Set A Watch: Sword of the Coin - Should You Back It?

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hey it's alex welcome from board game co and today we are covering set a watch sword of the coin set a watch sort of the coin i'm going to save you a lot of time right now you can just skip to the end of the video time stamps down below basically if you're interested in this game go ahead and back it i'll get more into it don't get me wrong of course i will but if you're interested in this game the the amount of monetary difference of even being wrong is pretty minimal and this is a effectively not a second printing but a re-release slight adjustment to an otherwise already well-liked well-vetted game and if you're pulled in just back it just save yourself time go watch another video i'll see you tomorrow this has been fun to be clear it's not the best back ever necessarily but even if you lose out it's not by much and it's a good game it's a good game so just just back it and if you're wondering what happened to alex where'd he go and who's this guy sitting from the camera i hear you i do but sometimes i don't know sometimes i have a soft spot for a project when the monetary difference isn't much meaning getting it now versus getting a later it's a small company a good creator putting out good games and and a good game so so whatever so you lose five bucks or something who i don't know what i'm doing here in any case let's go and set a watch let's talk about this game and let's go into all the stuff including whether you should or shouldn't save five dollars or whatnot so set a watch is a one to four player game a game that i would not recommend playing more than two players and really really one play and if you look at board game geek board game geek will validate that to a degree we have 72.9 say it's best with one 52 say it's recommended with two and then once you get to three and four it just seems to be a complete you know don't try it at all seeing myself i played it with one and two and i would never play it with two again even two i found such a subpar experience compared to the thoroughly enjoyable solo play it is and what is this game and and let's talk about set a watch and then set a watch sword of the coin because they are different games and they have wall differences but set a watch the game that is already out the 7.4 on board game geek rated best with one plays in about 45 minutes to an hour if you're really quick half an hour but that is a little hard to do it is basically a game in which you have four adventurers that are trying to survive the night that they are being beset by creatures in the wood and you have to have well you have to set a watch and at every round you're gonna have one person going back to camp who has to maintain chop firework do different things to maintain the existence of the camp and the other three adventurers will go out on the line and fight this slowly increasing line of monsters that is approaching your camp that is coming towards you and there are different mechanics in the game that make this game thoroughly enjoyable from the aspect of of the campfire and the fire and how far down that line you can see because there will be a lot of tactical choices you're going to want to make there's going to be a lot of decisions you want to make but if you can't see far enough down that line then you can't you know do much you can't plan around where creatures are coming you can't take too many ranged actions you want to get as much visibility so you can plan accordingly but that takes resources it takes time it takes energy energy you can otherwise spend fighting and that's one of many decisions you'll have to make every one of your adventurers comes with different abilities that you'll have access to in different ways and those abilities will be well they're fun they're fun to combo they're fun to utilize and there are different abilities that are will will change the game in different ways from the manipulation of the creatures in the row with the beastmaster from from just having a pure tank and grunt and whatnot being able to tank the tank the line to to shooting people there's all different kinds of things you can do in this game to tackle those creatures that are slowly imposing or impeding or encroaching that's a good word encroaching upon your camp and that is basically what set of watches it is a survival game in which four adventurers ideally handled by one player but you can split it up and do two and two do not by any means play this as a four player game because a four player game means one person is basically sitting out every single round and the three player game means you lose that identity aspect of actually feeling it's your character because you have to rotate in order to not be out every round so basically one player game maybe two three and four just play so you can prove me wrong or whatnot i mean after all there are two there is one person who has the best of three and four five people says best with four so there's definitely some people who feel that way in any case that set of watch let's cover sword of the coin sword of swords of the coin which every time it gets me by the way i cannot stop reading sword of the coin it is swords of the coin setter watch swords of a coin swords of the coin is the highly anticipated standalone standalone expansion to set a watch you can play this game by itself you can jump into the series with this game alone you don't even need to have played center watch or you can combine them to mix and match even further the options on the table and when i say options on the table before we even get into what differentiates set of watch swords of the coin i'll say that one of the biggest things that set a watch has in terms of variability is the different characters you will play with because every game you're picking four characters to play with and you want them to feel different if you only have four characters well your experience is basically going to be the same every single time but if you have five six seven if you add the set of watch expansion characters if you're up to 11 12 characters whatever you get up to that provides significantly more options in the variability of your experience and the ways you can mix and match different characters to utilize different abilities and different sequences and different combinations that will be one of the bigger variability aspects of set of watch don't get me wrong the approach of the creatures in the line the randomization they're in the locations you do there are definitely a lot of other things that are variable in this game but the others don't feel as obviously variable as the characters in play the characters in play in my opinion are the biggest strength to to feeling like this game is different every time you play it and so first off and first and foremost if you're interested in this game set of watch swords of the coin is giving you more characters that is offhand what it is doing and you can combine the two so if you're saying they're saying well i only need one of them that's true you do only need one of them but if you like this game you're going to want both of these secondly from there the characters instead of watch swords of the coin are a little bit more advanced the the they take the same basic mechanics of the game but the characters have a little bit more going on in terms of the way that they are going to work in within the game they are considered more advanced characters they have said that it's still a good entry point if you're you know if you're into games still a good entry point to the series but definitely steps it up a notch which for me is really just a good thing because if anything one of my problems without a watch was that it was a drop simplistic and i'll get into my own feelings instead of watch because they have evolved over time but secondly from there the campfire is going to be slightly different there's going to be an aspect of a campfire in which you're going to be able to utilize different coins different areas in the in the camp that you don't utilize will stack up coins and then you can go there and collect all the coins that were there so a slight gameplay adjustment into how the camp phase works for that standalone character that's sitting in camp by himself and then finally if you get the expansion over here i shouldn't say finally but next up if you get the expansion which is one of the optional buys if i can find it here is we have the outriders expansion which introduces a new rider mechanic in which different creatures can combine with each other in order to create stronger creatures so if you're not careful you'll have a dragon rider that will show up next to a dragon they combine and suddenly you have a stronger creature so it's one more tactical element to be aware of on the map and the way the creatures combine as well as one more possible just bad luck situation in which you just get something a little that you're just not prepared to deal with and that is overall set of watch as far as the gameplay aspect is concerned with that said let's go through the funding goals let's go to the funding levels to begin with we have the sword of the coin which gives you the gives you the base game of set and watch swords of the coin that's all it gives you here it seems to be there's a little bit of a lack of clarity here and something's gonna be a little hard to cover with the with the whole should you back it or not to the point that i debated not doing this video because of it because i don't like coming to the table of incomplete information no matter how hard i try didn't try whatever i just don't like coming to the table with an unknown the reason i was willing to hear is because i think i know what's going on and also because i still think you should get this game but swords of the coins that i watched stores of the coin the problem we have here is if you look at the original kickstarter they broke it up into a retail edition pledge level and then a deluxe edition pledge level in the new kickstarter they just have for 28 dollars closer to that 29 it seems to be it's just a deluxe edition pledge level no retail option the problem is if you look at the stretch goals it's not 100 clear because one of these stretch goals says kickstarter exclusive which means what are the rest of these are these all available in retail i'm not certain i'm not clear to take that to take it even further than that quest for the monk over here the social goal just says quest for the monk doesn't say anything over here which is notable because in the original kickstarter if you look at the original kickstarter quest for the bard kickstarter exclusive right next to it so that's social structural said kickstarter exclusive this one doesn't so what's going on here is it just a retail addition that's available to everyone and so i literally posted in the comments because i went through a lot of things i went to the faq i went to board game geek i went through through anything i put through all the comments i went through everything i could to try to find a defined answer to this question of is this pledge level straight up available everywhere and it's not clear because and it's worth noting the original kickstarter this set of watch the retail edition plus stretch goals all basic stretch goals that was all available in the retail copy so is that the same thing that's happening here and i posted a comment board i said for the life me i can't find this anywhere are there stretch goals and this extra character exclusive character kickstarter exclusive are they showing up in the retail edition and mike the creator answered we're effectively only offering the deluxe addition to kickstarter with all stretch goals i didn't feel it made sense to create confusion with multiple editions and different war tiers still not a hundred percent clear but yeah basically it's not 100 clear but it does seem to be that this deluxe edition is what we have here and that all these options are all available well in deluxe edition but not in retail again not 100 clear i am not certain especially because this little kickstarter exclusive thing is throwing me off i don't know why you'd say this here and not everywhere else even with what mike is saying in any case moving on from there and it's relevant though but fact that in but 28 and that's the other factor which is 28 puts it closer to the deluxe edition last time so either the retail edition is gonna have a higher price to boot as well to match that or this is the deluxe edition again a little lack of clarity but 28 gets you the base game of you know set and watch swords of the coin for 44 you get cult of the new which is swords of the coin the outright expansion and the play mat then for 59 you get the rookie adventurer which is swords of the coin plus set a watch the deluxe version of it not the retail but the deluxe version of the original set of watch it will be shipping at the same time as this not earlier because they're basically doing a full reprinting of it and then for 75 dollars you get the all in which is swords of the coin set of watch deluxe uh the the cloth play mat all unlock stress schools and the outriders expansion that those are all the pledge levels on the table and they give you basically what they said over there so let's cover the optional buys because those are in two of their stretch goals which is we have the outriders expansion this is going to give you 34 new creatures as well as six unhallowed introducing the new rider mechanic available for nine dollars slightly cheaper in those bundles whenever you look at the bundles they are slightly cheaper we have nine dollars for nine by 24 inch cloth play mat i'm usually not a playmat person i'm kind of intrigued by this because i think it really fits for this game and it's on the smaller side and on the less expensive side so i am kind of interested in it but i haven't made my mind there yet for a set of watch deluxe we have 35 to bring this to the table yes it was 29 in the original kickstarter and that is because it should be that way because you should be rewarded for backing something before it's already validated there's more risk associated i'm totally fine with the prices being different and then lastly we have the upgrade pack which is for nine dollars we'll take your regular edition of setter watch and basically make it more premium and whatnot now this one's a little bit interesting only because officially in retail like if you go to miniature market or whatnot it's not available right now to be clear but for 22 you can get set a watch and then for nine dollars you can get the upgrade pack making it a little cheaper here but again it's not available right now which is one factor and well that's really just not available right now which is one factor so let's go into should you back it should you not what do i think what's my opinion of the game so to begin with what's my opinion of the game and am i backing this i think that'll watch center watch was an excellent game i enjoyed playing it the first few times that i played it i really enjoyed it and i was such a fan of it when i first got to the table and continued to play it and then over multiple plays i kind of it kind of started to feel a little samey for me or not necessarily say me so much as as pre-scripted that the the options on the table were mostly clear and i enjoyed the adventure i enjoyed the story but i felt the game was a little bit lacking that being said perhaps it's the nostalgia of rose-colored glasses but as soon as as soon as they announced this expansion i looked into it more i was like i want to get it back not only that i want to play with the new characters that are more advanced and i want to combine the characters so i have more options on the table so it feels even less samey because every single game can be an even more nuanced differences of the way characters can combine so i think honestly i think the 7.4 rating is an accurate rating of the way i feel it's a solid game for me but it's not a game that's amazing or incredible but it also fills a very good niche in my collection it fills this aspect of playing in 30 to 60 minutes as a solo game with an adventure feel and not a super high price point all in all it's checking a lot of decent boxes sure it's always fighting for table time just like every other game myself but it has an accessibility that many others don't this is kind of a great game for when i want something a little bit more than oh nerum a little bit more than spolopolis but i'm not yet ready to jump into a game of spirit island or terrifying mars this is a good 30 to 45 minute solo experience that i i want back in my collection and so yes i will be getting my hands on this game i will be trying to back this game or not trying i'll be back in this game to get this game i am interested in instead of watch swords of the coin as far as the value proposition will hold this value or not well really we just look at the original set of watch again with a little caveat because of the fact that i'm not clear what's deluxe and what's not deluxe here but the original set of watch at 29 for the deluxe edition was it is when you went to board game geek marketplace to buy it after the fact it sold for more than that we have prices ranging from anywhere from thirty-two dollars here is the retail edition not even the anything of fancy just twenty-two dollars your prices ranging from forty five dollars when it first came out even i'll scroll all the way to current times right now and you still see forty five dollars thirty five thirty five these are people who are effectively getting their pledge back plus shipping because shipping comes in or came in at seven dollars for just the core game so you're talking about 36 dollars and even two years later people are still selling that for 35 bucks and yes i've clicked through these various links to see which ones are which so set a watch is a game that the deluxe edition holds its value even through until today and from the first came out till today holds its value just fine as far as settle watch swords of the coin is again it's going to be yes it holds its value with an asterisk now first of all if you want this game sooner than other people yes you should get it if you are someone who enjoys settle watch yes you should get it if you are someone new to the franchise instead of watch you should maybe back for a dollar try to get your hands inside a watch and play that first and then see if you should get everything else or just go ahead and get it at the end of the day the the proposition here at the end of the day the costs of the the games involved here are either worst case scenario even assuming complete retail you're out five bucks even assuming complete retail even assuming this 28 pledge level you'll spend seven dollars it'll be 35 bucks it'll show up in miniature mark of 28 bucks and you'll basically lose out on the seven dollars shipping but you won't have to make place a hundred dollar order on a miniature market so worst case scenario you're out seven dollars you get the game earlier and again i understand that usually i'm all for saving those seven dollars but i think it's a good game and i'm not even sure if you are saving some dollars because of that whole deluxe thing if it is a deluxe on kickstarter only pledge then it's more than that this won't be available for less than 35 more than 35 40 bucks will be available for 40 bucks down the road on the marketplace or what not so overall this is one where i believe it will hold its value to a degree again with that little asterisk in it as far as the optional buys i'd go ahead and get the outriders it's more variability i don't think it's as necessary as all that by the way if i were skipping on something i'd be happy to skip on these because for me the characters added such a degree of variability to the game but the actual creature is less so i'm happy to get it i'll be getting it but i don't think it's as essential and then the cloth playing out is really up to you that is the one that i haven't decided on yet but definitely do the math on the various bundles because it does add up or does work in your favor the more you actually bundle all the way up into including that 75 all-in pledge and so that's basically set a watch a great game an amazing solo experience is something that is is worth checking out it's worth linking it to you for yourself and overall your your the whole value thing again like i said is a little iffy because of that lack of certainty on what is or isn't kickstarter exclusive but overall worst case scenario you're losing seven bucks and best case scenario it's a pretty good buy until next time i'm alex rocket from board game co and have a good one
Channel: BoardGameCo
Views: 5,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Set a watch, set a watch: swords of the coin, sword of the coin, set a watch kickstarter, swords of the coin kickstarters, rock manor games, kickstarter games, good solo board games, solo board games, set a watch solo, survival board games, kickstarter 2020, kickstarter board games, set a watch solo play, set a watch review, rock manor games set a watch, rock manor set a watch, rock manor swords of the coin, set a watch, set a watch sword of the coin
Id: KXsfy_s71gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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