Unboxing Another Truckload - Target and More

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what is going on everybody resale rabbit here so here's what i'm up to i'm trying to organize this where this is warehouse number two trying to organize it a little bit i've got some progress done here uh just trying to sort everything because we've got a truck coming today i paid for shipping through uber freight which i highly recommend um and this truck they don't all do this but some of them have live locations similar when you actually when you take a regular uber how it'll show the driver's location sometimes the trucks do and this one actually does it's the first one i've ever booked that had the live location and it's about an hour north of indianapolis so they should be here in about six hours or so it says they should they're expected here by noon but i don't see how that's going to happen unless that location isn't live maybe there's a bit of a delay or something but anyway so here's the story uh if you remember about a year ago i bought the the truckload of lowe's overstock i actually bought two of them percent one here sold it myself sent one to lower michigan about 10 hours away from me and had them ship it or sell it for me uh their auction company did really well with it and uh well another one came available a couple more actually i was all set to buy it this one looked really good it had some brand new like air filtration systems and this with everything going on those would do well but i ran a freight quote and it was like three thousand dollars to ship it up here normally it's like twelve hundred probably twelve to fifteen hundred typically uh from that location three thousand freight is so high right now it's been high ever since the whole pandemic started my guess is there's just less drivers out there even when gas was under a dollar it's like 75 cents a gallon here it was still really high so anyways i told him after i had already committed to it i do a lot of business with this company i said hey here's what freight is and he said no worries he had a bunch of other people interested so he ended up selling it to someone else but he did some digging to find me something worth having so if you remember the underwear that i bought um 500 pairs or 500 packs each pack has i think three pairs in it um by about 500 packs at three bucks each i don't know a little while ago he sold me the rest of what he has 3 400 units i guess he lost them and they found them in the warehouse they got tucked away and forgotten about 3 400 units for a buck each says 4 3 400 bucks and then and he was really cutting me deals just to counteract freight costs i've got 10 pallets of target over stock coming this is case packed goods uh marked out of stock um 10 pallets of that i think i ended up paying like 4 100 or something there was some a little bit of negotiating back and forth on price normally i don't negotiate with this company i just pay whatever they're asking but given freight prices i had to do a little bit of a little bit of wiggle room anyways so i've got that i've got six pallets of apple boxes i believe these came out of meijer but i'm not a hundred percent certain i think they're going to be similar to those banana box pallets that i had with all the ziploc bags and the clorox wipes last year um i doubt given what's going on that they're gonna be any clorox wipes but i did see in the pictures a couple boxes of ziploc bags some other odds and then some puzzles and stuff so i've got six pals coming of that i believe i paid 1500 and then i've got um five pallets of husky cabinets you know those big cabinets that you would put in your garage there are two to three cabinets each apparently this is what two to three symbolizes there are two to three cabinets per pallet i paid 100 bucks a skid i told them give me some nice ones and a decent variety because some of these are going to my garage but it was i paid 100 bucks a pallet i looked him up on the home depot's website and it's like three to four hundred bucks for the big the tall ones so hopefully they're not too beat up and i can put them in my garage but either way at 100 bucks a skid i'll do well so all of that ultimately cost me 9 500 bucks plus freight and i was able to get freight down a little bit i had it picked up from their facility on a saturday i was just lucky that he happened to be working that saturday but i got picked up on a saturday cost me two grand save me a thousand bucks so it's being delivered here today so what's that uh ninety five ten five eleven thousand five hundred bucks on this load i am going through the amazon stuff we've been going through it doing really well you can see i got into uh some oreos i think i actually did that on a video just all kinds of great stuff there's a lot of junk in here too but there's a lot of great stuff this has been flying out the door on ebay pipe cleaner so i have no idea some sort of is that a oh i think that's a speaker we've got nonstick tin foil that'll go in the warehouse sale that will probably be the warehouse i mean there's just as you can see i went through the top boxes on most of them i couldn't get to these because there was stuff in the way but we'll get through those at some point oh there's more key chains hidden back here okay so my goal is to move all this and organize a little bit this not this this back here is all i've got for the melissa and doug that palette is just about empty this palette i think there's nothing in here yeah it's empty and this palette is just the white bunnies so i've got one of the tall palettes and a couple of the short palettes left i stopped styling them by the palette because i want this stuff to go through the warehouse sale um that said i might still sell some pallets of them i haven't decided just depends if someone has cash ready to go and if we're able to have a warehouse sale anytime soon but that's it for melissa and doug the bed sheets remain mostly untouched i did sell one pallet of them and then i'm selling some in the store but i've got 12 pounds left i started with 14. um these were bought specifically for the store there isn't really any other good way to sell it uh what else do we have back here we've got all that stuff out of hanson's there's an amazon pallet tucked away in there all this stuff out of hanson's i've been building pallets like this these three are ready to go they're going to california today what i'm doing is i'm building these pallets putting one to five cases of each thing on it they're selling for about actually i think i have my manifest here oh let's see 1343 items uh i think it comes at you about 67 cents per item um you get the dill pickle pants the popcorn uh some keychains on the bottom there one case of each all of these are full of power banks all odds and ends the vr headsets the bluetooth speakers are a couple different types of bluetooth speakers there's the sunglasses that have a hidden camera in them anyways i've been selling for 900 this is the last one i have hopefully this will be going pretty quick but i'm going to be building some similar ones the reason this is the last one there's a lot of handsome stuff left here is because i am out of one of the things on the manifest that is going to be these are selling today someone just made me offer on all those that is right here no not there right here these robo clips this is all i've got for them a small partial case um i was putting a case of 50 on each one however i've got these hoberman balls that i can i can't show you it's the balls that expand and whatnot so i've got those that i can build on there i've got a whole bunch of these glasses left with the hidden camera a whole bunch of stuff so anyways i should be able to build some more pallets of these that are similar although i did move through about half a pallet of the um power banks i can't think of words right now well we've got enough where i could probably build four or five similar palettes to this uh but they did really well they moved fast so these are going out today and i added more stuff for this person he's got these um he bought all of my spider ball sets uh the last of my mirror glass mirrors out of target there were three cases to six total and 500 pieces of garlactic cosmetics out of riley rose uh and then the black is a palette of bed sheets so he spent i think 3 700 bucks including shipping on this going on to california so this will go out today i was really hoping to get it out last week because you know i have a semi look coming today this mess i need to address i got impatient and wanted to go through more than the top boxes anyways i want to get that out last week but there were issues with the bank with the wire transfer didn't come in time ended up coming in too late on friday to get shipped out friday so we'll get shipped out today i need to do all of this as amazon pallets except for that one of key chains we saw i want to move the melissa and doug and put all the amazon stuff here and then i'm thinking move some of this stuff and put the um melissa and dug there so that's kind of what i'm working on now so we did a little moving this whole area is clear i've got 12 14 amazon pallets here which is about half of them my plan is to clear this stuff out and this whole area will be all there should be 27 there were 30 total we bought brought three to the other warehouse so it should be able to fit all 27 there and then there's one hidden back there get this stuff moved this will be the melissa and doug the last of it which is kind of mixed between there and then a few back there and then we've got some office depot ones here that i completely forgot i had so i have to do something about this it's basically leftovers from when there's when the store closed not this available but the idea is we cleared all this amazon out except for that one we've got amazon scattered throughout there this looks like a lot worse of a mess than it is i've been tossing some empty boxes in here and then i've got a couple of pallets lined up on the front so we cleared up some space i moved a table over here this is all garbage i actually just had this on the trailer when i first moved in here and needed it out of the way so i shoved it in here and it ended up being filled with garbage all right as we get all the melissa and doug here amazon i'm gonna fill those two rows up yet there's still some amazon to go over there we've got veggies lighting office depot cleared out pretty well i need to get this stuff out all these empty boxes and whatnot but i'll easily be able to fit today's truck in here i still have this for amazon stuff uh let's see we've got one two three pallets and then these will stack up probably four pallets left of amazon um that doesn't sound right i feel like i'm missing some let's count them out so we've got four deep um one two three four that's 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 so that would give me 26. there should be 27 in here um well a couple of them the box was thrown up on top and there might be extra boxes here so basically there could be 27 but they're stacked in 26 pounds because of all these extra boxes and whatnot there were 30 on the truck we counted them pulling them off the truck and then we brought three to the other building so and then uh all the handsome stuff over here i might move these back these are up forward because there were pallets back here uh which i've cleared off in the process of selling these so i came back to warehouse number one to try and take a break for a minute can you tell i got a little sunburnt this weekend at the pool anyways um i looked at uber it says the truck is in town it looks like maybe 10 minutes away or so depending on how accurate that is but they're on the highway in town so i'm gonna change my shoes because i just have sandals on and i like to have tennis shoes or something closed totally i'm unloading trucks learn that the hardware the hardware several times surprised they still have any toes left so let's see what it looks like i bet this is the guy he's driving slowly like he's looking for an address i don't remember the name of the carrier it's uh i think it's an owner operator there he is they always go behind the building and wait by the storage units i don't know why i always put you know big brown building on the corner of these two streets with the poor lease sign on it i always end up behind it but air is my shipment there it is i forgot to open the door so he blocked the road for a minute or two but here we go [Music] all right all emptied out make sure nothing fell off the pallets back here wow it's a lot brighter on my camera here i could see there were none just looking at the camera all right so i told them don't sideload them they sideloaded a couple of them which wasn't fun but i may do we get this back on the truck and we will be good to send him off so let me show you what i got these five pallets here are all these husky cabinets uh nice cabinets this one is like 400 bucks new in the store you can see they've got some dings and whatnot but i paid 100 bucks a pallet so we have two on here looks like we've got three on here this one must mount to the side maybe to the side of a tool box we got a big one here and two little ones with a drawer and everything here and i think there are two big ones on there 100 bucks a pallet looks like they were selling them for 200 initially i'm happy with that i'll set up a couple of those in my garage now we got a ton of these this looks like a walmart receipt so i almost wonder if these came from walmart or sam's club but it's all sorts of stuff there's this which should be the lid to those coffee things but then we've got boxes full of stuff like this um you know i was kind of looking through these kind of looking through this there were some that were glasses i think that's uh packs of glasses of course i stacked the crappiest ones on top when i restacked those uh you can see in here this one's full of star showers on top more star showers i know some of them are full of ziploc bags there should be six of them so one two oh boy three four five there's a sixth around here somewhere did i count this one one two three four five six yep and you can see this one this just fell off of another pallet has some soccer balls these are giant fun pads uh a bunch of these chillos puzzles brand new puzzles these might do pretty well online actually we have over here more puzzles you can see on top of that one glasses more chillos oh what's in here holy crap a box full of pens believe it or not those do sell let me zoom out here those do sell on ebay i'm kind of stuck in here i am sweating so much it's like an oven in this building so now in addition to all of that you can see some of it up here and a bunch stacked back there underwear i've got uh i don't even know how many pilots it was supposed to be 3 700 pairs or packs of underwear um you remember the same ones that i got here these type of things same ones that i got a couple months ago and then lastly we've got 10 pallets of target overstock this is case packed never been on store shelves out of target i saw some labels let me see if i can find one here well they're all hidden here we go this pallet was loaded at a target warehouse on may 17th there were some that were also may 14th so that tells me there might be a decent amount of easter stuff considering although they may have already pulled the easter stuff by that point considering you know that was during the shutdown so we got some little things there band-aids can you see what's in here uh just boxes uh more band-aids method so a lot of cleaning products here let's say six 14-ounce bottles oh shampoo it's not clean products apparently method makes shampoo as well what else you can see all of this shampoo bobby boppy whatever that is um i saw water bottles on one that had come open i don't know what these are i don't have my knife on me well that one's empty very helpful i have no idea what these are and i don't have my knife handy uh say what it is case pack six it's a dpci if you want to look that number up on target i'm not going to it doesn't say what it is looks like some more here actually that might be a scannable upc let's pull up i don't know the target app on this phone so i guess we'll try amazon see if by some crazy odds this comes up on amazon maybe not no luck okay i'm not gonna manually type it in oh what other goodies did any say what they are color navy case six pack be a size small six seven so that's probably apparel size small so maybe there is more apparel than he thought um which is fine case pack of 12 it doesn't say a size ah here we go grocery holiday end cap oh that could be like christmas candy which is going to do really well what do we have here oh this is probably more that no it is not more that method leave in condition so leave in condition if that helps at all i can't really climb up to see what this stuff is uh there's something there can you see what that is i can't see from here so we'll go through a few of these but i need to cool down i am roasting i might even wait till tomorrow to go through them it is so hot uh here we go some some mugs mom's hotel free wi-fi looks like some wrapping paper some sort of apparel let's see i don't know how much else we're gonna be able to see before i start opening things up shirts in fact i found one of these had fallen off the pallet onto the floor and got really like black in color uh hooded throws those will sell well we got more over here i'm just trying to find boxes that are already open so whatever that is is fisher price doesn't say what's in here lamp maybe decorative home and i can see some sort of cord there so that might be lamps um toys saying here this is nope uh what about this one decorative home uh this came in november uh november 3rd i'm assuming that's what that means so it's interesting that's pyrex whatever that is holiday this one oh this was pacquiao gaylord that's why there's a giant box pillow fort this might be uh like storage containers that's a upc let's see if we can get that to scan here wow i can't hold my balance nothing on amazon um case pack of one whatever this is pillow ford i've seen does like storage stuff say anywhere in here what this is well it's made of wood whatever it is so maybe like a small piece of furniture like a dresser or something i have no idea this looks like apparel boxes yeah sizes on it what else i don't know what else to show you until i start opening them some more apparel up here oh what's in the little box stationary maybe so anyways that's it opal house i think they do home decor that is it um full truck load cost me 9 500 plus about 2 000 in shipping we're gonna move most of this through our warehouse sale some of it i'm going to liquidate by the palette like the underwear i'm going to sell by the pallet some of it is going to be um sold on ebay i'm sure you never know some of this stuff might be worthwhile on ebay but that is the plan hopefully i'll be gone very soon so these pillow fort boxes it says open storage nightstand is not i scanned that on target's web and targets app it's not on there looks like it's white but these should do decent i think i could probably get 50 bucks each one two three four five six so eight of them so 400 bucks not a great palette considering it's about what i paid about 400 bucks a skid but we've got all this apparel too um whatever this is white top let's see what else can we open these are the ones that are better but that's okay they're not all gonna be winners and you never know maybe i could finagle more than 50 bucks each let's get into let's see what this is this fisher price item looks like it's a baby toy here what else we got this oh that's right we're saying that's a lamp this is oh some christmas lights that actually excites me because i do well with christmas lights obviously i'll be stuck with them until christmas time dew drop lights i might be able to sell them sooner than that but uh i usually do well usually i'm clearing out the stores after christmas i'm really surprised this was still in their warehouse in may what do we have here what are these oh band-aids so they're christmas themed band-aids but they are still band-aids or bandages i don't think they're the brand name but this that's some sort of stationary or gift bags or something like that what else we got system error cannot process well that's helpful seamless leggings there you go looks like two per pack 18 retail now this is something maybe we'll put on ebay maybe not it seems odd that they ship them like that two of them per box intimate apparel so it doesn't matter if the box is bent uh let's see all over lace hipster let's open this up this is i have no idea it says intimate apparel though i don't even know how many are supposed to be in here case pack one for some reason what do we have here christmas um gift tags looks like a whole box full of whatever these are something christmas related they were four bucks gift card holder toys dolls 20 there's 24 of whatever in here all right let's pop it open what in the world ugly dolls i have no idea i've never seen that before but i'm not as well versed in the toy department as i used to be what else do we have this is very lightweight uh a table lamp it's not a heavy lamp at all the box almost feels empty let's open it all right i've gone ahead and cut open a couple other boxes this looks like maybe something that would go in a little girl's room there's the lamp shade you can see there is a lamp with it i'm not gonna pull it all the way out though we've got a little tiny box here which contains replacement sanding sander bands for probably like a dremel or something this might be an ebay item here we've got decorative outdoor lights kind of a spring summer theme this bows not the headphones but christmas thing we have here i have no idea what this is storage bin looks like two felt storage bins what else we got this looks like apparel oh let's see i don't know let's open it up i missed that there we go some sort of shirt looks like a woman's shirt and there goes that is this food what is this pre-made slimy goop to toppings says youtube i have no idea all right this has a little bit of weight to it let's see what we've got here smells like soap native cucumber and mint soap smells good that's for sure this is something christmas related [Music] this is an unknown item this is very difficult to do i uh went to the other warehouse to grab a tripod and i forgot to grab the tripod i know you guys are probably cringing watching me pull this knife towards myself why there we go in the world is this a fillable heart all right so i guess you fill it with like candy or something it's plastic all right let me open some more of these so it's a little easier so this is funny i got two of these it's magnets on the bottom it's actually a shelf display so it magnets to the shelf and you put them on there but it's an acrylic display even though it says listerine i'm sure someone would still buy this and you might be able to take that off it might just be a sticker and then you've got a little organizing tray that you can magnet onto things there's two of them here at least i'm assuming this is the same thing uh yeah same thing more apparel here this looks like pajamas maybe i don't know it's nice it's all on hangers the hangers are sized so be nice and easy to set this stuff up for the warehouse sale all right i cut open a couple of boxes here we've got some toys barbie mermaid glitter tail plush those will do well simply because it's the barbie name we have here uh bath bombs we went through bath bombs like crazy in the last sale people loved them what do we have here i have no idea uh bert's bees again the type of stuff that did really well in the last sale and you know we'll probably get two bucks each for these two four six eight ten twelve just for this little tiny box in the warehouse sale maybe they'll go for more maybe they'll go for something on ebay who knows what's in this sweatshirts i guess sweatshirts again all on hangers and then pretty easy to guess what's in here axe this is the type of men's stuff that let's see shampoo conditioner body wash motor oil surface cleaner whatever you want to use it for that's how men do it although it's acts so it's more like teenage boys oh something's leaking over here there's nothing on top of this that would have leaked though uh is this another one of those listerine things yeah it's another one of those listerine trays so it was probably stacked with something in the warehouse that leaked yeah you can see nothing under it has leaked all right this is probably more of those sweatshirts no this is halloween something halloween related it's nice we have a good mix of seasons because that will perform well during our warehouse sales assuming this is some sort of [Music] some sort of halloween costume maybe uh no it's an animatronic thing i think i'm still not certain got some more little boxes here let's start with this one these are oh resettable circuit breakers i bet these will do well on ebay is there a price on them no obviously this is from around the holidays but people want those year-round this is lavender water i'm not going to undo that bubble wrap this is lavender water on it this one is tea tree lemon stage sage not stage scalp serum this box has a little bit of weight to it candles looks like big candles it also did really well in our last warehouse sale all right let's uh this is pyrex it's a 22 piece set that'll sell pretty well i'm not going to put that in the warehouse sale though let's uh get some of these bigger boxes out let's start with the top here that's it says christmas we already opened that it's the soap that's the little sanding pads this pantene pro v so i'm back the next day digging through these pallets we found some stuff uh here we've got some burt's bees they were christmas oh that one's opening they were christmas themed to hang on the tree but that'll sell well what else we've got some christmas lights these again we'll have to sit on until christmas but these will do really well some apparel lots of apparel these are sweatshirts they say polaroid uh there were some right here harry potter there was another one that i just saw that was um purple rain here we've got mr microphone i actually was playing with one of these at the container store and i think they wanted like 25 bucks for it i doubt that's what we're gonna get for it but we get some fortnite drones some baby alive accessory kits uh band-aids from some kids show what else i open this box oh this makes me happy shoes we got another box of them right there um these all the same size 10w and then these are case packs also 10w but that's okay uh looks like more of the mr microphone came over here we were looking through some stuff a case full of neosporin my other half got some serious sunburns so she took that home one of them these are a little baby things uh there are a couple of boxes of them there i've got a whole bunch of these i might need two hands to pull it out right here uh basically the whole bottom of the pallet is those also giant rubber band i don't know what i'm gonna do with those but i'm gonna keep them uh this is the thing with moss pal it's marked out of stock mls you're gonna get a lot of the same stuff this whole bottom half is those this whole bottom half let me show you i just tossed one over here that was out of the box the whole bottom half of that one are these the hooded towels and then the top half here are these mugs i don't know where one is here we go mom's hotel free wi-fi and room service not included so this palette is just mugs and then those frozen towels but that's okay we'll do well with them we'll wholesale a lot of them off my thought process is remember i paid 9 500 plus 2 000 shipping i should be able to get about 10 grand just for the underwear selling them at three bucks a piece in bulk by the pallet they're like 22 dollars retail so i don't think i'll have a problem with that it looks like this is some more of those frozen towels um i don't know what these are these look like they may be shampoo or cleaning products something like that i'm gonna see if there's one that's open i guess not let's crack one open because there's a lot of them here here we go this is case pack four it's very light though i don't think it's oh there we go water bottles we had a whole bunch of them uh all basically a whole layer on here is water bottles what are these i see oh maybe not a bunch maybe it's just the one here uh size m color blue i don't know what this is let me grab my knife i use my keys to open that i don't like doing that let's see what we've got here cat and jack this is a big box for kids clothes some sort of button-up shirt maybe yeah i guess a button-up shirt 14.99 retail there are a lot of there must be a lot of them in there 24 maybe that's what that is c that would be case pack 24 i don't know what the rest of that means um but clothing i think is gonna do pretty well remember if they're 24 in here at five bucks each that's 120 bucks just for that box i've got about 400 bucks in each pal it looks like we're gonna have a lot of these water bottles which those should do really well so some more boxes there more water bottles these ones are i think these are more for coffee whereas the other ones are for water i'm building stuff up to bring to the store whatever this is it's heavy oh i caught it apparently not well well it looks like no that's just in there road trip bingo so i guess you slide that over when you see things interesting okay nothing too exciting this was just so you don't cut the item so this looks like a good one it says anchor they're a decent brand oh just a car a cable bummer i mean it'll still sell well on the warehouse sale but i was hoping to be like headphones or something oh we have here flawless dream plane don't know what that is so i've got three of them too there and one here i'm gonna guess something health and beauty related oh it's in okay so this might be worth something on ebay maybe i well no it's just a little razor either way i'll bring this to the store i'm sure those will sell so i found a couple cases of these two to a case decent brand although they're not going for as much as they used to used to be able to get i'm talking like six seven years ago like 20 30 bucks for these on ebay now they're selling for like six but i'll probably get 10 in my store so i'm at my store bringing stuff in i cleared out this back area so we had this rack and all of those stacked up here in the rack and some stuff on the floor like that and those so i moved some things around i put these up against the wall all this lighting i'm pulling we have yet to sell a single one it's taking up a lot of space so i'm pulling all the lighting there's a little bit up there and a lot in the back room and then i put the towel in there it's selling slowly but it's selling then we'll put the two clothes racks here for the target apparel i'm also going to pull some of this stuff from hanson's it's moving but it's moving cheap and the target stuff will sell for a lot more money i've got so much of this stuff it looks like none of it's ever selling because i restock it every time something comes out and we get a bunch loaded up there and i've got more i mean i've got like 700 of these i'm low on these because i was selling pallets with those on them i'm getting low on those i've probably got maybe a thousand left but uh most of it's going by the pallet which is why we moved through you know 2500 of those already so this doesn't fit through the door so i had to pop these all the way up you can see they started on the very bottom i started from the bottom now anyways um that is not pleasant so i have to take one off to fit it through the door now i'm putting it back on second problem these wheels don't lock and it slides very easily so hopefully with the weight of all the clothes on this doesn't slide but none of the wheels have locks on them which is odd so most of this comes pre-hung which is nice it's on hangers with size tags but they come in bags each one is bagged individually so i'm pulling those off i'm annoyed that each box is the same size usually whenever i've gotten case packed clothing the box would be an assortment of sizes so we've got two different sizes with that but i feel like each size is going to be its own unique item because a lot of the stuff we only have in one or two sizes this is why i love clothing look how much fits on this rack and there's still so much more room i went through all of those clothes uh i don't have enough for two racks i'm going to be going back and bringing more but i am on a time limit so i'm just going to bring this rack with me and i'll probably just keep that rack here in its place for now um decent stuff these are 27.99 retail these are pretty cheap there's six retail we're just gonna blanket price everything at five so i don't expect any of those to sell we got harry potter stuff those like tank top shirts nasa some skirts a lot of this polaroid which i may end up putting some of the polaroid ones and harry potter ones on ebay more polaroid we got purple rain nasa and then some kids button up shirts and i think that's everything oh uh deadpool riding a cat with the unicorn horn for some reason and then more buttons button ups i just mixed the kids and adult sizes together but they are organized by size all of the white hangers are the ones that came in on a hanger the black hangers are the ones that i had to hang um the black hangers came out of shopko i've got a couple of pallets of them but we sorted them after our last warehouse sale the ones we used so made it nice and easy i got this mess to take care of i don't remember if i showed you this on this video or not i think these are going to do pretty well they are quilt and sham set for frozen these are actually going for 50 bucks on ebay i did the math i'm going to get between 18 and 25 after shipping and fees so i'm gonna put them in here for 19.99 i'm sure they'll move pretty well um i think you saw just about everything else so that's where we're at here so far uh maybe i'll use that rack because this one has that ugly thing on it these tags are almost impossible to remove i got lucky on this one still ugly but not as i can probably get that little bit of orange off not as bad i think i'm going to switch to this one so i'm back at warehouse number two getting some more apparel didn't quite fill out the rack um i wanted to show you how it looked but i lost track of time and suddenly the store was open and my employee was there and i don't i don't mind filming in front of her but we had customers in there the music was on and i don't want to get a copyright claim for the music so you're just going to have to imagine it in your head i did decide to just do one closed rack because i put everything all of those boxes on one rack and there was still space so now i'm going to grab a little bit more clothes just to fill it out so right here is 70 boxes of those water bottles they come in a pack of four or a case of four remember the clear ones the contigo is the brand if i'm pronouncing that right there's 70 boxes here 12 24 i'm sorry 24 48 and seven oh wait no 71. i did the math wrong um so anyway 71 i should be able to get 20 each for each box as five bucks per water bottle i don't have my phone on me to do the math that would be uh about 1400 bucks i think right 20 times 70 10 times 70 is 700 double that 1400 right there 1400 bucks that pays for a third of all 10 of these target pallets so there's a lot of volume of stuff like this it's going to be tough to sell a whole palette of that or the a ton of these mugs and whatnot but that's okay because things like this make up for it that's the thing about buying pallets if you guys haven't caught on to this yet either by being in the business or watching my videos you're going to lose money on some but some items will pay for the whole load so it works out that way so you get like this not a great one those frozen blankets with the hoods and the mom's hotel or whatever mugs not an amazing palette this one that little stage kit is basically the entire palette other than the method on top not amazing but this little bit right here will pay for a third of the whole load of 10 up we got a load shift over there of 10 pallets and remember there was also two and a half more cases that i brought to the store as well and are on the shelf and i think those should sell pretty fast if not in the store in the next warehouse so so i want to figure out what this stuff is it looks like it's some sort of apparel um hopefully it's not something that i already grabbed and brought to the store all right so these three boxes are some of the kids button-up shirts i already brought into the stores the blue striped ones these are all the same i grabbed one they're all size xl this uh ladies shirt i grabbed this to bring two oh yeah uh hooded sweatshirts for kids yeah i know it's summer but people are gonna be buying this for back to school assuming kids are going to school and the rest of this is those frozen blankets it looks like a lot of those polaroid shirts on this palette i don't know what the rest of it is but let's see pink i don't remember anything pink um pink size medium this one was size large uh size medium let's see if we can get to one of those and look at it oh boy oh it's a dress art class i think that's a kid's dress i'm pretty sure art class is a kid's size so let's grab these this was a medium there's the large let's grab one of those too i think i found the best shirt girl talk betty white who was our national treasure and then there's another one that said green so we'll pull that out so this another dress at least it's not leopard print uh this one's size large and then i found this box more mugs but different christmas so uh we'll hold on to these looks like five retail we'll probably sell them for about 250 each i don't know how many of these are on there i just saw the one what is this losing stuff underwear maybe we'll find some cases of those whatever just fell was heavy oh oh yeah i'm gonna look at those christmas plates that should be more of the christmas mugs christmas stuff is fine because christmas is right around the corner and that stuff sells really well so i'm up here digging a little bit some bed sheets flannel um more band-aids they're all different uh themed ones that i've seen this white sometimes they say what the theme is on it uh it doesn't this one doesn't say but i think i've got enough clothing halloween seasonal oh this is i don't know if i showed you these these and we'll open one more actually we'll open that one too it says no label all right let's start with this one this is that pants shorts oh almost gonna cut that one well enough come on there we go size medium skirts we'll bring those and then this one is so they could be something really good or really crappy ah there's a recent enough phone case i think those will sell so i guess it's not really good but not really crappy either so i think that's what i'm going to cut this video i know a lot of people are going to comment as usual saying this is all garbage i got ripped off i overpaid yada yada those people are either not in this business at all or people who only sell on ebay or amazon and yes this is terrible if my intent was to only sell it on ebay or amazon but you have to remember this is amazing for retail it's brand new no testing needed no damaged packages everything with tags it is pristine new inventory and am getting it for a tiny tiny fraction of retail but rabbit that's a lot of work yeah that's a job i put in 40 hours a week just like any other job and i take a nice paycheck from it that is how jobs and businesses work you have to work everybody seems to think that you know because the gurus saying yeah i sit on the beach and make millions of dollars a year buying sports cars and doing ads on on adsense stuff and internet and all of that i sounded like a really old person just throwing the word internet in there but those people make it sound like starting a business let me turn around so you can see me starting a business is sit down the beach and work an hour a day and make millions of dollars there are very few businesses that exist like that and the ones that do there's a reason not everyone's doing it it's because you have to be very very very very good at it most of us aren't so anyways this is what a business is like if you have a business you have a job a lot of people say don't turn your business into a job but that's how it is yes you're going to have portions of the business where you're just supervising telling other people what to do but ultimately if you have a business you have a job that's your job it just replaces a job but you make more money eventually once you get like i've been doing this for about 10 years now almost 10 years i started in about 2012 is when i really started professionally i left my corporate job um so eight years i've been doing this i didn't start making really really really good money until just a couple years ago and uh i was paying off a massive loss too like 150 grand that i lost that took me a few years to pay off as well anyways so that's what a business is like if you have a comment like that go ahead and leave it below because other people can chime in and make fun of you and every time i get a comment it helps my videos anyway so anyways i will see you in the next video hope you enjoyed it that's all that's all i have to say bye
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 28,073
Rating: 4.931284 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: mm0o1uawqq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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