Ex-Prisoners share their SCARIEST prison stories (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] our slash asked reddit posted by user Charlie Goodwin 77 ex-prisoners of Reddit what was the scariest thing you saw whilst on the inside I spent a couple weeks in County Jail on the first day when we were all being processed into the facility strip bend over spread your cheeks and cough we were told very succinctly to never ever even joke about suicide while in the facility kind of like how you just don't say bomb on an airplane anymore by date 3 I had a good understanding of the other guys I was locked up with I was physically the biggest of the white guys in our pod so all the white kids huddled around my table at meals to keep away from the Hispanic folks and the black folks yes there are three teams and correctional facilities whether you like it or not there was one kid in the group that seemed underdeveloped mentally he probably had a learning disability among other things but he essentially acted like a 12 year old I knew early on he was going to get himself in trouble because he never stopped talking or moving and he was rubbing everyone the wrong way I tried to tell him to chill out and be invisible but he was not understanding what I was telling him I had been there week when the 12 year old finally lost his cool completely he was in the shower singing and joking around putting on a performance that went too far and he pooped on the floor as a joke after the other guys in the shower grabbed their towels and ran he proceeded to kick the poop all over the walls and into the other shower stalls I didn't shower for the rest of my stay truth be told it turned into a big scene and then when the trustees came and to clean up the poop all over the walls it turned into an even bigger scene the whole time the 12 year old was locked in a cell near the showers laughing and joking as other inmates had to clean up his poop and make the shower area sanitary again state-run facilities have standards after all the next day everyone was looking at the twelve-year-old with hate in their eyes kinda like Gomer pile in Full Metal Jacket everyone missed their showers the day prior due to the poops in it and then the kid was still up to his antics at breakfast the next day everyone got really cold toward him even openly mean I'll admit I started ignoring him completely after the poop it took in the day or two to realize he was hated by all and then his personality changed dramatically he became sad despondent and started talking to the CIO's because the other inmates wouldn't talk to him anymore he [ __ ] up and told the ce o--'s that he should just harm himself and make everyone happy and that was all it took they dragged out the blue burrito this is the scariest thing I had seen in jail the blue burrito was a 10-foot long blue foam mat like he would use in gym class with two 12-foot long red belts attached they laid it out on the floor forced the twelve-year-old to lay on the mat and then they rolled him up with his arms at his side's into the blue burrito the two long red belts clipped together at the top and bottom of the burrito keeping it all nice and tight this was the suicide protocol at the jail no counseling no medical award you lose the ability to move they put that poor bastard in the burrito around 8:00 p.m. dragged him into his cell and left him laying on the floor wrapped up tight until breakfast the next morning around 8 a.m. the child molesters and gang members in protective custody get to eat breakfast first imagine being unable to move barely able to breath with no end in sight for 12 hours on the floor of your 8x8 cell my cell was up above his and I heard him weeping and moaning in agony all night he didn't say a word to anyone or look anyone in the eye for that matter for the rest of the time I was there one night in the blue burrito broke him not me but my husband was in prison as a young adult he said that they had a way of checking your ego in the spot he was at the toughest guys would come up to you on your first day and ask how many pushups you could do if you were smart you would just sort of blow it off or laugh it off and move on if you were a stupid show-off or had something to prove you would claim a large number or talk to yourself up if you did that then they would be all friendly and be like oh let's see it so the poor guy would do as many pushups as they could the tough guys would gasp the new guy up acting friendly pushing him to do more they acted impressed and joked around then as soon as the new guy had done as many pushups as possible they would jump him and beat him up he would be helpless to resist because he had maxed himself out on push-ups afterwards any guy with an ego was normally really quiet for the remainder of their stay what if someone responded realistically and humbly with a not that many response they'd probably leave you alone because you're not acting like a tough guy acting like a tough guy gets you jumped a solid seven oh this guy's alright with my dick alone ass beating commences I did a couple years when I was young and dumped the craziest [ __ ] I saw was actually in the county jail and not the state prison the county jail was right on the texas / mexico border so there were a lot of Hispanics what was weird was the Hispanics born in America and the Mexicans from Mexico absolutely hated each other I saw Hispanic from Texas heat up a bowl of water until it was boiling in the microwave we had microwaves in the tank and he then proceeded to throw the boiling water on a Mexican from Mexico's face and then beat the ever-loving [ __ ] out of him that dude screams will haunt me forever I also saw a guy take a blade from a small pencil sharpener tie it to a toothbrush and then slice a guy's face from ear to ear while he was sleeping the guy lived but it looked like a [ __ ] murder scene these are the most gruesome ones I've read so far in this thread my god not a prisoner but an ex guard I worked at a juvenile detention facility in New Mexico the absolute scariest thing I ever saw was a young boy nine years old booked and for murdering both of his parents there was nothing there I failed to call this thing even human I looked into this child's eyes and felt more fear than I ever have to this day this was no child it was a monster pure evil condensed and given human form and to clarify I have booked and looked after murder suspects before it was nothing new but this kid was different very different he never broke any rules and always followed commands but never ever spoken less directly ask something and then it was Kurt short just to answer a question he never cried either which is highly unusual for a nine-year-old kid in jail he was eventually tried and transferred to mental facility but I'll never forget the kids eyes it haunts me to this day Jesus Christ man your experience reminds me of what John Carpenter saw when visiting a mental health facility while in college the boy he observed with a description similar to yours was the genesis for Michael Myers when writing the first Halloween film pure evil child offenders generally don't get a lot of news coverage depending on state law regarding youth offenders and what not so while cases like this are incredibly uncommon they do happen I was in a minimum I saw some brutal fights but the worst thing I ever witnessed was from some idiots they stole some isopropyl alcohol from the Med unit somehow brought it back mixed it into drinks and drank it they were [ __ ] throwing up worse than I've ever seen in downright sick as [ __ ] screaming in agony shriveled in a ball on the floor I've heard of people drinking floor stripper for GHB or some shits but [ __ ] the things people will do to try and get [ __ ] up his way beyond anything I can comprehend also a bonus answer for you the worst scariest most painful thing I've ever dealt with I got scabies and headed for 11 months I was treated several times for it but because people were infected around me I kept getting it if you have never had it or even heard of it be thankful I have scars on my body from scratching because of how itchy and uncomfortable I was I finally had to threaten a hunger strike you want them to listen in prison go to medical ask them for the lieutenant and say you are going on a hunger strike they treated me a last time and put me on a psych hold in isolation for three days when I got out they transferred me to a new housing unit and I never got it again okay so I got a DUI in a neighboring County I was going through a rough patch in life so I said [ __ ] it and never showed up to court I figured catch me if you can well fast-forward a couple months and I end up getting into some [ __ ] and charged in my County BOOOM extradition I end up in that neighboring counties prison ruff stopped to put it lightly so one night I'm in my cell which was on the second tier second floor and they bring some new guy in while this guy keeps asking for [ __ ] phone calls food and just generally being a pain in the ass so at one point a CEO comes up to talk to him the CEO leaves and this guy is freaking out he's screaming and yelling and banging the door to his cell he called me the n-word he just keeps screaming this and the banging intensifies it's now boom boom boom with him still screaming now when the doors are closed and locked there's about a two-inch gap between the door and the wall that's what he was screaming through I see a co walk-up and here he called me anyhoo the co had walked up waited for him to scream and sprayed mace down the man's throat through the crack and just walked away so for the next 45 minutes I can hear this guy gasping for air it didn't sound good they finally came back drug him out of his cell and down the hall to this little shower they cuffed him to the shower and ran water around him for a couple hours gasping the whole time they finally ended up taking him to the hospital damn that's horrible I can't even imagine how much it must have [ __ ] burned his lungs not me but a teacher of mine told me a story of one of her students that spent a week in juvie he wasn't there for more than two days when a gang of boys attacked him sliced his back up with razors and raped him no one knew until they came to release him and his mom put a hand on his back only to hear him scream and pain because of all the cuts on his back Jesus he wasn't there late as duck to the party but recently did four months in County and it's a trip I was in general population I got to go to work furlough then the whole for six weeks and then back to general population until I was released man the things you will see girls really do tattoo and they're gay for the stay is real and fights over the dumbest ducking [ __ ] general population in Estrella Jail was 120 women in one big-ass room half already [ __ ] and the other half on their periods almost like walking on eggshells if you didn't know anyone around you and they expect you to just learn the jail rules and the rules on the floor that the inmates make up and enforced somehow on your own I have so many stories the scariest thing I have to one I heard a woman commit suicide while in the hole rest in peace she had wrapped her sheet around her neck and flushed it the CIO's did not get to her in time [ __ ] that was sad as hell and - I was two rooms away and work furlough when another inmate head od'd and died rest in peace that one really tugged at my heartstrings though because she was 54 and my mom was 54 at the time and it just broke my heart to pieces maricopa county jails are terrible source was in a few of them ex-ceo here sorry if I'm not the target audience scariest thing I saw while working at a maximum-security prison was this simple looking middle-aged man who seemed nice at first but was obviously very much insane I was doing my rounds and he wanted to talk so I talked to him for a while not knowing what to expect I was working in a bay that day which is for housing general population and see Bay is the mentally ill population this is important I started talking to this guy and he introduced himself to me and I told him my name and he started telling me he was wrongly imprisoned as he did nothing wrong I said what do you mean and he said he was arrested for something he didn't do and now he's here he looked like a sad lonely white man but average in every way he could very easily be a cashier at a tractor store or something similar anyway he started talking about his sister and how he loves to [ __ ] her and come inside her and this is where things start to get uncomfortable for me he then starts telling me more about his sister and how she is mean to him and his jealous of him and how she beats him sometimes and she's mad at him for not wanting to have a baby with her I don't like talking to him so I try to make an excuse to leave but then the weirdest part of the conversation happens he starts the conversation over completely from the beginning he tells me his name and asks me mine and I'm looking at him confused but telling my name again anyway he repeats the same story about his sister word-for-word and yet again I try to leave but he starts the conversation over again he does this three more times before I just walk away and he's still talking later in the day it's shave time so I have to go around and give razor blades to the inmates who want to shave their faces afterwards I go around again and collect the razors and I think I'm done but I go back to the same man and I notice he is holding a razor in his hand I told him he needs to give me the razor now as shaving time is over and he said he can't because he's finished yet I told him he was done shaving his face and to please give me the razor but he said he's done with his face but wasn't finished with the razor he slid it through the bars and pulled back when I tried to take it from him he was acting like a child with a toy and like I was a parent who wanted him to give me the toy I held my hand open and demanded he give me the razor and he kept saying no I'm not finished yet keep in mind I was 19 at the time and he was 54 I think I had about enough of his [ __ ] so I very firmly said give me the razor now or I will go get another officer over here he looked upset and promised to give it back when he was done and he wouldn't belong he just had to get the chip and the dirt out I said what are you talking about and he said has innocent and then I saw his arm where he was cutting into it he said someone put a microchip in his arm and he has to get it out he also said the chip was dirty and he had to get rid of the bad vein where the chip was as [ __ ] up as it was I watched this man slice into his wrists then put the dirty razor blade under a vein and pull it out of his arm imagine pulling up a guitar string about a foot into the air but it was bloody I stared at it he stared in it and then he let it fall back into his arm like it was nothing he didn't seem to have any pain from it either and his facial expression looked pleased I had a mini freakout but kept my cool and went to get my other officer to come get him before he did any more damage I waited there while two officers came and escorted him to C Bay where he should have been from the beginning as he was walking away he started the conversation over again and the last thing I heard him say before he rounded the corner was I [ __ ] my sister some things they can't prepare you for in these places edit thank you for my first-ever gold edit this comment got quite a lot of attention so I'll be more descriptive for those of you with a strong stomach if you've already had enough from the top post stop reading now please when I saw the guy's arm I could tell he's been going at it for awhile before I came to get the razor he didn't just slice open his wrist and pull out of aim he's been digging into it for a while and there was arm meat and blood on the floor and bars where he was picking at it he dropped the razor on the floor a few times and just picked it up and kept digging away into his arm I can't stress enough how deep he cut I saw the bones in his arm with me around it and Daria's he was cutting into if you were to put two fingers to measure the thickness of your arm then half way down is how deep he cut he had to push aside other muscles in his arm to get to the vein he pulled out like a guitar string I say guitar string because that's how elastic it was I never knew veins were that elastic before seeing that he slipped the razor underneath the vein and slowly lifted it straight up into the air with the razor after admiring his handiwork he let the vein slip off the razor and it snapped back into his arm it didn't even faze him and he seemed satisfied I walked over to my other officer and said hey you need to come with me right now he didn't wanted to come at first but I was adamant and told him this guy is harming himself and I need help now he saw what the guy was doing and looked at me with him oh ok you weren't [ __ ] around expression and then called for backup I stayed with the guy while two more officers showed up and they escorted him away - I assume the medical ward and hopefully afterwards C Bay I went home afterwards and I tried to tell my sister what happened just to get it off my chest and she wouldn't let me finish and got upset that I would tell her something like that I think what upset me the most about the incident was that the guy was completely averaged out every way he looked like any random southern man he could have been a father or a brother an old friend he went fishing with on the weekends but he was a psychopath nothing about him made me feel uncomfortable until he started talking about his sister no red flags whatsoever when I started talking to him I even shook his hand at the beginning of our conversation and let my guard down to seem approachable thinking about him now I feel sorry for him I wonder what happened in his life to make him so crazy dealing with his behavior made it seem like I was talking to a child in an adult's body and I have a strong suspicion that he was abused as a child I remember him saying that his sister was older than him so maybe she was a part of the abuse and before you ask no I never found out what his crime was that landed him in prison and honestly I don't want to know we weren't supposed to ask the prisoners what crimes they committed it after the guy I kind of stopped asking I worked on the Supermax security unit for one day just to see what it was like and there was a man in there who skinned a child while the child was still alive I wanted to see what this guy looked like but the captain said I wasn't allowed to know but he did tell me the guy was a light-skinned black man there was only one light-skinned guy there and he was a total [ __ ] he would kick his door all night and scream and make it hard for anyone to focus in the unit he also peed on the floor thinking that would piss us off but the door was sealed on the bottom so it stayed in his room and his plan backfired on him I also met Brian Nichols that was fun and no I don't work there anymore that wasn't a good time in my life and I'm happy I moved on from that would I ever go back to working in a prison yes for a while but I'm definitely not making a career out of it Prison work pays quite well comparatively and it feels good to have stable income but the risk is very high for any number of things to go wrong I had to stay six hours past my shift one day because a ladle went missing and we had to put the prison on lockdown to find it so an inmate couldn't use it as a shank thank you for reading and for my first gold I'm glad I got to share my experience with you this is the most horrific story I've read on this post this isn't my story but my uncle will call him M now M went to jail for possession of heroin he was addicted to it at the time he went to jail he was in prison for almost two years now M had friends who were in jail before so he knew to stay out of the way and out of sight one day a new inmate was brought in he was put in the cell right next to my uncle's immediately when this guy was brought in hostilities went up fast everyone glared at this guy and noticed everyone was glaring or threatening the sky my uncle M asked around as to why everyone hated this guy confused as hell turns out the guy was a child molester who was serving a life sentence because he raped and then murdered a young kid one night my cup to the sound of beating he can hear all of this from his cell one of the prison guards had let himself and they beat the pedophile up as my uncle was in there he saw and heard this guy be beaten tortured and even raped he didn't say anything because he believed the guy deserved it my uncle cares a lot about kids my uncle left and he heard on the news years later the pedophile hung himself while in jail years of torture got to him as my uncle says he raped and killed a kid him getting raped and beaten and committing suicide does not make me shut a single tear dude got jumped by 20 people after he insulted a cop and the guy got greenlit the reason it happened is because every Sunday we were allowed to have a religious bingo game complete with donated prizes this cop came in and told us were being too loud so he shut it down dude told the cop to go [ __ ] himself but then the guy came forward after the whole dorm was threatened with disciplinary action the cop basically announced under no uncertain terms that this guy's was not allowed to walk out of the dorm on his own feet turned around and locked the door behind him it was a level to the inmates actually have something to lose at this level so no one would dare shank the cop to retire abusive ass we were in protective custody no gang affiliation was going to save him and it was a reception center reception has [ __ ] four conditions so tensions are high an ass-kicking is abundant the first guy to come forward was the head Porter named powder powder was a skinhead that had tattoos outlining his jaw which made him look like Robocop in the face I don't know if that was the point or not but he looked like a jackass and acted like a jackass powder swings first his victim ducts and powder hits something behind the guy hard enough to make a really loud metallic thud then a bunch of dudes come out of the Woodworks to slap this guy up nobody said a word and all you could hear were people landing blows he never actually went down though he was on his feet the whole time I'm not sure if it's because they were afraid being set up or if they just didn't care but two dozen inmates of every and any race came forward hit him once or twice and ran back home I don't think the guy fought back at all because that probably would have gotten way worse a bunch of guys wound up with broken hands because of it after all was said and done the guy went back to the door the cop locked and asked for help I never saw the cops actually hit the guy but there were about six of them there to get him out he probably never got any medical attention because as far as I know there was never anything resembling an investigation no idea what happened after that happened in Wasco California when I was 16 I was moved from Judy to Jay doc for repeat offenses the [ __ ] I saw in my two years at J doc Eagle point is enough to make anyone not want to see the inside of a jail ever again one guy was in for raping a dog when the pot found out he got jumped by 13 people he ended up having his jaw wired shut after having his face bashed into a concrete wall five or six times I remember one in particular though that really stuck with me we we ran mess for lunch and a guy named Eugene had just sat at my table he had fruit salad on his plate while we all had dry old cake Salvatore really liked fruit salad Salvatore originally asked Yujin to trade the cake for the fruit salad of which he refused within the blink of an eye Salvatore jumped across the table to started stabbing Eugene with shards of a hard plastic cup he had just broke he was stabbed 22 times Salvatore pushed him away and started eating his fruit salad two bites and the CIO's tackled him at the time Salvatore had a four year sentence he is currently serving life [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 568,562
Rating: 4.8466239 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: NpGpiZfor0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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