men's Sunday Worship Service

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is [Music] [Applause] [Music] every time [Music] you are lord you are lord [Applause] [Music] and you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and town [Music] [Music] come on [Music] he has risen [Applause] from the dead [Applause] every time [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's rise in moments like this i just sing out a [Music] [Music] [Music] my hands [Music] singing singing [Music] singing [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] love you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on oh [Applause] [Music] singing [Music] singing singing [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] makes you happy i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we bless you we bless you we bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time we place you oh we bless you [Applause] we bless you i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're [Music] every day i'll be willing lord to run all the way [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't be angry lord let me say i'll be willing to run [Music] use me lord answer [Music] i'll be willing [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't be angry like this lord [Music] i will sign you because i love you [Music] before you love me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] settle because i love you [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my voice [Music] [Music] oh [Music] see [Applause] [Music] let it be [Music] [Applause] i love you [Music] voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rejoice [Music] [Music] [Applause] let it be [Music] [Applause] [Music] let it be [Music] [Applause] sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] say the lord we love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] um lord we praise you lord [Music] we pray sing all alone [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at this time we are inviting our morning's moderator joona deacon tyrone brown to come to the podium to lead the morning's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah glory to god let me take time out to greet you all this morning in the mighty name of jesus christ greet our worthy bishop and wife and hall they are the ministers in their respectful places i greet you in the name of jesus hallelujah i was just reminiscing and the song was going if anybody else don't deserve hallelujah jesus deserve hallelujah and this morning in my spirit i feel like the church should just shout another hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah somebody showed the hallelujah the problem is on yes but he deserves a hallelujah the war is on but he's still deserved hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah praise his name thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus at this time we continue as we begin our morning worship with the hymn 406 the comforter has come hallelujah hallelujah oh spread the tidings round [Applause] wherever man is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lord [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] grace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah glory to god [Music] today we are in our men's sunday and we are just going to worship god together as brothers and sisters in zion hallelujah at this time coming to us with the hope and prayer his student passed the williams in jesus name hallelujah glory hallelujah praise his name hallelujah let us pray tis the sweet the trust in jesus just to take him as his words just to rest upon his promise must know saying the lord most righteous and everlasting father we pause one more time oh god to recognize you in our midst lord we acknowledge you as lord and savior we acknowledge you o god as the supreme being the one who rules over all the universe lord we give you thanks knowing that god you have given us this opportunity to gather in such a manner to lift up your name god this speaks of your faithfulness a god of mercy and compassion lord we acknowledge at this time god that we haven't done anything great are good to deserve you in our lives but because of unconditional love god we could not pay for salvation oh god and so we are thankful this morning for the gift of salvation this morning lord we are thankful god for the liberty that you have given to us in this nation god it is a fact while we are able to get the lord openly and freely to lift up your name god in this country in other nations god that is not the case but we are thankful this morning god almighty we recognize father so much is happening in our world today but we are here and so like the songwriter we can say to god be the glory great things you have done and so lord we acknowledge that we can't do anything without you and so even now i place our days moderator before you may you lead him may you breathe upon him may your spirit oh god rest upon him in a special way father we open up ourselves to the leading and directing of your holy spirit and so god everything we do to you lord we submit it this morning to you and we ask sovereign god that you will take authority that lord you will take full control of this morning service i pray o god every individual that will be participating in this morning service that lord your hand will be upon them god i ask even now for such individual that will be breaking the bread of life to us this morning will you anoint such a one that such a one will speak the same the lord i pray mighty god for a fresh anointing just as all peter was able to stand on the day of pentecost and preach such a word i pray even now god that you father will speak in a mighty way i ask even now lord that our hearts will be receptive to your words that lord even as you speak to us it will not fall on deaf ears but god hearts which are receptive these i ask in your mercies in jesus name amen amen bless his name thank you pastor williams coming to us now with the scripture for the morning is our brother so will in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout a hallelujah glory to god praise his name hallelujah hallelujah good morning church morning good morning to all those and social media this morning scripture is taken from the the book of acts chapter 2 and we'll read in from verse 36 to 47 and it reads therefore let all those let all the earth of israel know assuredly assuredly that god had made the same jesus whom he crucified both lord and christ know when they heard this they were prick in their hearts and said unto peter and to the rest of their pastors men and virgin what shall we do then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are a firearm even as many as the lord our god shall come and with many other words did he testify and exalt say save yourself from this and towards generation this day that then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls and they continued steadfastly in their past in their person's doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of breath and in prayer and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that belief were together and had all things come up and sold their possession and goods and forwarded them to all all men as every man at need and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking breath from australis did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of art praising god and having favor with all the people and the lord added to the church daily such i should be saved this is the ending of god's holy word and it by saying glory be to the father to the son unto the holy ghost as it was in the beginning no one forever shall be world without end amen amen praise the lord thank you brother so well praise his name hallelujah the devil now get me soul in hand trouble for every christian in this world [Music] but when the enemy come in like a flood jesus cover [Music] get me smaller [Applause] [Music] [Music] in this world [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just said i'm gonna ask the church to stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we might not get the notes right but there is a particular part of that song that i want to declare every christian in this world i can fight but you know what come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah many other people are seeking our coverage but the coverage we need is the blood of jesus hallelujah praise his name at this time i want to acknowledge our worthy bishop praise the lord all the ministers that are here student pastor all the deacon and deaconess i acknowledge you this morning in the mighty name of jesus also i want to welcome everyone today that are worshiping with us here and out there in the world on the web praise the lord at this time i'm gonna ask if there is a first time second time our third time visitor i'm gonna ask you to stand as we make you welcome in the house of the lord hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah welcome welcome welcome in the house of the lord praise his name this morning we could have been in other places many people woke up this morning and they don't know what to do they don't know who to turn to but this morning we have a jesus that is bigger than every man praise the lord and if we are fighting a battle that we can't handle we can just turn it over to him and he will take care of it in jesus name hallelujah coming to us now with the announcement is our deacon andrade in jesus name hallelujah praise the lord not ready as yet praise the lord hallelujah thank you jesus we're gonna do another chorus praise his name i often sing this one sometime i believe you might think i sing it too much praise his name hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god my sin was higher than the mountain and the lord sanctified me my sins were flowing like a river [Music] and the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when the fire came [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] inside me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you hallelujah praise his name thank you jesus coming to house now with a special item is our brother dwight williams in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] shall we praise the lord [Music] like a ship sailing out on a stream so rough and long so far from shore so far from home i set out in search of a reason to go on and there i found him in the eye of the storm no matter what [Music] will lead me safely through the night and though my ship may be rocking and myself may be told i shall rest in the eye of the storm [Music] when the wind and water rages handle pillows begin to roam the blessed rock of ages speak peace to my soul in his arms so safe and so warm and i fall shall turn into [Music] mirror [Music] [Applause] [Music] through the night [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] when [Music] the blessed rock of ages speak peace to my souls he hold me in his arms [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what i started [Music] my ship [Applause] [Music] so praise his name hallelujah hallelujah praise his name hi charis in the high of the storm when management and disaster send out the news they say prepare yourself a hurricane is coming and you start button down and you lock up onto all sort of things and sometimes the storm come and still destroy some stuff but we have a god that can keep us even in the high of the storm thank you brother williams god bless you in jesus name at this time i'm gonna ask the church to stand with me praise his name hallelujah to god coming to us at this time is our worthy bishop the bishop jeff to read coming to us with pastoral prayers and comment receive him in jesus name hallelujah praise his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i have a strong feeling this morning [Music] that that song came straight from scripture that song has a bearing on blind bartimius that was seated on the side of the road where jesus must pass [Music] bartimaeus had a serious problem [Music] bartimaeus was blind [Music] but his ears were open [Music] and he heard some strange sounds coming down the dusty road and i can imagine he inquired and says what's happening in town today and somebody said to him jesus of nazareth hallelujah [Music] hallelujah jesus of nazareth is passing through town today [Music] scripture says he starts to make some noise you see my brothers and sisters he was blind what he could hear and so he heard that jesus was in town and he could speak and so he opened his mouth and he started to cry [Music] jesus thou son of david have mercy on me [Music] somebody said to him we don't want to be disturbed so keep quiet i imagine bartimaeus must have said all right you have your ears and you have your mouth and you are speaking and you are listening to me but you have your sight and i have no sight and i need my sign and i'm going to call out for help because jesus can help me and so he raised his voice to another pitch and said jesus thou son of david have mercy on me [Music] scripture says jesus stopped by and he said to him what is it you want me to do for you and he said lord that i may receive my sight hallelujah hallelujah somebody is here today and you have been calling out the name of jesus i want you to know that jesus has stopped by today and he's asking you what do you want me to do for you i want somebody to tell him today what you want him to do for you and i have confidence that as you open your mouth and tell him he is going to do it like no other one can brother hajes please push sister hodges in that wheelchair up here for me i need her right here at this rostrum this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want you to raise your faith with me to a higher level today and see god at work he's going to do the mysterious and the miraculous we are going to trust him today amen somebody are you going to believe god with me hallelujah got you in the rivers the second answer question that seemeth uncrossable go to any mountains you can't tunnel through god come stand beside me sir come stand beside me god specializes in things that seem impossible and he'll do for you what nor the power can do hallelujah hallelujah you're standing in faith with me this morning young pastor hallelujah hallelujah church of god church of god let the lord have his way is that all right with you let the lord have his way with you is that all right with you glory to god almighty thank you jesus let me say something to you hold it for me mr music i want this church to hear me as i talk to you today i want you to know that this lady who is seated in this wheelchair she was baptized last year january am i is it last year january the one the first or second baptism she was baptized sister jennifer not long afterwards i had the opportunity of marrying these two people she was not married when she got saved but not long thereafter oh she brought her consort to me i concert with them and we got to marry them last year this gentleman here had a very good job was employed in an area that would secure work for him for a long time but no longer after this lady was baptized the devil put his hand on her this gentleman he called me in tears and he said pastor my wife has gotten a stroke she was hospitalized but she's out now and i have said to her i got married to you recently you were well when i'm married to you and i made a vow to you for better for worse in sickness and in hell i will be there for you and he said sir there's nobody to take care of my wife and so i have given up my job and i'm home taking care of my wife but he said to me i can't feel comfortable i've taken her to doctors many times but i want to take her to church hallelujah hallelujah because he said to me i believe god [Applause] [Music] hallelujah this is a couple that has not yet been baptized for a year but i said to him you challenge my faith because he says i believe god that god is going to raise up my wife again hallelujah hallelujah jesus said goodbye to me as what do you want me to do he said lord that i may receive my sight we are going to believe god today got in the mountains you can't tunnel through i want to remind you that god specializes in things that seem impossible he'll do for you and you and you and you and you what no other power can do you may be here today you may not be sitting in a wheelchair oh god but your circumstance require the attention of almighty god god is able god is able hallelujah hallelujah oh tune that one from a praise steam got you any rivers that seemed uncrosstable oh so television [Music] me [Music] he'll do for you hallelujah i want people to raise your faith in god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah sing it again for me please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh hallelujah the devil god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll specializes for [Music] [Applause] you it's prayer time hallelujah it's prayer time hallelujah the saints of god are ministering to sister hodges this morning hallelujah we are helping to strengthen the faith of brotherhood this morning and we are believing god [Music] believe god with me father rock of ages lily of the valley oh wheel in the middle of the wheel daniel is god ezekiel is god jeremiah's god my god your god [Music] our god we come to you this morning calling to you from commodores and catherine jamaica we call you lord because you are god we call you because you spoke and this world came into being we call you lord because you are the god of all creation and we are saying to you now lord made all things hallelujah everything great and small has been created by almighty god you said as you walked out into the darkness let there be and there was because the voice of authority spoke and so today lord here is your handmaid sister jennifer hodges you made her you created every ounce of flesh [Music] every drop of blood every joint every single every strong of here that is on her body you have numbered them and so it tells me you know everything about her lord the doctors have given their diagnosis and they have written their prescription the pharmacist has filled that prescription but we come to you this morning lord we come we come we come we come and we call on you and we declare today lord that nothing is impossible with you and so in the name of jesus christ we pray now that you lay your wounded hand upon your daughter hallelujah hallelujah father touch her now this moment she feels lord like a new touch she needs so touch her now in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord you gave sight to all those that were blind lord you healed the man with the withered hand god oh you you your your disciple walk by oh god and and this very shadow healed those that were sick hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the man he was at 38 years at the pool of bethesda but something miraculous happened we are believing you lord that right now in the name of jesus christ you are already laying your hands upon your daughter touch her now this moment she feels lord like can you touch the need so touch her now in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord the woman with your blood she cried through the crowd and touched your garment and instantaneously she was healed her issue dried up lord dry up something now release something now open a blood vessel now release some blood hallelujah saturate the body of your daughter with the blood of jesus christ hallelujah we speak new life into this being in the name of jesus christ we speak life [Music] in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah lord the faith of your son and daughter has been raised to a new level and you have never disappointed anybody you are not going to disappoint them but you're going to just prove yourself true to your children because their faith has been raised and you are not faithful hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord god almighty you have done it before do it again do it again hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we are going to help you to your feet sis praise god take your time take your time take your time jesus [Music] praise god hallelujah no oh praise god hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah blood coverage lord deliverance lord release now oh your strength in the body of your daughter she stands at this altar in the name of jesus christ let faith arise and the enemies be scattered in the name of jesus christ we come against the enemy and all his plans and all his plots to defeat your daughter and we declare that she is well in jesus name we believe lord that situations are gonna turn around and she's going to rise again and declare you as lord in the name of jesus somebody shout his name somebody shout his name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] praise god [Music] and i went to the doctor but when i went to the doctor i never know i never know that i was have sugar so the doctor examined me and so on and said i have a touch of sugar so one day i was at my home now cleaning up the place so we have some building block in the yard yes i was sleeping and i get injured but i i never take it too serious but after a while i was there i see where it you know yes so i went to the private doctor and they gave me some medication and they address it but it was working on so i started to go to the clinic but when i i was going to the clinic and they dress it and they they give me some capsule in the first and i was taking it but i want to see any result and they ask me yes so they say every time i'm coming i must break up a little paper and bring it with the vinegar so that's what i do [Music] one tuesday night and i was in the hospital for a couple days and then i get discharged and come on but when i come out now i find that i have a terrible feelings in my left side where i got these chokes you know and uh that's why i call upon you many many nights my husband called upon you many many nights to pray for me and others and praise god and you are here today with your brethren with my husband i said we're coming to church today yes amen praise god and you are telling us that you believe god you believe god hallelujah hallelujah and we are believing god on your behalf praise god hallelujah amen no today we are going to not put you back in a wheelchair to go back to your seat you know but we are going to help you to get back to your seat we start the process we start the process we have to believe god god is able if he if he has done it for many others guess what he can do it for your sister jennifer amen praise god hallelujah amen praise god your your testimony is going to be strengthened because of today's experience praise god i'm going to ask you see help help her back because aussie you you you know if you wanna help her back yes if she never got scrambled she going back to our seat today in the name of jesus christ on her feet amen take your time with her yes amen take your time take your time praise god on every step you make every step you'll meet strength is going to come into your lines every step you make the blood is going to be flowing every step you make your faith is being increased in god every step you make you are saying god i believe you every step you make you are saying with god all things are possible so step out in your god hallelujah glory to god almighty oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it hallelujah no secret what god can do [Music] what he has done for others he'll do for you sister hajis with arms wide open he'll pardon you hallelujah it is no secret what god can do hallelujah and i don't want you to feel too comfortable in that wheelchair but when you go home listen to me get up and move around in the name of jesus and each time you move just praise god and tell god that i am healed i am well i am walking the blood is flowing again hallelujah speak to your situation and see god at work glory to god almighty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord father this this big basket that is right here now it contains packages bottles oh those things that your per your people have brought into the sanctuary today they brought them for a touch of their master's hand they brought him here in faith that as they use these bottles of olive oil that they are going to experience a difference the healing is not in the olive oil the deliverance is not in the olive oil but it is the faith that your people are exercising you yes lord that right now you are transforming all these containers into droplets of blood no ordinary blood not the blood of bulls and rams and turtle doves but the blood of jesus christ the son of the living god hallelujah by faith lord i see you now releasing blood from emmanuel's vain oh to change the constituents of these containers in the name of jesus christ so that as your children use it on their bodies and wherever they choose to use it by faith in a god that cannot fail that they will see the difference they will experience change and they will recognize that god honors faith and it shall be well it shall be done because i ask it and i pronounce it in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god that can never ever lose its power and the people of god say amen praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah my brothers and sisters just a reminder that this is a pentecostal church oh yes this is a pentecostal church and we believe in the leading of the spirit of almighty god i'm talking about believing the leading of the holy ghost as we go forth for service praise god there are few things i really want to say to you but i talk to you after service when the announcements are coming but you know today god is still a good god [Music] the many things that forms the profile of the church of god and the people of the church of god i want you to know that is divinely directed i entered the [Music] pastoral ministry for the first time on the 1st of january 1995. i told you the story some time ago that i was appointed to a church in a district of saint james known as lilliput when i got there that sunday morning i saw a zinc enclosure that resembled a construction shed 25 by 25 zinc around all four forming all four walls and zinc on top on the floor we had the mile and the seats were rough two by four and some round wood those were the seats but that's where i started pastoral ministry i did not complain but i decided that if this is where the lord is leading me i know he's with me and i'm going to go without a murmur and his footsteps are going to follow me i found 25 persons on role as members of that church 25 but the work of the lord must go on and we started there i want you to know that on the 1st of april that same year we started the foundation for a brand new building i got there january and at april we were breaking ground for a new building by faith and today that building is completed it's as loud almost as large as this church all because somebody believed god [Applause] but the story did not end there in 1997 reverend henry fernandez gave a tent 140 feet by 70 feet to the new testament church of god and our bishop then decided that they want to bring that tent to lilliput two years afterwards and that's where things got going the crusade was planned for two weeks it went for one month he could not finish and out of that the lord starts to multiply the membership at lillyport when i left lilliput at the end of december 2005 there were 225 members on role at lilliput starting from 25 the lord added 200 over the period of time i want to say to you that a fragment of that 225 is visiting lynn state today [Applause] five out of the 225 they are here today can i ask you to stand please praise god that lady over there sister norma clark she was my first clerk at church she served and served and served well until she has returned these are you were i was i baptize you you were baptized by me stand stand sister york sister allen was there when i got there and i know that you have always been a part of the church there but i want to let you know brothers and sisters that god is still in the saving business amen i'm sure you would mind and please i'm taking some of my preaching time here now don't worry i'm sure you won't mind if i sing loud this one here this one step forward sister york step forward for me please i'm sure praise god turn around to the congregation i remember the night at the 10th crusade 1997 february when we wrestled the hell to plunge her out of hell to pluck her out of hell the enemy had her boned chained strapped on kneeled on tied on glued on but we decided that night that she it is no secret what god can do what he has done for sister nerva alan york he can do it for you and don't don't don't don't don't rush me now but just bear with me because i'm going somewhere service may be a little bit different today but take it as it comes amen amen i didn't invite them here but they decided they want to come and surprise me today so i was out of my mind when i saw them walking in but this sister here when she finally surrendered that night when we finally used some spiritual welding torch i'm burning off some chin when we were able to use some spiritual sledgehammer hello to lick off all the the reinforcement that the enemy had around her talk to me church of god hallelujah if you have never been there you wouldn't understand what i'm talking about but she was freed she was free at the time and i know she wouldn't mind she don't mind me telling you this at the time she was living with a rasta man so you know that there was another stronghold are you understanding with me but from before she left the tent she started to believe god that he was going to do something in that relationship can i talk can i talk to you church of god hallelujah this lady started believing god because in her mind homie go and go home to my roster boyfriend wanna go and tell him say when when do so she said when she got home she said to him p tonight i gave my heart to the lord and i want to serve god but i i am respectful of you being in my life for all these years and without without another word her boyfriend or rastaman boyfriend said to her guess what you can stay in this room packing up meetings and going in the other room i'm going to give you your space who could it be but god hallelujah when you take one step god is going to take you down the other road and he's going to see you through hallelujah to cut a long story short long after the rastaman quarter of deluxe and was baptized in the name of the father and of the son of the holy ghost [Music] hallelujah hallelujah it is no secret what god can do he was baptized and got saved in the name of jesus christ many things happened thereafter and a few months ago he died but sister allen york is here [Music] sister althea is here sister right now these are my other mothers father fleming good to have you and good that you take them praise god hallelujah these four per these four ladies here if there's one thing that they can do they sing excellently and so at this time i'm going to ask them to come and to bless our souls i know you work with us son i know your work with a son sister althea oh god i won't touch your story i won't touch your story which hand was it raise the hand that was broken for me just raise the water you see the left under yes after she gave her heart to the lord is a button reached the hyundai and broke the one day hello but she sharia is in the hand today and she's praising god with that hand hallelujah hallelujah oh god almighty my my my mother's come come come come come please come and bless our hearts tell the morning tell them how they come up come up here simon let them see your good you have front page appearance come up here yourself come up here sir come right up and sing to the honor and glory of god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah can we leave holy hands everywhere this morning hallelujah praise god and the lord of christ god praise god it's indeed a great pleasure to be here once again to worship with the people of lindstead also with our former pastor reverend jeffrey praise the lord our son he is our son and we are here we are here to worship with you people today hallelujah hallelujah i must say i feel good good morning my brothers and sisters i feel good to be in lindsted this was a vision for us and a meditation for a very long time but because of kovi but this morning we are here and i feel blessed to be here praise god hallelujah reverend reed is my pastor he's the one who bear all the pain for me and i know he fights for my soul and i will never forget and i every day when i met somebody i give them my testimony because that is what carrying me through until this day i will never give up because i know someone fight for my soul i don't know but nobody else all but i know this minister came to my house that night when i got sale and it was about two or three of them and britain they stayed with me turned over about 12 o'clock and the enemy wouldn't let me go and they carry me to my home and the next day i find i found a lover a lover a lover indeed it was a tuesday night and the wednesday was to go to falmouth to sell and i couldn't let go that lover in the morning i will never forget the only lover you have that will never fail you is jesus christ praise god hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] christ this morning i wouldn't be here and i just want to tell god thanks hallelujah for the time and the years and the minutes and the month that he has sent reverend read to lily boss hallelujah he has been a father has been a husband has been a family man to us is everything to us virtually you never see reverend dream and it's a tear and you know say how your family who is a boy so he's a girl you know you always hear about the children and that is one thing that attaches us to him apart from the spiritual blessing and the good words the encouraging words the visit the kindness the touch i tell you is something else you have a pasta you have a picture you're about you have a grandfather you have everything here i tell you [Music] hallelujah because he is so good and he has been so good to us applicable god bless you god bless you hallelujah shall we bless the lord hallelujah shall we raise our hands towards heaven and give god a shout of praise hallelujah god has been put to me i can't complain reverend reed did not know that we were coming this morning because i tried to find out he scheduled and he gave me a little hint and something and i said okay ladies and mr fleming's that we are heading for lindstead this morning and when he saws he's going to hold his head and said what is this and that's then when he saws that's the same thing to god be the glory great things he had done he has been a friend he has been my brother he has been my nephew he's everything to me he don't want to talk my story because my story is long but he's not going to touch it but he will say the lady that was in the red dress she has a story and this morning i just want to say i'm glad i'm here to worship with you i'm here to worship with you and i must say to you reverently my husband would love to be here but he said the next time when he came to jamaica he will hear with you he said he don't mind if i had a phone that could talk to you what you don't really put food hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this was not the song really that i planned to do this morning but seeing this couple came to the altar seeing her in the wheelchair this song came to me since i'm gonna tell you to hold on hold on hold on in this life we're faced with problems many bodies to go through the and sorrow when the sky's not always blue many times away is ready and the star don't have so long but you need to hold [Applause] when the storms of life [Applause] [Music] [Music] many things [Music] there are times we call on jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] there were times but you need to hold up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the problems [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold on [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] many things are hard to bear but you need to hold on [Music] [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] someday someday [Music] jesus hallelujah [Music] oh blessed lord hallelujah hallelujah glory to his name thank you jesus glory hallelujah [Music] thank you mothers for that wonderful song sometime thing seems as if it's not working and sometimes we feel to let go but thank you for the song of encouragement that all we have to do is just shut our hands a little tighter and our faith in god and hold on versus name bless his name i also want to make acknowledgment of sister price and son all the way from england could you just wave your hands wherever you are [Music] praise the lord god bless you god bless you praise his name hallelujah you know time is running away from us but at this time we are gonna lift the morning's offering and i believe by now we know the procedure of how it is done praise his name down the center hill and to the side and the song that we're going to sing this morning as we lift the morning's offering is glory to god blessed jesus hold my hand praise the lord as i travel through this pill remember there is a friend who walks with me leads [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] day [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Applause] one more [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you jesus father we just want to thank you today thank you for your children as they come out today my god and as they give according to your blessing my god i pray you will bless them in abundance today read upon them afresh i ask of thee as we tell your thanks in jesus name amen hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory hallelujah coming to us at this time with another special item is our brother anderson in jesus name hallelujah and and right after he is true just receive our bishop in jesus name hallelujah i put you in front jesus be my melody oh yes [Music] hallelujah i love to tell the story upon seeing things above jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] to [Music] a new [Music] i love to tell the [Music] in story to tell the old old story of jesus and his love i love to tell the [Music] story of jesus [Music] the story of jesus [Music] is the lord hallelujah praise god that a story that has never gone old the story of jesus and his power to save praise god father we thank you for today the opportunity to come to you and to be reminded that jesus says not only do you save but your keep you're satisfied and you supply and so today we stop long enough to say thanks to you you have continued to be our help in ages past and you will be our hope for years to come so now we surrender ourselves to you as we draw nigh oh for a word from the throne of grace we ask now that you will speak to us lord just speak to us that's all we want you to do it is nothing lord that we there is nothing that we can do but we know that you can do everything and so do it now in the name of jesus it is only by your inspiring power that your words will leave from these pages and go into the hearts of your children and transform lives for your kingdom so bless and preserve now as we look to you and tell your thanks in jesus name and the people of god say people of god say praise god god bless you may be seated i am recognizing all those who are present with us today starting with our officers our praise team our musicians all of you god's wonderful people ah and we want to just recognize those who are joining us on the world wide web you have done well to be with us today and we are certain that as you come and join this service that the lord has already started to grant you blessings and i say to you remain right where you are because there is still a little bit more to come that you don't want to lose so welcome one all welcome welcome welcome good to have you uh joining us today and we are in for a treat through the inspiration of the holy spirit of almighty god amen my brothers and sisters today is a another blessed day because it's being recognized as national baptism day so according to the instructions from the national office our administrative bishop and dr roy noticed is that we should in all churches throughout jamaica be having baptism today and we here will not be left out we will be having baptism we had baptism one month ago and i promised you that we'll be having another baptism and god has honored us to the extent that yes we are going to have a baptism today but let me tell you from now that for today we will not be going to bogwork river what we'll be staying right here in this sanctuary but that is something that you will see later on praise god it's going to happen right here now at the beginning of this month the lord dealt with me in a particular way and laid something on my heart to share with the believers here at commodore yes it's after 11 now i'm gonna try my very best to do what i have to do within a particular time but it's very difficult but let us do what we can with the help of the lord at the beginning of the month i said to you that we we need as a people of god to operate on a mandate and there is a mandate that has been given to every believer we spoke about the christians mandate we spoke about the christians mandate and the essence of this mandate is that it gives a authoritative command from your superior a mandate is an authoritative command from your superior so your superior would have given instructions and those who are receiving those instructions are expected to carry out those instructions because you are under command you are under authority amen amen when when jesus had the confrontation with the the centurion he said to jesus to help us to understand what the mandate means he said to jesus i am a man of authority i have at least a hundred soldiers under my command and when i say to one go he going and i say to another come he commit they are operating under a mandate and to disobey the mandate you're going to pay the consequences of that and so he said although i have that authority you jesus have more authority than i have and so my little situation that i'm confronted with i know that you lord can speak the word oh hallelujah and it must be done because you're a man of authority glory to god so we are under authority from almighty god do you know the church of god amen and the authority that has been given to us and i said to early on that you could look back at the passage which is colossians colossians chapter 3 from verses 1 through to seven and there are background scriptures to it but because of of time limitation i will just press ahead into part two of what the lord has laid on my heart you will remember that as we looked at chapter 3 verses 5 to 7 it gave us some instructions on that first sunday of this month he says we should mortify your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and conviciousness which is idolatry for which things said the wrath of god cometh on the children of disobedience and so it ended at verse 7 it says in the witch ye also walk sometime when he lived in them so it points to the fact that these that have been listed here in verses 5 down we have passed that stage and we are now in a new phase of our spiritual dispensation and so therefore we must continue to remain alive in christ but we must be dead to sin hallelujah those are the mandates that have been given to every child of god we must become alive in christ but we must be dead to sin praise god my brothers and sisters verses 8 down to verse 17 will be our verses for consideration as a follow-up to that would happen before because one of the things we remember is that the church at colossia it was very close to one of those churches that was already moving away from faith in god they were in a neighboring community and so therefore the influence from one church was creeping into the other church as a matter of fact when we look at the background for the church at colossia it says to us that paul was writing to the church to fortify them against mixing gentile philosophy with their christian principles can i tell your brothers and sisters that it was a mixture of judaism and some early form of of gnosticism which thought that jesus was not who he proclaimed to be bible student is here in as far as they were concerned they saw jesus as a superhuman but not truly god they saw him that he was greater than other human being but he was not the savior and so paul had to write to this young church in colossia and to say to them guess what christ is a preeminent god he was before he is now and he will be hallelujah and so as he got that foundation straightened out he now has to turn to help them to start to reconfigure their christian thinking and so he said to them in very clear terms as he is prescribed before us that great doctrines that you have will make great daily living what he was saying to them is that that which you have received hold fast to it because you're going to need it when the time comes it is not enough merely to agree to a doctrine but rather we must translate those beliefs into our lives what i'm simply saying here brothers and sisters is the fact that whatever causes you to have that divine conviction that jesus christ is lord hold fast to that because according to scripture paul writing to timothy says that in the latter days they are going to be drifting from the faith they are going to be giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils but my brothers and sisters when you have a good go-ho a good dose of the holy ghost that is holding your soul and causing you to even grab a little title to almighty god when the times of shifting comes you're going to hold fast to that which you have brother [Music] so paul was writing to the church at colossia and he said to them listen me there is only one redemption and it comes through jesus christ and the shedding of his blood verses 13 and 14. you will find that in chapter one he also said to them that the preeminence of christ is no figment of man's imagination read chapter 1 verses 15 to 19 and so paul was using the opportunity to build up the colossian church in the faith of almighty god and so when he when he gets to to to chapter three and reach verse eight you start to say some things to them that let you feel as if either you are getting you are getting dressed to go out or you are going to take off that which you have because it is important that as believers and this morning sister brown is here since the garden is here to be baptized did i get it right mr god yes that i want us to understand that as we walk along the christian journey many things may come to buffet our way but we have to have a decided mind we have to say like the songwriter my mind's made up hallelujah and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus someday and so he started to speak to the church like i'm talking to to commodore this morning to put off some attitudes no attitudes just seem to overtake us along the way many times some attitudes some attitudes that are not right and i as long as i'm here i'm going to talk about it because i must get the church rapture ready amen i told you when i came here oh in 2020 i have just one mission and that is to get the church rapture ready and to rescue the perishing and care for the dying and so therefore i want us to maintain our focus and paul says if you are going to achieve all of this because guess what i know i can't do it alone but together we are going to do it and so we must be ready to move in a particular direction verses 8 and 9 says but now he also put off all these things what are the things we're going to put up we're going to put off anger and wrath a church of god we must get rid of these things for for they they have sinful connotations and they will disqualify us for heaven we if we want to live a healthy christian life then we are going to have to shed some of these things verse 8 says anger wrath malice blasphemy feel the communication out of your mouth my god it seemed like paul was cleansing the church paul was making sure that anything that ought not to be there by the power of almighty god it is rooted out and cast out and never to return because paul was saying anger and wrath these are destructive to those we love and i looked up the meaning of anger anger means that it is hot displeasure it is getting into a ridge so listen to me church of god don't tell me that i saw your granny when ignorant and love get begs fast that don't help you today hello somebody that was your grandmother and your grandmother's style but listen when we come into our relationship with god the bible said all things are passed away and behold all things have become new hallelujah because anger and wrath is going to cause destruction in your relationship with others we cannot win people to christ by demonstrating anger and wrath that's not going to go down too nicely amen i am saying to us that once we come into a relationship with god we must be prepared to put all those things at the foot of the cross and leave them there the power of the blood of jesus christ he's able to run some you and i from anger and wrath but just in case that doesn't apply to you what about malice what about malice a scripture meta hacking you know a verse eight we're talking malice malice can i pause here for a minute and talk about malice in church not going to go down very well but listen my brothers and sisters i have heard persons not here elsewhere who are supposed to be believers and they are saying as they speak of their own church brother and sister that not until they hammer over my head i don't know if you know what that means i will never forgive such an individual and so you have a malice until it eats you out like cancer hello somebody brother brown this may not be too nice going down this sunday morning but believe you me scripture speaks against it and if scripture speak against it this pasta go and preach against it amen we must live loving we must live with one another because malice harbours grudgefulness and dwells deep in the hearts of people talk to me church of god grudge fullness breeds malice and malice bridge god fullness and i'm saying to the believing people of god here today that malice's ill will it is the desire to do harm a wicked future hello somebody i am saying to god's people environments and strife move it out to your system and let the holy ghost get a free reign to reign in your heart because he will not occupy with anger malice and jealousy and pride those things are works of darkness and i say to you that we are supposed to be children of the light and no darkness can stay in the presence of light but i believe with all my heart that the people of god is going to rise up and we are going to get to a new level so that we will be able to eradicate the darkness that is out there and to spread some love spread some joy spread some light that jesus christ alone gives oh god um wow i sound a little distasteful malice harbours grudges and dwells on them today as you are here think carefully is there somebody out there or somebody in here that i have not exercised my christian virtues to is there somebody that i find it difficult oh god help me today so much so i don't even want to be in that person's company i don't want to go near that one day are you brother and sister you're talking about you know i won't have anything to do with them people there and let me let me clear something here i told you from the first week that i had prepared what the lord laid on my heart and a sister called me after i was through that was about after 10 and i said to her i am preaching at church tomorrow and the discussion you have just had with me remember say my message was prepared before you call me i say that again today because i want to declare to you i don't depend on persons to come to me to tell me anything for me to formulate a message to preach according to what i hear that's not my style i've never done it and under god i will never do it but one thing i promise you is that when god give me a word i'd prefer to please god than to displease him i prefer to please god than to please man so when the lord speaks to me i am going to be the mouth and the voice of god speaking in the wilderness of these changing times and to tell people line up with master god [Music] hallelujah my lord oh this is a tough one to swallow today but [Music] swallow anyhow paul writing to the church in colossia can you imagine that this was the servant of god writing to the church in colossia trying to clean up some of the mess that was in the church and then oh god put it by my heart if you come talk to commodore paul says blasphemy should not be named among us blasphemy is to speak with profanity your your argument no not line up with the word of god profanity everything you speak of it is something distasteful the the the the the company you keep is questionable hello hello church of god we are making ourselves rapture ready and paul went down a little further because it's as if i i cannot pick all of these two pieces as i would want to but let me let me get on that you understand filthy communication stains our public testimony hello you know what a steering is i was cutting a planting at my place there a few days ago and i had on a shirt and i said no i can't load the shirt to be stained up so i was so very careful because i don't want the stain to get onto the shirt because i know all these things oh my wife give me judgement come stand up close and so i was very careful my brothers and sisters feel the communication out of the mouth of the child of god is steering it's like stealing filthy communist stains our public testimony what am i saying here work with me you cannot come to church and with one side of our mouths we are praising god and we are jumping and having a good time and by the time we are through here and we get back into our communities and get back into lynn steed and to get back wherever then the argument just changed all of a sudden it cannot be because the bible tells us that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth is going to speak so whatever is in the heart it is going to come out and i say to you let us get the word of god deep down in our heart so that when we speak scripture says that it is seasoned with grace glorifying almighty god hallelujah so paul was helping to clean up the church he said get rid of filthy communication which steering up your testimony and then he said something here verse nine he said lie not one to another now i hear somebody say some time ago not here a trick from the devil he is the author of lies he's the father of allah scripture tell you that and so therefore when you lie you are of the devil scripture so therefore paul writing to the church said lie not one to another lie not one to another listen me my brothers and sisters this may seem hard but can i tell you that lie makes us unlike god why do i say that because god is truth god is truth so when we speak a lie according to scripture lie is of the devil he is a father of it and so therefore if we allow ourselves then we are going to get into trouble so speak the truth from primary school and speak it ever i don't have to do these memory jams again speak the truth and speak it ever cause it what it will he who who hides the wrong he did does the wrong thing still amen so my brothers and sisters i look up the word lie we know people do use it very often but lie is to make intentional false statement so it's an intentional false statement so you say it because you want to cover up you say because you want to get away you're sad because you think that the next person don't know that you're lying and so you give them something and keep moving listen me brothers and sisters it is wrong amen it is to speak falsely with intention to deceive it can i repeat that it is to speak falsely with intention to deceive and we have it in scripture in the book of acts with ananias and sapphira they concocted a wonderful story hello hello you know read it and the bible tells us that when when when one give his report him drop dead cm time and the other one came on not knowing what happened was ask the same question and give this here an answer because before that both of them concocted the story that this is what we are going to say but little did they know that the holy ghost was at work the holy ghost was a sharp shooter and this is that was not in the time of grace so right away judgment fall upon them because they lied peter said you don't lie to me talk to me church of god but you lied to the holy ghost and you never have to do it because it's your property you could do what you want to do it but then why you allow the devil to enter into your heart to do all of this so therefore to see him did what she did you're going dead too amen my brothers and sisters i am saying to us this afternoon as i try to wrap this thing up let us make sure that whatever we do we please god so those are the things that we should put off that's what scripture says you know put up verse 8 no he also put off all these things and when he get to verse 10 he said guess what we're going to tell you some things to put on hi hello because you see what happened i like that out there you're getting a you're getting rid of the old man and you're starting a new journey with god talk to me church of god you are starting in a new direction you are starting with new company you are starting with god the father god the son and god the holy spirit and so he says in verse 10 now put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created you [Music] read it it's right before you said there's going to be a change you're going to be a change until verse 12 he said put on therefore as the elect of god as the special people of god as those chosen by god to be my representatives as those who are going to stand in the gap and allow others to come to know me as lord he says put on therefore as the elect of god as the special people of god he says you must be what holy and beloved wow wow we are going to put on these things which will make us like christ we are going to put on the new man i quoted to you early on that whosoever be in christ according to second corinthians 5 17. he's a new creature all things are passed away and behold all things are become new so the new man is going to grow in the image of christ amen according to verse 10 the new man is going to grow in the image of christ we are going to put on holiness which mirrors the integrity of god according to verse 12. talk to me church of god we are going to exercise mercy and kindness which demonstrates the grace of almighty god we are going to put on humility which makes us christ-like oh god i like this outfit i like this outfit i feel like i'm putting them on piece by piece and i'm saying to the people of god get dressed for almighty god put on the new man and step out in faith in your god because you're a new man you're a new woman now because you are dressed according to the instructions of almighty god and he says you know what happened even when you have all of the above you must have some meekness which overcome pride and arrogance jesus help me this afternoon amen my brothers and sisters and if that is not enough we must have some patience which shows consideration for others hello hey church of god this to me is like the whole armor of god that he said we should put on and i'm saying let us put on that which god has has commanded us my brothers and sisters forbearance and forgiveness which break down all barriers according to verse 13. my brothers and sisters all of these qualities brings us closer to the heart of god all of these things will qualify us for heaven all of these things will allow us to feel as if we have the savior with us so when you step out in the morning you step out with some holiness when you walk down the streets a lin street you are exercising some mercy and kindness and when somebody oh tries to discredit you you give up you give that person some humility but just in case somebody think that you are weak no it's not weakness but it's meekness and meekness is strength under control because you could have done something differently you could have seen something else but because of the meek spirit that controls your emotions you are able to look at that situation and says all of that is in my past because i am a new creation i'm a new man now look at me i am well dressed for the kingdom because i have meekness i have patience i have forbearance and i am forgiving and so therefore god will be well pleased with me oh god my brothers and sisters i i must be closing we have gone way past but the final thing in verse 14 paul said to the church in colossia he said above all those things that you have put on already he says put on charity put on love which is the bond of perfectness put on love which is the bond of perfectness my brothers and sisters i spoke to you about loving one another caring for one another looking out for one another we must be a community of faith wherein all of us are connected by the blood of jesus christ and our hearts are washed by the blood of jesus and so therefore there is no easy man any schism as the scripture speaks about but rather we are able to face the altar of god boldly and said god i come to you i have put off all of the old man i am now adorned in the in the new man and so therefore i am here because i want you to use me to the honor and glory of your name i want you to be proud of me lord and so as you kneel before him you could say to him oh wash me and make me pure because i want to be a child of the most high god i have i have put out the whole man and i am embracing the new man and all i need is your strength to carry me through hallelujah hallelujah and so that love that love it reveals a close walk with god when there is love among the believers it tells me the believers are having a close walk with god hello when when when there is love then it holds a family together even in tough times and may i say this to you love holds churches together and makes outreach possible love holds churches together and makes outreach possible why do i say that if persons on the outside they are looking in and they cannot see love at work in the church then what is going to say to them let me come out at that and come in at this because they don't see anything attractive love is attractive hello and every one of us wants to be loved amen love produces unity among believers every word that we speak should be clothed with love because there is love within our hearts and so today my brothers and sisters i know it's been a long day but i want us to understand that even as we seek to be alive in christ we must be dead to sin today i know you have marked this passage are you going to go home and read it again colossians chapter from 1 to to from chapter one all the way to chapter three read it it can only help all of us and so as i close today i want to say to us let us continue to love like how jesus loves us amen sometime it may be difficult but we can still do it because with god all things are possible if we have a maid of mind that this is what we want it will happen i trust and i believe that as of today we will be doing some self-examination and we will do what is necessary to match up with god's word there are some things we are going to take off and some things that we must put on go back and read it colossians chapter 3 it will speak to you again bow your heads with me please there's a song which said search me o god i know my heart today try me o savior know my heart i pray see if there be you know that one some wicked ways cleanse me from every sin and set me free come on just do that for me once or twice [Music] praise god [Music] know my heart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise god some wicked [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we come to you today again giving you thanks and praise for this great opportunity to have expounded your words to the hearts of your children thank you for the way you have conducted this service today it has spoken to every one of us and lord we are confident that even as we have come to that point in time where we are saying lord i'm stripping myself of the negatives and i am putting on the positives we just want to live for you and to represent you in this life let your presence rest upon us cover us with the blood of jesus and cause your name to be uplifted in our lives even as we go forth being your representatives father thank you that being ambassadors of the kingdom we are able to say to you thanks for the opportunity that we have that we are saved and even in being saved we want to help others to be saved and to enjoy the richness of your grace your love and your mercies lord hear us today and bless in abundance in jesus name we pray before we go any further i want to ask is there somebody here today you have never given your life to the lord but today you are recognizing that you need to give your heart to the lord the opportunity is yours today you are saying i can't continue in this life of sin anymore but i want jesus christ to be lord of my life i want him to take control is that this if that description fits you i'm going to ask you just to raise your hand that we pray for you before you go jesus is there anybody is there anybody i see one hand on dear god bless you my sister god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you you are bold and you are brave amen and you know what you want god bless you here's another hand oh praise god here's our second hand there to god be the glory great things he hath done hallelujah is there a third person is there a third person oh praise god i'm going to ask both of you can you just move from your seat and come here for me let us let us lead you in the path that leads to life everlasting hallelujah praise god thank you jesus clap your hands of it to somebody hey these are miracles taking place before us today god bless you god bless you god bless you praise god hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god my sisters [Music] my sisters you have raised your hand which is an indication that you are surrendering surrender i surrender are you surrendering all to jesus today do you want jesus to take control of your life as of today and she said yes yes yes praise god how about you my sister is that your intention praise god i'm not i'm not i'm i'm i'm just excited that both of you are so willing to say yes lord i need to have a relationship with you praise god can i tell you something this morning sister reed and i were coming here and we had to drive through spanish town to make a pickup and can i tell you on the side of the road let me go and pray for you know but i was telling you something on the side of the road we saw a young lady almost on her knees crying crying crying crying and there was a man over her you know what was happening you figure that out for yourself you hear me here was a man who had total control over this young girl and she was being brutalized right here on the side of the street but can i tell you something about jesus in a video you know be too ah god jesus jesus hug you up and whisper sweet peace and tells you that he loves you with an everlasting love that's what jesus does and so therefore you are coming to jesus today and you are the recipients of that love amen just pray this prayer with me father i come to you in the name of jesus i am a sinner needing to be saved i cannot save myself so i come to you now and ask lord that you say lord i am a sinner so as of today i accept you as lord of my life i ask you now to come into my heart and take full control because i want to live father we thank you hallelujah you told us in your words that none that come to you you will ever turn away and we take you at your word to the lord two of your daughters have walked to this altar and have confessed you as lord of their lives oh god wash them with the blood of jesus christ purify their lives treat note anything that needs to be straightened out lord and cause them to walk the straight and narrow path thank you for them we declare that as of today the enemy has no more control over them but they have been transferred over into the hands of almighty god and so we believe lord that you now have entered their hearts we know that you have entered their hearts you have washed those hearts white or snow and you make them your chur your children thank you now lord bless and keep them always in jesus name we pray and the people of god say amen praise god where is sister bedward sister bedward over there i'm going to ask you to go to her just give her your name and your telephone number but let me welcome you to the family of god god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you glory to god hallelujah amen okay i am going to do my little bit of announcement now and brother andrade is coming to do the rest now brothers and sisters let me allow you to know that this church has not been speared of the many debts that are all around us and i want us to just understand that whatever is happening now we all have to just play our part and do what we can sister doreen small has died and her funeral service will be held on the 28th of march 28th of next month sister elena price has passed you know that and her funeral service will be held on the 25th of april yes april um sister arlene wilson has died and her funeral service will be tomorrow at 10 a.m at portmore she was living with her daughter in portmore or daughter-in-law but she is a member of this church all right i spoke to sister hunt already who's in charge of the senior citizens and we are making preparations i'm planning to be there to help to represent then sister pauline henry has lost her mother sister noblet robinson has lost her nephew sister gordon our own clerk here i don't know if you've been informed but she has lost her son to an accident in kingston uh a few days ago sister grayson's uncle brother roy from the church around there that is where um minister um azanes i think that's the choice bread of life bread of life he has died and and sister harris has lost her sister and there may be many others that have not heard of i want you to know that we continue to pray your strength that the lord will really attend it to you and be faithful to you i am announcing today that um a family has approached me and they are preparing to to donate three scholarships two to students who are just entering high school and one to a student that is entering tertiary level education i will give you more information about this because i will be finalizing some more details and as soon as the details are available you will hear more but i want to commend this family i will not tell you which family as yet but this family wants to do something for the youngsters of this church and we thank god for that praise god on the third sunday we you will be getting some more some information about some financial assistance that a particular group of companies um they are extending to persons who are in business or those who wants to enter the business world whatever level of the business world that you want to enter the information that i have is that there is the possibility of you being able to get financial assistance um to start your business so we we are going to recover after all of this you know amen so on the third sunday you will get some more information and during this same month we will be having as ministers on the district we'll be having our second exchange of pulpit later on in this month so stay tuned you will be hearing i am getting ready to for baptism and i'm going to ask sister to come because she's going to testify but let me just say to you that this afternoon we will not be having our bible study as usual because i have to um do a representation in clarindon at five o'clock there is a new church with all members that are affiliated to that church that has now been accepted by the new testament church of god so that has become our 365 59th church yes the early new testament church of god is going to be formally handed over to the new testament church of god this afternoon and as parish coordinator for the parish of clarindon i will have to be there so there won't be any bible study this evening but i asked my faithful members to go and read matthew chapter 25 because we're gonna talk about that when we start next week i am finishing but i want to thank everybody for cooperating with our cake sale and our culture night which was last week friday sister bedward is coming to say something more to us on that but sister reed not being here today she's preaching at a convention in uh august town and so she will not be able to tell you about this what she will tell you when she comes and so my brothers and sisters i am saying the final thing now that tuesday of this week we will be having our groundbreaking ceremony right here for our new set of bathroom facilities tuesday morning at nine o'clock if you can be here come along we're gonna break ground and we are going to start the foundation because we are moving forward amen yes thank you you you supported rally and i said to you that whatever we make from rally we are going to use it to do what we have to do on the new building now i can tell you that we just start spending money on that money soon finish but i am confident that as you see the progress of the work you will be contributing to his development and so and so the fact that we're going to dig the foundation on tuesday i think that i'm going to ask you for a foundation offering today i don't usually do this you know that the last time was to buy that tank down there that was the last time i asked any contribution in this church so today we are going to do a foundation offering because on tuesday i'm going to invite the men and ladies to come back here we're going to have a work day tuesday because we're going to the goat foundation and do everything we can to start this on a strong note is that all right we want to provide meals and refreshment for everybody who will be here on tuesday so please let us do a foundation offering brother andrade could you come now sir you have some other announcements please come yes sis you're going to take that offering from me and and and while the well the announcements are going on i'm sure that persons want to listen the announcement but listen the announcements and immediately after the announcement then we are going to do our foundation offering god bless you and thank you so very much good afternoon everyone just to reiterate on a few things that bishop mentioned and uh and to notify you of a few things that um he did not mention sunday school begins at 8 00 am and divine service starts at nine each sunday you are encouraged to worship with your tithes on offering by direct bank transfer to our bns bank account number 600735 or you can drop off your tides at the church office between the halls of 9 00 a.m monday 9 00am to 4pm monday to friday the following persons are sick and they are not doing well um brother marlon sister jennifer giden sister norma kerr sister marlene grant brother evans sister andrea muir and sister pearl henry let us continue to pray earnestly for our brothers and sisters who are sick and give them our support in whatever way we can on thursday at 7 00 pm the couple's ministry will be having their first meeting and they are and the ministry is inviting all couples to come out right um as this meeting will be used to build their couple's ministry database so all couples are invited this thursday at 7 00 p.m on a side note we have a few debts bishop mentioned a few of them um our dear sister price has died and their funeral arrangement will finally arrangement will be announced later um sister novelette robinson's nephew has passed away and his funeral arrangement will be announced later as well sister pauline henry's mother passed away and her final arrangement will be on march the 9th at the battle baptist church that's at church road bug walk at 11 a.m sister doreen small right and she's the mother of sister rayna reed um her funeral will be um right here at church on march the 28th um brother roy walker and um brother walker is there is the nephew of our sister gracia or uncle of sister gracie and paul and his funeral will be on march 3rd at the bread of life ministry at 10 a.m our weekly activities are as follows and on wednesday we'll be having um fasting here beginning at 10 a.m um and the youth fellowship will resume next week at 7 00 pm and just to remind you that couples ministry will be meeting this thursday at 7 00 pm as well and as bishop said we'll be having our groundbreaking ceremony um for the new building at the back and that will be on march the 1st that's tuesday at 9 00 a.m so brothers and sisters you are asked to come out and um for those of you who have missed our cake sale um and culture culture day concert and fundraising as a matter of fact the fundraising cake sale culture day and concert um on friday right we'll be having a cake sale 2.0 and it will be at the porch there so just if you didn't get a chance to purchase your cake you can do so today all right amen amen uh and also sister bedrock will also be there to receive your the ticket contribution from members all right so those are the notices for today thank you very much praise the lord praise the name of the lord at this time our sister we're gonna ask her to come and to give her testimony bless the lord good evening everyone my name is winifred garden and i decided to follow jesus and i'm just asking you all to remember me in your prayers that's premiere please thank you praise the lord hallelujah so at this time we're gonna stand there we're gonna do a course until the baptizers are ready i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus turning back through turning back i have decided to follow jesus i am desire to follow jesus i have decided to follow [Music] behind me turning [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus i have decided to follow jesus [Music] i have decided to follow jesus praise the lord is is [Applause] i yes oh [Applause] is [Music] is is [Applause] pleasure god i'm born again is [Music] [Music] give me foreign every hour [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wonderful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] my brothers and sisters history is taking place in my books here today because this is my first baptism in this pool the the three others we had before we all journeyed to bug walk but because of many circumstances today we are using this facility and we thank god for the opportunity amen to be having a baptism within the walls of the church on this bright sunday afternoon amen amen and so we are not going to hold you much longer but we're going to do what we have to do and just in case there are others who want to join us there the opportunity is yours but we are going to do what we have to do so let us look to the lord in prayer father we come to you now in the name of jesus and we thank you that it is in you that we live and move and have our being we also thank you lord that you are still in the saving business because here before us this afternoon is one such person that you have saved and lord she is not afraid to testify that you have done a marvelous job in her life and so she has walked forth now for her watery baptism lord we pray that you'll just touch this water that you will sanctify and bless everything that needs to be done that it will be done decently and in order and it will bring honor and glory to your great name so now lord bless and keep us your children even as we proceed in faith and tell you thanks in jesus name amen please tell them your name again for us my name is winnifred garden winnie i have with me in the pool today sister winifred gordon and i'm going to ask you to raise your right hand sister gordon and just repeat these vows from me did i vote thy vote are upon me upon me oh lord pause i will not break i will not break until then until death praise god praise god praise god sister gordon upon the confession of your faith in the lord jesus christ and the authority vested in me as a minister of the gospel i'm not going to baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the water is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every [Music] step right here [Music] all right well you heard the song and the song is giving some information that the water is troubled the water is indeed troubled and we are ready to do what anyone else would want us to do there's somebody else here who would like to be a part of this troubled water experience today come now brother cole and myself we are still waiting on you and so the opportunity is yours to be baptized let it not be said the invitation was not extended to you because certainly you heard the water is troubled we're gonna sing it one more time and if you are not ready for this activity then we are going to ask our student pastor just to close in prayer and pronounce the benediction for us [Music] [Music] my friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen let us pray most righteous and everlasting father we thank you for the one soul oh god that was saved to your kingdom this afternoon we give you all the honor the praise and the glory even now o lord as we about to go i ask that you'll go with us cover each and every one of us lord and i ask for safe journey whom these i ask in their mercies in jesus name amen please raise your right hand for the benediction and now may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father the fellowship of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and we all say amen heaven is better than this oh what joy and is one of the streets of shining gold in the land they'll never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] for is [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Linstead New Testament Church of God
Views: 402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6o-g_m6Tjqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 4sec (12424 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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