2 First Things First | Randy Skeete | Pasay Adventist Church

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let's bow our heads and pray father in heaven if i've said or done anything to displease you forgive me with that forgiveness dear god grant me an extra measure of your holy spirit not for my sake but that the spirit may tell me what to say may give power to my words and may enlighten the minds of those who listen father in heaven surround this place with angels that excel in strength that the forces of darkness may be kept at bay we thank you thank god that in this country of the philippines we still enjoy freedom of worship we thank you for that help us to make the most of it because it will not last forever father in heaven i ask you to pour out a double blessing on all our guests who came tonight let them be so touched their god that they want to come back now father i commit this service to your glory to your honor and to your praise i pray for those who are connecting via the internet bless them their god as verily as you bless us in this sacred building and through the agency of your spirit in his mysterious way connect all our hearts as one i offer this prayer in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen go to matthew chapter five our subject first things first matthew 5 we'll read from verse 21 i'm reading from the king james version of the bible matthew 5 reading from verse 21 find it as quickly as you can so i can release you as quickly as i can the bible says you have heard that it was said by them of all time thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment but i say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whosoever shall say to his brother raka shall be in danger of the council and whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of the judgment therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and their remembrance that thy brother hath ought against thee leave thy gift before the altar and go thy way what's the next word first be reconciled to thy brother finish the first and then come and offer that gift look at two words if you have the king james version first and the next word is then are you concentrating are you thinking jesus says first be reconciled to thy brother and then come on offer thy gift which means every weekend all over the world there are christians worshiping god in vain because they have not yet settled a dispute with someone in the church or outside of the church and jesus says when you bring your gift to the altar when you come to worship if you realize there's a relationship that's broken and there's something i can do jesus says leave the gift of you also go do something first then come and off your gift so in the mind of jesus it is more important to have the right relationships one with the other than to sing in the choir even though the choir signs so beautifully it is more important that your heart is right with your fellow sister and your fellow brother than to occupy seven offices in the church a right relationship a pure heart is more important to god than being busy in the church first be reconciled to thy brother and then the words first and then suggest a chronology a series of events a comes first then what b let's go to matthew 6 matthew 6 we read a very familiar verse verse 33 of matthew 6 what's our subject first things first is 25 after seven release you by eight the bible says but seek ye one first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you what are all these things food clothing shelter the necessities of life jesus says here is food here is clothing here is shelter here is the righteousness of god jesus says see the righteousness of god first which means in the eyes of god it is more important to be righteous than to be well fed it is more important to be right with god than to be well dressed it is more important to have a right relationship with god to do what is right in the sight of god than to drive the most expensive car in manila first seek the righteousness of god and all these things shall be added our subject first things first let us go to matthew 7. matthew 7 we'll read from verse 1 lest we together judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment ye judged he shall be judged and with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you again now this is the verse 3 what does verse 3 say come on read loudly and how come on cancel behold why behold this thou come on the mote read with me that is in where thy brother's eye come on read and behold this not the beam come on that is in thine own eye now jesus says there is something in your eye the size of this bible and there's something in your brother's eye the size of a mustard seed christ is saying how is it that with this thing in your eye you can see the mustard seed in your brother's eye and why behold this thou the moat that is in thy brother's eye and behold it's not the beam that is on thine own eye or how shall thou say to thy brother let me pull out the mote out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye read verse 5 with me thou hypocrite keep reading first stop first the one cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the moat that is in thy brother's eye jesus says first get yourself right before you try to make others right there are some church members their spiritual gift is correcting other people and that's not a spiritual gift now don't misunderstand me sin must be rebuked god hates sin because sin put christ on the cross but their members this speciality is finding fault in people and trying to straighten them out jesus says in order to do that there must be no beams in your own eye so we have first be reconciled to a brother then come and off the gift matthew 6 33 first seek god's kingdom then the other necessities of life matthew 7 verse 5 first cast the beam out of your eye then you'll see clearly to remove the mote out of somebody else's eye let us go to matthew 23. matthew 9 matthew 9 our subject first things first the theme for this week is freedom from what fear matthew 9 reading from verse 10. when you found that say amen and it came to pass as jesus sat at meat in the house behold many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples and when the pharisees saw that they said unto his disciples why it is thou your master with publicans and sinners but when jesus heard that he said unto them what they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick but go ye and learn what that meaneth now read with me for i will have mercy come on and not sacrifice stop stop stop jesus says i will have mercy and not sacrifice now let me clarify christ isn't saying do not bring sacrifices he was the one who instituted the sacrificial servant what he's saying is i prefer mercy to killing dead and killing animals i will have mercy because the pharisees who were criticizing christ for eating republicans and sinners were not merciful to the poor and to the suffering jesus says it is more important to be merciful and to bring an endless round of sacrifices and so it is mercy first are you with me let's go to matthew 23 we read verse 23 our subject first things first it is now precisely 7 30. matthew 23 reading from verse 23 when you found you say amen if you're not afflicted by shyness you can read with me warn to you scribes and pharisees what does he call them hypocrites you pay a tithe of mint and anise and cumin what did you say after that men have neglected what the weightier matters of the law what are the what are they judgmental justice mercy and faith these he ought to have done and not left the others undone now jesus said there's something more important than giving god exactly 10 pesos out of a hundred justice mercy faith they come first and so we have matthew five first matthew six first matthew nine seven first matthew nine first matthew 23 first they are in the eyes of god some things that should come ahead of others if that's clear say amen all right what do you remember from last night let me ask you some quiz questions what was one of the things that brought into the world give me one word fear came because of sin give me the longer definition of sin disobedience now what is the opposite of sin or o obedience when we obey what goes fear the bible says perfect love does what casteth out all fear where there is love there is no fear now love and obedience are the same thing are you with me do you remember that from last night love and obedience are the same thing let me say that differently obedience is love in action words is faith in action there is no love for god where there is no obedience it's practical all right having said that and refresh your memory let us go to first samuel 15. first samuel 15 we'll read from verse 1. our subject is what first things first first samuel towards the is in the old testament of course first samuel 15 reading from verse 1 samuel also said unto saul the lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people over israel now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the lord thus saith the lord of hosts i remember that which amalek did to israel how he laid wait for him in the way when he came up from egypt verse 3 now go and smite amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not let me pause and give you the background when the israelites were escaping from egypt they crossed the red sea they were running through the wilderness the amalekites attacked them they were not an organized army they were escaping slaves led by moses under god's direction they weren't drilled in military activities the amalekites attacked them and god told joshua in exodus 18 14 i believe it is that i will destroy this nation from under heaven someday but it took god over 300 years to do it because god was hoping the amalekites would do what repent god never prefers to punish he prefers to bless i believe i said it yesterday punishment is an unusual behavior for god did you hear what i said punishment is unusual behavior for god because when god made the heaven and the earth it was perfect there was no need for punishment sin made punishment necessary and so punishment is strange behavior for god even though he has to do it because he's a god of justice but god prefers to bless to see that punishment is not god's preferred behavior listen to this verse he hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities the bible is saying god never punish us as fully as we deserve on the other side he blesses us beyond anything we can because blessing is god's natural behavior punishment is strange work for god if that's clear say amen and so over 300 years the amalekites never repented and so god said to saul now go and smite amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ass kill everything and saul gathered the people together and numbered them into lamb two hundred thousand foot men and ten thousand men of judah verse five and saul came to a city of amalek and laid weight in the valley and saul said unto the king night go depart get ye down from among the amalekites lest i destroy you with them for ye showed kindness to all the children of israel when they came up out of egypt so the canaanites departed from among the amalekites verse 7 the bible says and saul did what smote the amalekite from havilah till thou comest to sure that it's over against egypt the bible says saul defeated the amalekites but read verse 8 nice and loud what does verse 8 say and he took a gag the king of the amalekites and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword how many people did god tell saul to kill everybody saul brought back one man verse 9 but saul and the people spared a gag and the best of his sheep and of the oxen and of the fatlings and the lambs and all that was good and would not utterly destroy them but everything that was violent refused that they destroyed utterly in other words saul obeyed god 99 now in any scenario 99 is impressive if you are a statistician and you work out your figures and your figure says 94.7 you round it off to what 95. listen to me carefully god does not round off figures for god 94.5 finish my words it's 94.5 ah i'm talking to myself you're sleeping you sleep every night 94.5 for god is 94.5 because god is not a statistician god is a mathematician god is precise so god said kill how many people everybody he brought back one man let's say the amalekite population was two million one man out of two million surely that's total obedience in the eyes of god it's not let's read verse 10 and verse 11. then the word of the lord came unto samuel saying it repenteth me that i have set up saul to be king for he has turned back from following me finished verse 11 and hath not performed my commandment stop right there don't finish it now saul brought back one man and god regretted having made him king one iota of disobedience because disobedience you see is a deadly deadly virus have you ever seen a virus can you show me a virus i'm looking show me a virus show me a bacterium i'm looking show me one show me uh what's that thing you need to to show me an enzyme show me a molecule show me a neuron show me your potassium ion come on i'm looking so i can go back and tell people united states i saw a potassium ion shock to me you cannot why it is so small listen to me carefully if i lose this leg my right leg can i still live a healthy life yes i may walk strangely but i can still live a healthy life are you following me if i lose an arm can i still live a healthy life yes but if the enzymes are not functioning can i live a healthy life no if i cannot produce lactase and i drink milk i need to go to the hospital if the neurons are not firing if there's no message passing across the synaptic cleft for you doctors there's no neurotransmitter that carries the message across that gap then i can't move an arm this macroscopic arm can move because something microscopic is not working listen to me one virus of disobedience is enough to destroy the universe if it is not dealt with there's no such thing as a little sin let me explain you tell me what adam's sin was what did adam do he consumed a fruit who goes to prison for that nobody who is executed for nobody but what was the punishment for eating that fruit death in the eyes of god are you listening to me in the eyes of god the smallest act of disobedience deserves death you know god has one punishment for sin tell me what that is death regardless of the sin because sin is so hideous sin is so horrible sin is so horrific sin is such a threat to the righteous kingdom of god that the only response a merciful living god has is death the wages of sin finish it for me is death now in the philippines if you steal a bicycle you may go to prison for a month or two weeks or if the judge likes you he may slap you on the wrist and tell you don't do it again if you steal a cow you may go to jail for six months or you have to pay the price of the cow if you steal a car you may go to jail for nine months if you rob a bank you may go to jail for 10 years if you sell dope you may end up in a graveyard you know whatever it is the furious punishment for various crime and the smaller the crime the smaller the punishment are you with me with god if you steal a banana what's the punishment if you kill a thousand people what's the punishment if you steal a needle what's the punishment death if you exceed the speed limit by 0.5 of a kilometer what's the punishment death that's because sin is such a terrible thing it is not because god is harsh it is because sin is so terrible now god told saul kill all the amalekites saved one and god said he hath not performed my commandments my brothers and sisters don't serve god based on averages the ten commandments i keep nine why is god complaining you said an exam for the medical school you get 98 out of 100 you're a genius in god's eyes on the exam of obedience you failed because sin as i said is a terrible thing now listen to samuel rebuking saul first samuel 15 verse 22 23 our subject first things first it's almost a quarter to eight i'll let you go on time please don't worry first samuel 15 reading from verse 22 when he found it say amen listen to samuel and samuel said hath the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord finish that verse for me nice and loud behold to obey is better come on then sacrifice come on and to hearken than the fat of wrath let's pause let me pray again father as i come to the conclusion of this message please god give me clarity of speech give me the right ideas in the right sequence father and enlighten those who are listening i pray in jesus name amen listen microscopically have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord here's what we have we have obedience and we have offerings and we have delight right in the middle the verse is saying god experiences more delight for what obedience than he does for sacrifices let's read even more micros let's think microscopically what do you understand by sacrifices you bring a lamb back then not now a sheep a goat a red heifer a turtle dove you sacrifice it to god and it symbolized the blood of christ who would come to die for the world the ultimate sacrifice now the bible says god regards obedience more highly than he does sacrifice including the sacrifice of christ let me pause right there and allow you to think of what i just said it sounds blasphemous let me ask you this and reply to me with one word why did christ have to die one word sin if there had been no sin finish my words there would be no need for sacrifice what is sin give me the long version disobedient what's the opposite of disobedience obey now listen to god hath the lord listen to samuel have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as an obeying the voice of the lord do you know if adam had that wisdom we would not be in this condition today we are in this condition because the first man did something what did he do he disobeyed god listen to god rebuking adam because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commandeth thee saying thou shalt not eat of it god said because you listen to your wife not to me and so romans 5 verse 19 i believe it is where for us by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous who was the disobedient man adam who's the obedient man christ it is obedience and disobedience and so god tells samuel tell saul and tell everyone who reads the bible i prefer obedience to all the sacrifices have the lord has great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as an obeying the voice of the lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams obedience and sacrifice sacrifice has a very short history it began with the fall of adam and it will end when christ comes back there'll be no more need for him to apply the merits of his sacrifice now obedience has existed before sin are you following me when jesus said in john 8 29 listen carefully he that have sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for i do what always those things that please him now think with me think when jesus said i do always those things that please him was he only referring to his human lifespan no do you know what he told abraham not abraham the pharisees before abraham was i am christ was never unaware of his eternal origin well i don't use the word origin that he has always been there before he came in human form and so when jesus says i do always the things that please him we must take the word always and take it all the way back to his years with the father long before there was sin jesus has always obeyed the father obedience existed before they were sacrificed sacrifice became necessary because of tell me disobedience when jesus comes back changes the world destroys the sinners makes a brand new world and we live in that world sacrifice would have come to an end but obedience will continue because the bible says and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the lord obedience will continue forever sacrifice will end and so god said have the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice sin what's the long version for sin disobedience that's why we are where we are now when we are crippled by fear it affects our thinking that's why when you join the army of special forces you are trying to control what your fear because it affects your judgment it affects your thinking it leads to panic but when the fear is absent you think calmly you think quietly and so when jesus was on that boat in uh mark mark 4 37-41 he was asleep on a pillow in a storm because he trusted his father no fear the disciples were panicking my brothers and sisters what's our theme for this week tell me quickly freedom come on from fear what brought fear into the world one word give me the long version disobedience god says look the thing i prefer more than anything else is obedience can god get that from you tonight can god get from us a commitment to obey him but obedience is not easy for an unconverted person you know why the bible says because the carnal mind is enmity against god a sinner naturally does not like god a sinner may like church but not god that's why most people in church are hypocrites the people who said crucify him they were in church are you following me a sinner loves church not god because to love god you must obey him but the carnal mind hates to obey so the bible says because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god in other words the carnal mind is in a state of constant unchanging disobedience that's the carnal mind we just obey god we disobey our parents we disobey the government we disobey the police we disobey the tax system we disobey our supervisors we disobey our spouses we disobey everybody because that's the life of a sinner disobedience is the natural behavior of a sinner as verily as flying is a natural behavior of a bird but here's how good god is because god loves obedience so much god has promised look if you come to me i will write my law where on your heart then you will obey me from the heart i will do something miraculous i will make you an obedient creature it's like god takes a pig from a mud hole and turns it into a high-flying philippine eagle and it just soars high above a different species all together god doesn't take a dirty pig and make it a clean pig that's not conversion because it's still a pig are you following me he takes a pig and makes it an eagle tonight god wants all of us to obey him do what i say because god knows the end from the beginning parents you can understand god because you want your children to obey you when you see your 14 year old girl hanging out with friends that you know they're no good you see the direction your child is heading and you worry and you ask the pastor pray for my daughter and you restrict her to her house and you take away the car keys and you shut down her phone because you're trying to keep her from certain disaster why because as a parent you can see miles ahead of her god can see miles ahead of you and god says to you obey me because obedience will keep us from a thousand disasters and so tonight i say for the final time hath the lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice this is the voice of the lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearten than the fat of ram for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft rebellion which is another word for disobedience is as this you see the reason for that is when you disobey god in that action you've obeyed the devil let me say it again there's a law that says for every action finish it from your physicists there's an equal and up now it is a physical law it is also a spiritual law listen to jesus he that is not with me is it just me a yes to the devil is a no to god let me say it again you look delightfully lost listen to me again when you say no to god what have you just said yes to say for every action come on there's an equal and opposite reaction every time you disobey god you forbid the devil we need to stop obeying the devil and go to church thinking we're serving god are you following me and god doesn't accept it when the israelites made a golden calf it's five to eight they made a golden calf you know the bible says they dedicated idol worship to god exodus 32 verse 6. they dedicated it for five to god the fact that you do it in a church does not make it acceptable to god god wants obedience plain and simple now my question is is there someone listening to me there's an area of your life where you know you're disobedient no guesswork you know you're disobedient there's an area in your life where you are knowingly willfully deliberately intentionally purposefully disobedient and you want to say father tonight change my heart and give me a mind to obey you is there someone like that you know you're wrong stand up with me but you keep doing it ask god to change that and he will because if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us when we get rid of disobedience we get rid of fear we are made free from fear because the source of fear is sin and sin is disobedience my friends as you stand remember god has registered your decision ask god to give you a heart to obey him the very first promise of the bible genesis 3 15 and i will put enmity between thee and the woman between thy seed and her seed the first promise of the bible is a promise from god that helps us to hate sin as bad eyes closed dear god thanks again for this tremendous honor of delivering your word as always father forgive me for speaking badly help me to do better tomorrow night but father i hope you'll take this message weak as it was salvage it their god repair it fix it up and make it even clearer to those of us who heard so as we leave and meditate we may see things we did not see while the message was presented in the name of jesus christ their god give us a love for obedience open our eyes to see the suicidal nature of a disobedient life we're killing ourselves and bless your sons and your daughters dear god as we leave let's leave asking for this heart to obey you because you prefer obedience to all the sacrifices we can make as we leave tonight let powerful angels escort us home watch over us as we sleep there god protect every home represented by this congregation bring us back tomorrow night to this place to hear your word again we pray in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 7,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: pkyni7_Zp1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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