TDG: Top Ten Games That Didn't Get Enough Love (August 2022)

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thank you [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen you know my new girlfriend works at the zoo I think she's a keeper ladies and gentlemen today we're going to go ahead and take a look at my top 10 games that just didn't get enough love [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen so this list is a list of 10 games that I really think are solid really good games that never were celebrated as as much as they should have been these are games I think is kind of a travesty they're not more well-loved and more well respected and and is played as some other games now this is of course an entirely subjective list but these are games that I really really like that needed more love and maybe we can give them more love with this video so first of all I do want to talk a little bit about some honorable mentions I got a couple here first of all wings for the baron from Victory point games this was a game about World War One set in factories essentially you were airplane um industrialists you were constructing airplanes for Germany during World War one and you were competing and you're trying to be the you know there's there's inflation and there's all sorts of problems they're trying to make a profit but you're trying to develop Technologies it was a really good game and I hope we see a reprint of it sometime it was it was again I don't think I've ever played a game that was quite like that in terms of theme and also mechanics it was a balancing act between you know trying to invest in in in in what you're building but still make a profit very fun game that was Victory point games uh and then also too one from Hasbro of all places this was Battleship galaxies this came out about maybe oh 10 14 years 12 14 years ago maybe thereabouts but yeah it was a really good game um and I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was but it's Battleship but it's kind of Space Battleship and you were um when when you were doing you do the thing where you call out you know H7 or whatever but you were rolling die and you're you're trying to get there's a critical spot that would blow up but you're trying to get that um but it just it just had you know you put they had cool um chips and you used pegs you wouldn't use pegs Mark uh uh like this the damage in the way you would on the in the basic Battleship game but you'd use them to Mark kind of shields or damage on the bases of the ships but you'd maneuver them and it was just a really good fun space combat game it had some cool looking ships but it was just it was really fun I really liked it and it's one of those games like years ago I gave it away because I hardly ever played it um and I wished I I hadn't because I like to play it again and it's out of print now uh we need to get that one back in print that is Battleship galaxies that was from Hasbro all right let's go and get into the to the actual list here okay so my number 10 is villainous Vikings this was also from Victory point games this is this is a great game where you were Vikings were competing or selling around Europe um you you had like ships that could that would take damage on you have different cars for different sections of the ship that would take damage you would roll die you'd have kind of like these swords and Hammers and shields hammers I think I think if I remember correctly the cameras did like special abilities but you're trying to get the most swords and overcome your enemy's Shields um you're kind of playing toward you know kind of a Ragnarok scenario but it was a really fun game it was a really clever game it's from the designer of War of Whispers which is another just phenomenal game I really would like to see villainous Vikings be reprinted I think that was the second edition I played I'd like to see it come out again it was a phenomenal game that is villainous Vikings that was from Victory point games that's my number 10. my number nine is a game that I'll be honest I I just recently got rid of because another game kind of took it out but but it was a game that for a long long time I loved and this was Sons of Anarchy men and Mayhem Sons of Anarchy men and Mayhem was so cool because it was this hybrid of Euro game worker placement Euro game but it had combat so it kind of had this strong theme as a real ameritrash uh theme to it and it was a great game that again you had the locations you're going to locations you're trying to to to to to get money and drugs and and guns in order to win these battles but they had these various turf wars it's really fun now gale force 9 re which which created it they recently came out with Wise Guys which is essentially a reskin a few other little rules but it's essentially reskin and I didn't keep them both I kept Wise Guys uh which is a great game too but but Sons of Anarchy I always felt like it was a game that just never got the kind of love it deserved and I think it was because of the theme I think a lot of people who didn't watch the TV show said well why bother and a lot of people that maybe were turned off by some of the it was kind of gritty um I think we're turned off by that Wise Guys is is less so so I think it's a little more accessible but it was such a good game and I and that was the one I really wish more people had had warmed up to but that was Sons of Anarchy men and Mayhem that is number nine that is from uh gale force nine number eight is a game which kind of surprises me given its designer and the production of it that it wasn't as loved as as it was this is um The Godfather Corleone's Empire from from come on so it's an Eric Lang design and it is it's got a kind of set collection and area control and turf wars and one of my favorite things about this game is just thematically is when you kill someone you would put them in the river you drop in the in the river but yeah different families you had you know you had the leader you had the consulary you kind of had Thugs and you're engaging these various battles as you're trying to gain these these resources and so it was it was kind of like work replacement with combat and it was a pretty fun game I loved the theme I I love the way it works out I still got it on my shelf I haven't played it in a while but it's a great game that I felt like you know in light of blood rage and Rising Sun it never got the loved it deserved and I gotta be honest I'm probably gonna take some heat from this I like this game better than those games I I in fact I no longer have Rising Sun and blood rage I've given them away I think George and Holly have got my blood Ridge right now um and I kept Godfather because I just I like the theme better and I think it was just a more engaging game uh I understand people loving blood outrage and Rising Sun better but I love this one better and I wish this one had gotten more attention great game that his Godfather Corley on his Empire from come on that's my number eight my number seven is one of those games that was a complete surprise I was I I the company Wizkid sent it out for me to review and I was thinking this is not one I'm gonna enjoy it didn't look interesting it looked silly and then I played it and my friends and I were blown away it is a super fun game and it's a very funny game as well with the artwork and the characters that are presented but it's a smart smart game and this is op Arena now op arena is a dice game essentially but you have these different cards that can be anything you got like you know things from like zombies and fairies to sharks with lasers or your like creepy Uncle um they're all different kinds of characters in this game and they've all got just these incredible abilities um that come with the cards and this game is it I couldn't believe it we start we played this game once we're like let's play it again let's play it again we couldn't stop playing in fact I think I had like another game to review that night I don't I can't remember I don't think we got to it because we were playing this one so much and it was so like I say it's one of those rare games that's like funny that actually made me laugh and it was but it was it was just a good solid game because you got choices with your dice you know how what what abilities do you want to trigger and you have passive abilities and and it was really fun and I really liked it um I think I don't think it's in print I think this game is out of print it's really too bad because I really really really really liked op Arena and I really wish we would get this back I hope somebody reprints it here at some point but that is op Arena that was from whiz kids that is my number seven my number six is also from Whiz Kids this is a game that has got a great IP um and I was surprised it wasn't embraced a little more than it was and this is Batman Gotham City strategy game now Batman Gotham City strategy game players take on the roles of the villains you like Joker penguin Riddler Etc and you are going out you're going to various locations trying to collect like money and other resources and then like just out of the blue Batman can come up and attack you and you're trying to manipulate the board so that you're less likely to get caught by Batman and he can of course he's going to screw you over because of the Batman right but it was kind of fun to play that game from the the criminals point of view and have Batman come after you a good kind of again it's very euro-y but it's got a very strong Batman theme really enjoyed it this is Batman Gotham City strategy game that's from whiz kids and that is my number six but number five is is a game for Fantasy Flight games now I've said many times on this channel if you're if you're if you're not a stranger to the channel you know one of my favorite games of all time uh is Battlestar Galactica probably my third favorite game of all time is Battlestar Galactica some of the best experiences I've had playing games is Battlestar Galactica but of course after Battlestar Galactica went off the air Fantasy Flight lost the IP to it and we've got just last year of course unfathomable but several years ago I think 2016 they they they were trying to find the successor to Battlestar Galactica and they didn't just do a straight reskin they came up with a new game that had some similarities to it and this is new Angelus new Angelus was a great game that was kind of cyberpunk it was set in the Android Netrunner universe but it was where you were trying to um players are kind of working together to kind of manipulate the board and create conditions good for business every round your voting on proposals so this is a strong strong negotiation game it's all about negotiation you're seeing okay whose proposal gets is going to get accepted one player lays down a proposal somebody lays down a counter proposal and whoever gets gets a proposal um is going to you know get benefits from that but critically one player is a hidden Trader you're all like these like like uber capitalists but one player is secretly working for the government trying to kind of undermine everybody else and what's cool about it too is the players are not competing against everybody else they're competing of course against the hidden Trader but they're also competing against only one specific other player that is a secret nobody knows but that player who they're competing against and they just to win the game they just have to get a higher score so potentially everybody could lose or potentially everybody but one could win and it's a very smart game and I thought it was very well done and I love negotiation in games and I thought this one was was just a solid game so that is a number five that is new Angelus from Fantasy Flight games my number four is a game from AAG it was part of the Tempest series it's a it's a Euro it's one of my favorite Euro games and you know I'm not a big Euro game guy but I really like this one this is dominaire so dominaire set in the Tempest World which was kind of the shared Universe of games the AEG had about 10 years ago and the idea with dominaire is you're trying to control sections of the city right there's there's you've got canals it's kind of like Venice and then you have these kind of islands with different sections of the city and different buildings in the city and you're trying to place your cubes to control it but other players are constantly trying to take control and you're trying to spread your Cubes but they're trying to take it away from you and the more sections you control give you different abilities and what's really cool is you each get I think over the course of the game it's like seven rounds you got like seven cards and you play these cards in front of you to form a tableau and they have if they're depending on the slot they're in um certain abilities are going to trigger on that card when those abilities trigger you can use these really cool things but only at certain times it's really cool I really like dominaire it's one of those games that I I'm just really surprised me people didn't take to because it is solid and it is mean it's one of the meanest games I own one of the meanest games I own and it's great so this is dominaire that is my number four and that was from AEG my number three is another Whiz Kids title this is a game a strong IP game that again I think just puts you into the IP in a way that few games do um this is Star Trek Fleet captains Star Trek Fleet captains is Star Trek in a box I mean more than any other Star Trek game this feels like the TV show this feels like you're playing Star Trek because you're going out you're exploring you're finding strange new worlds you're battling Klingons you've got it's hero clicks so you you can like adjust your power curve what do you want to put the shields into weapons you know into propulsion and you're doing all these things but you can get sucked into black holes and you can explore neutron stars and like I say you can you can meet all sorts of new and exciting aliens in this game it's very well done but I know it's there's there's a there's a there's a crowd that really likes this but I'm surprised it didn't take on more and again I think those IP games sometimes as much as they're a Gateway for people they're a barrier because if you're not someone that's particularly interested in Star Trek maybe maybe you wouldn't like this one as much but it's it's it's not my favorite Star Trek game I I probably don't think it's my favorite server game but to me it's the most evocative of Star Trek highly recommend Star Trek Fleet captains tremendously fun and again a game that just never got as much love as I think it deserves so that's from whiz kids and that is my number three my number two is a game um that came out again about 10 years ago and this is leviathans from Catalyst game Labs now I just saw recently they're kickstarting a new version of it so we are getting leviathan's back so this is a good thing because leviathans is awesome leviathans is this game set in kind of an alternate history where they the powers of Europe had developed heavier than air battleships so essentially steampunk you've got these floating battleships like they're like dirigible battleships and they're just they're shooting at each other in the air they can fire Torpedoes in the air they got guns in the air but what's cool about it is you know it's got hexes and you're maneuvering the bases along hexes so it's kind of a naval game um but you've got a dry erase board and so when somebody scores a hit you're like Crossing like damage off of a dry erase board it's a great war game a great Naval tactical combat game of Naval um you know kind of these Naval airships um and again it's one that just never took off they made the core game and I think they made a couple of factions like because the core game comes with the British and the French and I think they made like the Germans or apartment yeah I think they made the Germans and the Italians and I thought they were talking about they're going to make a bunch more and and just it never really developed so I'm but it's such a good game such a strong game and I'm super excited to see that they're doing a a um new Kickstarter and a new version of it because this game needs more love it certainly deserved more love than I got it had a great theme great gameplay and it just never quite caught on the way I was hoping it would so as leviathans from Catalyst game Labs that's my number two finally my number one and I mentioned this game a lot and I've had this in a lot of my top 10 lists lately for various reasons but my number one game here is a game that is just one of my absolute favorites that just never cut on I think it's still in print but I don't know it's it's a game that is just solid it delivers and every time I play it I got a big grin on my face it's a relatively simple game but it is one of those games with a lot of choices a lot of screwing people over and a lot of fun this is also from AEG this is courtier courtier is a game of area control where you are attempting to fulfill petitions you want to fulfill these petitions but in order to fulfill the petitions you need to gain the the confidence of the Queen's courtiers the courtiers are on the board and you may have like artists you know like Jewelers and Painters whatever you could have military men like admirals you would have you know senators or people in the church or the royal family and they've each got spaces for cubes beside them and you want to fill up those spaces and you need to control the majority of those spaces in order to influence that courtier now you're playing cards that allow you to place Cubes but you're also playing other cards that allow you to kind of manipulate cubes and move cubes around so again it's a very mean game because you might think you've got everything positioned so you can score a petition and then somebody plays a card that screws up your plans very fun and it's a game you're laughing constantly because you're screwing each other over but it's awesome it's it's it's tremendous fun this was part of the Tempest series as was dominaire the original love letter that AEG produced was part of the Tempest series as well tremendous game courtier I cannot recommend it enough and again it just if we're as fun as it is as much as I love this game I just felt like it never got the recognition it deserved so that is courtier my number one from AEG well thank you ladies and gentlemen as always I'm interested to hear what you would put on a list like this what games do you think didn't get enough love please let me know in the comments I'm always excited to hear about it and learn about new games new and exciting games and then please of course uh like us on Facebook subscribe to us on YouTube follow us on Twitter leave comments for us we'd love to hear it check out my other channel Cody Carlson PhD where we talk about military history books on history fun stuff like that and then also please um just just uh you know probably post this to board game geek please give a thumb to this as well on Board Game Geek um I gotta tell you ladies and gentlemen um speaking of girlfriends as I did at the beginning of the video uh you should never ever ever laugh at your girlfriend's choices remember you're one of them again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] one two three lines are mine
Channel: The Discriminating Gamer
Views: 6,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wizkids, victory point games, catalyst game labs, CMON, AEG, Fantasy flight games, gale force nine, top ten game list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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