101 Facts About Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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greetings when the fact is I'm Sam and today we're jetting across the proverbial pond take a generous bite out of crime in New York City alongside the everyday heroes in Brooklyn's 99th precinct yes it's Brooklyn nine-nine this feel-good buddy-cop sitcom is the light in millions with its kooky humor lovable characters and its outright refusal to be killed off by some lame studio bigwig who hates fun you hear that Brooklyn nine-nine gets cancelled when Brooklyn nine-nine wants to get canceled capiche but which classic police comedy is referenced in the show's main titles which Brooklyn nine-nine cast member is heavier than Terry Crews thought they'd be and hey when's this movie happening I haven't heard anything about a nine-nine movie but I'm just putting it out there to the universe anyway he'll answer through those questions gonna be answered so pull up a chair grab yourself a healthy snack made of gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up breakfast burrito and remember to never turn your back on Skaar as we crash headfirst into 101 facts about Brooklyn nine-nine number one Brooklyn nine-nine is an American sitcom created by Dan gore and Michael Schur the series features Andy Samberg as the lovably childish yet talented NYPD detective and diehard mega fan Jake Peralta along with his ragtag crew of colleagues who worked together in Brooklyn's 99th precinct and at the risk of sounding biased it's a damn fine show a damn fine show I say number two the show is made by sitcom sorceress Michael Schur and Dan gore whose surname is are both just noises by the way the pair who had previously collaborated on the celebrated love letters bureaucracy that is the wonderful Parks and Rec both liked the idea of setting a comedy in a police station as they both felt the such a setting have been underused in sitcoms number three indeed show originally pitched their idea for Brooklyn nine-nine is parked on recreation with cops although NBC passed on the show various other entertainment bigwigs scrambled violently over each other in their attempts to land it Fox eventually emerge victorious nabbing Brooklyn nine-nine for themselves before the scripts had even been written number four Samberg originally wanted to take a break from television after spending seven years on the iconic American sketch show Saturday Night Live however he quickly show uses too when Brooklyn nine-nine came along and we're also number five interestingly actress Stephanie Beatrice initially audition for the role of Amy Santiago which sounds weird to even say out loud let alone actually think about and visualize just entertaining it as a concept gives me anxiety oh okay next fact number six when a Stephanie Beatrice found out that Melissa Fumero had been cast as Amy Santiago she cried because she was certain that the show's creators wouldn't cast to Latino women in the same show because of a little thing called racism you may have heard of it number seven little did Beatrice know that the creators of Brooklyn nine-nine were more than happy to take on the extra latina thereby ending racism forever for which we owe them a great debt of gratitude after failing to bag Amy Beatrice was invited to audition for the role of Rosa Diaz a character who was at the time actually named Megan number eight Beatrice has stated that before booking her role in Brooklyn nine-nine she was teaching workout classes to pay the bills and only had $50 in her bank account a relatable story that makes me believe that one day I could become one of TV's most beloved characters just gotta start teaching workout classes number nine similarly everyone's favorite gina chelsea peretti I went to the audition for the role that eventually became detective Rose of dr detective Rosa Diaz though the show's creators went in for a different less white direction for the role they love Chelsea Peretti's so much they created the part of Gina specifically for her number ten similarly again the character of Terry Jeffords also didn't exist during the casting process and was written specifically for Terry Crews simply because they loved him so gosh darn much and seriously who can say no to a face like that pinch those cheeks so bad number eleven indeed the producers of Brooklyn nine-nine loved cruise to such an extent they basically ignored the very concept of fictional characters and turned the role into a heightened virgin cruise himself not only did they name the character after the actor that will be playing him details like Terry's trusty minivan are based on cruise to WHO shock horror actually does choose to drive a minivan number two I love in fact Brooklyn nine-nine creators took this approach to all the main characters though not to quite the same degree before Sharon Gore finished writing the pilot episode for Brooklyn nine-nine they met with all the actors and attempted to work aspects of their personalities into their respective characters in order to make them authentic and complex number thirteen sometimes these delicious little character details that make the character on Brooklyn nine-nine so lovable and fun to watch emerge during filming itself apparently chelsea peretti had a habit of laughing while the cameras were rolling which happens so often that eventually she stopped trying to muffle her cackles and the team just made a part of her character number 41 delightful fact about Andy Samberg and chelsea peretti is that the pair went to the same elementary school just as their characters did in the series usually it's a bad sign if you're in the same job as on your new school but in this case it's the kind of delightful celeb trivia that serves as this channels very backbone you just need a bomb number 15 scandalously chelsea peretti is also revealed that Jackie had a crush on Samberg while they were at school together which apparently refuses to acknowledge at all ah awkward number 16 are you a mother factor with a love of trivia coming way out of left field good because you're gonna like this one turns out Stephanie Beatriz is legally blind yes she was in fact so nearsighted that she requires to wear very strong glasses to bring everything into focus and given the roads of doesn't wear glasses and contact lenses irritates her eyes too much for her to wear them during long periods of time Beatriz literally has to act wild blind number 17 moto needed the casket mind for their personality traits brides filming they also got put through their paces at rainy cops - before shooting commenced on Brooklyn nine-nine the cast underwent police and firearm training as part of a boot camp run by the Glendale Police Department number 18 though the show is primarily set in the mean streets of New York it's shot almost entirely in the mean sound stages of Los Angeles I know I know it looks so real buster matching Hollywood may be number 19 the police station shown in the scene transitions however is very much located in New York what's more is actually a real police station in Brooklyn for the 78th precinct located on the corner of 6th Avenue and Bergen number 20 interestingly enough Andy samberg's first job in the entertainment industry was working as a product assistant on the show Spin City today a Brooklyn nine-nine films on the very same lot a fact that Samberg no doubt enjoys telling everyone who will listen well I would anyway number 21 Dan gore has stated that the production Brooklyn nine-nine utilizes the services of a number of police advisors who are present on set and a table reads to offer their expert advice indeed he even consults with the college body of his he was a police officer in the NYPD peers who Gore credit as an invaluable source of information gore is also revealed that when it comes to writing a seasoned Brooklyn nine-nine the first six or so episodes are written during a 10-week pre-production period filming then commences and the rest of written as the show is being produced gore has stated succinctly that this process is I'm appointing him exactly here very tiring that's tiring from working on bottom on fact sunny Jim it's an absolute madhouse back here number 23 production on Brooklyn nine-nine utilizes an interesting method of filming in which each scene is shot a few times to the performance following the script verbatim followed by a number of attempt at going off script and improvising in order to capture any hilarious off-the-cuff moments this technique may sound familiar to you and that's because it was also employed on the show spiritual predecessor Parks and Recreation number 24 the action figure at which Peralta stares at intensely during the show's opening titles the Picts Police Academy character Carey Mahoney serving as an affectionate and subtle LaMarche to the entire police academy franchise number 25 kicking off the entire series it's of course Brooklyn nine-nine pilot episode in which the team meet their new captain Raymond Holt for the very first time when Holt played exquisitely by Andre Braugher asks Terry to tell him about the squad he first mentions that scarlet Hitchcock and Daniels are pretty much worthless but they make good coffee bizarrely the female cop known as Daniels has never appeared on the show ever again number 26 however gore has revealed that Scully Hitchcock and Daniels are named after three writers who he considers his heroes Mike Scully norm his and Greg Daniels number 27 when Jake Amy Childs and Rosa are investigating the murder in the pilot episode Holt sneaks up behind Jake without him knowing prompting Jake to say sarcastically captain welcome to the murder Gore has said that he in Sandberg thought up this line while filming the scene and that it's one of his favorite lines in the entire show number 28 oh and it's also worth noting that the show's pilot episode was directed by none other than Phil Lord and Christopher Miller the American filmmaking duo responsible for their work on a variety of acclaimed films including the lego movie 21 Jump Street and its sequel 22 Jump Street and possibly the coolest animated film in history spider-man into the spider verse number twenty nine during the cold open of the first season second episode entitled the tiger halt castigates check for his sloppy paperwork and unkempt workspace culminating in the revelation that jake is a mouse living in his desk which take called Algernon this is a reference to flowers for Algernon a short story written by American writer Daniel Keyes in which a lab mouse with the same name undergo surgery to increase its intelligence number 30 in the fourth episode of the first season entitled Emmy time Terry fills in for the precincts regular sketch artist who had to call in sick but begins to take the role far too seriously this is actually a rather delightful reflection of Terry Crews in real life as his first job in entertainment was working as a sketch artist for a local news station Cruz has stated that his first assignment had him drawing up sketches for the worst murder case in the history of his hometown of which he seems eerily proud number 31 in the cold open of the fifth episode of season one entitled the vulture the gang are sharing stories about the oldest person had ever arrested arriving to the conversation late to Boyle assumes that they're talking about the oldest people they've er smushed admitting he got intimate with a 68 year old woman one in his 20s apparently actor Joe lo Truglio was so funny while filming the scene that Jake's scandalized laughing responses actually samberg's genuine reaction as he fails to keep a straight face number 32 American comedian Patton Oswalt's plays Fire Marshal Boone in the show starting in the ninth episode of season 1 the combination of his occupation and surname serves as a sneaky little breath to Marshal Boone one of the show's producers number 33 the fourteenth episode with the first season entitled the ebony Falcon is the first episode to put emphasis on Terry's passionate love of yogurt or yogurt I guess with which I'm in complete yogurty agreement it is in this episode that Terry first says his favorite third-person catchphrase Terry loves yogurt interesting ly enough this isn't the first and the line was uttered on the show that honor belongs to captain Holt who utters the phrase after being given a police report the Deputy Commissioner Podolski dumped in Terry's trashcan getting it covered in yogurt number 34 the ebony Falcon is also the first episode in which we meet Terry's twin daughters Cagney and Lacey when Jake and child visit her at home to discuss a case in case you didn't know and for the sake of this act I'm gonna assume you didn't know Terry's twin daughters and named after the eponymously named lead characters in the 80s buddy cop drama Cagney and Lacey which followed the story of two female part detectives working in New York City number 35 the cold-open of the 15th episode of the first season entitled operation broken feather sees the nine-nine faced off against their mortal enemies the fire department in a not so friendly game of hand a the gang prevail against Marshall Boone and his colleagues based entirely on the presence of human bulldozer Terry Jeffords once again this draws from the real-life experiences of mr. Terry Crews who in addition to being a former corporate sketch artist was also a professional footballer in the NFL honestly Terry Crews may be one of the most interesting people alive today apart from the angelic beam of divine in heaven e-library Center for Lawrence of course number 36 during this episode Boyle begins wearing a truly heinous fringed cream-colored leather jacket which terry concludes he must have gotten from the evidence Locker later on Boyle jacket catches on fire in what can only be described as a righteous judgment from the gods of fashion I should know look at what I wear low true do is since revealed that while filming the scene the original plan was to set his arms on fire for real but this proposal was shut down by the higher-ups who didn't want to imperil one of the show's main actors number 37 when Amy Jake and Terry get themselves trapped in Holt's bathroom in the 16th episode of the first season called the party Terry has to pick up Holt's adorable Corgi cheddar in order to keep it away from Amy he was allergic to dogs Cruz has since stated that he was shocked over how heavy cheddar actually was which is saying a lot for someone who looks like they benchpress a Honda Civic number 38 cheddar has been portrayed on screen by several dogs but since early in season four cheddar has been played by an adorable Corgi named Stuart sadly Stuart passed away peacefully in 2019 at the ripe old age of 13 which is the equivalent by the way to almost 90 years of age in human years it was a TV star after all number 39 hey remember a few facts ago when we talked about Terry have to fill in for a sickly sketch artist well later on a scene from that episode amy has teri produced a beautiful oil painting of captain Holt who says he wants to take the painting home for his husband Kevin who has played magnificently by Marc Evan Jackson eagle-eyed viewers who have noticed that in the episode the party Kevin has displayed the painting in his office did you know just this adorable detail first time around or while you in the dark before 101 facts showed you the lights let us know in our snazzy youtube poll number 40 the name of the restaurant to which the gang take captain Holt and Kevin at the end of the episode is called Pettis eclair not to start chelsea peretti who I think would run the best restaurant in history make it so Universal number 41 in the 19th episode of season 1 called tactical village Jena introduces halt to a mobile phone game called kwazy cupcakes torch she becomes properly addicted if he fancied a taste of the game that even turned the great Raymond Holt into a dribbling iPhone holding zombie you can actually give it a try as a real-life version of the app has been created by red games and is available to download for free hashtag no spot the meaning of life hey another thing to note about this episode it's the first time only one chance nine-nine legend has it that Terry Crews started doing this chant to motivate the cast on set because Terry Crews is just the best writers like that so much they then put it in the show number 43 during the scene at the stationery store in the 2013 season one entitled fancy Broadcom Charlton Jake discuss had to bring up the fact that he doesn't want to move to Canada but it's soon-to-be wife Vivian the employee helping Charles with his paper choices is played by actress Beth Dover who is the wife of a certain cholo truly Oh at the time of filming the pair were actually engaged and got married just over a month later number 44 the sixth episode of season 2 entitled you takin Sofia begins with the gang speculating what possible reason Lee fastidiously punctual Amy could have for being late to work when Amy finally arrives a pitiful 70 seconds later she dirt and confirms that Holt was correct that the delay was caused by a problem for Bank he exclaimed emphatically hot damn get this for the way that hot damn totally improvised no no mind blown number 45 this episode also premieres Eva Longoria as Sophia Perez Jake's girlfriend throughout much of the second season who he dates to get over Amy Tan Thiago incidentally in 2018 Longoria gave birth to a son who she named Santiago coincidence almost certainly but you try writing over 100 facts on a different topic every week without including any fluff not as easy as it seems sonny jim it's an absolute madhouse back here number 46 the twelfth episode of season 2 entitled beach house sees the gang struggle to keep morale high at their group getaway with dollar dishwasher halt bringing the vibe down chelsea peretti you stated that this episode was one of the most difficult to get through without laughing as andre brower is excruciatingly delivery of halts boring banter kept her cracking up number 47 way back in the twelfth episode of season one in total the Pontiac bandit guest starring the spellbinding Craig Robinson in the title role halt gifts an injured Boyle the two adorable little puppies many episodes later in the thirteenth episode of season two entitled payback Boyle appears with his pair of dog goes who a dog owes no more all grown up into two fully grown dogs number 48 the 23rd episode for season two entitled Johnny and Dora it's notable as the first episode in which taken Amy finally stop fooling around and suck face turns out the pair's first onscreen kiss wasn't all that sweet as both Sandberg and Fumero tried to one-up each other biting wings and roasted garlic to make the smooch is disgusting as possible number 49 in the premiere episode of season 3 Jake and Amy attempt to date normally after keeping their relationship secret from the rest of the team the restaurant where they go on their super awkward first official date is called a Boosh Monge to french words which literally translate to mouth eat fancy smancy number 15 just after Gina informed captain Holt that his arch nemesis madeline wuntch has come to see him she politely mentions and her ideal job would be that of a bullfighter before lamenting it's such a boys club later on in the fifth episode of season 3 entitled Halloween 3 the gang dress up for Halloween in order to torment Charles who arrives work sans costume out of annoyance and none of the others have a dress up for the holiday and actually make fun of him for doing so the reason I mention this well because the kabak costume Jean is wearing that's right a bull fighter number 51 in the 4th episode of season 3 entitled the oolong Slayer major crimes detective a major douche bag Keith Pembroke better known as the vulture forces Rose ranae me to plan his birthday party at one point in the episode Rose refers to the vulture played by actor Dean winters as a dummy this could be a subtle nod to the acclaimed sitcom 30 rock in which winters plays Dennis one of Liz Lemon's boyfriends who repeated if your first her as dummy number 52 when Amy visits Jake's mother in the fourteenth episode of season 3 and Karen Peralta the planets Casas fathers reappearance in his mother's life of his childhood bedroom if you look closely there's a poster in his bedroom door and has the words hot rod on it this is likely a reference to the 2007 movie at the same name in which Andy Sandberg starred as an amateur stuntman desperate for his father's approval number 53 in what may turn out to be the most esoteric detail we've ever dug up and one-on-one facts the Finnish word for darkness which can't describe Adrian's mental state but also refers to a place that it's undercover is meant oh I know right always once ever had those pesky Finns number 54 throughout the third season Melissa Fumero who created unnecessary headaches for the show's producers by very inconsiderate Lee becoming pregnant Oh as it was decided not to write the pregnancy into the show the crew had to come up with a number of fun and creative ways to hide her growing munchkin mound these included dressing Fumero and large billowy tops sitting her behind desks or having her carry large bags in front of her so as not to ruin the inscrutable magic of TV sitcoms number 55 in the third season's final three episodes Amy spends time working undercover as a pregnant inmate in a prison allowing her to appear in the show is visibly preggo without the use of arrows baby bump barriers this is alluded to in the show with the joke when Jake and Charles are assessing her fake pregnancy belly and asking if she looks believably with child when in fact she was quite literally with child number 56 Andre Braugher has stated in interviews that he actually keeps track of the number of times he breaks character by laughing while filming in an effort to make sure he breaks as little as possible Brauer reveals he only broke character a total of 13 times while filming season 3 up from only eight times in season two get your act together for our your standards of slipping man number 57 when Charles is preparing to slaughter the turkey in the seventh episode of season 4 entitled mr. Santiago he walks in clad in a full body killed suit and clearly remarks that he feels like the appalling name forensic technician serie killer from the show Dexter which genuinely was one of my favorite shows of all time and then has the worst ending in the history of television no I'm not over it anyway funnily enough this episode suit the series debut of Amy's father Victor Santiago portrayed by actor Jimmy Smits who also appeared throughout Texas third series as assistant district attorney Miguel Prado number 58 Joe lo Truglio has stated that his favorite moment in the whole series is a scene in the 15th episode of season 4 entitled The Last Ride in which it looks like the nine-nine is to be shut down Boyle and Jake go on one last steakhouse together stakeout together and have to hide their tears from each other by covering their eyes with binoculars no truly overstated that he loves his hilarious yet nonetheless touching scene because it shows two guys getting real together and then he believes it's important to show affection number 59 as previously mentioned many of the things that Terry goes through in the show come from real-life experiences to get to betraying him mr. Teddy Cruz while this previously manifested as Terry's myriad talents for courtroom sketch artist real dominating sport twice sadly the same applies to some Oteri's less whimsical moments like most black people Cruz has experienced racism and racial profiling for real which prompted the narrative the 16th episode of season 4 entitled muumuu in which Terry is racially profiled by a white cop while off-duty the guy who profiles him by the way is also an ex Dexter man Desmond Harrington who plays Quinn number 60 while Jake and captain Holt are sequestered in Florida at the start of the season due to the small matter than being targeted for murder by Jimmy the butcher Figgis Holt replacement at the nine-nine is the Martha being competent captain Jason CJ's deathly it ruled over the remaining members of the gang with a concerning Lea childlike obliviousness regardless CJ still manages leave his mark on the nine-nine artery leaves in that his bongos can be seen on display in Holts office following his departure and yes I did say bongos test me I said again bongos 161 season 5 begins with rose and Jake in prison having been framed for the corrupt lieutenant Melanie Hawkins the prison in which the scenes were filmed is actually an abandoned Jail located just outside Los Angeles which is now mostly used by the entertainment industry whenever a prison environment is required number 62 in the board episode of season 5 entitled Halloween get it because of the fifth Halloween the most observant Brooklyn nine-nine superfans may have spotted an adorable photo of a me and Jake on Amy's desk this photo is actually an on-set snap taken by Melissa Fumero herself which was posted to her personal Instagram number 63 in the ninth episode of season 5 entitled nine-nine Rosa reveals to child she is bisexual a move inspired by Stephanie Beatriz who is a genuine bona fide bisexual herself Theater suggested that the writers incorporate this part of her life into Rosa which they happily obliged Nintendo 64 in addition to the commendable decision to have rowed to come out as bisexual further widening the scope of media representation for the LGBTQ community this episode also features a guest appearance in the show's co-created Dan gore who provided the haunting sounds of the cow lovin that can be heard while the gang is staying with the Texas boils of course any halfway decent bovine enthusiasts would have figured that out already the sound of real cattle canoodling is far more disturbing than that number 65 in the 15th episode of season 5 entitled the puzzle master Jake and Amy work together on a case involving Amy celebrity crush the hunky crossword puzzle author melvin sternly immediately igniting jake's jealousy insecurity as it happened Sturm is portrayed in this episode by David Romero Melissa Fumero is real-life hubby number 66 in the 22nd episode of season 5 called Jake and Amy actress Gina Rodriguez stars as a romantic interest for Rosa in the form of an attractive uber driver named Alicia Beatrice and Rodriguez are in fact real-life friends and Rodriguez actually gave up her vacation in order to shoot the scenes for the episode what a couple of stone-cold besties number 67 of course fans at Brooklyn nine-nine and will be painfully aware that following the conclusion of the fifth season Fox foolishly decided it would be a good idea to cancel the show like the filthy pack of animals they are when news of this sickening crime against TV went public fans of the show responded with outrage demanding that the show be saved number 68 amongst those protesting against the cancellation of Brooklyn nine-nine and calling for its salvation were a number of prominent celebrities including Star Wars legend Mark Hamill Lord of the Rings legend Sean Astin monster-making legend Guillermo del Toro and even schmutzie boy band legends the Backstreet Boys that's a lot of Legends and league of legends if you will yeah number 60 when all this was going on the cast of Brooklyn nine-nine took refuge together in a whatsapp group chat allowing them to keep abreast of the situation as to scare unfolded Cruz described the cancellation appropriately saying it felt like a family splitting up and prompted great sadness number set burn tea luckily less than 24 hours after Fox his gargantuan lapse in judgment NBC decided to be the only adult in the room by picking up the series for a sixth season with the original intention to give the show one last season and a proper finale however the show's ratings and reception were better than expected and then BC later renewed the show for a seventh season number 71 following the madness of Brooklyn nine-nine terrifying cancellation scare and the subsequent move to NBC the show began its much-praised sixth season in January 2019 with season six Brooklyn nine-nine began to feature the occasional instance of strong language which was bleeped out for comic effect as everyone knows swear words makes everything funnier mothered shoppers number 72 the eighth episode of season six called he-said she-said features a difficult case inspired by the me to movement in which a woman who injured her boss in his bits claim she only did so because he was trying to attack her the original planned the episode was for it to have a sunnier ending but this was challenged by the cast who pushed for a more difficult conclusion number 73 in the 16th episode of the sixth season called Cinco de Mayo Terry gets painted entirely in gold over the course of the madcap Cinco de Mayo heist cruz has stated that filming while covered in gold paint wasn't a particularly pleasant as it turned out he was allergic to the clothes yet to wear however the professional cruz maintained that despite the adverse reaction the joke was worth it number 74 interestingly enough if you go back and re-watch the sixth season you may notice that Reagan Amy never kiss at any point made aware of this strange lack of snogging oh that's just the worst word isn't it Gore concluded that mistakes were made indeed let's hope for a return to face-sucking form in season 7 number 75 curiously the title of each season finale has been made up of two words controlled by the ampersand or the word and this all ended however the finale of season 6 which for when the usual naming convention and is instead entitled the Suicide Squad a title that is frankly triggering Mama's 76 oh and you know that deep husky voice that says fremulon at the end of each episode that's Nick Offerman who in turn Italy also starred as halt gruff ex-boyfriend Fredrik in season three's Thanksgiving episode entitled Eva but you already knew that didn't you you'd recognise those warm rustic vocals anywhere we all would number 77 jake's nervous habit of repeatedly saying cool began as an onset goof that sound oak would employ when he wanted to make his fellow cast member slot between takes clearly the show's producers liked it as it was soon added shakes repertoire has since become a signature line from the show number 78 despite the inclusion of multiple jokes made about Amy being a terrible dancer Melissa Fumero is actually professionally trained dancer and even taught a ballet class as one of her first jobs number 79 characters in the show can occasionally be seen eating let's potato chips a fictional brand manifacture by ISS props house it's also appeared in other TV shows - including community It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia orange is the new black new girl and Arrested Development number 80 certain viewers in the know may have noticed the captain Holt wears a WTC breast bar on his shirt what does this mean well it indicates he was working on 9/11 number 81 several episodes of Brooklyn nine-nine have been directed by sandbox lonely island comrades Jorma Taccone and to keep a schaefler the connais directed the 10th episode of season 1 entitled Thanksgiving while Schaffer directed botha season 1 finale charges and specs and the 15th episode of season 5 the puzzle master number 82 not only that both have also guest-starred in the show Taccone appeared as Taylor the airheaded - manager of the entertainment center Frank's fun zone where choking captain Holt's were employed while they're stuck in Florida while Shaffer portrayed Brett booth a detective at the 63rd precinct who has held a grudge against Jake ever since he accidentally shot booth in the eye during a training exercise which obviously seriously degraded his depth perception number 83 in the 15th episode of season 3 Damon Wayans Jr guest stars of Stevie shillin's a detective at the 98 precinct who was Jake's very first partner way back when they were beat cops given the zuhr additional also guest stars in the fourth episode of season four called the night shift in which he reprises her role as Jess from the Fox sitcom new girl which also stars lyons as a series regular Lyons's therefore played two different characters in two different series that exist in the same universe number 84 on setfloat Rubio is affectionately known as butt McGee which sounds like something a bully would call the dorky main character in an American family film the 90s but apparently it actually does make sense according to Sandberg the joke at the end of the scene is called a button which led the cast refer to low true do as but McGee because he didn't know when to stop riffing during a scene and always trying to add one more at the end number 85 interestingly enough Terry Crews and Sandra Bernhard who portrays Gina linetti smother Darlene are both on the same town of Flint Michigan that place where the politicians poison the water because it was cheaper remember that that was messed up wasn't it still not completely fixed I don't think oh well back to the fun stuff number 86 Dan gore had suggested that the actor who is most like their character is probably Terry which isn't super surprising considering they mixed genuine Terry grease facts to bring sergeant Jeffords to life on the big screen number 87 conversely Gore believes that of all the show's cast members Stephanie Beatriz is the least similar to her character which is unsurprising considering the fact that Rosa went to medical school for three years has a pilot's license and is known to carry large light of her at all times number 88 indeed Beatrice has stated in interviews that she is so different to her character the fans often don't fully recognize her often suggesting that she only kind of looks like Rosa Diaz Beatrice has said on numerous occasions that when she replied that she is in fact the actress who plays roser on the show people a flat help disagreed with her number 89 the show is known for its highly entertaining Halloween specials in which the entire gang essentially an incredibly convoluted yet hilarity entertaining games have capped the flag despite the fact they are on-duty police officers in one of the planet's busiest cities interestingly the cast doesn't actually know who's going to win until filming commences which sounds both delightfully fun and logistically inconvenient number 19 many of the props used in the production of Brooklyn nine-nine and ratch the old props and Parks and Rec and presumably when Shirin gall worked their magic on whatever hilarious show the cook up next to will feature props from Brooklyn nine-nine may be CJ's bongos will end up in someone else's office in years to come number 91 for obvious reasons call has stated that his dream guest star would be Bruce Willis who would presumably star as himself in a scene in which takes spontaneously combusts out of sheer joy from eating the star of the greatest film ever made diehard its come on someone pull some strings let's get happen number 92 Gore has stated that his favorite Brooklyn nine-nine called open occurs at the beginning of the third episode of the third season called the boils hunch in which Jake adopted Toronto that was seized after busing a drug dealer aside from the fact that the larger black dude escapes a manager to end up on top of Terry's head Gore loves the scene for the various nicknames that Jake produces for his new partner which include spidey klum tarantula basset and Jos Biden number 93 the cold opened the mr. Terry Crews most favors is from the beginning of the fourth episode of season four called the night shift in which the gang attempt to forcibly remove the glorious frosted tips that taken a client in this time in Florida crew says that no matter how many times he's watched it the scene never fails to make him laugh number 94 Andy Samberg Joe lo Truglio Stephanie Beatrice and Jason Mantzoukas have all provided voices on the hit animated TV series Bob's Burgers Samberg voices Bret one of Tina's many love interests lo Truglio voices several characters on the show including Bryce Carl Lumpkin M scab Beatrice voice Julia and Cobie Bob bash and Mantzoukas lent his distinctive vocals to mr. Manoogian the owner and operator of the sand flea Motel number 95 being one of the only spots of light and whimsy in an ever more ugly and depressing world Brooklyn nine-nine has obviously nabbed itself its fair share of awards and accolades these include Emmys and Golden Globes for the show as a whole as well as a Golden Globe Andy Samberg and a Critics Choice Television Award for Andre Braugher number 96 not only that Brooklyn nine-nine is also on a gla ad media reward for its positive portrayal of lgbtq+ people specifically captain holt his husband Kevin and Rosa Diaz who knew is possible to write lovable and get complex queer characters that don't descend into lazy stereotypes and cheap jokes lgbtq+ people that's who number 97 the cast and crew have revealed a few details about what fans can expect to see in subsequent season 2 Brooklyn nine-nine giving us tantalizing tastes of episodes to come one such idea that it's existed since season 1 but it's not yet worked into the show and forms a simple premise that Jake loves honey mustard look forward to that mega fans number 98 the writers have also debated expanding on Rose's mysterious backstory they do however notes that the fancier enigmatic life may be funnier than the actual reality of it number 99 however one episode that the team have talked about doing for years involves Holton Kevin new in their bowels an idea that Mark Evan Jackson apparently likes to bring up at every possible opportunity number a hundred you may also remember that in the first ever episode of the show Terry mentions that amy has not one not two but seven brothers while we've met one of Amy's Bros in the form of David Santiago pied by lin-manuel Miranda gore has stated that there are plans to introduce more of Amy siblings number 101 one thing that is confirmed at season seven is that it will feature another installment of the Jimmy jab games the enthralling office Olympics of M Double R seen all the way back in season two so that was 101 fact about Brooklyn nine-nine is it one of your favorite shows ever do you love it do you really love it let me know in the comments down below also be sure to give this video a like and subscribe to 101 facts of um done so already cuz all the cool kids have done it baby in the meantime to videos on screen now for you one of them is gonna just solve all the problems in your life don't believe me Bob try it out then and I'll see you there
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 768,901
Rating: 4.8439598 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, brooklyn nine nine, brooklyn 99, facts about brooklyn 99, brooklyn 99 facts, jake peralta, captain holt, amy santiago, rosa diaz, charles boyle, hitchcock and scully, gina linetti, b99, brooklyn 99 bloopers, brooklyn 99 theme song, brooklyn 99 season 7, best of b99, best of, brooklyn 99 best bits, terry crews, i want it that way, terry jeffords, andy samberg, andre braugher, jake and amy, stephanie beatriz, chelsea peretti, halloween heist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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