Why I'm not thrifting on Amazon anymore - Suspended?!?

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I got this on my first truckload I think it's hilarious it's it's on display in my office so live video that title holy crap a lot of you are probably surprised by that title but I am gonna wait for a few people to come in to the live feed before I start talking about it so I might as well show you around a couple of cool things in my office I got this guy taxidermy cost me like two hundred bucks a couple of months ago a little longer he's trying to get the peanut butter jar how funny is that and my recent purchase I bought out a whole bunch of crap from a news channel that is upgrading their systems and I kept this little memento for myself this thing is cool it's worth you know parting it out like 600 bucks the lens comes off a couple other things someone says say the word you'll burn Amazon down don't burn Amazon down just yet I am not done on Amazon Dora that's not a click Beatty title so holy crap forty-four viewers already so I guess I will get into it on June 13th well let's let's move back a little bit I was actually waiting to announce this I've got ten twelve videos that I filmed that involves selling on Amazon and I wanted to get those posted before I announced this that way it doesn't confuse people so any future videos you guys watch that have me selling thrifted items on Amazon they were in the past so on June 13th of this year that was what a month and a half ago I got a dreaded email you all remember the video where I got the Virtual Boy and a ton of other brand new items including some home security products someone actually commented on my video saying be careful with those home security products I believe it was Sabre secure home security was the company they said be careful with those home security products they will give you an IP claim so that night I decided to I was a couple days later I had already sent them in and I decided to go and check on the the product and I had gotten an email from Sabre basically saying don't sell this stuff so of course I was gonna take the risk I went in and I responded through the email saying alright we've pulled it all don't worry we're not gonna sell it that's the gist of it we hadn't sold any yet but I logged in to actually go pull the products and I saw performance notification it said you have been suspended on Amazon holy crap I like drop my phone I had to go outside and get some fresh air it was is that dreaded email that none of us want to hear and the reason I'm here telling you about this and I actually filmed the whole process from the very moment that I found out I got suspended I filmed the whole process of getting reinstated and everything that I was doing and I'm not done filming it but when I'm done filming it I'll post that see you guys can see but what they basically says you have 17 excuse me 17 days to file an appeal so of course I started working on that first thing I had two IP claims in five years of Sally on Amazon or six years I don't remember what the exact day star was but I had two IP claims and both of those came in the last few months one in February for a company called pet safe which never responded to emails and then another one about a week before my suspension a company called azar displays they do like retail fixtures and whatnot they agreed to drop their their their IP claim I told him you know I'm not gonna sell the product anymore and they dropped it well apparently that wasn't enough that dreaded banhammer came down and suspended me so after about a week trying to figure stuff out I found out that I had five IP claims three of them Amazon never notified me about keep that in mind Amazon will not necessarily notify you if you I pee claim one is from Apple they're a heavy hitter another one was from vindicated marketing was the name of the company now I still to this day have no idea what that company is I've done a ton of research I've contacted the brand multiple times of contacted Amazon multiple times they've never given me a Nason they've never told me anything about this company and when I searched the company name it basically sounds like a company that will bring your products to Amazon for you but it won't say what the products are that they carry so I still don't know what that's about and the third one was what was the third one I don't remember it was another smaller company oh it was works it was posi tech was the name of the company works the company that makes well I was selling batteries and charges for weed eaters and leaf blowers and stuff wor X is the brand that I was selling I was owned by posi tech now they dropped the IP claim right away Apple sounded like they were gonna drop it and then they just never responded again PetSafe after six months and five emails they finally responded back after I sent them a whole bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo which I'm gonna talk a lot more about this in the other video but they dropped it but I still have two IP claims but this is someone's very important for you guys to know Amazon will not necessarily tell you if you've had an IP claim so you could have multiple IP claims on your account and not even know about it very dangerous so I managed to get reinstated after 17 days I filed my appeal still having some IP claims and they rejected it so I took a few other steps to get approved and I'm going to talk more about that in the other video I want to keep this one short we're already at 6 minutes anyways I got reinstated on Amazon after about a month I removed every piece of inventory that I have in stock on Amazon the end is near and I've been saying this in the green room for months now since last winter that Amazon has made it pretty clear they don't want third-party sellers who are not authorized by the brand to sell a lot of people misunderstand this a lot of people think I'm saying Amazon doesn't want party sellers they've made it very clear with a lot of things between IP claims between their new brand registry which is I don't know a few months old now six months older so it's tougher to get reimbursements it's tougher to get feedback removed they are becoming a real pain to deal with lots of products getting restricted I think the future of Amazon is not going to be retail arbitrage is not going to be thrifting it's not going to be liquidation it is going to be either private label where you are of the brand or wholesale where you're buying direct from the manufacturer and you are authorized to sell that product on Amazon that way you really can't get IP claims if you do you tell Amazon hey look I'm buying this from the manufacturer it's legitimate and Amazon won't accept that so what I decided to do when I got reinstated yes I could have gone back to thrifting and dude done exactly what I was doing before selling stuff from thrift stores stuff from liquidation pallets a retail arbitrage on Amazon I could have done that and I could have made good money doing that but it was only a matter of time before I get suspended again and I don't want to do that I want to keep my Amazon account in good standing so I removed all of my inventory the UPS guy sure loved that it was over a thousand units 1500 units or so you know Amazon likes to ship each unit in its own individual box half the time I removed all of my inventory and my future Amazon's could be full sale I mentioned in a video yesterday do not buy the wholesale formula of course Chris Potter has a free course and there are a lot of other sources where you can get free information on wholesale but wholesale is very simple find a successful product on Amazon just search for just search any product look at the top products or what have you if Amazon is not selling it and the brand isn't selling it Google search that company's contact information say hey I want to sell your product and about one out of every 500 of them will say yes you can sell our product on Amazon you get a lot of rejection but all it takes is one and you're making good money in the one product wholesale is very simple and that is my next step I've already got a few products that I'm working on now some are already successful in Amazon some aren't on Amazon all one I ate was even offered exclusivity where I will be the only person authorized to sell it on Amazon which like never happens unless you've been doing business with that company for a while so that is my future on Amazon but obviously I've got a $3,500 a month warehouse here I've got my own personal bills you know car payment rent at my house the electricity all that stuff plus or paint dumpsters and internet and stuff Here I am spending somewhere around $8,000 a month and expenses so where's that gonna come from five no income from Amazon well I've been setting this up for months planning on doing this simply because I saw that the end was near for our business model on Amazon so I started building up eBay and as of right now eBay isn't too bad my 60-day rolling total let me look up and get you an exact number right here eleven thousand one hundred and forty-three dollars and this is Oh about ten fifteen maybe twenty hours a week and work now that is gross sales and that's over sixty days so that's not paying the bills but I've got other irons in the fire as well one that I'm working on that is gonna be pretty big but I don't want to talk about it it's a local thing it's not an amazon it's not an eBay my goal is to be completely off Amazon and eBay and any other third party site like that I want to be in control of my own destiny I don't want Amazon to be in control of my destiny I don't want a bait to be in control of my destiny I don't want anybody else but me to be in control of my destiny so I'm building up a couple of things I tried to do with my retail store you remember I open up a retail store last year and then eventually closed it I am still at a point where I cannot talk about why I closed it but I promise you as soon as everything is taken care of all the loose ends are tied off I will talk about the reasons that I chose to close it right now I'm working on another local project that again I don't want to talk about it and the reason is because I don't know if this is legitimate or not but I heard and I can see this being true if you set yourself a goal on something you want to do and you talk to people and tell people about that goal your mind feels like you've already succeeded that goal and then you just don't do it otherwise that's why I believe so many people have these goals have these ideas and they never do it so I'm gonna wait till I actually have this set up and in place and making a little bit of money before I start talking about it but I've got that in a couple other irons in the fire YouTube it doesn't help much but I make you know 75 bucks a month on YouTube with all my past videos and everything and what else do I have for income streams I've got a few others but my goal is to be completely off Amazon completely off eBay that doesn't mean I won't be selling on these two platforms I mentioned wholesale I will be continuing wholesale on Amazon but I want it to be a small portion of my company 10 to 20% where if five years from now ten years from now amazon says yeah you're done I want it to not crush my company but keep it moving but I kind of realized a lot of things somebody on reddit posted about how you know selling thrift store stuff retail arbitrage even private label you're providing no value and that's really true the most successful businesses provide value and what we do provides no value buying stuff at thrift store and started online now there's a little bit of value but buying stuff at retail stores online not really private label know you know with private label you're taking a generic product like this and putting your name on it that's it no changes no alterations nothing and now there's 400,000 garlic presses on Amazon and they're all the exact same thing with different names that is why I hate private label even wholesale you're not providing any value is very easy for the manufacturer to go and sell it on Amazon now right now there's that little gap where we can make money doing that so I'm not saying don't do it I'm just saying don't expect it to be there in 10 years in 10 years all the manufacturers might be on Amazon for all we know we could sell an item that's you don't say I'm hole selling these Casio calculators on Sally de Monte Amazon well suddenly Amazon is gonna see this is a successful product and they're gonna out by me and their costs of salad is less because there paying amazon fees so they're just gonna out by me and I will have to find another product there is no easy way to make money at Amazon unless you brought a new product to market so I'm really rambling here I'm gonna take some questions if you want to throw them in the feed below or to the side I really don't know where the feed is I don't I can't see it on here they just pop up on my screen but I'm gonna answer some questions oh yeah the whole premise of the rabbit hopping from place to place no more hopping well yes and no I do love traveling and that's why I was traveling in the first place because I enjoyed it the only difference is I'm not gonna really be making money while traveling I will have my business here which employees will be running and then I will be traveling so that's all I got any questions come through I'm happy to answer them we've got 91 viewers right now this video is already too long that's basically where I'm at no more thrifting for Amazon you will see some videos yet where I'm thrifting for Amazon that were filmed in the past and you know I'm gonna upload them anyways if Amazon doesn't always tell you have a violation how do you find out well I don't know to be honest I really don't I was told you can call Amazon and ask for any seller performance and notations and fifty percent of time they'll tell you 50 percent of time they won't I basically found out because after trying to send a million emails to Amazon they finally told me so yeah I don't really have an answer for you you stopped your amazon subscription a few weeks back you know it's it's definitely good to keep your Amazon account in good standing even though right now and for the last month I've had no products on Amazon I'm still paying that forty dollars a month because the next thing you know Amazon might restrict accounts if they're not professional accounts I don't know so for the 40 bucks a month I'm gonna keep it in good standing and if you ask the question if I don't answer just ask again because they come through pretty fast I don't think I can see this so what happened I got here late well you're gonna have to go back and start over but in short I was suspended on Amazon and now I am reinstated selling just wholesale it won't be long before books are the only thing we can sell someone says I disagree a lot of people are getting notices from Amazon basically saying you can't sell text books I could see books going soon too I don't know if it's just gonna be textbooks if it's gonna be all books in general but a lot of people are getting emails I've been seeing them in a lot of the groups saying you can't sell text books anymore and for me at least I'm not a huge book seller textbooks where all I sold I never got that email but obviously if a lot of people are getting it I'm not taking the risk so while I wait for more questions to come through what should you do what kind of margins that you get out of wholesale it's not like thrifting you're not gonna find something for ten and sell for a hundred you're gonna double your money at best maybe fifty thirty to fifty percent ROI when will I post a suspension video well when I'm done filming and I can't give you an exact date on that so what should you do I'm not saying pull all of your stuff on Amazon I'm not saying stop selling on Amazon what I'm saying is be more careful anything where they make a generic version of don't sell it cords remotes chargers even if you are a hundred percent certain years it's authentic when you're selling at the manufacturer doesn't know yours is authentic so don't sell them the five ten dollars you make on each cord isn't worth losing your Amazon account I don't think you're going to get suspended our IP claims over a VCR or a video gaming system but a controller you might simply because they make generics there are people out there who will sell the generic on the real listing we've all seen it and the manufacturers are going to start stepping in and saying we don't like this this is bad for a brand they're gonna start restricting products and doing IP claims on everyone selling that product so if I were you I would recommend pull any inventory where there is a generic version of it available somewhere anything where there's a generic I would also be very leery of selling new products on Amazon because that's where a lot of the IP claims are coming from not all of them two of my IV claims were from used products one was a charger for a MacBook Pro and the other one was a used battery charger for a weedeater so I would be very careful on what your cell and limit your stuff to things were there really aren't and there's not a generic Sony VCR or a generic DVD player they're all brand names that's the stuff where I think you'll be safe I think for now books that aren't textbooks you're pretty safe there I would probably personally avoid toys I would avoid clothing and shoes I would avoid a lot of things where they're commonly counterfeited can't believe the title I'm reading I've been watching your videos since you started them I couldn't believe in myself I it's very different am i going back to a brick-and-mortar operating my own website it's actually a little bit of both I needed to find a way to monetize this warehouse I've got two years left on my lease it was a three year lease and obviously eBay doesn't make sense to have a 7,000 square-foot warehouse I can sell eBay out of a small $500 a month office so I needed to find a way to monetize it I've found that way we're buying pallets again we're buying storage units at auction I've got like three videos three or four videos of those that I have yet to upload all different kinds of things I've got a couple people working for me who are doing the manual labor has anyone tried to sell books on eBay someone asks I haven't so I can't give you any insight there but I know eBay does own a book website called half.com you might want to look into that a lot of negativity here about Amazon I don't want anybody to think I am blaming Amazon in any way does it suck absolutely but I see why they're doing it Amazon has a rampant counterfeit video I'm reading a comment and saying with Amazon has a rampant counterfeit problem huge problems so many counterfeits we've all seen not only counterfeits but people listing products that they are not even gonna ship that like crazy low prices like the list $100.00 iPhone for $4 they take the money they never ship it out we see all of these on Amazon and this is how Amazon is fixing that issue they're getting rid of the bad unfortunately they're losing some good too I guess the moral the takeaway here is don't blame Amazon blame the bad sellers who have been preaching about for ages and we got to adapt I mean that's the nature of this business we've been adapting since day one I remember when I first started selling on Amazon my main business model was DVDs and I could make a killing on DVDs it wasn't a year before I had to change that business model that's just the nature of the business everything changes so often in this business if something doesn't sell I bundle it in lots that's a good way to sell it on eBay that's something that I do a lot of lots on unsold items Amazon needs to tighten up their policy on accepting sellers I do agree I think that would be a great move for Amazon basically having a more strict approval policy just to sell on Amazon unfortunately that's not what Amazon is doing they're just you know descending out with massive restrictions and bans so we got to deal with it and learn to adapt am i starting a flea market you know I love the idea of starting a flea market and we don't have a flea market here in Wisconsin unfortunately it's sub-freezing temperatures six months of the year so I don't think a flea market is gonna do very well up here anyone wants a really good business model go to Nashville buy up some property and put some storage the units on there they have a storage unit shortage and they're very expensive sometimes what did I have for lunch I had leftover pizza from yesterday indoor flea market it could be doable you need a big space I've only had 7,000 feet so that wouldn't work out well the nature of the business means cutting out the middleman exactly and that's what's gonna happen with wholesale in the future I'm calling it right now it's a good way to start now but not something to do in the future unless you're Beverly to bend over and get oh I'm not reading that out loud so any more questions feel free to pop them in food questions are widely accepted I love food you guys see it all my videos I thoroughly enjoy food but this video is 21 minutes is getting pretty long I hate long videos I know I couldn't even watch this video if I tried because it's just some idiot on YouTube rambling on I didn't even plan on a script I should have something down here so it's very unprofessional and like my other videos do I have merch back you know I haven't even really tried merch is not something that I'm really interested in doing why not start a restaurant because I know nothing about the restaurant business and that would fail miserably I'm not an idiot I have great content well I appreciate that sometimes I feel like an idiot though is Ari on FB a risky absolutely it's risky you need to any type of business is risky so you need to gauge whether you're willing to accept that risk with merch just find a partner and let them do everything and split the cost that's something that would be possible but I don't know I missed the beginning well you're gonna have to go back to the beginning North 22 minutes in and I frankly don't want to go over it all again if only you could bottle your metabolism if I could bottle mine might as well mmm wow I can't talk I just pull a rake and if I could bottle my metabolism I'd be a billionaire next week unfortunately that's not the case moral of the video sorry guys I'm trying to read these comments that they scroll through very quickly someone called me an idiot thank you I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not thank you so any other questions and I will be cutting this video out remember what I used to do periscope I did a lot of Q&A videos this reminds me a lot of that on 2015 Amazon had a glitch and pulled your video game inventory I couldn't read the rest of that how much sales did I do on eBay this month um probably about seven six to seven thousand dollars my 60-day rolling total is 11 thousand one hundred and forty three on eBay and then his gross sales that doesn't factor shipping fees or cost of goods sold my cost of goods on eBay is very low because I'm leet lazy it's not like eBay where I'll buy something for ten and sell for twenty but Amazon I do that on eBay not so much what about foreclosure class and you sell the stuff you find actually that's something I've done before I had a company that did foreclosure cleanups and I would buy from them and sell the stuff online locally so someone says that's their monthly amount you know I am growing on eBay I just started my eBay the both the beginning of the year and it was something very part-time in the beginning I mean I put 20 minutes a week in the eBay up until a couple of months ago so eBay is growing every month is better than the last I think next month I should do 10,000 on eBay and someone asked earlier if that was all thrifting yes that is all thrifting well mostly I mean buying secondhand stuff auctions thrift stores and storage units things like that so we're looking at use foreclosure clearance did you talk to banks or retailers I actually didn't do the clean outs when I did that I worked with a company called junk genius down in Charlotte North Carolina and what they did they did the foreclosure clean outs we basically split the cost of a storage unit they filled it up with all the good quality stuff I paid them a monthly fee for everything they get me how often do I still go to thrift stores a couple times a week I enjoy thrifting it's fun someone keeps calling me an idiot thank you I agree it's the Amazon I'd make if all this scrolling so fast I can't read you get started business and call it the rabbit room and charge people for memberships I'm not at a point where I want to sell paid courses or paid Facebook groups I'll just talk about the ones I like I'm amazing sure thank you thanks everyone I appreciate the compliments move to Cali is crazy good out yeah I don't want to move to California half the state doesn't have plastic bags and it's crazy expensive no thank you I paint like 800 bucks for a three-bedroom house with a basement my garage and everything subtle part of sublet part of your warehouse for storage it's in my lease I can't sublet amazon bubble has officially burst I both agree and disagree I think there's still a lot of money to be made on Amazon and I mean if you're willing to take the rest and continue thrifting a retail arbitrage you could probably still make a lot of money until they do hit you with the banhammer eBay has an app that has a scanner they do but the scanner doesn't work very well because most people don't put UPC's in their listings I've noticed that Amazon is doing or eBay I'm sorry is requiring new PCs on listings now so I think they're really trying to compete with Amazon there someone said I lost half that comment but I think you were saying that you don't like how eBay bills you monthly for your fees yeah that is really annoying you sell you know five thousand dollars in product you get hit with five hundred dollars in fees at the end of the month I really prefer how Amazon deducts the fee from the sale even PayPal does it that way but they do that I'm assuming so they can get the PayPal fee on the total amount I pay my invoice off before every transfer that's what I've been doing because I've been doing a lot of I lost my train of thought I completely lost my train of thought here I'm trying to read comments to answer questions at the same time someone said skip the UPC's I add them on eBay just to be safe do you one-time payments on eBay often I have the yeah that's what I was talking about one-time payments on eBay I've been doing a lot of FedEx shipping which they invoice me on at the end of the month so usually every couple of days I'll pay a little bit on the invoice a couple hundred bucks come back to central Illinois I love central Illinois as much as I hate that state that wasteland of fibs you people are awful Lincoln Illinois was one of my favorite good wills I did really well there and you can see it in one of my videos I think it was when I was driving from Austin Texas up to Wisconsin I love your videos bro appreciate that message retracted I don't know what that means Amazon Ari was way too easy and too many people came in too fast they had to do something I don't think it's that too many people came fast and they had to do something about that it was based on the counterfeiters that's why I think all of this happened something is about to fall off my shelf oh no this is much longer it's like a half on the shelf it's my monopod for selfies and stuff someone asked me earlier I just missed a comment if I miss your comment just type it in again keep annoying me with it until I answer will I ever travel again absolutely I love traveling do you still do goodwill outlets goodwill outlets are great for eBay and I started doing them again although the one we have in Wisconsin here isn't very good how do I record my videos this one is live it's just on my phone I click start live video on the YouTube app all of my videos are filmed on my phone and some are edited and movie maker is very professional did I file you piss PS or SmartPost damage no I just let it go do I have employees or should be based off my employees don't do any eBay although it is a possibility in the future is it worth getting an Amazon loan that's a good question it can really help grow your business but personally I don't recommend it if your thrifting or doing are a because if you do get suspended you're still liable for that loan and you don't have any income so unless you're doing a safer business model like wholesale appeal I wouldn't recommend getting it so a lot of counterfeits on Amazon there are a lot of counterfeits on Amazon to the point where I won't buy something on Amazon unless I'm buying straight from Amazon personally because I'm so afraid of counterfeits because there's so many I've bought several counterfeits on there let's do the indie good wallets I love the indie good will outlets where I live there they at 3 now they've got four they're the best outlets that I've been to at least was my approach going in the future basically eBay for now I want to expand to more wholesale and Amazon to build that up and a couple other local business models can I make a video on how to go from wholesale to Amazon only using a laptop no I cannot I will not make a video teaching you guys something unless I know what I'm doing and I really don't know what I'm doing with wholesale I'm still learning eventually when I figured out I'll do a video and once I was tight in the news when they gated CDs that was the biggest sign they were limiting many sellers I agree I just came in why did I stop 13 for Amazon you have to watch the replay it'll be posted after I'm done here how many products do I have on eBay listed right now let me check for you I have 375 active listings on eBay I don't know if you'll be able to see this poor there you go that's my eBay right now what happened to periscope a lot of people used to use it they basically got beat YouTube and Facebook will start doing live videos and people can use apps they already have yes the gated CDs I don't know couple of months ago how do you do live videos it's on the YouTube app on the top of the screen on it's a little picture of a video camera what's my store name on eBay just like Amazon for privacy reasons I'm not gonna give that out did I go to the green room meetup this year I did not I had a couple personal things come up that kind of held me back that suspension was a big reason I didn't go my friends act getting caught up down there I figured the money that I was spent on going to Austin I could send his family there were several reasons why I chose not to go and man did it suck watching all you people having fun and you know going all the stuff in Austin eating delicious food I will for sure be there next year it was painful to skip of this year all right we still got 96 viewers here any last questions before I end this anything Bueller there we go am I gonna start a socialist media marketing with Tai Lopez well that that's actually a very interesting thing here you see what really impresses me is this bookshelf here knowledge that's all I got my Tai Lopez's own how much weed do I smoke none whatsoever I am drug and alcohol free I hate that I just lost out College picker Balloon Fiesta I really want to go I hope I can make it are my eBay sales slow well slow you know it's summertime they're slow in the summer but nothing crazy the resettle game is migrating back to brick-and-mortar antique stores and flea markets I agree I think you make a lot of money doing that what am I gonna do another live and do a live video right now what more do you want for me how many employees do I have just a couple of part-timers any plans to come to Miami to be honest I don't like Florida Miami is so far away I prefer the Outer Banks in North Carolina it's my favorite beach in the country but I'm sure I'll make a trip to Florida eventually College picker called me a hater you want to fight about it let's fight let's go to Albuquerque and fight on a balloon can you have $1 right I don't have a dollar but you can have ten just come get it leave it on my desk here all right a lot of people talk about smoking weed I am like I said drug and alcohol free I don't want say alcohol free I just really have I own a drink in a year I'm not a big drinker do I like Houston I actually really do like Houston um Padre I owns a lot of fun just south of Houston thrifting is great my favorite place to source my favorite flea market is the sunny flea market in Houston I've got a couple of videos there what are the best tools to use for eBay well my phone I do all of my listing on my phone pictures and everything I can do about 50 listings in a day and that's because I take a lot of breaks it usually takes me about three to six minutes to do it fully Bay listing start to finish best state to thrift is California I disagree I did not do well in Southern California although I did really well on the silicon value value silicon valley my favorite place is a thrift Minneapolis Indianapolis Houston and that's really all I got what phone do I use I've got the iPhone 6s I have not upgraded to the seven because I like my headphone jack I swear listing stone makes me not want to do anything else but list well if that works for you everybody left eBay because Amazon was so easy another migrating back I disagree that was part of it but a lot of people left bay because well they made some policy changes that weren't so good if you look up some information about eBay they had like a CEO change and he just drove it into the ground and now he's gone Detroit Lions over the Packers two times the 2017 the Hat yeah yeah I'm gonna leave it at that the Lions got another chance are you gonna crush your goals this year than last year honestly this year I'll probably have less sales than last year just because of the change however I will crush 2018 it will destroy 2017 2017 is a year of rebuilding and changing Oh get a Heineken beer Muir I can't find it anywhere what should I do oh you got one you want to sell it that's gonna be expensive to ship I wouldn't recommend eBay and this is like a really valuable item look for consignment stores in your area that might sell things like that Rogers it's so hard for me to like Rogers far he's my guy do you have an opinion on Greg Murphy's course I've never taken it I've met Greg Murphy I've seen his operation he's a really nice guy I saw I know he's moved a couple of times in the bigger facilities he's a nice guy I've never taken this course so I can't make an opinion on it something about offer up I don't like offer up it did really well for me when I lived in Nashville but not so much in Green Bay much smaller market there's only a hundred thousand people here when did I start youtube two years ago I think something like that 2014 2015 something like that see have I seen Jameson he disappeared Jameson got a girlfriend moved to New York and now he's gone no one's heard of him I think she's holding him hostage or something I kid I kid my first offer of experience was a new inbox product I had roach crap and ooh yeah that's not good that's not good at all that's one of the reasons why I'm happy to live in the north because all the roaches die off in the winter up here if you have roaches that means you're not clean your house is dirty it's uncapped down south of you have roaches that just means you live down south you know they're like that big they fly they crawl on the ceiling you wake up and they're like on you and you scream like a little girl anyways screw I'm editing anybody's paid course BS it's all free just do research I'm not gonna say any paid course is bad but most of it if you do the right research you can find it for free um my cool is rakin yeah he's a nice guy consider him a friend of mine I got nothing against Regan I make fun of him a lot but it's cuz we're friends yeah I got nothing against Regan any more questions I know a lot of people don't like Regan I think he's a decent guy have you seen a hot chick employee working at a thrift store before I suppose did I pay off the amazon loan yes I did paid courses will be worth a lot more than the stuff getting complicated you know cheap paid courses if you can find a paid course for like 30 40 bucks ya buy it what's my credit score it's 950 we call them palmetto bugs yeah I know you guys like to call them palmetto bugs but it doesn't make them any less of a roach what's my favorite product of some eBay broken electronics especially iPads they sell fast and they typically don't get returned and there's no issues by the way my score isn't actually 950 that's not a real score if anyone's wondering College picker there's no such thing as a 950 yeah you want to fight about it have I done prank calls when I was a little kid I did some prank calls I followed in the footsteps of Bart Simpson 550 okay the comments are comments first I get like a million a moment I can't read them all what am i doing now besides driving there besides the van what am i driving now I really don't drive the van the van is a work vehicle I just drive it when I need it it's actually been parked for quite a while since I haven't been traveling I've got a car I've got 2015 Chrysler 200 that I bought a new a couple years ago very happy with that car wait until Christmas when Amazon probably gays toys yeah I would be afraid to see what Amazon's gonna do this Christmas I have no idea be prepared get your eBay go and get yourself some get yourself some feedback in some sales history so you can sell on eBay worst case Amazon will I think it's supposed to be gate to everyone for Christmas there's no way to really know why not make normal videos so I do this live stuff I'm making normal videos but they takes too long to edit and I just don't have time am I gonna open another retail store no for the same reason I closed the other one which I'm not going to tell people about editing takes one of three hours editing it takes a long time for me I use Windows Movie Maker because I'm cheap and lazy and it takes me quite some time for me it takes me about 3 to 4 hours to edit a video because I do a lot of poor see you can see these live videos are terrible I am at talking on video I look so great on the actual edited videos and that's all in post-production high tech Windows Movie Maker absolutely I don't mess with the Logan instead of movie reference what a great family I have I'm not sure you follow what's the profit margin on eBay usually I want to triple my money or more and make at least $20 my selling niche items on eBay is just anything I come across that's a good question I sell anything I can come across I feel the rabbit is Jake Palmer okay I got to look up Jake Palmer resale is the rent expensive on a warehouse yes rent is pretty expensive but it's not too bad in my area it's about 3,500 a month check out the app completely for eBay listings really good tool I'll have to check that out write that down check out completely someone says um I forgot the person I was looking up what was that Jake Paula or something like that I don't know who this person is so we're looking it up I don't look like I don't have blunt but it looks like Justin Bieber Milwaukee Bucks should be great this year I don't follow professional basketball or college basketball basketball I'm just a football fan I really think I really don't like live videos honestly I like the videos you buying stuff you know most of my live videos this is a forty minute video holy crap I agree with you I can't watch live videos some people can some people can't what other youtubers do live videos I can't watch them that's why I try to keep them short and sweet and I am ignoring all that for this video but I do have a lot of videos that I'm working on editing you'll get the other ones soon go bears unsubscribe from my channel right now zero one wolf you are no longer welcome if you're a Bears fan I feel like there's more resellers on Instagram than YouTube honestly I'm too old for Instagram how many Brett Favre text messages did you do I send on weekends I love Brett Favre i text everyone about Brett Favre go 49ers I really don't have anything against the 49ers go ahead root for your team all right this is a 41 minute video I gotta end this this is becoming too much does goodwill let me film I just film without them knowing actually a local goodwill one of my favorite goodwills in the area here apparently knows me bunny mouse 15 down there and he said they mentioned me just like the goats Jersey Jay Cutler Jay Cutler is one of my favorite quarterbacks because he's the Packers fourth best quarterback do i package prepackaged items for ebay typically no I just throw them on a shelf and package them when they sell and the reason is because if I prepackaged everything I'll package 100% of stuff and 100% of this stuff doesn't sell do I still buy trailers of stuff yes I just got a target load in the other day I know I've said like eight times that I'm gonna end this video scout a fight or Amazon sorry Amazon seller app I ever since that app came out I've been telling everyone get that box wall only goes far with inventory management yeah it's easier to store your inventory without it not everyone watching YouTube is a 12 year old girl okay 24 hours stream what do you guys wanna watch me sleep or something what is bonafide gonna have a child you're gonna have to ask him don't ask his wife though because you might upset bonafide college picker aren't you like don't you have a job or something why are you watching this crap you've been commenting for a while so I'm assuming you've watched most of this video don't you have a life why are you watching me I wouldn't watch me no job must be nice Oh everyone is getting married huh that's what happens we grow up our friends get married how many times how many items did I sell each year on eBay or on FBA honestly I'd have to look up that stat I have somewhere around ten fifteen thousand items it was a little shy of three hundred and fifty thousand in sales last year as far as gross dollars sold all right I've got 76 viewers people are obviously starting it forward this is my longest video ever on YouTube I am going to disappear now I hope you guys enjoyed the video like or comment down below if you have any other questions and I'm off see you guys later
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 54,385
Rating: 4.799427 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: TFwglt1KCZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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