Deliverance | Playthrough | With Colin

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[Music] so [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the one-stop co-op shop this is colin and today i have a kickstarter preview for you deliverance this is a one to four player cooperative game where you are angels that are trying to take down demons doesn't that sound awesome and look at this this is a prototype does it look like a prototype no to me this actually looks like a final version of the game almost these tiles look great they're double-sided oh and the art looks fantastic yeah it looks absolutely wonderful i do want to mention this is fully prototype components andrew did send this to me i am not receiving any compensation for this playthrough and actually after i do this playthrough i'm going to be handing this off to bernd so i will not be keeping this copy if after watching this video you'd like to check out this game i will put in the description below once it's live which should be around june 8th the kickstarter link for the game now you can play deliverance in two different ways one way is the skirmish mode which is what we're going to do here it's a one-off battle once we're done we're going to try and defeat a specific prince i don't know which one it's going to be we'll randomly choose when we get there you can also play in a campaign mode which will link 14 or 15 scenarios together you'll have a specific map that set up specific enemies we'll be doing random in our skirmish i have not seen any of the campaign because that was not in the prototype so we're only looking at skirmish today so normally i would walk through a full setup for you guys but because this is a kickstarter preview and things are bound to change let's go ahead and just do a little setup and then jump right into the play through so the goal of our skirmish here will be we have to defeat all minions that are on the board after we do that then we're going to draw a specific prince one of the five that came with this prototype we then will put that prince as well as a couple more demons on the board and we have to defeat all of those a second time once we do that we win the game if ever both of our angels are defeated we lose the game i've randomly chosen one map tile per angel so we're going to play a two angel game and i just want to show you these are double sided and look at the art uh yeah you can set them up any way that you would like i'm setting them up like so and now what we need to do is populate our board with enemies we have a battle deck here and so we're going to draw one battle card per tile and that card will tell us what types of demons are going to go out as well as where the saints which is uh the players of the humans that we are trying to protect will come out on the board as well our first board will have let's see we will have the hateful fiends we're going to have two hateful fiends and you can see these symbols that tells us where they're going to spawn you can see when we defeat them we'll gain two experience and we're going to place one saint on this marker so that's for the first board the second board we're going to have an abomination oh this guy's tough three experience we need to feed them that's because there's only one of them and we're gonna place a saint on the board in this location every map tile has three different symbols and that matches what's on those battle cards so you can see here that will tell us the saint is going to be placed over here and the two hateful fiends will be placed one here and one here you can see here we have our two hateful fiends and then our one abomination over here we have two of our saints both of them are starting off and they will always start off on the oppressed side what that means is during the darkness step we'll draw more darkness cards for every oppressed saint if ever an angel is an adjacent or on that same space as a saint and no demon is adjacent to it we'll flip them over to their protected side we'll gain an experience and then we'll draw less darkness cards so that's one of our objectives is to try and flip them over as soon as we can otherwise we're gonna have to deal with a lot of darkness we also have our initiative track down here and we've placed our uh demons like so we'll place one action marker on each of them because they'll each gain one action when they activate and i've placed them in order from left to right you'll also see that down here we have our experience tracker we of course will start at zero if you want to have more of a challenge they have three levels of difficulty where you actually give the demons talent cards but you also will start with your angels having a little bit of a level up as well i'm playing on the adventure mode which is the basic mode this is the way to start i find it's a challenge enough especially because i haven't had a ton of time to play the game and it will just help us see how the game plays each demon has a demon board and this board will denote the actions that the demons will take when it's their turn they also have spots where if you have multiple demons on the board so like this hateful fiends we have a four and a two you can see the four on this one if i do damage to the one that's a four uh the four hateful fiend i can place damage or status markers here so i don't have to have it cluttering up the board i love that i love when games do that we can see here that the hateful fiends each have nine health and the abomination has 13 health ouch and over here you can see where we could place those talents that i was telling you about if ever you wanted to play at a more difficult uh higher difficulty the game also provides a lot of lore which is really cool and so on the back side of these you can learn a little bit more about all the different demon types as well i'm playing solo today but i'm going to play with two angels however they do have a mode for just one angel but it's a little bit more of a puzzle and not as much of a dungeon crawler at least that's what andrew was telling me i haven't tried solo yet so i really wanted to show you what it's like with the two angel play through let's go ahead and take a look at both of these our first angel that we have here is christine now each angel starts with two action tokens so you'll get two actions they've got all these different actions that start on their board and then they have three talents talent level one level two and level three each one is five cards you'll shuffle those up and you're good to go and what's really cool about each one of these angels is there's a back side of this and they give you even more lore they give you a suggested build they tell you what they're really good at so christine's all about damage a little defense not so much support and not very difficult to play and and tells you about the play style i love it so christine is a fearless warriors that often charges ahead of the front line into the midst of enemy com combatants her powers can level foes foolish enough to get too close to her or to each other each angel will start off with two courage and that's important because some of the actions that you're going to take on your board cost courage so you need to make sure that you have courage in order to activate them our other angel will be sardius he is our stone bender and i think his art looks amazing look at that growing trees over here you can see his stone arm over here i love it two actions same thing with the three different sets of talents you can see over here he's not nearly as much damage but look at all that defense he's got support he's a little bit more challenging to play it says here sardius is a living volcano empowered with control over the elements of the earth his arm juxtaposed two truths about his power raw power of a lava flow and the glorious flora produced by fertile soil i love it so now what we'll do is we'll place ourselves onto the map unfortunately our angels blend in just a little bit here you have to start on this heavenly board on this side so we can only start in this area so i'm going to have both of us start sardius right here and christine right here and with that we are ready to jump in so we'll go ahead and start at the darkness phase so what we're going to do is we're going to place out one darkness card per angel we have two angels then we're going to add one card per oppressed saint however in the first round of a battle you skip this so i will only be placing out two darkness cards thank goodness then we'll have to resolve drawing any excess cards flipping any face up and then resolve each face up card and end the darkness step you can see here our darkness track can hold a total of five cards we're gonna place out two we're gonna place them face down so right now they're not gonna do anything to us yay but if ever this gets filled to five and we need to place another one we're to start flipping these up and then we'll start activating them and i can tell you they all are terrible we don't want to do that some of them will even stay out face up and they block that area and then when more darkness cards should come out more get flipped over instead so we want to keep the darkness under control while also trying to deal with the three demons out on the board plus taking care of those saints since though we were able to place two darkness cards here and we didn't have to flip any over we're done with the darkness phase let's move to the action phase we'd first refresh any of our action tokens but since this is the first round don't have to worry about that then we get to choose an angel to act first after that we'll alternate turns between angels and demons angels act in a clockwise order so if i had more than two that would actually matter but with two it doesn't really matter and demons act in initiative order which means the hateful fiends will activate first followed by the abominations let's go ahead and start with sardius shall we so what we're going to do is we're going to give him this angel initiative token to notate that he's going every time we use an action we'll flip one of these over and when we've used both of our actions and we have uh exhausted all of our free actions that we can take we'll end our turn we'll then move to the hateful fiends assuming they're still out which of course they will be right now so what you can see on our board is all these different actions that we can take and what's so fun about this game is each character has totally different actions that they can do you're going to see a couple different symbols over here on the left hand side that symbol means it takes an action to activate it so in order for me to pray i'm going to have to spend an action up here though you see that this action's got some wings on it that means that the first time i do the shifting earth it's a free action after i've done that the first time in a round if i decide to do this again then it's going to take an irregular action to do it you'll also see that over here this little symbol here that means courage so this one has a plus one if i do this smash i'll actually gain one courage however if i do this sinkhole i'm gonna have to spend two courage to do this so let's see what we want to do i think the first one to start off with is shifting earth this one has a range which is a star that star means you'll have to read more about the text to know what the range is unlike most games where you think of line of sight because we're angels and demons things don't block line of sight characters don't block line of sight demons don't other angels don't there are some blue lines that are on the board and we'll have to count around those but that's it so it's kind of nice you don't have to worry about is their line of sight no just as long as they're in range and with this ability it says move up to three targets on the battlefield one space each that's the battlefield so he can he can affect everyone that's on the board so we'll do this as a free action first and we have to do three targets that could include him uh we'll see which ones we want to do i think we'll target ourselves sardius christine and the saint so we're gonna move the saint one space towards us we're gonna move one space and we're gonna pull christine with us as well now remember we just need to get adjacent to this saint if we're adjacent to the saint and no demon is adjacent to it we can protect that saint and gain an experience point if ever let's say there was a demon adjacent to it and then we became adjacent to that saint that saint is now considered to be in contest however you're not going to flip that saint token until either the angel is defeated or moved away or the demon is defeated and moved away also in this game adjacency is only orthogonal you can only move from orthogonal so if i'm counting uh for movement it'd be one two three to move like this uh also for uh the demons and for range everything is orthogonal nothing is diagonal and as i was mentioning before the blue lines you can see they're blue and they've got a little red there these areas that you just have to count around you can't walk through them it blocks adjacency but it's not going to block any sort of targeting if i had for an example if i was here and i had a range of three i could count one to three and i could still hit this abomination even though it's technically around this blue line we just completed our shifting earth which was a free action i think i think i'm going to do it again and because i'm doing it again in the same round i now have to spend an action to do it so i'll move up to three targets on the battlefield one space each and i think i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna move this saint up i'm actually gonna have sardius move on to the same space you can do that with a saint because think of the saint as an actual person that's in this land we're more above in you know the spiritual world so we're able to be in the same space as each other and let's move christine up one space as well now since we've ended our movement and we're either adjacent or in the same space as an oppressed saint and there are no demons adjacent to it we've immediately had them protected and now let's gain one xp if we can move our xp up to three we can level up at the end of this turn now i highly doubt that that's going to happen but hopefully soon we can do that and we can start gaining some of those talents for our second action let's go ahead and do the prey action i'm gonna have to flip this over and now what we do is we'll first gain that one courage so we don't forget we have three courage the max amount of courage you can have is five the max amount of prayer cards you can have is five and the max amount of shield tokens you can have is five five five five nice and easy we can now draw one prayer card then test seven whenever you test in this game you're going to roll two d sixes and we're trying to roll that number or higher so we're looking for seven or higher on a success cast down a darkness card or remove an affliction or revive a defeated angel so far no defeated angels thank goodness first round likely i'm going to be casting down a darkness card but first let's draw a prayer card prayer cards will go into your hand you can have a total of five of them and you can play them either as actions or free actions it all depends upon what they are this one is fiery stones and this symbol up here means it's a free action play on your turn as a free action target angel moves up to three spaces each demon on or adjacent to one of these spaces is dealt one damage that is cool now let's do our test hoping we roll a seven or higher oh that's six and one exactly seven casting down that darkness means we'll grab this card and we'll discard it now i'm gonna flip it over just so you can see it uh this one is the speed of hatred so this card would activate and then would stay out on the board and you'd have to test eight on a success each angel adjacent to a saint suffers two damage then destroy this card whoa okay so this one potentially wouldn't stay out but those are the types of things that would happen if these get flipped up this i'll just place in the discard pile since we casted it down we've completed sardius's turn let's now move to the hateful feeds i'm going to flip this over to notate that they are going to activate how you activate a demon is you look at their demon board and you read from top to bottom it says self-harm range asterisk test seven plus on a success hateful fiends deal one damage to each adjacent angel and itself so they might end up actually hurting themselves if they roll a seven or higher for this test let's see what they get and they only get a six bummer now you can see on their board they have one action roll once and then each hateful fiend will use the action that we roll so let's see what they do they roll a four they have here toxic hatred range once they need to be adjacent to us to have this activate they're gonna try and move four to get to that range hateful fiend engages the nearest angel and deals two damage then they're inflicted oh actually the hateful fiend is inflicted with wither wither means at the end of each of their turns they take one point of damage however from what i understand that will not activate if they do not deal the two damage they'll just do their movement and then if they're within range one the rest of this will activate you always activate the demons in numerical order so we'll start with two and then four so number two is going to move four spaces towards the closest angel one two three four if ever there's a tie the players can choose he is not within range one so that's as far as he's going to go the number four one will also move forward one two three four and that's as close as he's gonna get now it's christine's turn and she's liking what she's seen she has this lightning stab well first of all she has her advance but thanks to sardius she doesn't really need to move i don't think at least not yet she's thinking of using lightning stab she can target a space in range and deal you see this green symbol you look over here to see what their green stat is so her stat is three so she deal three damage to each demon within one range of that space but it takes two courage if we look here range two one two we could hit the hateful fiend and the abomination over here we can hit this hateful fiend because remember adjacency is only orthogonal this way this way this way and this is diagonally adjacent if we chose this space i think that sounds pretty awesome so let's go ahead and do it so we're gonna give up our two courage to do this we are going to give up one action to do this so that's one of our two but we're going to deal three damage to hateful fiend number two and the abomination i've placed our three damage here on the slot two of our hateful fiend they have nine health so that one has six health remaining we only have one abomination on the board so i'm just dropping it on his mat and remember they have 13 health so he still has 10 health remaining now you might say well why don't i do that lightning stab again because it only takes one action well i'm totally out of courage and that's how android did a great job of giving you awesome abilities but you have to use other ones in order to power up those cool abilities so i am going to for our second action i think i'm going to pray those prayer cards are just too good of the angels that i've played all the prayer actions are the same so we're gonna go ahead and gain that one courage i already placed it on the board we're gonna draw a prayer card oh this one the golden rule plan your turn is a free action gain one courage and add light to your space you may also grant one courage to another angel and add light to that angel space okay what light does is if you end your turn on light you'll heal one point of damage so that's awesome and it's a free action to play this we're probably gonna play this first though we'll roll our dice to see if we get seven we did we got 11. that's amazing so that just means we're going to discard that other darkness card we have no darkness cards out on the board then i think it's hard to say no to the golden rule we'll go ahead and gain one courage that'll put us to two and then we'll also grant one courage to sardius so he'll have four and we're going to add light to both of our spaces i have to say so far this has been a great round now though we're gonna activate that abomination the abomination starts with the captive audience ability it says test seven plus on a success afflict adjacent angels with root well there are no adjacent angels so i'm not even gonna do that we'll just move right to the one action let's see what he's going to do he's likely going to rough christine up a little bit let's see a four he has tremor it says range infinite move five move towards the nearest angel then target all spaces in a straight line in each direction ignoring barriers so those blue lines not going to do anything each angel on those spaces is dealt for damage and yeah you better believe he's going to move one two right here and he's just gonna barrel through both of these with that tremor hammering the ground uh christine and sardius boat took four damage this is the first time i'm dealing with the abomination and yeah he is not a pushover you can see over here the amount of health that we have so christine has a total of 15 health so she's down to only 11 health now sardius here only has 13 health so with 4 damage he's down to 9. we've now completed our action phase we'll move to the level up phase we spend one plus one xp per angel sets a total of three to then gain a talent or a treasure card uh we get to reveal two cards from either the heavenly treasure deck or from our lowest level talent that we haven't earned and we get to pick one however we only have one xp we have saved one saint we haven't taken out any demons so that's it so we are not going to level up that means we're going to end the round let's go back to the darkness phase during the darkness phase we'll place one card per angel and then add one for the one oppressed saint that we have so that's going to be three cards lucky for us we were pretty successful at praying last time we were both able to get rid of a darkness card so these are our first three on the track none of them get flipped up so now what we can do is move right to the action phase what we'll do first is we'll flip all of these action tokens back over and then we'll start with one of our angels let's start off with christine this time we're going to do her free action her advance to start off christine can move three spaces she can move one two three you can move through enemy units we'll then use our first action here to do our lightning stab again we have two courage let's use it up a target space that's within range two we're going to target r space because we can then deal three damage because remember that's what our three is here uh three damage to each demon within one range of that space so christine runs on in here slams her sword down and hits both of these hateful fiends for three damage that means hateful fiend number two has six damage out of the nine and hateful fiend number four has three damage out of the nine for our second action let's go ahead and just do our clash so this will end our turn because we don't have any other free actions we can do but we're going to deal two damage to a target demon and you may move that demon one space we'll also gain a courage back you better believe we're gonna hit hateful fiend number two we're gonna hit him for two damage and shove him one space away we were so close we almost took him out but no he's still alive and kicking okay now that's gonna end christine's turn we're going to activate the hateful fiends we'll flip this over let's see if maybe though he'll kill himself with the self-harm we'll roll for that test of seven let's see what they get and we have five plus two is seven perfect this means hateful fiend number two is going to kill itself he has eight damage he's going to deal one damage to himself and we're going to gain 2xp and there's no angel next to him because christine shoved him away unfortunately though the number four will deal a point of damage to christine but he'll also take a point of damage so he now has four that'll push christine down to five damage she only has 10 health then let's roll our die to see how that one hateful fiend will activate he also gets a four we've seen this before he's going to use the toxic hatred again he has a movement of four what he will do is engage the nearest angel and deal two damage then it's going to inflict himself with wither you know i almost forgot to show we gained two xp for having that one uh hateful fiend to take itself out the hateful fiend doesn't even have to move he is right next to christine he's just gonna hit her for two points of damage that'll put her at seven but then he will gain the wither uh status effect wither states that when the bear ends their turn they are dealt one damage christine will be almost at half life now ow i might need to look at healing her we'll place the wither though onto this hateful fiend and now at the end of his turn he's gonna take a point of damage he now has five damage only four health remaining i think the first thing we're going to do on sardius's turn is he's going to play his fiery stones we can target an angel and have it move up to three spaces each each demon on or adjacent to one of these spaces is dealt one damage sardius is gonna have christine move one two three we're gonna have her start going towards that saint uh we don't get to deal any damage to any demons but i feel like it's really useful to be able to have less darkness cards we'll then use our free shifting earth so we can move up to three targets one space each our first movement will be to have christine to move one space next to our saint at the end of your movement if you're adjacent to a saint we can go ahead and protect them that's going to gain us another xp we're also going to push this hateful fiend one away and we'll push the abomination one away i love when you can protect saints from afar that was awesome and that didn't even take in action then what do you guys say we do some sinkholes move any demons on the battlefield one space towards you then deal your sword ability or your sword level which is three so three damage to the nearest two demons in range well there's only two demons on the board so i think i'm going to be risky and do that twice i'm gonna spend all four of my courage to do this uh but i'm gonna do this for my two actions and we're gonna deal six damage to both of those demons this means we'll pull the abomination two spaces towards us and this hateful fiend will move one and then one but then the hateful fiend is totally gonna die because he only had four health remaining and if we just dealt him six damage he's toast that will gain us two more xp for taking out that hateful fiend we'll also place six more damage here our abomination five six seven eight nine only has four health we'll also remove the hateful fiend battle card and place it in the discard pile we now only have the abominations that are on the board however we have done our two actions i have no prayer cards i didn't get rid of any darkness cards so this was risky uh now the abomination is going to go there's oh and actually before that though sardius did end his turn on a light space because of that he's gonna heal one damage that's what's kind of awesome about him is he doesn't have to move a ton to deal damage because he deals damage with the earth so cool okay our abomination we can skip the captive audience because no angel is adjacent to him so let's just roll to see what action he's going to take please don't be a three or four again oh no it's a three so we know what he's gonna do he's going to move towards the nearest angel then target all spaces in a straight line in each direction dealing four damage to each angel he's going to run up to here one two stand here attack sardius for four fortunately christine is not in any of the orthogonal areas that he can attack so he's only gonna hit sardius for four damage only for four damage that doesn't sound terrible does it we have seven damage ow only six health remaining we've now completed our action phase let's go to the level up phase and guess what we get to level up one two three one two three two times you guys that's what i was hoping so let's go ahead and level up twice each time you level up you can choose whether you want to gain your lowest level talent that you haven't already gained or draw two of the heavenly treasures and keep one i think we're going to start with our talents so i'm going to draw two of them and we will get to choose one of them and we have either static charge once per round test seven this is a free action by the way on a success gain one courage or your skills gain plus one range oh that's pretty good i i think the static charge though giving us free courage because that's a free action let's go ahead and keep static charge and like i said before there are a total of five cards here so each time you play it might be a little bit different uh this is going to be our second level up oh man more options here whenever you defeat a demon in combat gain one courage or we've got shanrin song which is a free action target demon is dealt that would be her three damage afterward you may move each other demon adjacent to that target up to two spaces okay that is cool uh do i want more courage or do i you know i range five yeah we're going to take the shattering song now let's look at sardius's upgrades his first one will be either the churning earth that's a passive or we have heal oh i kind of like heal once per round test seven on a success gain one shield okay that's awesome he would gain shields or whenever you move a target including yourself you maybe increase that movement by one oh so when we do our shifting earth it would actually allow us to move people to yeah we're gonna do shifting earth that looks awesome let's take a look at our level 2 talent so we can either choose harden which is a free action or we have a passive gem cutter hearted once per round you have to pay one courage to do this grant shields equal to your book and our book value is two so it'd be two shields to yourself or an adjacent angel then test seven on a success your target also gains in power empower is awesome if you look here uh add one to damage dealt by the bear of this boon so you can add additional damage think of christine dealing like four or five damage with her lightning stab yeah that looks great what's this one whenever you deal damage with a skill you may spend x shields that skill deals x additional damage nah nah we're going hearted that'll finish our second round gosh i'm having a lot of fun here let's start our third round that's with our darkness step we're going to place out two darkness cards one per angel and then since we have protected both of our saints we don't draw any more if we did we'd start flipping these over but so far we have kept the darkness at bay let's go ahead and start our actions let's start off with sardius first because i want to do shifting earth we can move three targets on the battlefield one space each but don't forget we have our churning earth level ability so now we can move them by two which is awesome i need to get christine back into the battle thanks for taking care of that saint but we need your help with this abomination and of course this is a free action so i'll have christine move two spaces over here getting a little bit closer i'm also just gonna push this abomination two spaces away from us just in case who knows what he's going to do but this way he can't root us as well when he activates and i haven't talked about the root status effect you can see here the bear's next movement is reduced to zero then discard this affliction i think our first action this round will be it to pray we're going to gain one courage we're going to flip one of our action tokens over we're going to draw a prepare card then test a 7. we'll go ahead and reveal our prayer card and we have the high stance this is play any time not in action in this one you can see it looks a little bit different it doesn't have to be on your turn you can play it anytime choose one prevent up to two damage from a single source or the target angels strike this round deals two bonus damage divided among targets however the angels controller chooses two dice looking for a seven ah we only have five then i think i'm going to use our hardened i'm going to spend that one courage that we just gained and we can do once per round grant shields equal to your book value his book is two to yourself or to an adjacent angel so he has to do himself then he's gonna test seven plus on a success he can also gain in power the max amount of shields you can have are five anytime you take a point of damage you can reduce your shield by that amount to reduce that amount of damage looking for a seven or a higher beautiful so we've become empowered and that means we get to add one damage dealt by this bear for this boon and i think we're just gonna pray again i want these prayer cards so bad so what do we have it is better to give add or subtract two from a test if this causes an angel to pass a test or a demon to fail a test gain a courage play any time not in action we're looking for a seven here no it's only a six sodius will end his turn and because he's standing on light he will heal by one point of damage so he now only has six damage on him instead of seven now we'll have the abomination go the first thing we would do is his captive audience but once again we don't have any adjacent angels so let's just roll to see what he does uh this time he does a one don't worry on a one all he's going to do is the disorienting smash he can move up to five and he's going to engage the nearest angel and deal five damage to them you have five both angels are two spaces away so we're going to go ahead and have the abomination come over here and attack sardius because sardius has some shields we'll place three damage onto sardius we'll remove the two shield because that blocked two out of the five damage he now has nine damage out of 13 health we'll now move to christine's turn and the first thing we're going to do is her free advance with that advance she'll move one two three spaces up she's now two away from the abomination then i think we'll do our static charge here once per round test seven plus on a success we're gonna gain a courage i believe in you christine i believe in you six seven eight nine a beautiful we now have two courage instead of one we're then going to use our shattering song this is still a free action and that's important and you'll see why in a second this is up to range five the target demon is dealt three damage after you may move other damage or other demons we're not going to worry about that we're going to have sardius play the high stance he's going to choose target angels strike this round deal two bonus damage among targets however the angel controller chooses so we're dealing five damage to that abomination five damage plus the five six seven eight nine here yeah totally gone we just took out the abomination we gained ourselves three experience and we immediately stopped at this point because now all of our demons have been removed from the board once you've defeated that final demon that's on the board you immediately move to staging for the final battle christine will still have her two actions and you'll see what we'll use those for in a second so first thing we're going to do is remove all status effects from characters and map tiles so that means that sardius is no longer going to be empowered bummer we're also going to remove the light that's on the board too bad it doesn't say something like hey everyone heal all their damage nope that's it our next step we get to discard all of the face down darkness cards now if any of these had been face up they'd actually stay so that's why i wanted to make sure i kept all of them face down because that means we don't have to deal with any of them and we're going to have a clear darkness track we're also going to remove any of the saints from the board so i've taken them off but we are not going to move where our angels are they are going to stay as is for each of our unused actions an angel has remaining which christine actually has two we can choose from one of the following we can either gain a courage we can cast down one face up darkness card we can heal two damage or draw a prayer card and as much as i want prayer cards or i want courage i kind of feel like four points of healing for christine yeah it's that's it's too good i mean we had so much damage i think that's the best option here now what happens is each angel gains a free level without reducing our group experience so let's go ahead and do that quick we'll start with christine she either has the great storm or she has the forked lightning so great storm it costs three courage range four target of space and range demons on or adjacent that space are dealt damage equal to three plus two that'd be five damage whoa or force lightning tuck it up to three demons within range deal one damage to each target that's nice because it's a low courage cost but this great storm seems too dang great we're going to take this one for sure sardius let's see what he gets he will have either earthquake or he will have a hot springs so upgrade this will actually upgrade his sinkhole attack your sinkhole skill deals uh additional three damage wow divide it however you choose among each demon on the battlefield that's in addition to its normal damage the sinkhole normally deals three damage that actually deal six damage uh and three of them we can do anywhere we want that is fantastic or we have this one oh and by the way that doesn't cost anything this one's gonna cost us three more courage range two angels in range heal that's only for two and gain a shield do i want healing or damage uh yeah you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the earthquake because i'm all about damage my friends it probably means we're gonna lose but we're gonna go out in a blaze of fury or a blaze of glory i don't one or the other we now need to set up our board again for a final battle this time though we're going to draw from the regular battle deck for all the tiles except for the last one which for us since we're only playing two angels that means we'll draw from here once and then we'll draw from our the dark prince battle deck one time as well you always end with this one uh so we'll start with just the regular demons so we have the meddling imps we're gonna have three meddling imps and a saint and then our final boss will be the euphrates frogs oh interesting i haven't played them they're actually three different characters that we're going to have to defeat well this is going to be fun i've placed the meddling imp initiative card here and then the euphrates frogs you're going to see in a second that they have action points equal to the amount of angels so that's why i've placed two on them to remind myself of that here we have what our board looks like and this is going to be fun six more demons to deal with and before we continue on i need to remember i can also spend the experience on my experience track i have exactly what we need to be able to level up one more time now each of us have all three of our skills so now we can start drawing heavenly treasures when you're playing the campaign mode there'll be some sort of restrictions there but with the skirmish mode you can have as many heavenly treasures doesn't matter what type you're going to draw to and keep one just like what we did with our level cards christine will grab these two heavenly treasures her first one she has the wardens guard when you first gain this item heal two damage it would increase her health by one and increase her green damage by once that'd be a four her lightning stab would deal four damage that seems kind of amazing her other one is just something for her chest it would give her two hearts and increase her book yeah i think i'm definitely going to go with the wardens guard we're going to immediately have this go into effect so she's going to heal two damage she only has one damage on her and now she has 16 health and this is a four instead of a three let's check out sardius's two heavenly treasures so he either has the flaming saber this one this will stay out he can pay it to courage to gain one action usual only once this round he'd increase his sword value to four or he has this one which gives him a free action only on his turn test nine your next skill deals two bonus damage usable once per round that's the thunder stave yeah i like the damage let's do the damage thunder stave i do also want to show you the board of our princes here the euphrates frogs so you can see here each one has 19 health at least that's how i understand it which seems this is going to be fun it says here the euphrates frogs each have separate status effects and health pools but share the same action pool they do not lose actions when a frog leaves play and you can see here they have one action per angel so they'll always have two actions up here you can also see if you're playing with more players you're gonna have more health for them so if you're playing with three they'd actually have 22 and then you would add six if you're playing with four players now we're going to grab the dark prince's deck and each of the bosses have their own deck now these cards are a little bit different than the darkness cards they actually have a star value you're always going to put the highest numbered star at the bottom so you can see one two three four four stars here followed by another four so those two i've shuffled up and randomly chosen then the three then a two then a one that's because you're going to reveal one of these each round and probably they're going to get progressively harder at least that's what i've seen with the other bosses that i've played and with this i think we are ready to start so first thing we do is our darkness step remember we ignore the saints that are oppressed they are they always start out oppressed so we only have to place out two darkness cards however whenever the prince's deck is here one of those darkness cards is going to be replaced with one of the princess cards and unlike darkness cards they're actually going to come out into play face up we have here the grand deception now these two symbols that one means it stays out in play this one is a stronghold that means we cannot cast this down this is going to be out now for the rest of the game and it's gonna block one of the darkness spots it states here place one fewer darkness cards each round oh that's nice and do not draw prince cards as normal instead reveal a prince card when a frog is destroyed but before it leaves play if it has one of these symbols then it activates immediately and then it just tells you you cannot cast this down okay we'll refresh our actions and let's start with one of our angels what do you say we start off with christine first thing we're going to do is use her static charge once per round for free we're gonna test seven if we succeed we'll gain one courage we'll give our dice a roll and that's eleven and that will definitely work one courage for christine what do you say we do our first action and let's pray we're gonna spend that first action we're gonna generate a second courage we're going to draw a prayer card and then test seven to see if we can cast down one of those darkness cards we'll draw that prayer card and we have angels heal seven damage focus on the family nice divide it however you choose we'll then test our seven and we have ten we're good to go we'll cast down this darkness card i don't want to deal with any more darkness than i have to i really want three courage so i can do that great storm so i think our second action we're going to do is clash that will give us us our third courage we're going to deal our level of sword is two so two damage to the target demon you may not or you may move that demon one space after doing so and that will be our second action we'll go ahead and use clash on morbus giving him two damage he only has 17 health remaining shoving him over here then we'll use our advance so we can move up to three spaces we're gonna move one and i think we're just gonna move here because after we're done with our movement we're next to this saint and we can save this saint they are now protected we'll gain one experience point yeah this is definitely going to be interesting i think how we're going to deal with this we've completed our angel's turn let's move to the meddling imps the meddling imps are quite obnoxious you can see here at the start of their turn they remove all damage counters on them so you have to take them out before they will activate otherwise they'll re-heal they get one action we'll roll up our die and they get a two have a little thorn in your side this is range one move seven yeah they can move a lot meddling imps engage the nearest angel and as wither to that target if that age already has wither then they'll cause two damage instead nothing like getting them right into combat move seven one two three four five six uh one two three four five six seven and one two three four five six yeah oh so two of them can hit both of our angels so both of our angels are going to gain the wither effect and that means at the end of their turns they take one point of damage wither for sardius is pretty terrible so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to do praying first hoping that if i succeed here i can go ahead and discard this affliction so we've gained one courage let's draw a prayer card and then test seven let's see what we get for our prayer and we have a brotherly edification play on your turn as a free action move a target saint up to three spaces then protect each saint that is adjacent to you even if that saint is contested kind of good but that seems way too far away right now come on test of seven let's see it oh we've got an eight that means we'll be able to remove this wither great then let's go ahead and use that to activate our harden and this is a free action once per round grant shields equal to your book value his book value is two so he will have two shield and then he'll test seven and if he succeeds we'll also gain empowered looking for lucky number seven or higher oh that's only six well the nice thing is is we do have it's better to give add or subtract two from a test so we're gonna add two if this causes an angel to pass a test gain one courage so we'll gain a courage and we got enough then because five six plus two is eight that's above the seven so we'll also gain the empowered which means all of our attacks now will deal plus one damage oh it's the back side of this token that was a free action so for our second action here we're gonna go ahead and do our smash we're gonna deal two plus one three damage gaining one courage and we're gonna gain another shield so it'll be shield number three we have to be within range one of whatever demon we're hitting so we're going to hit this number one meddling imp unfortunately they have four health so it doesn't take him out that means i need to take that guy out before he activates again or he's gonna heal in full now though the euphrates frogs are going to activate so our first activation is going to be number five and then our second activation is going to be number six number five here we have a shadow volley this is range infinite move infinite morbus moves to the nearest protected saint then adds shadow to each angel's space if an angel space already contains shadow that target is dealt two damage instead morbus is going to move right over to here now this is now contested so we won't flip that saint but if ever christine moves away from that saint that saint is going to be flipped back over to the oppressed side not good also christine and cedrius are going to be on shadow spaces and if you end your turn on these spaces you take a point of damage at the end of your activation that's just wonderful then we have the blighted currents each angel is afflicted with wither if an angel is already afflicted with wither it gains two damage instead so christine's gonna take two damage and sardius who just got rid of wither will gain weather again we've now all activated we look to level up we only have one xp not going to happen so we'll start with the darkness step for the next round we normally would place out two darkness one per angel but remember because of this card we're going to draw one less darkness card so we're only going to place out one we do have one more oppressed angel so we'll do one for that but that's it we'll then move to the action phase and we're gonna choose sardius as our active angel first first thing we're gonna do sink haul it up move any demons on the battlefield one space towards you then deal that is now four damage to the nearest 2 demons in range however with this your sinkhole skill deals an additional 4 damage divided however you choose amongst demons on the battlefield in addition to its normal damage so we're dealing a total wow that's just a lot of damage and i need to remember that we are empowered add one to damage dealt by the bear of this boon so i would say this one we're dealing a total of instead of four damage it's going to be that's not five per one will take five damage one will take four and then this will deal another set of four damage that's how i'm going to play it this will of course cause us to discard two of our courage we get to move any amount of demons one space towards us so i think i'm to do that with cultural here i think i'm going to leave them like so i don't want to change that and then what we get to do is deal five and four damage to these two that's going to take both of them out they're the two closest demons to sardius then we can deal 4 damage amongst all of these demons that are out on the board might as well do the final meddling imp we'll deal 4 damage to him that will just gain us 3 xp we just took out all those amps in one shot sardius you are the angel one two three we'll take that or remove the meddling imps from here now all we've got are the bosses left and then going to use his free action for shifting earth and remember we can move demons or saints up to two spaces now instead of just one so i'm going to go ahead and move let's see let's move this saint two spaces closer to us we'll move morbus 1 two right here and then we definitely want to get off of that shadow space so i'm gonna move one two i also don't want to be the closest yet christine has all of her health we have not healed yet our second action then will be to pray we need courage and we need prayer to do so we have here declaration of power play any time not in action choose one add two to the result of a test or add two damage to an angel's strike we're looking for a seven on this test ten beautiful oh do i get rid of the wither or darkness card you know ah let's do the darkness card we're gonna discard the darkness card so we've now done our two actions now the euphrates frogs are gonna go our first one will be a two and our second one will be a one before i activate our frogs and cry a little bit we are going to remove one shield on sardius because he did take one point of damage due to his wither but he'll stop that with his shield we're going to have shadow step activate twice kolturo engages the angel with the lowest health uh infinite move so yeah that's going to be sardius oh golly really then deal two damage and add curse to the target add one to damage dealt per affliction on the target of the uh or the target space seriously and why it says that is if you're in a shadow space you're considered to be in a space that has an affliction so that's why it says you'd add one so if sardius was on a shadow space you'd add two damage to this but since he's withered we're just going to add one this does mean that sardius is going to be cursed what curse means is you subtract one from any of your tests and if you fail a test you take one damage why not he's also he's going to do this twice you can only be cursed once but he's going to take for the first attack he's going to take two plus one which is three then he's going to take four damage two and two because he'll have two uh negative effects on him cursed and wither so he's taking three plus four seven damage yeah this may end up being a very quick game we'll bring kalturo here and i think he's gonna take out sardius the first attack on sardius will deal three points of damage he has two shields and then he'll take one more okay so that means he's a total of 10 damage unfortunately then he's gonna get hit for four more damage with four more damage that's going to take him out whenever an angel is defeated we're going to remove that angel from the battlefield and remove all positive and negative conditions so we'll get rid of cursed and we'll get rid of wither and we'll get rid of empower we will retain any damage courage talents heavenly treasure and prayer cards okay so we're still not totally out defeated angels still take their turns and as normal and may still use the prey actions and prayer cards so we can still pray defeated angels may be revived through card effects or even prey actions and angels may even revive themselves when an angel is revived remove one damage token from their character and place that angel on any space on the heavenly gates map tile and they may once again use all their available actions if they have any so we can try and have christine pray to get sardius back or sardis can try and pray himself back well christine is pretty pissed about what she just saw she's going to go ahead and start off by doing the great storm action it's going to cost her all three of her courage hopefully you'll be able to get one back and one action we're going to target a space within range four demons on or adjacent to that space are dealt damage equal to three plus one because of our heavenly uh card here so that's four damage plus two that's six so we're going to deal six damage to all of the enemies that are in this range now the nice thing for christine here range four we can go one two we can target this space we just dealt six damage to all three of these frogs that's 18 damage that's amazing now only one of the frogs had two damage from before that was which one was that that was a morbus so that one will have eight damage all the other ones will just have six we'll then use our second action to pray gaining one courage we'll draw our prayer card each angel gains to courage uh yeah the judgment and justice we'll then test seven to see if we can get sardius back into the game we're at six sardius we'll go ahead and play his declaration of power we're gonna add two to a result of a test so then that means yeah we're going up to eight that means sardius will come back alive he has only one health but he can come back onto the board remember he has to respawn on this board so we'll put him over here we'll then have christine use her advance which is a free action and she's going to move herself to here so she's still adjacent and protecting that saint uh but she can do that as a free action and then the other thing she's going to do is test seven to see if she can get that static charge and gain another courage come on seven or higher oh it's an eight awesome so she'll gain a second courage she now has two and then at the end of her turn she's gonna take a point of damage that will be her fourth one we've finished our action phase let's move to the level up phase one two three we definitely can level up so we'll start with christine we'll grab two heavenly treasures we either have the victorious diadem this has a use once effect so we can only use it one time gain a boon of your choice and place this token on it so you get to gain any boon that increases your health and your book value or this one have a free action test nine plus your next skill deals two bonus damage use only once per round yeah this is going to increase her damage i'm all about damage okay let's see about sardius sardius maybe need some help with knot damage maybe healing okay these are all just boring why would i ever pick this one we'll definitely do the strong tower that's gonna give him two more health and give him one more sword of value we'll then move back to the darkness step we'll place one uh per angel minus one because of the specific boss that we're fighting but then we have one oppressed saint so we still place out two we haven't revealed any of these darkness cards i'm i'm really happy about that and for this round i definitely think we're going to start with christine playing focus on the family angels heal seven damage divided divided however you choose yeah all of that is going to be for sardius that way he only has six damage on him christine's gonna do her justice test here for nine or higher beautiful six plus three is nine that means now our next skill deals two bonus damage okay we're also going to do our static charge we just need a seven or higher for this six plus three is nine that means we have three courage for our second attack you know what we're gonna do with three courage great storm again target a space in range demons on or adjacent to that space are dealt damage equal to this well we've got a book value of two our uh hammer value is three plus uh two which is five so five plus two is seven plus we're dealing two more damage that's nine nine damage to each one of these guys we can do that because we can target this space and all of them are adjacent to that space that's amazing nine damage to each of them means that kaltura will go from six to 15 damage out of 19 will also have the armist do that he'll go to 15 out of 19 and then over here for morbus he'll go to 17 out of 19 almost taken out i think this goes to show that christine is definitely a good damage dealer love it unfortunately though at the end of a turn she is going to take one point of damage and i'm definitely not going to move i want her to be next to that saint well then roll twice for the euphrates frog's activation we've got a three for one and we've got a five for the other three is a sword dance we're gonna have armis engage the angel with the highest current health and deals five damage whoa and then at five we've got the shadow volley morbus moves to the nearest protected saint then adds shadow to each angel space and yeah we're not gonna have to deal with the two damage we're just placing out more shadow armus is gonna move to here dealing five damage to christine because she has the most current health not anymore she now has 10 damage so she only has six health remaining where are my shields sardius you're supposed to be doing that uh morbus is then going to move to here again and then he's going to place out shadow underneath christine right here and underneath sardius right here just makes us continually have to move i love how this works this is a great boss fight sardius is going to start us off by doing a prey action that means he's going to move to two courage which is great because sinkhole costs two uh we're gonna draw a prayer card target up to two demons afflict each target with wither then you may move each target up to two spaces with a withering gaze and that's a free action we'll then do our test for seven we've got a ten so we're going to discard just one of these darkness cards i don't want to deal with it let's go ahead then for our second action do the sinkhole again i should really be doing molten shields you guys this is how we'd be gaining shields i haven't been doing that andrew's probably watching this going colin you only attack yeah well i would say that i probably would play this differently when i'm not doing it recorded i'm trying to just boom push through this i guess so we have here move any demons on the battlefield one space towards you then deal whatever our sword damage is which is three at plus two down here which is five plus we're going to add an additional five thanks to our earthquake of damage to the two nearest demons in range and then we will deal five damage to any demons that we'd like depending upon what their cards do which who knows what they do this could potentially take them all out i think so what we can do is we can push them all one space towards sardius i think i'll just do those two like that then i'm going to deal because these two are the closest to sardius five damage to each of them cultural here will be our first one that we're gonna deal the five damage to he should be killed however we have to draw the top card of their deck and this is their level two one okay this one is also stronghold so it's going to stay out when a defeated frog is supposed to take an action angels are dealt one damage each divided however players choose among the angels okay that's not bad so that means cultural is gone five damage done next morbius here who has 17 out of the 19 damage will also be killed with the earthquake this is what you get for taking out sardius uh let's see what we get we have a sinister return are you serious your fallen foe curses you and with their last breath utters a dark spell before the crumb before crumbling into ashes put the first two defeated frogs back into play at full health adjacent to the last defeated frog i was worried about that i was wondering how you get to all five well yeah so they're right back at us right next to armis that is so incredibly cool and so incredibly annoying okay so after that's happened we still have five damage that we can deal across any of these demons and i think we might as well deal four damage to armus because we can take him out so let's do that first and then we'll deal the remaining one somewhere that's because armis has 15 damage plus the 4 is 19 but now we got to draw our next card uh let's see this one is filled with wrath each time an angel is dealt damaging combat add one to that damage oh and we can't cast that down uh so now the darkness track is totally full but we now only have two frogs out on the board we still have one more point of damage we can place so i'm going to place one more on koltero so kalturo has one damage he has 18 health remaining morbis has all 18. now sardius has done all of his actions but he can still do his free actions first thing we're going to do is the withering gays target up to two demons afflict each target with wither then you may move each target up to two spaces that means both cultural and morbus will be withered we're then going to have cultural move one and we'll have morbus move one as well that means christine's got a great spot where she can hit both of them and then finally we'll do our shifting earth so we'll go ahead and move this saint one over christine went over and we're going to move ourselves out of that shadow space and that's a free action oh okay that's going to end this round we only have one xp so we're just going to move right to the darkness step where pain is going to ensue in the darkness phase we can see our entire track is filled up oh no so what we're gonna have to do is flip over these two because normally we'd only do one plus we have one oppressed saint so two both of these are gonna be flipped over our first one here is desensitized to violence each angel's shields are reduced to zero ha jokes on you i don't have any shields because i'm playing full attack mode and this one okay this one's gonna stay out so it's gonna block this spot the player with the greatest number of prayer cards in their hand must test seven plus on a failure that player must discard a prayer card we each have one so let's do sardius seven or higher or how about five so no we fail so that means we'll have to discard our one prayer card now we'll move to the action phase and you know what we're gonna do we're gonna play judgment and justice by christine each angel gains two courage just think in a four player game how powerful that is still with two players we're each going to gain two courage that was our first action let's go ahead now and do our free action trying to power up our attack 12 12 is greater than nine so our next attack will deal two damage then you know what we need to do we need to get a seven or higher and we can get a third courage and do the great storm a second time seven or higher oh my gosh six plus three six seven eight nine nine plus two damage we gained another uh courage because of that roll so we have three courage let's great storm it so just to make sure that you remember we can do a range of four we'll deal three plus two which is five for our green stat plus two more for seven plus two more because we just powered up our attack for nine nine damage each we can target at a range of four one two three right here we hit both of them for nine remember that cultural has one damage already so he has 10 damage morbus has nine christine is still withered so she'll take one point of damage at the end of that she now only has five health remaining next now are the frogs let's see what they're gonna do we rolled a five for the first one and a two for the second one just so i don't forget remember at the end of their activation since they're both withered they're going to take points of damage so kaltura will have 11 and morbus will have 10. five of course is our shadow volley morbus will move to the nearest protected saint and then adds shadows to each of the angel space spaces fortunately we keep moving off of those spaces with shadow so no one takes damage but then the two will activate and that's shadowstep cultural or cultural i can't say his name sorry engages the angel with the lowest health that's definitely christine then deals two damage and adds cursed to the target add one damage uh per affliction to the target or the target's space and unfortunately oh my gosh this could be really brutal because she's gonna get shadow placed in her space first i'm gonna say i love when boss fights are this tense i don't know if we're gonna make it we're gonna place a shadow here and a shadow here that was for morbus going now cultural is gonna go he'll go ahead and move right here he's going to deal a total of four damage to christine two damage plus she's withered so that's three plus the shadow space that's four she has 11 damage on her plus four is 15 but she has 16 health you guys so she has one health remaining bring it we're gonna move to sardius's turn and i forgot he has the thunder stave he's gonna go ahead and test nine if he's successful he'll deal two bonus damage we just need a nine that's all i'm asking oh how about a ten a ten plus two damage thanks to christine we have the two courage we need for this sinkhole we're gonna spend one action remove our two courage move any demons on the battlefield space one or battlefield one space then we're gonna deal we've got three four five plus two seven damage to the two demons that are nearest in range then we get to deal an additional five damage divided however we choose among the demons on the battlefield seven damage to each of them and then five damage spread out how we want seven damage to our miss we'll put him at 17 damage seven damage to cultural will put him at 18 damage okay now we have five more damage we can do we'll deal one to cultural which will kill him however we still have one card left let's see what this one does oh boy test 10 and add one to the result of this test for each angel okay on a success uh euphrates frogs immediately use one action they just need an eight to succeed with this let's see they only got a seven oh that's beautiful so that means they're not going to activate and that means this is still out on the board but i think we may have just won the game the reason i say that is cultural has now been defeated we still have four more damage that we can spread out we can deal three more to morbius and morbius is toast there's no more cards to draw yeah our darkness track is totally full but they're all three frogs toast now i've got to say what an amazing game oh my gosh came down to the wire i have now played this three times yeah three times and each game has been incredibly tense like this i've won one i've lost one and then i just won this one now i am going to say this is not normally how it goes you aren't going to be able to get as lucky as i did with some of my dice rolls and i went full attacking even with sardius who's more of a defensive player i did that mostly because i'm doing this as a recording i don't want the video to be too terribly long but if you were playing this you could be a lot more uh safe you get more shields you could survive longer i you know a lot better tactics than what i did hopefully though this shows you how the game plays so with that fun ending let's go ahead and talk about the game uh first things first of all the kickstarter previews that i have played this one had the most complete rules rules were totally they all made sense everything was there i didn't have to ask any questions to andrew i was able to play this whole thing with what i had and that's with prototype components and a rulebook that isn't even fully completed i feel like andrew did a phenomenal job of making all of the angels feel vastly different having these actions everyone having the prey action which is the same which is nice but then all of these actions being different means that each time you play a different angel you're gonna see you know have a different experience uh i ended up playing with two uh characters that did area of affected damage and it just happened to be that i drew the three boss ones normally bosses are only one enemy with maybe like 60 health so having three actually really helped christine wouldn't have been nearly as good which is one boss versus the three like we saw i also appreciate the diversity of all the different angels you know they didn't just do them all basic one color all male all female they have a nice variety which is really fun uh you know it just makes it feel more real i would say because of that i feel like the combat is straightforward easy to understand the ai is super solid with the dice rolls sometimes they make silly choices you know like hey the the fiends they ended up dealing damage to themselves but overall i feel like the ai works really well just a die roll you move them then you go back to your turn you've got tons of prayer cards you can play on other people's turns you're going to be invested on other people's turns you've got talents you've got the heavenly treasures and what really interests me too is the campaign i'm excited to see what that's like but i will say it just for a one-off boss battle this was fun i mean i didn't feel like i steamrolled the bosses christine was one health from dying sardius already died one time yeah and there are just in what i've seen nine different uh basic enemies plus the six bosses and then all the different angels there's tons of different combinations look at all of these tiles and they're all double-sided i will say the theme speaks to me as well i really like that we're angels taking on demons but the demons don't look too scary so i can play this with my seven-year-old son no problem oh and the darkness track making making it so you can't just deal with the enemies on the board you have to go and pray and take care of these darkness cards uh and if you don't they get flipped up and negative effects happen i feel like they did a lot of things right here now this game's not gonna be for you well you know i don't know because there's not even a ton of dice rolling it's just those tests and then the dice rolling to determine what the enemies are going to do so even if you don't like dice rolling overall i think you could still enjoy this game yeah you're going to have some tests that you have to do but if you don't pass them you don't pass them right it's not going to make it so you deal no damage or you fail or anything like that the damage is guaranteed and i think that that's great both for the enemies and for the angels so if you're really interested in a cooperative dungeon crawler where you are having guaranteed damage with maybe some tests that you have to roll dice on variable ai variable darkness a campaign for sure really i just i love how different all these prayer cards are and what they do oh yeah i highly recommend this one this one i am going to back day one not a question i don't know what the final product is going to be like but if it's even close to what i see here i will definitely be happy thank you so much for watching i hope this was helpful to you in determining if you want to back the game make sure to check out barrett's play through and there's i'm sure more play throughs and more information than you possibly could need on the kickstarter page if you have any questions about the game as well you can always put them on the kickstarter but you can ask me this is what i have seen i can answer as best i can thank you so much and i'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 14,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs
Id: Aav5Ph1xewQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 14sec (4334 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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