Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin | Playthrough | With Colin

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the kingdom is in grave danger once again and there is no one left to deal with the unhollowed threat the crown has been forced to enlist the swords of the coin mercenary guild to gather champions from outside the realm the task of hunting down the acolytes and stopping the unhollowed scourge falls upon the shoulders of four ruthless mercenaries while each has a unique set of skills they must band together to vanquish this evil before the unhollowed consume the world in darkness hello everyone and welcome to the one stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to do a playthrough of set a watch swords of the coin this is the expansion it's a standalone game that you can combine with the original game set a watch it is a dice placement puzzle game i feel like it works really well solo to two players i'm excited to show it to you if you want to see how the original game plays mike did a play through way back when that's super good i'll put a link in the description below you can find that here what we're going to do is play the expansion using expansion heroes and i'm going to go against the outriders using the outriders expansion enemies because well i just want to die apparently i actually haven't played against them i'm excited to try it here but likely we're going to lose because i have heard these are a good challenge now in this game no matter the player count between one to four players you always have to play with four heroes so that's what we're going to do for our solo game so let's go ahead and set up the game and then jump into our playthrough the first part of setup is choosing which heroes you want to play with i'm going to play with the monk the artificer the barbarian and the bounty hunter each hero is set up a little bit differently so we'll go through them quickly one at a time we'll start with setting up the bounty hunter hero so this bounty hunter hero has a trophy limit of three what that means is when the bounty hunter contributes to defeating a creature in line with direct attacks and direct attacks means you place one of your dice that you've rolled put it on the creature as uh direct damage and help defeat it we can have the bounty hunter take that creature card as a trophy and set it next to their board instead of placing it in the graveyard and our bounty hunter can hold up to three trophies the bounty hunter will roll d8s and you can tell that by the symbol in the top right hand corner of their player sheet so i've grabbed the three d8s in this one they are blue we also have the five ability cards for our bounty hunter i'm going to randomly shuffle these up and place three out on the board the third one that i place out i'm going to flip over to the exhausted side to show that essentially we're starting the game with every character having a point of damage it gives a reason for one of the heroes to go to camp because when they do that they automatically get to refresh an ability so it was kind of a detriment if you don't do that you don't want to go to camp but someone has to stay at camp each turn so that way we'll have two that are face up ready to go and one face down the three abilities our bounty hunter has is exploit track them down and trophy swap now the other two i'll still keep off to the side because we could potentially do an equip action to equip them throughout the game we'll go through these abilities in detail throughout the play through uh for the bounty hunter and for each of our heroes but what's important to know is during each round we can activate these one time by placing a die on it and we can always also so you can do this just on its own or you can do this even when there's a die on it you can exhaust it to use the ability on that specific ability card but then that is considered another point of damage if ever you have all three of these being damaged that means that you either need to go to camp or if you don't go to camp uh when you are on watch you don't get to contribute your dice or any of your abilities to the combat against the horde when the bounty hunter does choose to stay at camp which by the way each hero is going to have to do that two times throughout the game so there's a total of eight initial rounds before the final ninth round that we have to just survive to win the game during those eight rounds you get to choose which one of your heroes is going to stay at camp and each one has to stay two times one of those are when that's happening you can actually use your collect bounty ability of placing a die here and activating this this says you can discard up to three of your trophies to the graveyard and then collect coins equal to the total damage of the just discarded trophies so what's new in this game is there's actually a merchant and you can buy items which is really fun i'm really glad they added it it added a lot to the game i think here we have the barbarian now she's awesome she rolls 3d 12s that means she can potentially do a lot of direct damage however her abilities which by the way she has leap and voracious active with bloodied exhausted the abilities cannot be used by spending dice you have to exhaust the ability the abilities when you use them so it means that when she does this leap action she can only do that one time and then we flip it over and it's exhausted and she'll have to go back to camp or find a different way to heal in order to get those back but it does mean that then generally she'll be using her dice here for more direct combat or other types of abilities her special ability when she has to stay at camp is the primal hunt or primal might choose one of your exhausted ability cards and resolve an equip action with it which means you can swap it with one of the other ones that's not equipped and then you get to refresh that just equipped ability so basically she can heal two times when she goes to camp which is really nice but of course she has to spend a diet uh there to do that here we have the monk now the monk rolls d6 is he's going to be the yellow d6s because the artificer also rolls the d6s he has blind fighter and flying kick active with the chai attack exhausted oh and i just want you to understand that these are all randomly chosen i just randomly chose them uh his ability if he goes to the camp and you remember you have to do that twice for each game he can upgrade a single die twice or two of your dice once he can actually upgrade his dice from d6s to d8s to potentially d10s so we could get some better dice if he chooses to meditate while he's at the camp finally we have the artificer and the artificer has an artificer staff they can never lose this and this starts with eight charges and it actually has a passive ability on it that states once per round you may defeat a revealed creature in line with health equal to or lower than the charges that you have here so we have eight then you lose half of your charges rounded up he has quick craft and war staff available with siphon vortex exhausted also rolls those d6s and he has a craft item ability draw a number of cards from the item deck equal to the value of the die spent so if i spent a die of 4 i'd get to draw four cards keep one item and return the rest to the top of the item deck in the order of your choosing and i do want to mention the max amount of items that you can have is two this is not counted for the artificer so you can have two other items outside of the artificer there's one more item i want to mention about the heroes before we move on to our next part of setup and that is the type of attacks that they have so the monk and the barbarian are melee characters they can only do direct attacks now anything with their abilities it's going to depend upon what the ability says but with any of their direct attacks so just placing a die on an enemy for that damage they can only do that to the first position enemy the artificer and the bounty hunter can actually do that with the first and the second position because they're ranged now let's set up our enemy creatures first thing you'll want to do is grab all the unhollowed that you want to use in the game or potentially use i'm going to randomly grab one of these and i'm going to place it into the and the horde is inside the box itself which is really cool in that final round any enemies that are in the horde we're going to have to place them at the end of the line of enemies and we have to defeat all those enemies in order to win the game so already we have for sure one unhollowed at the end of the game now we might be able to get rid of this depending upon the actions that we do in the game but uh we don't know and we have no idea which unhollowed that is i've then chosen seven other unhollowed enemies and i'm going to have them in a stack face up on the side of the board they very likely are going to come into the into play maybe not all of them but summon cards will bring them out put them into our line of enemies and then we'll be seeing them unfortunately over and over again next you'll want to determine the difficulty that you want for the game i'm going to go on normal which means i'm going to choose two summon cards if you wanted easy you'd only choose one if you wanted insane you choose four let's only do uh two that's a normal game this is how those unhollowed cards that we saw that we placed the side those seven these are how they can come out into play we also need to grab two acolytes now i've chosen because i'm doing the outriders ones i've chosen one of the undead acolyte and one of the goblin acolyte i've set them aside then i have randomly drawn 28 cards from that outrider deck i think there's 34 of them so it's almost all of them just a few are still in the box and with that pile of 28 enemy cards i'm also going to shuffle in the acolytes that should mean i have exactly 30 creatures here what i'm then going to do is split the deck 15 cards and 15 cards i'll do that better when i'm not on camera and shuffle in one of these cards so these are the summon cards into each one they just don't want you to have both of them show up at one time so that way you have them seated between the 30 cards once you've completed that you should have a creature deck having 32 cards in total and we'll set this off to the side now we can set up our map deck so the first thing you want to do is grab your final map card this is card number nine there's two options in this game i'm going to use the tower ruins we'll place that at the bottom of the stack then what you need to do is make sure you remove all the respit or the easier locations i think of them as the easier or more relaxing locations they have this symbol on them out of the map deck so i have all those out of here i'm then going to take this stack shuffle it up and randomly draw eight and place eight of them on top of this final location card this is now considered our map deck let's put that out on the board we'll place that deck here it should have nine cards in total and then to start the game we'll flip the top one over we can ignore the amount of wood that we lose which is amazing because that was minus four here and this is going to tell us how many creatures are going to come out for this round which is only six we also have an ability that says when this location enters play the adventures as a group discard three coins from the camp board that was the best card to flip over because i have no money right now so that would have been terrible mid game but at the beginning that's actually a really nice start now we still have that stack of unused regular map cards as well as the nicer map cards what i'm now going to do is shuffle those nicer ones in to the remaining unused locations hoping that if i ever do a check map action i can maybe find one of those respite locations and replace one of the bad ones that we're very likely going to see so i'll shuffle these up and then place them in the box there's a nice little spot inside the box for unused locations the board in this game is actually the top of the box which is kind of cool and sometimes a little bit annoying because this thing keeps popping up but for the beginning of the game you want to set your fire at seven which means that you will be able to reveal the first two enemies you can see them if ever this goes below seven we can only look at the first one the one that's as close to us as possible conversely if we get all the way up to let's say 12 we can look at the first three because we have more fire uh that's in our campfire i love how that works and it's a very cool way of doing that new with this expansion are all the coins there are coin spots and you can see that there are coins on the board we're supposed to place out coins on each of these locations so if i go here to heal we'll as a group collect those coins that are in those spaces each round we're going to be placing more coins out on the board for any spaces that have a coin symbol and you don't have a die there finally we can set up the merchant board so we have all of these different items i'm going to reveal the top three these items we could potentially use during the game looks like we've got two scrolls and a firewood so these two are discard abilities so you can use them once discard them and they're done actually this is also a discard there are ones that maybe activate abilities where you'll use dice for them or there might be passive ones or there could be ones where you exhaust them to use them and then you'll get them back when you go to camp and rest each this one says the bolster scroll each adventure may choose to reroll any number of their unspent dice well this one removed the top card of the horde from the game that could get rid of that uh that unhollowed that would be amazing actually right now in firewood that would give us plus two fire can be discarded in camp uh or on watch cool i did also get this play mat that will hold the different creatures so as you can see we'll be placing them out on the table like this and pretend that our fire is over here so if we could reveal the top two creatures we are the first two creatures it would be these two that we would reveal as we defeat them then this slides down and our goal is to defeat all the creatures that are out here and we have to do that eight times then deal with the final round where none of us are at camp we potentially have that horde though that we have to deal with and as long as we defeat all the enemies while no one has uh all of us haven't gone exhausted while on watch then we win the game on the back of the hero sheets they have a really nice quick reference we'll go through this for our first round and then after that we won't use it we'll just keep moving through the phases so we can see our first phase we need to roll our dice and we all do this simultaneously so i'm going to grab all that all those dice and roll them up together we'll give our 12 dice a roll that feels so good to roll them i've set up our dice on our hero boards just so you can see what they are you can see the monk here 644 the artificer 632 not nearly as good the barbarian a 12 and a 10 and the bounty hunter has an eight and two fours now remember the numbers on the dice only really matter when you're using them for direct damage which is just placing them out and dealing damage based upon the number that's on the die remember you can activate your abilities with any numbered die but sometimes some abilities are better with higher number dice or better with lower ones that's part of the fun of the game we'll now move to the camp phase we have to pick who rests in camp the wrestling player refreshes a card and then can take all the different camp actions chopping woods counting ahead checking the map healing equipping potential ruins if they rolled doubles as much as i don't want to do this because i feel like the monk actually has a pretty good roll here i want to upgrade his dice as soon as possible so i'm going to choose the monk to rest the first thing you need to do when you choose to rest is take one of these tokens these are rest tokens there's a one and a two on here this is denoting that the monk now has done one time at the camp he can only do it one more time through the rest of the game this means we can refresh our chai attack so now we have all three of our skills available to us now what we can do is place these three dice anywhere within camp or use our ability here and you know i'm gonna do the meditate i can upgrade a single die two times so i can go from a d6 to a d10 or i can upgrade two dice once and that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna upgrade both of these d6s so now we have two d8s that are fours that we can use thanks to that meditation now let's talk quick about the different locations you can go to in camp so if you have a and exactly a six can't be higher than a six or lower it has to be a six you can come here and heal and that can refresh another one of your abilities of course we don't need to do that because we're fully healed also any coins that are in a space when you place a die there you gain all of them for the group so as rounds go by we might gain up three four or five coins here if i went there and collect all five which is cool equip allows us to swap out abilities that we don't have currently equipped however if i swap out an exhausted ability the new one comes in exhausted just don't forget that the check map action you need to use a four plus so four or higher you can go here you can draw the top card of the map deck and the top card of the unused location deck choose one to place on top of the map deck and the other one goes to the bottom of the location deck you could choose to go to scout ahead now the first die you place here can be any die that you want but if you decide to scout ahead multiple times in one camp round the next die you place has to be larger than the one you placed there and then so on and so forth as you can see the greater than symbols scout ahead lets you draw and look at the top two cards of the creature deck for each card you can either return at the top or the bottom of the creature deck you kind of know what's coming finally you can come here and chop firewood you can use any dice you can go there up to three times every time you go there you'd increase the fire limit by two if you happen to roll doubles or triples you can go to the rune slots that are on the back of the location cards you can go to one of each of these spaces and there's three of them one is a seal you can remove one unhollowed from the graveyard and place it at the bottom of the unhollowed deck and get them out of there you can vanquish remove the top card of the horde deck a horde the horde deck from the game which right now we know is an unhollowed bolster all adventurers on watch may choose to re-roll any number of their dice i have two fours and as much as i want money i feel like it's too good to be true to not use the two fours so i definitely think i want to do the vanquish so i'll place one of the fours here and then i will do the other one as a bolster to allow my friends to re-roll i believe that's that one vanquish means that that unhollowed we had in the horde is no longer there i'm gonna remove it from the game for the re-rolls i definitely think the artificer will reroll these two the barbarian i think we might reroll this one we'll see if we can get lucky and we'll reroll the two fours now this means these three are on watch and if ever all three of these have all three of their ability cards exhausted we automatically lose the game even though the monk is all ready to go since he's at camp he doesn't count when you look to see if you uh have lost the game we're hoping for some higher dice and we got a two and a five a one and a two that's terrible we did get a nine though here that completes the camp phase we'll now move to the merchant phase we can purchase items from the market you know how much money we have zero so that's not going to happen we're going to refresh the market with new items and then add a coin on each cam action space that is marked with a coin symbol and does not have a die which is all of them if we had purchased one of these cards all we would do now is just replace those empty spots but since we haven't bought any what we do is we reveal another item so we have the divine bracers it's a passive each time the first player power is triggered reroll one of your spent dice and add it to your wow wow wow add it to the pool of unspent dice i think we're going to place that here so what you do is you actually place it on top of other items now i only have these three items available but if i buy these divine bracers the one below it will become available and now it might be hard to tell on camera but i now have two coins in each of these spots which is great for the next person that goes to camp they can actually get some money now we're going to move to the watch phase so we're going to prepare the creature line and reveal creatures based upon our campfire level which is two then as a party we can choose the order that we spend our dice as direct attacks or activating abilities or maybe an exhausting ability to use its effect especially if you're the barbarian if the fire light ever goes to zero someone has to exhaust an ability card that is on watch to then increase the fire by two so you always have to have the fire at least by two after we have done all the actions that we can and if there's any creatures that are out on the table still that we haven't defeated they're all going to deal damage to the uh adventures that are on watch and then go into the horde and we're gonna have to deal with them uh in that final round and then we'll go ahead and reveal the next location and start over we have to do that eight times the ninth time no one's going to be in at camp assuming we get there and we're going to all try and defend against whatever enemies come out we can see here from our location we need to place six creatures out on the board we have our six creatures remember our fire level is at two so let's reveal the first two enemies and see what we can do our first creature will be a forgotten sentinel it has an ongoing ability this tells you it's health it's only four actually if we don't defeat it it's going to deal us two damage at the end of the round it says here the forgotten sentinel's health is increased by this location creatures count which is six so the health here is actually ten instead of six okay that's not terrible our second one here is another forgotten sentinel well go figure so this one actually only has a three plus six is nine so we have a nine health forgotten sentinel and a ten health forgotten sentinel and don't forget any of the characters or heroes that have ranged attacks can actually attack this one but the melee characters like that barbarian can only attack the forgotten sentinel the first thing we're going to do is have our barbarian use the 9 die here to deal 9 direct damage to the forgotten sentinel then that bounty hunter will deal one damage just enough to take him out that's the six plus the four is ten this is gone and since the bounty hunter used direct damage to take out that forgotten sentinel we can take him as one of the trophies and that is what we're going to do so we have a golem trophy we now have first position open so that means the forgotten sentinel will move up to first position moving all other creatures up one will then reveal the next enemy oh no this is a wyvern hatchling it says reveal minus one fire that means we'll move our fire down to six which means now we're not going to flip over the wyvern hatchling we've already seen it but any new ones that go into position two we're not going to flip over until they move to position one and if you look here we do not want him in position one if this enemy gets into the first position it will steal one unspent die from any one adventure gross you blasted dragon i had a plan to get rid of this using our bounty hunter but i think i've got to deal with the wyvern hatchling first i think it's as good as time as any to have our artificer use his staff once brown you may defeat a revealed creature in line with health equal to or lower than your current level of charge our charge is eight we're going to defeat this wyvern hatchling okay that means though we have to lose half of our charges rounded up so we are going to have to lose four charges so we're down to four now we're going to slide all those creatures down but remember our fire is too low we don't get to see what this enemy is i might have a quick fix though i'm going to use our quick craft by the artificer this is why i love the artificer once per round you may spend charges equal to the cost of an item that's in the market to gain it at the end of the round shuffle it back into the item deck if able so we're going to spend two charges going from four down to two and we're going to buy an item we're going to quickly find some firewood and then we're going to discard that and chuck it onto the fire so that we can increase our fire by two that'll push us back up from six to eight and now we can reveal two enemies again why i wanted to increase my fire is so that if i do take out this forgotten sentinel i don't want to have a nasty uh first line or first position effect instead i have a goblin archer okay so first thing has a keyword beast rider that means if and either adjacent spots when enemies are revealed if one of them is a force creature it's immediately going to jump on it and essentially ride it which is really cool it makes one enemy that then essentially you add the health of the two enemies together as well as their attack together and they become one enemy that's harder to defeat also this one has a second position ability and it says stun and ability stunning means that we have to place a die on one of our ability cards and not use its effect we have to place or use that for any one of our characters and it has to be an ability that you can activate with a die so that means the barbarian actually cannot be stunned you can never stun the barbarian but you can't choose the barbarian for this you have to choose someone that can be stunned i think we're just going to stun the artificer we're going to place the two on the war staff not activating the ability our bounty hunter then is going to use the exploit ability that he has we're going to defeat a revealed creature in the line who has a type that matches one of our trophy types well we have a golem that's in a trophy so we just took out this golem no problem didn't matter what its health was it has now been defeated and will be placed into the graveyard we only have three cards left we're actually doing quite well let's flip this one up oh we have a river troll this guy needs 11 damage to take him out however for each fire that we spend because we essentially throw fired logs at him reduce his health by two especially because he's a river uh river troll that's really cool he is not a forest creature so we don't have to worry about the goblin archer jumping onto him we're then going to have the artificer just use five direct damage here and take out that goblin archer he only has four health so he's gone he'll be placed into the discard pile we'll slide these down we'll reveal this one we have an acolyte so this has a first position ability it says move goblin acolyte to the end of the line when it's at the end of the line which it is draw the top part of the unhollowed deck and place it behind the goblin acolyte limit once per watch face so that's great he just happened to be at the end of the line and that means that we now have our first unhollowed at the end of the line and that's our revenant here and he says for his defeated ability place the revenant on top of the creature deck yes we have to deal with him over and over and over again boy this is just getting more and more fun isn't it the artificer is most certainly going to do a direct damage attack remember he's ranged so he can attack at plus one range taking out that goblin acolyte so that way we don't have the first position effect happen he would jump back to the end of the line so let's get rid of him he's in the discard pile we'll then use our barbarian the barbarian and river troll will go head-to-head and yeah she's pretty awesome a 12 takes out that river troll nobody's business all we have left is the revenant and i think we all know what we're going to do with that revenant we've got a 10 left from the barbarian 8 from our awesome bounty hunter and that is fantastic because we just dealt 18 damage and instead of this going in the discard pile which would then mean it would go back on top of the creature deck i believe he can take this as a trophy let me know if that's not right but i believe that he can because when he deals direct damage and defeats an enemy he can actually take it as a trophy instead of having its defeated effect i think it's safe to say we sent those creatures packing so uh end round don't have to worry about exhausting any abilities we'll then just reveal the next location and start the next round so i've grabbed all of our dice back let's see what our next location will be we'll move from the demolished caravan to that's another minus four hidden pass this is seven enemies the adventure in camp may take the check map action without spending a die yeah why wouldn't you do that now i'm assuming with that ability though you don't get the coins because you have to place a die there to get coins but we can at least do the check map for free minus four fire is totally brutal one two three four we're down to four that means i'm likely gonna have to spend two dice just to get our firewood yeah i don't know i don't know what else i'm gonna do because i you gotta have two enemies revealed if possible on to round two let's roll up our dice i see another 12 for our barbarian gosh she is awesome looking at the dice that we have for a round two i was really wanting the artificer to rest because i don't have a great way right now of being able to increase our charges here except for our exhausted ability uh but a six six and a five is really hard to pass up on but if i did rest or didn't rest with the artificer the only other one i'd really want to rest was the bounty hunter and he's got a five five and a seven which is pretty much just as good so i think even though it's not amazing i am going to have the artificer rest let's place our rest token here for the artificer and then we're first going to do with a six draw a number of cards from the item deck equal to the value of the die spent which we have a six here to activate this ability so we're going to get to look at six items we get to keep one item and return the rest to the top of the item deck in the order of our choosing this is kind of insane what are we gonna do we have our crossbow you gain plus one range we have helm of prophecy cancel a creature's reveal power that was just triggered that's an exhaust so we can get oh man we can get that back we could use it at least two times in the game we have activate for the ring choose an ability card with a die spent on it equal to the die spent on this item resolve that ability a second time evolutionary shield take the creature in the first position of the line and move it to the horde or prevent an exhaust from a summon card oh wow that's cool because every summon card makes one of the characters on watch have to exhaust an ability so you can actually stop that with the illusionary shield we have shocking hammer deal to the creature in first position damage equal to the maximum value of the die spent to activate this item boy if we had the barbarian have that that would be 12 damage then we have the dragon tooth spear defeat the creature in second position so many great options here i think i think this is just too good we're gonna go for the dragon spear but i love this one so i'm gonna put this one on top followed by this one followed by this one oh i should have them the other way so this one on top followed by this one uh after that and then this one and then this one yeah so this one at the end then this one then this one then these two you guys are probably watching this coin why was that so hard for you colin but that's how our items are going to be set up our next two actions are going to be to chop wood we will do that and gain two coins i do want to mention these are double sided with threes on the other side so make sure that you uh don't accidentally flip them over that will gain us two wood we'll then place a five here to gain two more wood thank goodness and then we do get that free check map action what that means is i get to look at the top card of this one and the top card of this one and then compare them and choose which one i want to put on the top of this deck and the other will go to the bottom of the unused locations we either have the forsaken asylum which is -3 to our fire i don't love that at the end of the watch phase each adventurer gains one coin for each of their unspent dice or the moving force it's only minus one and ventures in camp cannot resolve the chopped wood action oh but it's only minus one hmm should we take our chance and it's only six enemies let's take our chance we're going to do uh the moving forest hopefully we find a different way to get fire firewood we're going to place this one then at the bottom of this deck we've completed the camp phase we'll now move to the merchant phase we have two whopping gold three and four we can't buy either so we'll just replenish with hey the illusionary shield for five we then replenish our money we've got threes across the board remember since there's a die here we don't place out more money the next time because the next round we're not going to be able to go and chop firewood we'll be able to place a coin there now we're going to draw seven creatures from the creature deck and start doing our watch phase i did almost forget we need to refresh our siphon vortex because we went to camp and we can refresh one of our abilities we have our seven creatures out on the board let's start revealing our first two the first one that we have we have the mesmerist ongoing adventures cannot spend tamed creatures on direct attacks while mesmeris is in the line and mesmers cannot be tamed we don't have tamed abilities so that's fine uh that's a human our next one we have another acolyte this is second position which he's in sometimes add the top card from a tap card of the graveyard to the horde well the top card of the graveyard is that river troll that's going to be placed into the horde that's what we're going to fight at the end of the game so we have placed that in there if it gets to the first position we have to shuffle the graveyard and i should say search the graveyard for the topmost summon card shuffle that card back into the creature deck well the nice thing is we don't have any in there but likely the summon card is probably in this set of seven so i might want to take him out before he gets to first position i think starting with our monk is a great idea we're going to activate our blind fighter we can peek at two creatures in the line then recover one of your spent dice and set it to its maximum value so we're going to recover this die and make it an eight instead of a four and then we will be able to look at two creatures in the line peek at them they won't be revealed but we can at least see what they are i do also want to mention that although we have this card here and you would think well why don't i just do this over and over again i can only ever activate one of my abilities or i should say i can only activate each ability that i have one time with a die and one time by exhausting it each turn so i can't now take this five use this recover this for a six to activate it a second time i can only ever do that one time per round i definitely want to peek at the next two cards so we have a goblin archer which is next that's not terrible and we have an evil apparition neither of those well this one has a second position ability right it stuns an ability or yeah i don't think there's gonna be anything we can do about that though because it when it gets into second position it's going to activate so we'll just have to deal with the stun what it does mean is that our bounty hunter can use his seven here to take out the mesmerist and this can be his third trophy and now we have a human an unhollowed and a golem which is nice now this acolyte here now that it's in first position we look for a summon card but we don't have any we are though going to have to deal with the goblin archer and stun an ability i don't love it but we're going to stun the bounty hunter i think our bounty hunter is the only arranged character that we have out this time so he can use his final five to take out this goblin archer that will go into the discard pile he's got three trophies he doesn't want any more but he's used all three of his dice we do know the next card is an evil apparition it's another undead it cannot be defeated with a single die for direct attack and it has a seven we're going to do a chi attack with our monk using our five here choose a revealed creature in line deal damage to that creature equal to the total of your unspent dice we have 2 8 so that's 16 damage that is more than enough to take out that undead acolyte we only have four cards left in our row we have to reveal this one i'm waiting for that summon oh we have another beast rider another goblin first position it's going to stun an ability not second position so i definitely want to take that out before the evil apparition i don't love this but i think i'm going to use an 8 here using our flying kick for our monk choose a revealed creature in line deal to that creature damage equal to the total of your spent dice eight plus five well that's definitely more than the five that we need for that boar rider but then we don't have to worry about stunning uh another ability three creatures remaining our next one is another evil apparition apparently our bounty hunter should have taken out some of the undead characters as trophies that would have been nice i think we're going to do leap exhaust is ability to defeat one creature in line then gain plus one range until the end of the route well the plus and range whatever but we're going to take out that second one the evil apparition nothing really matters we're going to take them out with that placed them in our discard pile i just feel like this has to be a summon it is choose one adventure to immediately exhaust one of their ability cards then discard this card to the graveyard and replace it with the top card of the unhollowed deck which you know what that is we now have the crow prime this could be pretty terrible but it's not bad this time it says move the creature in the first position to the end of the line and conceal it so it flips itself over and if it had a reveal effect that would be terrible but for us it's actually not terrible we're just going to flip these over it's concealed but then it really gets revealed it doesn't have a reveal effect it just has an ongoing so we're good to go but i do still need to have someone take that point of damage we'll have the monk take that point of damage on his chi attack it's only so good because it can only deal damage equal to two dice not three so yeah the flying kick seems better and then between the barbarian and the monk as well as the barbarian twice over on the evil apparition we have so many dice we don't have any left over but that will take out both of these enemies and we've cleared the second round we'll then reveal that new location and we know what it is it's only a minus one but the adventure at camp cannot resolve the chop wood action we will lose one fire but we're okay we're still at two we'll now move to round three let's roll up our dice uh we don't have any twelves maybe this is a good time for our barbarian to rest we'll see looking at our dice rolls for this third round without a doubt the barbarian is going to rest that means she can immediately ready one of her abilities i think we're going to do bloodied just because it looks cool exhaust is ability to increase one of your dice to its maximum value for each of your exhausted abilities yeah that sounds pretty awesome i feel like i have to do a primal mite because it just seems awesome choose one of your exhausted ability cards and resolve and equip action with it so i'm going to replace leap although i really like leap i have two other really good abilities here rampage says exhaust disability then take the first three cards in the line shuffle them together and randomly place one back in first position move the other two into the graveyard in the order of your choosing or we have storm stones throw it's a passive for each melee adventure on watch including the barbarian you may resolve a single die direct attack with plus one range so if i have just one melee character then i can do one ranged attack if i had two which a lot of times i will with the monk i could actually do two range attacks with the stone's throw cool but this one's way cooler i like rampage way better and this might seem a little bit crazy but i do think what i'm going to do is a check map and another equip action that's also going to gain us six gold we have six plus two we have eight gold i feel so incredibly powerful uh but with the check map let's draw this top location as well as the top location from the unspent pile and reveal them we either have kayla springs mine which actually does not hurt our fire at all each adventure on watch may exhaust a car to destroy a revealed creature in the line each time a reveal power resolves a -2 fire the other one is at the end of the of the watch phase adventurers as a group must exhaust one additional ability card for each creature entering the horde but it's only seven yeah i feel like nine is a lot so we're going to deal with the carnival of fear that means we're going to probably have to chop wood but let's put the carnival of feel fear here and we'll put this one at the bottom of the unused locations for our equip action i'm going to get rid of voracious we have not seen a lot of forest creatures or humans i think we've seen one human so i'm going to replace that with leap we'll now move to that merchant phase and this just looks so good take the creature in the first position of the line and move it to the horde or prevent an exhaust from a summon card we know another summon card is coming so we'll spend three plus two which is five we're going to buy this now we can give this to anyone i'm going to give this to the artificer can make his own we're not playing with the barbarians so let's do the monk this time we'll give the illusionary shield to the monk because that makes a lot of sense i wish i had one more coin because i want to buy this i think i'm just going to stay so that i can hopefully buy that next time or do we want this no we're not going to that means we'll just replenish it with a new one we know these shocking hammers coming and i want that one too oh my gosh so many good ones we've added coins to the board we have four now for healing four for the scout and one for chop these two don't get any we need to place six creatures out in our line we have our six creatures in line let's take a look at our top two our first one will be we have an acid drake and it has a first position effect we have -2 to our fire that means we're not going to reveal this then each adventure checks their pool for unspent dice if they have at least two matching results they must exhaust one ability two matching results we have an eight four three a six five three and an 862 oh my gosh we are so lucky that didn't happen but -2 to our fire is terrible we are going to chop wood like nobody's business next time blind fighter seems too good not to start with so we'll pop this up to an eight we'll get it back and we get to peek at two creature cards we're definitely going to peek at the next two we have another acid drake are you serious and we have a trickster imp that has a reveal each adventure on watch immediately exhausts one of their ability cards then each of them may refresh a different ability card oh he's terrible and that's a reveal there's not much we're going to be able to do about that well this isn't great but i need to do this to power up my staff i am going to siphon vortex defeat the creature in first position then move one unrevealed creature into first position and gain charges equal to the number of creatures currently in the line this means we can defeat this acid drake let's put this card into the front of the line we'll reveal it in a second but that we will gain one two three four five charges plus the two that we have from before so that will put us back up to seven from the two that we had i will take that we will though have to reveal this one oh no first position exhaust one ability then move a living doll to the graveyard so this will go right to the graveyard uh and we have to have someone exhaust one ability actually this is kind of crazy but i think i'm going to do the artificer because he's the only one that does not have an exhausted ability and we know that trickster is coming we're going to have to switch which one we have exhausted so before he was actually just going to have to exhaust an ability and not be able to switch it to a different one now he will so that actually wasn't as bad as i was thinking however what's going to happen next is going to be terrible because we're going to have minus two oh no this is actually really bad we're going to lose two more fire going from five down to three and then each adventurer checks their pool for unspent dice if they have at least two matching results they must exhaust one well we have two eights here so we have to exhaust an ability for the monk and that's because we used our blind fighter to turn it into an eight we've already used the blind fighter so we'll flip that one over we still have our flying kick available i think for our next action we're going to use our bounty hunter track em down reveal up to two creatures if either creature type matches one of your trophies which is human golem or on a golem or unhollowed then set your unspent unspent dice to their maximum value which would be eight we know this is that stupid trixie imp so let's do these two our first one is the dragon rider so if there's a dragon next to it it would actually jump onto it it has a reveal effect oh why don't we just hit our fire a little bit more then reveal cards immediately before and behind the dragon uh rider that's in line when we were gonna do that anyways we'll reveal this one oh it's just you know a river troll but that's a giant and this one over here is the demon the trickster amp which we're also gonna have to do in a second let's first deal with the fire our fire now goes down to a whopping two then we just have to deal with this reveal effect each adventure on watch amelia exhausts one of their ability cards then they may refresh a different one before i do that i do want to mention one of the creatures that we revealed was a human that would mean that both of our unspent dice are now going to move to an eight okay and that's important because now i am going to exhaust this one for our bounty hunter to then ready the trophy swap our monk will have to flip over the flying kick and then maybe we'll flip over the blind fighter is just so helpful so we'll do the blind fighter the artificer will flip over the quick craft and then exhaust the war staff let's have the bounty hunter and the monk work together to take out the acid drake we're then going to discard one of the trophies we're going to discard the golem so we now have a dragon as one of our trophies for the bounty hunter we can then just do direct attacks to take out the last three enemies i believe uh just taking out each one with what we have here eight for there that's eight plus six that's more than enough for the nine eight plus five is more than enough for the river troll so all three of them are toast nothing goes into the horde but we have no fire and don't worry remember what i picked i picked the minus two one for fire so one two when you go below zero you get pushed back up to two and one player needs to exhaust an ability wonderful at the end of the watch phase adventures as a group must exhaust one additional ability card for each creature entering the horde hopefully that doesn't happen we're only doing seven this time i don't love this option because it's forcing the monk to be at the arrester next time but i think i'm going to exhaust the monks ability just so that i can rest with him power up his dice a little bit more and yeah then hopefully he can survive hopefully everybody else will roll well and of course what do i roll two eights for the mug wonderful apparently it's no rest for the weary for the bounty hunter uh because we're already doing the second rest for the monk uh when he only has well he hasn't rested yet but he's still kicking i've heard that some people say you have to wrestle everyone once before doing a second time i don't believe that's true i don't see it in the rules i just think it's everyone has to rest a ma a total of two times throughout the eight rounds our monk will have a pretty quick camp phase he's going to go here upgrading that d6 two times to a d10 so we'll have one d10 and two d8s i really wish i could help him heal one more time but i can't i'm instead because i rolled eights i needed exactly a six i'm going to use both eights to increase our firewood one two three four that still doesn't even put us up to where we have enough to reveal two cards oh it is what it is but we do have four gold that we can use we have two really fun options for our four gold we can do each time a first position power is triggered reroll one of your spent dice and add it to the uh add it to your pool of unspent dice it's awesome but the shocking hammer is also great especially with the barbarian but this gives us more options uh yeah you know we're gonna do the shocking hammer just because i like how that works we're gonna give that to the barbarian but that's all four of our gold we've placed more gold out we have five on heel and scout ahead two unequip and one on check map we're now placing seven creatures out on the board seven creatures three heroes only one being revealed at a time this is gonna be interesting i did almost forget to reveal a new item we have our ring of repetition we know what that does we've seen it before let's see what that first creature is oh it's just a yak okay well we have a 5 from our acolyte or our acolyte that would be our artificer let's just take out that yak shall we one down six to go we'll slide everything else down let's see we have the mesmerist once again we cannot tame creatures that's actually fine we'll just use a seven from the bounty hunter gosh i just feel like i'm just waiting for something bad to happen okay sliding these all down again we don't only have five we've been able to one shot the two characters we've got another yak okay let's use a four for that one from the artificer because we have a four this is going well so far uh we'll slide these down so we only have four cards left let's see we have a boar that's only a four these these are really wimpy characters or creatures we'll do five from the bounty hunter to take out the boar oh this is awesome maybe this is okay we'll flip our next one oh there's our dragon rider reveal minus one fire then reveal the card immediately to the left to see if it's a dragon it is a dragon which also has a reveal uh and so it's going to jump onto that dragon so we have two minus ones to our fire and then this is going to move to first position and steal one unspent die from one of our adventures i have a one from our artificer we'll just have that one lost i'll put it on here no i'm not gonna put it on there because it's not damaged i'm just gonna remove it from the game we'll move back down to five this actually worked out okay so far we'll slide this one back over i just want to make sure i didn't miss anything yep no we got all of those so we need to deal seven and now i should just uh 14 damage to take this guy out well i think this is legal i don't see why it wouldn't be we're going to exploit and defeat a revealed creature in the line whose type matches one of your trophy types well i have a dragon and i have a human so i believe i can just take out that wyvern hatchling with the dragon rider let me know if you don't agree with that i know you can't tame them when they're combined but i don't think there's anything saying i can't use exploit our final one is a bore and look at this we have an 11 and we have a 10 and we have a 5. i you know i must have done a terrible job shuffling these cards or something we had all the force creatures show up at the end this guy was a three he was a wimp we took him out no problem really the only thing we're having a problem with right now is fire this means we can move right along to round five we're going to go to the tall grass location each time a creature with a first position power is revealed move that creature one space towards the first position oh well that's okay i can only see the first position anyways minus one to our fire well i think it's safe to say we know who's not resting and that would be it the monk what a roll for the barbarian at 12 a one and a two well looking here that was actually some pretty terrible rolling if you ask me a three one one five two two five five four and twelve two one i do think though we are going to have the bounty hunter do his first rest that will mean he gets to refresh track him down which i do like and we can discard up to three of our trophies to the graveyard then collect coins equal to the total damage of the just discarded cards we're going to discard all three two oh no i don't want to do that you know what i'm going to keep the unhollowed we're just going to discard these two i don't want that unhollowed in there that's a total of three more coins of course in order to do that i need to spend a die so i'll spend that four now i'd love to do something other than chop firewood but since we just can't seem to keep our fire going and i do really like being able to see two creatures one two three four although is it worth it is it worth it because if you think of what we just did you know what one two i'm just gonna go down one i'm gonna chop two times and then i think for the other five let's go ahead and scout ahead this is where this actually is kind of awesome normally i wouldn't really do that but that's five more gold and we can get a ton more items five plus that three is a lot of money we get to look at the top two cards here we can put them on the bottom or our top search the graveyard for the topmost force creature at the end of the line that's not terrible we'll keep that on top and then this one is a summoned let's put that on the bottom i wish i could just get rid of it but that means let's see we're revealing six one two three four five six oh we're still going to see it regardless so it doesn't even matter the big thing that does matter though is we can buy two items we have three six seven eight bucks four plus three that's exactly what i'm thinking of buying each time a first position position power is triggered re-roll one of your spent dice and add it to your pool of unspent dice i think i'm going to give that to the artificer can get items so i think i'm going to give that to the barbarian so he's got the divine bracers you know what actually i'll do it to the monk because the monk's got the d10 and two d8s so let's do that one to the monk and then we're going to spend so that was four then we're going to spend three so we only have one buck left to get the bolster scroll each adventurer may choose to re-roll any number of their unspent dice because you saw how terrible our dice was it was terrible uh so i'm going to give that to anybody it doesn't matter because i'm just going to immediately discard it and use it right at the beginning of the turn so then we'll flip this one over and we know that's a cancel creatures reveal power that just triggered i did refresh all of our coins we've got six here three here and two here we're then going to be placing all six of our creature cards and we know what that first card is going to be the force sprite search the graveyard for the top topmost forest creature which actually is perfect are forest creatures that silly boar that had three health i'm going to put at the end of the row that's no problem we now can spend that bolster scroll let's re-roll some dice we'll re-roll all three for the monk these two for the artificer and these two for the barbarians we'll give them a roll and that looks definitely better an 11 and eight still a two a two and a four for the artificer a five five and a six for the mugs much better than a one one of the three we'll start off with that blind fighter using our d105 so that then we can get it back as a d10 awesome so we now have a 10 5 and a six and we can peek at two creatures in line i always like knowing what's coming next we have a boar rider off it becomes first position at stuns and ability and then this one we have another forest sprite let's use our rampage shall we exhaust this ability then take the first three cards in line shuffle them together and randomly place one back in first position move the other two to the graveyard in the choice of your choosing in the order of your choosing i really just don't want to stun an ability so i'm hoping that the one that we pick is one of those four sprites because we can deal with those forest creatures no problem yeah beautiful so that forest sprite will cause another one of the forest creatures to come uh to the back of the line i'm okay with that these two the fairy and the goblin will go into the discard pile which is sweet the top forest creature is just a boar with four health and with five health we'll simply use a five here from the monk to take that one out we'll place that into the discard pile shuffle these up and we have for our next one i hate the tricksters reveal each adventure on watch and really exhaust one of their ability cards then they may refresh a different one that's actually not terrible for the barbarian i like this rampage slightly better than bloodied so i'll swap those i'll swap the quick craft with the war staff because the war staff can at least deal a lot of damage and we'll swap the flying kick with the blind fighter that should be it now i do also want to mention i have these divine braces for our monk but so far every time we've activated a first position ability we've had all of our dice ready we do now have one not ready so if i do have another first position ability activate i can use those divine bracers this trickster imp needs 10 damage what do you say we use that d10 that we have and take that out with the monk thanks monk let's see our next one a first position we have to exhaust one ability then move the living doll to the graveyard that was a first position ability so our divine bracers lets us reroll in this d10 so we have a four but now someone has to exhaust an ability it makes sense that the barbarian wouldn't even see that living doll let's do rampage especially because she has a way of healing them up this living doll though will then go to the discard pile and we'll flip over our last one we knew what it was it was a summons so we're going to choose an adventure to immediately exhaust one of their abilities but we're not because we have that shield thanks to the monk i'll have to exhaust that but then we're going to discard this card and replace it with the top card of the unhollowed deck the top card is the goblin hurler if a goblin is immediately before behind the goblin hurler in the line defeat the goblin and exhaust one ability because it chucks a goblin at you that's really awesome but no that's just going to sit here we've got a 12 4 and a 3. this shouldn't be terrible unfortunately because the monk has already rested twice this will only be able to be used once but we're using that to negate the having to exhaust one ability this would technically ready the next time the monk rested i seem to have more dice than i even know what to do with uh we can definitely take out these guys with just the dice that we have no problem whatsoever look at that that's all of our dice that we used yeah definitely dead so gone i don't know if i'm just rolling high or if these enemies aren't quite as difficult i will say that that has now depleted her deck so i'm just going to shuffle this up we've got some more on hollowed in here and that's we're going to use going forward let's reveal our next location we have the fog of memory this one is only hitting our fire by one let's just do that now so i don't forget we're down to five and this states after adventures roll dice each adventurer must select one of their dice and set it to the number of locations in the location discard if able this is considered the list location discard so one two three four five six that's actually not bad we have to place or change one of our dice to a six that's not great for the barbarian but that's great for everyone else and hey whoever goes there could rest well that's not bad that fog of memory just means that we could collect six gold and have someone replenish two of their abilities if only that could be the monk well the artificer has a one one and a five that's pretty terrible look at this at 12 i would say that's a five there we go well this is kind of weird but looking at what we have here first thing we need to do is change one of our dice to a six if able so we will move that one to a six this die can move to a six gosh i've never had an ability be so gosh darn helpful to us usually those locations are not helpful i mean look at this we have two threes and a two why did i change the three to a six there we go i changed the two to a six and we'll change this one here to a six i think i am going to do the barbarian for resting because she can do that rest get some gold i like the three abilities that we have so i'm just gonna flip this one now and i'm gonna flip this one because we're going to do one heel action for sure for our three actions we are definitely going to heal for one gaining six gold that puts us to seven we're going to check the map which gives us four more gold which puts us up to 11 11 gold and then we are going to chop wood so we can reveal two cards maybe that's not a good thing but it is what it is let's check out our locations we finally have a respite location everlasting flame look at that plus one to our fire if we go there fire cannot be reduced yeah that's what we need sunken civilization is the other one if no creatures enter the horde during this watch phase adventures as a group may draw one item at the end of the watch phase it's actually not bad we have to deal with nine enemies and it hits our fire by two i'm sorry we're doing everlasting flame because i want help with our fire moving to the merchant phase i think the only thing we're going to buy is that helm of prophecy we're going to spend five three four five bucks and i think that's all we're going to do we only have one enemy in the horde and i don't really feel like it's worth getting rid of that spending three gold we're instead gonna gain this and let's give that to let's give this to the bounty hunter well then replenish with a new item and we have our crossbow that's our last one that we knew what it is the next one that we reveal will be new we now have four gold in the equipped spot and one in the scout ahead spot we'll then draw eight monsters to put in our line and we get to reveal two of them eight is a full row are you ready for this let's see what we find let's reveal our first one and we have our trickster imp again so we're gonna have to do our switching around of abilities you know our bounty hunter just got the helm of prophecy cancel a creature's reveal power that was just triggered yeah let's do that we won't get that back till we rest but our bounty hunter has to rest one more time so why the heck not we'll then reveal our second card and we have a beast rider that's not a beast uh if it's in first position it would stun we're not going to deal with that we have our artificer who can attack range six we'll take him out no problem we'll then slide down our cards we have a mesmerist that's not a problem we're not taming any characters or creatures i'm a little bit more concerned about my dice this time because i have eight creatures so i'm going to use my artificial staff we'll go down to uh three because it has to go down uh rounded down so seven divided by two rounded down means that we can just take out this mesmerist no problem let's see what our next one is oh it's just a yak that only has five health our artificer has a five right here he can take that out it's ranged and no problem let's see what our next one is oh we've got that forgotten sentinel uh this uh the health of this creature is increased by this locations creature count which is eight so that is a 12 that we need i think we'll have the bounty hunter and the monk work together three plus a seven is a total of ten to take out the trickster imp we'll then slide these down let's see we have here just a bore that should mean our bounty hunter can take that out no problem at range using a three i do want to mention that he did take the demon as a trophy and he'll take the force creature might as well as a trophy since he did direct damage on both of them we actually only have three cards left we'll flip this one up that's a first position when we definitely don't want that in first position what do you say we flying kick that living doll so that's a six choose a revealed creature in line deal damage that creature equal to the total of all of your spent dice we have a six here plus a seven that's more than enough to do the five that we need for the living doll that's gone two enemies left i'm feeling good about this we have an acid drake it's not in first position but we need to take it out before it gets into first position can anybody say trophy swap let's flip this it says choose one of your trophies then swap it with a creature in the lot in the line negating its power then gain one coin so we're gonna go to seven coins i am doing this without spending a die so i am going to exhaust it but i think it's worth it what do you say we put that bore there instead of the acid drake huh so the acid drake is now our trophy we then have two sixes for this forgotten sentinel six plus six is twelve eight plus four is twelve this one is toast and then i kind of can't believe we have to do it this way but we are we're going to use our war staff deal x damage to revealed creature where x is equal to the die value placed here which is one plus the number of charges we have which is three that's four just enough to take out that boar with three health well we survived even without the barbarian that was every single die though okay we have our everlasting flame we're gonna gain one additional fire and the fire cannot be reduced this round only six enemies we are now at eight for our fire we have our dice let's give them a roll i see lots of ones which is not good and look at this four two three two three five oh my gosh this is terrible before we keep going i think i cheated on two different things i did some editing i think i should only have five coins instead of uh seven coins and my fire should be one less there we go looking at our options for resting this time i think i am going to choose the bounty hunter that will be his second time resting that means he will ready his trophy swap and ready the helm of uh proficiency then let's go ahead and use our first die here to discard these two trophies to gain two more coins or actually say four more coins two for each we're definitely going to chop some wood that will gain us two more and remember we cannot reduce this this round and finally we're going to gain three plus one four more coins and we're going to do an equip action we're gonna swap out the trophy swap card and we're gonna place this one out we now have expertise when resolving a direct attack double the value of your dice against any creature type in your trophy collection then discard that trophy we have tons of money this time so we're definitely gonna buy this for four we're gonna buy this for three plus get some change for that one so we've got two ones and this one for the three here so that's four and what the heck let's buy this one as well we're gonna buy all of these all of these a crossbow with the monk sounds awesome we're going to give this one to the artificer and we're actually going to have the bounty hunter keep the ring of repetition i do want to mention that the monk already had two items we're going to discard this one that's exhausted so because he can't use it so he can have the crossbow of the elves we still have a total of two coins left we have a strength potion we have an endurance potion and we have a lucky charm i've placed our coins out onto the table now let's draw six total creatures we have our six creatures all set up let's look at our first two our first one to be revealed we just have a boar and our second one we have the river troll i think the first thing we're going to do since the artificer is going to have to rest the next time he's the only one that's left he's going to use this is an exhaust defeat the creature in second position we'll flip that over and that just means this river troll is gone who doesn't want to just take out the river troll the other thing we're going to do before i forget which technically i should have done now or before this well yeah i'm still going to do it we are going to vanquish remove the top card of the horde from the game and that card is that other river troll so that river troll is now removed from the game that was in our horde so our horde is empty right now which is wonderful we'll then slide all of our creature cards down let's look at our next one we just have a yak and a boar these guys are wimpy i've got a five from the monk remember he's now ranged normally he's melee but he's ranged so we can take that one out no problem and then let's slide these down oh we have a wyvern reveal guess what we don't have to do that our fire cannot be reduced take that you wyvern hatchling okay we need six we definitely do not want to have that in first position we have a five here and a one from our artificer that will take this wyvern hatchling out let's flip our next one we have a beast rider another first position good thing that is not first position thank you boar oh i believe so it's going to jump onto this bore i'm going to say that when it does that it is going to have its ability because yeah it's going to jump onto that beast rider now that's a 9 health beast and then we flip over this one oh we have a forest sprite search the graveyard for the topmost forest creature and then put it behind it at the end of the line that will be of course this yak we'll put it right here let's go ahead and stun our siphon vortex our barbarian is going to use the two die that we have here turn it into a 12 because that's what that shocking hammer does and that is going to take out these two no problem and i'm realizing this is a first position ability so this actually would not be the top most beast this one would be our boar they're pretty much exactly the same but that is a first position ability which means we get to re-roll one of the priests dice back in because of his bracers so he now has a five and a two so the five will take this one out a five will take this one out we still have more dice yeah we annihilated those we have one more round and then the final round so we have the adventurers guild we have eight monsters adventures may spend a number of coins equal to a creature's damage to defeat the creature and i spent all that money oh well it is going to hit our fire by two we're down to seven we'll give our dice a roll remember our artificer is the one that has to rest a six three and a two okay not terrible i'm actually really proud of our monk look at we have a zero yay that felt so good we finally rolled a 10. so for the artificer this time let's when we have to rest with the artificer there's no option we're going to flip and ready that dragon tooth spear i think the first thing we're going to do is use our three here and that will allow us to draw three items and we get to keep one look at these items the everlasting blade once per watch phase when resolving a direct attack you can double one of the value of your dice but this healing potion choose an adventure including yourself refresh one of the ability cards or we have activates that uses a die until the end of the round reveal one more creature than the campfire reveal level currently allows now i'm definitely going the health potion i'm going to put this one on top followed by this one for the other two dice i actually think i'm just going to chop wood one two three four we're all the way up to 11. i'm then going to spend the two bucks that we do have to give the strength potion over to the barbarian getting at 12 for the barbarian just seems awesome okay we're going to refresh this we know what that is i have now refreshed all the money and we're now going to draw eight total creature cards we only have one more round after this we just need to survive eight total creatures plus whatever we see on that final location let's do this we'll flip our first enemy oh of course first position search the graveyard for the topmost summon card shuffle that card back into the creature deck let's see do i have let's see do i have a summoned one i don't know if i have one yet i do not see one in the discard pile yes okay then we have the forgotten sentinel its health is increased by this location's player count uh our creature count that's eight so that is an 11 gollum let's start with the monk simply taking out that undead acolyte with the 10 die i love that we rolled a 10 there that was awesome okay we'll slide all of these down and then let's reveal this one we have the evil apparition evil apparition cannot be defeated with a single single die direct attack let's have our barbarian do the shocking hammer with the four deal to the creature in first position the maximum value of the die spent here to activate this that'd be 12 it only needed 11 so this guy's toast well then slide them all down and we have a reveal move the creature in first position to the end of the line and conceal it that would normally be terrible but with this guy it's not so i'm just going to move them to the end of the line and conceal it we'll reveal the next one oh a drake that's a first position effect i don't really want that to go off so i want to take that out nine health the artificer has that health potion i think let's have fun with the barbarian let's exhaust this ability then take the first three cards in line shuffle them together and randomly place one back in the first position it's a little risky with that acid drake but i could potentially take out an unhollowed that way let's grab the three cards here give them a good shuffle so we don't know what they are and then let's grab this one we'll place this here oh it's a goblin archer it has a second position ability that's awesome so these two i'll just put the unhollowed on top with the graveyard is this a beast it is not it's a first position effect for a forest sprite i think then we'll just use the monk who can attack range five damage take out that forest sprite let's see what our next one is the goblin hunter ongoing if a goblin is a melee before behind the goblin hurler this is a goblin defeat that goblin and exhaust one ability so he basically takes this archer and chucks it at us that is amazing and terrible i think i'm going to choose bloodied on the barbarian to exhaust let's hope it's not a goblin behind him we have to reveal this oh yeah we knew it was in the evil apparition so now we just need to take these out and that should be easy we need seven damage here i've got seven but i have to do it two dice there's two we've got a seven here plus an eight plus a six plus a seven those two are gone all right we're on to the final battle our final battle will take place here at the tower runes now no one goes to camp so i'm assuming we just knocked down our fire by two to nine that's why i wanted to pump it up last time the first time an adventure exhausts all their ability cards add a creature to the end of the line we're looking at nine enemies and then any of the horde if we had anything in that horde we'd add it to the end of this row but we've been pretty good at keeping the hoard clear so we're just going to have nine creature cards it'll be really nice that we all get to fight together at least oh we got a one two sixes though look at this a two six and a seven a one a two at least there's a nine here we go this is the final battle we've got a couple good rolls some nines some sixes and some terrible twos ones and twos we'll see how we can do i do have a few tricks up my sleeve i've got that spear all ready to go i can cancel a reveal effect i've got some strength yeah and i've got this health potion that i can use so i believe we have lots of options let's do this we have eight cards here the ninth one is off to the side let's reveal our first two our first creature to show up is a summon really right now we have to choose an adventure to immediately exhaust one of their ability cards i don't love it but our bounty hunter is the only one that is fully undamaged we're going to flip over track them down we then get to replace summon with this guy the ongoing health for the raging inferno which by the way this is awesome totally thematic is equal to the health of your fire so our fire is nine nine plus five is fourteen let's flip over our second one and we have an evil apparition i love these evil apparitions really not that bad what do you say we use a one here to defeat a revealed creature in the line whose type matches one of the trophy types that you have well we have an unhollowed that means this unhollowed is no more that's what i'm talking about our next one we have a dragonrider reveal minus one for our fire that does push us down to eight but we're still at the two or more that are revealed now we do have to immediately reveal this one as well and this is a goblin acolyte which has a first position and end-of-line effect so i definitely want to kill that before it gets to first position but it is not a dragon neither of them are so i don't have to worry about that i have a six and a one here that i can use between our monk and our artificer to take out that dragon rider that will slide down the goblin acolyte i then definitely want to take that acolyte out before it gets to first position our artificer will use the health potion so that we can heal up this rampage for our barbarian because then our barbarian will use well let's see first thing our barbarian is going to do is use strength choose an adventure on watch with at least one unspent diet set that die value of that one to the highest it can be so we're going to change this 2 to how about i'm adding 10 to that so it's a 12. that is so much better and we can use our hammer to make another 112. i love it then let's use our leap exhaust his ability to defeat one creature in line then gain plus one range until the end of the route so we now all of us have range of two and we're going to take out that goblin acolyte no problem we'll slide those cards down let's see we have a trickster i don't want to deal with that reveal thanks to that bounty hunter we can use the helm of prophecy to cancel the reveal effect we then can use the dragon tooth spear exhaust it but we can defeat the enemy in second position not even using any dice beautiful our next one okay we have a goblin oh second position stun and ability well i really should have done this earlier but i you know it's hard to keep track of everything playing with four heroes i love it but it is sometimes a challenge we are going to stun siphon vortex it seems somewhat annoying remember how i said the evil apparition was not a problem well we have to use two direct damage one from the barbarian and one from the bounty hunter and i'll go ahead and keep this as a trophy for a bounty hunter to take that undead out let's see what our next one is reveal -1 to our fire and we do not want him in first position we still can have two enemies revealed but not for long if i lose any more fire that won't be the case that wyvern though has no chance with a bounty hunter that has a seven exactly what we need to take that out okay we literally have three more creatures left to win the game and we have another summon card that is terrible let's go ahead and have someone take a damage let's have that artificer take a damage we'll flip this one over and we will replace this summon with a hulking ammo glam ongoing each time a reveal effect is resolved resolve it in additional time as if it had been triggered by the hulking anaglym oh my gosh that is an unhollowed the nice thing is it only has nine health and we have our monk here he can use his nine to take that out no problem i love having the monk having extra range that means two more enemies uh we have oh this is easy i think we just won the game we have a 12 here from the barbarian and we've got a seven here plus a two plus a six okay it was a little touchy and going but uh once we were okay with whatever that summons brought out i think yeah i mean we we handled that one there you have it that was set a watch swords of the coin uh yeah i definitely think it's an upgrade from the base game the only thing is and i don't know if it's just these enemies i did feel like that was essentially a walk in the park let me know if i missed something and maybe that's the reason why uh but i i felt like when i played the i you know i played the base game against the um enemies that came with this and i felt like that was much more of a challenge actually so i don't know if i just got lucky with how cards were being revealed but overall still super fun i do really love the puzzle the biggest thing about this game is i just feel like it overstays its welcome for maybe about four rounds i think i i really feel like the game could have been each of you has to rest once and then a final battle having to do that twice and then a final nine rounds can get long i mean this video is gonna be long uh i i think it's fun but i feel like after round you know seven or eight i i'm ready to be done so uh if though you are involved and invested in that dice placement game and puzzle and you're really enjoying it you know it can go pretty quick but overall i would say i still really enjoy it just be ready for it to be a little bit of a longer experience thank you so much for watching as always and i'll make sure to catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 8,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, set a watch, swords of the coin, playthrough, runthrough, how to, walkthrough
Id: gcqhOw7dr1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 3sec (4923 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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