Spring 2021 Warehouse Sale (Part 1) - We sold a few things

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good morning everybody resale rabbit here we are about to open up for our sale this morning it is 7 a.m almost i'm about to do a video on the wisconsin liquidation center page all of this stuff is going to be sold throughout the sale as well as we've got more here in here we've got apparel we've got more stuff through here we've got about 120 pallets of product that's going to be sold throughout this sale i am excited so if you didn't see the setup video that was yes or i don't know yesterday it was the last video let me quick show you what the tables are like so we've got home depot stuff along here mirrors faucets this stuff on the floor more stuff these came from lowe's i paid like a buck 50 or so two bucks each somewhere in that range like at the store more stuff here we've got ottomans purses over here and linens oh i'm just gonna throw these in the back i forgot to bring something to hang them on purses and linens more home depot stuff along here back this way we've got amazon returns both sides of the table we got some meat and cheese pots and pans cell phones just a whole bunch of stuff along here moving down we've got light fixtures and jackets i like the color on this one it's kind of neat we've got shoes garden hoses body pillows whole bunch of stuff so we're getting ready to open here so i am excited 120 pallets of product nine days of warehouse sales starts right now so i'm filling up the register i just loaded up some quarters and i found boy that looks like a silver quarter to me but it's not an old one and it's philadelphia mint it's not even like a silver proof i think those are all san francisco i might need to set aside it if you listen to the two it sounds like silver i'm gonna set it aside if anybody has any insight on whether or not this is silver i'd be curious to know so that might be starting off really well so we're all loaded up here [Music] so so i forgot to move my car so i'm gonna get this to the back of the building in the first 15 minutes we had 300 bucks already so enough of the disposable mask is what i found on one of the palettes oh you really saw a close-up of how i didn't shave this morning uh it's actually a really high quality mask if you're looking for a good mask i like this really soft i don't know how much they cost but i'm sure home depot has them all right it's 8 59 we're about an hour in 3 300 in sales so far i'm liking this start couldn't find on the home depot's website but they're a little over 10 bucks each that's a three pack um there's another one single one for 15. these are milwaukee but they're going to be pretty comparable in price 25 for a three pack it's not on their website maybe it's in the store maybe they discontinued it i don't know so it's 903 we're at 3 400 now this is our the amount we're making per minute i um i i didn't do the math on this one 903 but at 8.59 what was it 3 300 that we're making 56 dollars a minute in here and then here's the categories one pair of shoes seven apparel items 34 light fixtures and about 300 of everything else i don't think we have any more categories in this cell i think it's just those four right now it is 9 58 and i'm waiting for the page to load we are at 5180 so that's two hours in if that follows we'll do 20 grand today i don't think that will but i think today might end up being a record day in the 15 area i'm really happy with that i've got about just rough estimate 35 to 40 thousand dollars invested in this sale so doing what would that be one eighth in the first two hours very happy about that 1204 pm we are halfway past or four minutes past now five minutes past the halfway point of the day 8 600 bucks so it's still looking really good however we're no longer maintaining 2500 per hour we only did about 1600 last hour so we'll probably be in that 15 000 range i'm doing a bank run one thing that i do for some sort of security is i do my bank runs at random points of the day i don't want to be walking out at 4 15 after we close with a ton of money in my pocket because that's when a thief is probably going to be waiting at the end of the day so i'll do it random times throughout the day usually when i get hungry or something it might be like 10 a.m it might be 2 p.m just sometime throughout the day and the bank is like literally right down the road so sometimes i'll do multiple times a day nice little security thing so i'm going to go do that we have four hours left all right we are all done for the day day one is in the books i have reorganized this run of tables mostly did this row of tables we brought these out late in the sale i've got displays here and people still don't believe me that that's what's in them so um over here we've got more stuff let me show you a demonstration of what my customers do oh look at this i can see exactly what this is based on the picture and the fact that the thing is clear let me rip it open oh i don't know if i like these underwear all right i don't want them that's actually what they do i'm amazed at how many things get open all right so anyways surprised these didn't sell 17 was the clearance price we were at 10 but i'm sure they'll eventually sell i also reset this some of the stuff i just brought out after we closed uh we did sell a few of these socks i have a doubt we sold any of these this stack doesn't look any lower than before uh these i picked up at lowe's for like two bucks each on their clearance uh what else we actually did sell a reasonable amount of the toastmasters i need to do a little organizing here we did bring out some light bulbs some of the nicer ones from home depot for tomorrow uh what else these didn't sell i i mean i didn't go and do the register at all today so i don't know maybe we sold a couple but the bulk of them are still there uh amazon table got thrashed i actually put these here because i needed the space for that and this is after we closed but beyond that i didn't really touch this table emptying this stuff out we got this got pretty beat up these also purchased at lowe's on clearance i don't know what i paid though um what else looks like we sold a few of these it's probably not a crazy amount but a few brought these out they even vibrate um i don't know if we sold any of them uh these came out after we closed all of the cell phones sold almost right away so i wonder if they even read this my morning video i even explicitly said that that we don't know and explained oh the trump buck of insults didn't sell not surprising the three bucks at the store uh didn't sell any bubble wrap lights we sold a decent amount a lot of them were just ripped open and we pulled those in the back because i don't want people to look at these and think their returns um oh forgot to do that one jackets really surprised we did not sell a lot of these jackets uh clothing not a whole lot shoes i think we sold like 10 12 pairs but i wasn't expecting a whole lot in this so this is another one where people is this one of these yes it is well that one am i just falling out of the box most of these boxes are rubber banded shut but people will take the shoes out of the box and just leave them outside of the box somewhere and i've got a mess to clean up took care of that late in the sale uh pillows so these pillows i bought a pallet of these for 80 bucks and i guarantee you i sold more than eight we're not really keeping track but we went through two cases of them and that's how much is in the case so how many two four six eight eight so i probably already doubled my money on it and then the third case is out here these they're moving they're not flying out the door but they're moving i just put these puma socks out a minute ago all right i'm amazed we still have people commenting on the post saying that's all junk it just amazes me all right transactions that's not what i want i want reports sales and here is where we're at today maybe one day it will load this video is just enthralling isn't it there we go all right twelve thousand six hundred and seventy four dollars today uh looks like mostly card transactions 235 in credit card fees uh net total is 13 1 that's with sales tax that's the total collected uh we sold 860 worth of light fixtures uh 19 apparel 12 shoes is that what i said earlier because that was just a total shot in the dark i knew it wasn't many custom amount 14 i don't know what that would have been um let's see yeah 14 would be weird maybe it was two items that had seven dollar tags on them or something um because no that's well one custom amount doesn't differentiate the number of items in it so that's probably it so solid day i don't know what our highest or i know our highest sales day ever was like 14 13 somewhere in that range this might be a contender for our second highest sales day ever it definitely slowed down later in the day the first half of the day we were flying through the first three hours we were maintaining that 2 500 per hour the fourth hour which put us at the halfway point of the day it was like 1600 and then after that it just really dropped and i think it's because a lot of the best stuff was just was gone uh sold and then a little surprised these didn't sell i think i paid seven each for them i might be wrong there might have been like two or three anyways that and then we were starting to keep tables maintained we did a much better job than we have in past sales but obviously we were still lacking in that department but um excited for tomorrow a little nervous about tomorrow because we don't have we had this pallet here designated for seven dollar day uh most of it was these but i put just about all of it out and um yeah we're gonna clear out tomorrow so i do still have let's take a walk in the back we can obviously pull from this and whatnot looks like people are setting stuff up there we'll be good on light fixtures but back here we still have two pallets for ten dollar day here that we've been working through i've been pulling stuff out with this one and this one yet so we'll be we'll be good on the home depot stuff what i'm gonna do is just filling that cart and bringing a bunch of stuff out uh in the back we still have a good stack of these this thing is amazing to have let me show you in action [Music] [Music] you saw that little wiggle there we still haven't anchored it to the floor yet and it likes to do this they get caught in the i gotta pull those out too it does that but overall and it doesn't fit the big boxes that might fit but like these don't fit but overall i'm still very happy with the purchase because it saves us from having to break down most of the boxes as you saw it didn't go i mean when it starts it goes down like all the way down there once it's about level here when it's pushing down that's about when it's full and we want to empty it out might end up emptying up tomorrow maybe saturday who knows depends how many boxes we go through so i'm gonna go home and get some food still after five oh hold on oh this is probably fake i just got a text message here it says security alert you paid 2 609 against lg four-door smart refrigerator at amazon has an order id date if this is not you please contact and gives me a number i'd be willing to bet this is not amazon it's not gonna be my credit card company because um my credit card company is gonna know what the item is but let me just double check my amazon account maybe i'll google this number to see if it's real nope there's my only purchase in the last 30 days and i googled the number and i couldn't get anything to come up i googled both the number they gave me and the number they texted from i'm gonna guess this is fake so i'll probably just check my credit cards and whatnot to be safe anyways i'm starving i'm hungry i'm resell rabbit i'm going home i'm gonna go get some food and uh we'll finish setting up in the morning definitely solid day hoping for another 10k plus day tomorrow but tomorrow and maybe the day after are the two least likely to do that so i will see you in a moment all right it's almost 7 a.m it is friday uh i got here about 4 30 5 o'clock we're resetting i'm basically done i'll reorganize this a little bit i decided we had these out yesterday but they had a bunch of dividers in i decided to just take the dividers out these are retail displays or testers but they're still new they just have that annoying thing on the bottom uh found some of these put them out the puma socks i think i might have showed you this last night um so what did i do this morning well for starters i loaded up the light fixtures some more we would probably still get more out but it's getting to that time so we'll see this time in a little bit to finish up um over here we're at this toilet paper what five bucks maybe i have to put that back i wrote on the box it retails 10. so that's interesting maybe i'll just pull that little part off is that the only part that says five yeah maybe i'll just cut that part off would that be sketchy uh put these out uh some hats that's pretty much but i put these these had two dollar clearance stickers on them i think they're worth seven by the way that's today's price point seven these have been moving pretty well uh randomly found those in the back from like the february sale or something a lot no it was after coven started so the uh august sale maybe uh organized this so this yeah i went through this whole place i suppose i didn't go through that but other than that i went through this whole place didn't find the pan for that so i think someone bought it without the lid because somebody else moved the lid but we really sold through a lot of this amazon stuff yesterday because we added stuff and these tables were really loaded up i'm really surprised the retron didn't sell i might have to emphasize that in this next video over here mostly how it looked last night when i left i could really fill in that little section a little bit but i'm gonna spend most of the day in the back today working on um going through those dollar general pallets i think that's gonna be the plan for me um it's interesting i thought these were bigger i thought they were like bigger than that even i guess not um so that's pretty much it i pulled these out found these the other day or yesterday late in the sale those were supposed to go out yesterday and then this is all pretty much how you saw it before i do still need to kind of touch this area up move these shoes just kind of organize it a little bit it doesn't need to be perfect but it's almost seven so there's this 11 gray right there so i am going to okay so i need to put signs up these i also need to update this sign and now that i think of it i might have actually done this one already and i'm not sure why nope i didn't so i have to update these two signs as well as all of the everything signs and fill the cash register update the cash register so items come up as seven instead of ten and then at seven o'clock which i'm gonna do right after i'm done filming this i'm gonna do the live video for the public to see what's out and and we don't open till eight so after the video that's when i can start doing signage and stuff so anyways that's where we're at so two quick things i decided against ripping the packaging off the toilet paper we'll just hold it for a cheaper day and also there's eight people outside so we got a little bit of a line i counted when i was putting the sign out i opened the big garage door i pulled the sign up to bring it to the road and uh it always gets people's hopes up thinking we're opening early in the place of the toilet paper i found some random toys i also found over here fill this in a little bit more with these bowling sets a couple more on the ground and then back here right where i just was fishing sets all right a little behind where an hour and 16 minutes in so i don't have the hour number i was making a cardboard bale and i think my my wire is too thin because one's snapped so i have to change my underwear i uh uh we're at 1883 the first hour in uh so that's not bad uh 23 light fixtures 12 apparel six shoes so i should probably check shoes make sure i don't need to restock anything then 228 of everything else um about an even mixed cash and card where's the number of items we get the number of transactions let's see if it's in here uh oh it's february switch to i want specifically today here we go today we sold well it doesn't say the number of items in here either uh summary display by filter uh item sales that might be it 269 items so we're about on par with yesterday uh we did 2500 oh no i think we were like 3 000 or something the first hour um so we're pretty close but 183 bucks so far here's a quick little tip this is not a special display box it's just the shipping carton i just cut it into a display box make it easier to stock it sucks trying to call square so suddenly i can't log in i know it's the right password it won't let me log in so i did the reset password and it's not sending me the email and i use the you know email address that i have on file i got no emails about it so i'm getting nervous that someone got into my account and might be transferring the what eight thousand dollars in there to their account really nervous so to contact support you need to let's get this chat bot where it could see the right place and it runs you through okay try resetting your password did that work no try doing this do that work no so i'm trying to get to a support representative and they've got something where they can call me except it said they will try to call me within 24 hours this is something that needs to happen now so i finally was able to find just by googling a phone number for square and now i'm on hold they said about 20 minutes the automated thing i'm really nervous right now that they changed the email and password i don't have any emails that say the email and or password has been changed but hopefully it hasn't so i just tried to do the forgot my email to see if they change the email but then this came up so they're having issues right now with login uh let's see what it says phone support is downgraded well yeah point of sale is down created website is downgraded unsolved incident login error message so that's the issue right now hopefully it doesn't knock the pos down but since we're already logged in we might be okay so i found a new mask just call me mr claus all right so we did kind of run low on inventory today um had a decent day still like it wasn't a terrible day i don't know the exact total but i still can't believe these are still here so if you look over here look at all this open space all that open space i've been organizing them so i reorganized these tables and condensing stuff down we've got a little bit of extra space over here i need to work on shoes yet too but the idea is this run of tables because we're going to even have more inventory issues on tomorrow six dollar day i'm going to get rid of all these tape tables and put clothes racks out so that should help solve that problem so i should have no problem condensing all of this over there and that's probably all i'm going to do tonight so we finished i think this is updated 8 841 which puts our total at 21 520 for solid day now i'll give you a quick tour i got to get going move these onto a regular rack we put a table here three closed racks we could fit something shorter there um but we're not going to fit on another one of these racks mostly crisper and bank stuff i still have to keep reloading i've got the last three or four hours of sales cash sales to bring to the bank so i have to go now so i don't know if i'm coming back if i do i'll show you more let me show you something tim came up with this closed rack we keep here we're not stocking from this it's here so people don't see the bathroom because i've had a store with a public bathroom people trash it i have found the grossest things ever that you couldn't imagine in there so we don't want people to use our bathroom we make some exceptions but typically no and i also printed these tonight just in case my computer decides it wants to do an update tomorrow this is it for the bowls i do have another palette maybe three rows high but it's way up on the racks and i can't really get to it now so we probably will save that for another sale and then these boxes are it for the plates so i printed one of these at six dollars a case and i printed another one that's just bowls for six dollars a case for after those sell out so close racks got a little bit of space to fill in here um otherwise i think we're full tomorrow i already started organizing this tomorrow i need to do this and this and that probably brings some more out i need to fill this space in um fill in more light fixtures tomorrow is the last day well i shouldn't say today was the last day we're bringing out new lights we do have a cart full of lights right behind the gate over there that we're gonna bring out but then we're done stocking lights so we'll might sell it tomorrow or come close i need to do shoes which restock that and i think that's really about it uh what else i need to do this which mostly isn't too bad because we've got bins uh but i need to take care of that uh this is full people keep opening the lights so i'm pulling them and kind of hiding them so they don't think the lights are returns because they're not returns and that's pretty much it now i've got these end cap racks here where i can put there on each side i can put hangers and hang stuff on them i would like to do that um don't know what i'm going to put on them but that's something i can do tomorrow this is a nice wide space so another option could be putting something here maybe a small table or perhaps even one of those shorter racks and that's pretty much it for tomorrow morning i think i'm more caught up today than i was last night and i'm leaving at about the same time so i'm good with it surprise i wonder if there's something wrong with this because this was 50 bucks in the store it hasn't sold yet i don't know i might have to look at it for myself uh what else this vent i'm surprised didn't sell that can't be cheap i was out since day one we've got one of these mailboxes left and i think i almost wonder if being up there made it hard to see uh what else why is there a random cabinet door in here i don't know i think this might have been one of their display ones maybe i have no idea probably should pull that and bring it back out on a later date so anyways that's it i think i'll be set up pretty well tomorrow now as far as stocking what i was doing today was going through the dollar general stuff and i found some odds and ends like some of these diapers these hats more of those tonka things what else well it doesn't really matter i was finding stuff and i was bringing it out tomorrow i should be able to do that again um but i mean this i only got so much stuff out so oh he filled that out i like leaving these to where it looks like several are gone so people think oh someone's already grabbing them they must be a good deal not neat and clean like that so i might have to move a couple of those anyways i can only do that so much tomorrow um and i don't know where else i was going with that oh so it's gonna be tough to see it will be able to keep tables stocked so these things uh we must have found one late or something a little old lady bought all of them she filled her cart and i found two more and gave them to her and her husband said she craps a lot except he didn't say crap he said the other word said she craps a lot and i thought for sure she was gonna be embarrassed he was just laughing hysterically and she looks at him and looks at me and goes well he's not wrong so that that was my fun interaction of the day uh these are starting to move i do have more to restock from i'm gonna wait till these clear out a little bit more uh we've got so many this is it for the pants there's a little bit more somewhere i thought i saw maybe not that might have been the one oh no we got a few down there uh what else i think that's about all i had to say i didn't film a lot today because we were a little understaffed um no one called in or anything it's just me and tim and then ben's only part-time he works until one he was able to stay till two today but today was just me and tim justin couldn't make it in today he usually does thursdays and fridays during the sales tomorrow we will have ben is off i just hired him so he can't really suddenly take a weekend and find a place to stash his kids he'll be working weekends in future sales just not this one but we will have eli uh here so he'll be helping out probably running register while me and tim loads stuff up as well as sunday and then i can take a two-day break and nap so anyways that's where i'm gonna leave you today i think i'm gonna this clip alone is almost six minutes long it's gonna be over six anyway anyways um i'm probably gonna split this video up into two sections part one will be these four days there's still going to be more after this but it'll be these first four days part two will be the last five days so uh i guess i'll see you for you a couple of seconds for me tomorrow morning so it is saturday march 13th i actually did something that i don't normally do i posted the setup video this morning i sat down and edited it last night i should probably do something about that corner um normally that doesn't come up until after the sale is over but this time it's during the sale so anyways we got this organized i need to finish adding mirrors here and more stuff here i noticed i was asking selling these by the pallet like three bucks a piece something like that per unit and uh we were selling them i wish i had them out right on 10 day i think because we're having all this plumbing stuff and marketing to that customer they're grabbing these but anyways we've got this end to fill in i just showed you over here this corner apparently i missed it yesterday uh these buckets down below are starting to empty out a little bit so i'll probably add some more of that that's garbage um this i think is fine i came out with the bin and like filled this up yesterday over here i added this this morning as well as these we've got this little area to fill in and then we have to put lights there let me show you the last of the lights that we're putting out we're just putting out what we've pulled so that's going to be this cart right here continuing back this palette and then looks like we've got three sitting here and a couple sitting there worth note this is all i've got left for pillows these are all uh no packaging and then this one has packaging but stains someone spilled makeup on it or something so i'm gonna wait till a lower dollar day but remember i paid 80 bucks for that palette it might have actually been 85 don't quote me on that either it was 80 something um so i paid 80 bucks for the pallet i sold at at least eight of them the first day at least possibly more so i made my money back right there i sold the rest yesterday uh i couldn't really tell you how many pillows see there were four five six i think seven boxes and probably somewhere between eight and twelve pallets per box that sold for most of them for seven bucks and let me pull up my calculator so somewhere between 8 and 12 let's just say 10 10 times what i say there were one two three four five seven boxes that's 70 pillows times seven dollars each it's 490 bucks that does not factor the ones that i sold for 10 but it also doesn't factor the ones that i held back the i don't know eight or ten pillows that are no packaging so um my 450 475 something like that for my 80 pallet that was nice so i was putting this out and it started selling really well at first yesterday and then just stopped this is the um fragrances out of target the display boxes they have that weird little thing on the bottom i put these out i think this was after we closed last night 12.99 retail if you remember i've got like 300 of these i don't know what the exact number is but it's a ton um i was calculating when we when i was going through the target pallets a dollar or two dollars each and how much i was making them well let's try for six today um i redid shoes this morning uh i had to refill that refill that and i think that's it um i'm gonna put this oh if i can grab it on here when i set up i said i own three boxes of those but i found another case i don't know what what happened there um these based on the advice of other uh youtube commenters i decided to put them out and we sold through about a case yesterday this is another case a little under i don't think i'm gonna put any more out we're gonna wait till summer to sell the rest wisconsin badgers uh neck pillow one of those is in phoenix right now because justin one of the guys who works here is in phoenix and he bought one um so these we sold through these i got at lowe's for two dollars and six cents each i got three of these flats or whatever containers looks like they hold five each and there were a couple of extra the first one sold out they some they bought them all then i put the other two out and they didn't sell why i ended up figuring out during this tale yesterday there was a big clearance sticker right there that said 206. so uh that's why no one bought see that's the thing that's why i don't like target shelf pulls because they all have clearance stickers and you might say well you can't get a target now for that price but it just kills the value when someone sees oh this was 30 bucks but it was clearance to 206. spending seven dollars yesterday would be a great deal on this 30 item but oh it was clearance at 206. it's not worth it done so i didn't get any comments saying that but it's just kind of people's state of mind case in point why those are still there uh what else i just saw someone was gonna show you i'm pretty sure someone bought this pan without the lid uh because it's been two days now we haven't found the lid i mean i'm still making the same amount but it's kind of annoying that stuff gets moved around oh here's another thing remember how people keep opening these guess where i found this one of the shades all the way over there so yeah people are garbage i don't care if they pay me money they are garbage that gives them no right to trash my house i will always stand behind this you all sit there and give me crap for saying my customers are trash because what they're paying you money i don't care i don't care at all i will stand up for this for the rest of my life i will shut this whole business down if i have to to stand up for this people are garbage and will trash the place and i don't care how much money they spend i don't care if you come in here and spend ten thousand dollars i would love that but if you trash this place get the heck out that that's just my that's me i will stand for this people are garbage and i don't care what you commenters say down below about how terrible i am by saying my customers are garbage i don't care comment away it shows interaction which boosts me in search results and whatnot so that helps my channel anyways people are garbage all right rant over what's next i've got nine pallets coming probably monday i'm thinking today and tomorrow i should try and clear that out a little bit and all that's really left is like i said the lighting i'm putting more home depot stuff out easy peasy we are swamped sold out of plates and we're just about to sell out of bowls all right so it's 11 o'clock by the way i don't know if i showed you this i didn't even notice it when i grabbed the masks but the dewalt masks have a little attachment so it can go around your head and your ears aren't sore that's the best thing ever i've been wanting to get something like that for a while anyways so we're out of plates we're out of bowls we're out of mirrors i think we're out of a couple other things the christopher and bank stuff is starting to do really well uh you know we sold a few here and there leading up to now but it's doing better what else uh we're almost out of the hickory farms sausage and cheese sets i put the last of them out we do still have the individual sausages and cheese blocks those are probably gonna go out on a cheaper day like three bucks um we're moving through stuff pretty well i'll go i'm gonna sit down in the truck where i can enjoy the nice air because it's a scorcher today i gotta take this sweatshirt off it is supposed to be a high of a 55 so i'll get you some numbers all right let's let it load 5077 and it's 11 06 am so we are three hours in and three hours and six minutes not even halfway through the day yet we may do 10 grand today and that would maintain a 10 000 daily average i just had a text come through so i had to cut that out um we are maintaining we or we could maintain a 10 000 daily average last two days combined data hit that um if we do 10 000 a day that's 80 grand i know we're running nine days there's no way we will ever even come close to that on bag day our best bag day was about 2500 ish but normally it's about a thousand 1200 maybe 1500 that's just the day to get rid of what's left so we don't need to clean up so whoa we're about halfway through the day about 6 500 bucks give or take uh we need like 500 or so and we'll still be maintaining our 10 000 a day fun fact the those pink tubs with the lids first thing that sold this morning someone grabbed them all which is nice because there were more bins than lids which you know we mentioned um but they took the ones even without the lids so i was very happy about that so why does my hat always get crooked i had my first temper tantrum regarding a mask i thought big guy too i thought he was gonna throw a punch he was sitting there yelling and cursing at me yeah that wasn't fun i ended up he finally ended up leaving followed him out the door and uh well he had a medical condition so it's unsafe for him to wear a mask came back in five minutes later with the mask on his first question when i said you know we have to have you wear a mask he says well what about hipaa yeah we're not a medical facility and even if we were i never asked you about a medical condition i just said you have to be in here so everyone has their own opinion but it's mandated so we follow the mandate no mask no exceptions no mask no entry anyways so yeah that was my little adrenaline rush the guy was like popping up his chest at me i thought he was gonna throw a punch and i would not handle that well by the way when i say i wouldn't handle i can pull it down because i'm the one back here when i say i wouldn't handle that well i don't mean i would start a fight or anything like that um i don't know what i would do i know it wouldn't be a fight i've never been a fight my wife probably scream and cry and call the police maybe until he leaves or if he doesn't leave i don't know i've never been punched hopefully it stays that way i don't have a high pain tolerance so this is it for the dinosaurs and we didn't just restock it was a little bit ago so those might be able to go out brought these out um all the 10 home depot pilots are done with the exception of colossal scraps here and i don't know why they thought some of this was 10 bucks but whatever this thing is amazing all these boxes we're saving because they're good boxes but beyond that we get this stack of boxes and that's it so you've seen the previous sales on how many boxes we have in here let's take a walk back here i'll show you the progress i don't think i've showed that in a while so back here if you remember how full everything was we cleared a nice little aisle and i'm kind of refilling it as i'm sorting this is stuff for 10 a day in the next sale these all sold in the first hour on 10 a day and we had probably 25 of them so i'm not putting these out i'm waiting then i found these on a cvs palette those all be worth 10. then we got three two one and christmas and we're working our way through some of this stuff so we are all done for the day i already organized all the tables we're starting to refill things i'll put that around so people don't think it's broken what oh i'm not smart um so cleared up the tables heck of a good day we were really able to keep tables stocked but that's because we mostly put out the five dollar stuff so that's gonna kind of screw us tomorrow these shoes just like to get up and walk away um let's see lights are almost out so we loaded this area with clothing let's go see what our total is because i am a little curious let's see i hate this thing there we go it locks into place it's so you can rotate it for people to sign all right so today a total of i forgot how long this takes to load riveting video great camera work there we go 10 582 dollars and 30 cents which gives us a total of 32 102. it's gonna be a little less because there you go 17 returns um five was me testing it the other what 12 was probably just they forgot to charge or mischarge someone or something like that this still isn't locked in place there now we're good um so 32 so we're still over 10 000 a day this is lined up to be a really good sale it was sunday daylight savings time threw me off so i was running late this morning let me give you a quick tour before we open all right we got tables filled up all sorts of stuff here art supplies from cvs more odds and ends mostly cvs found a palette of these yesterday loaded up with clothing we got eli standing by and we are about ready to go so these cbs palettes have so much of this poster board i think what we're gonna end up doing is just grab a handful for a dollar as much as you can carry um so these are two very large boxes full and then i've got four more boxes maybe five full on the other side of the building um but we're finding stuff like this all of these candles these yankee candles and i didn't realize these were yankee candles but they actually are i thought they were just off-brand these were selling all day long at six bucks yesterday we'll easily we'll probably sell all these at five this cart here alone is 160 bucks every single one of these or just about all of these should sell today and then we've got a ton of these little ones i'm probably going to save them for um wednesday which is three bucks i was looking to see if there's a price on it but once we're out of the big candles i'm still gonna start bringing them out today maybe we'll still move some i mean this got to be close to 300 bucks for the candles just in this box alone and there were a bunch more in other boxes this one had the most though and then we're also getting just a bunch of there was so much of these fancy duct tapes uh just all sorts of other stuff in here these all came off these these giant boxes i'm just kind of putting them into smaller boxes we're going to do really well on these despite having all of this poster board well it's 11 38 and somehow we went through a hundred dollars in singles today not sure how that happened but uh yeah we're almost out of ones so i'm making some signs let's say we need ones so i'm having a day i keep banging my hand on things i cut myself on the baler just on a sharp edge that i didn't even know it had now now the baler's junk needs to be repaired i don't know how you can see how well you can see the door on the right side is a little bit lower on the left that's because something was coming down is hitting on this and it pushed it down quite a ways i don't know how so this is now inoperable until we get someone to come out and look at it so that's gonna be fun i am ready for today to be over someone decided to make their own parking spot here wonderful so this corner is pretty cleared out we got rid of the clothes racks in here don't mind tim's mess um i started one with dollar general stuff that i was finding we got these we've got those and then i don't know if there's any in here yet we got one more rack in here and that's it we're emptied out otherwise on clothing already everything's on the sales floor it's moving pretty fast it's four o'clock i am exhausted well it's actually 4 27 we got rid of the last customers a few minutes ago i did the closing procedure bringing carts sorting and counting the cash loading that up to go home with me um it was a rough day for me and also sales weren't good definitely picked up later in the day but what is there a hair on my face um i'm exhausted here's today's sales 6 435 bucks oh look they're offering me 4 100 bucks even though i do 70 000 in two weeks uh 1800 and almost 1900 an apparel a solid start on apparel let's get the total here we want this month so we had strong days the first three we almost oh you can't see that here's our net sales we yeah there's our net sales there we go here's our net sales 38 000 bucks we had 22 in returns five dollars if that was me testing the system returns usually aren't returns it's usually like we accidentally overcharged somebody or something like that um so we are still i'm gonna pull this up on my calculator here i'll show you my calculator since my arm's getting sore 38516 divided by four days so 9 600 average so those the first and third day being so strong really helped us get there let's see on categories all right so here's the screen but so you can see it i'm gonna get close to this so bag of items we haven't sold any bags of items that was the button that i used to test it so ignore that that was refunded back to me i didn't actually charge myself it was just for testing custom amount 108 bucks this is when something had a weird price on it so we had to manually type it in uh shoes 577 bucks we sold 92 pairs light fixtures 2300 we sold 314 units uh apparel 30 almost 3 900 um very heavy in christopher and bangs i wouldn't be surprised if we already made a profit back on that general merchandise which is everything else 31 600. um and then you can see our strong times i can't see my cursor there we go strong times 9 a.m obviously i don't know what okay oh this shows the each color is a different you can see it right there and it just works its way down but then picks up a little bit a little later in the day it was at about one o'clock so so anyways that's where we are currently i will give you a quick glance of what the tables look like before i go i haven't started really straightening it at all yet so kind of crazy kind of chaotic i don't even know where that bin came from uh clothes you know you can see the hangers get all messed up like that a lot of them you know items will only be hung on one side at least we got these baskets for people to toss the stuff that fell off the hangers we sold through a lot of these shoes um not much else to say uh those that cart full of candles i just look like it doesn't fit there that cart full of candles uh we sold all of them there were none left what else now i know you're seeing candles these are i just draw set the cart out there and i went and got it when it was empty so we didn't sell all of the candles we just sold all of the candles that i had on that cart that i showed you but you can see did we sell any of these hey we sold one of those same price as dollar general this is it for the hickory farms kit over here so here's something that we're doing these wooden hangers i'm bundling them in sixes and selling them just taping them together and we sold a decent amount of them both today and yesterday yesterday i was getting i think someone's trying to get in not realizing we're closed yesterday i was getting a dollar per hanger which some of those clothes cost me like a buck 25 a buck 50. most of them are in that range so um pretty much paid for them this got crazy over here but we moved through a lot of apparel shoes there's some more hangers one thing i don't know if this has one people seem to see that oh maybe it's because there's an s there that's why they think that's 99 cents it's not that's just some sort of inventory code it sure sounded like there was an animal in here or something all right so that is where we're at oh i didn't show you this so i'm going home i'm not doing anything tonight because we are closed the next two days so monday tomorrow i'm gonna come in oh we swapped out this the old pallet with this one too monday i'm gonna come in and uh get everything organized and i'll probably spend all day monday doing it just so it's in really really nice can really nicely organized and everything you can tell i'm exhausted so this is where i will end this video i will see you in the next video for the second half of the sale that's probably going to start in about a week or so because we'll we're not doing it yet we haven't done it yet this video is uploaded during that break so apparently i'm not hearing things what i thought was first someone trying to get in the door and then a critter in that closet i already brought in so i can't show you but somebody left a cart by the door i guess they were someone one of the last customers must have bought what they wanted hauled their cart out and we locked the door too soon so glad i saw that on my way out because then it would have been out all night i'm sure it'd still be there tomorrow anyways all right bye you
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 26,554
Rating: 4.9235296 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: ek7oRiUb0nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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