Uprising: Curse of the Last Emperor | Playthrough | With Colin

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hello everyone and welcome to the one stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to play uprising curse of the last emperor this game is a 4x style game you're exploring you're exterminating you're doing all the different x's that i can never remember the names of uh but in this game we're gonna control two factions and we're gonna try and take on both the empire and the chaos and we're gonna try and score more victory points than they do at the end of the game now both of our factions need to be higher in victory points than both chaos and the empire mike has a playthrough of the prototype and he's also going to do a review of this final version in a week or so so make sure to look out for that when that comes out i'll put it in the description below also john gets games has a great uh rules explanation video as well so i'll put a link to that in uh below as well this game can be played for two to four chapters i am going to set up a four chapter game i'm gonna see if i have enough time to record that i'd really like to show the four chapters but we'll just see how much time i have to play now i will say this game is not short so make sure you get yourself a cup of coffee or maybe a cup of tea and let's start jumping into setup the first part of setup you can do is setting up the board itself you'll see on the rulebook it shows you the different ways to set up the game based upon the player count so i have done the uh two factions set up the most important things to know is we've got unexplored c towers over there and there the rest of these tiles are random you do have the capital here with single level garrisons which are part of the empire in these three places and then a level three garrison and that's in the actual capital for the chaos setup you'll have a curse down here with one skeleton we have the same on the other side and then for our player setup we'll have one haven in our starting location as well as our heroes that we have chosen and we start on opposite sides of the board you'll also want to grab all of the different dice types i like having them laid out like this so they're easy to grab you'll also want to grab five random chaos horde enemies if you're playing a two faction game if you play three faction then you add one more to that that'll be six and so on and so forth up to four factions i'm i also did the same thing for the empire so they're legions i've randomly drawn five of those and placed them over here next i've grabbed one chapter one event card chapter two chapter three and chapter four set them out on the board i have placed my quests and my items i'm going to reveal three quests and three items that we can purchase throughout the game now in each of these stacks of cards there are cards that have this skull icon on the top right hand side or somewhere within the card make sure in your first few games you remove those they are the harder cards and you've got those for quests you've got those for events you even have those for items remove them you don't need them the game is hard enough as it is i've drawn our three quest and our three items none of them have when revealed effects you do need to make sure you look at that for the quest some of them have an immediate effect none of these do so we'll see those as we play finally on this side of the board we do have our chapter track token i have that here i find it super helpful to walk through this as we play they did a great job of showing you all the different phases and making sure you don't miss anything i also should have mentioned this is a big game with lots of rules going on it's actually really straightforward but sometimes especially when playing on camera i'll make mistakes and i might miss that make sure to turn on your klingon subtitles if you see that's an option that means that someone has told me a rule error and i will put it in so that you know it as you're watching the game you also have these druid cards you'll draw four of those one for each chapter and i've placed them out on the board in the indicated spots now let's set up our faction boards this is the moyer this is one of the factions that i'm using i'm using the other two that mike used uh so there's four that come in the base game and then the expansion provides four more factions so i highly recommend that if you like this game you'll want to see if you can pick up that expansion because it'll provide a ton more replayability you'll see here we have the four different unit types you have you have two basic and two elite i just have them all set up ready to be deployed hopefully we have four havens one's already out this will show us how much resource we generate as long as that haven is still out during the production phase over here all the different actions that we can take these are essentially the same for every faction there might be a couple differences depending upon the specific faction you're playing but for the two that i'm playing all these actions will be the same we start with five salt five plunder five food and eight action tokens each faction has two heroes you can choose from uh you have two different sides of this i have chosen rojo because i think she's awesome each one has their own feet deck and they each start with two feets out in play so her two we she has uh wily's flip this card to use the command haven or move action without paying the action token uh and a resource which is really awesome it's one of the reasons why i got her the other one that she has is this can only be used during the clash part of battle you can gain one skull which is essentially one point of damage for every berserker destroyed this round and that happens after damage they did a really great job of telling you when certain things happened during the combat phase i love that they did a wonderful job of that the other faction we're going to play with is the druid now the druid something i didn't mention over here it tells you the cost of your units and you're going to see the basic archer is expensive three salt uh comparing that to the moyer that they can do this with any two resources so a lot of their uh characters or units are more expensive so we're gonna have to make sure that we get salt for this faction they still have the same starting units five of each type plunder salt and food and eight action tokens our hero on this side will be syndra the witch she has teleport she can pay one salt to place syndra on any hex she can teleport anywhere which is really helpful she also has beast masters can only be used during the clash phase flip this card to gain one shield for every beast master here and that has to happen before damage we're going to make the druid the first player so i'm going to give them the first player token the final part of setup is we've placed all of our victory point markers at the level 0 for victory points and remember how we win this game is both factions have to have more victory points than chaos and the empire with this though i think we are ready to start our play through so let's jump in the refresh phase will be quite quick during chapter one we have to reveal one druid card we're going to ignore flipping all of our face down cards we've already regained our eight action points we don't have to deal or draw any new items or new quests or pass the first player token to the left let's go ahead and reveal our first druid card now these druid cards we can activate and you can see this we can activate during the archery phase or the clash phase what we can do is place one of your units from any graveyard in any explored hex without enemy units it can be done after damage once per combat so what that means is if we roll this lightning bolt we can use this and it says once per combat so we can only use that during one entire combat so that's multiple rounds of rolling dice we'll only be able to use that once for combat if that said once per round we could use it for every round of combat let's now move to the event phase so we can add two threat to all legions and hordes in play there aren't any the first player will read and draw the first event that'll be for chapter one and then we're going to place one activation token on every horde and legion card if it was the last chapter you do this twice we have starving mobs hunger and despair turned innocent survivors into pans of robbers and thieves who roam the land your followers are doubling their efforts to protect your haven from this threat every player places one wall and one tower on their haven which is nice and in the sky there were flickering lights behind the clouds at night and the moons were blood red place one horde at threat four in the halloween white not adjacent to a haven and then place one horde at threat four in the screaming sea not adjacent to a haven having a wall and a tower at one of your havens first of all looks really cool you're going to place it like this i'm also going to do this for the druid on the other side but what this will do is give us additional dice so long as we have units here additional dice when defending that haven if we don't have any units in that haven the walls and the tower are useless because there's no one there defending it you can see here that the tower provides a white die for archery and clash and then just for clash with the walls you would gain an additional blue dye we now have the opportunity of placing two hordes yay both at level four so this one's going to be placed in the howling white not adjacent to a haven we know what threat level first of all because the card says it itself but if ever you're unsure what level so if a horde just comes out into play it's going to be at the threat level equal to whatever the current event chapter is so this one is at 4. that threat level tells you a couple different things we need to deal 4 damage to the counter of omens here in order to get rid of them each time you deal him damage it will go down by one if it goes down to zero you get this benefit if destroyed place two skeletons here and gain two victory points oh that could be really bad it also will always have an immediate effect place two skeletons on his hex and then he will also likely have some sort of special ability here so if he rolls a lightning bolt he will place two skeletons on an empty hex and that happens after damage once per round so if you're doing multiple rounds of combat he can be thrown skeletons all over the board uh so right now since he's at a level four if we attacked him he'd roll three white dice during the archery round and then for all the clash rounds going forward if he stayed at the level four he'd roll a purple two blue and two orange but as he takes damage he'll become less and less powerful just like when we take damage and lose units we will have less and less dice i really like how they say in the rules you kind of think of this not as one character but it's a horde of these enemies with him as the leader so think of this as all of his little minions with him and as he takes damage uh or as the horde takes damage they have less dice to roll any of the sections of the board that do not have tiles on them will have a specific name so like howling white or screaming c's so you can see all of these over here have howling white so i can choose to place this uh the counter of omens anywhere on the board in the howling white location so long as it's not adjacent to our haven so i can't place it right here i think to start us off we'll place the uh counter of omens here with his two skeletons here's our second horde the bloodworm nice and easy immediately we have to place one curse on any hex with no x symbol an x symbol simply means you cannot place a haven in that location most of those at least at the beginning are just locations that are outside of the tiles that we can reveal but you'll see that sometimes there's other locations that have that symbol then he's a level four so he just rolls tons of red dice if we destroy him we'll gain four victory points and up here you can see there's a number number 21. that means when we activate these legions and the hordes we activate them in initiative order from lowest to highest so the counter of omens is a 13 so we'll activate that one first before the blood worm the bloodworm needs to be at the screaming sea area which is up here so i'll place him right here he's now two steps away from syndra well i believe we have our work cut out for us don't you think let's move to the build phase so first we'll each draw two feet from the feet deck keep one feet we have a limit of 10 cards which includes any items and put the other at the bottom of your feet deck then what we'll do is we'll build any units towers or walls just know that in each location you can only have it max five units and your hero is not considered a unit you also can only put units into locations that you have havens or if you have no havens out you can put it in the location where your hero is here are sandra's two options she either could gain an illusionist ability or she could gain you can see here when you gain this gain three resources choose leadership or guile and place this under your card i definitely want to choose this one i'm going to put this one face down underneath our deck the three resources i'm going to gain is definitely assault and let's do um plus one we have no leadership let's do plus one guys so we have two total guile for ranja she either has tomb raiders when you use the trade action gain one additional salt you may trade with heroes and adjacent hexes or her crossfire archery if you have two plus hunters here gain one blue dye before uh rolling once per round definitely gonna gain crossfire we'll put this at the bottom of the deck for the druid i'm going to produce three sword sisters and two sons of the bow that means i need a total of six salt plus three more salt and three total plunder i have the six salt here for the two sons of the bows then i have a salt and a plunder from one sword sister a salt and a plunder for another sword sister and then right off the get-go i am going to use the ability that you can always exchange three of the same resource for one of any other resource and that's this cause no actions so i'm going to do three food turning that into one salt plus another plunder so i can put out three sword sisters i still have two food remaining which is super important to be able to move your units around and to plunder hopefully so i can build a new haven they recommend in your first chapter to for sure try and build a haven and to be able to keep some food so you can move your units around for the moyer i'm going to do something similar i'm going to do a three cell swords so that's uh any six resources plus any four resources to put out two hunters we're using four salt three a plunder and three food four five six seven eight nine ten once we have more than one haven out we will have choices of where we want to place our units for now it's very simple we're placing them in our home locations from here we can now move to the action phase so we each have eight action tokens that we can use we'll go back and forth taking turns until we both have no more action tokens to to use and then we'll end the action phase let's go ahead and talk quick about the actions on our faction board so the two actions here the move for your hero and the trade you can do and then that does not end your turn so you can do another action with another action token any of the actions over here if you do them that will then end your turn it'll be the next player and then you'll keep going back and forth the move action up here allows you to move only your hero and only to an adjacent hex that hex can be unexplored and you can even cross any of the barriers you do have a trade ability where you simply gain one salt and then heroes that are on the same location can share resources which is pretty nice we have command this is going to be very important you have to pay a food you're going to choose an explored hex so you cannot move units onto an unexplored hex move any of your adjacent units from any adjacent location into that one a maximum of five and your hero if you want and then just remember units cannot cross those borders uh you can explore with your hero you can flip over an unexplored tile of course you can't do that if there's a curse there you can spend to a plunder if there is no curse or enemy unit on a location that does not have that x you can actually build a haven in that explored location has to be where your hero is and you have to spend it to plunder to do it you can also spend uh salt to buy any of the items in the market and then finally you can go on one of the quests that we have out so lots and lots of options let's see what syndra wants to do i think the first thing that she wants to do is a move and an explorer so we're going to have our move to an adjacent hex and then we're going to reveal an unrevealed tile you can see on the back side of these tiles they have different types of resources this one has salt we know that the durian really really really wants salt everything is so expensive for salt for them so i think i'm going to have syndra move here and flip this we have found the shadow don so the first thing is we get to gain two salt so we go from zero to two i like that then it says if empty so if there were any units on here beforehand this would not happen but since there are no units if empty we're going to place two skeletons here if not reinforce here and we'll talk about reinforced when that happens because i guarantee you it will for now we're just going to place two of these a wonderful looking skeletons you're also going to see down here that this denotes the type of terrain for this location so this location is considered an ice waste all the different locations have different effects in combat of course ice wastes don't there is no effect so you have no benefits or detriments to any type of combat in that location ranja is also going to do the same thing we're going to move our hero to an adjacent hex and then let's go ahead and not quest we're going to explore and reveal a tile we're going to have ranja check this tile out over here we'll flip this over we're also going to gain two salt if empty place one garrison here oh easy pickings i like it if not reinforce here plus place one garrison on any empty hex with no x symbol i'm realizing that i missed this on the other one this plus we have to do no matter which way we go on this one so i think i have to do another effect on that i'll check it in a second but for this one we have to place a garrison on an empty hex with no x as crazy as this sounds i think i'm going to place the garrison here hoping that this counter of omens will move into this space and they can fight each other because yes the chaos and the imperials will fighting fight each other which is amazing except for sometimes when they activate effects that affect you uh but yeah that was actually not bad at all on this style here it says place one skeleton with other skeletons now what i haven't talked about is what happens if you have three skeletons in one space well you discard all three of them and you draw a horde because it becomes a horde so i definitely don't want to place a skeleton if i can with two other skeletons i have a pretty good spot right here that should be at no problem now you're going to see i have my hero in this location with this garrison plus i have the hero syndra with the two skeletons but combat hasn't started combat will immediately start when you have units of opposing factions in the same location but your hero isn't a unit think of your hero sneaking around the garrison name we've discovered that there's a garrison here but it's not very powerful so hopefully we can go there take it out and potentially put a haven there i purposely went this way for ranja because i want to build the haven far away from that counter of omens over there and now with this advantage hopefully that garrison can help take a little bit of that counter of omens down to make it easier for us to defeat when it comes to try and take on our haven moving back to the druid faction let's go ahead and do a command here we're going to spend one foot and by doing that we're going to choose an explored hex move any of your adjacent units maximum of 5 and or a hero and into that location we'll move all five of our units into the shadow don because we now have units from two opposing factions the chaos faction and the durwin faction we have combat there are two skeletons in that space you can see here they only attack during the clash phase of combat and they roll to red dice if there's only one they only roll one red dye if they get the lightning bolt they'll place one skeleton here after damage if there's three skeletons in the hex it actually becomes a horde so we have to be careful careful hopefully we can take them out the game comes with this amazing combat sequence card and i do feel like how they do combat in this game is wonderful it's not too challenging to understand and it's very straightforward and yet it can be quite tactical so we have our before combat we check terrain but remember we're at an ice uh what is that called an ice waste so it doesn't do anything we could use feats or items that talk specifically about before combat we don't have any then we'll move into the archery round where only archery units can attack we're the only one that can attack range so i'm really hoping we can do some damage we've got two sons of the bow hopefully they can at least take out one of those skeletons then from there we'll do multiple rounds of clash rounds and tell and it says repeat clash so basically one round of archery then you do clash rounds over and over and over again and then you go to after combat when it's completed with our sons of the bow we'll roll two white dice since we have two of these units the game comes with this handy dandy dice distribution card and so you can see that half the size on a white die is a miss one's a shield two of them have the skulls and skulls are simply one point of damage that's what we're looking for right now and two of them have shields the shields will be useless during the archery phase since we're the only ones attacking you can see the best die of course is the black dye i don't have any black dice and you can see here a bolt here can either cancel one shield or activates a specific god power and we have that archery clash ability from the druid that we could potentially activate sadly we're not rolling any dice that have the bolt symbol so we won't be doing that here let's roll up our two white dice okay great we at least have one of these that means we dealt one damage with that one damage we'll take out this skeleton here and anytime you take out a skeleton or any level of a garrison garrisons can be up to three levels so if i take out three levels of a garrison that gives me three victory points this will give the durian one victory point so we'll move up their marker to here and they're now at one compared to zero from everybody else next we'll move into the clash phase and all of our units still get to roll dice including our archers so you can see why ranged attacks are awesome so i because you can first get that archery round attack and then you still use them for the regular clash rounds so we'll roll these five compared to the one red die for that skeleton let's give them a roll and it looks like to me they have two damage here but we have two shields and we have two more damage here we're going to take out that skeleton with zero casualties that is awesome that'll mean we can take out this skeleton and we'll gain our second victory point ranja who is cheering from the background over here decided that you know what if she can do that i can do this we're going to spend one food we have one food remaining we're gonna try and take on that level one garrison each garrison that's on the board whether it's a level one two or three is going to gain one victory point for the empire at the end of the round so if we can clear that out we're essentially negating one victory point plus if we kill it we're gaining ourselves a victory point we're going to move ourselves into the raw frost now i'm going to pretend that i was smart do you see this right here this is a barrier i really wanted to put this this way when you reveal a tile you can place it any way you want but i was so focused on telling you all the different things about it i forgot to do that any unit and this also includes any of the legion or hordes cannot go through those barriers the only person or people that ken are heroes so i've placed it this way i will be able to move all my units here because they're not going through the barrier but this gives us a little bit of a barrier between the empire from this tile here we're fighting a level one garrison that means they'll roll one white die in archery and then one blue and one might die during the clash phase what's really nice though is we have our crossfire ability here if you have two plus hunters gain one blue die so we have two hunters so we'll roll two white dice plus we'll gain the one blue die because of that we're currently at an ice waste so that means there is no terrain effect let's start that archery round this roll is for the garrison we'll roll this up it's nothing we'll then roll uh two white and one blue for ours and we have just one shield so that's a miss that means we'll move into the clash phase we'll start with the garrison rolling these two they get nothing and then we roll three orange and two white for our clash we just need beautiful we need one of those skulls that means we took out the garrison so that garrison is toast we'll gain one vp and that location we can now build a haven let's move up our victory point marker we're at one and we're still above them which is good so far i'd say our factions are doing pretty well let's now do a haven action for the durian pay 2 plunder so i've got 2 plunder left if there is no curse enemy unit haven or an x in your hero's explored hex place one of your havens there we're going to build this haven and what's nice about that is as long as it's out during the next production phase we're going to gain 3 salt two plunder and one food instead of just three salt and one food not to mention this location will also give us to salt because we have a haven here and that's what that two salt means ranja is going to use her starting feet it says here flip this to use the command haven or move action without paying the action token and resources we're definitely going to do that with yeah we're definitely going to do it with building a habit this is a once per round effect so we're not going to be able to use this again this round normally this would cost to plunder it didn't cost us anything we'll place that haven right here cinder likes the idea of checking out that c tower there's usually really good things at the sea tower and if you can build a haven there you will usually gain additional victory points which remember that's the goal of the game sometimes it feels weird but you have to remember you're going for victory points so i'm going to move and then do another explore we're going to move to this tile and then flip it over and we have the dune guard gain two salt remove any skeletons here and place two garrisons here oh that's actually not terrible it says units and heroes that are adjacent uh are that are on here are adjacent to any hex if your hero is here you can pay one salt less for items at the market part of the reason why i wanted to do this now i could place it like this if i did that that would mean if let's say there were skeletons here or there was a legion or a horde they could not move directly into here they'd have to move around but i am thinking that i want to be able to get into there with units so i'm going to place it this way i'm going to move syndra here gain 2 salt that means i have a total of 4 salt now and i will place a level 2 garrison what a level 2 garrison looks like is it looks like this and it has this on top of it ranja is going to do a market action she's going to gain one item from the market your hero can use according to your attributes by paying its salt cost now i only have one salt but i'm actually thinking of buying this card for zero assault this card is called survivors it says discard this every player may build units and defenses on their havens so normally you can only do that during the production phase but there's going to be times where all of your units get wiped out happens all the time this will allow you to rebuild them during the action phase which if you ask me is pretty awesome in this game you always have three items available for purchase so you'll immediately replace it and we have the abad war paint this costs one salt it's a clash ability discard this to gain one red dye before rolling on your hero's hex now i just want to show you one thing about items do you see that fist icon right there that's your might if let's say i wanted to purchase this worm scale i need to have at least a level one in my might which for raja we have two so we're fine but syndra actually couldn't buy this card because she has zero might she does have three magic though so she can use magic cards up the wazoo so you've gotta make sure to look to see if the card has a requirement like that and you know what syndra's got an idea we're going to also buy a card from the market but remember where we are right now we get a discount of costs uh that's because we're at a c tower so we can buy this for free and we can discard this to gain one red dye i'm thinking of trying to take on that blood worm maybe ranja is also eyeing that unexplored c tower so let's do a move action followed by an explore action we still have two actions left and of course i forgot to reveal our next item and we have the horn of your when you use the command action pay zero food whoa that's cool we'll move and explore this c tower oh my gosh lots of walls or barriers well i'm going to put it this way i think but let's read it first once again units and heroes that are here are adjacent to any hex and you pay one less when you're buying something from the market gain two uh total salt so we'll go from one to three remove any skeletons here place three garrisons here oh it's a level three and you can see here if we do get uh one of our havens down here we'd gain a victory point each round if we did that let's place it like that and a level three garrison is that going to be too hard for us to take out oh man but i've got all of those units i really really want to well i'm sure you'd all like to see how you lose to a horde huh shall we do it we're going to command we're going to use our other food we are going to move into that blood worms location so what we can do is choose this tile is where we want to go and we can pull from all adjacent tiles so we're going to bring a syndra and we're going to bring all of our units now i could leave one unit back it's not going to do much it's much better to have all the units here let's see if we can at least damage this bloodworm because unfortunately it's probably going to go to our haven oh man yeah let's we're just going to do it the bloodworm is only going to roll two red dice for the archery round two red dice compared to our two white dice oh look at that two blanks for him and we at least deal him one point of damage how that works is we'll move his threat down by one so now he's at three threat now when we move to the clash phase he'll only roll oh you know three red dice instead of four i'll still take that we're however going to discard the abad war paint to add one additional red dye to our attack so we're rolling three uh orange two white and one red we'll give his dice a roll first and that's four bloody damage wow four damage that's going to take out all but one of our units we have one two three a total damage which actually is enough to take him out and he did not roll a lightning bolt we did roll a lightning bolt we're definitely going to activate this ability place one of your units from any graveyard in an explored hex without enemy units we can do that after damage once per combat that three damage though one two three takes him off the board will gain four total victory points and he never rolled a lightning bolt so he did not even place an additional curse we were able to take this blood worm out that will give us four victory points one two three of four we're at six which is kind of ridiculous he dealt us four damage we're gonna lose all three of these guys and then one of these what we need to do is place all of these units into the chaos graveyard okay because he's gonna score at least two victory points for each faction of enemies that he has in that chaos has in their graveyard so right now they're going to gain two victory points for that however we did activate the deep dweller so that means we can place one of our destroyed units back out on the board and i am definitely going to put another one of my archers back here just because they're so gosh darn expensive we can place it in an explored hex that there's no enemies ranja has two actions left let's do another command and we're going to bring in those units into the level 3 garrison's spot and try and take it out we're going to sneak into this pass we're gonna bring our units into here it is now five to three oh boy so we're gonna move right into the archery phase and remember we're at an ice waste so no effect we've always been fighting at ice waste there's other types there's you know badlands there's marshes we just haven't seen any for the archery phase the garrison will roll three white dice we'll roll two white dice and one blue die since we have two or more our hunters here's the three white dice and they get one hit and one shield here's our attack and we get two shields so that means we literally did nothing during the archery phase for the clash phase they roll two blue two orange and a white and they have four hits that's going to almost deplete our entire army we have over here just two hits so we're going to take out two parts of their garrison we'll take these two down we'll gain two victory points but they're going to kill four out of the five of our units we'll lose both of our archers and we'll put them into the imperial graveyard and we'll lose two of our cell swords so we only have one cell sword left but then they only have one garrison left that is two more victory points though which i'll take remember that we only do one round of archery so we're going to move directly to clash again and they'll roll one blue and white we'll roll one orange let's give the dice a roll and we're each going to take each other out so we're going to lose another unit but we'll gain another victory point and we've cleared out that garrison which is nice that's one less vp for the imperial that also pushes us up to four victory points syndra will have to pass because she's used all eight of her actions ranja will go ahead and do a quest action it's really tempting to do a haven action i could put out another haven but i think that i want to help my teammate my other faction and i think i can do that by doing one of these quests we're going to do willing to fight after the butchers scorched earth offensive freeing the captives and arming them for their revenge was imperative we can see here we need one or more successes and we have three different options of ways to succeed we're going to roll our hero dice and we need to get three skulls or one shield or two lightning bolts if we get two lightning bolts no effect if we get one shield we can do this if we get three skulls we can do this we also as long as we get one of those we can place a basic unit on each of our havens every other player places one basic unit on any of their havens that's why i feel like i can help syndra because syndra's basic units especially those sons of the bows are so expensive so i feel like that's super helpful you can see here we'll roll two red dice one blue and then we can choose between a white or an orange and i'm going to choose an orange we're really just looking for three skulls here one two three actually we have one shield as well so we did two of these which is awesome the first one will gain one victory point the second one we can discard any items from the market but i don't think i want to do that because all of them are going to get discarded anyways and i'd put out new items that we can't buy and then we discard them so i don't really want to do that then we're also going to place out two basic units and syndra will get to place out one basic unit syndra will place a son of the bow right here we will place out a cell sword right here and then a hunter right here now i do want to mention all of the units that were destroyed so far they've gone into the graveyards of the chaos or the imperials and that means they're not on my board that i can build or place out so if let's say i had a way to put out another cell sword unit i just wouldn't be able to do it because i don't have any here not until we get all of our units back from the graveyard and we place them here to be able to be produced again so that's something to watch because these amounts are limited after completing the action phase we'll now move to the nemesis phase we're going to activate the legions and hordes once for each activation token here we have the rules for activating a horde so the first thing we're going to do is place one curse in the location where the horde is at if there's already a curse there then we just simply have them gain one vp while i have one curse here i'm going to place it in with the counter of the elements speaking of which i realize i almost forgot my one victory point for completing that quest i got all the three skulls on it and unlike items i didn't explain this either quests don't get replenished until the beginning of the next round so after i've discarded that quest we now only have two quests out now we didn't do them they're going to discard we'll get new ones out but yeah just so you know the quest you only have three out per round unless you find another way to reveal quests now we can move the horde one hex not farther from the capital count the hexes that form a route to the capital if you're not sure remember hordes cannot cross impassable train while moving only look at the adjacent hexes and then choose a hex with this priority so first thing they want to move into a haven well none of the adjacent locations are in a haven the next one is into a hex with enemy units if there's no haven choose the hex with the fewest enemy units we know which one that is so that's where they're gonna move we're going to have this counter of the omens try and fight this imperium because he's at level four he'll roll three white dice and that garrison only rolls one white die yeah i'm not counting on the garrison doing great here we'll roll the one white die first hey that's a point of damage and we'll roll the three here oh that blocks the damage so no damage there will move into regular combat the clash round the garrison will roll a white and a blue die and the counter of the omens rolls just a few more dice a purple two blues and uh two orange uh yeah that's three damage and a shield oh boy well that garrison likely is not gonna be able to do anything come on two damage here no they got two shields though two shields will block two of them the third one then we'll take it out ah man all right well the garrison is gone that garrison will actually be placed into the chaos graveyard that means they'll gain two more victory points because they did that and i was hoping the counter of the omens would take at least one damage but they didn't we've finished the nemesis phase let's go to the production phase we'll gain resources based upon your total havens and then we'll gain resources shown on every hex with one of your havens cinder will gain three salt two plunder and one food here plus one food one plunder and one salt from her starting tile and then two more salt from the other tile that we have a haven on that means we gained six salt three plunder and two beautiful food on this side we'll gain two salt two plunder two food plus one more of each of those so three of each and then two more salt so five salt two plunder sorry five salt three plunder and three food so far things are feeling pretty good next it'll be the scoring phase of the chapter we're going to score one victory point for the empire for each hex that has any garrisons then one victory point for each legion there's any allegiance and then two victory points for every faction in the imperium discard pile that means the imperium scores one two three four five plus two more because they have one faction in the discard pile piles that's a total of seven victory points they just jumped right in front of us it's okay though it's only chapter one we'll now move to the chaos step and they get one victory point for every curse and play one victory point for every horde in play and two victory points for every faction in their chaos graveyard they have three curses in play so that's three victory points they have one hoard and play that's four and they have two factions in their discard pile that's a total of eight so they scored eight victory points that means right now we're losing to both of them but fear not we have not scored our own stuff yet we'll slide this down it says return all units from the graveyards to the reserve i've already done that then we have we get to score we'll score two victory points for each of our havens in play so that means we'll each score four points for that we'll score a point for a special hex each of our home bases are worth one victory point so that's five and then this last thing really they recommend only doing that the final round you can convert resources into victory points and you can give that to any player because remember every player has to be above the enemy factions right now as it stands we actually have the lead we have 11 and 10 victory points compared to 8 and 7. probably won't last long but i will definitely take it okay let's go back to that chapter beginning we'll move to the refresh phase which means we'll draw a druid card let's flip this druid card and see what we have this can also be used during the archery and clash you and your enemy ignore all skulls before damage once per combat whoa that's kind of cool next what we'll do is we'll flip over any of our used items we only had one from ranja that's it then we'll recover all of our action cubes or gems so we're ready to have eight actions for the next round we'll then replenish both our quest cards and our items discarding any that are there and drawing three new ones we've replenished our quests and items but we do have a quest with an immediate effect we have the corrupted druid place one activation token on the horde deck the next horde you draw gets that token place one curse on any empty hex well that kind of stinks because that means the next horde card we draw will get two activations oh since i can place that curse on any hex let's place that way over there i don't want to deal with it and something that i didn't talk about yet with curses if ever you do combat in a location with a curse any of your lightning bolts have no effect only the horde gets to activate their lightning bolt effects in cursed locations so yeah we don't want curses now we'll simply pass the first player token over to uh ronja and then we'll move to the event phase and you know what the first thing we get to do with the event phase increase the threat of all active hordes and legions out while there's only one horde it's this counter of omens he's going to move from a 4 up to a 6. if ever you get to the highest level and you need to push it up and you can't they just gain victory points for the difference now let's go ahead and draw our chapter 2 event card in the chaos of the days following the curse many slave collectives and prisoners of the empire take advantage of the hour to revolt and flee every player may pay two resources to place two basic units on any of their havens or any explored empty hexes while any two resources i will take that we're each going to pay it to salt so a total of four salt and we're going to place two sword sisters one here and one here and we're going to place out two hunters uh you know what let's do both here to set an example the legions of the empire move out of nurengard to obliterate entire insurgent villages place two legions at threat five on the capital place one skeleton with other skeletons if there's no horde we can ignore that we still have a horde our first legion is the executioner now this is going to be at a level five we can see here an immediate it says place her target i'll show you what that means in a second e uh every player places one elite unit from play or the reserve in the imperium graveyard well i'm definitely going to choose them from the reserve because i don't have any in play anyways that's going to give them an automatic four victory points ouch every legion is sent out of the capital with a clear goal represented by its target every legion has its own target that is placed by its immediate effect choose one player faction with no target then place the target on one of the factions havens that has the fewest units each faction can only have one target so we know the other one is going to have a target for um syndras in total faction so let's put that one with raja i had to pick this haven because this one has less units in it than this one we'll also place the executioner right here we've also each chosen one of our elite units and we're going to place those into the imperium graveyard which like i said we'll give them four victory points at the end of this chapter our second legion is terrible the imperial guard plays its target so it's going to be on syndra's faction and it says place one garrison on every hex with a garrison so every garrison gets leveled up except the capital now normally if you place a garrison in a location that already has three garrison it just gains one victory point if though that happens when you're doing it at the capitol then you just place a garrison on an empty adjacent hex without a garrison or if there's garrisons all the way around it you just level up a garrison from level one two to a three so here all the garrisons that are out are going to get leveled up we'll place the imperial guard in this spot and he will be going towards this one over here that haven since it has less units then i have to place one skeleton with other skeletons thank goodness this one's twos that would spawn something terrible a horde that would spawn a horde but we do have one skeleton way back here that i will place so we're set to go the last part of the event phase is placing one of these activation tokens on each of them and now we'll move to the build phase for ranja she either can level up her leadership or her guile and gain three resources or gain tricky flip this to roll or re-roll any of your dice in combat this can be used only on your hero's hex boy tricky sounds really good but leadership and guile and three more resources can help me get out more units i think i've gotta go with the more units so i'm gonna choose this one and i think i'm gonna choose leadership so that's gonna give her two leadership then syndra's two options are also really good we have here caravans items cost you one less salt when you discard an item gain one salt or she's got informants discus discard this car when you make a roll outside of combat double the dice you roll so she could just blow a quest out of the water i feel like the caravans though is too good it's always on so i'm going to do this one putting this one on the bottom of the deck the feet that ronja chose allowed her to gain three resources she chose three food this way she could gain two berserkers and three of her cell swords now this means she only has one plunder remaining it's a little risky but i do feel like we have food near to us we can get that food so we can move some units around remember that all of the garrisons have leveled up so we now have a level two here i think i am going to place my two berserkers over here because we can only have a total of five units in each place so i have five here and then we'll place the other three our cell swords here on syndra's side i really wanted to gain one of these rangers because they can attack range with purple dice how awesome is that but they cost four salt and two plunder and then we're also going to over here we're going to convert three salt into one food so we have three food and two salts we can put out one beast master that means for resources left we just have one plunder and one salt we'll place both of these units here so we're ready to go and hopefully take on that garrison now we can move to the action phase and the first thing we're going to do is use our wiles for roja we're going to flip this to use the command haven and the one we're going to choose is the haven action without paying the action token and resources that means we've placed our third haven out right here and this will gain us a victory point at the end of the game so long or each round i should say as long as this is here and don't forget we're adjacent to each hex from this location so i can move from here to anywhere on the board which is awesome syndra is in some dire need for food so we are going to do a move action but we are going to spend one salt so that we can move to any hex using our teleport but that was our only salt we now only have one plunder left there's some tasty food right here so she is going to teleport to this spot let's flip it over and we have riga so first of all uh let's see wall to wall let's yeah you know let's make it like this there we go and we gain two food so that's that's glorious we really needed two food if empty place one garrison here no there is a garrison already there if not reinforce here so that means we're going to place another garrison token on here this is a level 3 garrison now and we have to place a garrison on any empty hex without one of these x symbols and as much as i don't want to do that i think i'm going to have to place it here i of course got a little bit ahead of myself i should have used an action token to do that explore ranja is also going to do a move and an explorer because we also need food see this is what happens when you use all of your resources to get units out you then have none to actually use to move around now that's poor planning on my part but i really wanted those units out remember that units cannot go through walls but our heroes certainly can't so we're going to move here and then flip it over and we have the kushi's tavern gain three food heck yeah if empty place one garrison here if not reinforce here plus take a quest action for zero total action points with plus one blue dye if you fail ignore any failure effects oh my gosh we get plus one blue dye for this why don't we do the corrupted druid here uh it says the dreams sent by estate bestowed great power and madness okay so we're looking for skulls shields and lightning bolts so i will roll two red i'll roll two blue and let's do one orange we just need one success here so we have one two three four we have four skulls with four skulls we'll gain one victory point and remove all activation tokens from one horde and discard this quest so that means the counter of omens will not be activating this round sweet one victory point will also push us up to 11. i apparently don't want to show you any of the cool terrain effects whenever we do combat because what i'm going to do is attack that c tower and that c tower once again is an ice waste so that means no effects we're just going to be rolling our dice but we're spending one food moving into that hex remember that syndra can move through barriers so she'll move into here we'll definitely bring the two archers for two will bring in one here for three one in here for four and should we do an archer another archer it's a white dot yeah another archer for five we'll roll three white dice for the garrison they have one shield we're rolling three white dice and a purple die and we get two so that means we'll just take out one part of the garrison so one part is down and we gain one victory point that'll put us up to 12. the garrison is now at level two so it'll be one blue two orange and a white we'll give the garrison's dice a roll that's two damage coming in okay i'm gonna set these aside i'm rolling three white one red and one purple we'll roll these up okay i've got a shield and one two three four damage that'll be enough to destroy the garrison and they only deal us one damage with that one damage let's just lose oh man they're so expensive but one son of the bow that will be placed into their victory graveyard you know what i'm gonna take that back before the damage we're gonna flip this to gain one shield for every beast master that's here we have one beastmaster so that means we have one additional shield to block that so we took no losses and we gained two more victory points we'll move from 12 up to 14. wow that was awesome that garrison is somewhat easy pickings so let's go ahead and do a command with ranja and take it out this is a marshland as well but it's not really going to matter for this combat i will say the only bad thing is i have no ranged characters here so i'm bringing in all four of my cell swords because it's difficult to have combat in the marshes all red dice become white dice for both attack types of course i'm only rolling orange dice and they're only rolling white or blue dice so that doesn't really matter we'll roll a single white die ah they do take out one of our cell swords so we're gonna lose a cell sword they'll then roll one white and one blue dye and they get nothing and we're going to roll three of these and we annihilate that garrison so that garrison is gone and we'll gain a vp that'll push us up to 12 vp what do you say we do a quest with syndra this time we have intercept the empress's caravan so we need four skulls one shield or two lightning bolts if we can get two lightning bolts you guys and that'd be great with magic it's very likely we can gain three salt but we do need to get two successes for this if we do we can gain one item from the market even if you cannot use it and then discard this quest and i should say if your heroes on an iced waste which we are uh that's the whole reason i want to do this we're going to add a red dye so we're going to roll one red three purple and then i have two guile and i think i'm going to do i need four skulls ah yeah i think what i'm going to do is two of the oranges come on four skulls and two lightning bolts one two three four five skulls and two lightning bolts that's what i'm talking about so this is amazing we will gain two victory points we'll gain three salt i'm gonna grab the three salt now so i don't forget that is awesome and we can gain an item from the market we'll move ourselves up to 16 total victory points that's if i can reach it without a doubt we're gonna grab this dragon fruit because we can discard this and gain five total food each other player gains two food yeah that's amazing we'll then replenish that with clash if your enemy dies show any blanks gain one shield i really want that what do you say we keep clearing out those garrisons shall we we're going to do a move followed by another explorer for ranja let's go ahead and move here and see what we find we hopefully are going to get some more food we have gained two food if empty place two garrisons here it's not uh instead we're going to reinforce so we're going to have a level 3 garrison plus place two garrisons on an empty hex oh my goodness and this is a badlands location we're starting to run out of empty hexes i will place a level 2 garrison here and of course i need to place my hero in this space and i do you know what i'm gonna do something here i'm gonna rearrange this i've placed it now where there's a barricade between the capital and here so that way the executioner is that the one that's coming to uh towards us yeah it cannot move into this space before i move to sonya stern i'm pretty sure i've been using the teleport wrong it's only used during the action phase but it doesn't take an action to use this instead you can during the action phase pay one salt to have her teleport that makes this a lot better than what i was thinking syndra's next action will simply be to do a market action she is still at a c tower location so she gets one discount for that she has the caravans so she gets a two-salt discount so she's going to spend one assault to get the clash card and she can do that because she has a magic level of three so she'll pay one salt for that and she now has that ability we'll then draw the next item and we have the kern of malice discard this you and your enemy gain one black die every combat round whoa i know it's a level 3 garrison and all but i think we're still going to be able to do it we're going to spend a food and command our units into that location we can only pull in a total of five units i'm going to bring in these three because i don't want to leave them there i want to bring a rider in and i'm going to bring a single archer i really wish i could bring in a second archer but i don't think that's viable so it's going to be us 5 versus that garrison if you see here for the badlands rider units add their dice for archery attacks the garrison is rolling three white dice they get absolutely nothing we're rolling a white and a red die and we get one hit oh and we get one lightning bolt we're definitely going to place one of our units from any graveyard in any explored hex without any enemy units but we do that after damage once per combat that one damage will remove this garrison and we'll gain one victory point going up to 13. now it's the garrison's turn to do clash we've got two skulls and we've got a shield ouch we're rolling a lot of dice though three orange one white and one red we'll roll them up oh my gosh so we have one two three four uh minus one from that shield is three so we've totally taken out the garrison but the garrison will deal us a total of two damage so we'll lose two of these cell swords but we'll remove two of the garrisons and actually yeah two of the garrisons and gain 2xp i will definitely take the 2xp that pushes us up to 15. we're definitely going to grab a berserker that's in the graveyard we'll place it here in our haven syndra could just sit here all day going to the market we're going to go to the market getting a 2 salt discount and we can buy this black fire gain one salt to gain one white dye ranja's next turn we're going to command yet again and we're going to spend one food so we have two food left we have two skeletons here now we're not gonna be able to get rid of this curse but i can move all of these units to here to take out those two skeletons so they do not become a horde right next to our haven we have two archers there so we get to roll two white and one blue thanks to our crossfire and we roll and take out one of these uh skeletons that's going to gain us one xp we're now both at 16 xp then we'll go ahead and roll the one red die for the one skeleton during the clash phase okay just one damage we'll roll two white we'll roll up purple and we'll roll a red so we're doing one damage and we just need to deal one damage we don't have any damage so we're going to lose one of these oh that's such a bummer okay well that nothing i can do about it we're going to roll for that skeleton again nothing thank goodness we now have a red we have a purple and one white roll these up i just need one oh that's a lightning bolt which by the way is totally useless in that location because there's a curse so that skeleton will not give up let's go back to the skeleton he'll roll on nothing again we'll roll r3 we just need one skull there it is that will take this guy out that'll move us up to 17 victory points and we've cleared out the the skeleton infestation syndra is going to start her turn by spending one salt she is going to teleport herself to any hex and then do an explore at that hex we need some plunder so i can build one more haven so let's go to this one we'll flip it over and we have the duncan home game to plunder thank goodness then it says remove any skeletons there aren't any skeletons and place two garrisons here each player will draw one feet then discard one feet and i think we're going to place the tile like so having the barrier here this looks like another great place to put a haven and then we just have to protect the edges from the chaos ranja grabbed the rebel marksman i like this one and syndra chose assassins i i think i'm just gonna discard the assassins i don't love that one but this one flip this to reroll any of your white dice and archery i'm gonna keep that and i think i'm gonna discard my berserker here ranja's final action we're going to quest we have the druidic prophet tess my blooming is near we must crawl quick reach far and dig deep we need to have two successes on one of these we could place one basic unit that's awesome or place one basic unit on any of our havens if we fail though we give chaos two victory points we're rolling two red two blue and i chose white for my guile let's see that is a terrible roll that gives me one shield that means i failed this entire quest when you fail a quest even if you pass one part of it it doesn't count if this was a one we would have succeeded i would have gained this benefit and this but since we failed we just do this chaos gains two victory points and we discard this chaos will move from eight to ten victory points syndra has one more action left as well spending her last salt she's going to move wherever she wants and then she's going to do the haven action dropping down to plunder to place out her third haven you better believe i know where we're placing that haven it's going to be right here and we'll place syndra right here we're now going to move to the nemesis phase activating the legions and hordes the first one would be the imperial guard at 12. we're going to activate him he does have an activation token remember that the the counter of omens does not have one that's why i4 went trying to take him out maybe not a good idea because he's gonna get super powerful but it is what it is first thing that happens is we have to place one garrison in the location that they're at or gain one vp if there already are three in that hex and it's not the capital now if it is the capital they're just going to place a garrison out in an adjacent location that is empty there's only one adjacent location that's empty and that's right here then we need to move the legion one hex closer to its target first its target is into a haven can't do that into a hex with enemy units it's not going to be able to do that because there is a barrier if none of these apply into an empty hex they don't have one of those it says a hex with a curse or garrison is not empty any hex closer to its target that's going to be that one remember that was the whole reason we put this barrier here so that he cannot move through here the closest way that he can go is this way to get to this um this haven right here so next time he'll be able to get to here but i'm hoping that then what i can do is build up some forces and come here and at least deal him some good damage we're then going to do the same thing with the executioner unfortunately there's no adjacent space that's empty so we're actually going to power up right behind him one of these garrisons for the activation and then it's going to simply move one hex closer and that's going to be here trying to get towards its target we'll then gain resources we've got three two three here for uh ranja we'll add a total of two four five salt to the three we already have there that's eight salt we'll also add one plunder and one food on syndra side we have five to one we'll add one to each of those we'll then also add four more salts that's five six seven eight nine ten salt three a plunder and two food now let's move to scoring the empire will score one victory point for each garrison one two three four five six seven got at least seven of them one for each legion so that's two so that's nine and then two for each faction in their discard pile they have two so that's 11 uh 13 13 victory points that puts them up to 20 total victory points so far chaos will score a point for every curse in play they have one two three four curses they have one horde in play so that's five and then they have one faction in their discard pile so that's seven seven points so we have 20 and 19 total victory points respectively we're actually going to be in the lead after this because we're going to score two victory points for each haven we each have three havens so that's six victory points we each control two special locations so that's a total of eight victory points for each of us that puts us up to 25 and 24 victory points respectively we're still doing okay but uh chapter three it's definitely it would definitely be a challenge i do think at this point i've shown you enough of the game i'm exhausted it's a lot to do all this recording i hope this helped you see how the game plays though it is super fun it is fun to see your factions grow and how you're going to deal with these hordes i do want to show you a chapter three and chapter four card quick just so you can see what they look like here's a chapter three card it's placing out a legion at a level six it's going to get two activation tokens and if you are playing with three or four players you'd actually place out two more hordes we would only place out one more horde still fun here is the chapter four and look at this place two skeletons on every c tower so if i didn't have anything there just take out our havens oh my gosh for each player place one horde at threat level seven for each that you cannot place one legion activate the horde with the lowest initiative and just immediately activate oh my gosh just so much fun overall i have to say i really like the game i do feel like it plays the best at three to four players uh two factions i'm actually doing really well here i do think it helped that i was able to take out one of these uh hordes if i had not taken out a horde and if you look here what i've got three bosses on the board i would be spawning one to two more it's gonna get overwhelming really quick uh i do have some good units out so we just have to see how my dice rolling would do but overall i do really like this game i find the questing the items the level up of your hero versus your factions and then with the expansion providing four more factions oh my gosh so much so much fun stuff anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this make sure to check out mike's review it'll be out in a week or so and i will catch you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 10,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, uprising, curse of the last empire, playthrough, runthrough, solo, how to play, learn to play
Id: jVWET4YeiZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 19sec (4099 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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