Walking on Divine Favor

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[Music] Natacha into my destiny in his a solid monitor or a race by God to impact generations bringing hope and tranquility to mankind loosen etosha a voice of destiny a prophetic voice to this generation with sequencing of course power and anointing miracle Monday family I want to appreciate each one of you that is here tonight it is a great blessing to see you we a miracle Monday we are apostolic we are prophetic and I will come you to the arena of miracles I believe in this service God is moving you from where you are to where you belong in the name of Jesus I declare you as pouring is changing in the service of God it is funding your story to glory I say then this service God is turning your lamentation to left us in this service God is standing you are insults to results yeah this up is God is stuck in your mockery to victory I Satan this up is God is funding your prick doctor brick throw those who look down when you are about to look up for you those who mock you they are a pupu admire you something is about to shoot in the realm of the Spirit I fill it in the spirit ah and I declare so shall it be come on touch your neighbor tell them why I have is not my level where I am is not my can you give your neighbor bad news seldom where I am is not my level yum is not my name i declare god is moving you from where you are to where you belong in the name of Jesus hallelujah father as I preach your word tonight use me Lord I decrease that you may increase Lord I disappear that you may appear give me the function to function Rebecca dosa Li Carrasco mahadesh Cara baka da Scott thank you for those that are joining us from around the world those that are joining us from the continent of America from Europe from Australia from the Middle East further from around the world i decree and declare speak to them in the name of jesus holy spirit do something new does something beautiful do something magnificent do something incredible do something indescribable that the world may know you did it and you take all the glory in advance in Jesus mighty name shout amen amen I've been a lasts a week I introduced a message and I've been teaching on this book that was recently republished paper the game-changer tell your neighbor favor the game-changer favor this is a very important book for you to get because I want you to soak into this message it is a timely word that God has laid in my heart concerning favor and I cannot overemphasize the importance of favor which is the undeserved goodness of God unmerited goodness of God favor is the undeniable hand of God in a man or a woman's life and every great man or woman flies on the wings of divine favor every great accomplishment in life is traceable to the flow of divine favor look at your neighbor tell them you need a favor Oh when you have say but you have liver that means it is faith but that gives you attract ability and acceptability and whether you are called in ministry in the corporate world whether you are called in the business world in the political world you need the favor of God favor is the matter of Destiny favor is the golden key of destiny when the favor of God is upon you where others are rejected you are accepted when the favor of God is upon you where a desert or little you are celebrated when the favor of God is upon your way and the Sakho are condemned you a commented when the favor of God is upon you where others are judged you at justified and I'm seeing God releasing favor in this season I see you walking in divine favor and that is the title of today's message walking in divine favor that is in this book look at your neighbor tell them walking in divine favor so whether you are trusting God for employment you will walk in divine favor that yes the multitudes paper will single you out if you're trusting God for promotion you will walk in divine favor if you're trusting God for business breakthrough you are selling goods or services you will walk in divine favor if you are here you are in ministry you will walk in divine favor somebody said favor favor so please Asha's if you have these books the favor that can change up this book is only going for 500 it's important it's important you get the whole package but I would also like you to get this book because I'll be doing a series from this book and wherever you are you need this book out like the ashes to bring it wherever you are just lift up your hands wherever you are as you receive this book in your hand may you begin to fly on the wings of divine favor this life will be transformed by favor Lord in the next few minutes I prayed that you would use me shall avocado Scott rabbika Dodge car Ibaka does the father but tie somebody with your favor in this service in the name of Jesus but I somebody with your favor in the name of the Father the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen Luke chapter 1 verse 26 now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth amen to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David the Virgin's name was Mary uh-huh and having come in the angel say to her rejoice highly favored one the Lord is with you blessed are you among all women mm-hmm when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was then the angel said to her do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God for you have found favor with God let's proceed and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and you shall name and you shall call his name Jesus he will be great and will be called the son of the highest and the Lord will give him the throne of his father David hallelujah mm-hmm this is Versace avocado ska and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end let's proceed Thank You Jesus then Mary said to the angel how can this be ask your neighbor how can this be how can this be come on touch to people ask them how can this be how can this be how can this be since I do not know a man let's proceed and the angel answered and say to her the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow you therefore also that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God thank you Jesus let's go to verse 37 jump to us that is happened because of time for with God nothing will be impossible come on read by 37 four-week-old nothing will be absolute at your neighbour well tell them for with cause for with God look at that with some own show tell them come on give somebody a high five and tell them nothing nothing will be impossible will be people syriza's name now follow me because I'm taking you somewhere the reason why I want you to understand this message of walking in divine favor it is what I have alia stated that live but without faith but is struggle so this is a message that is very important for you to understand and receive in your heart and in your spirit no matter the area of calling whether you a ministry business world corporate world whether you are called in the political arena whichever area God has called you you need the favor of God and favor is the undeserved goodness of God the unmerited goodness of God in a man or a woman's life and in this particular day when I talk about walking in divine favor I want us to look at Mary the mother of Jesus I know some of you are wondering why was Mary chosen to be the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ was it because she was qualified is it because she was old enough and mature enough actually she was young she was a young lady is it because she came from the right family no why was Mary chosen to be the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ out of all the other girls in Nazareth the reason why Mary was chosen it is because she found favor with God it was faithful that singled her out it is favor that mit has and out of the other girls I believe she was not the only virgin in Nazareth hallelujah she was not the only young woman in Nazareth but they were singled her out when the favor of God comes to a man or a woman's life you may be many in your field that have the same qualification same credential you may have gone to the same University same institution you may have spot the same creditor you may be in a business that you are selling the same product same goods and services same kind of a CV but what distinguishes you from another is favors and what is a favor and I read for you in the season made by distinguished you say if I set you apart in the name of Jesus over man God baptized you with this favored over man you have business be distinguished and remain u.s. CBP distinguished as you apply for that job that is happy I said you will not be started either I said you will not be distinguished Hey well we not get to you iris you live this meeting in the name of Jesus you are goods and services tonight touch your neighbor tell them favor favor favor let me tell you the keys to operate in your life it doesn't matter where you come from many came from NASA you know if the inter would have found that gal according to human standards it could have been in in Jerusalem or in one of the beautiful cities of Israel but they ate so much Pune sorry we are you know you don't expect anything good to come out of Nazareth can you imagine but when the favor of God is at work it doesn't matter I have a background where you are coming from he doesn't matter your history he had to announce to somebody yes you are history will not stop you a neighbor baby you may know where I was born you may know where I was born remember that is my origin that is my own it is not my destination of you this God's my destination right but it's not my destination is not by destination it's my audience my always just where you are coming from and it doesn't matter that village you are coming from I declare you are two caliber to be local yes by your destiny exhibit what ping to human standards Mary was not qualified to be the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ she rose from the village first from the I destroyed every demonic altar for my service I set myself free I set myself I will copy on I will go beyond ask your neighbor what is the name of your village Munusamy talk our everybody has a village where they came from ask your neighbor what is the name of your village I want you to rock recycle empty ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because because [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are coming from with kings and queens what you got fasces what you [Music] good news good news somebody called up before the end of August before the handover she said good news good news for Mary I say receive good news iris what you happy praise for what you have been trying sauces what you have been waiting options [Music] with good news fricassee it does not need to ask anybody for permission and I just the looks [Music] because of highly favored it's not another favor it is high favor spewpa it is not standing river that leads to houston t success you are highly highly favored everybody signing up on your feet look at your neighbor tell them i'm highly favored i'm highly favored ah look at your neighbor tell them i'm highly favored i'm highly favored watch this now as i'm closing as you're standing up Oh Rebecca - Karabakh I post Nazareth was an unrecognized City I've written it on this book favored a game changer and recognized City Apple is Adira yakame toka kijiji honey so let me Amamiya hides a leash yeah it doesn't matter does the village or the place you came from the little girl from the name of Siva is the game changer safest a game changer the game changer FIFA is the game changer so tech not before I pray for you that Mary Jean Ibaka dose she did not apply to become the mother of our Savior she did not look for it she did not apply for it same but gives you what you don't deserve kids you want you after you leave this miracle mendacious I see somebody give you a service they will call you for the talk I was what do you what uppercut Rose Maylie did not apply but the angel you're not favored makes you receive without asking that your neighbor from today from today Lucy without asking receive no people tell them we're not asking without a sound every sip without asking your business company not asking without asking speak for you favor will speak for you for you avocado specific I'm Mary began to wonder as I pray how can this be since I do not know a month this miracle never happened before it was the first of its kind because of divine favor and here the Lord said what he's about to do it has never happened before what is about to happen before your family does never happened before in your family that is coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus lift up your hands up of your head begin to declare I am walking in divine favor declare sign legs and proposed from your village that is fitting a Guinness you are destiny Katniss to a rising I can su upliftment open your mouth and begin to declare [Music] to declare over your life human worker life of favor I want you to pray this prayer every voice from my village voice from a village that is speaking against my life and just odorous my life fire fire fire I declare favor by the reason of faith one I am young my family I love my family very much fun I am oh yeah then we make up my family the Rainmaker of my father I pray supper of life the priests of life my family but from it somebody said I declare nice very optic fiber from God a Sperry of text paper from God to take from today I am receiving a very abrasive a divine favor define fail look when you're more than begin to tell got change for you [Music] [Music] [Music] as you're stretching your hands to the hole I declare in the surface cottage baptizing you with divine favors I declare receive favor for employment every spoon everybody that has been out of employment I declare I may not last prophetic moments with the Oracle of God avocados if you're here your trusty good for a job either for you or for somebody begin to declare a favor I am seeing miracles and testimonies of open doors receiver high-paying jobs my god some of you applied a job somewhere you don't your CV you took your certificates but they weren't quiet but I see them calling you this week in the name of Jesus avocados touch as you are lifting your hands above your head never seen a woman you have been out of employment for 15 years you have been out of employment for 15 years 15 years the Lord tells me he's remembering you and he's remembering you in this paper somebody said flavor paper let your favorite okay we let your fit well or catch me lift up your heads shall avocados and I'm hearing like gamma-rays tolerance the Lord is telling me to pray for you you have been out of employment for 15 Eve's the Lord says this is your time and pretty long standing problem is coming to an end stretch your hands to the front and prolongs and a problem is coming to an end all of you come it doesn't matter how many you are and as a prophecy to what is a prophecy to all so uh so begin to receive for yourself and for everybody that has been out of employment I think I am enough is enough faithful will single you out I said favor will sink on you out I seen as like you are there you are trusting God for business capital you are here or you are watching me live you need business capital God is intervening for you buy his paper just that whenever you have there is no space here lift up your heads but in your memories come to the older avocado scar avocados chellamma handy days of Famer that God has released for those that need employment and even if your brothers and sisters are unemployed begin to finish of the agreement and his grace Chicago's begin to mention that your beauties I am sing hi Candace enters I am seeing 10,000 contracts your LPS will be fruitful my god I am see chops ups in businesses that will be established companies that will be as public listening to brand new faith bar that God is releasing favor is coming up on a terrain newest there is a flavor that is coming up it will it will yeah no special favor of God begin to look at you oh my gosh further as I anoint this people I declare I use them as a point of contact for anyone that is here that is trustee called for a job and even to both director is standing on behalf of your family members I'll declare a favor well speak on your behalf as I had the name tourist I also had a name like catechu you are here and you are the one please let me know sharaba what are your names Oh shall ABBA lift up your hands or somebody higher father as I appoint the Lord is going to remember you the Lord will wipe away your tears these marks then landing point of your life this marks the turning point of your life every long-standing problem in your life tonight it is yielding to the power of God shall avocados for tonight it is yielding to the power of God avocados because I saw it is like coming out of employment for many years God is making our way for you the Lord is going to pass he was shorter and I see you crossing over on dry ground somebody lift up your hands and say I declare it include somebody say I declare I declare I declare I declare favorite new places new place in high places please to possess my possession trade but possess my position as you are lifting up your hands go and process your positions i prophesy to those lands they will hunt up great things by then we sort of divine favours begin to declare and prophesy to those hands first hands will hand off Aki's that car will not come by Rocco but by favor Vlado motion let those hands with a handle title-deeds those hands will sign contracts in tendons my god yeah Baca dos those hands will handle logbooks companies my god the Lord says is opening a new chapter the Lord says is opening a new chapter come and receive go and receive what job you want got to give me are you into amen I declare going [Music] [Applause] as I lay my hands on her anybody that needs business capital stretch your hands and connect whatever business capital you at trustee God for I decree and declare may God provide supernaturally and be rudderless Lee may God send you a helper may God give you strategy alliances and partnerships Cowan Tracy stretch your hands towards she's a she's from South Sudan stretch your hands trabajado Karabakh a disease as I anoint you I see it is like the Lord is putting a crown on your head and the Lord says these are not white winter is coming you will remember to take make a Chronicles of your life I saw a crown in the rebel spirit somebody say I connect reconnect stretchy waves towards her I saw a crown in the rim of a story and as somewhere anointed small and David for kingship I earn much photo/video shall avocados every buyer every hindrance every setback every limitation from this Alta it is destroyed somebody looked up your hand and say I declare declared free limitation for a little bit everybody our everybody obstacle every ops Canberra hindrance every somebody's everytime catch fire fire fire fire fire look at your hands and begin to prophesy whatever you want your hands to man stand up shall avocados begin to prophesy to expect in the Holy Ghost Chiquitita Lebowski rocket Allah Trucy kitties from Nebraska Tosh see Hamas akira Bogota tsukitachi and Escobar's animosity Borowski our mascara ana-lucia kitty the unbelievers circuit is a hand in a bush support austere Abbas miele most amenable shutaura basghetti breeze so han le bosch [Music] taraji Lima lift up your hands above your head Thank You spirit of God I declare favor what job do you want [Music] you have to say [Music] [Music] Mikado's go and receive it is done everybody sit down for one minute what it butchers together for Jesus touch your neighbor tell them favor come on look at your name I tell them favor just lift your hands for one minute I'm just seeing the Lord these are these are family that God is locating for favor and I'm seeing this family God is going to use you shall avocados for the deliverance of your family you are here but I see the favor of God is coming upon your head I'm seeing addictions in the family it is like alcohol addictions especially it is too much when it comes to your brothers oh Jesus your name is Sylvia I need to pray for you your name is Sylvia I need to pray for me but I'm seeing alcohol addictions especially with your brothers come and also if you have that problem of addictions you have you are family members come and just I just want to pray for you as a point of God addiction I've seen it like that demo is trying to destroy some believe through alcoholic addictions the Lord is telling me to practice addictions alcoholism and addictions or avocados Karabakh ADO's come and stand here everybody stand here I will and watch somebody say every spirit of alcoholism every spirit of every spirit of addition every spirit of addiction fire fire fire fire as I anoint you have an anointing for you and your family I declare that addiction is broken once I don't you go and sit here is that a picture I use you as a point of contra I declare that that tension is broken from you and your family I declare that deliverance of your family some of you even técnicos my god this spirit please come closer come closer avocados I declare this spirit is broken begin to speak of the Holy Ghost and pray for my addiction in your village we'll find it in the name of sheets you know what you don't fight in your time [Music] [Music] I said I said through you shall avocados I said your brother's free you are and cost free you are classes free I will up a pizza fine you go tell your neighbor what you don't find genuine time it will need to find your children and your children's children I respect of alcoholism fire of the Holy Ghost I shall avocados every spirit of alcoholism every spirit of drug addiction addictions that are heated up family I break it in the name of Jesus I break it in the name of Jesus I read the spirit of alcoholism in your lineage in the mighty name of Jesus you spirit of alcoholism [Music] because of this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alcoholism you wanna deliver up your family son here God is going to use you to deliver your family I had a name like Sylvia what is your name Sophia Sylvia shall of us stretch your hands towards her do you know anybody called like Carranza that's my back is you're done can i prophesy setting your family free God is fetching you in life and your family's life and the Lord says you shall be well with you he shall be one with your family stretch your hands to Karabakh a toast Lisa yeah Kadesh Karabakh a tusk as I was praying for her because of time I had to not tell me to pray for somebody else your name is Jeff you are here there there is a strong calling of God upon your life the Lord say thankless I have carried upon the nation's but it is like you been struggling and struggling you know you are called of God but Jesus come in your life I want to pray for you your name is Jeff Jeff I'm hearing like Jeff Jeff stretch your hands towards her I want you to come your name is Jeff I'm hearing like Jeff come I want to pray for you shall avocados stretch your hands as I anoint you reproduce pecados Karabakh adesh how many brothers do you have three three brothers how many I'm into alcohol addiction all of them somebody say my son because of me because of me my family will not perish my family will not pay somebody said because of me because of me somebody said I declare I declare I am the nest of my family of the rest of my family shall avocados and civet Oh shall avocados as I use you as put your hands like I use you as a point of contact I decree and declare avocados shall sue the Lord is telling me as his restoring you are brothers I'm also seeing healing coming to your children [Music] I was going to receive life in the name of feasible every sickness and disease I declare as I pray for you today avocados filling is feeling is coming healing is coming father yahwah says the seat of the righteous will be mighty and the generation of the upright shall be blessed and your word says for us and our children we are for signs and wonders i declare as you have stepped on this exalted altar may work should be may your children become a strain in the water may they grow physically strong my god they will grow in hell and in well sure avocados avocados poconos avocados avocados last so you can stretch your head towards can you stretch your hands I want us to pray for her two children because I've seen it in the realm of the Spirit just be going over her life the Lord is remembering your children you have suffered your home crying nights and sleepless nights but the Lord is fighting this what you are two children will be delivered from affliction and affliction will not rise a second time in the mighty name of Jesus I think that their healing is company I declare your brothers will be delivered in Jesus name it is done what is your name your name is Jeff can you stretch your hands towards him I just have the Lord see you know shall up up fresh food chef and you know the Lord said he has are calling upon your life do you know that God has called him syllabic a duska but it's like they so much trouble is so much trouble but a lot says do not be discouraged every crate fission attracts a panic opposition God prepares you before he manifests everything you are going through is your preparation when you look at the life of Jesus you see him when he's born you see him when he's 12 then you see him when he's 30 between the age of 12 and 13 that is 18 years 18 years of silence 18 years of preparation so everything you've got even in his silence he has been present can you stretch your heads towards him discouragement is not a respecter of persons do you know anybody called Bourassa what is your name can i prophesy professor avocados i decree and declare may God fight your battles may God provide for you and for the fish of a goddess lead in your heart for we're days of fish of this provision I bless your life shall avocados I'm also sick celebration coming celebration obscene celebration coming I am saying celebration coming and I'm asking the Lord what is this celebration and I'm seeing like a reserves something to do I'm seeing like a wedding shall avocados are you aware of anything like this what is happening you want to marry have you found a person to worry yes have you started preparing Oh somebody shot fire the Lord is remembering you the Lord will set with you as an Oracle of God I bless you I declare from today unprecedented favor may you begin to walk in a new dimension of flavor and grace oh and succeed in Jesus name [Music] do people tell them favors this is very quickly to give out the envelopes for all the titles you are there you are at Ida please Kingdom hostesses you knew of you are a partner in this ministry you need an envelope for partnership our kingdom was this's will be coming with envelopes by the lifting of your hands they will bring you an envelope can we also have the number on screen for those that are giving they are tied through empresa you can also be able to send your tithe because we are a digital generation you can also be able to give you a you are giving through the number that is on screen to 0-7 1084 21 21 please you need an envelope for time any time you give you a tight it is in obedience to God's Word you are tithe makes God a shareholder or whatever you do it is your type that brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity it is your tide also my god that opens the windows of heaven it is your type that repeats the Devourer devour us our advance of finances of your type is the connection to the protection of your finances when I began ministry many years ago when God called me into full-time ministry I was 19 years of age God gave me a copy done to prosperity in this ministry and to verse that type in this ministry the Covenant begins to operate in your life mighty name of Jesus I say leper without favor is struggle make God move you from labor to favor and we appreciate and I appreciate all that Titus in this ministry made you a limb part in the kingdom pirouette that made the spring of your wealth never go dry may God give you multiple streams of income even to all our sons and daughters in the Diaspora that keep their tithe from the altar of this ministry in the Middle East in America in Europe or wherever you're watching us from around the world you are a partner and tied up may happen under you you need an envelope you need a please lift up your hands if you're keeping through empresa the number is our own on screen and God will bless you also the partners are people that have set aside a specific amount to support the work of God in the world system people partner with politicians they partner with volleyball they partner with football with comedians with entertainment with beauty pageants but we are praying that in our generation God will raise men and women that will partner with the gospel just as it was in the Ministry of Jesus Luke chapter 8 verse 1 to verse 3 Juwanna susan and mary matalin three women that use their wealth to support the ministry of jesus the gospel is free but the means of taking it is expensive tell your neighbor the gospel is free and it's free I'll tell you something it takes faith and finances to preach the gospel the kingdom of God is not founded on money but it needs money to expand and that is why I'm praying you into your millionaire and your billionaire status so that you can support the kingdom so that we can be able to take the gospel around the nations of the world I can assure you when we were going to the UAE we did not go to the airport and speaking tongues and say ragga dos karabakh Anoushka give us the tickets to go and preach hallelujah by the time actually you are getting to the airport you need to be knowing that means you are using and you for the means Alleluia so the gospel is free but the means of picking it is expensive that is why God wants to bless you not only to lift your standard of living but also to lift your standard of giving for the kingdom of God is a kingdom of givers the father gave his son the son give is like the spirit gives gifts and those that are watching us live on Facebook on YouTube or echo on TV you can also give on m-pesa through wave through waldra made simple pay and you are tied and your partnership will reach the altar of this ministry you can also be able to give through our PayPal and God will bless you anywhere you expecting good news it will not fail I said anywhere you expecting good news it will not fail they are people you are calling and they were not picking after this service they will begin to call you somebody's a favor [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 156,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: yPyVksdFKxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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