Prophetic Moments with the Oracle in Nigeria 🇳🇬

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a voice of destiny a fire is not to destroy an oracle race by god jesus set up for unleash natasha we are about to go where we have never gone before we are moving into the messiah in mark he's the seventh miracle worker in luke is the son of man an oracle race by god to impact generations bringing hope and tranquility to mankind every lifetime opportunity that you lost i stand in my office as godzilla i declare you will recover lucy natasha a voice of destiny a perfected voice to this generation with a high frequency of god's power and anointing it is an honor once again to be standing on my father's altar in mercy city and i want you to know on this mountain your life will change your story will change after you leave this program people will look for you where they left you but they will not find you amen allow me to honor god for my spiritual father our father senior prophet jeremiah omoto a man of god that has raised me and impacted my life and we are a product of his grace i said yesterday uh to the viewers as we were doing the zoom broadcast i told them who you follow determines what follows you look at your neighbor tell them who you follow who you follow determines what follows you guitar is what follows you tell your neighbor who you follow who you follow determines your outcome determines your outcome who you follow who you follow determines the grace that is impacted in your life determines the grace that is impacted tell your neighbor neighbor neighbor if you don't have roots if you don't have fruit you will not have fruits you will not have fruits and this man is our foundation he is our roots hallelujah we want to honor god for our spiritual father stand up on your feet mercy city as we honor god for the senior oracle senior prophet jeremiah omotom put your heads together in the name of jesus somebody celebrate christ celebrate chris celebrate grace celebrate christ celebrate christ everybody that is here any time you are in the presence of god you are not wasting time you are investing time so as you are here in mercy city look at your neighbor tell them you are investing time you are investing this time any time you are in the presence of god i told you god is not looking for ability but for availability check the hand of somebody and tell them thank you for your availability thank you for your infallibility uh i want to read mark chapter 10 mark chapter 10 i came as a daughter all the way from nairobi kenya my city of divine assignment to support my father in this program so i know that there's something that god is about to do when god wants to change your life he does two things number one he sends his prophet number two he sends his word and i came to join my spiritual father to support you and to push you to the next level turn with me in the book of mark chapter 10 mark chapter 10 if you're there say amen i'm only going to read i'm only going to read verse 48 verse 49 and verse 50 verse 48 then many want him to be quiet but he cried out the mall son of david have mercy on me jesus stood still and commanded him to be called the blind then they called the blind man saying to him be of gucci arise he is calling you somebody say amen amen listen to me because we just came for support hallelujah look at your neighbor say neighbor neighbor get ready and stay ready get ready and stay ready when you go to the book of mark chapter 10 we are introduced to a story of blind but myers this man is identified according to his condition they called him blind but maya's the son of the mayas that was a beggar you know his name is not mentioned meaning nobody regarded him he was not in the list of important people they identified him with his issue his blindness i've come to discover you know people will always identify you with what you are going through and there are people that are on this mountain today and your problem has taken your identity some of you poverty has taken your identity sickness has taken your identity failure has taken your identity unemployment has taken your identity your single more retrospective has taken your identity deaths have taken your identity but i came to tell you you are more than you look up ah you are more than you look up you are more than you look up listen to me don't allow people to define you when people define you they confine you when you allow people to define you they can make you who you are not i came under my spiritual father's grace to tell you you are more than you look and listen to me it doesn't matter how people have identified you god has the final word in your life it doesn't matter who has spoken concerning your life when god speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker [Applause] look at your neighbor tell them when god speaks when god speaks every other speaker becomes a so i don't know who is speaking about your life i don't know how they are describing your life i don't know what they are saying about your life but when god speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker watch yes there are people that are crying in the realm of the spirit over what family is saying colleagues are saying friends are saying adversaries and enemies are saying but i came to announce to you god has the final word for your life let the talkers talk because your destiny is not in the mouth of gossippers your destiny is in the hands of god look at your neighbor tell them my destiny is not in the mouth of gossip my destiny is not in the mouth of gospel my destiny is in the hands of god my destiny is in the hands of god listen to me as they keep talking behind your back god will bless you before their face as they keep talking behind your back god will bless you before their face said as they keep talking behind your back just god will bless you before their [Music] [Applause] when face speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker true so don't worry about what people are saying about your calling about your faith about your life about your marriage about your situation god has the final word god has the final word and your destiny is not in the mouth of gossippers your destiny is in the hands of god when you see people talking about you don't worry it means you are at the top when you are at the top you become the topic that's right oracle people don't talk about people that are going nowhere [Applause] when you are the head you become the headlines tell your neighbor when you are at the top you become the topic when you're at the top you become the topic when you are the head you become the headlines you to that man there as he dropped an offering the lord told me to speak to you and this man also come both of you you are dropping an offering there chandoska stand here robert zigadesh karabakh rappa karros as i was preaching and i was as i was continuing and you dropped the offering i stopped you but he called you and the lord said talk to them can i help you can [Music] [Music] as i look at you both just make space as i look at you first i am hearing a name in the realm of the spirit i want to help you i'm a fanny i'm a friendly i'm my friend [Music] can i prophesy i see your face i see you a name oh yes you see your name i see you again oh yes i see your case i professor oh prophecy who is that name that is your name [Music] just as you are dropping the offering you are dropping the offering i saw like i'm seeing like a b a b on your face a b a b like ben wayne what is my name are you ready or you are not ready [Music] expectation is the mother of manifestation if i see like you are not ready i will not prophesy [Applause] because the anointing works where there is expectation oh yes are you ready [Music] do like your father you know i am flowing in my father's grace that is why sometimes he will be like no sir no because sometimes when they see me they say oh one more one more oh yes yes i am carrying my father's mantle yes all right of god do like your father the reason why i'm asking you about this issue it is because i am seeing the devil has brought misunderstanding and confusion in your marriage yes ma'am and then i was seeing like half brad price i was seeing half you said you have not paid but can i shock you in the realm of the spirit i am saying i am seeing half bright price what is this thing i see because you are saying you have not paid bright price you said no but in the realm of the spirit i am seeing like half bright price yes ma'am what is the meaning of this because you [Music] ah [Music] lift up your hands your marriage will not be an endurance i said yesterday when you married the right the right man or the right woman when you marry the way papa married you will marry a prayer partner oh yes but when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you will marry a prayer don't marry a prayer point [Music] may your marriage be a fulfillment and not have frustrations every spirit of misunderstanding in your marriage i command it catch fire every spirit that is bringing division strife and confusion in your marriage god can i go to your dream because i am oh chandoska can i go deeper go deeper as i look at you in the realm of the spirit i am seeing you had a dream you had a dream you had a dream you had a dream yes and in this dream you dreamt that your wife you gave your wife some money and she went to the village and she met an elderly woman and gave this woman money and since the day you had that dream quarrels [Applause] is [Music] as i look at you in the realm of the spirit inshallah bakadowska i receive you i am not through with your case we are dealing with your case from the roots and everybody that is on this mountain mercy city prayer mountain your condition will not escape the anointing [Applause] i declare over your life this draco is over the struggle is over receive your miracle receive your breakfast receive [Music] as i went into his dream the lord also took me into the dream and i am sitting in the realm of the spirit shall i because i receive it there is a spirit of premature death in the family that god is telling me to deal with every time in the dream you see people that died his throne is through you see people that died this is true ah under this grace you cannot die prematurely i said you cannot die prematurely i said you shall live and not die to declare the words of the lord in the land of the living you will not die by witchcraft you will not die by evil sit down tell your neighbor stay alive stay alive [Music] professor i am singing the dream shall i because i receive it when i look at you i am seeing somebody died somebody died this is your elder i'm seeing an elder who is this that died in your family and my elder brother his name is patrick professor we are canceling the spirit of death in this family stretch your hands amen no more grace no more graves shando ragadeshka so as i'm looking at you in the realm of the spirit so much quarrels and misunderstandings yes ma'am i am seeing your wife building a house she's building this house she's building this house she's building this house and i'm also seeing you are not aware of it because she is not building a house for you yes ma'am who is she building this house for beautiful family people shackadoska and it has brought core rules i pray you will marry right in the name of jesus [Music] god the grace of a woman one it will settle your marital kingdom everybody stretch your hands as i look at you so you are marked for greatness stretch your hands then both of you i am seeing and i'm hearing both of you i'm seeing a connection i'm seeing a connection in the realm of the spirit and i'm asking the lord what business you are doing and he's like i am smelling something i am smelling something shut up carlos can i go deeper don't depend do you know anything to do with i'm hearing like oh gogoro that is what you are selling that is the business i'm doing my yes you are doing it you are prophetic you are shocked bless your crew you like your brother [Music] the lord is probably your story and your life i am seeing two streams of income amen because both of you you love god stretch your hands towards them and everybody that is connecting to this prophecy those that are in this auditorium those that are watching on mercy tv on youtube on facebook i release multiple streams of income as the garden of eden had four rivers receive multiple slips of income i cancel the spirit of premature death you are worried in the realm of the spirit and i'm asking the lord why is this man worried in the realm of the spirit oh jesus chandos i receive it and the lord is telling me you are you have the desire and you are planning to build but there is a worry in your heart because i'm saying what you want to build has killed others in your village anybody that builds a mushroom and upstairs they die before they occupy the house yes for my community no upset i vow that i'll be there for my community i decree and declare under this christ i receive it you will build you will occupy and you will live long [Applause] what has killed others will not kill you somebody make that prophetic decree what has killed others what has killed others it will not kill me it will not kill me somebody make that prophetic decree god that god has killed others [Music] i am seeing a village and i'm hearing a name like tibet um lift up your hands as i count one two three i'm seeing angelic visitation you are like one in the name of the father two in the name of the sun free in the name of the holy ghost fire somebody put your hands together for jesus [Music] it is done it is done everybody sit down [Music] watch this now follow me they identified just few more minutes they identified him by his condition they called him blind but mayas the son of demiurs people will always identify you by your problem but don't allow people to define you when people define you they confine you people can make you what you are not and that is why when you have the approval of god you don't need to be disturbed by the approval of men watch this now one day blind but myers decided to change his life and he heard that jesus was passing by and as jesus was passing by he began to shout jesus son of david have mercy on me you are in the house of mercy amen may jesus see you in your problem amen may the god of jeremiah see you in your distress may the god of jeremiah see you in your pain amen listen to this you know the devil fights hardest when you are at the verge of your greatest breakthrough can you imagine when he started to show jesus have mercy on me the bible says many want him to be quiet but he cried out the more he was determined as they tried to silence him he cried out the more i'm here to tell somebody don't be silenced yay the god of jeremiah will answer right [Music] they want him to be quiet then the bible says as they continue to silence him he shouted the more and watch what jesus did and then i closed instead of jesus turning to blind batman jesus turned to the same same people that had silence but mayas and he said to the same same people that had silence but mayas call him the same same people that had silenced him the same same people that had despised him hey can i prophesy to serve the side god's oracle ah where you are despised jesus is where you shall be raised oh yes i came to declare where you were despised is where you shall be raised where are you suffered the most jesus is where you will shine the brightness prophesy to your neighbor with your eyes open tell your neighbor i prophesy with my eyes open i prophesied with my eyes open where i was despised where i was despised is where i shall be raised is where i shall be raised why now i suffer the most where i should for the most is where i will shine the brightest where i will shine the practice sit down the same same people hey those who mocked you up are the same same ones that will admire you after this program i declare those who mocked you will admire you those who look down on you will look up to you [Music] we can speak up the same people that silenced him jesus said to them call him that same same people went to him and said be of good cheer there are some people who had written him off the same people that thought it was over jesus you know there are people that have looked at your life and made the conclusion it is over but somebody shout it's not over yeah it's not over it's not over yet it is not over yet it is not over yet it is not over yet it is not over yet it is not over yet it is not over yet it is not over yet [Music] tell your neighbour the same same people that gossip to that lied about you that talked about you talks about the same same people the same people they will share your testimonies they will share your breakthrough they will share your prayers they will share your elevations they will [Music] hey tell your neighbour the same same people the same people i'm not praying for your enemies to die i pray that they will live oh yes so that they can see ah so that psalms 23 verse 5 can be fulfilled jesus that he prepares a temple for me not in their absence yeshua but in [Music] prepare a yes for you may the god of jeremiah prepare a table for you watch this i'm closing the same same people said be a good shia he is calling you and jeremy and under under blind but myers came to jesus and jesus said to him as you are standing up what would you like me to do for jesus yay jesus i'm here to ask what do you want the god of jeremiah to do for you get that get that perhaps is it elevation is it open doors yes is it healing yes is it financial praise yes [Applause] sit down everybody i receive i receive it oracle oh jesus in the name of jesus i'm seeing a woman shouting jesus have mercy on me i'm seeing a woman crying for her family shalabakados i want to talk to you can i help you come can i talk to you as a woman professor can i talk to you as godzilla oracle i saw you crying in the realm of the spirit and your heart is troubled oh shanda [Music] i'm seeing you crying in the realm of the spirit and your spirit is troubled and anybody that is here i silence every voice of discouragement that is speaking against your life and your destiny [Applause] the lord is saying it's not over until god says it is over oh yes i am seeing in the realm of the spirit i am seeing this company i am seeing this company i am seeing you working in this company [Music] then for no reason somebody said for no reason for no reason the lord takes me to 30th july 2018 what happened on 30th july 28 i went to a program in lagos and i took permission in my office they grant me i mean that that program they sent us for me that i should stop working with them i have worked with them as they say they fired you yes somebody put your hands together for so jesus was the day they fired you and since then lift up your hands the lord is remembering this woman god is going to give you a better job he will give you double for your trouble and secondly the lord is also going to settle you because i'm looking at you and it's like the devil has put cobwebs you know sometimes the devil can put cobwebs on your face so that nobody will see you no man will talk to you even when you desire to get married um do you know what i'm talking about yes no money has talked to you for a long time can you imagine such a beautiful lady no man has talked to her at least even for her to say ah this is not the one this is a good idea but not god's idea just for her to say ah this one is a good choice but not god's choice no man has talked to her the lord is taking away your reproach amen somebody lift up your hands i want to pray against the spirit of rejection jesus that spirit that makes that causes people to reject you that causes opportunities to reject you i command that spirit catch fire somebody bring the water bring the water bring the water for this program the lord told me to wipe out where you are to wipe your eyes it is prophesied jesus let me have the water no the other one let's use this one in the name of [Music] [Music] if you have this towel i want you to wipe your eyes as i'm wiping her eyes you will not cry tears of sorrow i said you will not cry tears of sorrow somebody wipe your eyes and declare i will not cry tears of sorrow again [Music] fire of the holy ghost jesus you will not cry tears of sorrow stand up in the name of jesus everybody sit down hold it in your hands the lord is telling me he is not only remembering you the lord is remembering your family because i'm seeing the brothers crying i am seeing the sisters crying there is a cry in my spirit oh my god [Music] there's a cry in the realm of the spirit i am seeing a cry and i'm asking the lord why is the family crying then i'm hearing a name shadowska i'm hearing a name like or luck or luck or luck then i'm asking the lord who is luck and i'm seeing her in the realm of the spirit she was pregnant and she was pregnant with twins i am seeing the pregnancy growing one month two months three months four months count with me five months six months seven months eight months was there [Music] it was eight months four days three hours two minutes ten [Applause] [Music] then i saw in the realm of the spirit the witchcraft altar that has hidden your marital settlement that has hidden your brothers and sisters that has eaten that even caused you to be fired and you to be rejected the same altar started to speak against or lack your eldest sister and i'm seeing a bleeding condition starting i am sitting in the realm of the spirit professor a luck is being taken to the first hospital the doctor said we cannot help her this one is too much for us i am seeing a luck in the second hospital i am seeing a luck in the third hospital i am singer in the fourth hospital the doctor said we cannot handle this case i am seeing her on the fifth hospital on the sixth hospital i see a luck die there is a cry in my spirit oh my god and the family is in tears she was pregnant of twins what happened to all luck [Music] the lord must change the story of this family the lord must wipe the tears of this family any witchcraft altar [Music] sit down what happened to olak what happened to unluck where's the microphone pregnancy twist eight months of four days [Music] listen to me i sleep since or luck died it also affected your mother and right now as we are speaking it affected her so much until she became sick as we are talking now i am seeing your mother in a hospital bed and the spirit of god is taking me where she is distance is not a barrier in the [Music] i am seeing your mother the lord is taking me in adversity [Music] in a area i am seeing a hospital in the realm of the spirit [Music] [Music] which hospital is your mother [Music] where is [Music] oh my it you are too much you are prophetic you are strapped divine stretch your hands towards her listen to me this marks the turning point of your life this is the program that marks the turning point of your life the lord tells me tell her somebody speak a word over their mother right now send a word of healing to them divine healing we pray beginning [Music] listen to me the lord tells me next year by this time two things your mother the angel of god is touching her right now wherever she is in simon hospital i am seeing restoration the lord is telling me tell her next year by this time you will be coming to mercy city with your husband [Music] the lord says faith faith faith who is faith is you yes the lord said tell faith she's a woman of faith you have the calling of god upon your life and god has taken you through this because it is a preparation period god prepares you before he manifests you when you look at the life of jesus you see jesus when he is born you see jesus at the age of 12 but between the age of 12 and the age of 30 that is 18 years of silence god prepares you before he manifests you open manifestation is as a result of sacred preparation yes it is done in jesus name lift your hands stretch your hands right now may the favor of god as i count one two three let it rest upon your life you are delivered one in the name of the father two in the name of the son free in the name of the holy ghost [Music] lift up your hands as you are seated lift up your hands as you are seated i want you to sit down [Music] i receive i receive i wish there was time hey because this is your time and you cannot fight a man that is on his time you cannot fight a woman that is on his time tell your neighbor this is your time this is your turn can i talk to you um as i look at you in the realm of the spirit you are also crying in the realm of the spirit yes ma'am i am seeing a marital union it was beautiful it was glorious in the beginning it was so beautiful yes ma'am but even as i'm speaking to you you stand stand here as i look at you in the realm of the spirit shalabhakar i receive it it is the same thing beautiful beginning but in the middle the devil interferes with your destiny because i see a beautiful marriage in the beginning for you when i look at you i see wonderful certificates i see people congratulating you i see a beautiful star that is shining i see people dancing in your marriage and in your wedding are you married yes ma'am you are married yes this is my husband ah can i prophesy prophesied i see a beautiful marriage in the beginning and there was so much hope in this marriage yes but i'm counting one somebody count with me say one two two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 what is this 14 not you what is this 14 40 years of marriage 14 years of marriage but i am saying there is no baby in this marriage you are very correct there is no baby in this marriage you are correct man tell your neighbor the error must be corrected [Music] i'm coming to you now can i go deeper [Music] i am seeing people congratulating you i am seeing you as a history maker in your family a record breaker your star is shining but because of jealousy and envy this is what we call household wickedness [Applause] household wickedness when people see that your star is shining and they raise altar and they raise sacrifice against you people that are going to sorceress you know it is only christians that are not twice because people that are fighting you they are giving sacrifices and to sorcerers to to demonic altars to covens of yours only as believers we are casual yes i see people celebrating i received i see great certificates what cost have you pursued nautica navigation of course she's supposed to be so far you see the way she looks she looks like a pilot she has pursued a rhynotical course but the lord is telling me you will know the god of jeremiah you are receiving the job in the name of jesus number two your star is being one in the name of the father two in the name of the sun free take it power god is giving you a job amen you will become a point of attraction [Music] you had so much open expectation yes ma'am and right now you are like in the verge of giving up yes the lord is going i want you to hold your hands hold your hands oh shalabha stretch your hands towards this couple the god that remembered somewhere the god that gave hannah some will and the god that remembered hannah the god that remembered sarah the girl that remembered manoa's wife and gave her samsung the god that remembered elizabeth and gave her john oh yes that remembered hannah and gave her somewhere oh yes you will carry you are somewhere and any woman here that is believing god for the fruit of the womb you will carry you are somewhere [Music] as you are holding your hands next year by this time you will come holding a baby in mercy city amen i am hearing the cry of a baby i was walking like this to give the microphone to my father but i'm hearing the cry of a baby i want to pray can i pray for this baby because this baby is two years eight months but this baby is saying in the spirit oracle don't leave until you deliver me i'm hearing it oh shall i because i received somebody lift up your hands i want to go to the sick bay area just to speak one word over everybody but i need to find this baby everybody on this sickbay jesus is the healer jesus is the deliverer jesus is the waymaker as you on the sickbed somebody said jesus jesus jesus jesus kill me it'll be jesus jesus touch me touch me jesus jesus change my story change my story this is the baby that was crying in the realm of the spirit this is the baby how old is this baby [Music] stand up because i saw this baby and this baby can you flip the baby this baby has a great destiny [Music] okay it's your mother okay okay let's go this way let's go this way let's go inside let's go shadows [Music] somebody say he's able yeah mama your latter days will be greater stand up mama your latter days will be greater the lord tells me the best part of your life is not behind you it is ahead of you the lord is changing your story restoration is coming hey every generational curse in your lineage somebody lift up your hands and sit down say after me every generation occurs in my lineage every generational cast in my lady fire fire [Music] bring my seat i want this girl to stand on my seat i want to untie this bandage i want how many people know that this young baby is going to be restored oh cheers make her stand here help her stand i want her to stand on my this is the seat yes yes yeah this girl is much for greatness she will be a prophetess she will be a major prophetess to the nation [Music] she is saying she delivered this baby like a hebrew woman all all other children operation [Music] that i should say where is [Music] [Music] this girl is going to be a major a major major prophetess [Music] [Music] stand up i'm going to pray for you your daughter will be restored today listen to me the bible says the seed of the righteous will be mighty and the generation of the upright shall be blessed amen the bible says as for us and our children we are for signs and wonders somebody said as for me and my children we are for signs and wonders we are for signs and wonders and even tonight i feel prompted in my spirit i'll be speaking a word in this angelic brothers twin sister and twin brother program i will be praying for all our children every i'm going to be speaking a word but right now i want to pray for this child your womb is blessed and your children are blessed but this one is a major prophetess new beginnings new beginnings i'm going to anoint this family with this oil of new beginning i'm seeing a new beginning a new beginning take it take it new beginning in the name of jesus new beginning in the mighty name of jesus i want you to hold this microphone [Music] you know jesus has a baby three wise men visited jesus with gold with ma and frankincense i'm prompted also to bless this child i'm prompted to bless this child [Music] [Music] by this oil of new beginning i anoint this hand shalabakadoska shandoska i am going to remove it raposka shalabakaroska as i lose her the lord is reminding me of john where jesus said to lazarus he said to them lose him and let him go anything that tied you before you came to this program as i untie this baby girl oh just let it loose you and let you go somebody said lose me and let me go let's be a let me go [Music] in the name of jesus i declare the complete and total healing of this baby in the name of the father amen in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit bring the oil [Music] give a is [Music] whatever is [Music] [Music] is sorry let your voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] and because i am seeing greatness in the life of this child i am just giving a small seed to this family to declare a new beginning i want to bless them number one with the bible the word of god is the life of god the word of god is the wisdom of god the word of god is the power of god thank you jesus secondly i want to give you 50 000 naira this is 50 000 naira [Music] and i want to give you to bless you with this oil of new beginnings you are blessed and highly favored [Music] it is [Music] it is it is gone your family is blessed i bless you in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit amen as you're lifting your hand god bless you thank you jesus thank you i decree and declare the lord is telling me to tell you every problem has an expiry date your problem may be lasting but it is not everlasting it has an expiry date [Music] ah may the god of jeremiah [Music] give you the fruit of the womb next year by this time you are coming back with a testimony you are coming back with your somewhere your marriage is blessed your marriage will not be an endurance but an enjoyment i saw in the realm of the spirit that reproach has been rolled away amen receive in the name of jesus received receive in the name of jesus i receive it receive in the name of jesus [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 64,821
Rating: 4.7782807 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: L7myF7f8CJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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