SEVERED HEADS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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you hear that you hear what I hear they show them it's a treasure chest Jeremy here and I know it's felt like hails of a long time since we've gotten a storage unit and did an unboxing but I got great news for ya last night 5:30 got one over in Finlay Ohio gonna drive about two hours total charges about two hundred and ten dollars after fees finally made it to the storage unit and it's lunch time so let's hope we find some good food you know anything about the previous owners or anything just some some gal you mean oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah just some gal and damn hey up huh how far behind for them uh I think she was about three months you know and I tried calling her I think the night before last and got ahold of somebody else and hey tried calling her before in the number just uh it was a Verizon number wasn't any good spike all night before last and some guy answers a phone and it's not her so so so completely totally disappeared yeah let's open it up and let's see what's inside come on here's what we're looking at we enter in I'm gonna move some of this bigger stuff the sandbox probably try and get the Christmas tree and then we'll try and dig into some boxes and hey there we are hey we'll get that mirror out of there too I moved the bedding pieces inside the trailer and the actual Christmas tree which I think every unit has a Christmas tree we're gonna have to add that to the list every unit has drugs adult toys porn and Christmas trees and then I moved a couple other things out here as well couple boxes couple bags so I could get to this leather recliner chair looks pretty rough lots of mould and junk down there and then we'll get the dresser in and then we'll start the unboxing but look at this cosmetology papers that could mean something if they were beautician high-dollar items so here's what we're gonna do with this unit if you see something you go man that would be cool to have leave it in the comments and in two weeks roughly two weeks on the live Q&A on February 17th we're gonna announce the random picked winner you're gonna win the item that you said you wanted from the unit and we're gonna ship it to you free of charge no matter where you live in the entire world you see an item you want it leave it in the comments and make sure you give us a like no surprise next to the Christmas tree is Xmas goblets and sherbert dishes see what we have and it looks like we have we have gold rims so you can see there so it's Christmas decorated and we've got the gold on the top that's great fine they're the whole box I like that so rather big box actually really long goes down pretty far what we got here we got this is what you use that a restaurant put your put your pay your bill we got a guest cheque book we got another one over here American Express let's see guest check and I think yeah look at that Buffalo Wild Wings right there I'm not sure if that's a gift card not sure what that is I'm not sure why somebody would have those in a storage unit but hey look at this look at this there's an iphone six-plus box I'm not sure we can get it open we'll see if it will open oh we got straight talk maybe we got ear buds nope no ear buds we just have straight talk now I know George wants to sell those boxes now see what we got in the popcorn tin we got Christmas decorations in the popcorn tin we've got all kinds of CDs we've got a bunch of CDs there's Hilary Duff and I got a bunch more got here huh getting them all over the place Christina al Guerra and there's your step-by-step waxing techniques never gonna have enough of that right okay so we know the age-old question there they were waxing there's Hilary Duff again this looks like Christmas lights and we've got the IHOP employee handbook so we went from Buffalo Wild Wings to IHOP we we've got some glow stuff entire thing of bubbles for a party looks like a candle a tea light holder and more bubbles looks like we've got some kind of fish light or it's a lighter oh my goodness it's a lighter how does it work there's how it works okay we got a fish lighter that's crazy more bubbles puzzles there's a bunch of books and CDs down here I'm gonna put everything back and we're gonna count this one has gone through we've got a giant family memories picture frame brand-new still sealed in the cellophane I've opened these two side flaps because they had names written on them this one doesn't have anything and this one's not even there so looks like we got a book bag let's see if we have anything I don't feel anything and we got to be quick we do have to get on the road we got a long way home and hey here looks like okay water cool instant cleaner waterproofer I think this might be soft soil is that for female hair care products I'll just keep seeing here's a here's a Dragonball Z poster just kind of cool the best of Dragonball Z that's awesome we got we've got a binder I've got got a little purse I don't know what's in there this thing Oh feels like something's in here no no it's just a giant giant hoodie no it's not even giant it's it's a large but it's just a huge one oversized my kind oh my goodness oh you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me alright you see it mayor I'm reading upside down what does it say Marianna name class man Oh what do you do with something like this I think I got some ideas let's see what we got here and oh you gotta be kidding me we got two more what is up with that what is up with the hair freaky-deaky oh man mini mini man George is gonna be so happy well we got another one we got another one oh he's gonna be so happy he's got friends now look at this look at this that's three so far we've got three human heads it looks like we got look at look at all these porcelain dolls can you see them look I know you can hear them there's Raggedy Ann here I'll try it they're packed in here pretty well that's all porcelain there's there's one of these clowns we've been finding a lot of those recently we've got these here I'm not sure what you would call them this whole thing is just packed with porcelain and some kind of vodka bottle I'm not a drinker I don't know what that is I'm too pure for those kind of things all right you got another one of these right here just just take a peek there's more in there and I'm gonna put back in so that way we don't rack them will do one more box and then we're just gonna take it all home and take care of it there let's see what we have here just like we got a a bag of another Crown Royal bag look at that filled with jewelry let's hope let's hope for silver and it sure looks like it nine-to-five yep we got silver keep it in frame 925 we got silver there and this looks like gold off to go through that better later and oh look at there look at there the ultra ribbed ha who knows what we'll find in here now all right we'll take this one home and we'll go through it there too we're gonna have to get some gas on the way home thankfully I found this cash fuel card for speedy so it says 25 bucks I didn't call it yet let's see what happens see if we got any money on it looks like we got the full 25 love it I love it when units pay for themselves look at that yep we got the full 25 sure does look like it three four five six seven eight nine yeah we got it right there we got the full 25 just got home and George should be here shortly and I've got a great idea because hey three heads are better than one right now all we have to do is wait for charge to get home it's amazing what you can do with a couple spare heads and someday our car just came up the drives oh this should be a ton of fun idea unbelievable so you've got me in trouble we good again we okay I can't believe you did that you know it very easily let's just I know you have hard issues you scare easily let's how about if we just open one box before we go in just okay well do one how about you picket anything in the trail I got the garbage out on the curb lawn already so for trash tomorrow why don't you pick which one you want to do burrito lays alright let's do it if we find food in here you're not if we find food in there I'm starving no got it let's do this George oh we got a notebook first thing let's see let me make sure oh here we go we got it so this sexy teeth number one brush three times a day number two brush for five minutes three floss one time a day for use mouthwash one time a day five drink milk six don't eat as much candy baby did you ever make a list like this for me no why yeah tell me the truth like that for me all right what you got whatever it is that a jewelry chest that looks like jewelry that definitely looks like jewelry yeah is that costume jewelry do you see a dollar sign down there yeah is that a dollar sign a studded dollar sign oh yeah wait your dollar sign fell off your dollar sign literally fell off look there's a dollar sign it fell right off of her lighter looks like it was on there with the glue looks like you just lost I've been looking for my marble is that the only marble you found what's that have to look through that see what's gold over that's real okay we got a box from London Italia box it is it's got a little handle there let's see what we got we've got can you hold that right there so now we got a teddy bear we've got oh we got looks like Precious Moments cross that's what you needed when you saw all them extra heads you know what that means we found the cross so there's probably gonna be porn down here but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we just you guys see what I'm seeing oh that's good stuff right there George no you said food you didn't say anything about gang okay we got it's like another my little bears collection 2001 we've got a bank another precious moments yeah looks like a mug it looks like a personalized mug so if any of you know and Laura in your life we've got the precious moments Laura mug just a few other things in there too not much of anything well she looks like it was handmade maybe you know they this doesn't look costume let's see D can you find any you got markings let's see here let's pause it let's turn let's turn the flash on so we can see if we find any markings flash is on now which means the orbs will be out for sure okay let's see definitely looks like gold looks like gold tape tastes like gold look there's the marketing right there okay let me see if I can show you it's really small do you see it right there in the palm of my hand what does it say I can't see it I think it's four team k my visions way bad but this looks like we need our magnifying glass we do this at the table at the at the dinner table that's cold for sure what do you got pretty necklace it looks like silver cool that oh that's beautiful yep you got silver here too looks like this thing is all gold and silver okay let's see if see the markings so the markings are right there on the clasp yep I think oh look how long this one is this is all silver look at this look at that yeah Wow see there's a marking but I can't see my nearsightedness is going bad alright well we better we better keep going mama gonna be happy with some gold all right who's up we got there that looks like a nice box oh is it all paperwork MP Journal more journals that looks like all journals okay let's see what we got here we've got a bunch of random yeah just a bunch of random stuff really a shoe just a bunch of random stuff that doesn't look like there's much in here at all some cells and what is that many Chinese checkers I found more of your marbles there they all are there they are there's the King marble that's the one I've been missing the most okay we got one more this is so pretty yeah well just you don't think this is another urn do you Oh nope you hear that you hear what I hear they maybe show them it's a treasure chest look this is a treasure chest I thought this was an urn this this is a treasure chest okay okay come on yeah yeah oh yeah we're gonna have to cash in this weekend do you feel like you're 1943 pennies in this wow I sure hope so this has been Jeremy thanks again for watching don't forget to leave your comment of the item that you would like to own and we'll announce that winner February 17th and remember adventure awaits you got to go find it because you never know what that nail is you're gonna find never ever ever ever know you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 20,263
Rating: 4.9378881 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: ktO2GumhjwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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