Spirit Island: Jagged Earth | Despicable Theft | With Colin

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[Music] so so hello everyone and welcome to the one-stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to do yet another playthrough of jagged earth that's right mike already did a playthrough and most of the comments on his video was hey do another one do another one and so i told mike well you know i got this game too and i really really like spirit island so why don't you let me do it then he was like heck yeah so today i'm going to be playing a three spirit play through and then mike did an adversary so i'm going to do a scenario and this one is called the despicable theft which came with the this expansion as well now this will be our fourth spirit island series so i don't feel like you guys need to see more setup if you want to see how to set up the base game i'll put in the description below the link to my original setup and if you want to see how branch and claw gets set up i'll also put that in the link because i also have a video for that what we'll go through is just the differences for this specific scenario and of course we'll take a look at all three of our spirits small groups of invaders have been searching at the island and a few have found wonders if they make it home their people will stop at nothing to seek out more such fantastic treasures even those without wonders have tails and trophies that may bolster the invaders resolve to stay so this one will be significantly easier for spirits with strong movement and isolate abilities i do have one of my one of my spirits is pretty good at movement uh it'll be notably harder for spirits with poor abilities to move dahan with poor ability to damage move invaders and the thematic boards you can see up here this is a difficulty level two so not terribly difficult but it's definitely going to add a challenge we have make a pool of the 18 scenario markers 12 blank ones and they're gonna look like this so we got 12 blank ones we've got three ones look like this two twos and of course i have a three somewhere in here here we go one three they represent small groups of thieves trying to escape with knowledge or treasure mix them up and and form a face down supply now what do the thieves do exactly in this scenario well they're going to arrive with our explorers after set up so i've already done the initial explore because that's in the setup i believe so i don't believe i have to start with them on the board if i'm wrong let me know when invaders successfully explore into a land numbered six or higher also add one thief there from the pool and then they're going to try and escape by ship so before the ravage step all thieves on the island will move thieves adjacent to the ocean will escape for each you're going to lose 4 earned fear if possible if the thief has a number on it you're also going to accelerate the invader deck that many times you're going to simply remove the top card of the invader deck depending on how many of those that you're removing so if i revealed a one it'd be one card if i removed that three we would remove three cards from the invader deck other thieves will just move one land towards the board's oceans thieves do not count as invaders and do not participate in invader actions so they're not going to attack the land they're not going to attack tehan and i believe that means the dahan are not going to attack them as well we have thwarting the sneaky thieves thieves may be affected by player actions only as if they were explorers they are not explorers for any other rule or purpose including event cards fear cards etc and they only have one health thieves that are face down and they're always face down by default but they'll go face up and lands with two or more dahan if multiple face down thieves are in a single land mix them up i'm not entirely sure why they said i guess if you have to flip it face down then you have to mix them up so you don't know which one they are these can only be destroyed removed or replaced in lands with no cities or towns and two or more to han otherwise they elude you and are instead pushed so i can still push them when they're face down and i can even try and destroy them as if they're an explorer and then just push them instead if i don't have the two dahan there and of course you can check this condition either before or after the action so let's say we do an action that destroys you know the last city or town i can also destroy the explorer if i'm able we do also get to generate one fear per destroyed thief and then we'll just put them back into the pool and they'll keep coming out each round let's now take a look at each of our three spirits our first one is stones unyielding defiance one of my favorite ones from the original game when i was playing with the low complexity ones was the earth element the the earth one i can't remember his name but so i love earth and rock so i'm excited to play him some things refuse to break underneath the soil and sand of the island lies rock layer upon layer built up over the ages some stones weather quickly once exposed to the elements while others are sterner and harder stone's unyielding defiance is a spirit of that stone which resists being shattered moved or shaped to the will of another it is capable of tremendous feats and resilience and obstinacy particularly when confronted head-on in a belligerent fashion it's not unfriendly to other spirits or the dahan but it works with them on its own terms we'll be placing a total of two presents on our starting board one in the lowest numbered mountains without a dahan and then one in an adjacent land that has blight if possible or if it's sands or sands if not and then the playstyle most of its special rules and innates require being where the invaders are particularly in the worst most overrun lands so it can mitigate the incoming blight and eventually destroy the invaders with their own ravages this spirit does best with patience to build up a position over time and the temperance to hold some energy in reserve so can take advantage of the hold the island fast with a bulwark of will you can see here mostly offense and defense a little bit of utility pretty much no fear and a tiny bit of control and now the new type of token that we have in this game the badlands he does use that in his base cards our special rules for him is he bestows the endurance of bedrock when blight is added to one of your lands unless the blight outnumbers your presence it does not cascade or destroy presents yours or others isn't that amazing i love it deep layers exposed to the surface the first time you uncover each of your plus one card play spaces which you'll see one is here the one is here and one is here so it's actually up here on our energy track which is really interesting you actually get to gain a meyer minor power and they're marked with these icons to denote that up here he has his growth track he'll be picking one of them here's his energy and his card plays which really isn't card plays you can maybe get to an additional card play to get all the way over here mostly it's elements and it's earth which is awesome his two innate powers are both fast uh this one is uh when blight is added to one of your lands you may pay to energy per blight to take it from the box instead of the blight card so remember if we get rid of all six blight that's on the blight card we would essentially have a blighted island he can prevent that by yeah we place blight but we're actually grabbing it from the box we're not taking it from there and then he's got additional power ups over here uh the level one ability is after vader's deal one or more damage to the target land to deal two damage and then he can do cooler things and even repeat the power potentially so we'll start off the game with generating two energy and one card play per round our stone spirit will be able to place one presence here and one presence here this land is a mountain without dahan and then an adjacent land that has blight in it right here next we have lure of the deep wilderness most early dehaan settlements clustered along the coast from time to time a handful of residents would get a distant look in their eyes and stride off into the heart of the island no pleading or reason dissuading them from seeking some distant call only they could hear many of these involuntary wanderers survived and settled together in time this may have hastened the first reckoning as they relied much more on agriculture than did their fishing brethren along the coast a few wanderers spoke in voices of wonder mingled with fear of finding the spirit that called them ever further inward but most never even saw it only felt its distant beckoning yeah so this guy is all about pulling people inward into the in inward of the island luring them in and then taking them out set up we're going to place three of your uh three presents on the your starting board two and land eight and one in land seven then you're gonna add a beast to land eight lure is very focused on the interior its best options for coastal lands are draw the invaders inland or turning we've got cities or towns into explorers then drawing them inward likes the interior to be dangerous full of lots of different tokens we've got the badlands the beasts we've got disease and we've got wilds ideally where it has its presence lure has better than average potential for containing invaders and setting up a zone safe from explorers but the coast may get messy while doing it you can see here we have offense control fear not so much defense no utility uses all of these different tokens our special rules for lure are home of the island's heart your presence may only be added or moved to lands that are inland and the enthrall the foreign explorers for each of your presence in a land you can ignore up to two explorers during the ravage step and the end of ravage actions now he has a really cool growth track he can actually pick one of each of these sets of three so one of these three and one of these two his two innate powers forsake society to chase after dreams after this power replaces pieces with an explorer gather any number of those explorers into your land if the target land has any cities or towns remaining generate one fear and you can see you can even generate and explore or replace an explorer with an explorer and that just allows you to trigger this ability first time i read this i was like what the heck that's what that's trying to do then over here the never heard from again oh man if this power destroys any explorers it generates fear if this power destroys five or more explorers it's going to generate two fear this one over here is lures board and just so you understand inland means anything that's not on the coast so all of these lands are inland those three are the coast lands so we had to put two in eight one and seven and then we added another beast token and eight finally we have a volcano looming high a spirit of fire and earth stretching upwards to the sky casting a long and dangerous shadow across the land the deeper spirits of volcanism are too powerful and slow too removed to respond to the invaders but not so this one it doesn't dislike humans per se but neither does it have much use for them so the de haan tend to keep away from it as much as possible and will not query stone in its shadow of course large eruptions can impact a good chunk of the island so they sometimes end up dealing with its temper whether they want to or not so for setup we're going to be placing one presence and one badlands token on your starting board in a mountain of your choice push aldehan from that land remember what badlands do they give plus one attack for both the invaders and for the dahan but it doesn't do plus one damage to the land that's something to note so when the invaders are attacking the land you don't add one to that attack you will add one if the invaders are attacking the dahan now playstyle benefits more than most from getting their presence onto the board in addition to the usual benefits it can fuel an explosive eruption this can result in a huge turn but if overdone the following turn or two may be very uh you know constrained bigger eruptions are extremely powerful but do cause blight and the invaders may not provide the luxury of enough time to build up the desired pressure judging the timing of when to erupt and for how much is a key of playing the spirit our powers here are mostly offense some utility a little bit of fear no defense and really no control and we're using badlands and wilds we're going to choose this land 7 to place our presence and the badlands and we're going to push this dahan maybe over over here to the five land i could maybe do the six but i'm worried that i'll lose it because they're gonna build here right away since the card that i flipped for their initial explore our special rules are we can only put our presence added or moved into the mountains collapse in a blast of lava and steam when your presence is destroyed in that land deal one damage per destroyed presence to both the invaders and to the dahan we also have a volcanic peaks tower over the landscape your power cards gain plus one range if you have three or more presents in the origin land and now they've talked about origin land and target land origin land is where your presence is located that you're using the range target land is then where you're actually targeting to do the effect our growth we choose one of these three options and then for our innate powers we have explosive eruption destroy x x is one or more of your presence in the targeted land and then that's by that symbol below going forward you check how many were destroyed this powered damage is done separately to both invaders and to the to the dahan the ranges below can't be increased so you can see here with two fire two earth and you destroy two presence in one land within range one you deal x damage x is equal to the total destroyed presence so that would be two then here it would actually do a total of four damage if you did this and you would generate for fear on top of whatever fear you've generated by destroying things and if you get all the way to 10 it can get insane now destroying all your presence can be an issue so that's why we have powered by the furnace of the sun we can actually if we have three rock or three earth we can add one of your destroyed presents onto the board and if you can spend two energy and you have three fire out you can also gain a power card which is kind of cool we'll start the game off with only generating one energy and one card play as you may have noticed on the board we have already done our initial explore that explore was in the wetlands so after that's completed we can move this here to the build also don't forget we have two blight per player here on our healthy island stack and now they just tell you to put all the healthy island cards here shuffle them up that's what i did we have to place in the fear pool four fear tokens per player so i have a total of 12 here we also have our fear cards here i have placed three per stage as we generate enough fear we'll be placing these cards into our earned fear card area and you're gonna see that these are not your normal basic tokens i got some from the top shelf gamer i'll put in the description below where you can get them if you like them finally we do have our scenario card and our event deck there is one specific event card it's called something about slaves just make sure to pull that out because you only use that for a specific adversary with that though i think we are ready to start the first phase of the game is the growth phase each spear will pick which growth options are going to do and execute them so for stones unyielding defiance we're going to go ahead and do this one where we get to place a presence within range two of where our other presence is on the board and gain plus three energy and i'm gonna grab that from up here you can of course grab from the left side of either one of these tracks i like the energy so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna place a presence here on the board because i'd like to have a shrine a shrine is where you have two or more of your presence in the same land but i could have placed that within range two so i could have placed it here i could have placed it over here heck i could have placed it one two here could place it 1 2 all the way over here we'll then generate 3 energy due to the growth option we chose for lure we get to choose one of these two options and one of these two options so i think i'm going to go ahead and do this option where we can put one of our presents within an inland land and i think i'm gonna grab one from here this first time so i generate a little bit more energy next time i'll go here for card play so i can play two cards and then on this side i think i'm gonna go ahead and just gain one power card now whenever i gain a power card i can choose if it's going to be major or minor if it's a major power card i have to forget or lose one of the other cards that i have either in my hand or in my discard pile if it's a minor i simply can keep whatever card i choose so i'll draw four cards from the minor deck since i'm deciding to do a minor power and i get to choose one to keep within range four of my presence gives me a lot of options of places i can place this presence i think i'm going to start over here because we already have a token here and we like lots of tokens you'll see why shortly but we have a card where the more tokens are in in a land and the more uh invaders that are in that land then the more damage that we can ensue now what i'll do is i'll grab four of these minor cards and then we'll go ahead and look at these and choose which one we want to keep here are four minor cards that we drew now there's a few things you need to know about these cards anything that's blue is going to be slow so what that means is you're going to play it out on the table when you use it but then you have to wait for the invaders to do their actions first before you actually can resolve the text if it's red it means it's fast so it actually happens before the invaders activate also you have elements here on the side those elements are what you can use to then activate your innate powers which is really cool and then there's all the different ability items on here like range target land and then the actual abilities of the cards themselves so of these four lure is very slow a lot of the things that lure does is slow actions i kind of like this one because it's a fast action first of all it does give me moon and air and animal all of which i need i have range two it's fast each dahan deals one damage to a different invader or i can push up to three invaders and the target land just has to have dehan so i think i'm gonna go ahead and keep this one these other three will then get discarded finally let's do volcano looming high i definitely think i'm gonna do this growth option gain a power card i can add a presence within range four i get plus one card play this turn so normally i only get to play one i'll be able to play two and gain two additional energy so because of that i'm thinking the presence that i put out i'll go ahead yeah let's start down this track i'm gonna do this and now i will always generate one fire each turn that i can use for some of my special abilities or innate powers i can place my presence within range four so i'm going to place one over here hopefully that can help me take care of or help with these lands over here that no one really can reach now i can reach within range one both of these wetlands we'll also grab our two additional energy here we have our four minor power cards that we drew i have i mean there's some really cool ones look at this one if we're at level one fear which is right now it just generates three fear and then as it goes up it adds strife so this looks really cool but none of those elements i don't need any of those over here i don't need any of these elements this one has fire which i do need that's the only element i'm really seeing here this one doesn't have any elements that we need i really kind of like this purifying flame because we can deal damage based on blight but and we can potentially remove it but this just looks too good to me being able to generate fear free fear at the beginning i'm gonna go ahead and put that into my hand our next step is the generate energy step we'll do three for our stone we'll do one for our volcano and we'll do two here for lure you only get the farthest right number so i don't get to add these two together it's only the farthest one over our next step is we need to pay and play our cards now we're not going to activate them yet but we have to pay and play them out on the table and then depending upon if they're fast or slow we'll activate them in the next step or we have to wait until after the invaders go here we have stones unyielding defiance and i think the first thing we're going to start off with is our scarred and stony land so we're going to pay 2 energy i've got a 3 here i'll get one back uh to go ahead and play this card now it's slow so we won't activate it until later and we can only play one card so that's the only one we'll be able to play this round here we have our four starting cards for lure look at this card i love this softly beckon ever inward you can you have to talk into inland land but then you slowly pull all those people including bees and the dahan and yeah everyone yeah pull them towards you that's awesome but remember we also got this card the vale the knights hunt and that's actually the one that we're going to play we can only play one card this round so i'm gonna go ahead and play this one here we have the four starting cards for our volcano spirit uh the one i'm thinking of playing actually we can play two this round and we did get this tare turns to madness so i'm definitely gonna play this one just because come on three fear right off the get-go the one i'm also thinking of playing is this one because it's slow so we can wait to see what happens uh we'll generate two fear and then we can push certain things around and remember with this scenario being able to get to the han in the appropriate area might be a nice thing so we'll play these two now that we've all played and paid for our cards we'll move into that fast phase so any of our fast cards we can activate so we can activate the veil of knight's hunt now if any of our innates also that we're fast we can activate at this point but right now no one is activating any of their innate powers what we can do here is each dahan will deal one damage to a different invader or we can push up to three dahan we need to do this within range two of where our presence is we know they're going to build over here in the wetlands and all they have is an explorer so within range two there are two dahan here this one will deal a damage to this explorer he's toast he only has one health that way they will not be able to build or then ravage in this land that completed the fast power phase now we'll move into the invader phase that will start with if there's any blighted island effect our island is healthy so far then we go to events now the first round the change here with jagged earth is you you uh do not do an event the first round but you're supposed to just take one and discard it because there's some that have a specific event that you have to seed into the deck and so they don't want to mess with that timing but you just simply take the card on the top part of the event deck and discard it and do not do it then you look to see if you have any fear effects after that now we'll start activating the invaders the first thing you want to do with your invaders is ravage in whatever land is here now since we have no land there we can skip that then what we need to do is build in the wetlands and then finally we need to explore in the sands after we do all that you'll want to move all of these over one space because now next round they'll ravage which means they'll deal damage to the land and dahan in the wetlands they'll build in the sands and then they'll explore in an unknown location let's first do our build going land by land so wetlands here nothing over here since we just have an explorer no buildings he's going to go ahead and build a town over here since we already have a town since we have more towns than cities that means they're going to build a city over here since they have a explorer he's going to go ahead and build a town and then over here that one is going to build a town since they just have an explorer and then finally this one over here they'll also build a town yeah lots of buildings at the beginning then the invaders are going to explore now how you know where they explore is if they have any uh of their uh buildings adjacent to the land or it's a that land is adjacent to the coast we have to put an explorer in that specific land and then don't forget because of our scenario we're going to have to place out some thieves but i'll do that in a second they're currently exploring in the sands and all the sand locations are either adjacent to the coast or have a building that's adjacent to it so they could have explored to it we've now placed explorers out on each of the sand locations now if any of the lands are six or higher we're supposed to place a thief on it so this one's a six so we'll place a thief here and this one over here is a seven so we'll place that here and now what they're going to do each turn is they're going to try and get over to the coast here of whatever tile they're on so this one is going to take them one two three turns to escape this one over here it's only going to be one two and then he's going to escape and we don't know if there's numbers on those if there's a number on that not only would we lose four of our fear that's in our generated fear area we would also have to accelerate the invader's deck by the amount of the number on that token now the nice thing for us there are two d'ahan here because of that we can flip this one over okay so this one's blank so i'll leave it face up if it ever goes into a land that doesn't have to dehan then what happens is we have to flip it face down and then if there's other tokens there we have to mess them up but this does mean because there's two dahan here we can actually destroy this if if able the invader phase has now been completed so now we can do the slow power phase so we can activate all three of these our first one the tower of madness is very simple we're in level one of fear so we're going to generate three fear that is just pretty awesome we'll go ahead and place three fear here our stone spirit will get to deal two damage but it has to be in a land that has blight and it has to come from a land or originate from a land that has two of their presence then it can be within range one of that it'll deal two damage and add one of these badlands tokens and then we can remove that blight in the target land from the game so it doesn't go on to the card uh the healthy island card it'll be removed from the game we have two presents right here we have within range one so this is our target land we're going to deal two damage that's going to destroy this town because the town has two health that will generate another fear so that will be our fourth generated fear which is great and then we can remove this blight but this blight i'm going to put back into the box i'm not going to put that onto our healthy island card finally we do have to place a badlands token there which is fine except for that when this explorer attacks it means he'll actually probably kill one of these dahan our final card from our volcano spirit we have to within range one of our presence generate two fear if the invaders are present in that target land they will be and then we can push up to two of our dehaan and two either explorers or towns to lands without our presence we currently have presence here and here on the island within range one we can target this land let's go ahead and push both of these invaders over here so they won't ravage in the wetlands and then let's push this dahan over here so we've got groups of two i think we're going to want to have groups of two dahan as much as we can for this specific uh the scenario that will then end our first round that was pretty good the only thing i didn't do is i didn't deal with any of the blasted thieves for this growth phase stone's unyielding defiance is going to place out a presence within range two and get three more energy yeah we're gonna stack up on energy we're gonna grab this presence and because we're grabbing from here which is a plus one card play we also get to gain a minor power card within range two we're gonna go ahead and place that right here with these two invaders because we know they're going to ravage here and he can prevent blight from having to come from our healthy island card we can actually grab it from the box if we use our innate power here we have our four minor power cards now the elements we're looking for are plant earth and sun so i feel like this one has plant and it has earth and it has a defend now it has to come from a sacred site but defending is totally his thing not to mention removing blight so yeah i think i'm gonna grab this one lure would really like to be able to play two cards so we're gonna go ahead and do this one to add our presence to the land and i think we're gonna claim another power card we're gonna do one more minor power card we like to have our presence in the center of the board so i think i'm going to place this one here and then probably our next one we're going to go here we're going to get this nice center presence of our land or of our presence and start pulling everything into the center of the island hopefully here we have the four power cards we get to choose from this one has moon this one has moon and air which is nice it's defending putting some fear out but this one if you look at this we can change explores into dahan i really need to han out and not to mention if i get two moon which would be really easy i can actually change a town into dahan so yeah i think i want to go for the call of the dahan ways i do want to mention this is a minor card i have not gotten a major card yet for our volcano spirit i think i'm going to go ahead and do this one we can add our presence at a range of zero and we get to do that twice i'm going to take one of each of these so now i am generating one earth and one fire element and i can place both of these out on the board at range zero we're going to place two more presents here right next to this area i'm hoping to build this up and then have our volcano explode and destroy all of these invaders we'll now generate energy we're going to give three more to the stone on yielding they have a total of ten we're going to give two to the volcano he has a total of three and then two to lure who will also have three i hope you guys are okay this was going to be for lure i totally put the the presents in the wrong land the card i'm gonna play for lure is her own card so it was not going to make an effect based on the power card that i drew sorry about that should be here because i was hoping to get rid of this explore so they won't build feel free to call me out on that faux pas but sometimes it's just hard to remember everything okay the volcano spirit is going to play his pyroclastic bombardment we're going to have the stone unyielding spirit play at nature's resiliency and plow shatter the rocky ground and then lure will play the swallowed by the wilderness and call of the dahan ways we'll then move into the fast power phase let's go ahead and activate all three of these we'll start out with our volcano so within range two of where he has a sacred site he can deal one damage to each of these city types and one damage to each dahan then he gets to deal one damage to any of the invaders and then he'll deal one damage to a dahan we have a sacred site here within range two one two so we're gonna go ahead and deal one damage here one damage here that will take out this explorer one damage to each of the dahan and then one damage to him and that will generate one fear because that is a thief we just took a thief out beautiful then we get to deal one damage and we're gonna take out this city or sorry that's a town and that will deal one or generate one fear from that but then we have to deal one more damage to a dahan so we're gonna have to remove one dehan from the board our stone spirit is gonna go ahead and defend first six in a specific land he has his shrine here it has to be within range one of a shrine so one over here we will defend for six in this land that way when they attack for three they won't place blight here we're also going to activate the hold island fast with a bulwark of will we have two earth generated by the two cards that we've played you can see the two earth there when blight is added to one of your lands you may pay two energy so we will spend two of this i'll get one back to be able to take that blight from the box instead of the blight card itself also remember that as long as blight that's being added to your land is equal to or less than the amount of presence that you have it does not destroy your presence i love that that land just so you know will be this one because this one will likely get blighted so instead of taking it from our healthy island card we can take it from the box which means we're not actually making the island get closer to a blighted island which is so cool we'll now move to our event phase and let's draw our event and this one's called sacred sites under threat we have a couple options here we can let the island strength repulse them so for each of our sacred sites we can push one explorer or town to an adjacent land then we have to remove one blight per player from the blight card returning it to the box oof or we can guard them yourself for well or ill in each land with a sacred site and invaders either deal two damage there or destroy one of their presence from each spirit cost three energy per land where you do damage aided by fire okay this is interesting i don't particularly like the top one i kind of feel like i'd prefer this bottom one so we have to look we either deal two damage or destroy one of our presents don't really want to destroy presents i much prefer to deal two damage there but i have to pay free energy per land but it is aided by fire let's see how much fire have we played so when it says this you can pay for that when it you can pay for that energy by using those elements and we're using the fire element cards that are already played in out on the table that have that fire element counts as one if you have one in your hand you can discard it to add two of that energy if you want to you can also discard from play from your discard pile or from your hand and i shouldn't say discard lose you'll forget it if you forget a card with that you actually give a plus four for that uh making that card worth plus four for this cost but i don't really want to do that look in here the only place we have a sacred site with invaders is this land so that means the cost of choosing the two damage in that land is a total of three energy or we can have three fire elements well here's the thing volcano is generating one fire element on his own from his board and then we've already played the pyroclastic bombardment and the swallowed by the wilderness both of those have fire elements so that's a total of three so we've already paid for the cost let's go ahead and do it we can just destroy this this town generate one fear that means we only have three fear left before we've generated our first fear card which is cool then we have beast prowl each beast generates one fear if invaders are present and moves to an adjacent land if not and then we have these spirit speakers solve riddles of power each spirit with at least four dahan among its lands gains a minor power i'm not sure there's gonna be many of those two of our beasts are in locations with invaders so they're gonna generate two fear one more you guys we've we've earned our first fear card this one will move here and this one will move here where we have invaders and unfortunately no one has four dehan in their areas where they have spirit their spirit presence if we hadn't destroyed that one dahan here we would have had that for lure okay that was the event wow you can see the events can totally change things i love the events look at how close we are to being able to generate our first fear card oh just one away we'll now move to activating our invaders they'll first ravage in the wetlands they will build in the sands and then they will explore in the mountains before we move to the ravage step we need to remember this one thief is going to start running towards the ocean oh no don't do it okay now we're going to do the ravaging nothing in this land nothing in this land this land they're going to deal three four five six seven eight nine points of damage yeah that's going to place a blight here we now only have five on our blighted island card over here this explorer is only going to deal one point of damage to the land no problem but that badlands token means that when he attacks the dahan he's actually gonna do one damage plus one sets a total of two and take this to han out this dahan then will deal two points of damage plus one because the lands three to this explorer and take him out but at least we didn't have to place any blight finally we have over here three points of damage but we're defending for six so nothing here and then over here we are going to have to place a blight there because we are doing two plus one is three points of damage but this blight because we paid that to energy is going to come from the box so i'll place this here and since we have uh blight equal to the amount of presence we have here we don't have to remove our presence normally the moment blight is placed in a land that you have presence you have to remove one of your presents next we'll move to that build step they're going to be building in the sands over here there is no invaders here so they won't build here they're going to build a town blast you here they're going to build a town they're going to build a town here except for that they have a disease so we remove the disease and then they don't build in that land that's what that disease token does here they're going to build a town and over here they're going to build a town which so and overall that's not terrible then they're going to explore in the mountains and i believe they can get to every mountain yep the mountains have three lands that are six or higher we've got an eight here we've got a seven here and we have a seven here we have now completed the invader phase and now we can do our slow actions we have our call of the dahan waves from our lure spirit our lure spirit is here within range one we can turn this explorer over here into a dahan which is great because that means we don't have to worry about the building and then we have the plows the shatter on the rocky ground here and i think i'm going to do that that's for our stone spear we're going to go ahead and do that here we're going to destroy one city or sorry one town and we'll do that within range one of our presence and that will generate our 12 fear which means we have earned our first fear card now i don't get to see it i'm going to place it face down right here all this fear isn't going to get pushed up and we can continue to try and generate more fear that'll end this round during the time passes phase we can heal up anybody that's partially damaged it's just that dahan i think and let's start the next round i don't know if i'm going to be able to take care of that one because at the beginning of the ravaged step it's going to move so either i need to do something fast to just push him back or i could if i had something to be able to move him in there then we'd flip him over and we could deal damage to him i don't know we'll have to see and then we've got three more this guy's racing that way this one is going this way so he's got one two three turns this guy though only has two turns to get to here because of this long uh this long piece of land here for our growth phase this round we're going to go ahead and do the gain a power card and add a presence we're going to grab from here so we're gonna generate four energy around and we're gonna grab four major power cards we have another area over here that's going to ravage next round and i don't think i have anything to stop it so i'm gonna place my uh presence there so i can go ahead and grab light from the box instead of from my healthy island card and holy moly can you tell that these are major power cards look at these things this one has earth which i like and look at this for fear invaders skip all actions in the target land and if i get two air and three earth and earth is so easy for me i could get an eight fear with this car so i really like this one uh this one also has earth but we're adding blight i don't really want to add more blight uh the other one that looks awesome is this one over here four fear at a stripe so what strife does is you actually attach it to a specific invader and then that invader when they deal damage they actually don't deal damage at all they deal damage of zero but they still attack so that means dahan in that area will still attack back but this one you add strife and then if the terror level is two or higher higher remove two invaders oh and it's got plant as well i think i gotta go with this one it's fast it's only a four cost this has all the ele no we're gonna do it this is hard now i am going to have to forget a card i'm gonna forget this card for my discard pile it's one of his specific ones so i'll just remove it from the game but yeah that will no longer be available to us and we'll put this into our hand for lure this round we'll definitely do the presence again grabbing this one so we're gonna generate a moon now each round and then for this one we're gonna gain two energy and then also gain one of these uh these are really cool you can put them on your board and use them during your turn this they did not have this in the base game or the expansion before but now i can have this to remind myself i've generated a plant this round for volcano this round we're going to go ahead and choose this growth option gain a power card place out a presence we're going to place this one out so we can play two cards around we're going to get plus one card play this round so we can actually oh you know what i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna do the other other way around i only think i'm gonna play two cards anyway so let's generate the additional earth and then since we had to use all of our energy before for the last round let's generate two energy from this we decided to go with minor powers and you can tell they're ones and zeros i think i'm going to grab the steam vents because getting three earth is not going to be a problem now that we automatically generate two around and that will allow us to just destroy a town now it is within range zero but that's still pretty nice and it's giving us more earth and more fire and even uh air which we need so yeah let's take that one i'm gonna place lures presence here and then for our volcano we're just gonna power this up we now have four presents here you know what we're soon going to be doing but not yet for energy generation our stone spirit will generate four wonderful energy gosh i love that our lava or i should say our volcano spirit will generate two and so will lure we're now going to pay and play our cards so for our stone spirit we'll play the jagged shards push from the earth and paralyzing fright for our lure spirit it's all slow softly beckoned ever inward i need to get that out and perils of the deepest island and then for our volcano lava flows and exhalation of molten stone we'll move to the fast power phase first things first we'll spend the two energy for our stone our stone spirit so that if there's blight added in his location he can take it from the box instead of from the card we then have his paralyzing fright so he will generate for fear which is going to be totally eliminated from that blasted thief that's going to run away but the invaders are going to skip all actions in the target land just so we remember where we're doing that that's going to be here and then i'll generate the four fear but like i said that invader is or that thief is going to escape and if it has a number oh boy i don't know what i'm going to do our lava spirit is then going to play exaltation of molten stone he's going to choose another spirit and i think we're going to choose you know who needs the most energy really is the stone spirit although he gets a lot now let's do the lure we'll do the lure spirit and we're going to split energy per the amount of fire elements we have we have one here plus the one on our lava flows right here plus the one that's on our board so that's three so we're going to give two to ourselves and one to the lure spirit uh so two here and then one to the lower spirit let's then move to our event phase and our event is the well-prepared explorer so that's great we have here for a healthy land effect for the rest of this turn the explorers have plus one health seriously we can ignore this beast prowl each beast generates one fear if invaders are present and moves to an adjacent land if not and then coming of age on each board add one to han to an inland land where there is already a dahan oh looking at the board here we have one two and three beasts that are in areas with invaders so that's three fear unfortunately the one that i don't want to move is this one and it's going to move it's going to move to a land that uh that has invaders so let's move them to this one sure then on each board in one inland land we can place another dahan if there's one already there on the board over here we'll place one dahan here on the board over here we'll place one dahan here and then the board over here let's place one dehan here now the nice thing is we do get to reveal our fear card now and maybe this will help us let's see we have immigration slows during the next normal build skip the lowest numbered land matching the invader card on each board oh well that will help us it's not going to help us with the blasted thieves though now the invaders are going to act they're going to ravage in the sand so they're going to build in the mountains and they are going to explore in the jungles before they do any of that the thieves are going to move this one is going to move into the ocean and oh gosh it's zero okay so that means we're going to lose four of our fear that we just generated we still have three left uh this one will move one land closer and now there are two dahan here so i'll flip it up okay it's blank this one will move one land closer one two three one two three so i'm gonna have a move into here i think i get to choose oh that one's blank and this one down here is gonna move and he'll move into here and this one is also blank i mean there are 12 blanks so uh but we do have three thieves are left here out on the board now let's do the ravaging we'll start over here this land there's no invaders this one they're skipping their entire action this round so nothing's going to happen over here this one he's going to attack for one deal one point of damage to the dahan the dahan is i'm gonna attack for two fortunately they have plus one health but still two is enough to kill thank goodness over here we have three plus one is four so that's going to place one blight but remember we paid to be able to take that from the box instead of our card and that's our presence for our stone and our stone does not lose its presence as long as the blight is equal or less than the amount of presence in that land over here we have three points of damage coming at this land so unfortunately we're going to have to place a blight and that does mean that lure is going to lose one of its presence that sucks and three points of damage is going to defeat one to han and one dahan will take a point of damage but then we still have two dahan here so they'll attack for four and i don't think they can attack him but there's still two dahn here so that's why he's revealed so for four even with two health for this explorer that will take both out and we'll generate one fear because of that so we'll get one fear back and then finally over here we have three points of damage coming in so it's going to defeat one of these dehaan damage the other and since it's three points of damage it's going to deal three points of damage to the land which is greater than two so blight from our card is going to be placed there there's no spirit presence there so we're okay we only have three blight left on our healthy island card this one will attack for two he'll take out this uh town and generate another fear so we'll get that fear back now we're going to move to the build step we'll build here for one town we'll build here for one town we would build here a town but they have disease so nothing happens there they will build a town here and our volcano spirit is laughing at them and then nothing here and then over here we build one town and then they are going to explore in the jungles and it looks like to me they're still totally adjacent to all of the jungles so we'll put those out we've done our explorer then we'll place out two thieves one here and one here this one is in the land with two de haan so we get to flip it and that's a three oh my gosh now even though the water is only two spaces away and they're always going to the coastal land of their uh their specific board so we do have some time thank goodness but yes we definitely need to get rid of this if we don't we have to discard three cards from the uh invader deck that is not good now though we can activate our slow powers we're going to start off with some lure fun we're going to play perils of the deepest island so we're going to generate one fear right off the bat then we're going to add one badlands so i'm going to add that in this land it has to be a land that we have presence and it has to be inland then add one beast within range let's go ahead and put that here range one doesn't really matter we can push up to two dehan if we want i want to leave the dahan there that's because now i want to softly beckon ever inward so we can gather up to two explorers two towns uh two beasts and two dahan so we'll go ahead and grab two explorers we'll grab two beasts we'll grab a town from here and there's no other towns and then to dehan why the heck not let's bring these dehan in here as well then we can use our innate power and forsake society to chase after dreams so we have two moons and one air so we can activate this ability where it says after this power replaces pieces with explorers gather any number of those explorers into your lands if the target land has any of these items in it remaining generate a fear and then what we can do is we can replace one city or sorry one town into two explorers so what i can do is i can change this town into two explorers and then i can gather as many of those into our lands that i want i'm going to gather two of them and i'm going to leave one here just because then i can generate another fear so that will be another fear generated for us as you can see lure is super fun as a slow spirit you let them explore figure out what they're going to do and then you just take it away from them our volcano spirit will then play lava flows i'd love to add the tokens but i think i'm just going to deal one damage that one damage can take out the thief because from what i understand the thieves are not affected by the events so they don't have plus one health it was only the explorers this will also generate another fear for more fear and we'll get another fear card the last thing that we can do is have our stone spirit play the jagged shards from the earth we're going to add a badlands token within range 1 of our presence we have presence here we just want to keep adding tokens here and then we're going to push to dehan out of there i'm going to push these to dehan back into the jungles hopefully to help us out over there well that will end our round that was exhausting and good all at the same time let's go ahead and get our dehaan back standing up remember we need to take care of that one i could have actually destroyed that one i think with that card that i had but i felt like this one was more important because it was closer to coming in and this one we have some time heck if we waited two rounds it'll probably come into this land and we can maybe kill it when it's there moving into that growth phase our stone unyielding is gonna have to pick the reclaim cards action so he's gonna reclaim he's gonna pick up all of his cards that he's used he's gonna gain two earth elements for this round and he can place a presence out on a mountain space and yeah you can see i'm already i planned this before talking about it i'm gonna place this one because now i can play one two three cards and i get to gain a minor power card so i can either gain inflame the fires of life the razor sharp undergrowth twilight fog brings or sky stretches to shore and you know what oh my gosh this turn the target spirit may use the slow power as if it were fast yeah beautiful i'm going to take this one and it's a minor power so i can just put that right in my hand i can add my presence to a mountain space or to a land that already has my presence i'm definitely going to move myself over here i can't affect anything on this side of the board so i'm trying to get myself closer for lure we're going to go ahead and do the reclaim and gain one energy so we have all of our cards back into our hand then we're going to choose this one to gain plus two energy and then let's go ahead and i don't know we definitely need the plant so i'm gonna do a generate another plant that we can use this round well it just so happens that we're all going to be picking our reclaim action so i'm gonna do the reclaim and plus one power card for volcano and gain plus three energy we're gonna try a major power card this time because look at all this energy that we have so let's see we have indomitable claim add one presence in the target land you normally could not due to land type and defend 20 holy moly oh we have volcanic eruption six veer 20 damage destroy everything and add a blight i almost feel like i have to get that uh i mean the land thrashes in furious pain two damage per blight plus one damage per blight in adjacent lands and then this one unleash torrent that self own essence gain plus four energy you may forget a power card to gain for more energy pay x energy uh to deal x damage in a land of zero hm well it's most certainly between these two the indomitable claim would allow us to get more of our presence out but the volcanic eruption just sounds super thematic and it's totally i mean it's with we have to have presence in a mountain that's exactly where we go 20 damage you guys but i already have a volcano you know i'm gonna i'm gonna do the abdominal claim because i already have a volcanic eruption no need to have it twice so let's go ahead and do this one that does mean i have to forget a power card now i like this lava flow but i just i don't know what else to get rid of so i'm gonna forget this one we'll move into the energy production phase our stone spirit will generate four more energy gosh he's got seven volcano and lure will each generate two energy here the cards that we're going to pay and play this round i am not getting lure to work exactly like i wanted to but i'm getting close my problem is i need to get a little bit more elements out on the board i'm just not getting the right elements for what i need to do we're having our stone spirit play these three we're having lure play these two and our volcano can only play one card this round moving into that fast power phase our stone spirit is going to play the sky stretches to shore that's going to allow uh lure be to be able to play softly beckoning ever inward even though it's a slow card that means we can we have to target an inland land we have one here we can gather up to two explorers so we'll do this as an explorer and this is an explorer then we can gather up to two towns we'll gather this town i don't see any others we can gather a beast and we could gather you know what let's go ahead and gather one dahan into here because otherwise this would be flipped to the other side i need to have this flipped face up then our stone spirit is going to play a paralyzing fright this is going to generate four fear which is exactly what we need to create or to earn another fear card so we'll push all of our 12 fear back up we'll have to earn all of that again and the invaders are going to skip all their actions in the target land i'm going to choose this one that way they won't build in this land now i was planning this and i forgot to mention it we have two air here we have two earth here plus we have the earth that we generated this round because of the growth so we actually get to generate plus four fear so we'll place four more fear that's awesome we just generated eight fear from that yeah we really freaked them out and i should mention it had to come from a sacred site here's our sacred site right here so within range one finally we have our indomitable claim from our volcano spirit we're gonna grab from the bottom part of his track so he can play two cards next round and place out one of his presents yeah we're gonna place it here and we're gonna defend for 20. do you guys think that's enough that might be enough for here let's now grab our event card and this one is smaller ports spring up we're in stage one still on each board with exactly one coastal city i think all of them have that add one town to a coastal land without a city then we have stricken in lands with disease invaders skip ravage actions and then over here settlers encroach too far on each board choose a land with a town and han push one town per two to han there of course each board has only one city in each coastal area so i have to place three towns that's just mean we'll go ahead and place a town here because we know that they're ravaging in the mountains so i don't want to put them there i'll place one over here in the sands and then over here let's go ahead and put another one in the wetlands over here since we already have one there the stricken isn't going to help us because the only disease we have out is here and they are building in the jungles they are not ravaging so that doesn't matter now though what we can do is on each board we can choose a land with a town and dehan push one town per to dahan beautiful i'm going to push this into here that's great i can't push any on this board because there's only one dahan here and i think i have to push this town so let's go ahead and push this town uh let's i want to do the mountains i'll push him here then let's go ahead and draw our fear card and we have sense of dread and it states on each board remove one explorer from a land matching a ravage card so our ravaged card is the mountains so we can remove one on each board one here there's none there let's do this one here and this one we can do that one perfect before we look at the invaders let's go ahead and move our thieves so we'll move this one to here this one is also trying to get to there so we'll say we'll move him to here and he okay he's blank this one will move to here and this one will move back over to here we'll have ravage in the mountains build in the jungles and then we will explore in the mountains again before i do that i do need to remember this thief gets flipped down because there's no to uh dahan in that location so first we will do the ravaging there's going to be some ravaging here that's going to place we only have two more blight left on our card and the volcano is going to lose one of his presents other than that though we have a defense of 20 over here and none of the other mountains have any invaders on them sweet so then we're going to build in the jungles over here we have disease so that prevents the next build then here we are ignoring all actions here so there's no build here we will have a build of a town over here we'll have a build of a town but then this board will have no build then we have exploring in the mountains unfortunately all the mountains will still be explored with that exploration we'll place one here we'll place one here and we have to place one way up here man lots of these thieves we now get to do our slow actions and once again i made a poor choice scarred and stony land we needed to have a sacred site and then have the land have blight well we have our sacred site here none of this land has blight so this card we can't use the ability we did get the element the earth but ah bummer for lure we're going to use the perils of the deepest island so we're gonna go ahead and generate one fear that'll be our fifth one that we have for this round then we're gonna add one of the badlands this is at range zero so we're gonna add it here then we're gonna place a beast token and we're gonna place it in that same location and we could push up to two dahan i think i'm going to leave the dahan there we have a total of one plus the two from here that's three three moons and we have one air so we can go ahead and replace one town into two explorers and then if we do that we can go ahead and gather them into our lands so what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to take this jungle within range one of our presence we're going to turn this town into two explorers and then we're going to have all those explorers get pulled in to this land right here we don't get to generate the fear because we will have no cities or towns in this location but we have lots of uh explorers here that we can kill next round that will end this round let's remove these reminder tokens i don't know i don't see anybody that took partial damage i think we're good yeah hopefully i'm doing all right three three spirits you guys wow i thought i could handle it it is insane i mean i'm having fun but i'm also exhausted let's go do it one item i missed from the last round i could have activated my power by the furnace of the earth we need three earth to add one of your destroyed presence to a range zero of a location we already have presence i played this card that had our third earth we have two already here so that one that's been destroyed let's go ahead and place that out on the board in the same location where we only have presence in one land for our growth phase for stones on yielding we are going to do gain one power card and place out one presence so i'm going to do a minor power card and we've got growth through sacrifice destroy one of your presents target spirit removes one blight from one of their lands or adds one of their presence to their lands destroy three towns one damage each town and city add one blight uh if the target land is uh jungles or sands remove one blight oh i like that one because we're low on blight fear and we get out of badlands and a wilds yeah this one has earth i i'm just worried about blight we'll go ahead and put this one in our hand we're going to place our presence right here so we have another sacred site for lure this round we're going to go ahead and place one of our presents out that'll be this one and we're going to generate for ourselves another plant and generate two additional energies let me grab a three and take a one let's go ahead and place our presence here because we can start gathering here as well start finally pulling some items off of the coastal land do you guys feel like it's time for a volcano i do i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to do this growth option and put both of these out in our target land our only land that we have control of but our presence on but now we can play three cards this round you know we're replacing that right here look at this this volcano is ready to erupt our volcano spirit will generate two energy during the energy phase lure will actually generate three energy this round oh getting getting a lot of energy this time and then our stone will generate six well you guys this is when things start getting real so we're gonna play these three for our stone our stone spirit we're playing these three for our volcano spirit and we're playing these two for lure yes fast so many fast things let's do lure first we're first going to play veil the night's haunt this is within range two of our presence it has to be in a land with tehan each dahan deals one damage to a different invader that's exactly what we're going to do we have presence here within range one we have two dahan they're each going to deal one damage to both of these thieves and these thieves are gone and that means they're both going to generate one fear for us so we have two more fear that means we have five fear left before we finally generate our third fear card then up here in this land we're going to have swallowed by the wilderness to automatic fear so we're going to go from having five fear to only three fear in the fear pool and then we have one damage per token maximum of five tokens well we have one two three four five so we have five here we can deal five damage two four five that just generated two more fear and these two towns are gone and this explorer is gone our stone spirit has nature's resilience so it has to be within range one of a sacred site which we have right here uh we are going to defend six we're going to defend six within range one right here which is great because then when they attack their attacking for three plus one is four they won't do any damage there because we're defending the entire attack we're also just for fun gonna have our stubborn solidity here uh it's just giving us an additional defend there as well not that we need it more i just wanted the earth element we're then going to have our volcano spirit go we're first going to use exaltation of molten stone split one energy per the fire you have between yourself and a target spirit we're going to choose the the stone spirit so the total amount of fire that we have are three from the cards that we played plus we have one on our board so that's four so we each get two energy we're then going to go ahead and use our pyroclastic bombardment and remember our special ability because we have more than two presents in one location a sacred site we can increase this range by one so we're gonna do a range of three we are going to do one two three this land over here we can deal one damage to each of the towns here because there's towns there not the explorer and then one damage to actually kill or destroy the other town and that will be enough uh for us to be able to generate our final fear awesome and we're gonna get our fear card here and this is going to put us into terror level two now we can win the game if we don't have any towns or any cities on the board we would also have to deal damage to dehaan but there's no dahan there that's why i picked that land now for a little bit of fun we're gonna have an explosive eruption yeah they can all see that volcano and it's gonna explode destroy x one or more i'm gonna destroy six so destroy six of your presents in the target land this powers damage is done separately to both invaders and to the dahan so yes the dahan are gonna get hurt the ranges below can't be increased so i have three fire here plus the one which is four which i need here i have the two air on this card i have the four earth two there plus i actually have five earth and i'm going to be destroying six presents so that what that means is in one land within range one i get to deal a total of six damage then i will generate six fear then in each land within one range four damage add one blight to the target land doing so does not destroy your presence so i'd love to choose this land as my target land but there's already blight here if i choose that as my target land what's going to happen here is this blight is going to cascade and we're going to get a blighted eyelet i don't really want that or do i you know do i no i don't instead what i'm gonna do is i'm going to destroy one two three four five six so six of my total presence here i'm going to deal six damage here so that will take out this which will generate one fear and then both of these guys are gone then every land that's adjacent i'm gonna deal 4 damage to everything in that land so 4 damage we'll take out this dehaan 4 damage here will take out 2 more towns so that means i will generate 2 more fear for that i will do 4 damage here which will take out a town and an explorer and take out both of these guys which will also generate another fear i will deal 4 damage here so this invader is gone two of these dahan are gone and i will deal the damage to this poor one explorer i also will just generate six total fear because of that so here's three and here's three more so i literally have two fear left before i've generated another fear card if i had done this land man that would've been great but i couldn't so then finally i have to place one blight in our land here and unfortunately that means i only have one more blight on our healthy island card and remember adding this blight here i do not have to lose any of my presence by doing that and unfortunately this city survived i was hoping to take it out but i felt like it was better to get rid of the two towns just so you can see here i literally have one blight left okay let's go ahead and look at our event card we have bureaucrat bureaucrats adjust funding on each board with nine or more towns or cities build cards skip the highest numbered matching land on each board with three or fewer of those build cards cause one extra build action in the highest numbered matching land this can affect a land without invaders oh interesting okay we'll have to see how that works terrifying bees two fear per board with two or more beasts and then when invaders ravage if the land has both dahan and spirit essence defend five we'll start with this board this board has one two three four so because they have four towns or cities nothing happens that's between the that's above three and less than nine uh over here we only have one two so because we only have two that means build cards cause one extra build action in the highest numbered matching land so that will be here great that's just perfect then over here we have one two three wonderful so they're also going to build twice here so they're gonna build twice in eight and twice in seven we are though due to the beast gonna generate two fear because there are three beasts here and then two more fear over here because there's two beasts on this board there's only one beast on this board so nothing happens there but two fear will actually get us uh and generate us another fear card then we'll push all these back and then we'll have two more fear which will be placed here in our generated fear we now get to resolve these two fear cards and the advantage is we're now at terror level two so we get to do the terror level two ability each player removes one explorer or town from an inland land well that's cool this is actually an awesome fear event because for these two lands we can remove these now these lands have the extra build action but there's no build that they can do so we can oh that's awesome we can ignore that from this event holy moly okay so i get to choose one more from here it can either be a town uh i guess i have to do no this is no all of their inland lands have nothing it's only the coastal no no here we go this is inland land we can at least remove one of these there we go that was our first card let's go ahead and look at our second one in each land with two or more explorers destroy one explorer or town per two explorers we have angry mobs that's awesome well it looks like we're gonna have a ton of mobs here we have one two three four five six seven so it says destroy one of these per two of them so we have two here this guy's gone two here this guy's gone two here this guy is gone and we have one remaining uh let's see that's actually it i don't think there's any other land but i will still take that now though unfortunately we're gonna have to do our thieves and this one is going to escape it's a zero so we're just gonna lose our two generated fear from the beast that's okay this one is trying to go that way so i'll have him move into here he'll get flipped okay that's a one this one is trying to go this way this one is trying to go this way this is a three you guys that is a huge problem and this one's going to go right here we'll now activate our invaders we're going to ravage in the jungles we're going to build in the mountains and where are they going to explore the sands the only land we have to worry about ravaging is this one these uh two invaders are going to deal a total of four points of damage here we defend for six our de haan then here will deal two points of damage one here and one to the city that was our ravage now we're going to do building so we have building in the mountains here we'll build a town this is probably our biggest issue right here this one nothing here we're going to build a town and and you know we built a town here because we already had a city you build towns and tell when you are going to build a town you have more towns and cities than you put a city in and looking here i think that's the only building we're doing so then we're going to explore in the sands and unfortunately they still can hit all of the sands we've completed our explore i believe we're gonna have to place one here for a thief and let's see a six or higher one here and i think that's it yep because all the other ones are below six after all of this we can now move to our slow actions lure still has a couple slow things that she can do so the first thing is she has a total of two moons two air and so because of that we can do uh replacing one town with two explorers and if we do that we can gather them into our lands and if we leave uh either a city or a town in that other target land we can generate one fear we also can because we finally have some fire and we have one plant here one plant here and one plant here we can do this ability than never heard from again and what we have is we can add one badlands and then we can destroy up to two explorers per any of these tokens and it says here if this power destroys any of the explorers we deal one fear if it destroys five or more explorers it's plus one fear which was going to happen until they had an angry mob and they killed each other so what we'll do is we'll turn this town into two explorers and then we'll go ahead and gather all of these explorers because we can gather all of them into this land this might actually still work and since we did that we have a town here that town then will generate fear because they're going to say where did all of our friends go so we've got one generated fear now i should have done this before i started activating lures ability but we'll still give it to me because it's 1 45 in the morning i should have within range one of our stone i was going to place one badlands token in this space as well because i wanted another token there this means now we can destroy a total of two four six eight explorers and one of those can be a thief so destroying that thief will generate one fear so that's one two three four five six seven and eight and because we destroyed more than five we're going to generate another fear oh wait and i forgot our ability also places another badland token there so that would mean we get to remove another two of these explorers yeah we just cleaned that whole area out there's one more thing i could have done with our stone spirit we could have pushed to dehan out of that land since we chose that land so let's push these two to han here so we can at least flip up this invader okay it's a zero or i should say it's a thief we're gonna have to try and kill that and then finally our volcano played the reign of ash we're gonna generate two fear because we're gonna target this land so that's two more fear that we've generated and then what we can do is push to dehan and two of these invaders or towns to lands without your presence so i'm targeting this land i'm going to go ahead and push this one over here to the yeah to this area where i'm hoping to destroy more later so i'd say overall i'm feeling pretty good we don't have a ton on the board my biggest problem is i still have all of these cities so yeah and this one's going to heal back up this is going to be removed this is going to heal back up i need to be able to get rid of those in order to get my level 3 fear because that's what it feels like i'm going to be trying to do on this one and i still have one thief here that's just about to escape and this one's terrible this is one that has the three on it so i've got to figure out how to at least push that back and this one here that if he does escape it's not the end of the world but still something i need to deal with we need to remember that we have power to buy the furnace of the earth that we can also use we had four earth and we had four of the fire so we can add one of our destroyed presents to that land that we had before we can also for two energy gain a power card and i'm gonna go ahead and gain a major power card so i am going to either grab transform to a murderous darkness target spirit may choose one of their shrines in that land replace one of their presents with a badlands and then replace the replaced uh presence leaves the game push any number of those oh my gosh no that seems insane we have smothering infestation and one disease uh no that doesn't seem it's gonna match uh okay this has fire for each of these in the target land one fear and two damage this destroyed all invaders in the land add one beast um or we have blazing renewal this has the icons we like target spirit places two of their destroyed presence into a single land up to range two from your presence if any was returned oh oh yeah if any was returned two damage to any of this in their land yeah look at this this is what we want we want this one so i'm gonna put this one into our hand and then i think i'm going to lose the steam vents we'll move into that next round with our growth phase looking at our stone spirit we're going to choose this one so we can recover all of our used cards we're going to gain two of the earth elements and we can place this on a mountain region or a region with our presence on it within range three we also now will get to play one two three four cards per turn generate six energy and we get to draw another minor power card so we have unquenchable flames we have gold's allure we have hazards spread across the island and we have rights of the land's rejection um oh invaders do not build in the target land one fear per these or per that per whichever is less well you know i think i'm going to do this one that one looks really cool we definitely want to place our presence one two three over here because we're looking to protect this area lure is also going to reclaim and generate one of the energy and then she's also going to grab the one earth and generate two energy i think next time i'm gonna have to get a major power look at all this energy that i'm not using for our volcano we're gonna go ahead and reclaim all of our cards as well so we have all of these back in our hand we're gonna gain a power card and generate three power let's go ahead and do a minor this time called a guard we've got rouse the stones call to ferocity or treacherous waterways look at this it says the two items we want we could push and explore but you know what's nice we could push one of those um actually that's really nice we could totally it has to be mountains or wetlands but we could push one of those thieves so let's let's grab that one volcano will generate two more energy we'll have six more for our stone and then we will have three more for lure well i hope you guys are ready for a pretty crazy round i don't think we're gonna win here but we're gonna do a ton of fun stuff volcanoes playing three are stone players playing four cards now and then lure is still only playing two let's do our stone spirit first so this turn the target spirit and it can be targeted any spirit so he's going to target himself may use one slow power as if it was fast or vice versa target spirit gains plus three range for targeting coastal lands only so if we target a coastal land we actually get plus three range that's key for this round we're going to go ahead and then play our paralyzing fright normally we need to have a sacred site within range one but we're going to target this land so our sacred site is here we can have a range of three up to three instead of just one so we're gonna target there first of all that's gonna generate four fear one two three four that means we have three more left in the fear pool then we're gonna skip all actions in that land so what that means is they're not going to build there and we still have two air and three earth so because of that we'll generate four more fears that'll place these three in push it back and we'll place one back into the generated pool and we've just generated another fear card yeah i'm going to try and fear them out like nobody's business here down here we're going to play the renewing rain this is our slow card that we're going to play fast once again normally it's within one space of a shrine or sacred site it should be called shrine i called it sacred sorry a shrine but we can do it within range three as long as we're targeting a coastal land so we have a shrine here we have a coastal land here that has some blight and it's sands so we can remove this blight oh that gives us a little bit of space on that healthy blight island card finally we're going to play nature's resilience this also can be within range three as long as it's a coastal land which is here one two three we're going to defend for six in this land for lure the only thing we're going to do is play this card we're going to have each dahan deal one damage to a different invader we can do that here and that will take this guy out generating another fear because that's taking out a thief now comes the fun part with our volcano we found this blazing renewal target spirit we can target ourselves can place two of their destroyed presence in a single land we're going to place them here we can't get any of that additional damage but that's okay we're then going to play the treacherous waterways we're going to push one explorer we can push this explorer normally it's a range one but we have more than two presents in one land so we can extend its range by one so we'll push them back to here give us a little bit more space then what do you guys say we do this we have three fire we have three earth and we can destroy four of our presents so that means we can deal four damage and we can generate four fear we'll destroy one two three four total presence this time we can target this land because we're not placing any additional blight so we will deal a total of four damage here three for this to generate two more fear which is great and then we'll deal one damage to this guy and we can't actually hurt him or flip him over because there's no uh we don't have any um dehaan here but that can push him back thank goodness so we've pushed him back we just did that we can also then generate four more fear because we did this so i will generate four more we only have four more before we generate our next fear card and then we go to level three tear we'll go ahead then and draw our event card and we have pulled together an adversity for the rest of this turn ignore one strife on each invader this includes not removing that strife well it's a good thing we don't use strife we have explorers blunder on each board destroy two explorers among lands with beasts and then when invaders ravage if the land has dehan defend too we have beasts here so we'll remove this one we have a beast here so we'll remove this one and i think all the other beasts there are no invaders there now then let's move our thieves so this thief will go ahead and move here so he's one space away actually i'll have a move here and i have no idea what he is this one will move here this one will move to here so will this one okay that one's blank at least that's a one this board does not have any great oh wait i should have drawn a fear card first but the fear cards can't affect them anyways so each player chooses a different land to isolate also defend two in those lands oh so they can't explore there if you isolate a land it's not considered to be there for exploration purposes so they cannot explore from that location and they cannot explore into that location so what i'm thinking is if i do that to some of these lands that are adjacent yeah like so if i did it to this one and i did it to this one then we have lands that no invaders are adjacent to and so no new ones will be placed there let's try that the invaders will ravage in the mountains they'll build in the sands and they're going to explore in the coastal lands of course for ravaging there's only two lands we need to worry about we've defended here and for this land when they deal two points of damage to the land they are going to destroy the dahan we are going to pay the two energy so that we can instead of placing this blight from our card we're placing it from the box but this will still cast no actually this will not cascade because we have our two presents here it's equal so we will not have to remove any of our presents and this will not cascade all that's amazing and over here we're defending for six they're doing three four five six damage so we're all okay then they're going to build so in here they're going to build a city oh geez another city nothing here we're ignoring there they're going to build a town over here and unfortunately they're going to build a city there so we just added two more cities we have to deal with then they're going to explore in the coastal lands so they will explore here not here but they'll explore here they'll explore here they'll explore here and they'll explore here and then they'll explore only here and here not this location and the nice thing is none of those lands are six or higher so no new thieves will show up moving into that slow power phase we'll go ahead and just generate two fear here so we are two fear away from generating our third fear card we'll then do our softly beckon ever inward and we're gonna do that here so we'll gather up two of these towns we'll gather up two of the explorers i have all the beasts that i need and let's go ahead do i need any dahan i don't think so let's just do it we'll bring to the han with us just in case we do have a total of one plus two three moons two air and one animal so we can within range one replace one city with three explorers within range one even though this is coastal this one we can do in a coastal land because it's within range one of our presence so we're going to turn this city into just three wee invaders take that finally our volcano has two earth here plus the two on his board for four that will allow him to place one presence back into his land as well that should end our round hopefully i didn't miss anything all we need to do now is generate two more fear and we will get our third fear card and then destroy this city this city that city and this one wow that's still a lot i don't know if we're gonna be able to do that in another round uh if we don't we've got two well man yeah we've got two thieves over there that are just about to escape we've got this one over here that's about to escape yeah we've got some challenges moving into that growth phase our stone spirit has that one card that allows him to do eight fear it's hard for me not to reclaim my cards each round so that's what i think i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab this one do the reclaim game to earth and place one either where i already have presence on the board or in a mountains i'm gonna go ahead and place that presence here for lure we're also going to reclaim our cards we're going to get plus one energy and then we're going to gain a power card i'm going to gain a major power card let's see we have tsunami deal 8 damage oh my gosh coastal oh that's where we need to kill things uh but it's slow uh we have sea monsters we have accelerated rot and we have irresistible call oh look at this it's got plant and air oh my gosh okay it's between these two the eight damage though i think i think at this point i've gotta go tsunami so this is a major power card so i need to lose a card i love this card but i just don't ever seem to have time to play it so i'm gonna remove this one for our volcano we're also going to do the reclaim i just keep doing the reclaim at this point you guys i just need to destroy a few cities i'm also going to gain a major power card here's our four we have fire and flood this four damage in each target land if we get three fire it would be eight damage uh yeah i'm probably gonna get that one i'm not gonna look at these ones that one looks so cool i have to forget a card and at this point this one doesn't really match our spirit anymore so i'm gonna lose this one then we'll go ahead and gain some energy our volcano spirit will gain two we'll have our rock spirit gain six and then we'll have lure gain three lure is still only able to play two cards around eventually that will change maybe not the way i keep reclaiming cards i'm never getting to where i can play three cards that's probably what's killing me in this play through that's these two here we've got three for our volcano spirit and four for our rock spirit let's move to that fast action phase first thing for our stone spirit we're gonna do the eight fear because we definitely have two air and three rock and we're gonna choose this land and they're gonna skip all of their actions here eight fear we only had two remaining in here before we've generated our third fear card for terror level two we're now at terror level three we just need to get rid of the the cities to win the game we'll then place six more fear into the generated fear area we'll then play our nature's resilience here within range one of where we have a shrine is right here we're going to defend for six so that way we don't place blight here finally we're going to use our rights of the land's rejection so within range two of where we have a shrine which is here so one two we're going to target that land invaders do not build in target land this turn so they won't build in here so i'm going to just place one of these markers in here to remind myself of that because that is a coastal land and then we're going to generate one fear per a building or one fear per dahan whichever is less we have one building and two to han so we'll just generate one fear with this card five more and we've generated another fear card we're then going to play sky stretches to shore and we're going to allow lure to play one of her power cards that are slow as fast giving it a plus three range if it's hitting a coastal land we most definitely are going to use our tsunami then this is going to generate two straight fear so we have three fear left that we need to generate for our next fear card we're gonna deal eight damage within range two of a shrine we have a shrine here one two eight damage three four five six and then seven will just push this guy back we still can't see what it is but that will generate three more fear which is just what we need for our next fear card so those three will be moved that will generate another fear card that's two fear cards and we only have two left we could just win by fearing them out lure played veil in the knights hunt we have each tahan will deal one damage to a different invader we're going to do that here we're going to have them each deal a damage since there are no cities or towns to these two thieves we're going to destroy both of those thieves generating two more fear our volcano spirit is going to play the blazing renewal we're going to target the lure spirit so they can place i'm assuming it's up to two of their destroyed presence since lure only has one i think i can still do this we can put it in a single land that's up to range two from where you have presence one two we're going to do it here we'll place it here and we get to deal two damage to each city or town in that land we've got two towns we're going to destroy both of those towns and generate two more fear i love it then we came with our treacherous water card we can within range one of our presence over here we can just push one of these explorers i'm going to go ahead and push this explorer into here just so that way they don't build in this specific land finally we're just going to go ahead and target our stone spirit to go ahead and use this exaltation of molten stone i have a total of four fires so we're going to split energy two and two between that stone spirit and the volcano spirit let's go ahead and draw our event card then and we have temporary truce in lands with dahan one dahan and one city or town do not participate in ravages interesting okay and then we have preya on the heedless and each land with a beast one damage per beast and then for each board one fear if any dahana in lands with cities or towns interesting well if we look here in the sands any of the areas that have dehan and cities they're not ravaging so we can ignore the temporary truce on each land with beasts though so we've got beasts here they will each deal one damage per beast so both of these invaders are toast that's kind of nice here there's nothing here there's nothing here this invader is gone for one point of damage and then finally on this land we at least have a dahan here with one of these cities so that will give us one more fear we have generated five out of our twelfth fear let's go ahead and draw our fear cards so our first one we have is each player adds and remember we're at level three fear now uh or terra each player adds one strife in a different land with at least two invaders then each invader with strife deals damage to other invaders in its land so in this land over here what do you say we put strife on this city so it can't attack and it's going to deal three damage it will destroy yeah to the other invaders it'll destroy these three and that will generate another fear for us awesome so that was this board over here i feel like it just makes sense to do this one he'll deal one damage to this guy so he's gone and now we won't blight here and finally over here in the sands we might as well put it on this guy and then he will attack this invader and he's toast wow that that's actually awesome our second fear card is explorers do not affect coastal lands invaders do not act in lands with disease so the disease part isn't helpful but explorers do not affect coastal land so if they're going to explore they're not going to explore into coastal ants because they're in quarantine oh that's funny so let's see they're going to ravage in the sands they're going to build in the coastal lands and we're in our level threes yeah they're going to explore in mountains and wetlands so for the sands this one can be ignored this one over here he will not attack because of the strife he'll attack for one but then he will attack back for two and take both of them out perfect over here he will attack for zero we're defending for six anyways but we'll remove this strife and then this one he'll remove his strife and not attack beautiful that was the ravage oh you guys i almost forgot about the thieves so this thief would have to move one space and this thief would move one space sorry about that i think those are the only thieves yes so now they're gonna build in the coastal lands so over here they'll build one town which is great that's it and then over here oh they're gonna build a city here i was hoping that i could prevent that but that didn't happen a city here a town here and that's it and then they're not doing any actions here so then we'll just have a town there and that's it that's it for our build but now we have our explorer our explorers both in the mountains and in the wetlands we finally have a couple lands that are safe so this one is going to be safe no one can explore here i think actually that's it that's the only one that's safe but hey it's one oh wait i need to remember they cannot explore off of the coast so that will help us as well so they'll explore here they will not explore here uh and then we've got the wetlands no um this one they will explore because it's not in the coast this one they will explore this one they will explore but this one they won't because it's on the coast this one they won't this one they will and then the one down here they won't because there's no one in range lands that are six or higher that we explored in was here and that's a that's a five so we're good there didn't explore there uh they did explore here that's a six i think that's it though awesome we can then move into our slow action phase we definitely have three earth so i can place another presence in our current location for our volcano and we could activate lures ability but i actually kind of want to keep the buildings out because i just want to do a ton of fear i only have two cards left you guys if i can just i generated enough fear last round to get two cards worth of fear let's see if we can do that again if we can we just automatically win because yeah i'm not getting rid of all the buildings so i mean i still have one two three four total cities well you guys i'm hoping i can do it during the fast phase here i'm going to have everyone do the reclaim action because we're all going to get our cards back we'll place another presence within range three and i think we'll just go ahead and place that right here lure will just go ahead and reclaim and get plus one energy and then do this let's pick the moon and get plus two energy so she's got the moon as well for our volcano spirit we'll also reclaim we'll gain one power card here's our four this has fire let's just go ahead and grab this one and then uh we yeah we get the plus three energy then we'll all generate energy so our volcano will generate two more we have three more for lure and six more for our stone here we have our four cards for our stone two cards for lure and three for our volcano come on let's fear them out the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to paralyze them yet again we have the same elements as last time so a total of eight fear and they're going to skip all actions in this area this is from our stone so eight one two three four five six is what we needed to generate our next fear card and then we'll have two more in our supply or in our generative fear we have to generate ten more fear if we can generate 10 more fear we automatically win we're going to go ahead and play this rights of lands rejection just like last round range two but this time there's two buildings and there's two dahan so this card itself will generate two fear and they won't build there but who cares because they're not going to build there anyway so we've got four fear we need eight more you guys eight more we're then gonna have our stone spirit play that sky stretches to shore this is gonna give plus three making a slow card fast and gives them plus three range so our lure spirit will be able to do this so we have a total range of two plus three is five as long as it's coastal we have our shrine right here one two three we're going to do two fear so that's two of them then we're gonna deal eight damage three four five six seven and that just generated three more fear we've got our three here we need three more you guys and all of this is toast lure is also going to play these swallowed by the wilderness we're just going to generate two fear that means we need one more and then we're going to deal one damage uh per the amount of these tokens in here so we can take out this explorer then i feel like it's only fitting we're going to have a blazing renewal to win the game the target spirit places two of their destroyed presents in a single land this is our volcano spirit they're gonna target themselves we're gonna place two here and now we'll be able to destroy four of these presents and we can essentially have our volcano explode in order to do this we needed to have three fire three earth and four presents we have enough presence we have three fire on these cards we have one earth here to earth three earth beautiful just what we need we can generate fear equal to the amount of presence that we just destroyed which was four i'm not even going to worry about the damage ah we just won the game we feared them out with a final explosion from our volcano we won the game now i will say that was hard i'm sure i made a ton of mistakes and i'm sure i made a lot of not optimal moves i had the first time playing the lure spirit and was doing this play through and that was a poor choice i should have practiced playing it before because as you can see lure was probably the weakest one uh stone was pretty dang awesome a lot of stone's power is all about getting those really good major power cards or if you can really get their his innate power working i just couldn't seem to get it working uh that's just me volcano though volcanoes awesome isn't he fun uh yeah i've got some blight to deal with but this yeah it's a blast i love this game but i will say from a solo perspective i don't really recommend three i saw someone did six spirits and i wonder how many errors they made granted they aren't trying to record so that probably makes it easier if you're still watching at this point kudos to you i love this game thank you so much for joining me on this journey and i hope you get to play and enjoy this game as much as i do i will catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 13,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirit island, jagged earth, greater than games, gtg, kickstarter, branch and claw, playthrough, one stop coop shop, one stop co-op shop, solo, board game
Id: RIahGU37cEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 56sec (6116 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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