Senior's Sunday Service LNTCOG January 30, 2022

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[Music] you are yes you are you are god just help me [Music] [Music] are this more time yes you are yes you are [Music] yes you are [Applause] [Music] yes you are yes you are [Music] yes lord i love you jesus [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] god [Music] oh my god [Music] holy [Music] search all [Music] still couldn't find nobody nobody played jesus oh [Music] still couldn't find nobody nobody nobody still gonna find nobody nobody [Music] [Music] oh [Music] nobody nobody can heal nobody can hear you come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i just can't find anybody nobody [Music] [Music] [Music] i look high [Music] nobody couldn't find nobody [Music] [Music] [Applause] couldn't find nobody [Music] [Applause] nobody greater nobody [Music] nobody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody greater nobody greater nobody greater nobody [Music] nobody greater jesus nobody greater than you jesus you are highly exhorted nobody greater nobody greater than you jesus hallelujah search all over there is no one like unto you jesus no one like you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] nobody [Music] nobody greater nobody nobody greater than jesus [Music] for jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah nobody greater cheese [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] this morning could we just lift up those hands and worship him hallelujah could we give him what is due to him this morning oh he's worthy he deserve our praise [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] take it home right now hungry [Music] and always how great [Applause] will is how great [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is away [Applause] is he great this morning is he great in your life this morning is he great in you at all this morning hallelujah how great is our god thank you lord jesus right now i'll just introduce to you oh morning's moderator in the person of sister eins mother eins everybody know the hands amen so could you just receive her in the name of jesus hallelujah thank you jesus praise be to god thank you sis deaconess edwards bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name hallelujah hallelujah praise be to god let me greet our bishop and first lady congregation greetings in the name of jesus hallelujah this songwriter said i am so glad that my father in heaven tells of his love in the book he has given hallelujah wonderful things in the bible i see this is the dearest that jesus loves me what a beautiful day today we have with us a number of our seniors worshiping with us today isn't god good isn't he wonderful hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus and i can assure them that their souls will be blessed this morning some have not been out for a very very long time and i know that they are very happy to be here some are still on their way coming praise be to god hallelujah hallelujah we'll be doing our opening hymn jesus loves me and it is him 56 if you have your church's hymnal you can just turn to him 56 praise god i am so glad that my father in heaven [Music] wonderful things in the bible i see this is a terrorist that jesus is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] when i remember that jesus [Music] jesus [Music] only one song [Music] oh a wonder that jesus shall see i am so loved that jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus loves me i am so glad that [Music] hallelujah if you're really really glad that jesus loves you can you just give a shout of hallelujah this morning hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus hallelujah at this time deaconess notice will come with the opening prayer and afterward we'll have the scripture reading by sister smith praise god let us pray father we thank you this morning that you love even us thank you lord for your love towards us and lord we thank you today for this beautiful day amidst the pandemic this morning we are here to worship you and that is because you love us you saved us and you have given us life everlasting and for that reason lord we are here this morning to lift up your name we cannot pay you lord for the goodness towards us but lord we can come to praise you we can even praise you lord and this morning we want to give you back all the praises that you so deserve we thank you this morning for our seniors that are worshipping with us this morning lord many of them have labored in this very building and today they are here to worship with us we pray our blessings on their lives lord we pray that you continue to cover them underneath that precious blood and we pray lord jesus that you will keep them secure that when you shall come lord they too will have a place in heaven be with us this morning we pray bless our service lord bless your mother raita bless the songs that we sing and help us lord that there's a soul that is here lord that will hear from thee lord you have brought us together because that is the reason we are here on earth to praise you and to give you back what you so deserve this morning lord our country it is rigged with crime many of our children are on the streets this morning doing what they're not supposed to do but lord you see because of your greatness i know you're gonna cover them and i know you're going to bring them back to salvation bless us this morning together bless our hearts lord as we worship you and help us lord that we'll be at the place this morning to hear from thee we know there's a word here for every one of us this morning help us to take that word and help us to build on that word that lord our lives will be examples out there in this old wicked world be with us this morning bless those who are set above us lord we know that the challenges are many but we ask you lord to give them another vision cover them lord and their families and help them that they will continue to walk with you and they will continue to serve your people because we know that the rapture is here be with us we pray bless our service this morning continue to be with us we tell your thanks in jesus name r good morning everyone our scripture reading will be taken from said matt said matthew um chapter 26 reading from verses 1 from verses 26 to 41 i'll repeat said matthew chapter 26 reading from verses 26 to 41. and as they were heated jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to the disciples and said take heat this is my body and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drinky haul of it for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins but i say unto you i will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the wine until that day when i drink it new with you in my father's kingdom and when they had sung on him they went out into the mount of olives then say jesus unto them holy shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after i am risen i will go before you into galilee peter answered and said unto him so all men shall be offended because of thee yet will i never be offended jesus said unto him verily i say unto thee that this night before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice peter said unto him zohan should die with thee yet will i not deny thee likewise also said hall's disciples then commit jesus with them into a place called get ceremony and said unto the disciples sitting here while i go and pray yonder and he took with him peter and two and the two sons of zebedee and begone to be sorrowful and very heavy then said he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful evil unto death carry ye here and watch with me and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying oh my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as thou willed and he cometh into the disciples and he comment on to the disciples and find them asleep and say it unto peter what could he not watch with me one hour 41 and final watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak here is the hand of proportion of reading of god's holy word we honor it by saying glory to you to the father and to the son and to the holy ghost as it was in the beginning which now and ever shall be world without him amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise god let me thank um deaconess notice and sister smith for carrying on thus far praise god let us greet somebody in jesus name let us tell them that we love them in jesus name tell them we can work together in jesus name everybody's heart jesus loves you everybody jesus loves [Applause] [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise god we may not be able to shake somebody's hand we may not be able to hug somebody but i'm just going to ask you all to stand and as we do this song again you're just going to turn to the left and turn to the right and you're going to give them a very very big smile hallelujah praise god everybody in jesus name let us tell him that we are them in jesus name we can work together in jesus name is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah blessed me the name of jesus let me acknowledge the presence of our pastor bishop reid and sister reid the officers praise team musician praise be to god and all our members we are very happy to have you especially our shooting i just want to welcome all our visitors here today if you're here for the first second or the third time as a visitor can you just stand that we can see you and acknowledge you praise be to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god we are very very happy to have you in church today and i can assure you that whatever you're here for today god is here and is able to grant you whatever your request may be we have um visiting with us from the states sister and brother fitzgerald's son and his wife brother and sister henry i'm going to ask them to stand for those who don't know them that they will be acknowledged brother and sister henry where are you where are your son yes oh they're at the back okay give them a warm welcome hallelujah happy to have you praise god hallelujah praise be to god hallelujah at this time we'll be having a special item from sister marcia tucker praise god [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bless the lord good morning everyone so good to be in the house of the lord this morning you know feeling so good to be out and uh you know just yesterday evening somebody or in the afternoon somebody called and said i tell you know you know all right then let me do i hope this song will be a blessing to your heart bless the lord so many times i question certain circumstances and the things i could not understand [Music] so many times in trails weakness blurs my vision and that's when my frustration gets so out of hand [Music] and i've never [Music] but when i looked at all the big trees the spirit rises up in me and it's truly is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] adversary [Applause] [Music] and he will take [Music] and the hills will not be [Music] always [Music] is me [Music] [Music] that i would surely perish [Music] is [Music] [Music] will always [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah he never promised that the cross would not be heavy he didn't promise us that everything would be okay he didn't promise us that it would be smooth sailing every day but bless the lord o my soul whenever we are going through our problems he promised to see us through he promised to take care of us hallelujah and that is the reason why we are here today because of his grace and his mercy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god thank you sister tucker keep singing for the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah the songwriters say this sweet i know hallelujah this sweet i know storm clouds may rise hallelujah hallelujah but it it is so sweet to trust in jesus and in in these days in these times when we are going through so many things the pandemic is around so many killings so many murders we can say he's so sweet let us continue to trust in the lord hallelujah you know as i looked and i saw the table there i remember about 10 years ago i went to a general assembly in the states and um there was a minister and before he started to preach he sung this song jesus has a table spread where the saints of god are fed he invites his chosen people come and dying with his with his manner he dot feed he supplies our ever need oh tis sweet to sup with jesus all the time and then of course they come and then the master calleth come and dine hallelujah you may feast at jesus table all the time he who fed the multitude he turned the water into wine to the hungry callers now come and die and hallelujah praise be to god we're so happy that we can come to god's table and we can die and hallelujah we can send up the praises because he's hears he's always ready to receive our praises i'm going to ask you at this time to stand as our pastor bishop reid will come to us with his comments and prayer praise god please stand praise god [Music] will not be hard to [Applause] never [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and is would take you to the fire again [Music] will not be [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody give us shout out praise in the house our god has shown up [Music] and he's doing miraculous things in the lives of his people hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah somebody show glory let commando know that the people of god are gathered today in the center of the lord and we are going to shout praises to the king of kings and lord of lords that we serve the conquering lion of the tribe of judah who never loses a battle that is ever victorious come on church of god lift up your voices and show glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord thank you jesus thank you lord this is the day that the lord has made and we are going to rejoice and we are going to be glad because we are happy for it and we are praising him praise the name of the lord come on clap your hands with jesus on my day my my my my my glory to god hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty god we serve oh heaven and earth adore him and we people of god we give him all the praise and all the glory we know how to apologize when we praise god no no no because we have a reason to praise him hallelujah is enough stuff in your belly there is your stuff in your soul that when you want it just explode and give god thanks listen me man hey we praise him we praise him for what he has done he has done great things praise god [Music] can we remember who woke us up this morning who set us on our way who provided safe transportation to come here hallelujah anybody know his name his name is jesus [Music] he's the one the only one that deserves our praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i'm going to ask you to turn to your neighbor now and tell your neighbor neighbor it's good to see you in church do you have another neighbor do you have another neighbor tell the neighbor sister smith is a talker that is good to see you in church good to see you sister richards glory hey bless your sis hallelujah [Music] praise god [Music] he alone is worthy to receive all our praise and our thanksgiving because he is god and god alone hallelujah praise god i know you can't believe in god today for a very special day you come with a air of expectancy because you expect god to show up and you're expecting god to show off amen and i can tell you that he's already here do you feel him in the sanctuary hey as you raise your hand do you feel like you are touching the bush of angels wings hallelujah as your soul magnify the lord in the sanctuary today hey praise god this atmosphere is right for worship glory [Music] can i tell you that before we came here this morning the lord released his angels and dispatched him to commodore hallelujah [Music] and tell him that there is a church on the side of the main road my people is going to be gathered here today and they are coming with a heart of praise and worship so i want you to go down and sanitize that building i want you to go the old and happy habitat that building [Music] go through every corner of the building every spot on the property and take up your residence because my people are coming out today and i'm gonna meet with them i'm gonna fellowship with them hallelujah [Music] oh yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] he is here he is here the holy ghost is here hallelujah can we now recognize that the god who we serve he is the answer to our challenges the answer to our problems and he is ready like he said to the children of israel i am come down to deliver you he's saying to us today i am already here and i'm ready to deliver you are you ready to receive that hallelujah father we bless you we thank you we praise you we magnify you we lift you up king of kings lord of lords concurrent lion of the tribe of judah moses god daniel's god ezekiel god jeremiah god jew of god hey joseph god our god my god your god oh god we come to you this morning with thanksgiving with praise with adoration and we look to you the song man said our faith look up to you thou wilt save your divine and so it is to you who never fail who never slam in our sleep who is always victorious we draw an eye to you now lord because we know that your children need you we know your children are calling on you we know your children are waiting for an answer and we also know that you never never send anyone away disappointed and so we are confident that as we come to you this morning oh our needs will be met problems will be solved challenges will go darkness will turn to light oh symptomatic problems oh god will change their course and we shall have the victory in the name of jesus christ lord we want to present to you the was request oh god the emblems that have been brought to you today touch them now in the name of jesus this basket contains these things that have been placed by your people by faith they place them in this basket by faith i raise them up now to you lord and by faith we receive the answer because you are prior answering god tabernacle with us today lord come down and be with us in a way that you have never been before lord this city never cheer everywhere your persons are seated draw an eye to them lord corona virus can't keep you from drawing to your people corona virus can't keep you from hugging your people corona darkness can't stop you from whispering a word of peace and comfort and cheer nothing can stop jehovah from doing what he has to do so we ask of you do it now in jesus name because we your people depend on you and we are confident that even before we ask you know the desires of our heart and you have already released the answer and we receive it now in jesus name and the people of god say amen amen amen [Music] it is finished the battle is over in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah god bless you you may be seated [Music] praise the name of the lord thank you jesus thank you lord my brothers and sisters good morning of my officers the praise team our musicians all of you my brothers and sisters present here and those that are joining us on the world wide web we welcome you heartily to the commonwealth new testament church of god here in lynn state san catherine jamaica you are tuning in to us today and we are pleased to have you as a part of our family you are our family at all times and at this moment we are saying to you you are the right place you are doing the right thing you are tuning in to the right service because there is a right god who is in control of our lives clap your hands a bit to somebody praise god today is a very very very special day for us here at the church of god i want to first of all just recognize our new converts that are here today last week sunday we went to bhagwalk river and we had three candidates that were baptized i know i'm seeing at least two of them here i wonder if the third one sister is well are you here i'm going to ask you to stand sister gonzalez is here sister drake is here sister cyril is here sister's cereal is upstairs praise god come on let's give god a clap off ring for three more that have come into the kingdom at a time like this oh god richly bless you hallelujah god is still in the saving business regardless of all the circumstances around us god is finding a way amen to bring others into the kingdom of god and we thank god for you come on put your hands together again for these our young converts and their families that are here with them god bless you god bless you god bless you praise god hallelujah and i want to also allow you to know that these have just come into the kingdom but we have some others that are with us today that have been in the kingdom for a long long long time a few weeks ago sister stubbs we were on a mission we were visiting all our shootings and we tried to do it and in one day we could not visit all of them so we did it in two days we went we prayed with them we gave them a care package we wish them god's richest blessings and we told them they'll be hearing from us and today they have heard and they have responded put your hands together father hallelujah hallelujah i'll be saying much more about them in a short while but i want us to recognize that these here they are the foundation on which we are building and so i say to you all respect due to you we love you we appreciate you and we are very happy that you are able to come here today we're going to make a few different mentions of them as we go along but i'm not going to ask um our um hospitality team they are here i'm going to ask them to to receive our first handout to them this time we're going to give each of them a bottle of water yes yes so that as they sit there they can sip and just praise god amen and one of the things i'm promising you is that we're not going to keep you too long because we understand that in your senior years you have had to be dealing with some conditions that some of the younger persons here don't even understand but we understand so sippy water i'm coming back to you in a short while and before you go we are going to serve you holy communion so that you may go rejoicing in god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i say two more things and i take my seat as we continue with the mornings program can i tell you that this morning we are just welcoming back deaconess um notice and sister duncan and of course sister rayna reed are you here sister reyna down there she lost her mother one of the new converts brother sullivan one of your batchmates has left us we'll talk about that she was baptized january last year and the lord has seen it fit to take her home so you'll hear more about that but sister noticed as just you know a week ago buried her stepfather and sister duncan just a week ago also has buried her mother we had prayed for you already and we continue to pray that the god of all mercy will continue to hold you this right hand of righteousness immediately after we are through with the service i'd like to have a brief members meeting so all those who will be stopping for um communion i'd like to talk to you before you go and the officers will meet me in the office just before that meeting amen amen amen i'll have much more to say but let us know worship the lord with our tithes and offering you have brought a very special offering you are being faithful to god by returning to him that portion that belongs to him which is your tithe we are going to receive it from you oh lord we are just being the stewards of god as we thank god for your tithes and offering can i ask you to take your tithes and your offering out and can i invite you to stand please our senior citizens you may remain seated our ushers will come to you because i do know that you too do not want to be left out say you're coming and you have brought a gift to present to the lord one of our ushers will take your gift from you praise god can we just raise that hand with that offering untithed father see your people with willing hearts they have taken out their tithes and offering they are raising their right hands with that special gift that will be presented to you now we thank you for the jobs that you have provided for your people the means of earning the means of income lord the ways in which you have come through so that finances can could come into the hands of your children and right now they are going to return to you that portion reacts that you will receive it now you will bless it and you will return it to your people according to your promise in jesus name we pray and the people of god say amen years i spent infinity [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is i want to raise [Music] holy [Music] every day [Music] please [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] [Music] he died [Music] to me [Music] [Music] glory me [Music] to me [Music] hallelujah merciful was great and grace was free hallelujah pardon there was multiplied to me there my burden soul found liberty at calvary are you happy for calvary this morning can you just raise your hand and give god praise hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god let me acknowledge at this moment our dear brother matthew gilsen hallelujah give him a cheer you know it was it was a few weeks ago i was saying my god i really want to hear a guitar in the church again brother gilson we're happy to have you despite the fact that your father is sick and i know what you're going through we are very very happy to have you this morning hallelujah praise god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah at this time we'll be having a special item from brother headley laws praise god brother laws [Music] [Applause] his brother lost he's not here praise god mercy there was great and grace was free and there was multiplied to me there my burden [Music] i [Music] oh praise the lord praise the lord at this time deacon park will be coming to us [Music] [Music] hallelujah just lift your hands and worship the lord's son [Music] once my soul was astray from the could be [Music] but my savior in love gave me peace joy and love when he laid down for me when my savior reached out [Music] [Music] me i was lost [Music] i was narrowing [Music] and he told [Music] glory glory down [Music] my savior reached [Music] [Applause] way [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] way down [Music] brothers and sisters i know that we're going through a trying time yesterday i had all the plans to go to saint elizabeth i was called due to the nature of my job to deal with a student who was suicidal and just to be able to lift the child from a position of despair to a position that she could able to see god and to see herself moving forward it's a testimony that having christ in your life can remove the feeling of despair when you're able to share your gospel share the gospel of jesus christ with others you can lift them out of their birth so i'm here this morning to say to you if you're here and you're feeling down and if you're going through your tests and you're going to your trials the same god that lifts me out of my despair he is here to this morning the same god that took that child out of the spirit he is here this morning and he is willing and able to help you he will reach down his hand and pull you up if you just give him a chance hallelujah if i save your reach [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] reach out for me [Music] me [Music] when you reach [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god thank you deacon park when he reached down his hand for me hallelujah i was lost and undone hallelujah without god our son and he reached down way down hallelujah and he pulled me up hallelujah that is why i'm here today rejoicing in a full and free salvation it is now time for the word and i'm going to ask you all to stand and receive the man of god our own pastor bishop reid hallelujah praise god hallelujah [Music] [Music] i was lost [Music] [Music] hallelujah i'm sure all of us can remember whether it was that morning noon and night when the wounded hand of the savior reached down to us [Applause] [Music] our situation could have been very pitiful we could have been wallowing in the garbage heap of life [Music] maybe we were thrown away like a piece of scrap metal in the mind of the devil we were on the garbage heap and the garbage chuck would soon come or maybe the garbage chuck was already backing up [Music] but jesus looked down on the scrap heap of life and he saw he saw winsome hallelujah [Music] and he said to himself i have use for that piece of garbage sing the song for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] i was lost [Music] [Music] can i talk like that and it doesn't upset you is backing up to pick up garbage some of them have a little beeping sound beep beep beep the vehicle is backing up the truck was already backing up and we were on top of the pile so we'll be going in first but right there and then the spirit of almighty god [Music] stop the garbage truck and went down his hands scarred and wounded and blood still dropping out of the scarred the punches and he rescued you and i and today here we are redeemed by the blood of jesus christ rescued from hell hallelujah we are in our right minds we are well dressed we are in the rightful place all because he reached down his hands [Music] hey [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we give you glory hallelujah we give you glory glory to god almighty [Music] [Music] somebody says roll back the curtains of memory now and then hallelujah show me where you brought me from hallelujah that's where we are coming from but today we are rejoicing every day as we walk the narrow way for the hand of god in all my life i see hallelujah and the reason of the bliss yes because what the comforter abides with him he rescued us and he comforts us that's a god we serve hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] thank you lord mr bedward bring sister burns to me bring her here [Music] hallelujah sister reed go stand with sister bedward and sister burns for me [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] church of god [Music] [Music] way down [Music] i was lost [Music] [Music] sister henry come here for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reach now [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] release [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] we glorify we magnify glory and honor beyond to the king of glory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh release release lord in the name of jesus [Music] glory to god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] let the lord have his way let the lord have his way i say it again let the lord of his way [Music] and anything he does he has done it well and he has done the right praise god [Music] praise god father [Music] we come to you in the name of jesus [Music] we release your daughter into your hands it's only you [Music] that is aware why you are doing what you are doing but we trust you we believe you we have confidence in you that you do all things well father as we have your daughter at this altar now i release the power of the holy ghost to take up residence in her life to guide her to protect her and to cover her comprehensively with the blood of jesus christ father you know the delicacy of her job you know oh god the delicacy of her family and god you are always one step of the enemy you are always doing your work yourself and so this morning we say to you do it again lord do it again lord do it again lord father we release blood coverage upon the life of your daughter and her family we cover them we cover them we cover them in the name of jesus christ no harm no harm [Music] no harm and we declare today no weapon no weapon no weapon that is found against your children shall prosper in the name of jesus christ we set up we set up a barricade we set up a bombardment in the name of jesus christ and they are going out and in their coming in angels shall shadow with them angels must drive with them when they reach their places of work enemies must salute them because they are children of the most high god and when they reach home coverage complete coverage in the name of jesus christ no harm no harm [Music] no [Music] [Music] harm the name of jesus in the name of jesus somebody give the lord a shout of praise in the sanctuary somebody give him a shout [Music] thank you jesus thank you lord somebody's going to help her to regain her composure she comes back to worship praise god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god come on somebody worship the lord in the sanctuary somebody worship the lord in the sanctuary god god god is doing something god is doing something this amen god is on the job let the lord have his way hallelujah let the lord have his way hallelujah for those who may be tuning in and can't understand what is happening this is a pentecostal church here can we remind them sister winston it is a pentecostal church and we allow the spirit of the lord [Music] to take charge of whatever program we may have because it's his church it's his people we are the sheep of his pastor and so we give god thanks and praise and adoration hallelujah hallelujah praise god i believe that i know that it is the holy ghost at work amen amen amen [Music] praise god [Music] hallelujah praise god yes you are worthy lord i will give you all the praise and all the glory [Music] and all the adoration hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah praise god holiday amen praise god praise god amen can we just raise your hands and praise the lord in the sanctuary to him be all the praise and the glory and the adoration there is none like unto him god he is god and god alone amen amen amen amen amen praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god thank you god thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise god can we clap our hands or victory somebody [Music] clap your hands or victory somebody [Music] your hands or victory somebody victory is ours [Music] every time in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god [Music] when we come to our church services on a sunday we allow the spirit of the lord the first place in our lives and at all times we respect the moving of the spirit of god we don't seem to we don't we don't try to program him out but we are going to have his way in our lives praise god a few weeks ago i told you we were out visiting and coming towards the end of the visit brother baker brother baker said to me pastor the next thing we need to do is to have a sunday where we bring out all our shorties and i said to him sir you have just confirmed you remember that conversation you have just confirmed in my spirit what the lord wants to do and so today is that day when thanks to the help of all concerned and all who helped to make it possible that our shootings most of our shootings are here with us today can we put our hands together for these our senior very senior citizens [Applause] some are not here because of various reasons because we we made sure that we made contact with all our seniors all our shootings and because of medical conditions that's why the others are not here but we thank god for those of you who are here today the reverend or administrative bishop the reverend dr roy noticed he shared with us in a minister's conference in mandeville a few years ago and he said to us and i may have said it here before that he was asked to preach at one of our churches and he preached and he preached and he preached as a young man he gave it his best shot and he said that when he was through a very aged minister the congregation came up to him and put his hands on his shoulders and with a trembling voice he said young man you have done exceedingly but one thing i'm asking of you remember those who caught the water and he thought about it for a moment what could this elderly minister was saying it was explained to him he said whereas you are now able to do what you are doing within the confines of this church but there were many before you who had to go to the hills to cut the woods to make the church that you are now able to preach in and i want you to understand the context in which i use this term today in a very special way we are remembering those who caught the water we are remembering those who dug the foundation we are remembering those who help to cast the concrete we are remembering those who cook the food to supply meals to those who were working we are remembering those who down on their knees they prayed to god that somebody would be saved from their sins come on church are you are you preaching with me amen today we are remembering those who wept and hollered before almighty god so that today we can be seated in a clean church building with tiled floors and electrical outlays that beautifies the church and nice drapes and fans and microphone can i tell you my brothers and sisters that when they were laboring for the lord in the trenches many times they did not have electricity many times as they go into a church it was just mild floor and wooden benches and sometimes round wood making the seats they are our special guests today and we thank god for them put your hands together for them somebody [Applause] i promise i will not be long but i must bring a few things in focus the names that i have here and as i call your names i'm going to ask you just to raise your hand so that we can identify with you and others who may just be coming into church can know you because you may have been at home for a long time and not able to come to service but you are here today sister henrietta brown raise your hand please sister henrietta brown and don't clap yet because it's really going to be a long club and sister henrietta brown is 95 years old oh god didn't come on go ahead and clap man yes i know you wanna clap praise god mother caroline campbell sitting down there sister campbell raise your hand she is 85 years old oh god i am happy that the camera is capturing all of this today we are capturing this for posterity prosperity not prosperity prosperity that is to say sometime down the road iceland macdowell 86 put up your hand sister mcdowell raise your hand glory to god hallelujah sister i colin williams where are you all right how old are you sister i colleen 72 oh lord have mercy praise god sister merlin grant 65 over there sister martha thompson 70. sister esmina morgan 81 where is she sister [Music] okay sister joyce barkley 76 wow the mother of our deaconess notice is here ellen sharp where are your sister ellen raise your hand let's see you at the back god bless you god bless you god bless you amen praise god sister herman phillips 80. sister catherine archibald 82 oh god help us let's hope i have not missed out anybody sister am i missing anybody sister spencer is absent but her her relatives are here have i captured everybody i just want to make sure none should be left out you're pointing on sister hunter is not her day today oh all right shootings shotings these are our very special guests and i have i have to say something here to bring into sharp focus a very very important point hello another shouting that i have missed tell me pearl bell nevis wow we did visit her we're sister pearl sister pearl belle nevis you are here wonderful wonderful how old are you sister belle navies how much 72. wow thank you thank you so very much sister pearl i i did a rough calculation and i want to just say something here that will help us to understand that when we invest in the kingdom of god god has a way of rewarding his people because i have added the age the ages of all these our senior citizens can i tell you right here in the church now among these persons is 864 years of life sitting here before us just these seniors just these seniors just what 12 of them 864 years and if each of them have been serving the lord for 50 years then we're talking about 600 years of service to god right here before us let's put our hands together for jesus hallelujah hallelujah and so for the few minutes left that i will share with you is 11 15. i promise you i must finish by 11 30. i don't want to keep you up too long but we have brought you here today just to say to you thank you and god bless you i stand on behalf of the officers and all the members of this church to say to you today our senior citizens who are now as it were in the evening of your lives and you are considered to be shortens because you cannot come out for the number of times you would want to come out we say to you thank you and god bless you there is a popular saying and i have scriptures that i'm going to make reference to in a short while that don't scatter roses when i'm gone but rather give them to me now amen and so when we get those roses now sister duncan we'll be able to see them the beauty that is in that flower will be able to smell the free grants that the petals of that flower gives off and we'll be able to enjoy a nice well-set decoration that all those petals have formed so we have called you here today before you move on to the next phase of your life to say to you thank you and god bless you we are not waiting until you're gone but we have brought you out as our brothers and sisters our senior brothers and sisters to show our appreciation to you the composite number of years that i've just mentioned to you 864 years is a is a testimony of your dedication to god you have been faithful servants of god and i say to you that your service is priceless there is nothing that we can give to you today or any other time to fully compensate you for what you have done but i want you to know that many of us here today have been a part of the church after you have laid the foundation and it was your foundation why we were able to come into this well finished buildings and we thank you and we say god bless you and i want to remind you of a few things because sometimes we overlook the very important contribution that persons have made in kingdom building i want to give you two reminders today my senior citizens one is that you are living has not been in vain in the lord your living has not been in vain in the lord so here i'd want to take you for a moment to philippians chapter one philippians chapter 1 verses 20 and 21 says and i'm sure this is what you have been saying i'm saying to you your living will not be in vain in the lord hear what verse 20 says of philippians chapter one according to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing i shall be ashamed but that with all boldness as always so now also christ shall be magnified in my body are you seeing the fact that you are living shall not be in vain here whether it be by life or by death what the apostle paul was writing to the philippians and saying to them is that he has had so many experiences that has driven him to a particular conclusion that christ has been given first place in his life [Music] this is what our senior citizens have done they have given christ first place in their lives amen if they had not given christ first place in their lives they would not be as peaceful and contented as they are today because they have lived a life pleasing to god and so at this moment in time the peace of god is residing in their hearts i have had the opportunity to visit most if not all of these right in their homes and every time we go there and those who have come along with me we leave every one of them encouraged now look at it we go to encourage them but because of the life they have been living they end up encouraging us that's a blessing church of god that's a blessing and so after all of that consideration here is what paul says and i'm sure this is what these people of god have said and are saying verse 21 paul says for to me to live is christ amen so while i am living i'm going to live for christ and although he was in jail when he was writing he felt free enough to say listen me as long as i am alive i am going to serve god for me to live is christ every breath that i take every moment of my life every time my mouth says something i am saying thank you lord and then he goes further he says when i cease from living and when i die it's again because i'm gone home to be with jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and so we don't know when any of these will be going we don't know when any of us will be going but all we know is that when we die is gain for me to live is christ and to die is gain so i win on both sides whether i am alive or whether i die i am a wienerman in jesus name hallelujah that is confidence deacon park in a god that never fails hallelujah [Music] the story is told of a very senior member of a church that was at the point of death doctors gave up on him and sent him home from hospital to go home to die and the brethren from the church visited him and they were praying and praising god and some of them were just quite sorrowful that it appears as if any time brother so-and-so would be making his exit from this world but can i tell you that the brother while they were praying and crying the brother burst out into one of the loudest and biggest laugh that you could ever hear and they were astonished and said how comes we are here because you are as it were at the exit station and you know what the brother says to them he said listen me i have been a christian for almost all my life i have served god with everything i have and you know what happened in a short while i'll be able to meet the man that i have served that i have never met before talk to me church of god he's going to meet the man that he has been serving for all his life that he has never met before and that was exciting to him and so he laughed with an uncontrollable love because he was going home to meet jesus clap your hands at jesus somebody hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so i say to you remember your living will not be in vain and finally i want to say to you your labor will not be in vain so you live and your laboring none of them will be in pain your labor will not be in vain all these have labored long and hard and i've just said to you if each of them have been saved for 50 years we have in excess of 600 years of labor in the kingdom of god right here before us and they they may have now reached to that stage where they are tired they may be feeling all sorts of pain and there may be all sorts of illness that have overtaken their bodies at 95 you're going to feel some pain at 85 some system on the body now working or more talk to me church amen at 86 something one shot down at 72 you're going to lose a sense talk to me and as you go down the line things are going to start to happen but i say to you don't give up on god this body may be shutting down but i stop long enough to tell you your labor will not be in vain hallelujah clap your hands for them somebody can you know what happened brothers you will i am convinced that when they had strengthened their bodies they were laboring for the lord i believed that they were not lazy but they were laboring for the lord hallelujah and so that strength that you had when you were 30 and 40 you don't have it anymore but i say to you don't sit down and become regretful don't sit down and mope and pine but i say to you occupy your minds with pleasant memories because if you have done all for almighty god then it's a time now that you can sit down and look at the investment that you have made into the kingdom of god and you can give god the glory come on church of god many of us here we could be products of their ministries many of us here maybe came to the lord because of their ministry the man who preached that night on the radio when i got saved i searched to find him for years i don't know demand but i started to search for this man and one brother from a minister from another church when i told him i say i'm searching for this man he said i know the man oh god hallelujah and i went to the church where he was pastoring by now he had retired and he's at home and i heard on the radio that they'd be having a week of crusade and i said to myself i'm going to show up at this church and i went in that night and when the opportunity was given for anyone to testify i stood up i was a stranger there have never been to the church before but i stood up and i gave my testimony and i told them that because you paid for a radio broadcast i am saved and this is who i am and i said i did not know the person who who preached that night but i heard his name and his name was so-and-so and everybody started getting excited i went back the second night because they said to me they would want him to come to hear that testimony because you see when you are on when you are behind a microphone on radio you don't know who is listening out there we are here from this platform we don't know who is listening out there or who are watching out there and so the night the second night i went back i did not know him he did not know me but then the time came when i could have met him in the service the testimony came back on the platform and i met that gentleman for the first time his name was reverend stan webley he's gone on to glory now but here i am he was obedient to god and he was able to share that word that night at quarter to 12 on the 20th of march 1976. he sheared from said matthew chapter 13 because somebody cared you have a pastor today i'm saying to you that because you cared all of us we are here today because you invested your time on talent because you gave your money and your strength you are here today in the presence of these weaknesses and we are saying to you thank you and god bless you so my closing text to you today you know it very well and then we move straight into the partaking of the holy communion paul saint paul was writing to the corinthian church and in chapter 15 [Music] verse 58 i use that as encouragement for you today as you are in the evening of your lives paul saw you sitting in this church today by faith and he says to tell you therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast hallelujah hallelujah be you steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord i say to you thank you for your labor of love thank you and we assure you that your life will not be in vain and your labor will not be in vain in the lord and i'm being the voice of this church this morning thank you and god bless you 3 282 from the song book is the last word of encouragement that i want to leave with you and then we go into the partaking of the holy communion can you find 282 for me and let us sing it for these our senior very senior citizens when's the last week i conducted an interview with one of our brothers and he said that he's now a senior convert yes and we interviewed another one who was a junior convert i'm going to ask that our senior citizens remain seated and the rest of us we stand and sing the song to the honor and glory of god hallelujah praise god he said if when you give the best of your service seniors telling the world that the savior is come be not dismayed when men don't believe you because you know what happened he'll understand and he will say what well done hallelujah he is the one who is going to say thank you and god bless you enter into the joy of my rest come on praise team take it away from me [Music] [Music] be not dismayed [Music] to the end of life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] when i come [Applause] to the end of life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] redemption he'll [Music] [Applause] understand you so very much i see my hard-working officers lined up praise god can we moving straight into the next segment we don't want to keep them seated too long we understand so i'm going to ask you just let us commit and commend the emblems on this table to the presence and the power of almighty god let us pray father we stand now in your awesome presence you have allowed us to be here today and we thank you and lord you have allowed us to be drawing near to your table today and so now we come here lord we present the emblems of your broken body and your shed blood before you we beseech you now holy father that as we remember [Music] the path to the cross our hearts are aching because of the suffering and the pain and the misery that you went through but it came to a grand crescendo when you were nailed to the cross and when you declared it is finished man's salvation has been won your body that was broken and nailed to the cross and the blood that flowed from emmanuel's vein is still flowing today and we remember it in a very special way because you said to us as often as we do this we do so in remembrance of you and so even now we bless you and we praise you always because thine is a kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen praise god hold it right there for me now i would love to have all the persons that will be partaking of the lord's table that we identify you amen and so we would love to say to those now that you just raise your hand where you are because we don't know everybody if you are not a believer then this ordinance is not yours as yet as soon as you come into the faith then you will all be able to partake of this holy communion our young converts that were baptized last week you are a part of this table amen so i'm going to ask now that as the ushers come around because i do not want to to to create any major movements at this time is that all right we can work with that you just raise your hands and the ushers will come to you is that all right is that understood and those of us who are not yet um going to be partaking we appreciate you just observing what is happening because soon and very soon you're going to join the rest of us is that don't you believe that brother park but uh yes we believe that all right good so we're going to ask now that you go back to that song and then our ushers will be serving remember now that this is a combination set so it has on the top of it the wafer and then hosed below that is the juice our officers may want to help some of the seniors or if your family members are here we ask you to help your um senior citizen to party so go ahead now please officers [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Music] peace [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] his father [Music] my will [Music] praise god oh when i come [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yes if when this lies [Music] [Music] will be his best final well done [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you try [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] um [Music] oh we're [Music] the thank you so very much my god that warms my heart we're moving straight into the partaking of the holy communion and the scripture tells us in matthew 26 26-28 we've read it early on this morning it says as they were eating jesus took bread and break it and blessed it and break it and gave it to his disciples and said take eat this is my body let's eat raise god and he took the call and gave it to them saying drinky all of it for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many and for the remission of sins let's drink praise god for i am the living bread which came down from heaven [Music] if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i will give is my flesh which i will give for the life of the world john jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you except he eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and i will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh as we have just done and drinketh my blood like we have just done dwelleth in me and i in him praise god my sins [Music] i have sweet peace and his blood is on my soul blood he is a [Music] [Music] [Music] the tempter cannot [Music] [Music] i have god's everlasting seed [Applause] his blood is on my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm ready for the crowning glory to god hallelujah his blood is on my soul sing the quran everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] by his is glory to god to reach bride heaven's goal and reign with jesus on his throne [Music] [Applause] his blood is on my soul [Music] all together now raise your voice and sing the song my oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] his blood is on my soul [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold it right here for me [Music] thank you praise god hallelujah have you really felt that you have been in the presence of the lord today amen men don't move yet men who just moved out the table don't move yet listen to this instruction i did say to sister harris now i'm saying it to you that immediately after we pronounce a benediction then those of our visiting friends you are free to go we are going to set that table and another table and all our shootings are going to be seated at the tables to the back and they are going to be served refreshment before we leave and in the meantime i'm going to ask all our members to sit in the front section of the church because i need to talk to you for five minutes before you go it is very very important officers please meet me in the office very important is that understood so immediately after the benediction persons visiting are free to leave our senior citizens are going to be placed around the tables they will be served and the rest of us will be having a short meeting up front members come forward sit to the front we'll talk for a few minutes and we will all have the opportunity to meet and greet our seniors and just let them be comfortable remember now we have to maintain our distances so greet them the way protocol determines and only their immediate family should be doing some of the things that they need to have done is that all right amen brethren praise god i want to thank you for coming out today and thank you for being a part of this day's worship service and i say to you god bless you can i ask you to stand please praise god hallelujah hallelujah can we just raise our right hand towards heaven and now may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father the full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all and god's people say amen just listen to this before you go for this evening i invite you all to come on to the program we'll be having bible study from 5 30 to 6 30 this evening one hour because immediately after bible study we will be joining um the august stone church for rally they'll be having a virtual rally this afternoon and this church is a part of the program is that understood so we'll be having bible study 5 30 to 6 30 and then we switch over to the augusto new testament church of god and i have a note here says that you are invited to the singles ministry to join in when when sister read tuesday evening at seven but on tuesday evening oh my god at seven all the singles come and be blessed you're invited single males and sing females we have a program that's awaiting you god bless you the lord bless you have a great afternoon and thank you for coming looking forward to seeing you on wednesday we have our our fasting service and see you again uh friday night for youth fellowship by whatever means and see you next week sunday morning again as we agree together for another time of worship and praise the lord bless you have a good afternoon members please come to the fore come forward quickly and the officers and men are helping to put the tables to the back and our senior citizens will be seated and be served your refreshment amen
Channel: Linstead New Testament Church of God
Views: 346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TjalLHKminM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 28sec (10228 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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