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she was born to do this one fashioned against us that shall be able to prosper and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgment the lord will condemn just travel far and wide to different parts of the world propagating the gospel of jesus christ romans 8 31 says what then shall we say of these things if god is for us who can be against us she's mandated by god to changing lives impacting generations and winning souls i think korean declare i stand as a generational evangelist ordained by god as an oracle ghost as the devil comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord shall lift up a standard in the name of jesus natasha oracle of god she was born to do this as you are lifting your hands above your head lord i decrease that you may increase lord i disappear that you may appear in this service the lord spoke to me and he told me it is a service of breaking limitations and breaking the limits i want you as you're lifting your hands above your head mention that area you are facing limitation i want us to pray our way to breakthrough even before we hear the word le braga somebody open your mouth and begin to break the limits i break financial limits i break my written limits in the name of jesus ah somebody that is here and even those that are watching us from around the world begin to break their limits [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] limitation puts a restriction to your growth limitation puts a restriction to your capacity i declare le bragadoska yes limitation makes a person to see levels of success you can see it but you can touch it limitation prevents progress it prevents fruitfulness but i see limitations breaking in this service i declare every limitation in any aspect of your life yes it is breaking in this service in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit shout amen amen i want you to greet two people tell them you are blessed because you came you are blessed because you came ah come on talk to two people tell them you are blessed because you came look at your neighbor tell them neighbor every limitation every limitation it is about to be broken in the name of jesus it's about to be broken somebody wave your hand and say i am breaking the limits i am breaking ah come on with your hand and declare i am breaking the limit i am breaking the limit i am breaking the limit in my life i am breaking the limit in my family i am breaking the limit in my career i am ready hallelujah amen amen and amen i want to thank god for all of you that are here i feel it in my heart and in my spirit that something is about to happen before anything happens in the physical it first takes place in the spirit and in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing all kinds of limitations of breaking in the name of jesus welcome our online church those that are joining us from around the world from north america south america australia canada asia middle east all over the continent of africa distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit let's welcome the online church in the name of jesus hallelujah so i want to share briefly and then i can preach and prophesy on breaking the limits i want to look at wonder woman that broke the limits mark chapter 5 verse 25 and the bible says now a certain woman had the flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians she spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew us up when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment for she said if only i may touch his clothes i shall be made well immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction and jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes but his disciples said to him you see the multitude strong in you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see her who had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth and he said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be healed of your affliction father we bless the reading of your word father i pray for the unction to function i pray that every limitation in our life will be broken in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit somebody shout amen follow me because i'm taking you somewhere this is a woman that most of us have read her story but i believe this is one of the women that face so many limitations because this woman had a long-standing problem and the bible says she had the long-standing medical condition and because of this problem in the beginning she had some money but the bible says she spent all that she heard until she until all that she had was finished all her resources were wasted on medical bills i want to speak to somebody that is here because there are people and families that have gone into bankruptcy because of medical bills but i declare to everybody under the sound of my voice and even to those that are watching me from around the world your resources will not be wasted on medical bills amen i said your resources will not be wasted on medical bills amen you will not be pushed to bankruptcy yes because of medical bills soldiers in the name of jesus i declare as an order sickness in your family oh yes any sickness in your body that has resisted medication i declare the blood of jesus is against it in the name of jesus amen i want you to make this prayer somebody said i declare i declare our resources our resources family resources our families will not be wasted on medical bills in the name of jesus somebody said any sickness sickness that has resistant medications of blood of jesus against you in the name of jesus christ somebody said i can't so i cancelled every negative clinical report every negative killing in the name of jesus those that are christ us i declare your resources will not be wasted on medical bills amen any sickness that has resisted medication i declare the blood of jesus is against it in the name of jesus amen this woman have finances who are pushed into bankruptcy because of this long-standing medical condition this is a woman that went to the best of physician but the bible says she grew us you can imagine how problems moved from the frying pan into the fire some of you are here and it's like your problem is going from bad to us hallelujah but listen to me the bigger the problem the bigger the testimony watch this now this woman had a long-standing medical problem she had an issue of blood and in those days if you had an issue of blood you are thumb doesn't as unclean you are termed as an outcast that means she could not touch anybody and she could not be touched by anybody this woman was a social outcast she had no friends nobody wanted to associate with her and you can imagine in those days and it was a problem that lasted for 12 years 12 years is 620 weeks 144 months that is a long time to be in the same condition to be in the same predicament hallelujah this woman had this long-standing problem for so long and you know every time i think about this woman i imagine this woman we are not told her name but i have a mental picture of this woman she was a lonely woman because in those days you can imagine she is an outcast she was thumbs unclean she had no friends she had nobody to encourage her listen to me a time can come in your life when you have nobody to encourage you or to stand with you and i'm here to tell you even when you have nobody to stand with you stand by yourself amen when you have nobody to encourage you encourage yourself when you have nobody to pray for you pray for yourself yes so this woman she had been in this situation for a very long time it's a long standing problem but the bible says one day she heard hey one day she heard tell your neighbor she heard she heard your ability to hear determines how you receive romans 10 17 faith comes by the hearing and by the hearing of the word of god i don't know what she had maybe she heard about the miracles of jesus maybe she heard how jesus opened blind eyes and deaf ears maybe she heard how jesus multiplied food how jesus cleansed leprosy with the touch up maybe she heard how jesus raised the dead i don't know what she heard but she heard about jesus the reason why god has brought you to east sicily and even those that are watching us the reason why you are connected is so that you can hear because faith comes by the hearing and by the hearing of the word of god the lord has brought you to hear this woman heard somebody say she heard her and that is why you need to be very selective in your hearing tell your neighbor be selective in your hearing be selective in your hearing are you listening to me this woman heard about jesus and when she heard remember after being in this long-standing problem this woman was at the verge of giving up because of her medical issue because of her predicament hallelujah it was a long-standing problem and it was an issue there are people that are standing here maybe your issue today is not a medical issue like for this woman maybe it's not an issue of blood maybe your issue is a financial issue maybe your issue is a marital issue maybe your issue is a business issue a career issue i don't know what your issue is but you are asking me oracle what is an issue an issue is anything that takes away your peace an issue is anything that rubs you off your joy an issue is anything of that that gives you sleepless nights you may be driving a a good car but you have an issue you may be having a good job but you have an issue you may be looking good today but you have an issue look at your neighbor tell them you have an issue ah but look at your neighbor tell them today you are coming out today somebody say i'm coming out i'm coming out i'm coming out watch this now this woman heard when she heard because faith was put in her spirit the bible says she said to herself if only i may touch the hem of his comment i shall be made whole she started to prophesy to herself she started to speak to herself i'm here to challenge ecc the time has come where we need to speak to ourselves begin to speak to yourself begin to speak over your issue begin to speak over your business begin to speak over your children what you confess is what you possess your words are the creators of your world proverbs 18 21 the power of life and death is in the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit they are off so she her then she said to herself if only i may touch the helm of his comments i shall be made whole she heard she said she believed look at your neighbor tell your neighbor she heard she heard she said she said she believed she believed i want to challenge somebody here begin to say it begin to say it tell your neighbor say it say believe it believe it receive it receive it look for one more neighbor tell them say it say somebody now speak to yourself somebody said i will say it i would say i will believe it i will receive it i will receive [Music] sit down i'm about to take you somewhere give me some seven more minutes before we get into prayer watch this now le brag it was not easy for this woman just like you're saying oracle it's not easy it's not been easy hallelujah you know there is no glory without a story when you see the glory ask the story tell your neighbor when you see the glory when you see the glory ask the story ask the story when you see the testimony when you see the test ask the tests ask the test when you see the triumph ask the trials when you see the appointment ask about the disappointments ask about the disappointment because that's how god works before god can give you a breakthrough he takes you through a breakdown this woman went through so much but i thank god she heard she heard when she heard she spoke to herself if only i may touch the hem of his comment i shall be made well and this woman also believed she believed today i want you to believe and your faith is not what you see it is what you believe in the world system you must see so that you can believe but in the kingdom of god you must believe so that you can see yes this woman believed and she decided i'm taking a step of faith i am going to break the limits i want you to make that decision in this service i am going to break the limits do i have people here and online that are saying i am breaking the limits i say do i have people here that are saying enough is enough forgive me person enough is enough nothing i am breaking the limits in my life yes i am breaking the limit in my family oh yes i am breaking the limits in my career i am breaking the limits in my career oh yes i am breaking the limits in my colleagues wreck the limits touch your neighbor tell them break the limits wreck the limit sit down watch this i receive it this woman she decided i'm breaking the limits and number one this woman decided i am going to rise above people's opinion if you are ready to break the limits you need to rise above people's opinions this woman decided i am an outcast this woman decided oh yes it is true i have no friends oh yes it is true i am pandas and clean because of my conditioner but she decided i am breaking the limits i am rising above people's opinion and i am going to the meeting of jesus and i am determined to touch the him of his commenter it didn't matter she didn't have anybody to support her ah it didn't matter that she was the talk of the town out she decided i'm rising about people's opinion she said if i have the approval of god i am not going to be disturbed by the approval of men oh yes ah she said i am not going to allow people's opinion to pin me down she said i am going i am taking a step of fader i i must touch the head of his head i came to tell somebody for you to break the limits you have to rise above people's opinions i don't know what people are saying about you i don't know what how they have discouraged you i don't know what they have said about your situation but if you have to break the limits you need to rise above people's opinions because people will always be people and people will always talk and god is the one that has the final word when god speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker so don't worry about what anybody is saying about you god has the final word rise above people's opinion and fulfill your call rise about people's opinion and fulfill your dreams rise above people's opinions and do what god has told you to talk about rise above people's opinions preaching prophets look at your name tell them neighbor neighbor people will always be people people will always be people tell your neighbor if you want to break the limits if you want to break the limit rise above people's opinions rise above people rise above people's opinion listen to me you need to rise above people's opinions because as they keep talking behind your back god will bless you i said as they keep talking behind your body yes god will bless you before their face irish look at your neighbor tell them as they keep talking behind your butt as they keep coming back bless you before they are faced i will show you [Music] tell your neighbor as they keep talking behind your back as they keep talking behind your back god will bless you before they are faced god god bless you before them lay down somebody else powerful god keeper this woman rose about people's opinions hey she had nobody to encourage her she encouraged herself she had nobody to stand with her she stood by herself my god rise above people's opinion this woman decided i am taking that step of faith i am going and i will touch the helm of his garment and remember it was not easy to access jesus because jesus was a crowd pooler jesus had the women that supported his ministry if you look at luke chapter eight from verse one to verse three you'll see kenneth johann suzanne and mary magdalene women that use their will to support the ministry of jesus you will see the crowds you will see the disciples out of the disciples he had the outer circle and the inner circle but this woman decided enough is enough i am going to touch the helm of his government and i'm ready to go and push for my miracle i am ready to go and push through the crowd i'm ready to go and push through the women through the disciples through the outer circle through the inner circle and i'm ready to touch jesus are you ready to push for yourself are you ready to push for your family yes are you ready to push for your call we are ready the bible says from the days of john the baptist until now the days of the oracle the kingdom of god suffered violence and the violence shall take it by force we need to be ready to push when i say push i'm saying pray until something happens when i say push i'm saying praise until something happens yes when i say push i'm saying persist until something happens push push for your destiny push for your marriage push for your career yeah push i don't know about you but i'm ready to break the limits i am ready to push yes tell your neighbour excuse me but i've got to push pushing for my generation i'm pushing for my next level i'm pushing for the anointing [Music] this is the oracle preaching process if you need to break the limits i said number one lies about people's opinion if you have the approval of god you don't need to be disturbed by the approval of men and don't allow people's opinion to pin you down number two you need to rise above fear you need to rise above fear if you want to break the limits fear means either face everything and rise face everything and rise are you listening to me when you become fearless your life becomes limitless somebody lift up your hand and say fear fear get out of my life get out of my life come on say you spirit of fear you spirit of fear get out of my life out of my life somebody said you spirit of fear you spirit of fear get out of my life get out of my life second timothy 1 7 says second timothy 1 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind somebody say every spirit of fear every spirit of fear get out of my life get cut out of my life get out of my life out of my life fear means two things forget everything forget everything look at your neighbor tell your neighbor fear has two meanings fear has two meanings face everything and rise face everything and right oh forget everything and run forget everything and run ask your neighbor what do you want to do face everything and rise everything right oh forget everything and run ask your neighbor are you going to face your fears are you going to face your fears uh look at somebody tell them face your fears face your fear when you face your fears you become fearless leave that hand in the name of jesus even those that are watching us i want you one hand touch your tv touch your screen touch your device those that are here leave that hand say after me in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i refuse to fear i refuse to fear because god has not given me because god has forgiven the spirit of fear but the spirit of power but the spirit of power and of love and of love and of sound mind say i bind i bite the spirit of fear in the name of jesus i and in the name of jesus in the name of of jesus somebody shout i receive i receive fear will immobilize you hallelujah if you want to break the limits number two you need to face your fear i don't know what is your fear but i came to tell you the lion of the tribe of children lives in the inside of you i want you to be fearless from today as you walk walk with your shoulders held high knowing that he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world amen from today as you walk be motivated and never intimidated number three for you to break the limits you need to rise above discouragement discouragement discouragement is the mother of depression this woman imagine all her resources have been wasted on medical bills she has gone to the best of physicians she has gone everywhere 12 years and still not found a solution and actually the bible says her situation grew us so this is a woman that would have remained under discouragement and depression but she rose above discouragement and you know discouragement is not a respecter of persons tell your neighbor discouragement discouragement is not a respecter of persons not a respecter of persons even everybody gets discouraged from ministers of the gospel those of us that are encouraging you we also get discouraged hallelujah that is if a discouragement is not a respecter of persons millionaires and billionaires go through discouragement also that is where you hear even in hollywood billionaires committing suicide as well discouragement lift up your hands i want us to pray against the spirit of discouragement in our lives somebody say every weapon of discouragement everyone of discouragement even those that are watching us say every weapon of discouragement every weapon of discouragement working against my life being cancelled now every weapon of discouragement every weapon working against my colleagues listen to me discouragement is a feeling of despair discouragement means i lost my courage hallelujah discouragement is not a respecter of persons it is the mother of depression i pray for you yes anyone that is here and those that are watching me and you are going through depression because of the things that you have gone through i decree and declare le bragadoska say prague every spirit of depression every spirit suicidal thoughts i declare catch fire catch fire you spirit of suicidal thoughts your spirit of discouragement your spirit of depression pie from the roots pie from the roots everybody lift up your hands every spirit of discouragement [Music] every spirit of depression is peaceful suicidal thoughts pie [Music] somebody lift up your hand and say after me every weapon of discouragement every weapon of discouragement from the roots die from every weapon of discouragement every weapon of discouragement is destroyed in the name of jesus destroyed in the name of jesus recite your thoughts i see suicidal thoughts in three people somebody look at your neighbor tell them i will not kill myself i will not kill myself touch two people tell them i will not kill myself for i will not kill myself listen to me the best part of your life is not behind you the best part of your life is ahead of you so don't worry about what is happening now that issue has an expiry date just amen may god set those three people free from the spirit of suicidal thoughts amen in the name of jesus amen hey touch three people tell them don't kill yourself don't kill yourself please touch three people tell them don't kill yourself for don't kill your cell phone hey tell them don't kill yourself for you you're cell phone hallelujah i receive it if you need to break the limits number four rise above the spirit of unworthiness this woman would have felt i am a nobody i am nothing because i have been thunders and clean i have nobody to celebrate me i have no friend because she was not relating with anybody for 12 years you can imagine so she had this feeling of unworthiness but she decided i'm rising above the spirit of unworthiness listen to me i want you to know even if you are the only person in the world jesus would have still died for you you are special look at your neighbor tell them you are an mp you are right you are a member of paradise you are a very important person are you listening to me yes so this woman rose above the spirit of unworthiness i don't know what people have called you and the names they have given you but i want you to know your identity is in christ she rose above the spirit of unworthiness and actually jesus even when this woman touched jesus jesus said somebody touched me you know the god that we serve is a god that turns nobodies to somebody's from no bodification to some modification i don't know if that is anywhere in the dictionary but it is prophetic tell your neighbor from no modification from no modification to some modification to some modification hey jesus said somebody touched me oh rebraggados i received it this woman rose above the spirit of unworthiness she also rose for you to break to break the limits you need to rise number five above doubt rise above doubt many people doubt their belief and they believe their doubts look at your neighbor tell them you can doubt your doubts you can doubt you but don't doubt god but don't doubt god i don't know about you but i've purposed in my work with the lord even when i cannot trace him i will trust him even when he's silent i will trust him because his silence is not his absence hey rise above the house because sometimes in your journey with the lord it is not going to be easy a time is going to come and you are going to wonder did god really speak to me hallelujah but listen to me you can doubt your doubts but don't doubt god many people believe they are doubts and they doubt their belief say my shaytani has seen them follow you turn your ship following hallelujah so even when you cannot trace him i want you to trust him even when he is silent because you know sometimes god just gives you a word he doesn't tell you the process and the fires hallelujah but the will of god will never take you where the grace will not protect [Music] she rose above doubt remember this woman would have said you know i've gone to every doctor i have tried so many you know different ways you know she would have doubted but she said if only she believed if only i may touch by the hem of his command i shall be made well and actually when she was healed jesus said to her daughter your faith has made you well i don't know what you can believe in god for in ecc this morning but i declare may god grant your petition i say that's the priest of this all time may god grant your petition i received in the name of jesus amen may god grant your petition tell your neighbour you are somebody you are somebody tell your neighbor you are somebody you are somebody lastly this woman rose above procrastination you know she would have said ah angela irisha say ah let me not go let me not go now maybe i can go next week or next month you know but this woman took that step of it she had she believed she said and she took a step you know she did not procrastinate many of us we are facing stagnation because of procrastination procrastination is the fertilizer that makes difficulties grow she rose above procrastination one of these days is none of these days are you listening to me most of us are not fulfilling destiny because we are always procrastinating tonight one of these days is none of these days look at your neighbor tell them whatever god told you to do you need to do it now if you want to start a business don't wait until you have millions start where you are with what you have if it is serving god start where you are today we are preaching on the international platforms but we didn't start here we started like david in the backside of the desert preaching who called machinani where nobody knew us and nobody knew how to even pronounce our names look at your neighbor tell them start where you are with what you have that's where you are with what you when it comes to business when it comes to your calling when it comes to your journey of destiny maybe you are looking for that job and it's not for coming start with what is available start where you are you know this woman did not procrastinate she said i am taking that step i'm about to conclude look at your neighbor tell them don't procrastinate where you are with what you have with what you have are you listening to me yes and never despise the days of humble beginnings even when you are climbing a tree you climb a tree from the bottom are you listening to me don't despise the days of humble beginnings start where you are with what you have watch this now this woman decided in conclusion i am going it was not easy and as i said this woman for her to access jesus there were multitudes of people and jesus was a crowd puller but the woman decided you know and remember she had the weakness of body for the women that are here you can imagine uh this woman she was she was constantly she constantly had the flow of blood for 12 years she had hormonal imbalance for 12 years and you know when you're losing blood you are also losing virtue this woman had the weakness of body but she was a determined woman my god she decided i'm rising above the weakness of body and i am breaking the limits and i see this woman going through the crowd i see this woman pushing through the crowd it wasn't easy you know she had the weakness of body but this woman the bible says let bragadoska somebody lift up your hand and say i am breaking the limits i am breaking the limits i am breaking the limits i am breaking the limits this woman started to push she pushed through the crowd in spite of the weakness of body ah she began to push through the crowd she pushed through the women she pushed through the disciples the outer circle and the inner circle watch this now many people in the days of jesus they touched jesus but nothing happened but when this woman touched jesus virtue power came out of jesus what was the difference now this is the difference when many people touch jesus they did not expect anything to happen so nothing happened but when this woman touched jesus it was a touch of faith number one number two it was a touch of determination number three it was a touch of expectation so it was a touch of faith it was a touch of determination it was a touch of expectation so power came out of jesus and jesus said somebody touched me because power left him and the bible says immediately the flow of her blood came to an end i prophesy to somebody can i prophesy oh yes i said can i professor prophesied i said can i prophesy prophesy oracle of god i hear the lord saying that issue in your life oh yes in this service it is coming to an end amen i don't know the issue in your family i don't know the issue in your health i don't know the issue in your business i don't know the issue that you are facing and the issue that is challenging you or confronting you but i declare it is coming to an end amen open your mouth and begin to declare listen [Laughter] like somebody right now as this woman was restored as you're watching me wherever you are and you're here also be restored in your health be restored receive complete restoration of whatever the hiv has [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make it [Music] as the lord changed the life of this woman the lord tells me to tell you he's going to change your life i received it god is going to silence the enemy and shut the mouth of the enemy in your life in the name of jesus i see the lord in the realm of the spirit bringing your victory and turning your life around and as god's oracle right now those that are in this auditorium and those that are watching us from around the world i prophesy against every limitation that the enemy has tried to place on your life yes every limitation that the enemy has placed on you i break it in the name of jesus christ i declare there shall be a turn around somebody declared three times there shall be a turn around turn around there shall be a turnaround there shall be a turnaround there shall be a turn around there shall be a turn around every limitation that is holding you in captivity saying you cannot go further i destroy it by the anointing every limitation holding you where you no longer belong i command it catch fire i prophesy to everyone within the reach of my voice yes no more limits no more limits no more limits i see no more limits i receive no more limits i perceive that limitation that holds you in the same pattern of mistakes like your father like your mother like your uncles like your brothers i break it in the name of jesus amen i break it in the name of jesus that limitation that stops good things from happening in your life i command it curse fire that limitation that has brought frustration in your life and now frustration has become a part of your life i declare that financial frustration [Music] ministry frustration catch fire fire i want you to look at your hands open your hands i prophesy every limitation on the work of your hands yes let it be destroyed in the name of jesus amen those hands will handle great things amen those hands will hand of favor amen those hands will handle blessings those hands will handle millions i want you to prophesy to those hands in 30 minutes in 30 seconds [Music] prophecy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i stretch my hand to every man and woman under the sound of my voice and those that are connected i declare we are breaking the limits from today i declare we will walk in victory i receive we will walk in testimony in the name of jesus amen no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper i declare limitations of break up broken amen healing will follow you i receive deliverance will follow you i receive i said healing will follow you blessings will follow you i receive you will prevail i receive you will prepare i receive the name of jesus you will be a deliverer i receive i said you will be a deliverer you will be a deliverer from today begin to operate on uncommon christmas oh yes i pulled down every stronghold of the enemy yes we raise the standard in the name of jesus amen [Music] you will walk in absolute authority yes i said you will possess your possessions i receive that things you are afraid of they will begin to power to your prayer oh yes you will possess the gates of your [Music] i enemies it you are going from defeat to victory i received i lay my hands on you in the realm of the spirit yes i declare everything that has been stuck i declare god is changing your level amen i said god is changing your level amen god is changing your level amen god is changing your level amen receive good health i receive receive good results receive connection to your help abundance will follow you i receive all the challenges you've been coming through oh you will conquer and confront the name of it is jesus in jesus name amen i want you to hold that seed in your hand of breaking the limits i want you to hold the seed in your hand of saying this is my seed of breaking the limits those that are here and those that are watching us from around the world i want to pray but after this i'm going to pray for healing there's an anointing of healing that is flowing in this auditorium and on this life broadcast have a seat so that i give you direction how you can give your seed any seed that god is laying in your heart that you can be able to sow i want you to connect even those that are watching us live you are connected from different parts of the world it is not by chance it is not by accident it is not by coincidence it is by divine appointment connect to collect right now wherever you are i want you to prepare your seed somebody say i'm breaking the limits breaking the limits sums 50 verse 5 says gather my people together those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice so there are three ways you can give for those that are here you have that seed physically you can hold it in your hands hallelujah you have that seed you can hold it in your hands if it's on your phone i want you to use your phone as a point of contact so on the screen you can see our ministry and personal line or our pay bill number hallelujah can we have the uh the embassador and the people on screen i want you to connect prophetically somebody say i'm breaking the limits i'm breaking the limits and let my seed speak on my behalf and let my we believe in prophetic offerings and we believe in entering into covenant with god over everyone that is spoken so those that are here you can also give on pay bill or on m-pesa to those that are using your cards can we have our kingdom hostesses on this side with the pdq machines in jesus name be on the side you'll just come with your card as we are touching the altar once you give there you will be able to just use you if you are giving on your phone you will patch uh if you're giving on pay bill on m-pesa you will just touch the altar with your phone and declare i break the limits if you're using your card uh to give up as after you've given you will use your card as a point of contact to touch the altar to say i break the limit somebody say i break the limit i break the limit i break the limit come on somebody say i break the limit i break the limit to those that are watching us live from around the world i want you to give your seed you can give your seed on paypal on wave on world remit you can give your seeder on paypal uh just comment how you want to sow from around the world you can give on paypal comment paypal comment uh payable comment wave comment waltermaid if you're in south africa comment fnb distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit somebody say amen i want you to hold your seat if it's on your phone uh if it's on your phone i just want you can we have the details on the screen hallelujah i just want you to begin to speak over your seat begin to speak up for that see that mention that area of limitation mention that area those that are watching us i'm also giving you a minute or so those that are watching us right now le bragadoska zika rasquez [Music] [Music] [Music] i break ministry limitation intellectual limits job limits my god libra when you are when you are supposed to be employed but you are unemployed it's a limitation we prophesy against every limitation that is hindering your glory hindering your destiny hindering your welfare we declare be destroyed in the name of jesus thank you holy ghost father we worship you father we bless you we are breaking the limits we are barrier breakers we are history makers in jesus name amen so you have that seed on this side please can we have one kingdom hostess on the other side hallelujah so if you're giving one card you'll either see the kingdom of stairs on this side or on the other side the ones that are holding the pdq everybody else that has the seal come and touch the altar come and touch the altar worshiped him come and touch the altar come and touch the altar come and touch the altar just touch the altar you have that seed touch the altar in the name of jesus touch the altar le bragadoska [Music] every limitation is broken in the name of jesus le those that are giving online i declare that limitation in your life is broken that limitation in your life is broken i say this broken is broken is broken that limitation is broken in the name of jesus is broken there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is the name of jesus thank you holy ghost father thank you for every giver that has laid their seed on the altar and even those that have given jehovah god online those that are watching that are giving their seed on people on wave on world remedies let that sacrifice speak on your behalf we break every chain le braga we break the limits we will not repeat history in our families we will be history makers we will be record breakers we will rewrite the history of our family positively we will rewrite the history of our generation positive amen in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit you are there you are a tither you are a partner hallelujah i want to pray before i pray for the sick people you are there you are a tiger you are a partner our kingdom hostesses are standing so that we finish with the giving our kingdom or stresses are standing you need an envelope to give you a tithe you need an envelope to give you a partnership i want you to get ready hallelujah we believe in the power of time we believe that tithe is the connection to the protection of your finances we believe that tithe is what rebukes the devourer devourers are eaters of finances we believe that tithe is what brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity we believe tithe is what opens the windows of heaven so you are there you are a tither you are a partner lift up your hands the kingdom of says will bring an envelope right where you are and to those that are giving on that envelope uh uh indicate your details to the glory of god and also you can give your tithe and partnership either on mpesa on paper to those that are writing checks make them payable to empowerment christian church to those that are giving uh via their atm cards via their visa cards uh you can come to the altar let the kingdom of texas also stand here one on the side and one on the other side and god will be able to bless you those that are giving digitally hallelujah because we are in a digital generation and we are uh embracing uh our times and our season say amen so to those that have not been coming those that don't want to be carrying their physical offering you can always be carrying your card and you can always be able to give as well so if you need an envelope lift up your hands so that our kingdom or stasis can see you i want to i want you to have that opportunity those that are watching us live the details are on your screen you can keep on paypal on wave on one remit distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit just prepare you are giving those that are watching us live you have your tithe you tight on the altar of this ministry may this ministry and may this altar speak for you all purposes alter somebody say all power says all time you know when you give your tithe on the altar no no no no demonic altar can speak against your life for destiny and also please take note in the ecc we don't hand our tides or our offerings to any person we always give them on the altar look at your neighbor say neighbor don't give your tithes and offerings to anyone we give them on the altar we believe in the power of the altar and when you need to send your tithe you send them on the numbers that are put on the screen somebody say amen so ensure when you are giving your tithe if it's physical place it on the altar don't hand it over to anybody ensure that you lay it on the altar or you send it on the pay bill number or the ministry and personal line and the lord god will be able to bless you in jesus name so if you are a tiger you are a partner you are coming as the worship team is giving us this song please walk to the altar those that are giving on your cards come with your card and the kingdom hostesses are standing the other one can be on this side in jesus name and god will bless you welcome to the the altar of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we said to break every check break every chain [Music] speak just leave that tight if it's on your phone use your phone as a point of contact father in the name of jesus i thank you for every title i speak the tightest blessing over your life i speak the blessing of god upon every partner i speak financial increase i speak increase into your income increase in your business increase in your bank accounts increase in the work of your hands increase in your family increase in your ministry as from today begin to increase in every area of your life further even those that are giving online let there be increase increase in other major currencies of the world in u.s dollar in british pound in canadian dollar australian dollar in turkish lira in in qatar real uh in the in dirhams in the name of jesus let there be increase in runs in namibian dollar in ugandan shillings in the name of jesus in rwanda frank in the name of jesus let there be increase in swedish corona let there be increase les bragadoska i declare you will increase in wisdom you will increase in understanding in ideas money yielding ideas every demonic force that has been hindering your finances will render it powerless i release the favor of god on you for increase for a high-paying job for business capital i break the cases of puberty their cases of luck their cases of debt their cases of failure in the mighty name of jesus you are blessed and highly favored in jesus name receive multiple streams of income late on the altar go and increase go and multiply go and succeed go and exhale it is well with you and all that concerns you you are blessed and highly favored you are blessed and highly favored go and increase go and multiply i want us to pray for those that are alive just stretch your hands everybody lord i pray for all those that are giving from around the world all our global partners that are kingdom finances from around the world i declare in that foreign land as esther became queen in a foreign land as joseph became prime minister in a foreign land a drug meshech and a bed daniel outlet and outlasted kings in a foreign land in that foreign land receive god's unprecedented favor i bless your life i increase excel multiply in that land receive your permanent residence those that are trusting for documents from around the world receive your work from it receive your citizenship may the laws and the policies of the land begin to work for you in the mighty name of jesus may god break protocol to bless you in jesus name amen before i pray the last prayer you are here you are seeking your body i want you to come to the altar i want to pray for you you are here you are sick in your body i want to speak a word over your life just come to the altar you are here you are sick in your body you are here you are seeking your body i want to speak over your life you are here you are sick in your body thank you jesus you are here you are seeking your body come and stand on the altar jesus is the healer somebody said jesus is the healer somebody said jesus is the great physician jesus is the great physician oh jesus we thank you just stand here psalms 107 and verse 20 and even if you're sick and you're watching us from around the world i am not the healer jesus is the healer psalms 107 and verse 20 says he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction just lift your hands as a sign of surrender father every health concern under the sound of my voice let it be turned into a testimony in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i command every sickness die from the roots any type of sickness whether it is a developing disease an approaching disease a diagonalized disease pie from the roots hypertension [Music] diabetes fever from unknown origin pie i declare be loose that terminal disease is terminated oh yes oh father you are the healer you are the deliverer you are the miracle worker right now i declare le bragados i speak hell i speak new kidneys new eyes new eardrums new bones new joints spirit of infirmity lose your heart of our life oh yes i speak healing to your body organs i speak healing to your system i speak healing to your glance i receive right now oh yes i declare you are free from hypertension amen somebody you're free from migraines yes you're free from insomnia yes you're free from that stiff neck you are free from blood clots you are free from asthma you are free from bronchitis you are free from that difficulties in breathing you are free from neck pain and joint pain you are free from anxiety attacks and panic attacks that hormonal imbalance i speak supernatural victory over sickness in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit i want you to breathe in and breathe out three times and then begin to check yourself begin ways of worshiping begin to check yourself begin to check yourself and even those that are watching us live i declare be healed right now if you have somebody sick at home leave one hand as a point of contact if you have any sick person at home or in hospital begin to set the edges of healing not a barrier those that are sick at home i declare be healed seek in hospitals be healed in the name of jesus those that have loved ones that are sick we send angels of healing angels of healing and choice of healing breathe in and breathe out begin to check yourself those that are here check yourself some of you your healing will be instant answer begin to do what you could not do before begin to check yourself i want you to check yourself do what you could not do before i want to know how you are feeling begin to check yourself do what you could not do before somebody lift up your hand as you are worshipping god they are angels of healing [Music] [Music] you are the is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] you joy [Music] somebody said he's my healer and everyone that was standing here i declare may your healing be permanent i said may your healing be permanent even those that are watching us alive every sickness in your body i command you to die from the roots i want to hear testimonies of those that have been healed instantly i want to hear testimonies very quickly because of time of those that have been healed up that have been healed instantly somebody wave your hand and say he's the healer one more time let's have that chorus come on declare it we will walk in divine hell this year you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] their instant miracle right now mama i want to hear what god is doing oh my god has done a miracle this lady she's saying for over a year she's been having a problem she was not able even to stand and she was feeling like this she was feeling pain but right now after you have declared prophetic word of feeling she is now well how are you feeling just come here amen just come here because i just want to declare then as you're testifying your healing is permanent uh-huh i used to feel very very weak i couldn't stand for a long time when i stand i'll start feeling busy immediately but now i'm i'm feeling better i'm feeling so much peace right now oh somebody give the lord a clap off and i speak lift up your hands i speak peace in your heart i speak peace in your mind i speak peace in your spirit i declare you are healing is permanent in jesus name it is done in jesus name give the lord a club of praise ah somebody give the lord a shout somebody with your hand and say jesus is the healer jesus jesus is the miracle worker jesus jesus is the great physician jesus is a great physician yes mama oracle your god is too much the gentleman standing beside me was involved in an accident and in the year 2000 he went for a surgery ever since his right foot his right leg up to his hip he's been experiencing severe pain but right now as you spoke as you told him to breathe in and out the pain immediately checked out please walk are you feeling any pain no pain no i want you to walk that way and walk back and tell us how you're feeling this is what god can do it is not by might it is not my power it is by the spirit hallelujah hey jesus can we have that corner second you are the lord [Music] me [Music] is when did you get when when did the accident happen it was back in 2000 so since 2000 you've been having that pain yes my god but from now the pain is gone yes the pain is gone your healing is permanent you are healing is permanent and no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper ebony conor come belly he says from the time he he got an accident i canceled the spirit of accident amen i can't sow the spirit of accident in a cement in a futa royal jolly evening a motto even here any kind of accident i stand as an oracle i can't so somebody said i come against the spirit of accident this year i declare we will not be victims of any form of accident whether it is by road by air by sea ah any form of accidents 20 for 21 years he's been experiencing this problem mama oracle 21 years hey jesus look at your neighbor tell them your problem may be lasting your problem maybe but it's not everlasting and you know what i see god opening a new chapter in your life amen i'm seeing a new chapter a new chapter new doors new doors new doors call and receive it is done in jesus name so no pain the pain is gone yeah lord jesus yes mama over six months of over about six months mama this lady has been encountering dizziness even today she's saying when she came to church she was still feeling dizzy she has visited many doctors but nothing has been happening but right now mama she has received her miracle she said she's completely well my god so even when you came you are feeling dizzy what happened while we were praying my god you are she's saying that she felt the move of god as we were praying here and she was even shaking aha not even to come to church today i was feeling dizzy even when i'm closing my eyes this week i was supposed to go for a doctor's appointment because i was told it was the ear infection but i told god if today you heal me i'll bring the money that i was having to go for that tribulation now she is healed mama our finances will not be wasted on medical bills just we will use our money for the gospel power in my god so that feeling is gone that dizziness is gone [Music] the devil is a liar but now you are feeling well [Music] glory to jesus [Music] oh [Applause] you are the lord is [Music] [Music] affliction will not rise a second time amen i declare it is done tears of sorrow will not drop from your eyes you will only cry tears of fulfillment you are restored you are healed you are delivered it is done in jesus name amen please walk her help her walk her to the city the power of god is moving through her left you are the lord is thank you jesus mama oracle we have one more testimony the lady standing beside me has been having a throat problem for the past two years she has visited numerous physicians and still the problem has persisted but right now she is saying she is completely healed she was unable to swallow right now [Music] she was unable to swallow food she's been experiencing this problem for two long years but right now she is completely healed can we give god god please stand here tell us how are you feeling after the prayer so now can you swallow just swallow hallelujah swallow and tell us how you are feeling any pain there is no pain so this condition has been there for how long it has been there for almost two years my god stretch your hands towards her your healing is permanent and also just lift your hands i'm seeing generational curses my daughter just moved faster every generational cast in your lineage i command it now pie from the roots everything that has helped you just move back a little when you're ushering i want you to just stay one bit away from the person stretch your hands towards her and anyone that is under the sound of my voice and even those that are watching us from around the world i declare every generational cast in your lineage yes it is coming to an end by the power of god amen set you free today i'm sick demonic oppression fire of the holy ghost sire lose her now every form of demonic oppression oceans every form of demonic oppression fire of the holy ghost fire fire of the holy ghost fire fire of the holy ghost fire of the holy ghost as i count one two three i declare you are free just one in the name of the father two in the name of the son three in the name of the holy ghost you are delivered yes in jesus name amen amen somebody give the lord a club to jesus i want you to lift up your hands sing that chorus one more time ah somebody said you are the lord ah lift up your hands above your head oh [Music] you you are you are [Music] you are the lord as you are touching your hand on your screen on your device on your ipad or your laptop on your phone or your tv and you're watching us from around the world i declare supernatural victory over every sickness and disease receive i claim full and complete healing right now i declare sicknesses and diseases are far from us yes be healed in the name of jesus amen i send the word of healing to our loved ones in us in hospitals and those that are sick at home i declare we shall live and not die amen to declare the works of the lord in the land of the living yes we shall not die by sickness oh yes we shall not die by witchcraft oh yes we shall not die by evil arrows yes in the name of jesus amen i declare our healing is permanent we receive it in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit shout amen amen mama i honor the grace of god upon your life your god is a god of power he's a god who wants us to prayer by fire mama we have a testimony here from rebecca wahiro she's testifying she's saying the last time i attended the oracle service was crossover of 2020 and god blessed me with the car despite of proving 19 i saw the grace of god amen wow rebecca where are you hallelujah can we just appreciate her in jesus mighty name please come and let's declare a blessing upon her life how many people are saying i connect so the last time was during uh the crossover amen so god blessed you a car was it after the crossover after the crossover amen can we just appreciate her that is a powerful testimony how many people are saying i connect and if you're here and your driving receive an upgrade in the name of jesus christ hallelujah if you are here and you are not your driving receive your own personal means of transport in jesus name thank you for testifying you know every time you testify you give god glory and i'm also sensing it that god is going to open bigger doors for you every adversary stretch your hands towards her yeah somebody said i receive i receive stretch your hands towards her any adversary against your open door let that adversary be destroyed amen i decree and declare go and enter your open doors you are blessed in jesus name amen thank you for sharing that testimony [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 18,818
Rating: 4.8376384 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: fr56GcQebp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 58sec (5518 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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