Unsettled | Wenora | Task A | Playthrough | With Colin

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we are scientists engineers and statisticians explorers dreamers a crew that became a family and as of this moment victims of totally unwarranted wormhole aggression the wormhole opens before us around us with us without warning one minute standard research vessel's existence the next a kaleidoscopic death tunnel of prismatic energy and destruction an infinite expanse of darkness light euphoria and pain condensed into an instant then giving way to a deafness stillness dim emergency lights flickering to life emitted groaning bulkheads and sweating metal most of the crew including the captain are dead and critical systems are critically damaged scans show us to be in uncharted space with no point of reference on any horizon we are tasked with studying the fringes of the universe those fringes just got fringier so in a way we're super over achieving together with only science and our faith in each other we must survive whatever it is we discover out here we are lost utterly beyond help but whether we're beyond hope is up to us hello everyone and welcome to the one-stop co-op shop this is colin and today we are going to start a play-through of unsettled this game is a series of survival puzzles set in a bizarre and wondrous depths of the cosmos i love how they say that essentially it's going to be a survival game which we are likely not going to survive but it's going to be fun trying now what i'm going to do is this is a little bit of a spoilery playthrough for task a on this first planet but each planet has three tasks there's two in the base box and you can buy four more of the planets there's six planets total each with three tasks and i felt like it'd be nice to actually see how this works because the rulebook actually is quite good but sometimes it's hard to conceptualize how things are working and i thought i'd show it here also jplay did a phenomenal playthrough of this you can check out his video as well i'll put it in the description below i was fortunate enough to pick this game up second hand and i already have painted binnies look at this this is luna luna is gonna be one of our best friends she's gonna go out and scan for us find lots of different things that we can uh try and collect and she can help us potentially explore so we don't have negative effects you can play this game between two and four players so i'm going to be doing a two-player solo version controlling two astronauts let's go ahead and jump into setup and then we'll start our playthrough this game reminds me a lot of time stories in that you have a base part of the game that you're going to use every time you play but then you're going to have different modules but here there are planets that you're going to plug into that to play your game so for our playthrough we're going to do task a of winora so this is the first planet that they suggest you go and explore and we're going to do task a there's three tasks per planet you can see here this one has the least challenge on it now that doesn't mean that the scenario is easy it just means that it deviates from the basic rules the least so that's what they recommend you start with because it'll get you familiar with the rules each planet will have their own rules that will modify the base game rules and will come in this little pamphlet you'll also get a little flavor text about the planet so let's read that here when we left earth in search of a bizarre wondrous new worlds this is exactly what we imagined the circumstances are a bit more catastrophically on the verge of death than anticipated but on the face of uncertainty is the essence of exploration strange gargantuan fungal formations tower above us swarming with alien creatures and dripping with bright liquids surfaces are covered in a mysterious powdery substance the air is thick almost gelatinous and there's an uncomfortable abundance of toxic looking tendrils and suction cups it couldn't be more alien it took almost an hour of low orbit scanning just to find a place to land so dense as the fungal vegetation with a world this full it's impossible to imagine we won't find the things we need to survive whether those things kill us is another question entirely let's go touch some stuff the main rule you need to know for this planet is the toxic spore clouds so toxic spores cover the surface of the planet your movements will agitate them and stir up nasty fungal clouds so when an explorer leaves a node so a node is any of the exploration tiles that we have on the table except for our ship's tile it's not considered a node but it's adjacent to it so when we leave our ship we're not going to have to worry about placing or having spore clouds outside of that though we will so it states here when an explorer leaves a node add a spore cloud it's going to be a black marker to the node they just left when an explorer starts their turn if there's a spore cloud in their node they'll gain one distress you can imagine distress isn't good we'll see how that works as we play now i'm just going to tell you right now the stuff that's on the board is not in the exact correct place if you follow the rules and that's just because of recording we'll still talk about what needs to go into these locations but just know that they'll be moving around for the play through so i can get most of the important things in the shots so what we have here is a resource board our resource board has data it has materials and it has charge powers it also has those black tokens that we're going to use to be our spore clouds so i have all of these set up these are in supply if we ever gain them they'll go into here so we'll gain data here materials here when we charge up our power we'll go to the positive side all these resources are owned by the group so if i collect data it'll go here and anyone can use it right below this board you normally place planet specific cards and your environment cards which are these tiles now i've already set up the board for our specific task so we have no environment cards here and our planet specific uh cards are just these hallucin hallucination cards i just have them off to the side for recording purposes i've made sure to shuffle them up and we're ready to go here we have our breakthrough board so whenever we have a breakthrough and we gain comprehension we're going to take one of these comprehension tokens there's one for each different type we have robotics breakthroughs chemistry breakthroughs and engineering breakthroughs we also have three uh buildings that we can make these are the research hut the laboratory and the workshop luna also starts with a specific ability and we have here soothing robotic voice we'll see how that works in the play through if you have any specific tokens for your uh planet that you're playing which we do i've placed over here there's also a big one over here that doesn't fit you also have cards from your planet that you're gonna place here these are all of your breakthrough cards and they're going to match in color you have an anomaly deck which we've just shuffled up and then we have our distress cards now you're going to grab distress cards equal to the amount of players and then multiply it by three so i have six of these cards that's important because if ever this runs out then when we're supposed to grab a distress uh card something else will happen and of course that something else is every explorer loses one endurance i'm gonna tell you that's really bad so hopefully we don't run out of this deck here we have one of my favorite boards the moment board so up top we have our 12 specific discovery tokens that's specific to this planet you also have your moment tokens are these huge tokens here that whenever you do an exploration on a specific space you're going to place that in that location so you know where that opportunity exists you have these tokens here which are your investigated tokens you can only ever explore each tile once so when you explore you place it there to remind yourself you can't explore there again and then you have your opportunity cards and that's specific to your planet as well you'll take that shuffle it up and split it evenly as you can between the two piles because whenever you do that explore action you'll grab from one of these flip the card over leave it here and then place this on the tile that you're at it's a really nice way of being able to put things on tiles without interrupting the space next we have our time and trust board this is a very important board every time you do an action that has one of these symbols your time is going to take up as a group and every time this goes around the track everyone loses one endurance and that's the main way you're gonna lose the game you also have trust you need to trust each other while you're out here in space you start off in the white space which is the high trust then you can go to the low trust and then if ever you go lower than that what's going to happen is you have to have two different dice be it decreased in focus by one and you'll see how that works in the play through conversely if you ever go up and you can't go up anymore you're going to distribute to positive focus so people can increase their dice by one two different people also down here you would have your task all set up once again since i'm doing recording i'm going to do it somewhere else but you would normally have your eight or i should say it's only four cards but it's double sided little booklet for your tasks you would have it right here speaking of which let's take a look at our task a we have early onset i love the flavor text in this game you can see here it's a one of eight so you want to make sure to have all these in order from one to eight and if we can complete everything that's on this that's how we're going to win the game the trauma of the wormhole event might be getting to us the loss of most of the crew critical damage to critical systems and the really real reality that we're unlikely to ever see any of our loved ones again yeah it's the little things that add up so we're shaking our energy is low and no one has really been eating which in some ways has worked to our advantage as our food stores are lacking yeah we're not saying we recommend catastrophic banishment beyond the edge of existence as a diet plan but we're not not recommending it either it's working for us so far but soon the food thing is going to become a problem fortuitously the long-range scanners uncovered this fungal jungle planet absolutely seething with bizarre organisms and as scientists if there's one thing we know about organisms it's that they're often tasty much terribleness has transpired but none of that can be undone we still through luck fate or providence have this ship and each other and that's going to have to be enough it will be enough and if it's not we have luna so we're set let's go get some grub here we have page two of our task we've already done our setup the one thing i didn't mention is that we've only we're only using one of the swampy quagmire cards all the rest of them are out on the board so that is something to note that all three tasks are going to use the same environment cards but you're going to have different objectives and all of that from what i understand i will say this is the only scenario i've played so i can't tell you what everything else is like at least not yet i'm excited to get to more that's how much i'm enjoying this we'll have the crew and luna start at the scarab so we're all starting at the ship here we can see what our first objective is you'll always be able to see what it is down here and then you've got some flavor text to explain it it's fungal out there first impressions sticky follow-up impressions about the same we need to deploy our mobile sign structures if there's to be any hope of us doing anything at all efficiently down there so in order for us to progress through our task we need to construct the laboratory the research hut and the workshop on open build sites and what that means is we have to find locations where we can actually build them and then we either have to have the correct comprehension to build them or just spend additional time to build them out on the board and you'll see that as we play once we complete this we can advance by flipping this card let's now take a look at our two explorer boards this here is sophie that's what i'm going to name her we've placed a token here to denote what we look like doesn't really matter sometimes you might need to place that somewhere on the board i haven't really seen it but what's important is you just grab one you put it here it's that's all you need to do our endurance if we get down to here we're unconscious that's how we're going to lose if both of us are unconscious we're done over here we have set our insight now we can set this die to any side that we want and it's going to determine where we're trying to gain our comprehension i want robotic comprehension right off the get-go because i love upgrading luna so i have her on the blue side every time we can level this up we're going to move it up and then just like the time thing once we get over the edge we can flip it back over here change to a different symbol and then we gain a comprehension and a breakthrough card of that specific type kind of cool i love it that's how you level up in this game and all of those breakthrough cards give you free actions and those free actions can be used on anybody's turn and it creates this cooperation that is wonderful one of the best i've had in games in a long time over here we have all of our actions that we can take i'm not going to explain all of them but essentially what you do is you're going to be taking your focus dice and placing them and then depending upon where the arrow is you're going to pip them up or down on your focus and you always have to know that one of your dice or they call them cubes because you don't generally roll these has to be placed in the rest space and you can see down here that has that time symbol so every turn the time is ticking this is a puzzle and it is an efficiency puzzle so when you play it expect not to win right away maybe not that first time you're going to learn a little bit about the area because you're not going to know the most efficient way to do it and i will say at least from what i've seen i don't think that there's only one way that you can complete these puzzles but you do have to be efficient you you can't be inefficient speaking of which you'll want to grab three cubes for each of your players and yes i call them cubes not dice because generally they're not rolled you have an awareness cube that's blue a wonder cube that's green an energy cube that's orange or just red you're going to start each one with the two pip face up and these are going to tick up and down every time that you use them these two sides aren't used for anything other than to remind you which die type they are so i'm gonna start everyone at the two pip for our play through here finally we get to choose a personality trait this is also really cool so each player randomly draws two of these so i've drawn two here for sophie and you want to choose one of them and they're going to modify one of your actions on your board however when the truss goes to the black low truss side you actually flip it over and they get a different ability so i have either harmonist or i have skeptic you can see on this skeptic here when you place a focus you're actually not going to increase or decrease the die which is great and you can gain one of any of these three things so you can gain one data you can power one of the power tokens up or you can get some materials conversely on the other side you can when you do an investigate pursue an opportunity on your node then you can actually increase your insight i'm kind of leaning towards that one this harmonist will cover up the recover action which actually isn't too bad either and it says if another explorer is in your node you actually have to spend a time but you can go here and power up one of your focus tokens normally when you do that with the recover action it actually decreases trust but this is going to cover it up so that won't happen oh that's kind of cool and then harmonist on this side you would flip it and cover your support spot and it says distribute among local explorers you can actually remove to distress and push up trust oh man actually i mean this is cool but this this is cooler i mean i actually think from a cooperation standpoint i like this one better so i'm going to choose harmonist for this time that means i'll replace this basic recover action and put harmonist here instead and remember if ever we go to the black trust we'll flip it over and then that will cover up the support spot so kind of cool how that works our second astronaut is going to be chad hey chad chad is going to work on engineering for his first insight if he can and just like sophie he has his three uh cubes here of focus all set at the twos his two options are empath here so whenever he does the theorized action he move up his insight and then for each of your distress also gain one increase in your focus that's kind of cool and then over here we have it would block or cover his support move a distress from another local explorer to yourself that would increase trust and move over yeah the um distress well that's kind of cool uh over here oh and by the way it would increase his focus of that die that he uses over here we have intellectual this is his rest action if he rests oh that's so cool if he rests with his awareness die he'll actually gain one insight and then of course there's the um still spending time and then over here for the recover action oh he'd only recover a dime by two it would push down trust but he would also gain two insight nah nah let's i think we're gonna do this one i like this one that'll cover this space on his board we also have two eight-sided dice we'll use during the game to generate either data or materials and we'll use luna and her scanning abilities to do that so here we can see the main actions and then all the free actions i'm not going to go through all of those right now the big thing to note is our main actions so what we can do on our term we get one free move with the potential of doing another move if we use our actions on our board we set three of our focus dice or cubes and we have to do that that's mandatory and one of them has to be a rest so really you get two actions a turn you also can move luna luna also can move at a base of one but that can change and then you can have luna scan her node so that would mean we can roll one of these two dice and generate those resources on the node then we can go there later and try and pick them up here we have the primary iconography for the game it's actually really straightforward it looks overwhelming at first but it's simple these are trust arrow up it's going to go up arrow down it's going to go down endurance same thing up and down gaining distress you'll see a positive sign losing distress you'll get a minus sign i didn't talk about how distress works when you gain a distress you're going to draw a card from it and then you have to cover up one of your action slots on your board for all the different resources we have there's either a plus or a minus that tells you if you gain or lose one of those over here this tells you if you increase or decrease focus remember focus is the pips on here the pips only matter because if ever you get to the zero spot which looks like this you can still use this focus cube but when you do you have to spend time for whatever you're doing heck if i put that in the rest space it would bump up to a one but since i put it in at the time space and resting takes the time i'd spend two time for that so that's what the focus is used for over here we have our resource scan that's rolling our dice if there's an x it's impassable that's telling you that the time passes ignore time if ever you see that symbol that means you're going to increase your insight in whatever uh type of comprehension you're going for and then finally these symbols tell you okay blue is awareness green is wonder and red is energy with that i think we're ready to just start let's just start playing and i'll teach you as we go why don't we go ahead and start off with sophie we know what our goal is we're trying to find places where we can build our three of buildings we're going to start off with luna we can always move luna even if she's not on her space so i'm gonna have her move one space to here so by doing that we'll flip this over here we have the crystalline forest and how cool does this look now luna is going to move on to this space and you can see here there's no node edge specific symbols so because of that and because it was luna nothing happened if luna had moved from here to let's say this tile she would not have to have this effect happen to her but if we did we would have to move time by one but we also increase our insight by one so sometimes we actually want to go certain ways but the nice thing with exploring with luna is if there's something bad here we would know what it is now i'll just tell you for this first tile it didn't even matter because this is the only tile we can go to you can only move orthogonal in this game you can also see here that on this tile we can build one of our structures here sweet so what i think i'm going to do we're going to use our first move action for sophie and she's going to move to here her movement is one so she's done with her movement now she could use the action on her board to move a second time but i think we're going to just start off right off the get-go and start working on this objective before we build a structure i think we're going to do our investigate action i like to see what we can find on these tiles so i'm going to use our wonder die you can see here there's a wonder benefit since we're using a wonder die so i'm going to put it here and then track it down or tip it down to the one focus because we used our wonder die we also get to increase our insight by one i could have used any of our focus dice for that but if i use these two that ability would not take place the effect of doing the investigate action is we can now pursue an opportunity on our node we can choose either opportunity we'd like to do let's go ahead and choose this left one we'll flip it over we're also going to place this on the tile that we're on as well as one of these explored tokens to say we've already done and investigate here we can't investigate at this space again well you know what we found a winged fungal beam you come upon a fungal creature at rest on a waxy pedestal when you step forward spiked vines erupt violently from the ground crashing together to form a vicious spherical cage around it then another such vine skewers you in the chest you begin to float away as the pedestal fades from view you see the vines retract immediately each local explorer and that would be anyone that's on this tile so that would be sophie each local explorer must place themselves on an adjacent revealed node okay so there are no adjacent revealed nodes so i'm going to say she has to move back to the scarab which stinks because when we move off of that node we're going to have to place a fungal spore over here we can see we can do an action must be present would be luna as long as luna is present we can place one of our focus here and we have a non-organic extraction we would gain this winged fungus which would gain us also an anomaly which is a one-time strong effect then we don't know what it is but we'll draw to find out and we gain it to insight however right now sophie is going to increase her insight by one so she'll move up to here and then we're going to push her back to the scarab well that was really nice i had a plan and of course that didn't work so well so we've been pushed back here and now we're going to have to put a spore here remember if you start your turn on a location that has a spore you're going to gain a distress and that's going to block one of your action spaces also something with this scenario is if you gain two stress distress or more you also have to draw a hallucination card yeah those are kind of interesting we'll just put it that way they sometimes can be good sometimes can be bad now what i'd love to do is that non-organic extraction because we would gain an anomaly and we have luna right here however you can never interact with an in the moment uh opportunity unless you're on the node itself and we're most certainly not on that node so that's not going to happen i think the next thing we're going to do is scan with luna now you can scan for either data or materials if there's already data sitting out here you can't scan for data if there's materials already out on that tile you can't scan for materials i'm going to do data this time i'm going to roll this up and this tells us we're going to have two data that's sitting on this tile what we can do later is try and actually collect that data and then we can use it for different effects sophie's next focus action she's going to theorize this is going to pip down her awareness die by one but once again because she's using that awareness die she can increase her her insight by one if we used a different dime we wouldn't be able to do that effect we also have another explorer gains one insight this means chad over here will increase his insight by one finally we'll place our power die here in rest because we have to we'll actually tick it up so now it's at the three space but now we need to spend one time and then to show that you're done with your turn you'll reset all of your focus up on top of your player board let's move our time one space chad will be next to activate and you can see on his tile we do not have any spores so he does not gain a distress he's going to use his one free move to move here let's go ahead and take advantage of this opportunity here let's extract this non-organic bean we'll take this down to a one and we'll gain this winged fungus at the end of our turn we're also going to increase our insight by two that puts us only two away from gaining some engineering comprehension i don't particularly want to end my turn on this tile simply because i don't want to gain a distress if i don't have to so what i'm going to do is i'm going to have luna i'm going to have luna actually move this way i know that if i move this way i might have to spend some time but i can also increase my insight so let's see what's over here are you serious this is awesome we've already found a second build site the field of hover blossoms i love how this looks look at these things can you just imagine them what they would look like in real life floating around and you can see here there's no additional edge node effects so if we do move all we'll have to do is spend a time and we'll gain one insight since luna is here let's have her scan for some materials this time we get it too so we're going to place two materials down uh you know eventually i should pick this stuff up but we'll get there we'll then use our energy die here to traverse so we can move a second time it says move and or carry a local explorer one node so if only sophie was on that tile we could actually carry her with us since we used our energy we can pump pump up our insight which is nice and we can move one space i'm also then going to do this right now and pump this up to a 3 because i'm going to use it to rest so that was our awareness and then i'm going to recover all three of my focus cubes and we'll gain this and an anomaly and then discard this opportunity card let's go ahead and traverse so we're going to move to the field of hover blossoms that means we'll gain one insight but we have to spend another time with one more insight we'll actually gain a comprehension in engineering and then we'll pick uh let's see chemistry this time before i forget we'll take up our time two spaces one because of our move and two because of our rest we'll grab one engineering comprehension and slot that on our board that's important for later and we're going to draw a breakthrough in engineering card let's see what this is this will be a free action that we can use each turn and this is pretty dang cool we can spend one positive energy to make it negative to be able to attempt long-range node swap roll the blue die data die to determine your range you may swap places with luna if she's within that range limit once per turn whoa that's so cool so we could even do that when it's not our turn because remember that's a free action also because we completed that opportunity i get to draw an anomaly card this also is a one-time effect can be used at any time however what is important to note is you see this up here this means that we're now considered a fungal host so any card that has one of these gold bars up here and has words that gives us a you know where we've now become a host of some sort of fungal thing which is this winged fungus i guess there's no direct ability because of that but it might affect cards or things that we reveal it'll ask us are you a fungal host we are so this card says absorb pearlescence we can discard and we discard this card plus the thing that we just found that wing and fungus to remove one spore cloud from your node and or from an adjacent node so and we can do two of them however in order for us to actually use this we need to have some chemistry uh comprehension and right now no one has chemistry comprehension i'm working on it but i don't have it and when it says must be present what's cool about this game is even if i don't have engineering comprehension but i'm in a local space of another player that does it counts so especially if you're playing with multiple players that can be super helpful if you've got people that uh you know you can get them in the same space and even if they don't have this if it's in their space they can use this ability now you may have noticed when chad left this space i didn't place another one of these spore clouds and that's because you only need one in each space because they do the same thing you don't get multiples in a space and he hasn't left this tile so that's why we don't have one here sophie will activate next and she'll use her free move to move back to here we're also going to use luna's move and let's have luna move here and reveal this environment card and we have the bleeding clathrous grove look at this thing now once again we can ignore these edge node abilities because it's luna and you can see here when entering if you don't possess the fungal host you actually gain one of the distress cards so that means chad would actually be safe to move here but sophie right now would not sophie's going to go ahead and build a laboratory in her space she's going to use her awareness die to do this unfortunately though it's going to be ticked down to the time so next time we use that we're going to have to spend a time to use that die uh we either have to have some chemistry uh comprehension or we have to spend a time to build it i don't have chemistry as one of our comprehensions so i think i'm just going to build it by spending a time so we're spending one time to do this and we'll place this out at the end of the turn you don't get to place it out now because you need to leave the focus cube on there we're already almost done with our first time round on here i almost forgot with luna we definitely want to roll a die here and we have two data that we can place in this space that we could potentially mine if we ever get to doing that for our second focus we're going to use our energy die ticking it down but that does mean because we're using the energy die we can increase our insight by one and we can move one space i don't want to end my turn here where there's these fungal spores so i'm going to go ahead and move here because there's no negative effect i have no idea if there's a negative effect here there is time but there's also insight which is great so we'll move on to here this is our anthozoic forest oh i love it we can also put a die here and you can see it says find respite so we can relax here and actually increase one of our focus dice by one by going here we'll increase our insight and advance the time moving time up one more space that means when we do our rest action we're already going to lose one endurance yeah i'm not doing so great right now at least this means that we'll gain some comprehension in robotics and i think i'm actually going to leave it in that ah ye no i don't know because we'll have one of each at this point what do i want maybe yeah let's do some more chemistry let's grab one of our robotic breakthroughs and we'll grab one of the comprehension tokens to remind ourselves let's see what our breakthrough is we can spend a data to deploy a mini tractor beam luna pulls an explorer from an adjacent node onto her node ignoring all node edge symbols that's what i'm talking about we'll end our turn by placing our wonder die here taking it up that will mean no unfortunately the time is going to pass and i'm just going to tick this down our other player chad also is down by one on endurance as they say time waits for no one we'll take all three focus cubes and put them back next to our player board but now we get to build our laboratory and our laboratory is going to be placed here and it has a special ability that we can all use for the rest of the game and what's great about it is we can use it from anywhere on the map itself we can spend one materials to increase the focus on any die you can imagine i'm probably going to want to do that for this awareness die for sophie otherwise we're just going to eat time like it's candy so let's move now to chad's turn chad is currently on a space with two materials that he could collect what he's going to do is do the unearth materials action and he's going to use his awareness or wonder die i should say that will take it down to the time symbol but because he's using the wonder die he actually will gain one extra of those tokens so normally you'd only gain one materials if you used a focused die he's gonna gain two and then he's immediately gonna use both of those to activate the laboratory and he's gonna take up this die by one as well as sophie's die by one here for her awareness die so that way we don't have too many of those time symbols showing he'll then use his awareness focus to build this workshop taking it down to a two now he needs to have engineering comprehension or he has to spend the time he has engineering comprehension so we don't have to worry about that we have what we need at the end of this turn we've already built our second structure his energy focus he's going to use to rest he'll power it up a little bit but he'll use one time we'll move our time marker one space but we're not done first of all we haven't even moved yet second of all we can also move and use luna as much as i don't love the idea of spending more time i do think i'm going to move off of the field of blossoms i'm going to move over here to the bleeding catheteris grove i am a fungal host so i don't have to worry about that effect but i'm going to increase my insight by two unfortunately another time has been spent that means we're already halfway through our second set of time to insight though is nothing to scoff at we're already almost having a comprehension in chemistry luna is in a space with data but she does not have any materials there so we're going to have her scan for that one materials i was hoping for more than that oh well we have one materials here we'll have to spend the time to pick it up before she can find more and then we'll go ahead and have her move to this tile whoa this is the necrotrophic floating jellies it has good note edges so we should be able to move here no problem you can actually go here to remove all your distress now we've done a good job of avoiding it so far that probably won't happen forever but so that's good to know that we have that however you have to decrease your focus by two in order to do that we'll recover our three focus cubes and now we have our workshop what we can do with our workshop is from anywhere on the board we can propel luna we can spend one power to mover one space moving to sophie's turn let's go ahead and investigate our space taking this down to a one for our awareness die and increasing our insight by one because that's the die that we're using we'll grab one of the explored tokens as well as the in the moment token to show which tile this is happening and let's draw from that right side this time and we have mucologinius sponges oh my gosh what a name we'll put the sponge trumpets here without warning as far as you can see it thick spongy polyps push up through the soil in mere moments they grow to a meter in height and then burst spilling a syrupy mucus that bubbles as it quickly absorbs into the ground they are within easy reach should you feel inclined to touch which of course you do amelia if abel we're going to power up two power tokens nice what we can do with power tokens is we can use our breakthrough ability from chad but we can also use our laboratory to move luna around more since this opportunity did not push us out of our tile we can actually deal with it now and we're going to use our energy die we'll take it down to one focus but that means we can increase our insight by one two three and we're going to gain this and an anomaly at the end of our turn increasing our insight by three one two three means we're only one away from leveling it up we'll then have to spend our third action here resting and powering this up and increasing our time by one we'll move this up one space and i think we're just going to do some luna actions and then call it for sophia's turn we're going to have luna find some more materials how about just one because i seem to be terrible at rolling that die and then we'll have her explore this tile that's next to sophie and oh beautiful we found another build site this is the monolithic spore pillars look at this art i just i absolutely love it i can't get enough of it i i think they did a great job of kind of showing you what this planet looks like in my mind we'll recover all three of our focus cubes and move to chad's turn of course not before we draw an anomaly card and we have here we have rare polymers now you need to have engineering in your space in order to use this close eyes and detonate you'd have to discard it and decrease a focus by one but then you can charge the power to maximum whoa that's kind of cool so we'll put that with the sponge trumpets and i should mention that if ever you're in the same space as another one of our explorers you can trade any of these items the only thing you can't trade is your personality traits and of course your comprehension for chad's turn we'll first scan with luna oh my gosh finally three materials from there let's have luna skin this way since i don't really want to go this way because of the time okay what do we have another build site we have glowing lichen caves look at that art okay that place i don't think we're gonna need to go to because i already have a plan of where i want to place my final build site what i probably should be doing is gathering some of these materials or analyzing some data but instead i'm going to go ahead and investigate because you know that's what i like to do we'll use our wonder focus die to do this so we can also power up our insight but i need to make sure that i can get that off of that time symbol otherwise the next time i place that i'm going to be wasting time we found a temporal spore cloud a spore cloud envelops you and your mind is pulled in thousands of directions at once you are everywhere and nowhere popping from one environment to another before returning to your body and collapsing to the ground where you lay dazed coming to you believe you could re-enter the cloud and grab something with potential the active explorer immediately can increase their focus by one on two different dice that is what i'm talking about we'll pop this back up to a one and this up to a three i think chad without a doubt will nose dive right back into the spore cloud he's going to use his awareness focus going down to a 2. collect this mice my myo micrograstia ball that's awesome and increase his insight by two which is also going to be just enough to gain another comprehension we'll gain some chemistry comprehension and i think it's time for us to go to data we'll grab one of the comprehension tokens the max amount of comprehension you can have is four you can always gain a fifth and then choose which one you want to discard but that also means that you can gain a fifth breakthrough but then you have to discard one so the max you can have is four let's grab one of these and at the end of our turn we'll get to see what this anomaly is we have vacuum up fine particles we can discard this and all explorers within one node can remove one distress card we have been able to avoid distress cards so far but that won't last forever we also have drink wreaking sludge either you gain three increases in your focus or another local explorer gains to insight wow that's amazing and it's limit once per turn and it only costs us one materials we need to get some materials i need to start working on that that final action we have to do is our rest we're gonna take up our time i'm also gonna grab all three of my focus dice back we've got a three two and a one and time will tick away all right now back to sophie's turn first thing that sophie or sophia because i seem to call her either one is going to do her free move she's going to move to here oh wait before we do sofia's turn or sophie's turn i am going to move i think i'm going to move one space to here because we do get one free move for chad okay now we're going to go to sophie's turn sophie is also going to move right off the get-go she's going to move over to the monolithic spore pillars and then she's going to build the final structure we have a comprehension in robotics so because of that this will not cost time we could use any of our focus dice i'm just ending up using my awareness diet to build it we'll put it out at the end of the turn and then we'll progress to the next part of our task the next action we're going to take is unearth some of these materials this is going to get ticked down to here but since we're using our wonder die we gain two of these and i think we've got to use them right away i don't want to but i'm going to i'm going to use well i'm going to use at least one using that laboratory to take this back up to a 1. and i think actually for right now we'll leave it like that since we can always do it as a free action any other time i almost forgot with that move we had an edge node that would let us increase our insight by one so we're going to do that and we're going to move to engineering but we gain one chemistry breakthrough and one chemistry comprehension we'll grab our chemistry breakthrough and a comprehension token we have ingest pearlescent slurry i love the names an explorer currently within one node may ignore time symbols on node edges for the remainder of this turn once per term once again we need materials we need so many materials our third die of course we will have to use a rest increasing the focus by one but using some time the next time that we spend is going to hit our endurance a second time let's then activate luna let's have her move to this tile and we have another build site this one's called viscous egg pools oh that looks cool we'll have her scan she finds of course one material sophie will bring her three up focus cubes back and now we also get to build our third and final structure the research hut we can now spend one data anywhere on the board to increase insight by one for anyone so awesome and yet how much data do i have zero we have though completed our objective let's flip our card we have rumble in the fungal so a massive embryonic sac has spawned in a nearby swamp which you know good for it help yourself sack except now it's churning out crawly tentacled creatures we're not sure we like that however luna determines that the tiny tentacled creatures feed on toxic protozoans within this four clouds which is great because those are becoming a problem also the tentacles are very very sticky which seems pretty on brand for this place place the cephalopod nest token on the swampy quagmire node then stack all 11 tentacle tokens in a grotesque heap on top tiny tentacles feed on spore clouds we would like there to be less spore clouds so our suit's filtration system doesn't fail it's a good thing we're scientists and can connect these dots when an explorer leaves the node adjacent to the cephalopod nest by any means a tiny tentacle sticks to them place a tiny tentacle in their inventory when an explorer with a tiny tentacle enters a node with a spore cloud this part is actually uh faq'd you do not gain a distress when you enter it it's only if you start okay but then it says if you do enter a node with any of the spore clouds and you have a tiny tentacle replace the black spore cloud marker with the tiny tentacle token place the remove spore cloud marker onto a box of this card you can see we need to have four spore clouds cannot spawn on nodes containing tiny tentacles because they're going to eat them we must deliver tiny tentacles to four spore clouds to consume them when consumed move the spore cloud marker here we have our nice looking sac right here with all of our tentacle tokens who right here we need to get to this tile move away from it when we move away from this tile we'll actually claim one of these and then move to a place that has one of these black spore tokens fungus spore tokens and we can remove them we need to remove four of them to complete this objective shouldn't be terrible it's chad's turn now the first thing i think we're going to do is move luna we're going to move luna over to this tile we have here an electromagnetic polypore maze when entering this place if you possess rare polymers which i don't think he does no you know who does sophie does so if sophie enters here she'll get two charges that's kind of cool let's roll again for some materials i can't see that but that is a two so at least we have two materials here and i might have an idea let's try to attempt a long range node swap roll the blue data die to determine your range you may swap places with luna if she's within that range in order to do that though we have to use one power and remember we can only do that once a turn we're looking for a two or a three for data oh my gosh that's a three because we are two spaces away so we can swap with luna now i'd still think that we would place one of these spore tokens here that would be my guess then because i am standing here where there are two materials let's do that on earth action we're going to use our wonder die and it's gonna go down to the time symbol that's okay we now have three of these and i have a plan but let me finish my turn first i'm then going to move my one space for free and move here grabbing one of these tentacles and pointing it on to my board from there i'll use my energy die and i'm going to move one additional space and because i'm using my energy die i will increase my insight by one i'm also going to be able to increase my insight by a second one because of an edge node which you'll see in a second moving to this space will allow me to drop our first tentacle here and it's gonna eat up that fungus that's among us that's our first one out of four then i'm gonna use one of the three materials that i have to drink some reeking sludge i'm going to gain three increases to my focus so all three of my dice are going to be increased by one the only bad part is is that my awareness which i have to rest with is now at max but i will totally take that the most important die is this one right here and then finally i have to rest which is going to hit both of our endurances i'm going to knock them both down by one and i need to remember that i moved out of a space and i didn't put a spore cloud there we'll have to place a spore cloud in this location which means that sophie is going to take a distress right at the beginning of her turn nothing that i can do about it the nice thing is is we've got another spore cloud that we can have these tentacles eat up so i'm okay with that and i finally get to show you distress because we spent that one time and that's why we decreased our endurance i've moved our time marker back over okay that's going to end our turn and now thanks to chad we're going to gain our first distress card for sophie now i'm assuming with many of the other planets these distress cards might have different abilities all the distressed cards for this planet are the same you become infected first thing that's gonna happen is trust is gonna go down by one the moment you have two or more distress draw a hallucination card also what's important to know is that at any time you can decrease your focus on one of your dice by one to move this around on your player board because you're going to see this is going to cover up a space on my board theorize hasn't been used much so i'm just going to place this here to block that so now we can't go there let's now decrease our trust since we don't trust chad as much we'll move to the low trust space thanks chad for the fungus because we now have low trust between the group i'm gonna flip over our personalities and now we become a harmonist we have the support ability that we can distribute among local explorers removing up to two of the uh distress cards and increasing our trust by one for chad since he wasn't really using empath anyways we're gonna put this in the support spot it says move a distress from another local explorer to yourself and increase trust wow we've got great ways to do trust and this increases focus cool you know chad was really terrible at showing where he actually messed around with the spores he moved out of this space so he should have a black token there as well so for sophia's turn the first thing she's going to do what do we want this no no no we don't we're just going to move we're going to leave it uh moving into here though because we found this what was this this is the sponge trumpets they are a rare polymer so we now have that scientific property and since we are having that scientific property of rare polymers we're going to be able to charge our power by 2 for entering that space which is definitely going to be helpful for some of our abilities let's then have luna go ahead and explore this environmental card whoa uh this one is the mike so gastria ball pit if you have rare polymers this also will increase our power by two oh man i should just hold on to that that's awesome but look it's got time time the only good thing about this way is we could increase our insight by two let's go ahead and roll for materials oh we also have two materials there now i could totally be doing data but i just like materials right now because i like the ability to increase my focus let's use our energy die here to traverse we'll tip it down to a one we'll increase our inside by one we'll be able to move which will give us a tentacle and with moving we'll drop that tentacle right here and remove our second fungal spore heck yeah two down two to go then i like investigating too much we're gonna do it as our second action we're using our wonder dice we're gonna increase our insight by one let's draw a card and see what we find we have an intra-dimensional gel sphere everything goes eerily silent as an enormous semi-opaque gelatinous fear rolls by viewing the landscape through the jellied substance you see things not otherwise present bizarre and beautiful vegetation visible at the center of the sphere that are not there before or after it rolls on if you time it just right you can reach into the sphere i love this i love this can you imagine it okay what we get to do is immediately increase one of our dice uh their focus yeah we're gonna definitely do our wonder die because it was at a zero we'll place our moment token as well as our explored token here as well our final focus die use is just resting tipping it up to a two that will increase our time by one we'll then gain all of our dice back we have one one and two for focus so not terrible but not great we'll move to chad chad's in a good space he has no fungal spores his first action he's definitely going to move one and now it's the question of oh and are there any yeah he will increase his uh sometimes it's hard to remember this he will increase his insight by one that's not bad too away from getting comprehension in robotics then i think it's time to drink some wreaking sludge however we're gonna do the bottom effect another local explorer gains two insight we'll discard one of those materials to do that and sophie is now one away from engineering comprehension our first focus die action is we're going to reach into the sphere we're going to grab this hover blossom and we're going to gain to insight that'll push us up over the edge and i think i'm going to stay on the data side and of course by data i mean robotics but i kind of want all of these robotic breakthroughs if i can it now seems we have a good reason to get some data look at this deploy robotic sidecar an explorer on luna's node may move wherever luna moves ignoring all node edge symbols this effect can begin or end mid move so if luna's moving multiple spaces you could drop drop that person off we'll then use our energy die here taking it down to a two but increasing our insight by one to traverse and then i'm gonna have to do this one for resting moving up to two we'll push up that time one space and i'm not entirely sure if this is worth it but i think i'm going to do it i'm going to move one space here and i can bring one other explorer with me now if i bring sophia she's going to take another distress she's going to get a hallucination card that's not great but a i kind of want to show it to you and b that means now though when it's her turn she can move away and immediately get a third one of these which i feel like might be worth it but we are going to take well first of all a focus hit because we're going down on our trust uh but yeah and i want to show you the hallucinations because they're kind of awesome oh wait we can be smart if we'd like to we have not moved luna so let's move luna here i definitely want to put some data in this space how about two data oh i was totally going to have luna move one of our explorers here's the problem how much data do i have zero because what have i been collecting materials ah darn wait wait wait i have an idea i'm going to go ahead and discard this fungal host card now i'm no longer going to be a fungal host which may or may not be a good thing i do have chemistry as a comprehension so i can do this remove one spore cloud from your node and or from an adjacent node i'm just gonna remove the one from our node uh because i want other ones close to us so we can turn them into those tentacles so i'll discard this it's a one time effect but that's gonna save sophia from taking another distress well and that actually worked out because our new anomaly is the exact same thing so we're a fungal host again and we got that with our hoover blossom that means for sophia's turn what she can do for her first action is she can analyze some data she's going to analyze both of these data she can do this by taking down her die from 2 to 1 here and since it is the awareness die she gets to do one extra data i also need to remember since we have rare polymers since she entered this tile she gets to do this effect so we get to power up two more of our charges and that's great because we can use those to move luna all around let's have sofia ingest some pearlescent slurry an explorer currently within one node may ignore time symbols on node edges for the remainder of this turn so we're giving up one materials i think we have two left and by two i mean one we only have one left but i'm planning on now using my one free move to move here i'm gonna gain two insight and no time loss plus i get to power up the last bit of charges that i need we'll gain that charge woohoo and with two insight we'll move one two and i think i'm going to stay on the engineering side i want to engineering comprehension we'll grab one of the comprehension tokens and will grab an engineering breakthrough we gained the discharge hormonal blast an explorer within one note of you may take a standard traverse action for free uh thanks i love that and you know what i think we're going to use that and the reason is is we're going to have to place another fungal spore right here now we should have had sophia gain one of these tentacles because she moved one space away but we're going to spend one charge so that our good friend here chad can also move one space away we're going to have him move over here that will mean he also will gain one of these tentacles we still have this here but now we can move back there to drop off the fourth tentacle if we need we had to discharge one of our power to do that ability we're then going to use our awareness die here taking it down to the time symbol to gain both materials that we have in our space we're then going to immediately use one of those materials to take this back up because we have our laboratory we're then going to use one of these data tokens to activate one of our other special abilities gosh i love this game this one's called deploy mini tractor beam luna pulls an explorer from an adjacent node onto her node ignoring all node edge symbols i'm a little sad about that part because i would love more insight but that's going to bring me back onto a tile with that that fungus that we can get rid of so here we are starting here moved off over to here helped our good friend chad to also move then we're having luna pull this back on that's also going to recharge our only power that we discharged from before so we're now back at full charge for luna and we're going to drop this tentacle token here and remove our third out of four of those spore clouds but we'll have to put a cloud here because we just left this tile we're then going to have some fun i think chad is going to activate deploy robotic sidecar this is our last data in explore on luna's node which right now is sophia and by the way it's sophia's turn sometimes it's hard to remember that may move whenever luna moves ignoring all node edge symbols this effect can begin or end mid move if my calculations are right which i believe they are luna has not moved yet so luna's gonna move here and we're gonna go ahead and have sophia be brought with well sophia just left this tile and she's gonna drop this token here and clear out the final fungal token yes all right let's move on with our task when all four boxes are filled discard the markers and advance we have welcome to the fungal so the first thing that's going to happen is we're going to increase our trust we'll move from black over to a high trust we're feeling good we're feeling good remember what that means our abilities are going to flip over and i'm sorry i haven't really been using them but they just haven't really been in the right spot it just happens good news the spore clouds appear to be under control thanks to those tiny tentacles other news tiny tentacles aren't really a thing anymore because the nest has matured into a teeming swarm of giant tentacled tears return all of the tiny tentacle tokens say that 10 times fast back to the nest they have now grown into giant tentacle tears that no longer feed on spore clouds and no longer have our respect oh great at the start of every single turn place a tentacle token on the node adjacent to the nest then move all tentacles not on the nest two spaces towards the nearest explorer in case of a tie they move towards the tide option who will be next or currently is active if a tentacle tear reaches an explorer it secretes its brain venom and explodes causing one distress to that explore return that token to the nest oh no we've got fungal games right enough of this it's time to get real about getting food and getting out obtain six materials from nodes using the unearth action placing them in the boxes below you may not use materials already in the stockpile really once the boxes are filled you may process them at the laboratory with the appropriate comprehensions present okay we all have that actually all three of us have all three comprehensions so where either one of us can do this when the focus cube is removed from the process edibles action and discard the materials in advance so we need six materials that means we need to get luna in places that she can do that materials uh search we need to grab it we need to bring it to the laboratory do that action and then go to card 8. well this isn't very nice of those tentacles we're going to have to be getting materials and we can't even use it to increase our focus on our dies however sophia's turn is not complete we can still move luna with using some of our energy and i think we're going to do that we're at least going to move one space you know if i think about it if we can move two spaces it might help us a little bit so i'm gonna move two spaces carrying along sofia over here that means we had to use two of our energy tokens or power tokens in order to do that and i'm gonna have to end my turn up placing my energy focus here resting going up to two i don't think i've done that if i have i'm sorry it's hard to remember with everything going on that means we'll move our time marker one space forward okay we're gonna start chad's turn and he's going to get his brain attacked by one of these tentacles the reason i say that is one will spawn here and then it's simply going to move into his space and it's going to cause him a distress i should also mention we needed to place a spore cloud back here because we moved out of this tile and there's no longer a tentacle there protecting us we know every distress card pushes down our trust by one we'll now flip all of our personality traits to the black side well we're for sure not going to be doing the recover action because that's going to hit our trust it pushes our trust down and we're not going to be doing that because that will just hurt our focus so i don't want that let's start off with luna let's simply have luna move here come on give me two or three oh beautiful that was a two i don't know if you saw that but we rolled a two for materials so i'm gonna put two here that means we're definitely going to move into this space and uh yeah the tentacles can still reach us there so i think i want to save a move first thing i know i want to do is go to unearth materials i'm going to push that down to a one and i'm going to collect those two unearthed materials and place them on it to my task so that's two out of six that i need then i'm going to use my vacuum and fine particles all explorers within one node which includes sofia are going to discard one of these distress cards thank you very much i think we're going to discard this card as well so that we can remove one uh fungal cloud from sofia's space otherwise she's going to start with the distress as well we'll remove that fungal cloud right here next i think i'm going to take that traverse action i'm going to power up my insight and i'm going to do my rest so i'm going to increase for our time as well i'm going to move myself right here that means i have to place a fungal cloud here and time of course is going to continue to tick we'll return our focus to end our turn that means one of these tentacles is going to come out moving two spaces one two trying to get closer to uh sophia it's sophia's turn and i think the first thing we're going to do and there's one thing i did forget to do i forgot to increase time and increase our insight because we moved from here to here so let me adjust that we're now one away from losing one more endurance but i'll take the inside why the heck not let's start off with luna trying to scan for some materials ah gets a three we'll place all three here that means we'll for sure move here for our one free movement increasing our insight by one i like that i'm not going to complain should we grab it two more materials why the heck not so we'll go here grabbing these two we're gonna put them on our task we only need two more and of course don't forget our fungal spore because it's very easy to forget that we're then gonna use our discharge hormonal blast an explorer within one node of you may take a standard traverse action for free we're using that third power not bad we're going to move ourselves over to this laboratory that's going to increase our insight but it's also going to hit our time hitting our time is going to hit our endurance we're both going to move down to where we only have two more endurance we'll move this inside up by one i still have a couple dice to use one is going to have to be this rest action so we'll go here and increase this by one and let's hit our time again don't we just love spending time i'm also going to spend one materials to increase this by one so we don't have to worry next time when we use that die that we're going to hit our time and for our final die it's not great but let's analyze some data because we're not using the correct die we're using our energy die we'll only gain one of the data in our space instead of two okay then we'll grab all of our focus dice back yeah two ones and a two not wonderful but not the end of the world at the start of chad's turn we have this tentacle moving to here a new tentacle will spawn here moving two spaces oh boy they're closing in and unfortunately we're now starting where there's a fungal uh spore so that's going to give us one of these distress and because our trust is already down at black we are going to have a negative effect happen whenever you can't move trust back you'll hit this and we have to decrease focus on two different dice anyone it can be any of the players sophie will decrease her awareness and so will chad let's start with luna let's have luna move into this space and come on we just need two two materials oh my gosh that's a two so we'll place two materials there this is great first thing that i'm going to do is use the materials we have here to gain three focus so i'm going to increase the pips of each one of my dice but that means we don't have this materials anymore now though we can use our wonder die here going back down to a one to get our last two needed materials we're then going to process these edibles so we can eat them taking this uh what is this our awareness die down to a two we ate all of these materials yum yum yum yum yum thank you luna for scanning for them and then it says when this focus cube is removed from this we get to draw or reveal the final card which is our final objective now this is where the advantage of playing this scenario before really helped me you're going to see i made a lot of optimal choices because i knew what was coming up and this is one of them what we're going to do now is use this discharge hormonal blast an explorer within one node of you may take a standard traverse action for free we're going to spend one of these we know what our final objective is going to be and that's going to be to get to the scarab so we are going to have chad move here then we're going to spend another energy so that we can move luna one space and she's going to move here then what we're going to do is use our final data that we have here and luna is going to pull an explorer from an adjacent node onto her node ignoring all node edge symbols so that means we can pull sophia onto the ship yeah so knowing to place the laboratory right here right close to the ship was because i've played the scenario before you would not know that the first time that you played and it could be a lot harder for you to do this we'll place our final focus die here increasing it up to a three we would need to use time but i'm not even going to worry about it because we have just won the game a farewell to many arms all things considered what with us still being alive and all this could have gone worse not stickier couldn't have been stickier but it could have been worse that said it's probably time we try our hand at being alive somewhere else the tentacle tears continue each turn spawn one and move two spaces get the crew luna and all explorers onto the scarab as soon as the crew is aboard congratulations you've survived yeah so about this food we're not really hungry we uh survived for now so there you have it that was unsettled well i'm actually really bummed i didn't even get to show you any hallucinations but you know what you can explore that on your own when you get to play it uh i've never had a playthrough go that well really uh i when i played this for my practice play i got annihilated right when these things started spawning my laboratory was here yeah so you can see how having that four knowledge of what you need to do certainly helps you on that second run that's what times you know the time stories feel i have no idea what the other ones are going to be like hopefully by the time this video goes live i'm gonna be playing at least two other tasks for this planet and maybe one for another planet so let ask me in the comments if you're curious about how the other ones have gone i can't tell you now because i haven't tried it but i will tell you that i am still willing to play this with new people i would instead of saying hey we should put the laboratory there though i would let them decide where to put it and have that experience of oh my gosh we need to get to the laboratory but yeah overall the production quality the experience i absolutely love it i love the focus dice it's what makes the game and the exploration makes the game and this game isn't about fighting it's about exploring gaining experience using that experience to gain comprehension with that comprehension you can do more things i love the free actions i mean i think there's at least two or three times during this play through i couldn't even remember whose turn it was i love the opportunity cards you flip those you see all these new cool things oh my gosh and each planet that's going to be different i can't wait uh i you know i have a love-hate relationship with this it makes sense i understand why they have time i understand you don't want to make it too easy and so i'm okay with that there are ways if you want to have more time you can start with more focus on your dice that can generally help you with your time but i just keep going on i hope this was helpful i hope you guys enjoyed this thanks so much for watching as always and i will see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 24,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, unsettled, playthrough, runthrough, how to play, cooperative, solo, kickstarter, Wenora
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 50sec (4250 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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