Halls of Hegra | Prototype Play and Impressions | With Mike

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hey everybody this is mike with the one stop co-op shop and i've got another crowdfunding preview for you this time we're playing halls of hegra which is a solo only war game i'm gonna do my usual thing give a quick overview of play play through a full solo game and then give my impressions at the end and just a reminder that we never accept payment for our coverage we just want to help you make an informed decision and if you like the content on the one-stop co-op shop consider supporting us through patreon we have early access to videos and exclusive videos like i just uh did a list of my least favorite games of 2022 so far we also have a separate streaming channel with even more content a weekly podcast with interviews and extra reviews and a discord if you want to come and talk to us so halls of hagrid like i said is a solo only war game it's based on an event that i don't know too much about in world war ii when i think it was swedish soldiers were trying to hold off against the germans and pretty much everything in the game is controlled on this board and for a super quick take on what the game is like it kind of reminds me of a mix of robinson crusoe and one of david thompson's valiant defender games with maybe a bit of state of siege games like dawn of zed's thrown in you have to survive 11 days to win the game in the beginning of each day you're going to draw an event card from a different deck based on which like phase of the battle you're in it gets more desperate and this will have negative things happen then you try to recruit more people from the local population from a recruitment bag it's kind of a push your luck mechanic if you try to get too many people you might draw one of these doubt tokens and cut your recruitment short and then you take whatever soldiers you have and you assign them to different action spaces to perform actions things like digging yourself out of the snow and finding more resources getting more supply to help your people rest and recover healing people attacking the germans that kind of stuff and then you see how your overall morale is faring potentially resolve some morale cards you check if your side has surrendered and then you move the day token forward one day and again if you can survive for 11 days including at the end of the 11th day surviving through a last stand card then you win but as you can imagine winning is pretty tough in this one this is definitely a desperate defense so those are the basics i'll get into more details as i play but let's jump right into turn one the first turn of the mobilization phase so again each turn is going to start with the flip of a card first it's going to tell you what the weather is for this turn in this case it's snowing that will move this little weather token to the indicated type of weather which will mainly limit the movement of people making supply runs on this little map you can see to the right here but also whenever it snows the snow marker which is right here increases by one space to the right you got a little reminder of that here next you'll have a text effect this one says you must move the fear and doubt markers one level up some of the volunteers want to go home so a major thing you're fighting against especially in the beginning of the game when you're trying to recruit people is them being afraid of the nazi army coming so the doubt track as it goes up is going to force you to add more doubt tokens to your recruitment bag again which could uh cut your recruitment short get you fewer people to help you and the fear market which just went up to the four value at the end of the mobilization phase when this little like sideboard goes away this is a separate board that's covering up part of the main board that's how many people i'm going to lose from the recruitment bag permanently so i'd like theoretically for both of those to be lower if i can do that two other things on the event card on the right here you have all the different types of units that you can recruit in the game this is not used right now but if any effect during the turn causes me to injure or lose any of my units then this will kind of give the priority of who gets hurt but down here is very important is what we're about to do we're going to add doubt tokens to the recruitment bag and then we're going to draw and try to recruit for the turn so this is the recruitment bag it's seated with a ton of units basically almost everyone you can recruit in the game they'll have actual icons in the final version i assume and then we have one doubt token in the bag right now that's orange but this little icon here means to add some more doubt based on the current position of the doubt marker which has a one next to it so right now we're just going to add one dow token you always add at least one but if we let doubt climb any higher we could add two or three tokens each turn and then you have the recruitment draw you can get up to four soldiers here but the second you draw a doubt token one of the orange ones you're gonna limit yourself to one soldier and stop recruiting so basically you're pushing your luck for how close you want to get to getting four soldiers right now i've got only two dow tokens and like 20 soldiers in here so pretty low chances that i'll draw one and i can again drop the four so you just start drawing and ouch okay so this uh happens sometimes if you draw a doubt token as your very first one you don't get nobody that would be too harsh but you just uh basically draw tokens until you get at least one soldier there we go i got a red which is a soldier sorry i'm using the word soldier but really the uh the term the game uses is defenders because different types of people so if i hadn't drawn that doubt token i could have gotten up to three more defenders but the second i draw the doubt token i limit myself to just one of them so this goes back in the bag the doubt is still there creeping up in the population's mind and i only get one new recruit for this turn which goes in the ready area here with people i already have which is four soldiers they're the best actually fighting off the germans two volunteers they aren't too good at much of anything and they can't do a lot of actions and then one officer who is better at some of like the morale and kind of command and control actions on the board but that's it for kind of the start of the turn now we go into us actually doing stuff where we're going to assign as many of our people as we want to actions now i say as many as you want because you might not want to use everybody everyone that takes an action is going to generally come into this little tired box and then we need to spend supplies of which we only have one at the moment to get them back to being ready plus two people move into this rest area for free you skip this step right now because everybody's ready but at the beginning of future turns after the events are all done with you get to decide how much supply you want to use at first eat supply is going to get four people you can see this little token here above the little four to go from tired to ready but as the siege progresses you'll need more supplies to get your people active so let's do a quick tour of the actions we can take so sort of like robinson crew so they are divided in order and that's the order you resolve them so number one is defend the walls we won't need this at all at first putting people here right now would be a waste because there are no germans to shoot at our walls yet then you have fire artillery which would also be a waste right now because these little lightning bolt-ish or like i guess cracked tokens here are damage tokens and our one artillery gun is fully damaged right now we need to take some actions to uncover its actual attack icons that would let us fire the artillery so for now that's a useless action but in brief it lets us shoot at a variety of things that the germans are using to weaken them our next action is a supply run if we put units here defenders then they will actually move out based on the current weather remember right now it's snowing so they're slower they can move one to four spaces and right now there's not too much to do except to go up here these are these supply points where we can get those and bring them back to base and they're going to give us supply to get our troops back in fighting shape but as the game goes on patrols will get added to the board and also artillery you want to get to the artillery and blow it up so it can't shell you and the patrols will kind of get in your way potentially uh stop your defenders you have this little suspicion track that determines whether you get injured or not when you interact with these things uh you'll see all that as we go oh and sorry you know what i did forget that in just a mobilization uh phase there is a set of actions over here you can open a new supply route and i should explain because now these are finally actions we can do the times two here means that we need two defenders who take that action once and you can do these things as many times as you want so i could send four people there to open two supply routes uh but if i sent like three there that extra one would be wasted because again every two times two will actually resolve the action there's also a negotiate action you'll see a little black icon here for the officer type of defender with a two above it that means the officer counts as two defenders here so there's also a times two action so the officer would be able to do that all by themselves whereas sending something like two volunteers would only resolve the action once also and this one lets me move one of these tracks down again doubt it's going to determine how much doubt i add to the bag every turn whereas fear is going to take out a bunch of people from the bag automatically then you get your widest variety of actions in the maintenance step a shoveling snow it's one per defender officers can't do it and then the green hunters do it doubly good although i don't have any of those so uh each shovel moves this little token one to the left and every time you get to kind of a zero spot you bounce back to three and you get to draw one of these little snow cards which unlock extra actions for you or give you immediate resource bonuses there's also the repair actions officers can't do that you need two people and they let you remove these little damage tokens so that's how i would get my artillery guns back right now it would also let me free up these defensive position spots here on the left which i'm going to need when the germans actually start attacking to put a soldiers there to fight him off the bolster action again two people no officer i can add a mistile that goes into the hit bag i'm going to draw this for their artillery strikes most commonly and a lot of bad things can happen from that or it lets me increase the defense by one it starts at zero and basically once there are german soldiers like at the actual walls attacking us there's gonna be free kind of hit cancellation from the attacks they do trying to kill my guys the promote action requires my officer and then one of anybody else except a medic or a soldier and it promotes that person to a soldier so they become a little bit of a more useful defender and then finally inspire double effectiveness from the officer otherwise he needs two people i move them around marker one we'll get to that at the end of the turn how that works and then finally we have the infirmary if my guys get injured they'll go over here there are three beds they can fit in if all three beds are full then they have to go in the waiting area and if they're in the beds they'll slowly heal until they get to the top and come back to being useful again if they're in the waiting area they'll slowly go down until they die now you don't want people to die because having them in the morgue just makes your life that much more tough as morale kind of drops all right here are the actions i chose this time i'm going to have my two volunteers open a new supply route that'll get uh more supplies on the board i can go and get through the supply run action i'm gonna have my officer negotiate probably bring in fear down doubt still only one although one more increase will hurt us have two of my soldiers repair something i'm not sure what yet until my other soldiers raise up the defense i don't need it yet but i do want it uh pretty high uh by the time the germans are actually attacking actually now you know what let's have them also repair we can bolster later so again we resolve the actions from basically left to right or from number from lowest to highest uh within a given number i can do them whatever order i want so i could like do the negotiate or supply route at whatever order doesn't really matter i'll go to the officer lower fear for now and as their action is resolved they go to the tired spot these guys will open up supply route so i pick one of these three spots to add three tokens to each of them has a unique benefit in addition to getting you two supply for getting your soldiers ready again uh this one lets you take away one patrol this one adds a miss the artillery bag this one increases morale by one and i think i'll do the morale one that way i've got stuff on both sides i chose not to send anybody on a supply run yet because it takes one two three four five movement to actually get to one of these spots and you have to stop your movement to actually pick up one of the tokens before you come back so since uh the snow is limiting movement to one to four spaces i thought that uh it made more sense to wait a moment before sending people out okay then i'm repairing twice right now the only two things i can repair are the defensive positions i don't need those quite yet but by the end of turn three when the germans actually start coming in i want to repair at least a few of them for now i'm going to repair the gun twice if i can repair the last spot i'll get a double attack because the bull's eyes are the hits the middle doesn't really do anything each time i do that fire artillery action and by the way these damage tokens go into the red hitbag here because when the artillery fires at me later they could re-damage some of these things i prepared now we get to the end of the first turn the others will go a lot faster uh the supply run action by the way always happens if people are on the board they get to move whether or not you actually like put anybody new there the infirmary always gets resolved if there are injured people because again they heal or get worse based on where they are and then the morale phase you check these automatic modifiers if your doubt marker is really good you get free morale boosts uh if it's a red day that's on the turn track right now it's not those are later in the game you get a minus one morale automatically if you have no supplies minus one morale if you have defenders in the waiting area which means like they're not in a hospital bed might as well morale if you have dead defenders each of them gives you minus one morale it's terrible don't do that and then finally if you have uh german meeples these uh soldiers actually at your walls like right at the front of your walls you get midas morale all these can bring morale down there are also actions and effects they can bring morale up and if you're at zero you don't do anything if you're in the green you get to draw one or more high morale cards and you resolve some of them those give you bonuses if you're in the red you draw one or more low morale cards those give you negatives as you can imagine next before the turn ends you check if your surrender marker moves at all it starts on the five space here if you get to the skull and crossbones you lose so it goes up one if you have three or more defenders in the morgue up one if there are four more defenders awaiting and dying it goes up one of all six german artillery on the supply map uh that won't uh happen until later and then you immediately lose the game in the siege turns which are the last five turns of the game if you don't have uh the number here of defenders like left not in the infirmary uh so right now would be five but we're not in the seeds so it doesn't matter okay then we check if there's anything on the turn track we have to resolve and then we move the turn marker so yes we have two little another small uh two icons for german patrols we're gonna place those on the map and then we go into turn two and each visa has a number on the back five and a six in this case oof so the six is blocking my access to the uh one supply thing i just did the five is not as big of a deal immobilization they go on the green spots during the first attack set of turns they go on the yellow the first seas they go on the blue the final siege turns they go on the orange they get closer and closer and kind of muddle up your movement even more but that was one whole turn out of 11 and you've seen almost all of the rules we'll get into some more specifics of like attacking and defending as the germans come in in the first attack phase but the next two turns for mobilization should be very quick okay first we do this we're in a cloudy weather now which is much better now we can move one to five spaces we lose one morale and you must move oh no the fear in doubt markers one level up again so morale goes a negative one for now this does i should have said bounce back to zero at the end of every morale uh phase so like even if you're in like negative three or positive three it goes back to zero for the next turn and then fear and doubt creep up oof that means i have to add two dow tokens i should have lowered that instead of fear last turn i guess why would we even try to resist the powerful vermont uh yeah i don't know we're gonna try anyway so we're gonna add dow token in this case to lord help us and then draw for recruitment again all right so here we go and okay we actually got a real token this time um it doesn't hurt us to draw again because even if i got one of the orange doubts i would still get the one soldier i've drawn so far okay so i got two volunteers the nice thing about them is when you recruit them they also bring supplies with them should i go for a third person uh i think i will because i didn't get anybody last turn okay good good good so this is one of the hunters they're better at shoveling out snow and also faster to bring supplies back to the base so i'm gonna recruit all three of these i could go for one more but if i drew a doubt token one of the orange ones i would only get one of these people and the other ones would come out of the uh the bag entirely so they wouldn't even go back in the bag for next time so i'm definitely gonna stop there so they go straight to ready and again each blue volunteer i recruit gives the supply with me they brought some food from home i guess so we've got three supply now and for every supply we spend we can move four people to ready so let's definitely spend at least well not like that i wish it became five let's spend one to get all four of our soldiers back or actually let's do three soldiers in our officer i could spend another supply but supply is pretty precious i'm gonna get to move two people to this rest area for free they will become ready automatically the beginning of next turn so i didn't quite get everybody ready but i've still got a nice little group of seven people here to take actions with this turn by the way somebody forgot to mention you also have a choice to use minus one morale give yourself minus morale for the turn to uh get two people from tired to ready basically you're i guess uh brutally ordering them to do stuff when they don't really want to i'm not gonna do that yet though all right so what actions have i taken i'm not sure if these were the best ones i'm trying to get it all in frame i've got two guys go on a supply run to get us more supplies i've got um some people repairing i'm going to try to get that last gun ready i guess and then i've got my officer negotiating get doubt back into the one space i'm not getting doubled out again next turn so resolving all of that doubt goes back down um i could repair i'll repair those next turn i'm going to get the artillery ready to hopefully fire next turn and then i'm going to inspire which will move morale back to not drawing anything otherwise i would have had to draw two low morale cards and resolve one of them which i didn't want to do although maybe they wouldn't be too bad oops i forgot to do supply run so they can each move five this turn if they're gonna do the same thing one two three four five uh they can't actually end on the same space as each other except for up here and back down at the fortress since they ended on these things they can grab them now while they're carrying these their movement is one less except for the green guys so if we have another cloudy day next turn with movement one to five he'll get back to base but blue won't if instead we have a sunny day with movement one to six they'll both get back to base that's what we're hoping for all right nothing we have to worry about with the infirmary morale is at zero we don't have any uh negative modifiers there nothing for surrender either and nothing on the force turn things we move forward at the end of this term we're going to add uh two patrols and resolve the coup which is when we're gonna lose defenders from the recruitment bag based on our fear level uh this board is going to go away germans are gonna start coming in to attack us yikes here's our last mobilization event it is a sunny day yeah we can move quickly oh no no we have to injure two defenders so um this is where we use the low priority thing these are going to come from the tired defenders so first we do hunters we don't have any there then we do soldiers so two of our soldiers are gonna get injured one of our trucks drove off the road and crashed and whenever someone is injured you roll a d6 to determine how long their recovery will take you're hoping for higher here so like a five or six oh that was good a four and a six so they come from the tired area and each column is a bed you only have three of them so you really want people to be in the waiting room so we'll do the four and the five or six here at the end of the infirmary phase they're going to go up one so this guy will be back to the tired spot uh people could also come over here and take the treat action to move one of them up one space if they're in a bed and now i have to add a doubt token uh we're at one again so i only had one which means we've got five of them in there and i'd say maybe double that many defenders so i'm probably gonna stop if i get two defenders and not push my luck any further so let's see okay we got a soldier nice and for a second draw okay so um we don't get hurt at all the doubt does go back in the bag and we still get the one defender if we had like two or more people there one of them would have gotten taken out of the bag entirely and only one of them would have actually gone to the ready area so we didn't exactly get hurt there but it also didn't help us my rest people come out and now i will spend one of my remaining two supply i'm about to get a bunch more from my defenders returning and that'll get all four of the remaining people there so we've got three soldiers three volunteers one officer plus our friends over here and our injured people all right so here are the actions i'm taking i'm having my officer negotiate again i'm going to fire artillery once that uh is only soldiers and officers who can do that you can see uh blue green and white you haven't seen any white yet but they're medics they aren't allowed to take that action and i've got everybody else repairing to free up more of these defensive positions is that the best call i don't know i haven't shoveled any snow this game which means i haven't unlocked any of these super powerful bonus actions so you know who knows if i'm doing the right thing or not we'll just see what happens so first negotiating i'm going to lower fear to three again that's about to happen we will lose some automatic people from our recruitment bag so i want that to be a little bit less then i'm gonna fire artillery i can pick the infantry sector which isn't open yet that's where they'll be attacking in a second a map row which would mean one of these colored rows so for example i could blast both those patrols away or the airfield where i get to do one option per one of these revealed here's the airfield i can remove one air stack these guys will be getting added to the artillery like hit bag as uh the siege progresses so i don't need to worry about that quite yet but it could be good to get rid of them i can also add two missed tokens to the hit bag to make it less likely to hurt me i can increase morale by two that would let me draw some of those good morale cards or i can move this render marker down one and i'm going to pick that option i'm going to add two miss tokens to the bag and i'm going to increase morale by two which will get me a few free high morale cards in a second yay but each time you attack you roll to see if your guns get jammed and it's based on how far away you shot in the case of the airfield it's the furthest way so i get to roll a die and only if i get a six do i not to jam myself up unlikely but there's a chance nope so we do is we flip the rightmost one of these tokens to its jam side and uh we need to take a repair action to get that ready again oh well next we do our supply run remember even though nobody actually is going out new this term we still get to move everybody who's already there it's sunny so we moved six but anybody carrying a supply who is not a green hunter only moves five so my blue volunteer one two three four five they still get back to base each time you get back to base you can uh see it summarize here the defender moves to the tired area you get plus one morale oh i forgot i was already getting morale and you get plus one suspicion and you get two supplies plus whatever the bonus is in this case another supply so suspicion goes up to two morale goes up to you know what with that in mind i'm gonna get two morale this turn from the supplies i'm actually going to pick in addition to my two misses instead to remove one air style take away one of the ones that injures my defenders i find those worse then we get three supply from that first guy that was two for the supply run itself plus one for the bonus and my hunter also makes it back so suspicion goes to three morale goes up to two he is also exhausted for running but we get three more supply taking us to seven that's fives and ones all right so pretty well supplied we have two repairs i'm gonna go ahead and open up two of the defensive positions now i'll have three people that can shoot at the germans four is the max although i've not increased my defense against them at all yet that's not good and final things uh each of the guys in bed recovers automatically so he is back to the tired area he's one space away and morale is two so it says draw three high morale cards and resolve two of them then this bounces back let's see our options it's always based on the phase you're in right now we're mobilization okay move the snow marker two steps to the left add a miss to the hitbag or ooh repair one damage tile let's do the repair that's a free awesome action and snow marker is the equivalent of two people i just added a bunch of misses yeah so let's do the snow one and the high morale these get discarded this one gets shuffled back in for possible drawing later so i could repair the jammed gun but i want the fourth defensive position you'll see why that's good in a second and then i'm also moving the snow marker twice hey maybe i'll actually dig myself out at some point all right and then we do the end of the turn so we're going to add two patrols and then resolve the coup and go to return four which is the first of three first attack turns hopefully the two patrols are in the middle where i won't care about them nope no such luck one of them is right in front of the other supply i haven't gotten yet and now we resolve the coup it says draw x discs from the recruit bag and place them in the reserve that means like out of the game x is where the fear marker is redraw doubt dis so i can't take out doubt unfortunately so we ended up at a three so three defenders are too afraid to ever help us they're out of the game pretty much uh one hunter one soldier one volunteer okay then we move the supply marker one step to the right this is pretty terrible it means that now each supply will only get three of our people ready instead of four ouch okay now we're forced because the germans are at our walls to place one defender on each defensive position not covered by a damage tile uh they can come from the tired area though so we don't have to pay to recover them and then if the people that we placed three or four of them are soldiers the red units then we get uh one or two free morale so sure although i might want them somewhere else later i'm gonna put all four i had exactly enough soldiers there all uh defending so i get an immediate two morale boost for next turn and this board gets flipped it's not entirely gone yet and this fear and doubt tokens are gone for the rest of the game so now we have the first attack board german soldiers are going to be coming in to sector one here up to five can be there once there's too many or once they move they'll go up to sector two that's red so it can affect morale if you have soldiers there at the end of the turn and then eventually they might get to charging where they automatically damage our defenders they'll be shooting at us every turn or at least some of them will we'll be shooting at them for free every turn that's just a free action for anybody who's on the defensive positions here except for getting injured they can just stay there and shoot every turn for free which is nice and after three more turns after turn six we're going to retreat into the actual fortress and start enduring the siege where this will go away and it'll be a much bigger uh attack going on all right so going into turn four now we're drawing from the first attack deck it's cloudy and i lose to a morale well cloudy's not too bad we can still move five and the lose two morale just uh cancels out what i got from putting my soldiers there so i'm happy with that the morale is running low you have to do something okay we're going to recruit and then we're going to add four german soldiers and then resolve them we'll see that in a second so first of all let's recruit let's see uh looks like we have almost 10 defenders in about five doubt so again i'm gonna go for like two defenders i think is maybe not being too greedy oh i got my first medic they heal better as you can imagine and a doubt okay so that's all i get oh well okay then i add four of these german meeples when they're standing up they are ready which means they'll activate this turn uh you can also suppress them which means they lie down not as good for an overhead camera thing but you get the idea i'm gonna roll four dice one for each of them each five to six means they'll shoot at us each three to four means they'll move up to the red on a one or two they don't do anything we're hoping for a lot of ones and twos oh nice okay so one is moving and one is shooting we can move them up into the boxes so first we would count everyone that was hitting in either box we would subtract our defense which is zero so if we'd even repaired one defense then we wouldn't take this hit right now but we do which means i have to roll for the leftmost defender oh nice we do have a bed for him and he got a five or six so he will be actually back to being tired next turn that wasn't too bad at all all right and then everyone is moving first you move people here up and then this guy moves up so now he's in sector two if we don't take him out then we're gonna get minus one morale at the end of the day for having somebody in this red area and then also he could move up to the charge area and hurt us a bunch all right now i get to recover so what do i have i have four five six so it seems like i should probably just do one supply get the hunter the officer and two of the volunteers and the other two can go to the rest area to come back for free next time now let's see can i make a supply run we do move one to five this term but there's patrols blocking when a defender who's running and doing a supply run moves on a patrol they can stop and decrease suspicion they can try to keep moving but then they raise suspicion up one well first actually they roll a d6 if they get higher than the suspicions right now be a four five six they get past them but they race suspicion up one otherwise suspicion goes down two but they get injured which doesn't sound great now soldiers the red units can go under these guys and actually blow them up like get them off the board same thing with the artillery once it gets placed but then they do the same roll to see if they get hurt or just raise up suspicion by the way i don't think i'm doing that this term without any soldiers available i could move somebody else here to help defend but i think the three soldiers have a decent chance at least so i'm gonna have my one hunter shovel snow they do it twice as well which will actually get me a snow card for the first time i think i'll have my officer inspire people or i could promote one of my uh volunteers to be able to fight better ah nice okay and then i want to repair the gun but i really want to bolster up things and get some defense from the germans attacking us i do have my medic left but you can't really do much i guess they could shovel snow again but i don't want them to so they'll just stay ready i mean i don't have to use much supply next time now i do get to fire with my defend the walls people for free i believe that you can't choose to move them away i think they have to get injured on the walls or something else needs to happen before you can like pull them off i might be wrong about that but i think that's right actually i am wrong you can put somebody in the same position and then you move the person that was there to the tired area you're not gonna do that so you roll a d6 for each defender of the same type uh the reason that matters is they all suppress on a one to three like taking away the german's next action or hits them off the board entirely on a four to six but their type determines how far they can shoot my red guys uh they're orange with like three bullets here they're changing the colors and icons and such uh they and the officer can shoot anybody whereas the hunters and volunteers can only shoot people in the red they have less range see i'm rolling three hoping for fours through sixes nice got two kills and one suppress i want to get rid of this guys we don't get the automatic morale down one of them and suppress him so he uh will skip rolling next turn and again they stay there they don't become tired or anything okay then my green guy's gonna shovel snow hunters are twice as good at it so it goes one two so this resets the three and we get the top snow card which is a new action that actually goes on the board and these actions have their own damage tokens so at first they only do one thing eventually they can do two so here for two people i can just remove any patrol on the board that's pretty nice and then if i repair this action when i do it i can additionally reduce suspicion by two medics can't do it soldiers do it twice as well i don't know if i'll have time for that but hey at least it's something okay my two volunteers are bolstering my defense definitely gonna get me a free not injured result every turn that's much better than how my guys get shot and finally my officer is going to move morale up one because that goes all the way from nothing happening to drawing two cards and resolving one and they tend to be good that may be the best thing both of my injured soldiers are back in the tired area or we do morale it's still not a red day we're not out of supplies no defenders are dead we don't have any soldiers left in the red area so we just stay here and draw two cards resolve one move two defenders from the tired area to the ready area that's pretty nice or remove a patrol from the map we're gonna do that because i would like to make at least another supply run at some point and this guide is totally blocking up that one i don't enjoy all right no reason to surrender yet we're going to turn five at the end of this room get three more patrols and let's see our event it's cloudy okay so we can move five that's good oh we're adding two patrols the germans are spreading out in the landscape surrounding the fortress closing in our position and i think as long as we don't get a six we're okay a two now we're in the orange row and a four all right so we can get to the supplies we wanted to get to hooray we're going to try to recruit again i'm going for two or get a doubt right away uh build up too much doubt so what's gonna take the first guy we get another hunter all right these two volunteers are coming over oh i think last turn i cheated and moved three people over or sorry four people over with uh one supply instead of three we won't do that this time how many do we have we have six people so i definitely want to spend one supply and get three of them over and it seems kind of a waste to do another supply so let's just move two to the rest area and have one guy doing nothing although i would kind of like the hunter to go ahead and get that supply hmm you know what here when i go down one on the morale track to get two more moves so i want to save my supply for later so i'll get two more people over and then only one guy in the rest area waiting all right so i have almost everybody ready oh and i'm sorry i shouldn't be doing any of this because i did not resolve the attack yet there were four guys coming so one two three as soon as the space is filled up with five guys four they automatically just jump forward so roll four dice for these guys down here because one is suppressed ooh okay so they got one move and one attack again that's not too bad so one hit one move and then one for this guy hopefully not a hit because now i can block one hit for free i think oh no is that a move all right so um the hit does nothing because our one defense cancels it this guy moves up to red he charges which injures the leftmost person on defensive position but then he goes away that's the silver lining and let's hope for another no not a good result he's going to take a while to come back or i could uh throw my doctor over there that would move him up too i might do that okay and then everything else i talked about happens all right so let's see what else am i going to do for actions i think i'm going to go ahead and shoot the max awesomeness well let's make one of them a blue and he'll kind of take fire for the red guys because he can shoot this guy just as well i'm gonna have both of my fast guys run since the uh the hearts on the right are opened up i'm gonna unjam my artillery hoping to fire it next turn um i guess move my morale ups enough to suffer the negative morale card and sure let's get my soldier healing a little bit faster i got one red guy left i guess i could treat him all the way to there and then he'd be back next turn sure let's do that alright so we're shooting i'll do my blue guy first because he can only hit this guy so darn it he suppressed him now i have a question do i just have my red guys finish him off if they get a hit because he's still gonna generate minus uh morale for being there at the end of the turn oh my red guys only got two suppressions and a hit as well oh sorry this guy stood back up um um yeah i guess i'll do that i don't want to get the morale hit even if other things are going to happen bad anyway so my blue guy was kind of a waste but at least he'll tank for the soldiers in a second all right supply run five movement one two three four whoa whoa one two three four five oh my gosh stupid me i didn't realize that these supplies are further away oh man um maybe i don't need supplies yet you know what forget that we'll uh we'll bolster we'll get two free defense every turn instead of one ah that was a bummer okay uh then we repair so we'll unjam the gun ready to do a full two shot again we'll move morale back up to zero so we're not drawing any cards move this guy up three double from the medic and then he will heal himself oh man that turn was uh something uh yep none of these apply so we're just at zero not drawing any cards none of those apply so we're adding three patrols then going to retreat but they're going to block off that a heart again actually no another guy on two five but i can still go that way and four oh just for future reference anybody else playing the game one two three four five six yes so every single one of these is reachable in five moves except that's one that's why i confuse myself ah darn it should have known because morale is a better bonus than the other things so it makes sense so that would be the hardest one all right now we do our final first attack card before we get into the siege it's sunny hey we can run faster uh remove one delivery token from each of the leftmost two open supply depots some of our surrounding supply depots were discovered okay so one there and one there now there's just two there i think i might still send my guys to get that in case i didn't make it clear you cannot do a supply run when there are no supply tokens all right now we're recruiting hey i actually got a soldier come on give me two give me two give me two people nope the doubt says no just got a new soldier but i'm happy about that and now let's do it in the right order we're adding four new germans so one oh gosh two three four so these three guys that's only one moving that was a good roll and these three guys i hope at least one of them hits instead of charging because actually two of them would be great if they hit because i have defense for that charging does not get defended by defense okay good i did get one and one charge and one nothing i'm happy with that all right so the one hits does nothing because i have at least one defense the one charge injures the blue guy that's what he was there for so nice to a job oh awesome he is gonna heal really quickly and then this guy moves up there and these guys just stand up ready to fight oh there are a lot of them all right now we get to this uh one two three four five six seven eight um let's do two supplied i'll get six of them back and leave uh two hanging out so i guess well you know what i don't think we need the medic yet let's have him be there so we got three soldiers two volunteers two hunters and the officer and yeah i think i'll send a volunteer to help fight and tank damage i'm gonna send two of the soldiers to shoot the guns my two hunters they do supply runs at the open spot get the last supplies i'll get for the entire game officer inspire get us some free morale cards what do i do with these last two guys um could get defense up to three or add another miss token or maybe they just hang out yeah i like the idea of hanging out and uh just being able to help out next turn not have to use them as supply so yeah we'll just leave them in the ready area all right so first we're defending the walls we'll have the blue guy shoot here and oh he actually killed one nice job and the three red guys shooting one dead one suppressed yes so we'll do it here so we are gonna get minus one morale not much we can do about that our next is firing artillery and we're going to shoot at the infantry sector with it because we get to hit two infantry this is one of the sectors per reveal things will kill four guys and we suppress the rest which means yes because all those guys would have moved forward to the siege and now they won't take that and the nice thing is i have a decent chance of not jamming it because look since it's so close to shoot these guys i only need a three plus and yes okay so i don't jam my gun it is still at full capacity for next turn my commander's inspiring us that'll cancel out to the guys in red although oops we're going to also have a red day so yeah we are going to take some negative morale this turn but so it goes and then hey he's coming back oops i forgot the supply run it's sunny they can move six this turn one two three four five six they're each gonna pick up one remember they don't get the minus one movement penalty for carrying supplies so if we get another sunny day and nobody comes here to block them they can uh get back and into morale so it is a red day you can see down here on the turn track uh so morale goes down one where you also have at least one person in a red sector so that goes down one because my guys can roll better but nothing else applies so we're drawing two low morale cards and picking one to resolve of course they're all bad lose one supply or add one patrol hmm if i had a patrol the only one i care about is getting a six but one two three four five six seven eight are out which means of the four that remain two of them are the number six i don't think i can afford to do that so i'm going to lose one supply brings me down only two supplies but i think i should be pretty much guaranteed for my guys to get back with more next turn oh that's right unless uh they're too slow so we'll see what happens and now we resolve the retreat step we get rid of our second small board so what's this say we're gonna place an artillery on each space marked with an artillery symbol on the yellow row of the map that's three of them and if i don't go and take these guys out you're gonna see they're just gonna blast the heck out of me then i move the supply marker to the right and i lower defense by one so now each supply only gets two of my guys back and i only get to cancel one hit each turn okay then this goes away all these guys come out of the main board but this guy's still gonna be suppressed and then we place one status tile on the machine gun so this guy comes into sector one but we get a new toy to play with which is the machine gun um it can suppress or hit based on your roll up to three people it uses the range of the person firing it so one of your defenders actually has to like select to fire the machine gun but then it automatically gets jammed every time and you need to use the repair action to get it back so uh yeah so now they've got four ways to go they've also got this grenade action that can lower our defense it lets us get rid of two of these people but the defender gets injured automatically but uh anybody except medics can do that so that's not too bad all right with that the siege has commenced it's cloudy oh we can't get back this turn and we're adding a artillery token to the hit bag those are some of the nastiest ones it says more german artillery has been spotted on the road to hegra all right now we're going to resolve airplanes artillery and then five soldiers you don't get to recruit anymore we're done recruiting oh no so first was the airplane icon mean simple as anything you just add the two leftmost airplane tokens to the hitbag in this case we're taking away our supplies then artillery here's the nasty part you look at the right most revealed space that's not covered by artillery which is a five i'm gonna draw five hit tokens now if i can get out and kill some of that artillery this turn then it'll go down uh to you know five or sorry four or three or even only two tokens a turn so he was riding those missed tokens earlier could matter okay so we got a miss two artillery defensive position c and another miss the misses come out this is gonna go on the actual damage spot and these go back in the bag and what do they mean uh that means two more artillery come out on the i think it's left to most spaces of the green row now so huh yeah that's not great and what do you think happens when defensive position c gets blown up this guy gets injured automatically not a great thing okay good i'm getting super lucky with my damage rolls so okay oh okay um i guess i'll spend one supply because i think my guys are going to get back this turn i want to have at least one to not lose morale to get two people back and the other two will go to the rest area actually no i forget it i'll get another soldier and leave my officer there oh wait wait ah i'm doing it again i forgot to do the enemies attacking the card had five so one's gonna get the sector two the rest will fit in sector one control four for them um so on a five they move uh four or five so nothing else for them and the one guy up there a two nothing wow okay so that was the nicest soldier roll ever all right then we'll let this stand as it is all right here's how divided people up i'm gonna have one soldier run out and try to kill an artillery two more fire my artillery uh two of these guys repair and i'm leaving the medic in the ready area for now okay so these guys get to attack now this i thing about the volunteer being here is that he literally doesn't have a range to anybody so it's just my two red soldiers shooting should i have one use the machine gun these guys are ready to repair if i do although they could also repair my artillery if it gets damaged there's a good chance that i'll get covered up by their artillery fire next turn anyway so yeah i think i will use the machine gun for one by two soldiers so i'm just gonna go and roll uh four dice although actually i think yeah i need to roll for the machine gun separately so i can spend one supply to add two to the roll i really just want a four five or six otherwise just suppressing three people yes see i have to pick one area i believe so i'll kill all three of those guys and my other soldier just shooting it normally only suppresses somebody we'll do one of the people who's closer okay nexus fire artillery i'm gonna pick this row and get rid of both of those just because they're a lot harder to get to then i need to roll five or six and not to jam this it is jam but like i said there's a pretty good chance it might get covered by damage anyway alright then supply run these guys can move five one two three four five so they're not gonna get back until next turn yay and then he can move up to five and i wanted to blow up an artillery let's see right now the patrols would spawn out here all the twos are out there's one three out both fours both fives so there's one one or one three to block the weight of these guys that guy's not going to get any worse there are no more patrols to spawn here so what the hey i'll just go ahead and attack this guy the until he gets destroyed then i have to roll if i roll a four or five or six over suspicion he'll just stay there and you can attack somebody else next turn nope uh he is injured but this goes down by two to one suspicion oh but oh my gosh there's one thing that's going well for me this game it is my healing all right these guys are going to repair and i guess they'll do the machine gun because again i'm guessing that'll get covered up but if these guys come back from regular healing in a way that went way better than i thought it would it's not a red day not out of supplies yeah none of these applies we just get no uh morale this does not happen either we are adding two more patrols let's hope they're not on the right spot or should say the wrong spot uh six and one hey that was perfect we didn't get the three that would block our way to uh that artillery although who knows maybe five more tiller will come out in a second and let's see as we go into turn eight there's the last of siege one next we'll be drawing siege two it's snowing which means our snow level increases oh but that's not too bad they'll be able to get back add one to spare card to the high morale deck can we really do this the spare cards are negative cards that hide inside of this deck get shuffled into it now the chances of me actually drawing that card are pretty low then we're doing airplanes artillery and five soldiers the airplane tokens are minus one morale i guess i could deal with that because of my somewhat success of attacking the artillery we're only drawing four tokens and hey what'd i oh my gosh two damage tokens for gun one supply minus one and no not another defensive position see cover these in a way that wasn't too bad because the one that actually does damage is still there minus one supply means i'm out of supply for the moment but i'm about to get more back it is going to suck though for the turn and this comes out of the game and this is maybe the harshest part another soldier injured less space for me to fight on and if you ever have nobody on the defensive positions things get really bad another pretty good role there so all right i have no supplies to move anybody over i can lower my morale though i'm about to get some free morale boost from these guys moving up so sure let's go into lower morale twice to move four people over we'll get all our soldiers i guess and then these guys will be resting so hey we got everybody back in a way i'm gonna send two soldiers out to take out the remaining artillery oh wait i'm forgetting to attack with him again it is right on the card this is just me being dumb okay some of my guys could be injured so four of them are going here and one goes right to sector two so five for the bottom six and five and only six hits five and four move up and over here two more guys two and four so that's just one move so one hit we still have one defense that doesn't do anything okay so it didn't mess up anything and we're like that and then he stands back up that's a lot of people that's with that being the case i think i'll suppress the guys who are charging at me um and then i can inspire maybe i got two guys left i'm about to get an influx of supplies so maybe i uh repair the defensive position so i can have more people shooting at him speaking of shooting oh i did repair the machine gun i don't remember doing that so okay let's have him a soldier use it because the blue guy still can't get anybody in range and that's just suppression darn it so i think i'll suppress all three of these guys i'm gonna use the artillery on them yep here that goes um i've got just one icon which means i kill two and suppress two a lot of suppression going on and then i have to roll a four plus to not get jammed yes okay then supply run uh one two three he's gonna kill an artillery and he has to roll higher than the suspicion of one and he does rita stays there but then he goes up one in time for this guy to charge up kill that artillery so now artillery on the board and he's also okay awesome so they can i don't know what they're going to do actually you're thinking this come back to base but these guys give both get back to base that raises suspicion up by one each but we get oh i forgot you got a free morale was i doing that before uh maybe i was so yeah we should get four morale boost and for supply and then we're repairing um oh that's right the defensive position of the machine gun i think defensive position because we need to have spots for the people to go on and then now my inspiration seems a little bit silly i don't need that much morale and this guy heals one all right and we are not on a red day all the rest of the days are real we're not out of supplies nobody's in the waiting area nobody's in the morgue nobody's in a red sector so wow we actually get four cards resolve three ah we got the despair you must choose this so one of our three has to be that i could injure defender or move from the game um yeah actually well wait who'd be first choice oh yeah okay it would be a blue guy okay i'll do that let's get rid of it so it never comes up again and awesome he's not even that hurt i'm okay with all that but does still count as one of my threes or yeah three so siege one i can remove two patrols i do not care i got two misses of the hitbag yes i can move two defenders from the tire to the right air yep we're doing those two so that's like a free supply basically to move two people for free i like that it's not getting closer to surrendering nothing special but now we're in drawing siege two cards we'll do three turns of that and then we draw a last stand card if i'm still alive at the end of this term we'll add three more uh patrols yay let's see our ch2 card they get nastier okay it's snowing which means the snow level increases if it goes all the way to the right we take one hit token and then go back to the five so we might need to shovel out a little bit you lose three supply oh my gosh we're back down to one just when we got it if you don't have enough we can injure three defenders the supply short storage took a direct hit okay then airplanes artillery only four soldiers yay small favors so one minus one morale going in and then haha only two tokens for artillery attack okay one's taking away morale one's adding another artillery token um left most oh man it's actually tough for my red guys to get over there alrighty and no no no we're not doing that we're doing soldiers i remembered for once four of them one two that's full three four two here nothing two here uh one hit one move and finally sector three grenade i don't know oh okay if two plus grenades are rolled we lower the defense by one so that guy's actually doing nothing thanks the hit does nothing because we still have one defense thanks he moves up and yeah okay although i mean all these five guys back here it's gonna mean that they automatically come in in further sectors so it's not all great all right i if i spend my last supply i will get minus one morale every turn so i'm just not going to i guess i could takes a morale hit to get two more people in yeah let's do that so i'll do minus one morale it gets me down to minus two i'll get both of these guys in and have them in the rest area and let's see let's put another soldier in here i'm an officer another soldier fire the artillery um i've got free hospital beds i'm gonna have one of my blue guys recklessly defend then all these last two guys repair bolster defense back up oh no uh shoveling snow um i'll just have the the green guy shovel snow because he does it twice as good this guy will hang out all right so we're shooting blue's still out of range so it's just red we don't have the machine gun we got one hit one suppress this blue you guys gonna hit them and i think the artillery is gonna hit there so we'll do that and that and then yeah he'll recklessly defend there and get himself injured so if our good rolls continue ooh nope okay but then they're firing the artillery down here so two guys gone three suppressed and on a four plus we don't jam darn it all right i'm not sure if we'll ever get to fire that again all right next the supply run so i think he's going to sneak by one two three he wants to sneak which oh my gosh wait suspicion really at five oh that's right from bringing the supplies um all right well hold on can this guy get there one two three four no he can't get over there so that's fine we'll just oh no we're going to add three patrols in a second so maybe we just deal with having one artillery out and these guys both come back and are tired okay then green shovel snow gets back to three so we're not about to get hit and he's back in the tired area he's almost healed he is not ooh i forgot how bad morale was uh it's a red day so we go down one we're not out of supplies uh we don't defenders in the waiting area no one's in the morgue nobody's in the red sector okay so we're drawing four low morale and doing three of them move all patients to the infirmary one level down that's not the worst in the world draw two towels from the hitbag draw two towels from the hitbag injure two defenders i'm gonna do the four tiles from the hitbag and move everybody down one i mean i know that was probably stupid maybe i should just interesting people let's see okay minus one morale which i guess will apply for next turn minus one supply there goes our last supply everybody and then two misses we're heading three patrols and we're almost too almost to the end or else at the end there's only two patrols left i don't think there's a negative for having extra patrols nope i'm wrong if you need to add a patrol and you can't uh you instead remove a delivery token if you can't do that then you take a hit is anybody really surprised by that oh add another artillery just before they fire yay mike's gonna die but not yet darn it not yet okay it's snowing so the snow goes up yay i'm glad i shoveled out lose one more round injure one defender priority going to soldiers all right where are you gonna be buddy oh you are hurt it's becoming even colder and frostbite is spreading among the soldiers okay we're adding two airplanes we're doing artillery which is shooting four six oh my gosh the airplane's getting added now injure us yeah four hit tokens oops we lost another defensive position we add another artillery minus one more morale we're already at the lowest and then we have to lose uh defenders lose defenders oh my gosh if morale goes down further which it's going to we just have people die automatically i don't think we want that okay this guy's injured there's no bedroom which means he's going to be slowly dying he's kind of high up though all right uh all right no we're not done yet soldiers yeah there's supposed to be a desperate game if you can't tell three four five six all right so this guy what are they doing they're doing nothing these four down here that's a hit and a bunch of moves and these two down here that's a single move so the hit doesn't mean anything because we do still have one defense somehow um it could have been way worse it is way worse because i literally can't take morale hits to heal these guys without without killing my defenders so where does it get yeah that's where we are [Laughter] actually you know what let's get the officer in there to raise morale maybe okay uh we'll send him to treat patients and he's got these two guys i think raising morale up is maybe the best thing we can do okay these guys are shooting blue still can't hit anybody maybe not the best choice to put him there oh i forgot my reckless defense not this turn next turn next turn maybe uh ooh okay we hit uh with the red so i guess i'll just get rid of one of the guys that's closest and then we're raising morale up one just try to avert automatic losses of defender uh he's gonna actually heal this guy one and uh this guy won because i want to free up a bed and then this guy comes back he goes there he goes there he goes down one but now he can come over so he's not dying all right morale this is not pretty it is a red day down one we are out of supplies lose one defender automatically and then i'm assuming i think we calculated all once what i'm not sure about is like i just lost the defender do i now count as having a defender in the morgue i'm going to say no i'm going to say that all got calculated at the same time so i do lose one defender but that's it for now oh no it isn't i still have to draw four low morale cards and resolve three and my lost offender is a soldier dead it's a four low morale cards result three lose one defender move the shield level down move the surrender marker up one move all patients in the waiting area down two um oh if you choose this card but cannot resolve it because there isn't anybody in the waiting area draw one tile from the hitbag okay so we'll do that for one of them and our hit is oh my god injuring another soldier okay at least he's not too hurt okay then i think we can move the surrender marker up we'll just lose immediately i'll lower my shield down to zero and lose another defender i guess we don't even have enough supplies for him anyway wow that was great all right then are we surrendering my three or more defenders in the morgue nope we've only got two four more in the waiting area nope we only got one nope not are there artillery on oh are there fewer than the required number of defenders no uh we needed at least five and i got seven so we made it to the final turn let's see if we survive that last stand this is our last regular event card it's sunny i don't care move all unsuppressed soldiers from sector one up one sector oh my gosh watch the flanks um yeah none of them are suppressed oh my gosh i guess it's not actually that bad cause when we add six soldiers it was gonna fill all that stuff up anyway yeah you know whatever okay we're adding two more nasty air things to the hip pile drawing four tokens for the artillery we never got rid of and what is it uh injure one defender minus one morale add an artillery well that one i don't think i really care about and gun one damage hey that was that's great it was already jammed so i don't care at all yeah the plus one artillery doesn't really matter so really it's just injure one defender minus one morale that is hurting me and the first preference for this card is the officer but they're not in a tired area you have to go to there for a soldier the medic is injured seems like maybe a bad thing for your medic to be injured hey although you can only have one of these spots we have to go there so they won't die i mean we might we might survive maybe i think it's gonna kind of come down to this we need to do a six guys so one two three four five six so let's roll for him a five he's moving into charge okay five of these guys uh two is grenade three fours move oh and one more five here that's a hit oh gosh that's a bunch of hits and then one move one nothing and then down here a hit and three moves so let's do this one thing at a time are there at least two grenades yes which means this goes down one which means we draw one tile from the hitbag that's another artillery don't care don't care because we didn't get to all six which means extra ones are basically worthless okay then hits we've got four people being hit so just this guy gets injured and we ignore the rest okay and they are also doing pretty well all right and then finally movement this guy's charging i have to see what happens when they charge and nobody's there they move up to there he moves up to here they move up okay only one charged for each charge one guy goes straight to the morgue from the tired area by the current tie breaker that'll be one of my two blue guys so crowd i do have three people in the morgue which means i'm definitely gonna get at least one surrender yes i gotta figure out something all right so that's happening um i can actually afford to take some minus morale so i'm gonna go and do that for one oh wait no i can't no i can't because i forgot that um wait who was here crud i think it was like that i forgot i'm gonna lose when we're out for each person in the morgue so i don't wanna let my health drop any more than i have to all right all right um i don't really care about filling the defensive positions i can't shoot anybody i think the only thing i can really do is inspire my morale up and then just try to like treat somebody out of the beds yeah okay so morale up from my bleeder um he'll move this guy up then all three of these guys go down these guys all go up uh he goes over there and then that means i should be able to move one of them over so okay and now let's see what happens with morale i think this is where i die um all right so it is a red day down one we are out of supplies down one uh there are defenders in the waiting area down one there are guys in the red area that's one defender per defender in the more gets three so i think i'm losing six people well that's everybody i have left so i definitely do not get the last thing because i wanted to take two more hits from not being able to place patrols um and i would not have had nearly six people left to uh defend but let's see what the card would have been i don't know why there's a snow on there isn't this drawn at the end of the game draw a feature three towels from the hit bag oh my god and then you got to resolve all this again oh my gosh all right so yeah i was not even close to winning but that's how the game goes so what are my thoughts on halls of hegra so let's kind of go through uh elements in the order they happen in the turn event cards i think these are pretty good they tend to have a pretty nice variety in the effects so they can like kind of challenge you in different ways as you play and give you different tactical puzzles each turn and i think the movement through like the different phases and what you're doing is really cool kind of like the feeling of the siege changing like desperately trying to get supplies and then holding out as long as you can now like a lot of these uh historically based war games where they are trying to like historically show what happened this is a criticism i have or not a criticism just a observation about like david thompson's uh valiant defenders games is that the game will always like kind of follow a similar track like you always have mobilization then you always have attack then you always have siege that makes sense but i do appreciate that's like one reason i like donovan's heads uh so much because that in its a historical zombie attack mode does let the game kind of spread its wings and do more random stuff but still this is great i think the movement and like the desperation that the events and the changing like field of battle do is great next looking at recruiting soldiers and your resource management i think the use of supplies to get them back and the dwindling supplies you saw how like at the end i could barely even like field anybody and i'd like tick down my own morale and bring myself closer to despair and defeats to win i think that's incredibly tense really excellent mechanic there it also means that you're usually never overwhelmed with like 50 actions to do so materials tend to go fast because you just don't usually have enough supplies to get that kind of stuff out i'm more mixed on the bag for the recruitment pools just because there is the possibility that you will draw orange doubt tokens like over and over again you could theoretically it's it's you know probabilistically possible to get a single defender every turn or to get like four or more defenders now having it's way more defenders isn't necessarily going to help you that much because as you saw supply is such a limiting factor but since you need a certain number of defenders to hold out at the end when the siege is being checked i still think uh the swinginess of this is not my favorite like personally i would prefer if the doubt token that ended your turn like came out maybe i don't know uh just something to like kind of not have you get into a deeper and deeper hole with doubt but uh the tension of the bag pulled and when to push your luck is cool when it happens you saw in my game i think there were maybe like two times where i didn't just get a doubt token was forced to stop so it doesn't even like necessarily come up that much in my plays so yeah this is this is a part of the game maybe i'm the most mixed on right now but others i think might like it uh the movement on the board and like the weather it doesn't necessarily matter that much but when it does it matters hugely like your supply runs trying to take out their artillery i think it's a cool like semi-abstracted tactical map movement it's simple it's quick it's not hard to understand but it still gives you more of like a visceral feel of sending your people out to try to confront the germans as for the action assignment i like it it's a little bit like robinson crusoe except not having those dice that i hate that uh make your action uh sometimes almost entirely wasted see i think the assignment of people here is really interesting i feel like all the actions are pretty much all the actions are valuable i can't say that they're like equally valuable and that i use all of them every game but like it is cool to shovel out the snow and get really super powerful bonus actions or free resources it is uh cool like i've never done promotion but maybe i should more because you saw that like blue guys aren't very useful when they're fighting so like there are some actions that i use less but i won't make a judgment call yet about the balance of them i think they're probably all useful in certain situations and then like the tension of fighting these guys off as they're coming toward you desperately trying to use your machine gun and your artillery and your shooters and having them just like charging and kill your guys i think all of that uh works really great i think it's very exciting and again very abstracted just like the board just like the map but abstracted in a way that focuses on the tension and the excitement and the choices without like a lot of fiddliness uh the infirmary is neat this again reminds me a lot of dawn of zeds i loved it there too where like space is filling up and eventually people just have to die because you can't help them the morale choices are super interesting of taking the chance of doing these cards sometimes and you know when you want to fight for high morale and you saw like letting it get too low is just devastating yeah i think this one is uh pretty cool again i sort of compare it a little bit to robinson crusoe and a little bit to the valiant defender series i think it has like some dna and some similar feel to both of those like just the desperation as you uh slowly are winnowed down and trying to survive by the skin of your teeth if you like either of those or you like kind of desperate survivor solo games in general i think this could be a big hit so yeah go check out the crowdfunding page it's either live or going live soon but there should be a link to the crowdfunding page in the video description thanks for watching everybody good gaming and i'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 7,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, halls of hegra, war, wargame, kickstarter, solo
Id: 4rCW8gTQPI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 58sec (3898 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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