Setting up the Store - Part 1: Building Walls and Emptying out Stuff!

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what's going on everybody resale rabbit here so I'm in my store it is Monday the Oh hold on Monday the 8th of June and today I officially take over the store so it's a little empty basically the store was run similar to an antique mall where there are booths and people pay the rental fee so the person who owned as she charged the rental fee on the booth and then 5% of the total sales since I've taken over a lot of the people have left she's been closed for a couple of months with corona and everything but since I've taken over a lot of the vendors have left which is okay because I plan on filling the store myself let me show you what the store looks like it is a very small location about 750 square feet I paid 450 a month for this this just goes outside kind of goes the storage eons I've also got these two units as kind of a makeshift back room now right here in this open area she had basically a kitchen table it was used for events you know and they have people come in to paint ornaments and things like that I got rid of that and then I'll you know vendor said what do you can see the tape on the floor she was charging thirty-five bucks a month for one of those spaces for instance this is a vendor here 35 bucks a month and then in these glass cases she's charging 25 per month to have your stuff in the glass case so I'll be keeping all the vendors that are here and getting rid of all right but I won't be alone any other vendors in how much is this I may have to buy this from my grandmother see 50 bucks I might buy that but anyways you can see how it's set up here she also has her little coffee stand here so this I'm removed behind the cashier counter I'm gonna make this space larger because this corner here is kind of a waste of space so I'm gonna extend this to the wall I'm also gonna get rid of this it's cool but it's really small it doesn't a lot much space so I own all of the fixtures in here except for that clothes rack and then this rack here this stuff is all a vendor I own everything else so I'm gonna get rid of quite a bit of this the glass cases I will keep all of these this I'll keep fun story I sold her this case she this was in a unit if you remember I had a unit they had a couple of glass cases there were no shelves and no doors and there was what else is in there was a drone in there and a whole bunch of stuff her and her husband came picked up two of these cases for 50 bucks total and when they picked him up that's when we found the doors and the shelves and everything so that was kind of nice but they ended up breaking one when they moved it so they got rid of it but they kept this one they put this little stuff on it here I think this is like flooring to make it look nicer but I guess I bought it back so now I'm basically going to run this as my own as a different model she wasn't making any money just because the total revenue is from renting booths the five percent is really minimal and that's not enough to pay the bills it comes close to breaking even without if she doesn't take a check but just renting all these spaces it's just not gonna be enough to pay the bills I will be be selling my own stuff here's something here this is her she has this stuff coming from the distributor and I'll be getting these my cost will be 350 on each of these and let's like she was so known for for 4.99 so those I'll be keeping and continuing to buy stuff and then this is going to be her booth right here with all of her stuff but beyond that I think I own all of these clothes I'm pretty sure she said all of this is mine including the racks so I'm probably gonna I'm gonna look through it see if there's anything worth selling on eBay you know like this she has for 15 bucks let's look at the tag I don't know the brand I'm not good with used clothes but this type of stuff you know maybe somebody can go on eBay might just give it all the Tim and say decide what you're gonna do with it but anyways I'm going to line these walls with shelves the gray shelves that I have from Shopko actually I'm going to extend that a little bit I'm gonna be shelves along here this will put some sort of fixture here this is all gonna get set up behind the counter and that's the plan and then we're gonna have a nice tiered a belong in the door here now I'm not very energetic or charismatic this morning because it's so quiet here she has no internet in here here's something I'm gonna do her cash register is a glorified calculator so I am going to replace that digitize it or all the inventory will be in an inventory system where you scan the barcode and everything I should look that up on eBay I might buy that too this stuff is all vendors anyways so I'm gonna digitize that so it's gonna be much better than typing prices in here's what the ledger looks like for how the vendors get paid this is literally just pencil and paper what it is and then the net sales on the bottom so that is going to be completely digitized with that it's going to be on some nice new mugs here to you with that being completely digitized like that I will be able to just click a button and not only will it calculate how much I'll pay the vendor but it'll also I'll be able to print a cheque with it okay she's gonna bunch of stuff in the storage unit to take a look mostly seasonal I did tell her to keep the chairs in case we do any events a lot of this is just gonna go to Goodwill I don't think much of this will be kept you know some of this I might be able to send to a local auction but I really don't expect much coming back in here just looking at the inventory you know most of this is gonna go to Goodwill this time I feel a Cell in a local auction and wine corks 50 cents each I'm gonna get rid of those I could probably sell that lot maybe an eBay or something and most of this is just gonna give goodwill so a lot of people have been asking why why I would even consider hiring her on the previous owner if it didn't work for her why would she be able to make it work when I own it it's simple she seems like a good worker she seems like she's smart her concept is what didn't work I think she'll do well basically running the store as a general manager selling my stuff I could have basically what I'm doing it's like opening a brand new store we're closing for a week so I can reset everything I might get rid of that shelf too and maybe that I haven't decided yet but we're closing for a week so we can so I can put in all the shelving and completely reset everything and then we open the cost of this I paid $2,000 for the whole store all the inventory all the assets everything she paid June's rent which is 450 bucks a month so basically I paid fifteen hundred and fifty when you factor all of the inventory you know I sell this stuff off if I were looking at how much one two three six nine 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 that's close to a hundred bucks the knives and everything go with it too so probably about a hundred bucks in inventory there ten of these cases that's probably a thousand this is probably worth about 50 bucks against I'm gonna sell this cash register probably on the amazon that's gonna be worth a few I think she still is the key for him I need to get that from her you know selling some of this stuff I'll sell this I might sell the milk-can so I'll be able to get a decent amount of the money back if I were to shut down you know if it didn't work I was just gonna shut it down my thought process is it's cheaper to buy this store than to start my own from scratch I mean one thing again sir there's a big sign on the front of the building too that would probably cost close to a thousand dollars right there there's only four months left on the lease so we're gonna give it a four month trial if it's not worth my time and we'll shut it down and I'll sell off whatever's in here but the plan today I've got a truck rental today and today is the only day that I can really do it because it's gonna rain all week I want to get shelving in here and I wanna get merchandise in here that is the plan for today as far as getting all everything in the system I have to get all the vendors items here into the system because right now that's what it is it's just a price I think some of the stuff she doesn't even have vendors put their stuff RVing knows who it is let's give a better example this one here NES 19 is the the vendor number so looks like they have stuff that they this person would really like the new system because I'm thinking that's something that's regularly replenished and with that they can do it right online they can see what they're getting paid online I'm excited and then in the case I think almost all of this is mine too and a lot of it is sterling so I'm excited about that I'm gonna sell that I'm gonna pretty much clear a lot of stuff out but that's the plan it I figure it was cheaper to buy this place than to start my own and it's only a four month lease so I can run it as an experiment we'll see how it works so here's something that I did that when starting the business that I I kind of recommend you do the same now before I get into it I want to say this is not legal advice this is not tax advice I am NOT an attorney I am NOT an accountant I am NOT giving advice here this is only what I did and my reasonings for it so what I bought the business I did not buy the business I bought all the stuff it was advised me by my legal team the reso rabbit legal team to create my own LLC and buy the fixtures furniture equipment inventory Ledger's intellectual property the name the social media all of that but I did not buy the LLC what it was essentially happening is I bought all the stuff created a new LLC and her LLC will just be dissolved the reasoning behind that is because if she owes any money to the IRS if she messed up on her taxes and gets audited later if she didn't pay her sales and use tax if she didn't pay her vendors if she's in the middle of a lawsuit or if someone tries to sue the store after I buy it or something that happened before I bought it if any of that happens I did my due diligence I don't think any of that's the case what if any of that happens it now falls on me because I would own the LLC because I did not buy the LLC I started my own and I'm just using the same name the same location and all this stuff now there is enough work if there was a lawsuit or something they could theoretically try to go after me and maybe they would get some money maybe they wouldn't because I it's the same location the same name the same business model everything else is the same but because it's a different LLC that kind of protects me a bit so you still want to still want to do my due diligence and I still looked into the business and there were finances and every to make sure that nothing would fall onto me but creating a separate independent LLC personally I think it makes things easier but it also kind of shields me from anything that might have happened to the business before I bought it all right ignore that I had to get out of the way we now have a large checkout counter you might remember this this was my checkout counter for my old store Wisconsin overstock oullette I also pulled the stuff out a little bit you can see the dirt line where this set this thing is heavy so now it's a bigger space back here and this area here really wasn't being utilized so now we've got a bigger checkout counter and then that coffee bar will come back here this is just this wasn't for customers or anything this is just what she used for her lunches and stuff so we'll set that up behind it and this ugly thing we're gonna bag stands for the shopping bags I also came out of my store although these can be cleaned up a little bit now one thing I realized when I was bringing that in we come around over here you can see that in the window it's kind of ugly I still have to figure out something I put a picture in front of it or something just so it looks a little bit nicer this door I'm bringing to the habitat store to get rid of I might have to move this vendor over just because of the I'm gonna have a large table here I think that's gonna be in the way but this back up here so you can see it opens it up quite a bit gives you a little bit more counter space and one thing this woman longer visas at Cana it's one of my oh I cringe every time I watch Craigslist hunters videos because when he has customers set stuff on here and slides around it's scratches you can see how scratched this is already granted this was used when I guess I sold it tour but you've seen a guaranty vasya and thrift stores were some of them it's so scratched on the top you can't even see through it it just oh that hurts so much to see that which is why we got a physical counter the our customers will put stuff on also the reason I didn't put this there and this here is because I remember I know as a buyer going into a thrift store or something I don't want to feel like I'm cutting in line to get to the front when I'm just trying to look at what's in the case so it's further back so the customers will be up there pulling this out takes up quite a bit of space and I could back it up a little bit but I don't want to be too cramped back here it was really cramped back here before so this kind of helps with that a little bit I might just cut those cords off so they're out of the way therefore that fluorescent fixture which she said trips the breaker whenever she tried to turn it on so she put some LED sleeping Co one fell off some LED lights in there so I might just cut the cords off and so this is disconnected just so they're out of the way so I'm thinking for this I'm either gonna do just lean some pictures there just so it kind of covers that looks a little nicer I really need to wipe that down that's where I was sitting on the trailer or the bottom 18 inches of that window I could do a window decal right across the front there that would look nice I'm gonna put some decals on this with the hours and name and everything you can see we're on someone oh of course suza turn around there are no cars at all we're on somewhat of a busy road here Wow as soon as soon as I turn the camera on there are no cars whatsoever that's exactly how it works so we've got my trailer about half full of goodwill stuff if you remember a couple videos ago I was clearing out a storage unit or maybe it wasn't on a video I don't remember and it was clearing out stores you know all this stuff is going to Goodwill I had more than this it was almost full but unfortunately I got there too late and they said I told them when I got there was like 10 minutes before they closed I said let me fill up until you close don't be afraid to tell me to get the heck out so they told me to get the heck out when they closed so I still have this leftover but that's not a big deal there's still space in here probably good will stuff come from inside so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give all of these clothes to Tim for him to look up on eBay anything that's worth something on eBay the shoes everything we're gonna list everything else we'll go to Goodwill these are nicer clothes right she paid a hundred bucks each II way overpaid but they're nicer looking racks that one's a little flimsy I might throw these on Facebook marketplace to try and sell them this mirror look at this thing it's like a funhouse mirror I think I'm going to just give this to Goodwill I thought about selling it but this is so it's I mean it's not built poorly but that is really bad it's like a funhouse mirror if I decide to bring in clothing and put a mirror and I've got nicer ones they came out of Shopko anyways so get rid of that get rid of all of this and I need to take some measurements I may be building out this corner here which you'll see why just building a little wall that bumps out about 15 inches in the corner and you'll see why later on so I emptied off one rack of clothes like I said I'm giving this all the Tim to go through for eBay whatever is not getting less it'll just get donated I've got more left there's a box of clothes behind there I guess cleared all this wallet I'm gonna start here I should be like three sections of shelves here and this should be able to all get shifted down because it's definitely not centered on the room least I don't think so so that's where I'm gonna leave it now I have to go get the box truck so I can get some shelves it's gonna be almost 90 today so I won't get that done this morning yet it's 8:44 so I can get the truck at 9 so that's the plan now it's gonna be coming together pretty quickly once we get the shelving in another fun fact so the flooring here there used to be a fish store in here and the floors just crashed it used to look like that and it was just really bad from the fish tanks this is garage floor paint evidently she put on antsy spots where she's since touched it up here and here she came and did some of this the other day but it actually doesn't look too bad just garage floor paint and it's gonna match the shelves I'm at the storage unit I couldn't know which ones mine so the truck is around the corner I have to go grab it ok it shouldn't be too bad we can grab the uprights right here is all this stuff is own wheels and then probably one power two shelves and that'll do it I think we should be fine here I also didn't realize I had shoes in here so okay I guess it's more inventory for the store if you remember in here this is all out of shop code most of shop go and then the Toys R Us cart Corral so we'll need this pallet I need 45 shelves there should be 45 there so this pallet and nine nine or was a twelve I have to recount with the uprights we've got all the shelving that we're gonna need and I'm gonna be bringing that back there's more than enough on this in there could probably use it somehow after taking a pallet out we still have it full but you can see I've got a lot of extra shelving so we should be good when we open the second third and fourth location and here's the other unit I actually cleared a lot of stuff out when we got general s warehouse sale so this table that table why is it like there to all there's one upside down on so I must have two sets so one of those one of these and there should be another small one those are going with me today what if I should bring one of these I've got two of these and then I've got a jewelry spindle there I don't know I might hold off on these they do match so which is nice but the tiered set table unfortunately all of these are on it someone have to move them but that might be all that I grabbed out of here it's a set of three it's tiered has this kind of design on it I completely forgot I had this one which there should be a bunch of you can see them over the acrylic inserts it was for the ladies underwear bras and panties and stuff these are the mirrors so if I need mirrors I'll throw out one of these I don't think I'm gonna need any of those I'm not gonna need these so it's really just gonna be that I don't think I need the folding cable there's the little one I was looking for so that's what I'm gonna do I basically need of the like six or eight tables here I need three of them and I think that'll be it here all right that's gotta get loaded up we got the two the medium and the small one now I need to get this back on top of here so you've got another set there's the big one the small ones there I don't know the mediums right there so I do have another set if I wanted there's no room for it now this is interesting this is a tier that actually rolls out it's on like drawer slides and then I've got a little one there which goes with that and that they actually stack up like a cake um what else that's just a little table I think the top of its sitting resting on top of there are the legs I should say I wonder if I might grab that table I might I'm not gonna take the table with me but I might grab it just this out in the open because once I get these stack back up I won't be able to get to it I've got these sitting on a pallet because you know how it's all pressboard you know how that stuff lasts sitting on concrete that's why I need to get these back stacked up and that's really all I'm gonna need out of here I think what the idea was you see that little box in the middle the medium table fit right around here sitting right on here and then the large ones sat on top of it are the small one I mean sat on top of it you can see there's also a thing here and then in these spaces and the space around it these are designed to fit perfectly some of them are damaged but I got more than I needed I think I grabbed these from two different sets and just took one set I got all this stuff for free by the way when Shopko closed all of this was absolute Freddie and pay a dime for it I did buy this for like 2 bucks and then all of these I bought for I think 10 or 15 each all of these I bought for like 10 or 15 each that came out of Toys R Us and then that's part of it and then those back there are part of rounders from the Gymboree I bought those I bought the mirrors but everything else all this white stuff was free all right let's see if we can get this whole stack back on oops I forgot I was gonna get that table out oh well no big deal we'll leave it there all right we're loaded back up and ready to go that's not pretty but at least it's off the floor get this last item in and we'll head to the store get this stuff unloaded so we may need to move this over because yes yeah that's gonna make it pretty tight at the very least this will need to be moved but you can see what I'm working with now we've got two options we're gonna keep it like this or we can do this if I remember right this is how Shopko had it set up they need to be cleaned up a little bit there's sticker residue from price tags and stuff but well clean them up make them look nice I think these would look really good here it'll be kind of your entry Susie coming you'll see this set up I think we move those this isn't gonna be here this if we got rid of this moved it somewhere else see they're naming one here aka is that the same person as this stuff I don't think so I think this is someone else this is someone else yeah different okay so this person is the same as this stuff so we'll have to ship this somewhere else which is gonna take away some of my shelves because I was adding up to come right up to here it's all have to figure that out what job I like this front and center right when you walk in the store so now we're getting ready we've got three sections going in here I decided what I'm gonna do I should be able to leave everything with that clothes rack those two standees I can put in place of the clothes rack and then I'll probably the closer I come off of the wall right here it's basically gonna be splitting her booth half but I don't think she's gonna care that much I think that's the best way to do it because you're rid of these to get rid of that this isn't an adequate space to walk and if I really need more space I could probably move this back another six inches shifting that over a little bit and that looks off-center this those have to be moved yet so it almost fits perfect we overhang the window just a tad bit there and just a tad but there's not level so it's in there but should be perfectly even here these are not fun there's any screw these bolts in which are difficult this one almost seems twisted that might need to be a Triscuit tossed this is gonna be the footprint of the shelves it'll look nice and then I've got a company coming on their way now to quote me on decals for the window make it some good progress here today one thing that I live by use the right tool for the job I could have tried to jerry-rig this but this is getting much easier to put those in this was probably like three to five bucks so well worth going and picking this up rather than trying to use a wrench or a socket in there and then I'll have this if I ever need it again and the first run is set up there's look really nice although this one looks a little off I counted oh that's weird there we go it just wasn't as well normally these have pegboard this particular set up didn't you could see right through them it's what they had their shoes on I kind of like that look and without the pegboard it makes it difficult because you use the lines of the pegboard to make sure your shelf is straight you don't have this so now you get out those little holes but that turned out pretty nice actually so the plan is we're gonna have these here we're gonna one section here and then we're gonna have five sections along this wall so I've got all the shelves stacked up and then I have nine shelves there are nine sections total nine extra shelves in the back there that way we have one extra shelf per section should we need it I think it looks pretty nice this isn't in all the way to fix that top shelves that typically don't use I like having a tall ceiling one thing I learned with my old store the ceiling wasn't tall it was like a 9-foot ceiling which actually made the other ones very difficult to put in because pegboard you lift it over the top and slide it in not an issue though but I noticed it got really dark that top middle shelf is bothering me I have to fix that but it got really dark so what I actually do with my other stores I got rid of the top shelves and really brightened the space up but that's not gonna be a concern here because first off we've got much taller ceilings and second there's only along the wall then you see all of this extra space I was keep planning keeping those in the line that where this one got a little messed up when I pushed them back but this is basically where they were they were about two feet further forward look at all of this space so that's what I'm saying she's got him set up for cases to create a section I might be able to do them side by side here and put something else in the middle up here that's a possibility this one here I sent Noland when Shopko closed to take these down and I think he might twisted this one very easy to do you take the top piece off and then these uprights are independent you pull one down twist it so I couldn't fix it I'm just gonna have to throw it away not a big deal I paid 250 bucks for 25 double-sided sections so 10 bucks a section back when Shopko closed which is stealing it normally I don't like gondola shelving because it's not worth anything anymore but this is nice stuff and look how nice that looks like think of how nice it's gonna look was full product other than that I haven't really done anything I did want to I might have mentioned this I wanted to have something so this isn't completely open and I just put this here to get out of the way and it kind of works so I might keep this here all of this inventory is mine I'm probably just gonna toss it or give it to Goodwill couple of things that were mine these are mine these are mine so you know mind as well I feel like they'll sell this - its kind of heavy it feels high-quality where else ice I have to pull all the clothes I don't know who these glass blocks are this was my stuff well if there's a name on there no I'm assuming they're mine but then I come over here this is a vendor and there are some wonder Neath there so I don't know I'll have to ask her whether or not they're mine all four of these I believe are vendors so that's four different vendors no those three are vendors the top shelf is a vendor the top shelf is being rented for 15 bucks a month and then the next two are mine and then this section is being rented by someone for 25 as well as this one and the back one this one the previous owner my employee is renting for optimal 25 this is another vendor 25 and then this is empty I just threw some of my stuff on there this is all mine I'm pretty sure this stuff is mine and you know like these new candles you know also a dollar aren't these things usually like ten bucks so anyways this I was thinking of the I think Yankee or something this stuff I think is decent enough it'll sell I'll just keep that how it is I'm pretty sure these are mine if it says s S on it then it's mine and this D vkk is also mine this is mine not sure what I'm gonna do with that I've got to tell pop sockets maybe I'll just load it up with pop sockets and phone chargers that blue stand came out of Shopko I don't even know where it was in the shoe area I don't even know what they were using it for but they just gave it to me so I figure well what might be the printer on hand and some waste baskets underneath it or something it's coming together quick so next thing I'm gonna do I need to measure how far these stick off the wall and build out the corner and I'm going to show you why once I get built you'll see you'll see pretty quickly why I'm building a wall right here and there is first wall so I don't mentioned this I am far from a pro when it comes to building things I'm not even an amateur I I haven't even reached out yet but I did remember I needed 19 inches I remembered to account for those so I cut that 60 inches and then the other one is going to be cut 12 inches because it's gonna come off of here so that will be part of the wall all right it is the next day it's Tuesday morning we got this in now I'm not even attaching it to the wall I'm just gonna have it here and the idea is obviously it could easily tip this way we're gonna have it wedged in with shelves on either side this makes it easier now I know a lot of people are gonna say those headers should go straight across and that between the studs since it's not being attached to the wall it's not really going to be a wall so I think that's fine I don't think there's any concern with it it's not holding any weight at all other than its own and you know we're not gonna really put anything on top maybe a lamp or a plant or something nothing crazy and I didn't want to cut I wanted to be exactly 8 feet so I didn't need to cut the you know cut and splice drywall and I didn't feel like cutting the two by fours so I think it does its job it serves its intended purpose so I'm starting with the drywall here I put a couple of screws in the key to cutting drywall simply ease a box cutter I just want to score the paper you don't need to cut deep you score the paper and then you pull it back as you can see my line was a little off here but we're still fine and then back here it's right along there when you saw it what didn't come off the wall this thing I forgot it's not attached so the line was way off up there I realized it when I got down here and adjusted for it but how I was that far off anyways and then once you break it you just cut the paper on this side and then you got a nice clean cut I still need to put some more screws in so on the edge here when I spackle these I'm just gonna do the ones on this seam and then probably this one and they'll be worn up on the top there and the reason is because the shells I don't have one handy but the upright so come up to about here and block everything behind it and I've never spackled anything before so we'll see if I'll be any good at it now this wire I'm gonna leave the top open because I don't know if we're gonna need this I'm thinking it runs all the way across the ceiling comes in over by that light I'm thinking they can just cut it and put an end on it there but I don't want to cover it up entirely another possibility is I could actually put a shelf maybe about six inches down in here and I would need to run an extension cord through that really close outlet and run it inside of there but then what I can do is actually have the modem inside here hidden away now as far as this outlet I don't know what I'm gonna do with it again this wall is not gonna be connected at all so I don't care if I'm covering it just imagine this wall to be like a piece of furniture but I'm gonna have a shelf up right right in front of it so I might get some plastic caps you know that these for child proofing and put in front of it just to be on the safe side because one of these against it right in front of it you know I think I figured out what my line was so far I used this as a straight edge this bendy thing probably not my smartest idea that's probably why that's so far but there goes that let's probably that's so far off so that's my next tip use something that's straight as a straight edge here's another one this is a tip that I learned on YouTube this little bit here cost me ninety seven cents at the home depot and unless you're a pro drywaller I recommend getting it because what happens is it stops you from going too far and damaging the drywall it doesn't cut the paper or anything you can see where I missed right there but that's not that big of a deal so it doesn't cut the paper keeps you from going too far in so definitely it was it's a Dewalt tool so it's not some cheap off-brand it was 97 cents at the Home Depot highly recommended other companies I'm sure make these but it's just got a little ring around a regular Phillips head bit needs a few more screws but we have our wool now I just need to last few screws fill the screws in just the middle ones and the top ones like I said the ones down this side will stay cover the screws with some spackle paint and we're ready to go and it's not going to be attached odds are if I move to another location I'll need a corner like this anyway so I'll just take the thing with me trying to figure out how to spackle here yeah it's not great I'll go on with another I'll sand it go with another layer I think my handicap is I'm using this I don't know if this is any good like it's old I've had it for years I think I got this in like 2016 but it doesn't need to be perfect because remember we're gonna have shelves in front of it I'm not even bothering doing these because they're oh oh well they're gonna be completely hidden from the shelves from the uprights but this could be like shelves and merchandise in front of it you're not really gonna see it and then the actual corner because I have no interest in trying to figure that out will be this like that that'll look nice you won't see the seam and I'm just gonna glue it on this is about the biggest hack job ever but like I said it's temporary and it's not even attached to the wall and it's gonna be wedding by shelves and it's going to be I look at it's more of an extension of the shelf rather than an extension of the wall it's just to keep the stuff from falling off the shelves in that dead space alright I sanded them down and honestly I could probably put another layer in there but I think it'll suffice like I said it doesn't need to be perfect I then wiped it down with a damp cloth to get the dust off now it's time for paint and to save a little money this is the paint that was left over from when in the warehouse and the first coats up so I'm not going all the way of the wall of it on top because we're gonna have the uprights there and I don't feel like dealing with painters tape and trying to cut it although I didn't do too bad up there got a little bit on the floor here not a big deal this is all just dust that I swept into a pile and then stepped on four times but I think it'll look good well let this dry for a mesh to dry pretty quick and I should be able to get the second coat on I think three would probably do it the walls themselves aren't amazing so and it's like I said it's gonna be almost entirely hidden anyway also I didn't even think about mixing it I started pouring it and saw just clear coming I'm like oh crap I forgot I have to mix this stuff thankfully there was a yardstick nearby and I keep forgetting I own this business I was just thinking to myself I'll just run him in ARDS and get her another yardstick no that's my yardstick I paid $2,000 for the yardstick I got a whole bunch of other stuff with it but I guess I don't need to replace it unless she tells me that she often uses the yardstick for some reason I think it was just laying around here what all right well let this dry and we'll come back at it here's a trick I learned when I had painters and at the warehouse I'm sure anyone with any common sense more than me would know this already but throw that in a garbage bag that way you don't need to worry about drying while you wait for this to dry you know looking at it it might be fine with two coats Wow yeah I'll put a third one on I need to run anyways to pick something up I have to pick up so I figured this out I don't know if I mentioned this yesterday one of these was damaged you can see how that's kind of twisted I couldn't twist it back I think if we damaged it when we took it up the she'll be apart so I need to grab another one that goes down here my guess is it was just that holding two uprights together in one fell or something like that so what I'll do is I'll go grab one of those by the time I get back it took like 10 minutes for this address so by the time I get back this will be dry I'll be able to do another one you can still kind of see the screws I mean some of them are hidden pretty well you really need to be looking to see that one that one's pretty bad but it was my first time ever tackling and I decided to do only one yeah some of these you really don't see another story then I would do a little bit better of a job and if I couldn't do it get someone in here to do it for me but and then I didn't even cover up these back screws because I'm gonna have the shelf supports covering them and then this we're gonna have a piece of trim covering this seam because you know I could have got the metal thing that goes on the corner there and you know screwed that on and tried to spackle around that would have taken longer time is really a factor here I've only got the truck until the end of today I just saw a drip I suppose that's gonna be covered anyway but I've only got the truck until the end of today so that means I need to get I can't put the shelves up until this is done and I can't bring the product in until all of these are put up so when we make it basically need to have this done very quickly so that's why I'm doing it this way I didn't put anything on top it's completely open going down I might throw something on there obviously this is the only strip it was a full a foot strip but I cut it for that or ripped it but it wasn't big enough to cover the top there but I've got some extra sheetrock in my basement from when they put the walls up before I moved in and one will cut to fit on there if I really decide I want to put something up there I don't think I'm gonna put anything up there he's cat close to the ceiling a little high to put a plant maybe I'll put a light or something but it's fine that it's open it's just gonna get really dusty before it comes out the other thing I'm looking at is on the edge here you can see that seemed pretty well so I might grab some sort of trim to put on there but that's only gonna be above the shelves the shelves are 6 feet 12 this is 8 feet tall so I can always do it after the shelves are in also the outlet here you know if I was actually attaching this to the wall this would be a big no-go but it's not even attached to the wall I say I got a little bit of paint on it but this is actually gonna be a shelf support blocking it so you're not gonna be able to use this outlet so I'm gonna grab those little plastic covers that they used for child proofing and put them on there and what else Oh had I known there was an out here at probably would have bumped this out to come to here I don't even know that outlet was there and that's my fault for not checking before I put that in but I think it will serve its purpose so these are what I put over the outlets you can kind of see them there I think them anyways I got these out of storage it didn't cost anything I mean sit down for a while and we are done remember covered up I have mentioned enough so even from this vantage point still see the seam what you'll never be able to stand there once the shelves are up I think that looks nice my initial plan I wasn't gonna do any spec and I was gonna use this to cover the screws there's no way I realized when I think I didn't factor the thickness of the drywall that wouldn't have worked but say we could probably touch up a little bit up there but overall looks pretty nice I'm happy with it now are you starting to see you why this wall is here because the next room shelves that go this way one of three things can happen I can either start it here and then there will just be a gap in the middle or stuff is gonna fall or I can run it all the way to the wall and it's gonna be tough to get to the stuff in that corner and look really bad or I just do these and eliminate that one all together or slide it over I don't like any of those options so having this now will have a bit of a barrier and you can see that upright covers up the part that I didn't you can see the unpainted part here so it completely covers that but it looks like it even covers up most down on the floor is really just the screw holes along here that I needed to do and then the back near the top and even some of that's gonna be covered with inventory so that's what we were doing here talk about a fit I did not have to move this at all that's a close fit but we need I still need to I need to tighten these top screws they're just finger tightened I need to level it you can see this there's sway like that that's just adjusting the feet you can see like that foot is much higher than the others it's just because feet up they screw in kind of like what you'd see on the bottom of a washing machine or a refrigerator just gonna level it so it fits and then get the shelves on so that outlet was covered this aisle that was covered this outlet was covered talk about a bad fit that one's open there might be a shelf blocking it though I don't know I don't know if there any more outlets on this wall doesn't look like it so if I didn't need power back here there's one right there that's it and then there's none on the back wall at least not on this section there is one there so I don't really expect that I will need outlets here but that's a thing one option would be to shift the whole thing over about two inches and that will give me access to all of the outlets but it fits tight there and I did want it to be right up against this wall but see that talked about a fit and we are officially done we have five sections up here the one on the back this looks so good I think this piece of trim here actually looks better in this particular case than if I just words and things if I actually finished it off I kept myself there but I think that looks really good I would never want that in my house but in a store setting I think that looks really good really professional surprisingly and see you still see the seam up there same over here if it ends up being an issue I can always put a piece of trim on there it's not that big of a deal remember that's gonna be at another 6 to 12 inches for inventory merchandise that's gonna be up there as well so it'll come pretty close and like I said the top is still open at some point I might put something down and it could be as simple as a piece of cardboard it really doesn't matter what I put on there too the idea would be to put a lamp or something but I did not brace it along the back along the two existing walls so if I did decide to put something out there I'll need to put some sort of bracing back there but it looks good we'll be able to load this up with inventory as well as this from yesterday now this area here I guess of the microwave and everything's going behind the counter I'm gonna put that clothes rack there this actually this clothes rack and the stuff on it belongs to this vendor but you can see she's outside of the taped area anyway so I could probably say you're gonna have to rent another space but also I don't think they'll be up too upset that has to move but look at the space it looks nice so I did some things I got rid of that clothes rack I just shoved it back there for now and move these here and this aisle I think is adequate and then these instead of being back-to-back they're next to each other what I wanted to do was have four feet between each shelf I guess we were able to get four feet on either side this one's about three feet I think that's fine I'm walking through comfortably and then coming back here so this is my stuff I'm actually getting this direct from the distributor this stuff came at the store but I will be able to continue buying it direct and distributor it's I think it's a local TV show or something I'm not sure anyways I'm off the check dates because the store has been closed for a while I'll make sure nothing's close to expiration anyways so I've got this stuff on the end which is it was on the end before this is the previous owner her stuff she's renting that one this one's empty I just threw some my stuff on there that my stuff is and stuff that came with the store that I'm gonna keep in here I put this was actually on the far back I put these that one was the front one and that was the far back of the back section I think these two are the best frankly any of these other vendors can disappear I don't care all this stuff I really don't want I'm not gonna kick them out but if they leave I won't be too heartbroken this stuff though it's I don't know if she's this person's making these or just buying them definitely making some of this other stuff though you know that the handmade type things even though those are hand-made blankets there's still a but this handmade type stuff I think is really gonna draw in a lot of people I don't think I'm gonna make a lot of money off of it considering I'm only taking 5% plus their 25 bucks for this and 25 bucks to rent that but I think it's gonna draw a lot of people and that's why I wanted these two to be front and center and I would be willing to I'm not taking any other vendors unless somebody had this type of stuff I'd be willing to because that's definitely a draw people and and then this is a vendor that's a vendor and then this is a vendor this person has a lot of stuff like their shelf is full let's see these hanging here are hers I'm assuming as to her I think all the vendors were women there was also those also hers were hanging on here and that was sitting in front of it given that the aisles are gonna be a little bit more narrow I might tell her that she's gonna have to cut down on some of her stuff although you know I think about it I could probably get away putting that down there unfortunate doesn't get any shorter but that's not so bad I might rotate it a little but that's gonna leave me with this from here other than a little aisle down to play with this I'm gonna put on that wall so I'm gonna have some decent space I don't know what I'm gonna put here in here as far as fixtures I might do clothes racks and I really get some apparel in here I love that that looks so professional you would never guess I did it so that's kind of the plan it's coming together though today's my last day with the truck we got the trailer outside I'm getting all of the stuff that's it's not staying here like my tools ladder and stuff all the stuff that I decided I don't want to sell I need to find a box for those because I used up all my boxes what else this is my stuff that came with the store I got rid of a lot of it this is well I some of the stuff I decided to keep in the store these three clothes racks are sold they're being picked up tomorrow Hatta bucks I'm still already making some money back I don't know what I'm gonna do with this I haven't decided if I'm gonna keep it here or sell it it's sturdy it does not look sturdy but it's pretty sturdy at least for what Obi is for here bear in mind is you're not gonna be able to see it through the window because from about here down there's gonna be a window graphic that thing is going I'm just using as a doorstop right now they're gonna keep that here for now this I don't know that I'm gonna keep it here it's in really nice shape I think it's ugly I hate lighter-colored wood I'd prefer like a like an espresso color or even black over that maybe a cherry anyway so that I haven't decided if I'm gonna keep it here probably not going to oh this is another consignor you know this stuff might be handmade - she might be painting these mmm-hmm buying them Oh snow Haven pottery so she must make them I was thinking she was buying a Pam I think she makes these okay see I was looking at this like this is junk I don't want it I hope this personally is saya it can have the floorspace but now that I know it's all handmade pottery that's another story you see this at Goodwill you don't want it you see this in a from a vendor from the person who makes it story I don't want it because it's not my style but it'll sell this is going to be oh I have to put these back on her shelf this is going to be just rotating stuff right now it's gonna be somewhat fun I'm gonna have some snacks on there you have some of the prepackaged foods that we have pool toys outdoor summer type stuff on here run the holidays there's gonna be Christmas stuff on there although I expect to be moved into a larger space by Christmas but you get the idea this is going to be kind of the main focal point when you walk in the door and we're gonna have some good stuff on there that's basically all I have to show you at this point this is gonna be a really long video this clip alone is over six minutes and we're all cleaned out these are still here waiting for pickup tomorrow pretty much exactly as you saw it except over here we'll get this open space so much potential right here you can kind of see where these set one of them set here and one set in front of it that is obviously gonna go up against the wall once I take care of the microwave and everything but other than that that is I want to get an employee's only sign on that door other than that uh I gave her that roll tape we're already bringing stuff I can't get over how good that looks
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 24,663
Rating: 4.8935781 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: 37GunbL-S2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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