Storage Auction - This is the Most Expensive Storage Unit I've Ever Bought - $2255!

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what's going on everybody resell rabbit here it is still february 1st you saw the other video from today cleaning out the firefighter unit this is the other storage unit i bought i spent 20 let me do some math here because i am so bad at doing math on the spot 2505 was my total spend minus 250 so it's 22.55 is what i spent on this quick little note i'm sitting in traffic on the way here and all of a sudden i see police cars flying up behind me as i'm sitting at a light with their lights on then they turn behind me further back and then i see another one coming towards me from in front and turned in front of me as i pull around the corner there's like five more apparently the gas station that i was sitting right next to it just got robbed so that's fun anyways so this unit i was planning on buying in advance um i brought five grand with me to buy this unit because i was told they actually called me direct and said hey you might want this one there's a forklift in this unit and pallets of product he said it looks like they were trying to start a business similar to yours so i thought yes i will buy this one i'm a little bummed out because right before the unit right before this i bet it up to 1800 and that's when i dropped out and i wish i would have kept going it was shock full of fishing stuff like so much fishing stuff and fishing stuff sells really well um there was a gun safe in there that was probably empty but still the safe is probably worth a couple hundred bucks and it was full but i didn't want to spend it i would have brought it up to 2500 but i didn't want to spend too much because i needed to make sure i had cash for this unit unfortunately well fortunately i guess this unit went cheap and i should have bought the other one but oh well it happens better safe than sorry so this is a big unit and whoever has the unit two doors over is here so i'm probably not going to do a ton of talking in there but i'll show you what it looks like look how big these units are for reference those are normal units so it's quite a bit taller it's the one on the end there let's go and take a look i actually haven't touched a single thing in there i quick locked the door i forgot to bring my lock so i'd run to the truck grab locks and lock it up and then race to the next unit that was going up for sale so i haven't touched a single thing in this unit yet i barely even looked inside so this should be interesting i'm not cleaning it out today i did bring the trailer just in case there's something i want to grab but um i'm probably gonna be renting this one because the forklift is probably gonna need some work before we can move it for reference a forklift isn't something you can just throw in your snowmobile trailer or car hauler these things are like 10 000 pounds and i'm not exaggerating my forklift is like 900 or 90. what was it 9500 9050 something like that you need basically a wrecker a flatbed that picks up cars you need something like that to move it and to get it on there probably needs to run odds are there are no keys for it so we're automatically gonna have to replace the ignition and hopefully it runs otherwise sounds like the guy was using it so it probably won't take much to get it going maybe we'll get lucky and find the keys in it maybe i'll drive it over tower drive bridge to get to uh the warehouse going 10 miles an hour probably not going to do that anyways um it's also leaking what looks like antifreeze shouldn't be a problem to get it going now this unit does have electricity so we can throw a torpedo heater in there and do some work on it uh to get it at least operable so we can get out of truck and get it to the warehouse in running condition now i'll show you in a minute it's got the long forks it looks like there are extra standard size forks too it's a bigger one and it looks like it's gas powered so it might be a more valuable forklift running condition i'm thinking i could probably sell for about five thousand so double my money just on the forklift if we can get it running if it's got a cracked head or has a major issue then a couple hundred bucks maybe but i should still do all right on the rest let's go look so i just pulled this grille out so i can get into it all right so no key unless it's hiding somewhere in here it is rated for six thousand pounds uh see the total weight of the unit is a ten thousand six hundred pounds um there was that looks like antifreeze coming off i think it's a gas powered too diesel-powered um so you can see this unit goes really far back right up in the front we've got a pallet it looks like customer returns although there's a box of sports cards in it maybe something i honestly don't know we've got some tools it doesn't look like anything too valuable well they must be getting some target oh this looks like a handy little tool uh we got so we got some dewalt stuff there i just saw back here yeah that's got like kitchen stuff it looks like more hand tools there's this stroller who knows what we'll find in here see it's tough to tell if you went through this or this is just kind of as it comes um fisher price thing so moving back we've got a big toolbox here just some hand tools nothing special um a piece of furniture looks like there's just so much like this is a big unit some baltimore ravens towels oh i just sold one of these on ebay for 30 bucks we got a bike uh what is this pressure washer looks like some more bulk inventory back there some patio furniture what in the world is this a pallet of crystal candle sticks so this must be like gift shop decor type stuff and these look like he probably hasn't touched them there's a pallet of dishes like dish related stuff looks like it might at the very least the top is all these pitchers so i mean i mean these two pallets i could probably get a thousand bucks for combined we got some dishes up here lamps that's an empty laptop box this looks like just some bags some junk um we've got another pallet untouched here can't tell maybe shoes more dishes maybe frosted clear might be more dishes oh these are heavy there's definitely stuff in there some sort of cake dish or whatever oh let's see this bedding so i mean lots of great stuff for the warehouse sale in here oh we've got another this looks like a brand new bike i don't know bikes i don't know if this is a good one or not there's the logo there you go ocean side this for all i know could be a cheap walmart bike i have no idea handcrafted hand crank ice cream maker that's probably what's in here here we've got a pallet looks like glassware some more large furniture type stuff um what is this shelves maybe i don't know that looks like used pre-owned stuff probably kept some of his own stuff in here a beautiful mattress punching bag so this oh we got a window ac unit yoga mat oh i think that's an anti-fatigue mat this looks like more used stuff probably just own personal storage a couple of pallets here but if you look at the forks maybe they're not long forks you come out to here so these might actually be standard forks on it just tough to say but then right out the door here we got another set of forks so i think we'll do pretty well with this unit let me tool around here oh it's got a cup holder on here fancy see if maybe there's keys to this somewhere um otherwise that's going to need to be replaced and i don't know how labor intensive that is i don't think that's going to be too bad yeah i don't think there's going to be keys in here how many hours are on this thing i can't see at this angle is that 954 or is it wow so not a lot of hours on it the key is going to be the big part the key will be finding the key seeing if we can get this thing going i know in my forklift the key the ignition isn't hard to replace so i can't imagine it's gonna be too bad on here probably have to open this up and then it probably just pops out of there it's not like a car it's much simpler i'm thinking i'm gonna dig through these toolboxes a little bit and see if the keys might be in there that would probably be the big place to look it does have a light switch no keys sitting on top of it but the lights aren't turning on so i don't know if there's power here if they did have the power shut off i'm sure i could ask them to turn it on for me we need electricity to uh do a little bit of work to this thing fuses i'm assuming i'm just kind of looking around to see if the keys are hooked on it somewhere okay so that means the battery has a charge still sitting out in this cold it's a good sign that's not gonna open just by pulling it so if the battery has a charge that means we should be pretty good you never know maybe he just overfilled something that's what that leak is he's got the oversized tires which look to be yeah maybe they need to be replaced but that's i won't replace them so i guess ultimately we're just hoping we find the key um that's pretty much it if we find the key i can call a wrecker and have this brought to the warehouse rather quickly so i looked this up it's just a walmart bike 218 bucks at walmart but bikes are pretty hard to find i might say this since it is new until spring maybe i can get 200 bucks for it you know i dug through a few boxes found some odds and ends nothing too exciting i didn't really dig through these boxes a whole lot yeah just clothing probably just his personal stuff i mean these pallets there's one two three four pallets here that practically untouched i could probably get a decent amount for them let's see if there's any info on this paper here so these are bed bath and beyond pallets in mar is the um the company that handled it worth note that's the company that owns smart lots if you remember they did a sponsored video for me um i'm not seeing really any information on the buyer or shipping or anything looks like they paid 411 for freight well that says truckload so i don't think that's it oh this is this is going to inmar so this is the slip that would have been on it when the supplier received it uh this i think is just says what's on it there's another one here our tv return to vendor not a lot of information there's another one on here looks like it's just a packing slip or a manifest see i'm trying to find let's take more pictures i'm trying to find the info on the person who owned this because you know if i offered him 200 bucks for the key i'm sure he would happily do that unless he wants to stick it to me um because that key is worthless to him and it'll save me some money and hassle on working on working on the uh the forklift what's the date on this expired so it looks like he probably hasn't touched this stuff in a while you know you pretty much never see um stuff come on palace that is three years expired at the very least this palette or this box probably hasn't been touched for a while i'm just going to throw on these away yeah expired almost almost four years ago we have up here just more odds and ends uh silver polish there's some coffee there i think pretty much any consumables i'm just gonna throw away because you never know how they were stored in here and whatnot oh let's see we get some drapes cover for a what you call it a stroller here we've got a lamp this says damaged no box so some more that tableware looks like some sort of cover or um not a copper like a mattress pad uh foot bath down there i think i pretty much saw all there is to see for the most part so this box looks like a lot of bedding and stuff some of it brand name you know probably also from bed bath and beyond so this box was on top of it i just showed you this one looks like all clothing i bet this is clothing out of bed bath and beyond any tags don't see any tags on that well this one has the buttons attached well i'm not seeing any tags on this either there's a tag uh well kind of a tag i'm thinking he had this stuff in garage sales i think that was his price on it which is a shame because i think that is going to leave a residue maybe not here we've got some coveralls insulated coveralls and let's see a price tag on this so maybe it's a mix you know here's something this puma jacket has that tag there it doesn't have the original price but might be a decent amount of new stuff in here as well um so i'm really going to need to rethink every box i think i already went through this every box that has clothing we're really going to want to look through to see if it's you know just this guy's personal stuff or if it's you know like liquidated merchandise even stuff like this looks used but maybe not that one definitely looks used oh yeah i'm sure he was i mean if he's a reseller i'm sure he was buying some of the thrift stores and garage sales too and flipping it so there's probably going to be some used stuff here we've got looks like a sweeper elevated toilet seat probably a fan oh wow four slot toaster with is probably like an egg or something [Music] more bed bath and beyond type stuff dishes linens i think there's gonna be some good stuff in here um i i don't see how i can lose money on this one you know every box has more stuff i don't know if this is his office supplies if it came on a pallet but i mean this has to be i don't know pressure washers it's a honda it's got to be a good brand this must be at least 200 bucks we should have no problem getting 100 for the bike this one is a used bike but you know maybe 20 30 bucks ac unit 50 to 100 this once it gets warm the tools there's got to be three four hundred and tools here i mean it's older stuff but it is still dewalt in milwaukee maybe i overestimated that a little bit um look there's even a dyson it's a toy um you know just random stuff in here you have stuff like this warehouse so i'll probably get three four bucks for it it's got a red tag target switched to yellow quite a while ago so um you know stuff like this all of the the glassware in the back you know at least 500 bucks a skid that stroller looks pretty nice might be new you know maybe a hundred bucks for that if it's used maybe 30. um yeah i mean just stuff like that let me zoom you in a little bit here it's either blank oh it's a mattress pad that's 20 30 bucks so the forklift is what really determines what we make on it and it's gonna be a real pain to clear this out before i get the forklift out so i may just leave it until then so a buddy of mine was here he drove past and saw me and he found this 100 camera oh and a loaded gun so that'll be fun so not as exciting this thing feels like a gun it looks like a gun it's got the weight of a gun but it's not a gun oh if i can get this open apparently i can't do this with one hand it definitely needs to be oiled but hold on so first off these are the bullets and you know that was my first red flag this does not even look like a blank i thought maybe it's a starter pistol or something because the other thing we saw the barrels closed off and it says made in japan we looked it up it's a like a prop gun like they'd use in a movie or something everything feels looks just like a gun you know it's it's basically a gun but it's not a gun i looked it up there's a symbol on the snub nose it's a little bit shorter is selling for about 550 bucks so i don't know maybe i can get about 500 bucks for it and then this camera good hundred bucks all day long um what else oh i found something else exciting over here well there's this this is a whole bunch of drawers i think it's for cigars that's my guess and where did i put the other thing i set it down somewhere no i don't know where i said it i might not be able to show it to you oh climb over this stuff well it was a zune it was in the box the box is pretty roughed up but uh zooms have a decent following for those of you who don't i don't know where i put that thing for those of you who don't know a zune is like an ipod but uh made by microsoft not as uh it wasn't popular at the time but it does have a following should be i don't know 100 bucks or so i don't know where i set that now but it's around here somewhere um those are the three exciting finds i think that might be where i leave you i have no idea where i put that maybe you see it on the video and you're screaming hey rappers right over there i don't know so anyways that's what i'm going to leave you hope you enjoyed the video and uh if i find anything else maybe i'll update you on another video i'm sure i'll find more and you're probably gonna see a lot of that dishes and glasses and stuff in our next warehouse sale video so that's all i got bye so quick update is the next day i bought an ignition ordered it and actually the key worked for it uh so i didn't even need to swap out the ignition here same key you can see there's not really anything special to it um pulled it out it was running well it actually didn't start i had to go get jumper cables and i jump started it and it seemed to be running good then i lifted it up i was gonna take some pictures to sell and that fell off so i was able it was just hanging like that i lowered it back down and it was up to about here so me being the genius that i am i tried to lift it back on the whole thing just collapsed and i am very thankful that didn't land on me because there might not be any more resale rabbit videos if that happened but also the engine died so it's not starting and it's outside so i've got a company coming out to take a look at it hopefully it's not too expensive and hopefully we can get it back up and going we're probably not gonna be able to fix that without another forklift but if we can at least get it moving then we can either just shove it back in here or have it towed to the warehouse or we can do most of the work um shame there weren't jumper cables in here i had to go buy some but hopefully you know i'm at a storage facility i can't just leave this outside hopefully we can get it going fairly fairly easily but uh you know she started up she was running nice for a little bit the battery is under here let me pop this open and i'll show you what that looks like under here so uh yeah hopefully there aren't any major issues it does have gas it's low on gas but there is gas in there so that could be the issue too but i doubt it so anyways that's where we're at right now so i've got two techs working on the forks of the forklift over there they sent me to go get about five gallons of diesel because they can't carry it in their vans so went to a gas station they told me you know any gas station sells diesel should sell the cans went to a gas station they don't sell the cans so i went down the road to an auto parts store also doesn't sell gas cans so now i guess i'm going back to harbor freight hopefully they're still working on that those forks when i get back because first of all they like had to pull some strings just to get somebody out there so obviously their day's pretty busy i don't want them waiting around but also um advance autozone no i'll go to harbor freight also i'm building i'm being built by the hour as they're sitting there so if they're just waiting around for me to get gas that's you know gonna be costly i'm sure two tacks aren't cheap so hopefully harbor freight has gas cans and then i still need to swing by a gas station and fill it up this is turning into a a lot longer than i was planning [Music] hold on all right it's the next day we're back i grabbed some tools and my new diesel can as well as some other tools and more tools i'll bring those back today i've got a tow man on his way here to pick this up i better take this out my fly out on the freeway so he's gonna pick this up and i'm going to have him grab the forks too i was going to throw them in the back of the truck but holy crap are those heavy the grill you remember there's a grill in there um i brought that home yesterday or not home i brought to the warehouse yesterday because i couldn't fit it back in there um i guess i did bring it home too i was too lazy to get it out of the truck so i just left it in the truck all day and night but um so that's actually going to clear up quite a bit of this unit here the forks are actually they don't fit this so i don't know why they this person had them however the forklift text looked at them they said this is a good brand cascade and he said he's going to measure them to tell me what class they are i guess there are four different classes of forks that will make it a little easier for me to sell and then once this gets stuff falling off the building here once this gets dropped off at the warehouse in a little bit the attacks will come back out and get back to work on it they put a chain on here to keep the mast up so it's off the ground hopefully it's off the ground enough and it should be but that way it's off the ground um and it can be towed and he did say that that was an osha approved way to do that so i'm just kind of taking their word on that but we should have this up and running by the end of the day and then we'll get it listed for sale at least that's the plan um they were also saying i was thinking three to four thousand they were saying that i may have i may be under pricing a little bit because diesel forklifts are um kind of the i think you call it the upper echelon of forklift so maybe i can get more who knows anyways that's where we're at now just waiting on the tow man to come he said around 11 he will be here and it is 10 53 so that's gonna be a little bit yet um and that's it i thought you know i was halfway here and i thought man i should have just brought the trailer i could have loaded some more stuff up but it's not that big of a deal i'm gonna want a box truck anyways because i've got pallets that are wrapped here and everything it's gonna be easier than using a trailer i think i'm blocking the next space over i'm gonna have to move the truck both sides [Music] and he's all loaded up i don't know if you can see him pulling out back there um bring it to the warehouse seemed pretty easy the chain fell off that's holding the mast up uh when it hit the angle uh to get it on the back of the truck it pushed the the mast up a little bit which you know the tension was lost and the chain fell off so um that'll be fun but shouldn't be too big of a deal we should be able to uh just use the other forklift to lift those up a little bit and reattach the chain if it's in the way to unload and we're at the warehouse and the forklift has arrived [Music] so you
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 17,253
Rating: 4.961278 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: PwU3N8a8KD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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