surrender it to me I can help you with this some of you have images and preferences struggling in sexual identity and am i attracted to men am i attracted to women can I do this am i transgender what do i how do I can i and God says I'm not scared of none of it bring it to me surrender all the wild thoughts all the hurts all the abuse all the in entanglements careful to me cuz I care about you and I care about your body I had a struggle with this as y'all know I tell my testimony every week that I was addicted to pornography I was tangled up I had all kinds of stuff that was holding me back I was trying to do major things in my life and I was tied to so many people and so many ideas and so many pictures you know what this does it makes you tired and I felt like there's so many believers right now that it just said I'm tired of fighting this because you tried to do it on willpower if God wants to use me he gonna have to come give me [Music] not fight this no more I'm sick I was trying to do it and gods saying exactly are you sick of trying to do this on your own are you done with trying to do this on willpower instead of real power can I tell you the real power of God is so powerful let me show you it's hard to do normal things it was hard to get up because of what I was tied to there's something y'all it's hard to do like normal stuff cuz of what you're tied to but can I tell you what real power will do for you in 1st Corinthians 6:14 there's a revelation in here that changed the trajectory of my life this is how I got free from all of these bondages and he was telling these people to Paul and God who got not you not your meditation not your good thoughts not your staying just under the radar like you're gonna need real power and the real power comes from everybody say God God will raise us from the dead by his power just as he raised our Lord from the dead and I saw that in God said there's your answer I was like I'll get it you know sometimes one of them one of the things that you do in meditating is you go over the same thing over and over that's why Insogna says I meditate on your work day and night some of us just read for sport or read to get a streak and God singing you're you're moving past the revelation that will change your life maybe some of y'all this week need to stay on one scripture every day until it starts to say different things the Bible is the only book that you read and it reads you and when I did that with description over and over and over this is the revelation I got verse 14 it says and God will raise us from the dead okay so he's gonna raise me from the day and I'm gonna go to him and by his power it's gonna be his power that raised me from the dead just as he raised the Lord from the dead like that's what he did he ascended from across and you came from heaven to show the way okay in front of your okay I see you did that what does that have to do with me and God said to me so clearly like I'm gonna say to you Michael if I can raise a dead body what makes you think I can't manage a living one he said if I can raise every dead body if you would allow me if you would surrender your sexuality I can help you manage the one you got right now how is that gonna happen by the power of the Holy Spirit well Pastor Mike pastor mind I'm trying to I hear your message today and there's some things I was planning to do before I got here but I'm I'm gonna I'm making a decision that I'm not gonna do that no more Murr I'm gonna surrender my sexuality okay so I'm coming after you got I'm coming after you got I'm coming after you got I'm coming after you got but I can't seem to get past this point God said are you done cuz at the end of your rope is where my power did see and by the power of the Holy Spirit I believe for some of you right now the power of the Holy Spirit is coming as you surrender come on lift your hands the power of the Holy Spirit is coming to cut you free from everytime from everything and God is saying that no matter who it was you can be free I feel the presence of God in this place right now whatever was tied to you whatever was tangled up it now becomes your testimony you can stand up and say I used to be a home but now I'm holy I used up I used to feel worthless but now I'm worthy I feel the presence of God coming to you wherever you're at right now come on hands lift it up all over this place we're about to surrender our sexuality come on hands lift it all over this place God I'm available I surrender everything to you God my will I give to you God if this is what you're saying I'll do what you say do god I'm asking you to use me God I can't do this by myself I'll use it all I'll use my testimony to show someone else the way God I just need your power can enable me to say to be real to confess it somebody say see my store read and yeah they get Caleb a mic so you come on I feel the presence of God in this place lift your hands right now I need you to lift your hands God's coming in he's doing surgery right now somebody say say Lord I'm available to you come on somebody it's getting transformed right now sitting my I came to you I'll do what you say come on somebody say city use me Lord God we need you to shoes we need you God right now come on somebody hands lift it up right now I can't do this say my soul I'm done save my storage my soul somebody needs to say it I'm gone there's nothing else I can do and I am available [Music] to data in service I believe the end of service is the beginning of surrender I said I believe the end of service is the beginning of your surrender and I want us to pray a prayer together a prayer of sexual surrender if you have the relationship goals book it is in this book and I pray this prayer often and I want to pray it with you and pray it over you today and I want you if you got the book it's on page 117 and if you don't have the book we're gonna put it on the screen or on the lower thirds or something but I'm gonna lead you in it but today wherever you are I want you to lift your hands I believe God is doing a miraculous work that soul ties and things that have been connected to you for years are I feel the presence of that there's a push coming to your house come on there's a push coming God saying that this is not the end for you this is not all she wrote but on 2,000 years ago God wrote a different story for you and all you have to do is receive it all you have to do is surrender repeat after me say God I don't know how to do this on my own so I'm giving you my sexuality I have done things said things experienced things that I lower outside of your will for me and today I'm asked in you fool take ownership come on that's what needs somebody needs to say today I'm asking you take ownership I want to live a life of value come on say that that is centered in your love for me and not my desire for temporary fulfillment reset my priorities come on everybody say that again God reset my priorities refocus my thoughts unfaithfulness renew my mind with your identity for me rebuild my self-worth until I believe that I'm your masterpiece I feel that somebody right there God is about to rebuild yourself worth everything that's taken all the pieces he's rebuilding your self-worth he's taking all the pieces and making you a masterpiece realign my perspective to see myself and others the way you see us restore my broken pieces and make me new I give you permission come on this is important right here if your heart is not open God is not gonna knock down the door and come in you have to give them permission somebody say it from your heart I give you permission to uproot my damaged areas somebody say it again I give you permission to uh pleat my damaged areas of rejection pain hurt shame guilt and big bad examples the negatively shaped my perspective and I'm asking you come on lift your hands up God I'm asking you for you to cultivate in me the fruits of the spirit from Galatians five that will produce say it out loud love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control I surrender my sexuality I'm yours in Jesus name father I thank you that she would seal that prayer over my brothers and sisters when those watched his on the rebroadcast and it shared three five ten years ago I thank you that the same spirit that is with us in this room and it with your people at the house it invades their house and fades their car and fades their heart and transforms their life today we surrender we surrender our sexuality to you God purify us O God search us O Lord thank you Father God for transforming us sex is not bad sex is good because it's God's idea and thank you for the container of marriage that will allow us to succeed I declare a peace coming over your life right now some of y'all this is the freeze you've been in a long time don't fight this moment right now God's healing deep things right now there's there's deep things I don't want people we're so quick to move and I know the stream is long and it doesn't matter right now how much does your healing cost come on just let God do this work some of the memories that are coming back right now not saying by His Holy Spirit he's severing it right now in the name of Jesus I feel the presence of God in this place Ron God people are healing they're being stuff is snapping off right now I feel it stuff is snapping off you won't have the desire anymore for it you won't have the taste for the appetite will be gone [Music] well what I do tomorrow when something comes up that I didn't know I was gonna see surrender it again this is not a monthly or weekly or when we do a sermon series this is a every day today got a surrender my sexuality and I give it to you there's some people watching the stream and you've been tuned in all of this time for this moment you remember when I talked about a covenant and how there had to be bloodshed when a covenant was made well I want you to know that God does not want to be separated from you another day actually not another moment because he wanted to make a covenant with you he sent Jesus Christ His only Son to the cross to shed blood and the Bible tells us that he knew we were gonna make mistakes and he was wounded in bruised for our iniquities and our transgressions he says somebody's got to prove that there's a covenant so I'll give my life cuz Michaels gonna be addicted to pornography and he's gonna need a way to get back to God and so I'm gonna make a way and no matter what you've done how far you feel how broken you feel no matter what people have told her even religious people have told you God's saying that he loves you and he made a way for you guys to be connected and all you have to do is accept and receive not by your works but through faith what Jesus has already done for you if you want to make the greatest decision of their life the decision that untied be the decision that allowed me to go from being a manipulator and addicted to pornography and lost and broken and jacked up not even that long ago that took me from that place not to a perfect place but a progressing place and every day I have to surrender my sexuality but God says that's my boy one who works and walks in progression not perfection that same level of access is available to you right now today is the day of salvation some of you have been like law let me get my stuff together there's a few things that I need to do before I come to God let me help you you can't get it together without God you cannot do this without him you need his help so today if you want to make the decision for Jesus Christ according to Romans 10:9 all you have to do is believe that Jesus came he died and he rose again just for you and you are saved and what does this do this makes you have an understanding that I'm repenting you repent all repent means is turn i'm turning from the way I dealt with sexuality I dealt with people I've talked about people and I'm turning to God I'm turning to his word I'm finding out what the manual says about my life and my situation I'm finding out what the Spirit of God has said what he said over me before what's formed on my mother's womb and we want to help you with that we want to walk with you but this entire journey starts with a decision so if you want to make that decision we're about to pray and you say and pastor I want you to include me in that prayer a week ago we had over 600 people get saved in that week because they came to a moment like oh yeah you can clap you can shout that's why our church exists we had over 600 people and one we give their life to Christ because they said I don't want to do this morning surrender and today I believe by the power of the Holy Spirit he's drawing you right now the reason I'm taking some time with this cuz it's been taking you 30 years to get to this point and God said give me three minutes and I'll transform everything I'll turn this thing all around one you're making the greatest decision of your life - I am so proud of you but more than that your name will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life 3 if you want to give your life to Christ come on lift your hands in your living room in the porch running it doesn't matter lift your hands I don't see you but God does you can put your hands down I even know tears are flowing right now there are people that things are changing around right now these are the moments that your life will be defined by and I want us to pray as a church family we pray a transformation church as a family for the benefit of those who are coming to Christ so everybody in your home's in your car watching on replac broadcast on your at your cubicle I want you to pray this out loud say God thank you for sending Jesus to shed his blood just for me today I surrender I believe you lived you died and you rose again just for me just the way I am with all my ties with all my baggage you still love me today I give you my life be my Lord and Savior change me renew me transform me I'm yours in Jesus name Amen can we give God praise all over the world I said can we give God praise all over the world feel like people just got the ties cut off of them I feel like some people are getting new clothes I feel like some people are taking off the old garment and they're switching the garment of heaviness and you're picking up a farm interpret I dare you to give God a shadow plane the only time that I bring this around is to give somebody a testimony this is who I used to be but for the grace of God I feel this thing in here [Music] y'all better stop I felt a push right there something just pushed me but somebody's got to know that any man that being Christ you're a new creature the old has passed away behold everything is new and God is bringing that to your life I'm trying to quit I got goose bumps though hear me don't walk this out of if you just made that decision for Jesus he doesn't see you how you see he sees you through His Son Jesus sony says I didn't DJ do last week I can't see it cuz all I see is Jesus I see the cross like well didn't Sue's and she just just hours ago she was playing it I don't see Suzanne I see Jesus and when I see Jesus I see a perfect Lamb when I see G I feel this thing I gotta share the gospel with you when I see Jesus I don't see your mistakes in your mess ups I see you through the lens of my son and when my son died for your sins he also took the penalty of it too [Music] if you just gave your life to Christ I want you to text the number on the screen let us know we want to send you some resources and some information we want to help you pick out your new clothes we don't want you to think that this is the only thing you have to wear anymore thank you so much for watching this message and if this has impacted you in any way I'm asking you to do a couple of things number one join transformation nation join us right here every Sunday gather your friends and your family and be a part of not just this moment but this movement the second thing I would ask you to do is share share this with your friends your co-workers people that are around you because transformation is just one click away the last thing I would ask you to do is partner with us financially if this ministry is impacting your life transforming you I would ask you to consider pray about what you could give to help us take this message to the whole world I want you to know that we love you and your best days are right in front of you this week I want you to live a transformed life see you next week you
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 865,661
Rating: 4.9492464 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, soul, tie, soulties, entanglement, jadasmith, willsmith, all strings attatched, transformation church live, transformation church worship, Pastor Michael Todd, Pastor Mike, tcnation, transformation nation, heart, soul ties remix, breaking ungodly soul ties, condom
Id: -UzJtFRnhr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 59sec (5519 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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