SUNDAY Midnight Blessings, 6th March 2022 - Apostle Joshua Selman | Good Word Before You Sleep

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you the power of god i i don't know but there are people god is raising to become mighty vessels i just saw an anointing rest on you this rule in the name of jesus i don't know where you are but i pray may that grace now let it rest upon you and shift you to a new dimension in the name of jesus christ [Music] welcome to criticism check message on this channel you are going to get so lifting messages fit based content prayer drills and videos that would help you grow spiritually remember to subscribe to the channel like the video you are about to watch and comment on it stay blessed listen carefully please listen carefully proverbs chapter 22 and verse 7 read with me one to read the rich roulette over the poor and the borrower please talk to me the rich roulette over the poor he didn't say the rich man the rich anything rules over the poor anything and the borrower is servant to the lender the borrower remains a servant to the lender is an ordinance as far as this earth is concerned that one of the ways satan makes slaves is to hijack the economy of the earth listen carefully the bible says a borrower is servant to the lender provided you are the one at the other end to receive regardless of who and what you think you are it says you remain a slave there is a conspiracy listen carefully there is a conspiracy upon the earth and that conspiracy like a jimmy was sharing is a strategy by the kingdom of darkness remember i taught you that dominion happens through words through ideas through information strongholds also get to men two words through ideas and information that is programmed to men that does something to them our loved ones are victims of this limitation the bible says where jimmy said that a prophet of god noticed satan did not come and say your generation must serve me he made sure something happened to them and in return the children who had potential to be prophets were now going to be dragged into a system of servanthood there is a way satan keeps the seed the church our families in captivity using economy most people do not understand that wealth is warfare wealth is not about cars it's not about houses it's a contention for dominion the epicenter the corporate headquarters of dominion on earth is economy modern politics more than whatever it is the epicenter of dominion jesus taught us that when it comes to this there are only two masters on earth god and mammal not satan god and mammon and he said you must serve one of them in your lifetime so it's not a question of whether you want to serve or not you must have one the only option you have is to choose god or mammal there is an agenda by the gates of hell to keep the people of god in poverty in penury in captivity this is not the issue of job this is not the issue of cars and houses and trips no no no no it's an agenda because for as long listen carefully for as long as the body of christ remains poor and beggarly and struggling servitude satan will leave you praying in tongues he doesn't mind satan will leave you seeing your visions visions of the church being built visions of mission agencies that will never come to pass because whoever owns the resources makes the rules whoever owns the resources makes the rules i don't have time but i want to just give us just an introduction are we together the bible says in babylon something happened look at me that once upon a time a king said build an image use money to build that image not smelled not blocked he said that image must be built with gold and he says everyone at the sound of the chauffeur everyone rich or poor if you are within that territory bow down to not me the statue that i have used money bow to the system that i have built it is about to me he said bow to the gold and there were certain gentlemen who said no we are not going to do this he said you will not do this when you hear the musicians when you hear everybody you bow down to that statue you must bow down it was 90 feet solid gold and the boys refused they said oh king we love you we respect you but when it comes to this one no we will not bow to you our god is able to save us but even if it does not deliver us all king we will not do this it was a fight between gold and the loyalty that comes with it many people see the rule is this bow to that statue and then any living that's the condition that on earth if you will ever rise you must get to the point where you are forced by life to bow to that gold stature so you can be coming to church and someone calls you and says where are you you say i am leading prayer someone say what nonsense prayer you better rush and come quickly and you bow to the statue you have to run to respond because your daily bread satan does not have to come and stop you he just stops the system of supply notice that everyone in the bible who demonstrated a level of influence with finances most of them either operated the covenant of god or they were satanic and diabolic are we together wealth and prosperity played a role in the resurrection the salvation the bible says jesus was on the cross prophecy said he would be in a virgin tome that was where resurrection had to happen but every preacher everywhere we shall finish their ministry at the cross nobody had the access to continue only a man of influence called joseph of arimathea he used his influence and went to caesar and said give me the body of this one i have a tome already and they took his body and put in the tomb many of you did not realize that jesus had to raise up from the grave that's where that scripture now becomes complete oh grave where is thy sting oh death you know oh grave where is thy sting oh death you know where is that victory and so on and so forth there is an indoctrination and satan has used preachers to bring this indoctrination let me tell you this you see i've said it again correcting the body of christ in itself is a ministry is an office not every preacher not every spiritual man has the anointing to correct the body the mistakes and the imbalances stem from people who believe that they are good observers and in a bid to balance what they call canality and materialism they have become prayed for satan most people who have preached against wealth are people who are secretly frustrated by the inability of understanding the system to make it happen so to excuse that frustration they carve out a theology that keeps people bound zechariah chapter 1 verse 17. satan took jesus to a high mountain showed him the glories of the earth right where the scripture we share day before yesterday and it says all of this he called it power has been given to me cry yet saying thou sayeth the lord of hosts my cities my influence my ideas will through the instrumentality of prosperity not just prayers not just fasting my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad and the lord shall comfort zion [Music] there is there is an indoctrination and you know sometimes i stand and i watch people and sometimes i literally fight tears because it's amazing how many well-believing christians have fallen prey to this is a transgenerational indoctrination are we together now it is it has come it has become a stronghold we have become victims of babylon we danced by our team that she goddess that is upon the horse coordinates our activity they use money to tell you when to pray they use money to tell you when to marry they use money to tell you when to come out of your house they use money to tell you what geographic location you should be and you are helpless because the rich will always rule over the poor every time listen the bible gives us a mystery that in egypt the people we're building are slaves remember god's covenant people they were building and then the bible says the egyptians provided straw so there was limited supply the people just needed to do the whole building and then the moment god began to speak to them about freedom notice when they went to pharaoh moses went to pharaoh on their behalf and said tosia the god of the hebrews let my people go pharaoh said i know what is wrong economy you are having some level of convenience that's why you even have time to hear god he says stop giving them straw you will now go and look for the straw by yourself and the moment they look for the straw they start they started shouting to moses moses don't go again just leave us here satan uses economy to keep people away from god understand this because of poverty there are marriages that are the will of god that has refused to happen simply because the requisite resources that can help the individuals have not been there because of this there are books that should be written there are prophecies that nations should hear there are programs there are men and women with strange anointings upon the soil of this nation that deserve to be here be heard by the world do you know how much it takes um jimmy do you know how much it takes to pay for a tv program per month just to host a television station on the average not hd 13 million per month yet there are football clubs that have six of them they have their stadium they have everything why because they belong to the kings of the earth so they don't charge them tribute all that money comes from us we are the ones who give it and then we become slaves [Music] have you noticed that the greatest attack in your life will come in the area of your finances if you have not noticed keep watching satan does not have a problem with your education if he tries to stop you from loving god and it looks like he can't get it he will be waiting for you he knows one day you will have children he knows one day school fees will come just because he's allowing you with your 200 naira to be able to eat every day a day will come you will not be able to pray not because anybody change you satan will squeeze you to a point where you will have to bow notice how many young people graduate with zeal and power they love god they have been refined for four or five years look at those people three years later they are hardly christians again are we together people who will fall and tell you i will never collect bribe three years later at the heart of it notice how many people cannot sleep on his money that is causing it it's an attachment to money i just checked and i discovered that several hundred thousand is missing in this house and i can't sleep again it's a sign that i'm enslaved to it it's a sign that i serve it i made up my mind under god that i will never serve money with my life i made up my mind that i will serve god that money will serve me are we together now if you don't listen to what i'm telling you you will be surprised to see that in the distant future brothers and sisters do you know this is why many of our parents you talk to them about evangelism they look at you and laugh they say sit down let me tell you a story in 1975 i was the president of one group as you all these things you are doing i did it ask them daddy at what point did you leave god he would tell you about something that happened in 1989 that made him vowed he would never follow god again my cities through prosperity shall be spread abroad i have the privilege of talking with ministers do you know that one of the greatest frustrations of pastors right now is not prayer is finances when i talk with pastors you will think they are going to ask me secrets of the anointing and say man of god how do you do it if you sit down as a man of god please please what how are you doing this thing because right now as we are sitting and all of a sudden when a revival is about to break forth in the auditorium that the ministry is using the landlord to say i've come up with a new policy the price has been doubled because you people make noise and because you make noise while doubling the price if you cannot do it there is a club somewhere that wants to come and start using it and they are willing to give us six months advance and here comes the pastor with all his anointing together with the elders tongue talking according to the vision they saw themselves till december in that place but money is about to counsel the vision if i ask all of you to write your prayer requests right now on behalf of you and your family and i carry it and read it over 80 percent of it will be financial issues do you know what it means for a child to go to the father or mother and say daddy i'm ready to go to school for a student and the father says what do you want me to do that's why many men are angry brothers and sisters it looks like there is an age range men get to that they don't laugh again because the reality of the frustration no matter what you do even if it's their bad day while you are celebrating them they are distracted they forgotten they are even in that place it's a strategy imagine now that because of my financial needs i now pick up a revelation you see when you see men of god manipulating people don't be too quick to judge i'm not justifying it but it's the reality are we together and so a man of god is preaching and here are the children they are school fees and he has to look for a way so he takes advantage of the gift of god and says pastor alpha i saw five million in your account do something quickly come and give me two million otherwise the course is following you next week he knows he's lying but the reality of the poverty will not allow him to repent and say i'm just joking he's not joking he's waiting for that money if that money comes he will collect it [Music] that's why many sisters are running away from marrying men of god the devil they say stop marrying them the devil just said let me make a specimen with a man of god and rubbish the integrity of the anointing in the face of finances and when they just go to the parents and say look i'm a man of god say no no no we can worship at your church we can be kingdom financiers but no way it's a strategy listen to what i'm telling you in the days that will come let me tell you the church the family and the individuals that are financially bankrupt will be slaves they will do you know there are certain levels of revelations you cannot have until you are prosperous just allow me prove it to you i hope you know that out of everybody in egypt it was the king that god revealed the famine that was going to come the revelation of the firemen came to the king not because he was born again he was the one in the position to create help it's in your bible when pharaoh was in egypt and joseph was there who had the dream in the night why didn't god show joseph directly it would have been useless because the economic empowerment to affect what the dream meant was not here there is a position that if you do not rise you can't god cannot show you what he's doing it's not just prayer and fasting there is an economic position where god can now say son i see the enemy bringing diseases to kill children he shows you because the capacity to stop it is there pharaoh goes to sleep in the night and god bypasses joseph god bypasses somebody he gave a gift to and goes to the one who has the position to solve the problem and shows him the dream and and he gets up he never said he's a lie it's true that dream came from god but he came to a man that had substance no wonder we are not seeing anything in church because it makes no difference there's no point god showing you who is dying because you will only pray about it oh god won't you help them whereas they are crying remember apostle james taught us and said don't see somebody hungry and tell him i beat you god speak go in peace [Music] there are dimensions of instructions that cannot come to you so the reward also cannot come to you because there is no capacity there is a tragedy that the body of christ must be delivered from you open your mouth to speak about wealth and prosperity and the harsh criticisms that come from pastors that come from people i'm not talking of all this money mongering i'm going to gather 10 cars this agenda is not about cars and houses it's about kingdom advance it's about bringing supplies how many mission agencies do you see you see them looking hungry looking like whatever it is you go to the mission fields and watch the way missionaries so far as if they are dying their wives and children are there yet a prostitute a prostitute will sleep with an unbeliever and by the next morning shall become a millionaire that million is the prayer point of that missionary and then you tell me since i was young now i am old i have not seen the righteous forsaken that's why when we raise these songs in church members are angry while they listen to us [Music] fill me up till i overflow i wanna run [Music] i wanna run over fill me up feel like overflow i wanna run there is a dimension of kingdom world as we are speaking now calinonia is connected to over 45 nations of the world it's not just with tongues they are listening to brothers and sisters there is nobody that has sold one message we would have made hundreds of millions of naira from sales most ministries is not an insult but most ministries use sales as a system of generating revenue it's a sacrifice that god said we should do in order to communicate christ to a generation but it takes not just obedience but capacity to make it happen for years as we are standing right now there are security people outside every coin on your service right or no riot there are securities all and all of them are paid there are bosses after the service we've done this for years there's not been a single time that we said stop because there was no money brothers and sisters the convenience you receive serving god there is a role that kingdom wealth played in it are you saying what i'm saying [Music] that's the reason why we do not need to play any gimmicks on you and say do this bring this bring that bring this this is the pressure that you see on preachers they announce their bad days months before the time to force members to start preparing because the man of god is hoping that he can cash in at that time and at least they can give him something imagine that i put pressure on you now and say all of you buy me a car imagine that i put pressure on you think how i destroy your salvation think how i destroy your passion for god have you seen crusades now a man of god will preach a sound message call sinners that are helpless but because of financial constraint at the end of a sound crusade when you should even be helping them with resources you now say well before i end john chapter 5 verse 11 5 and 11 cents i want to what you look at how you ruin something that is a blessing and a sinner that should love god said you see them these are the tips again and they find their way and go back and die and go to hell are you hearing what i'm saying we're going to pray i made a covenant with myself that me and poverty i waved it goodbye it waved me back i have no business with it listen regardless of where you are the dynamics and other things we will teach you subsequently we have there are teachings tonight is not just tonight is to expose you that this finance thing is warfare warfare i have had encounters in my life i've had encounters with angels i've had encounters with demons but the fiercest encounter in my life came with the spirit i've shared it with you you've heard me say that i was praying and all of a sudden i had a vision and i saw an entity looking like a sick creature the eyes were as big as a human head and the tail was a serpent the tail had his own life aside from the body and he was looking at me red fierce eyes and all he said is so you think you can bring god's people into abundance it was not so you think you are getting people filled with the holy ghost when you are healed you are healed for yourself when you are saved you are safe for yourself it's only finances that can get to others satan prefers a healthy church working in signs and wonders than a church that is prosperous [Music] are we together i was told there was a family here sadly not too far from us that the house caught fire was it there before yesterday i'm burned everything i can almost bet you many christians have gone to greets them now and say well done sir god bless you i saw in a vision that god will restore all things and then they move and leave the person if you see the lady in that house now getting into prostitution next week people believers will be the first to run their mouth and say what is all that there is no means to even say please take ten era for the sake of the children and it's not that you don't have the heart satan knows you have the heart so he will never allow the money get to you what is there for the body of christ to help and support this family and say look this is what we have ten thousand twenty thousand and say look we may not give you everything but at least let you don't sleep hungry must he be a special charity fund that's how broke we are what is special about it as i'm speaking to you right now right now do you know how much footballers get in a week if a church gets that they will finish their headquarters no more prayer the only prayer is fasting and saying souls i once saw a young boy or a girl i don't know the mother came after coinonia i looked at the baby adorable baby but the baby was born with a many maybe they are even here listening to me with a serious condition in jimmy and for the rest of that the child is now eight weeks but the child was completely paralyzed and he had an accurate state of pneumonia that child was on his way dying he was not just depending on prayer miracles and the mother came they've done their best but the woman was watching her child die i said this is not the issue of prayer i asked them to come i i could not sleep i kept seeing the child's face all over the house and i had to send one of the protocol people i said bring this child when they brought this child from chica six weeks old the child was just gasping how much does it take to take this boy to surgery and give the boy a chance to leave mercy be like mephibosheth we're talking about resources with vision resources that are weapons you don't just use tongues money is a weapon you can send it send it to save souls he said how shall how shall they hear except they be a preacher he said how shall they be the preacher go except he is sent equipped [Music] this thing grips my spirit because i know what it is doing for people it's not many of us and and sadly we men of god must take responsibility the scope of our preaching is just to make sure you have enough let me tell you this look at me as you see me right now there is food in my house as you see me right now i have a car as you see me right now i have some money in my account so i will be a wicked man to act as if this is exactly what preachers do just because we have something small we come and stand and run our mouths on stage and talk nonsense i'm not thinking about what to wear if i want to wear a cloth i can call it hello if i want to preach and pray overnight i have a generator that can run overnight but do you have it do i care a good shepherd lays down his life this is what we are talking about just because you are a preacher you have a little car you have a little house and all you tell people is just build your spirit their children are not going to school just build your spirit they are becoming robust they are becoming proud is a strategy we have a lot of children in this ministry and we have the privilege by the grace of god it is an honor for me to be able to put a smile in the face of these children there are people today who are graduates because money was used as a weapon there are people today who are doing well because money was used as a weapon there are people who have escaped death because money was used as a weapon there are people who have had the courage to turn away from a life of a nonsense rebellious life because finance was a weapon have you ever been taught that money is not about luxurious weapon it's a weapon of war and in the days to come it will be one of the most effective weapons are we together many children who should not die died because that weapon was not there to fight the war for them many individuals very simple cases some of you as were seated here you've not paid your school fees that's your whole prayer while you are praying now you're just crying [Music] and satan sits back because the rich will rule over the poor and the borrower will be slave to the lender this is not about there are no matter how greedy you are you can't enter 10 cars at the same time no matter how we are not talking about i know that there have been exaggerations people whose life is just filled with loss and all they want is to wear the gold and silver but i'm bringing to you a call this is a call as serious as your fasting a call as serious as your spiritual life wake up to wake up is not to hustle to wake up is not to do business to wake up is not even to get a job to wake up is to come to the realization that there is a war and the destiny of my children is at stake like the woman the wife of a prophet yet they were carrying the same prophet that should carry prosperity the children were about going to slavery more satan carried all our young ladies and married them to devils that we and which and wizards all around simply because of financial resources you see how many christian ladies right now will get up and two weeks you don't see them again and you found out that they've married one son of the born woman somewhere and the families will endorse them because the devil will make sure that lady now is supposed to be a prophetess but finances deviated her assignment [Music] is god saying anything to you tonight this is a war don't see money as some luxury and when we say money you are just thinking gucci louis vuitton look i'm teaching you things from the kingdom thank god for all the blessings but there is only so much you can do for that we're talking of lives that will be changed i plan to use resources as a dangerous weapon the devil will hate me in this lifetime because of what will be done with resources look the good schools in this nation our children cannot go there the schools that are taught values i had the opportunity to visit um lean academy beautiful school i got to talk with the man he's an unbeliever but very wise and intelligent man the the head teacher of the school was a student in school of ministry he may be here and i got to talk and when i found out the school fees i said this is a beautiful school but how many children can go there look what has happened to our government schools now a teacher sucks his trouser and goes around f9 parallel yet he's the one teaching accounting yet he's the one teaching mathematics he's as confused as the student they help themselves to solve the class work that's where your child is this is not just an issue of wealth it's an issue of warfare satan is doing something to the minds of a generation that's why you see all these young boys now they are not serious you see a boy of 16 years all his business is girls and computer games as small as he is prayer zero everything that is of god zero so the devil now suggests something else codeine and what they call that thing trauma dog and all those demonic things and then there is a click of people just like him and he becomes part of it is a war it's a serious war my child will not get up and serve the devil i will use everything he says see also that you are bound in this grace by god's grace we are going to will soon set up a school and will set it up and have the resources to bring the price down enough to allow meritocracy that children that are competent will attend it not just children or big people i made a covenant with god that i will never raise people who are just anointed no i believe in influence i'm not a fool don't you let anybody mislead you there are levels of your life you can never rise a church can buy a land but no influence and a government can just come up with a policy and collect it halfway into the building and there's nobody to speak for them you must have the resources that give you the ability to speak at the gates he said let her walk speak for her there are times you are not allowed to speak is your resources that is can speak are we together [Music] the other time god tv god tv one of the largest christian channels we have on earth the few christian channels that are preserving the purity of godliness that we're asking for six million dollars what is six million dollars for god's sake that for 21 days non-stop they are crying you listen and there is nothing that is the gospel for those three weeks you listen no salvation prayer no nothing is just begging begging i love them and i respect them what is there for somebody to just get over what is six million a lady somewhere would smile at a billionaire and say i saw a house somewhere i want it and he says how was it 10 million dollars say all for you and satan mocks the church look how we fast for money is that a reason to fast why should you fast for money there are people going to hell why in the world should you fast for money do you know talking about prosperity forever is a cost why should our churches be filled with the issue of prosperity all the time money money money because that's what is needed there are more important things i will multiply them they will not be few i will glorify them they will not be small let me tell you there is a campaign we are leading in this nation is a campaign of balance balance that you can be anointed and prosperous and god-fearing and serious and irresponsible father a husband and a leader that's the lamb's wife complete complete can i confess to you satan is not after you as young as we are satan is after our children i have seen this thing satan is beginning to give up on our generation because we are following the patterns of our fathers you know our parents loved god do they extend that money or no money that god to death now with the young people with intelligence we are finding do you know the biggest trouble on earth now is between young people from 16 years downward not the other ones some who are 20 their parents have died and it has forced responsibility on them but this our young children 16 you sit down and talk with them and they will surprise you to hear the kind of things they are learning and where they are learning it from someone has got to arise no education no nothing you see somebody that tells you he's a graduate tell him to write a letter a letter he writes a letter as if he's chatting he can't construct an intelligent thing and that's why all the positions of influence will be occupied by unbelievers then very few believers they squeeze us somewhere where it's impossible to grow ask a young man to construct to you a sentence right now you will be surprised nonsense and that person is a master's holder it's not his fault he was mentored by people who were limited [Music] through prosperity shall my city my agenda is not just about houses don't join people who don't know the purpose of money don't join money mongers who everything about your life is money money money oh i drank water in a gold cup i eat fish with a silver spoon wonderful may god bless you enjoy it but more importantly because of me 1 000 souls were saved in one month that's money with a mission because of me i decided to sponsor the children of the missionaries and i said you can go and preach the the one that pains me mostly to me is this missionaries i i think maybe one day we'll play documentary here for many of you to see the sufferings of those who have signed out for the kingdom you look at their children you look at a poor woman who came to hold the hands of a man to say i will walk with you through life educated but simply because of the gospel they have been reduced to ashes and we're here buying cars and buying all of this and claiming that because of that god is faithful it's not just a man's a man's worth does not constitute in the abundance of things don't get me wrong i'm not saying to sit down and celebrate mediocrity you should be a partaker of the wisdom of god in your life however more importantly wealth with a mission imagine that you can buy five bosses and give certain ministries around capro um what they call them navigators and all these people and say this is the hand of god upon your life what is my business with your 20 estate what's my business with your 100 estate you would die and your irresponsible children will sell it that was the pain of solomon but does someone can stand today do you know billy graham preached in north korea the only preacher koinonia please let's wake up this thing is an agenda of darkness to enslave me to enslave you to enslave our children that the time will come the last time you will see your child was when he was three years old you will see him again slavery took him to go and walk look at all these young girls that are in italy these young girls are tying libya don't you think they have parents are the parents not alive someone just comes to tell them i want to give you a job in libya and takes those young girls and go and ruin and wreck and destroy and shred their lives they come back years later their contemporaries have gone far ahead of them and they are back no education no god no wisdom if anybody marketed poverty for you i'm canceling it tonight at the same time if anybody has opened your eyes to see that all about money is just car and jeep i still can't see it tonight [Applause] that people men and women whose heart is not in their treasure who have set their minds on things above that no matter what god gives you he can place a demand at it at any time god can say look pastor alpha these five children are your project and you say yes sir not just because you are obedient the means is there noiseless impact not making noise all around i'm talking rubbish imagine how many ladies here can have foundations and bring all these young girls whose lives have been destroyed and change them and build them you can't do that if you have to depend on your daily bread somewhere we're going to pray lord make me your treasurer rise up the first treasure that you had disappointed you lord i can be trusted with the wealth of the kingdom i can be trusted with the resources of heaven lift your voice please let's pray let's pray let's pray lift your voice let's pray [Music] let's pray lord trust us with your resources to the systems 2 and verse 26 ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse 26 the bible says for god gives a man that is good in his side what wisdom and knowledge and joy but to the sinner he give that travel to gather and to ship that he may bring to him that is good before god lord the wisdom that will attract resources from the world the knowledge no hallelujah ecclesiastes chapter nine quickly please ecclesiastes chapter nine from verse 13 four verses we are reading 13 to 17. please everyone look at your screen if you can see it i want to read it this wisdom have i seen under the sun and it seemed great unto me are you ready now follow the story next verse there was a little city and few men within it and there came a great king against it and beside it and built great bulwarks against it we are talking of warfare here warfare now there was a there was found in that city a what poor wise man the bible says and he by his wisdom delivered the city yet no man no man remember the same poor man 16. then said i wisdom is better than strength read the remaining one to go nevertheless a prominent wisdom is despised and his words are not heard you will never rise to a position of influence if all you have is just ideas wisdom it takes economic empowerment to make these proud kings of the earth listen to you is more than information is more than education you need the resources that will force them to listen open your mind in addition to my wisdom go oh hallelujah deuteronomy 8 and verse 18. deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18. it says but thou shall remember the lord thy god thou shall remember the lord thy god we are going to talk about the rest there is something prosperity can do to you it can make you forget god are you hearing what i'm saying he's giving this man an advice when you have built houses and where you are now comfortable let me tell you this there are many people who have never been prosperous enough to forget thinking about money but there is a realm in your life you don't have to be a millionaire to get to that realm there is a realm where your basic needs are met beyond measure there is no reason why you should have concerns for food to eat you will be surprised to see that you will not pray for one month that the only time you open your bible is when you come to church you did plan to backslide comfort outside of god can make men happen like that he said thou shalt remember the lord thy god that's the message every other thing was just an addition to that message the central message in this verse was don't forget god he said but for your information to remind you it is he that giveth me what power power like a herbalist gives you a charm it says use it that god can give men the power capacity ability god can give a church the power to get well god can give a man the power to get well god can give a family the power to get well he said you have not because you ask not you do not have the power because you ask not you do not have the power that programs favor upon you because you ask not you do not have the keys and the ideas because you have not you are there looking around for it what you are refusing to ask is not found on earth only god can give it lift your voice and say lord the power now listen when it comes to the issue of prosperity there are systems whatever you receive in the spirit there are systems of knowledge you make money because of understanding not business not job it is your understanding that controls things there's no time to deal with that today but we're going to deal with two aspects just two areas number one is the favorite dimension of kingdom wealth exodus chapter three exodus chapter 3 21 the favorite dimension of kingdom wealth and i will give these people favor in the sight of wicked men god can use anybody to favor you egyptians are not the people to ask favor from i will give these people faithful in the sight of the egyptians what will be the proof of the favor he says and it shall come to pass that when he go ye shall not go emptiness is proof that there is no favor it says when there is a relationship between favor and abundance he says i will give these people favor i will give these people favor i will give joshua salman favor i will give koinonia favor before anybody doesn't matter who before government before kings before nobles before gentiles i will give you favor let's see the fulfillment of chapter 12 verse 36 god said i will give these people favor when god speaks can we trust him chapter 12 verse 36 quickly please chapter 12 read with me one to read and the lord gave the people faithful in the sight of the egyptians so that they lent to them such things as they required and they spoiled the egyptians that's favor that's faithful that somebody who has no business blessing your family will get up and say i have five houses i was sleeping and i saw in a dream and i brought the key and immediately overnight let me tell you this i want you to believe this brothers and sisters get rich quick schemes may be wrong but god can give men speed of prosperity don't ever allow anybody indoctrinate you it is the training process that takes time the manifestation will happen overnight like the twinkling of an eye it is true it takes time to be trained but when the favor lands on you you can sleep in prison one night and by the next morning brothers and sisters there is no reason to ever see the trace of poverty around your life again it says and they spoil the egyptians if all you will get in this life is what the labour market gives you prepare to be greedy prepare to be angry prepare to have stress there's nothing wrong with your productivity remember an anointing was put on the fish fish does not produce coins but when a grace came on that fish coin came out is one thing to be skilled is another thing for an anointing to be upon your skill when i care abuse a house that's no longer professional that's faithful [Applause] are you doing what i'm saying when chair rental can buy bus for a mission agency then this is not rentals again there is a hand that is influencing it when your song all of a sudden gets to the nations you had the skill but the wings is no longer skill that one is crazy i believe in be skillful but is your skill anointed [Music] there are many gifted people on earth that will never see the finger of god hallelujah i was traveling to lagos from few weeks ago and i flew with professor wallace zoinker in fact he was sitting down at my seat and while i was just admiring the man truly i was and i was looking at him and the air hostess was trying to get him up so that i would sit and i rebuked i said don't do this this is a prestigious man this is a man who from the confines of his village has gone around the whole world nobody does unusual things naturally whether the person admits or not the truth is that it cannot happen there is a level of growth and influence and impact now and i looked at it said my god look at this [Music] there are people who go to the devil they are skilled they are businessmen they finish the business meeting while people are sleeping they are there naked in a shrine they have you see the man and they tell you this guy came from harvard he is wise enough he knows with his wisdom he also needs prosperity so the herbalist says sit down and he sits naked that's the ceo of a company of an airline and all of a sudden they conclude rubbish on his head and once they finish they kill a baby there and drain the baby's blood they all drink it the man gets up and customers are coming his wisdom created the company something else is what is calling the customers believers do not understand the favor dimension i have cried this thing in this ministry and tonight i know our time is gone but please in the next two three minutes everyone that asked receive it cry lord is faithful is not just money favor is men there are things money cannot do let me tell you how you know you are favored by the speed with when men arise to help you you can be rich and die alone build the house alone no helper send the children alone no helper favor is not when you have money favor is when you have men in the multitude of men is a king's honor when you have men you have their resources listen let me tell you there are some of us we have some money but we don't have faith don't be deceived that just because there are resources you have tea and bread you can build a little house that does not mean you have favor favor is when men come david was in the cave of adullam men left everywhere and came they convented with themselves that's faithful there is the favorite dimension you know when favor is walking when men begin to appear you hear people testify an uncle called me i told you no man comes to you by himself they are called who are getting to there that will be the last prayer point further every area in my life that have not experienced favor send men foreign foreign foreign there are three dimensions to kingdom wealth and prosperity please listen the first dimension is called transactional wealth wealth that is as a result of selling value business your job you exchange your skill you exchange your productivity for a financial reward that's the first level of wealth it's called transactional world you don't receive rewards until you sell something your idea your skill that's the first level of wealth the second level of wealth is called transformational world it is the reward you get for changing lives is the reward you get for transforming people are we together if you bless someone you raise someone you lift someone that person now blesses you you are not selling anything you are giving the person is coming back with gratitude because his life has been transformed this is the second level of wealth the third dimension of wealth is called suffering wealth wealth by the finger of god exclusively a product of prophecy these three dimensions of wealth must work in your life there are many of us only the transactional level you have a job you are doing a little business wonderful but you are limited listen please give me this if this is hundred naira transactional wealth says it's hundred naira forever i can't buy this one thousand it will be a scam you will be cheating me i can i can sue you to court are we together so this is i'm selling a product that money remains provided my idea works if i am sick or something happens to my system this is gone it's over forever the second is that i can find out when you are tested and give you this and you will remember that one day i bless you and now buy me a carton of it your rewarding me is based on your perception of my usefulness in your life but there is the third dimension welled by the finger of god vesta verse 13 please josiah 12 verse 13 and by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt not by their desire by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt is there and by a prophet they were preserved there is a dimension of the prophetic in wealth that's why herbalists will never go out of business most hedonistic businessmen know they will pay their staff two hundred thousand and pay half at least 10 million is the perception of the value are we together second chronicles 2020 and then we'll pray the last prayer point tonight ii chronicles chapter 20 and verse 20. and they rose up early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness of the koa and as they went for jehoshaphat stood listen and said hear me o coinonia and the inhabitants of jerusalem he said believe in the lord your god so shall he be established but believe his prophets so shall you prosper so when the woman was in challenge there was no time to start letting any business kill our children was listen there are things that you need god to come speedily when will you learn business skill to play the rent you can learn later on but the rent needs to be paid in 24 hours that one you don't need transactional wealth you don't need transformation you need suffering wealth the finger of god that by this time tomorrow the economy of your land the reason why many african nations are poor they have abused the voices that god has put they are intelligent people with economic formulas but when god speaks most of them just look and say oh don't worry but the prophet said by this time tomorrow and a foolish man say even if god opens the windows of heaven shall these things be he said you will see it but you will never partake of it every time people were hungry in the bible god sent prophets jerome shaffer here the widow of saraphan and several other people they were looking for fish in john 21 they couldn't catch anything suddenly the very prophet himself the prophet of prophet jesus little children have you any catch say no he said cast your neck to the right side immediately they got fish they had to call on their partners to help them i'd like you to pray because i'm going to speak certain things from the depth of my heart pray and say lord change my life i tap into the dimension of suffering by the kingdom of god in 2007 i had a vision a real vision not a dream in that vision i entered many things happened but i entered a room a door was open as soon as i entered that room i saw dollars i saw pounds i saw naira and i had gone for a meeting where bishop pojerko was there and i knelt down before him i was sowing a seed and he told me there is more he said i should bring out when i saw it he laid his hands on me and i entered that room i looked i was holding something like a bag how can a room just be full of money alone and surprisingly i was not even connected to it not like you want to carry quickly and then a voice spoke and said i should pick and then i pick a few of the different currencies and i put here i was about to step out and i had the audible voice of god for what massive kingdom wealth transfer i had that voice i remember when i announced that thing people insulted me people said all kinds of things and i said this is not my fault it's something that i saw oh jerusalem jerusalem you who kill your prophets that there are people who god will make a declaration and they will just sit down and not care and say it doesn't matter all these ones are nonsense please brothers and sisters hear me there is a prophetic dimension of wealth you hear people receiving a lot here that they don't know the person who sent it you can just see one name you can just say two names it's not a lie it's not a scam one of our dear ones here after one of such sessions like that he just went to kaduna and found out that dunamis were sending all their land and they just brought him and kept him at the helm of affairs and god just multiplied and lifted that guy like that people's lives are changing except your own there are people who are not as smart as you but they can be foolish enough to say lord i believe you i remember when the lord instructed me to go to canaanland and sow a seed into god's servant bishop poetico and i went there did it i won't tell you what but it was a sacrifice and when i went i came out happily though costly i was on my way to leave and the lord told me to kneel down dear at canaan land he said put your hand on the ground i put my hand down he said from today you have entered overflow [Music] psalm 35 27. yes lord we hear your word tonight psalm 35 verse 27 are you there go ahead and read want to read [Music] let the lord be magnified which had pleasure in the prosperity of his servant let them continually shout for joy and let them say let him be magnified the lord who had prosperity who had pleasure in the prosperity of his servants we're going to go straight to the point i have i've struggled through the week to try to make this series as rich as possible and as straightforward as possible as direct as possible i've spent a major part of my life studying the subject of success the subject of wealth and prosperity aside from my primary assignment i have studied hundreds of people millionaires billionaires both in the kingdom and outside the kingdom i have read countless books i have listened to videos in an attempt to simplify this mysticism around success especially financial prosperity a subject that is secretly admired by so many a subject that has remained a mystery to so many especially in the body of christ a subject that many have neglected to their detriment a subject that has destroyed others very mysterious subject every time you talk about money in the body of christ you attract all kinds of reactions you attract self-centered reactions from people who think the idea of god to bless them is just to lavish money carelessly or you face a wall of religious resistance all kinds of reactions yet this concept of money is the key the very key to the quality of our lives on earth and can even affect your eternity hallelujah so i'd like for us to please in the name of the lord jesus christ the son of the living god pay attention to today's teaching and throughout this series in the last one year of my life i have learned more about finance and prosperity than i have all my life put together i have discovered things that have made me cry i have cried and said why didn't i know this even if it was six seven or so years ago when you find truth and it is really truth you will rejoice it will gladden your heart are you getting what i'm saying so i want us to please pay attention many of us here are representing our destinies our families our generations so many are dependent if i ask everyone to come up here and in one minute articulate towards the financial situation in our lives and our families and our territories for many of us we will end up weeping here because it's easy to dress well and look nice in church it's easy to pretend as though the subject of money is something that should not be considered it's a deception of the enemy hallelujah is a big deception of the enemy one of the blessings of a visionary ministry is to be able to guide and teach the people that god has committed to that ministry all the precepts of the kingdom that are responsible for securing their eternal destiny and then making the most out of their lives here in the earth hallelujah the church is an institution and the primary assignment of an institution is to shape people into a form into a fashion the church is an institution any society is largely a reflection of the church in that territory hallelujah that's why every revival and everywhere the church and the gospel has been embraced civilization also came with it praise the lord and so it's important for us to listen to pay attention hallelujah the bible tells us that god is interested in our prosperity and this is not the first time we are holding a series on prosperity we do this every year it's part of our building process i do not believe in the kind of christianity that makes someone heaven-bound anointed but poor and broke because like the anointing prosperity is part of the tools that will be responsible for building the kingdom of god now i'm not going to go into too much of the things that we have covered in the last session there is there are teachings on the economic system of the kingdom there are teachings on um financial dominion the last series we had last year and i don't want to repeat myself because these things are captured so we are going to i will just do a quick recap because i have a lot to talk about we want to delve into another paradigm in this series i wouldn't want to repeat the same thing in the last series we took out time to explain define a lot of terminologies if you've not listened to financial dominion part 1 to 4 please please listen to it hallelujah the foundation the building block to what i'll be sharing so i'm comfortable to share and take it from here assuming that at least many of us still have the understanding that we got from the last financial series although i'll do a bit of a recap hallelujah in the last series we talked about the concept of prosperity how that the word prosper means to do well it's just a quick recap and i taught us that there are four levels of five levels also of prosperity hallelujah number one is spiritual prosperity your eternal salvation your relationship with jesus christ number two mental prosperity the state of your wellness your mental state of productivity number three your health i told you that health is wealth your bodily prosperity number four your financial prosperity now um the subject of abundance and financial freedom and so on and so forth and then number five is your relational prosperity the prosperity of your relationship with your fellow people and we said that as a believer or in the kingdom these five areas must be complete in your life for you to be called prosperous meaning if you have money and no relationships both with jesus and with men something is wrong you are not prosperous hallelujah very very important so um we took out time to explain in the last series again on the concept of poverty i'll still define that we spoke about a few terminologies poverty prosperity and so on and so forth and we a few statistics we examined a few things about poverty i shared with us on the spiritual laws of wealth tithing giving we took our time to talk extensively about the different avenues for giving kingdom investment prophet offering so on and so forth and then we looked at the natural laws the gift of a man makes room for him i spoke about the concept of value problem solving and so on and so forth um i i can't remember what else i spoke about but then i think we did go that far but we'll be looking at another paradigm um in this series praise the lord so let me just define a few things i want to be very direct and i trust that god will help us in jesus name financial prosperity what is financial prosperity exactly please be sure to write even if you don't have something to write you can type it on your phone or your devices whatever it is that you have financial prosperity means freedom from poverty freedom from poverty lack and the negative effects that come with them financial prosperity means freedom from lack poverty and the negative effects that come with them open bracket let's list out some of the negative effects number one fear number two insecurity number three greed number four self-centeredness number five unrighteousness and the least goes on and on and on so prosperity means financial prosperity now talks about freedom total freedom from poverty from lack insufficiency and the negative effects i tell you there are negative effects that poverty can bring to the life of a man hallelujah i'll give you another definition financial prosperity also means having abundant financial supplies having abundant financial supplies alongside the means to replenish multiply and sustain its availability having abundant financial supplies alongside the means to replenish multiply and sustain its availability to have financial supplies is not enough there must be in you the ability to replenish to multiply and to sustain that supply at that point you are financially prosperous [Music] hallelujah are we blessed number two let's define poverty these are the two major words that were dealing with one is our friend the other is our enemy so let's define both of them what is poverty poverty is a perpetual state of lack and insufficiency of financial resources poverty is the perpetual state of lack and insufficiency of financial resources often characterized by lack of productivity a perpetual state of lack an insufficiency of financial resources often characterized by lack of productivity if you have that down say amen it's important for us to understand exactly what we are talking about so that we are not lost in assumption as to what exactly we're talking about it is the will of god for every single one of us seated here to come to a point in our lives where we have abundance of financial supplies alongside the capacity to replenish to multiply and to sustain its availability [Music] hallelujah now the church let me start by saying this the church has largely [Music] or greatly suffered from what i call the incomplete teaching on wealth and prosperity one of the biggest tragedies of the church today financially speaking is that most preachers do not have financial literacy and i told you the church is an institution an institution is any platform that permits the transference of knowledge institution is necessary for development for productivity in any society there are governmental institutions there are security institutions right and so on and so forth the church as an assembly that gathering the congregation of people is also an institution both a spiritual institution and an institution in terms of education and impartation of knowledge so most of the mindsets that people have had about finances especially in the continent of africa and nigeria has come directly from men of god because most people do not read books they don't attend seminars they have no passion and appetite for knowledge in terms of financial intelligence so their principal channel of communication aside from education that gives them degrees and certificates you are only in school for five years but you are in the church for the rest of your life is that true and so the church is a stronger institution that communicates knowledge so the the the lack of financial knowledge and intelligence and literacy that we have is a direct reflection of the men of god that are upon our pulpits many men of god are anointed many men of god are sincere many men of god are genuine they love god with all their hearts many men of god are rich they are wealthy but very few have financial literacy is god helping us and that lack of financial literacy has created all kinds of lopsided teachings about prosperity so different men of god have their views which is a product of their experiences how they became blessed is how they will teach you is that not true and many of the ways that they that the men of god are blessed by can only bless a man if he is a preacher if you are not a preacher you cannot be blessed by the methods they teach and we'll see that in the course of the series are we getting blessed and so we have a congregation that is largely aware of just one side of the requirements for true and lasting financial prosperity men of god have written all kinds of books about their perspectives and we must take our time to appreciate the contributions that they have made it is only what you have that you can give is that not true but then the bible says a good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep in other words if i love my sheep so much or god's sheep has committed to me i must go out of my way for their sake beyond my experience to find out what is really required for them to prosper is called passion it's called the heart of a pastor the heart of a shepherd [Music] it is selfish and self-centered when a man of god comes around his perspective about wealth and advocates that perspective alone to people and the result of that lopsided teaching is that only one person is getting blessed the person who is doing the teaching and those who are passionately receiving and swallowing up everything he's advocating hook line and sinker find out that they are doing their very best but they don't seem to connect to this king and tonight in the name of the lord jesus christ i trust that god will bring a perspective for us that can make every one of us seated here who is truly interested to be blessed in the name of jesus christ the result of the lopsided financial teachings that have come in the church the result is lost greed impatience materialism and carnality you see that this is the result the resultant effect of the lopsided teachings we have brought to the body of christ about prosperity is what has produced lost in people and so you have a congregation that is so passionate about money everything about their lives is money if it's not money if you cannot show me the financial component of what you are doing i'm not interested so we have a church that is hungry and desperate for money anyhow whether by stealing whether by defrauding people no matter what it is they want to be passionate because of the nature and the type of the teaching hallelujah we have taught people that they are not blessed because they do not have faith we have taught all kinds of imbalanced teachings that have come popular but many of them do not hold water listen let me tell you something if you listen to what i'm teaching you tonight i give you a guarantee you will be blessed it's a guarantee hallelujah we see a lot of impatience for instance there are many young people in many churches who will see a g part outside and immediately after the service will go and snap it lay hands on it claim it and do all of that how many young people in churches are looting cheating people saving money just to buy a jeep to prove that this prosperity thing is working to prove that they are carrying a prosperity anointing is that true a young man who ends just fifty thousand you see him living in a house of seven hundred and fifty thousand because of the pressure as advocated by his man of god to prove that the world is working is that true impatience many people have compromised on the law of process because of the teachings the men of god come and advocate a sharp sharp prosperity message right a message that if you can connect to immediately tomorrow your life can change and there will be testimonies of people that have received that kind of result and everybody is passionate and they have no appetite for true knowledge they do not have the staying power and the discipline to lend the principles and the protocol to the wealthy place and so that lust is there everybody is moving around oh god i will serve you so that somebody from nowhere will just bless me and change my story it has been the basis for our many unscriptural prayers [Music] hallelujah statistically speaking um i wanted to play a little documentary for us but i thought it would waste time so maybe next week if we have time hallelujah wow there's a lot going on here can you help me guys can we push this a little back so that can save me a lot of stress from this praise a lot thank you hallelujah did you know that statistically speaking about 20 percent of the wealthiest people in the world control eighty percent of the entire wealth in the world in fact just seven seven of the world's wealthiest people have the wealth that is equivalent to two thirds two-thirds of the entire world's world is controlled by seven people why is this so hallelujah in nigeria for instance there are many people who cannot live off statistically speaking one dollar that's the poverty bench that means there are people who cannot afford 150 to 200 naira per day to live on many of these people go to churches every sunday two or fours many of these people are taught by preachers that our god is a loving god since i was born i was now i am older brother have you seen you have seen it keep quiet you have seen it i'm not insulting the song i'm just showing us the part of the song where we are telling lies and many people dance and sweat their lives out and go back to the secret place and say god what is wrong who is lying here you or my pastor or me there is a lie somewhere in this equation somebody is not telling the truth hallelujah how many angry church members do we have in nigeria who have done everything they have been told to do over decades and nothing has happened and the best spiritual explanation to save both the man of god and his integrity is the victim does not have faith praise the lord is that really it is that how could god who delights in the prosperity of his servant make the subject of wealth and prosperity so mystical does that look like the god you serve hallelujah the subject of wealth and prosperity the mysticism around it is so much that every time you mention it all that comes to people's mind is the pain of their past or their current situation there's nothing joyful they think about money you mention money or anything that looks like wealth and prosperity and you see this air of anger and pain that comes as a result of frustration so people just prefer to let it lie low there or come to church and we keep telling our lives as usual [Music] when the lord brings a word like this the bible says he sent a word to joachim but it lighted upon israel when the lord brings a word like this to you is because of what you represent is because of many in your house that are waiting passionately and desperately poverty has done more harm brothers and sisters more than we can ever imagine our ladies have gotten into prostitution because of poverty many people have married the wrong man because of poverty your mother has given you a direct unambiguous warning about bringing a prosperous man as called to their decades of untold hardship so you are you represent the investment of the family they have warned you they started doing it indirectly but now that you are of age they are very direct about it so every time a brother approaches you you look at him in the length of the warning you receive and say brother no it's not like you are not born again but you don't represent the hunger of my family is that true how many young men in nigeria do you know i i like looking at statistics a lot because i like working based on facts are you aware or graduate or prospective graduate that only one out of every 10 or more now graduates ever find any decent and meaningful job within the first five years of their graduation in nigeria not america [Music] that means it's one thing to go to school pay the price this is what you would have really worked on it will affect the camera it's better for us to have peace please please please please is there a time they are part of the meeting and there's nothing we can do there is no system of driving them aside from offering this so i appreciate it if you can just do something about it it will affect your coverage please snap snap ah okay i see maybe next week i'll stand outside that's just the safest point praise god okay let's continue there's no sacrifice that is too great not this this is this is what many homes have as default so there's nothing to run around i mean this is what floats around many poor homes that are not true not your home i mean many poor homes [Music] blessed be the name of the lord so many graduates finish from nigeria and when they come out of the university they are happy they serve and then they go to uncle a or b and say uncle i'm now a graduate and he says so what about it and then they are shocked right and at first they still believe the world is walking i'm forcing it to work one year nothing works two years nothing works three years nothing works and then it downs on them that that thing i've been hearing is real praise the lord so what exactly is the problem the first topic we'll be considering tonight is why are so many people poor don't worry don't worry there's nothing we can do about it we just manage but i really believe something can be done why is this why are they here why not there [Music] praise the lord why are there so many poor people is it a cause is it is it something that should be did god design it that way if no what is wrong i want to give you a few reasons all of them all of the reasons i'm about to give you will surprise you [Music] some of them are deceptively simple that you may tend to ignore it but please i want you to write it and just let me talk to you are we blessed are we following please number one why are so many people poor number one ready for this they are poor because they have not decided to be wealthy [Music] many people are poor and will remain poor please underline the word decided because they have not decided to be wealthy now this will shock you just hang on until i explain it [Music] many well-meaning people in nigeria are poor and some of us seated right here have been extreme victims of poverty and lack and insufficiency because we have not decided to be wealthy number two why are so many people poor in fact you can't even put in bracket why are so many christians poor because it's understandable if if people are generally poor there are demons around there are all kinds of things around but why are christians tongue talking christians tight paying christians faithful christians why are we poor number two many are poor because they do not have a goal to be wealthy they do not have a goal to be wealthy underline the word goal many are poor because they do not have a goal to be wealthy [Music] number three why are so many people poor many are poor this is a major reason now many are poor you can bring that lady here she can come and sit here please those people who are having issues you can come and sit here there's there's just endure people there's only so much we can do about it sorry about [Music] number three are you there lack of understanding the real formula for wealth and abundance right real formula for wealth and abundance in capital letter the third reason why so many people are poor is because of the lack of the understanding of the real formula they have all kinds of things they call formulas but the real formula for wealth and abundance lack of understanding of the real formula the biggest of all reasons why people are poor number four the biggest of them all is lack of the mental transition from the realm of poverty to wealth and abundance oh listen to me listen to what i'm about to teach you please lack of the mental transition underline the word mental transition from the realm of poverty to wealth these are the four major reasons brothers and sisters look up please these are the four major reasons why our parents our loved ones our churches our preachers myself you and all the people that have suffered poverty this is the reason why many are poor today and while they will continue to be poor [Music] they have not decided to be wealthy they have not set it as a goal to be wealthy they do not even understand that wealth has a formula they surround the subject of wealth and prosperity with a lot of mysticism and they hope that their spirituality will somehow find its way into making them blessed no sir all of us today in this place are dressed with clothes because there is a formula is that not true there is a formula for wearing trousers you don't carry a trouser weight from your head down no the design does not permeate that is that true every gentleman here every lady everybody here on trousers knows that there is a formula for wearing trousers whether you have one hand or one leg is irrelevant you just need to just tweak the formula a little bit it is the same formula it will start down and you will put your feet and lift the trouser up the same way you you put on your shirt is that not true there is a formula for putting on watch nobody ties watch around his head out of confusion no except if it's just for all these carnivals and the rest that people do but no sane person in society would do that they use either their left or right hand but there is a way to go about it is that true are you getting me there is a formula for picking and answering your call is that true it doesn't matter what kind of phone from 3310 to the one they made today the formula is similar are you getting me now [Music] there is a formula with which a woman uses to give birth to a child occasionally she may have to go through cs but there is a formula there is a formula to which everyone eats food passes through the mouth is that true even if for any reason you have to use pipes because the person is is sick and cannot swallow or something is wrong with the person it is still just an adjustment to the same formula please are we are we getting what i'm saying the reason why everybody wears clothes on earth is because there is a formula to do it and everyone knows it's simple enough are you getting me by the time you put a lot of mysticism around clothes imagine someone coming in right now and he put his clothes and didn't know how to put it well right where the neck would be is where he put the hand and just patched it anyhow and said nobody taught me the reason why you are smart and decently seated is because subconsciously you have known the formula for dressing if i ask you to walk now everybody that has two legs and can walk aside from people who are sick walk with the formula is that not true pastor femi come which step did you take left or right which was the first step you do not even know that's how much you have mastered the formula for walking are you getting me i simply asked you to come and you didn't use your head to start coming you know that you take on your are you getting me now walking is predictable because there is a formula is god speaking to us please is god speaking to us blessings [Music] every time the law governing an operation is not known mysticism mysticism is the result whenever we do not understand a lot of things we tie so much mysticism in it there are so many people that tie a lot of mysticism to the operation of the anointing because either they do not operate like that or they just operate at a basic level but the more you grow into the anointing you know that as have hazard as the operation of the spirit and the anointing is there are exact spiritual laws is that true so it is with wealth brothers and sisters please write it and start there is a formula a formula that is beyond gender a formula that is beyond race a formula that is beyond background a formula that is beyond educational qualification if it is true that anything predictable in life is because it has a formula i announce to you that if you do not know the formula that governs wealth you will never be sustainably wealthy there's no point arguing it [Music] and then number four mental transition i'm just recapping on what i just said mental transition mental transition the next thing i want to talk about please write it down the myths and mindsets that keep people poor meets my ths and the mindsets there are ideologies there are cliches there are alibis there are sayings that people have embraced believed that have kept them poor they have kept territories poor they have kept churches poor they have kept businesses poor they have kept families poor and will continue to keep them poor i want to identify a few of them is god helping us tonight number one meet number one is that money and abundance is carnal evil or unnecessary the first myth and mindset that keeps people poor and will keep them poor forever and they support it with the scripture first timothy chapter 6 verse 10. media help us very fast let's see how far oh beautiful god bless you for this lovely work you're doing so that everybody can follow no matter what your brain capacity is this is simple enough for you to follow so we expect that we should ride at the same pace please praise the lord that money and abundance is carnal evil or necessary some of you seated here inside and outside looking at me and many who are following us online and many who will be listening that that stumbling block is one of the things that has stopped us from even paying attention to the subject of wealth testimony 6 verse 10 it says [Music] for the love of money is the root of all evil [Music] it says for the love of one is what the root of all evil while which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith and pierced themselves through many sorrows now many preachers have taken this scripture and twisted it and made it look like every time there is any desire in your heart to be blessed you are carnal you are fleshly you are of the devil the bible never said money is the root of all evil he said the love the word used here is the word eros i've taught us here right eros an ungodly affinity an attachment to money and finance that can lead you to losing your faith and you can pierce yourself with needless sorrows the bible never never ever never ever says money is evil or money is the root of evil the number one myth that has kept a lot of africans and well-meaning nigerians and well-meaning people you talk about money especially to those who are a bit elderly and hear their response about it no no no no no take the world and give me jesus right and it's supposed to be a very innocent cliche but we need to observe what we're saying let me tell you that conclusion was unconsciously drawn after repeated frustrations usually that's what happens when you try and try and try and try and try and do all you know and nothing works you safely create something that excuses you is that true i know what a joy when you find a scripture that can back up your frustration that's what has happened to a lot of people some of us see that here right now myth number two if god really wants me rich he will make me rich myth number two false beliefs that people have embraced that has kept them poor kept churches poor kept territories poor and they are supporting scripture is psalms 84 11. i'm sure you meet where examining meets mindsets ideologies that people have embraced that have given satan access to whip them with poverty if god wants me rich he will make me rich if i am not rich is because it's not the will of god god did not plan for me to be rich many of our parents told us that they whipped us as they said it god doesn't want us rich us we are is no no no no no this is the scripture for the lord god is a son and a shield the lord will give grace and glory no good thing with he withhold from them that walk uprightly and that means if i love god and i'm fasting i'm a member of coinonia prayer band i'm a member of the worship team right i serve god with all my heart and i do not see abundance based on this scripture as twisted by many preachers it convinces us that this is a sign from heaven that you and prosperity is not part of your your lord and you embrace it happily and satisfactorily most of the preachers that preach that thing you go to their board meetings and hear them argue about their salary you go to their board meetings and hear them argue about welfare right argue about so many things the man who is preaching that arrow has his car parked outside immediately after the service he's walking happily there is chicken no talking that has been prepared to him for him by his wife there is prophet offering or whatever waiting for him after the service and the helpless congregations who have swallowed that error like a drug will begin to see its reaction in their lives hallelujah is god helping us meet number three one of the most deceptive that tithing is the one and only key to abundance this looks common many of us until now as i'm talking you have embraced it as your master key and only key to a world of financial abundance let me tell you there is no fallacy that is bigger than that this will shock many of you and i'm sure many people will now persecute me that myth that tithing is the one and only key that is responsible for abundance in the life of a man i am telling you this hear me is a deception from the pit of hell that means when i come before god and i drop my tithe i go back and i say lord that is it where where's the money and we wait based on two months months done to years years ten to decades there are people that have been tightened faithfully for decades but it seems as though god has refused to open the heavens for them it is not the unfaithfulness of god it is our not understanding his ways at the end of this teaching you will get on your knees and worship god because you will see that he is truly a faithful god hallelujah and we support it with malachi 310 popular scripture right prove me now here we said the lord if i will not open the windows of heaven and pour you a blessing the bible never said if i will open heaven and pour you money he said a blessing number one you need to even know where the room is that the blessing is going to come because the bible says that the blessing will come into a room where is it the last time you checked your room you didn't see anything yet that means you must understand god's language our lack of understanding has made us to embrace a lot of error [Music] number four another deceptive myth [Music] as we're going it gets more intense because this one i'm about to say affects so many of us here ready for it myth number four that keeps people poor and if they don't change will keep them poor forever if i can just have a business idea and start up capital i will be rich how deceptive many of you are shocked right now all i need to be rich give me capital give me a business idea and i will be rich how deceptive i assure you hear me i assure you if this was all there was to wealth i give you a guarantee that over 70 to 80 percent of nigerians would have been financially free today is that true you meet an average young person right come can meet somebody and tell him what do you think what can i do to you how can i contribute to your financial life and hear what he will tell you please there is this business idea in my head that's what he's telling you now the last time i went somewhere i saw pigs they were wearing pigs and they sold one in my presence they sold one twelve thousand is not here see i saw it are you getting what i'm saying now please sir give me hundred thousand and i promise you i will never disturb you again ninety nine point nine percent of those people will return in frustration i tell you the truth hallelujah look i have tested this with people too many times it takes more than business and capital to be prosperous are you seeing where we are very deceptive now it is the same mindset that makes somebody think that getting a job will make him rich look at him after 10 years of walking there is nothing to show for it if in four months the average worker in nigeria if he does not collect salary for four months he's literally poor and broke is that true a worker that has been working for decades 25 years 15 years 17 years has even risen to a managerial level no salary for as little as three or four months that means something is wrong is god speaking to us there are many of us you receive maybe pocket money or money or whatever some of us who are working you receive your salary and we believe that all i need to do is to get a job oh god sell sell sell chevron nlng cbn or if i become a soldier just anything you believe will bail you out let me tell you something [Music] they say experience is the best teacher but it must not be your experience why don't you find out those who are crying and see where they are working already and that should tell you that there must be something more is god helping us there are many of us as we are seated right here we are angry with our uncles we are angry with our aunties because the last time you went you just went and said sir if you can give me only twenty thousand all i need is twenty thousand and i swear that's how many of i swear to you twenty thousand and it's over don't ever give me anything again they gave you 20 000 in three days you'd even start the business in the first place you see that you didn't even start it because most likely with that money you were paying somebody you were owing is god speaking to us please the fifth myth that keeps people poor and will continue to keep people poor is what i call entitlement mentality everybody say entitlement mentality now write it entitlement mentality the feeling that someone somewhere is responsible for your success and prosperity entitlement mentality that feeling that my prosperity is in the hands of my uncle or in the hands of my father after all he gave back to me if he does not take care of me god will punish him the entitlement that government i'm a citizen of nigeria from 18 years they are supposed to be giving me money now i'm 35. government is owing me for 80 minutes 35 that number of years entitlement mentality you see people carrying placards all around loitering our streets in nigeria advocating a course they will not directly benefit from because it gives them to pass blames entitlement mentality you think one of your uncles or your friend or your pastor or your family some of us are angry with our uncles he's the director of of of nmpc what is there to just give me a job wicked and stupid man you see his children you hate them they greet you good afternoon who say the day you greet me i wound you you are stupid as your father entitlement mentality there are many of us don't laugh for there are many of us who hate our fathers and mothers and relatives you look at where you are sleeping and you look at your father and you just wish that you would do something wrong and let them arrest him just to ease off your pain this mentality is one of the things that have made us to hate rich people there is a natural inclination to resent and to hate wealthy people because every time you see a wealthy man it reveals to you that something he has done is what you are looking for so desperately and passionately and every time you see a wealthy man that resentment hallelujah let promise or michael or pastor femi come back next week here and you see a range rover spot parked outside first and foremost people will ask now get this guy [Music] they say michael say which one michael michael i know ah it's not everything you see that it's just god that really knows what people do bible say envy not the wicked you see that something about his success has brought pain to you that's the reason why this cause this i said it's actually a cause hallelujah it's very important how many ladies hate others you love them when they look like you the day they they did not look like you said hey one that shall never end when did this lady even afford this and that i'm sure she has pinned down one man that's always how they do what if i'm sure god has blessed her what if i'm short her thinking has been straightened out and she's getting it right now notice we tie a lot of negativism to wealth you never see a man that is blessed especially a young person when you see somebody who is almost dying and they tell you is rich you know that this guy even if he's just disciplined alone has taken him through but you just see somebody of an average age or a young man you just look and say no way something is wrong see a lady saying lady many guys who say that me a man papa this an insult this lady that i know especially that you knew the person you see that many of us have called our uncles occultists we have ignored their sacrifices you just know that the last time he left your house he left with sleepers now he came into your house with something and he blessed all of you immediately he leaves your mother your father and your uncle sit back and say ah are you sure this guy is not into drugs or armed robbery why do we have to associate wealth with negativism this is why because of our frustration secretly speaking we admire the people we resent in the open we admire the feats that they have accomplished and we wonder how they were able to do it and rather than settling down with all humility to lend the precepts we resent them as a way of easing out our own pain hallelujah friends listen to me every one of us seated right here will have to make a choice in the course of this conference it's more than a meeting is truly a conference every one of us will have to make a decision whether you want to remain the way you are and keep getting angry at others who are moving using seniority to justify why you should be rich around them or using the fact that you put pampers for them or using all these this this cultural age long stumbling blocks that stop people from moving forward or you can choose and say lord i'm face to face with my destiny and i'm ready to confront this what you never confront you will not conquer assumption is the least level of knowledge if you assume you you have your destiny your financial destiny straightened out you are already in error [Music] there is a spirit that attacks the message of wealth and prosperity in the body of christ now i know there are imbalances but let me tell you one of the strongest assault of satan in a congregation is when the message of wealth and prosperity is about to come and he uses spirituality to launch that attack the moment you begin to hear a message like this something shuts you down you are not teaching your prayer on the anointing or the wisdom of the spirit or levels of spiritual growth or fasting and praying or evangelism you are talking about money and you just shot down that's the devil wanting to destroy your destiny because sooner or later you find out that it takes more than preaching to have a successful ministry sooner or later you find out that it takes more than praying in tongues to raise kids is that true [Music] every one of us here is suffering or has suffered from at least one or more of these mindsets and right now before we continue my job tonight is like a surgeon there is a surgery that is about to give i just gave you this this um background before i build on what we are going to talk about tonight i want to teach you something that will change your life forever if you care to pay attention i am determined i've made my decision already but i want to see how that god will help all of us together to come into this decision how to be wealthy how to be wealthy this is how to be wealthy i want to give you the keys and i give you a guarantee in the name of the lord god of heaven that if you are childlike enough to take these things i'm telling you you and poverty will part ways forever it doesn't matter what the limitations are hallelujah number one the first key to really being wealthy is to make the decision to be wealthy write that word down decision the decision to be wealthy shibaka took up decision to be wealthy brothers and sisters look at me you came to koinonia tonight because you decided to be here true or false you would have been in any other place but right from morning you had set it that you will be here and nothing stopped you no witch from your village appeared on the road and said go back because of the power of your decision are you hearing what i'm saying now there is a difference between a wish and a decision a wish is a desire a wish is a craving nothing more [Music] many people wish to be wealthy you go outside and stand hold one thousand era note or hundred thousand or a million and wave it and say who wants to have this type all his life you will be shocked to see all kinds of people come embracing that message oh i want to be rich however many people think a wish is a decision no sir a decision is a strong desire write it down a decision is a strong desire that is backed up by the willingness backed up by the willingness to pay the price to see that desire accomplished that's a decision there is a difference between a wish and a decision many of you think you have decided to be blessed you have you hate poverty you like prosperity but you have not decided the very first reason is god speaking to us i can prove to you excuse me i can prove to you that you have not made that decision show me what you are doing right now in your life to support your decision you decided to love god and that decision i can see the things you are doing i see you running away from a nightclub that is a sacrifice to honor your decision is that true i see you panting after the word of god i see you using the money that you should buy shoes and clothes with to buy an electronic device that you can use for your spiritual growth that is a proof that you have decided hallelujah i've seen you praying fast for three days one week others one month because you want to rise in the level of the anointing you have decided to contend for the anointing a decision is never a decision until there is a willingness and a readiness to accept the responsibility that will make that decision come to pass so many have not decided to be wealthy they want to be wealthy every time they hear success stories they look and say how did you do it can can can ah money like you you see all those kinds of cliches and they turn this ah nigeria is good for you for some of us talk they have not decided how many times have you seen a very wealthy man that you have access to and you came and sat down and bought five alive dropped it at the feet of the person and say i came purposely because i want you to teach me the principles you are wealthy i've seen the proof other people just come and loiter the gate of rich people with all kinds of pregnant expectations hoping that their rent will be paid through the that coming and the man drags his wife and their two children as proof to the man that the situation is serious and they stand in front of his gate uncle is me who um james which james about why you treating me like he said see my twitchy red even if it's not for us just for my two children watch this the uncle counts 250 000 is that not true gives james what does the man tell the uncle thank you foolish man rather than receiving the money to say by the way sir sit on the floor and say junior whatever bring me a paper i want this to be the last time i'm receiving money from you what can i learn they collect the money and say thank you and go and commit the same blunder they did and by next year they are back again couldn't be angry it's me again and some people say do you know it's because of me that god is blessing you it's because you don't know the prayer i'm praying for you pray for yourself like that [Music] you try to make people feel guilty because you think that you have a stake in their wealth and you get what i'm saying some of you have very wealthy parents and you are just hoping that you when you get to 30 or 40 they will now call you and say now you're a man you have three children this estate is for you what sort of a dream is that everybody say i decide to be wealthy is shocking some of you right now because you are seeing that you have never decided you decided to get married some of you have made a decision i must marry this year you gave it a time target you made a decision right now you are on your fifth marriage book and you will truly marry because you decided to but you won't be rich because you have not decided to you hope you will be rich you pray you will be rich you wish you will be rich you beg to be rich you want to lambando the richness of riches no matter what greek and hebrew word you speak let me tell you the truth if you do not know the path to wealth you will you will end up in bitter frustration [Music] hallelujah those in school you are in school today because you decided to be in school there was a time you looked at that course and you said kai [Music] but something in you it was your decision that made you to run and go and write the exam in the midst of the rain your umbrella was missing but you know 8 30 they may not allow you enter that decision sponsored that sacrifice and you didn't apologize to yourself decisions are powerful you preach a salvation message and you give people and they decide i want to give my heart to the lord and they prove that it's not just a wish by standing up to ignore the shame and the embarrassment and sometimes you see people stand crying they mean business with god you are seated here right now because you decided to sit down at the point you are tired of sitting you have every right unhindered to get up and walk out of this place is that true you are only seated here because of your decision we do this in every other area [Music] except our finances because we have been taught that it will happen automatically you must decide to be wealthy you can decide to reject poverty that's not the same as deciding to be wealthy i made up my mind that i was going to be wealthy that i was going to be blessed i took out time to make sure it was a decision that i honored and there is nothing that would change my mind about it right here where you are sitting look at me if you decide that what you need right now is 2 000 to cure the current hunger because of that decision the 2000 will come but afterwards you will be poor is that true but you can decide and say i don't know the way i don't know what to do i'm clueless about the direction but start with a decision all decisions are free you don't pay for them that's why every man who is poor has a right to remain poor decisions are free you pay for knowledge you don't pay for decisions [Music] is god speaking to us decisions are absolutely free decisions depend on you alone they don't depend on the cooperation of another person so you have no excuse to say i would have decided but kai the way i saw this guy looking at me what if i no no no no it's a personal decision i will i will i release my will i make that choice i choose to partner with god i choose to partner with the spirit of wisdom [Music] lay your hands on your head and say i decide to be blessed say i decide to end poverty i decide to be wealthy i may not know what to do i may not know how to go about it i may not know how to come out of my present situation but i decide in the name of the lord jesus to be wealthy this looks very simple you only invite god into your financial life when you decide the same way you invited him into your life spiritually speaking when you made the decision behold i stand at the door and what if he knocked your heart to come into your life he will knock on the door of your finances and remain there until you decide to invite him [Music] you may not know what to do brothers and sisters but can you decide your father went to school your mother went to school your father got a job but they never decided to be wealthy they decided to get jobs and so they got it they decided to marry they decided how many children are we going to have one said three one had five devoted majority carries the vote you are five now right because of that decision you decided to wear the dress that you are wearing today no demon in your village i say it again africa no demon in your village showed up in your wardrobe and said this one is my own no as you were picking the no spirit paralyzed your hand because your decisions were all not both by god and the devil is that true you had a choice we trivialized the power of decisions in our finances and so you see a lot of people outside this is how they talk kai when will my story change oh god oh god that changes stories that's not a decision that's a communication of regret and frustration it's not a decision oh lord this job if my arrears comes my life will change it's still not a decision a decision is i have come to the end of my life i have seen what has happened to my father and my mother i've seen myself beg my way through life i have seen the fierceness of society i have seen the inevitable frustration that comes as a result of poverty and i decide i make up my mind that my life is not going to be this way brothers and sisters you are not drinking today because you decided to there are bars that are open today is friday true or false there were some of you who were drinking before yes the power of the holy spirit came upon you but it did not come upon a hardened heart you could not change yourself but you decided to embrace change and so the change came you may not have the power to change but you have the decision to permit that power to come is god speaking to us say it again i decide to break that barrier of poverty in my family and in my life say i decide that i will be wealthy i will be blessed that wealth and riches will be in my house [Music] a true decision must be set as a goal what is a goal a goal is an expectation a goal is an expectation a clearly defined expectation clearly defined expectation that's a goal the moment you you set it as a goal to marry if you are not in a relationship what automatically it's like your love mode is switched on and suddenly you can see the difference between rose and um what's her name vicky you can see the difference between what's her name ada and all these people all of a sudden if you have not decided to marry you will see everybody as a sister in the lord a sister in the vineyard and all of these kinds of evangelistic things that dimension will never be activated until you decide true or false [Music] if you decide to be a competent musician or worship minister you will begin to discern difference between what you are doing and what they are doing otherwise if you come and you have a general sense you can sing and go off key and be smiling you don't even know you've gone off key because there is no passion in that area you have not set it as a goal goals give us focus it it it weeds away distractions in our lives man can only accomplish what he sets as a goal so every other thing becomes secondary and you focus on that one thing until it is accomplished are you seeing now so if you put it as a goal to be financially blessed the devil tells you this is too carnal how can you put money in front of you like this and say i'm putting it as a goal whereas you do not know that it's a goal that can be accomplished so that it will give you room to focus on more spiritual goals hallelujah i only imagine the times that we will now begin to go on air launch tv ministries now start building structures and facilities for ourselves these structures will cost hundreds of millions and billions of naira if we ignore thank god we're a ministry that is very unapologetic about the reality and the necessity of wealth in building the kingdom and so we have irresponsible fathers a woman gets up she's pregnant but she's going to go and fend for the family and the man who got her pregnant sits down there guiltless right and just living his life hoping she will go and look for money and come back and cook and the man will eat and say kai why i thought we used to eat chicken what has happened to the chicken now he did not contribute in any way and he there is no sense of apology he's just waiting for her to give back to that one and get her pregnant again without any sense because he has not decided he has not seen the relevance of finance in family building help us tonight oh god is god speaking to us please brothers and sisters i want you to not in any way ignore what i'm telling you it won't do me any harm because i've made my decision what i'm doing to you right now is my contribution to stop your tears of the future what i'm doing for you right now is my contribution to help you break that jinx of poverty once and for all so that you can enjoy the abundance that god has prepared for you the first way to be wealthy is to decide to set it as a goal you must set it as a goal there is nothing in life that you will accomplish if you do not set it as a goal you set your degree as a goal and no matter what it is your mind is on it the day you hold your certificate mission accomplished you get another goal you cannot put finances as one of those things and vaguely just say yes yes we'll look at it by god's grace when i start working i'll plan around my finances let me tell you that disrespect that dishonor for wealth will cost you more than you can bargain for [Music] i watched my family i've told you my story again and again i came from a very good christian family never been all these boys that go around doing all kinds of things i don't have all those necessary all those kinds of very funny pasts but one thing that i saw both of my parents they have retired now but then both of them walked they started walking early my father started working at 26 years brothers and sisters and he's never lost a job but in his old age i saw that man so far i said what is the meaning of this there are many of us right now you sit down and you watch your father and you watch the tears out of his eyes because nothing can be done about the situation your father will go and ask you to borrow two thousand naira from a neighbor somebody was once a small boy pushing gadget around your street now he has become blessed and your father said please tell him baba said you should give two thousand you bid one to one collected you feel guilty ego is strong a thousand times as he counts two thousand and give you you go and give your father you buy something and returns the change the launch and the dinner of that family is dependent on that 2000 and everybody eats and goes back and all you do in the night is to cry crying does not produce change it may comfort you emotionally but you must set it as a goal i can remember the day in my life i vowed before god that me and poverty we have drawn the line it was a decision i made up my mind that whatever it would cost me under god to explore what it would take to get out of this thing i never want to look at my children one day and see that i cannot afford to pay school fees for them or i cannot afford to bless them there are so many people imagine brothers and sisters that you came for coinonia and you saw that there were no chairs everywhere sparked and we said brethren um there is a serious financial situation here right now everybody can you contribute whatever you can bring we need to buy food we need one jerry can of wealth as a matter of life and death oh apostle has not eaten if you really want to hear anything sensible this night please let's rally around and rush and see how we can come to the rescue no you laugh about it and you trivialize it today may god give you grace to start a ministry and you will respect what i'm saying you will see how that you can pray and tongues won't come out because you cannot see where the finances will come out rubber back and you wouldn't know when you stopped the load on your head is not demons you are hearing voices you are seeing things that's what makes many of our fathers to be they didn't start like that at 40 he's talking to himself right he sees you and calls you by the name of your elder brother you think it's his fault something happened a load that would have been lifted and thrown away was permitted to sit on his head for a long time and that's the result and many of us as young as we are that load is already coming subtly you found out i used to be kind and nice now at 27 see how angry you are at everybody welcome the lord is landing it's like a lift by the time you are 31 you hate everybody around you 40 you hate your wife 45 you hate your children 50 you hate yourself see that number two [Music] there is an exact formula for wealth and abundance that is for next week next week i'm going to be teaching you the formula for wealth but right now allow me to be a surgeon as we do a little x-ray just for a few minutes on our minds to help us for the formula we'll talk about that the first way to be wealthy is the decision to be wealthy second is to know that there is an exact formula for wealth and abundance three the mental transition that brings wealth you must understand the mental transition that brings wealth the mental transition that brings wealth guys come and help me i think these things have gone let's push it forward let me have three people here please everybody watch what i'm about to demonstrate never forget this for the rest of your life one year one here one here quickly i classify people into three in terms of mindsets and transitions everybody watch please you will see yourself right now [Music] there are three types of people based on mindsets versus their physical realities generally speaking listen generally speaking there is a law and this is the law that your physical condition your physical condition today today whether you believe it or not is a reflection of your ideology so far your physical condition today is a reflection of your thinking of yesterday are you getting me your physical condition tomorrow will be a reflection of what you are thinking right now your thought process your mindset the content of your ideologies [Music] a direct exact reflection of your thought life and the quality of your mindset the level of ministry that we are enjoying right now is a direct reflection of what our mindset and understanding about ministry has been if we never upgrade this is the level we remain forever but if we upgrade then we rise your music ministry your life whatever it is that is happening in your life i'm telling you right now is a messless reflection of your mindset and your ideology let's have that in mind so i look at my life today and all that i see is a reflection of the way i have thought about god about success about people about ministry about life there are three people watches the first type of people that we have are those who have poor mindsets and poor physical realities write it a poor mindset dash poor physical reality that's the first kind i'm giving you a classification of people now in terms of wealth this guy in this example now has a poisonous mindset about world this is the guy that sleeps under the bridge this is the guy that smokes around this is the guy that believes that cheating and looting is the way forward this is the guy angry with his uncle this is the guy angry with god this is the guy angry with government angry with his boss in office there is a mindset that he has and there is nothing in his life he's living a beggarly life he's living a poor life and he has a lot of contemporaries who are like him are you getting my teaching now all these contemporaries think like him they think like him so they all discuss you hear them say things like kai one day go better that's the mindset poor mentality they are the ones who borrow to do everything they borrow to eat they borrow to buy clothes they borrow to buy phones they do everything borrowing borrowing borrowing and they live perpetually in the course of debt this is the person i won't go back i can't go back to the way it used to be before your presence came and changed me i won't go back i can't go back to the way it used to be before your presence came and changed me this guy is blaming the witches in his village as the reason why he's poor he's blaming his grandfather that i cannot walk and he's saying the way he looked at me when i went to the village the way his eyes was that's why i'm poor have you seen that this guy is blaming his class of degree to why he is poor this guy is angry with everybody he wants to change he hates rich people he hates blessed people he gossips about them he resents them and he's hoping to be like them paradox [Music] could that be you could this be you i'm describing right now i know you are praying in tongues but could that be you [Music] that right now the reason why your life has not changed the reason why your pocket is empty listen the biggest difference between the rich and the poor is not money in their pocket money in their pocket is a is a reflection of something going right money in their pocket is a sign that they have gotten something right the money in their pocket their financial abundance is their receipt in the school of wealth it's a sign that they have purchased something true are you getting what i'm saying unfortunately we concentrate on changing our physical reality this guy this guy is tracking from pillar to post this guy is living under a place where there is no roof maybe an uncompleted building this guy has been rejected by his family this guy wants change he cries every night oh god of heaven will you not wipe my tears but nothing changes god seems to be infinitely silent about his situation because he does not know that before he prayed the prayer had been long answered god will not answer the same prayer twice the reason why you hear him silent maybe that he answered it before you called it's only that we have not been trained to know how and when god answers friends is god speaking to us please so this is it this guy does everything listen his mindset is poor so everything in his life is a reflection of it give this guy one million naira something here will destroy the money are you getting what i'm saying give him a job in shell something here will eat up the resources let his titan open doors for favor give him 10 million naira let him even win a lottery something here will frustrate what is in his physical reality are you getting what i'm saying that she may house that she may house something about his indecision he will be under pressure and he will sell the house and use the money to eat it and brothers will kill him he will run his mouth to the wrong people they would beat him and collect the remaining money and the girl say i remember this house was my own now they've renovated it it was its own no matter what you do to help this man you waste your time it's like pouring water in a basket hear me if you really want to help poor people you don't help them by giving them money that's why i feel sad i believe in charity but the solution to empowering people is not carrying bags of rice and floating around and snapping in front of bags of beans and sewing machine and and and uh opening saloons and so on and so forth you don't change people like that [Music] all that random of giving people money i touch you twenty thousand i dash you fifty thousand and the person come say praise the lord i was nobody but see now they gave me two hundred thousand is that what will make you somebody there is an error is someone getting what i'm saying now when this guy sees a wealthy man this is what he says if only i was in his condition the only thing is that my father is a stupid man when his friends were taking steps he didn't take he was drinking now he got born again too late he got born again when he finished the whole money and he thinks that's the reason that's the only difference and so he sees somebody counting money he's about to buy a car and he pays cash and this guy looks and admires him and says hi life thinking that the difference between him and the rich man is just the money in their pocket oh how wrong how wrong he thinks the man is rich because he's doing business and he said but these guys we say no be business man he's a businessman go and do it if all there is to wealth is business go and do it there is still demand for more of that line of business is doing so go and do it if you think all there is to wealth is business are you seeing the balance now that i'm giving many of us because although there are many of us the moment they talk about finance you just suit up and you just think ceo come down it's not ceo it's right here your mindset everybody's in my mindset my understanding god wants to step into his life and change his story but they limited the holy one his mindset he has not made the decision to be blessed he does not care he only wants things to change this man does not want to take responsibility for his destiny all he wants is let friends in-laws cousins give him money and now as a result of that frustration the day his daughter starts going out with an unbeliever so long as he's getting money he does not mind let her go to hell so that i will get money it doesn't matter many in the body of christ are here faithful when it comes to this life is like one million times zero because favor comes to hit a rock so god has been sending in favor to this man when he does calculation of all the monies and the opportunities that has come this man because of his mindset he does not know the law of honor and so all the destiny helpers that come into his life he throws them away because his mindset is destroying him is god speaking to us i'm not just talking about money he meets a rich man has access to that man for two weeks and he's there licking his mouth waiting for the last day when the man will leave so that he will count fifty thousand because his mindset does not teach him that until he is changed your hand cannot change that's why the first dimension of the anointing for wealth hear me is not to give you money thou anointed my head with oil there is a reason why is your head it starts with first thou anointest my head with oil something must happen to your head for your to run over why didn't he say thou anointed my hand i thought you hold up with your hand thou anointed my head there is an anointing that needs to do something here for my cop to start running over my cop is at the mercy of my head so the bible says ye have an unction from the holy one he said that anointing can teach you that anointing can teach you the anointing does not just give you power to generate around and say i have the esther anointing whether you have the borah's anointing estan until jennifer is not going to do anything brothers and sisters the transition something about his mindset listing god and his resisting money here he's waiting for god to come and change his life i will wait till my change comes he doesn't know what he's saying no he thinks he knows wait he justifies that the reason why he's here is because god wants him to be here whereas that is the wealthy place are you getting me now watch the transition the first mindset is what poor mindset poor physical reality nothing in him is changing watch this the moment this guy watch this please everybody just look up before you write the moment this guy decides that i am tired of my life i'm tired of the status quo there's gotta be more than this come on now you you step home and immediately you get home you see your mother crying you see your father crying and you say enough is enough that's a decision that's a defining moment for desperate people do desperate things and we [Music] you are here praying in tongues fasting a prostitute sleeps with somebody overnight brothers and sisters a woman who is going to hell and the next day she wakes up a millionaire and here is somebody praying and fasting in tongues and the heavens are closed is god that wicked is that the god they taught you something is wrong we're tired of the status quo [Music] there's gotta be more than for many years in my life let me tell you i cried and cried to the god of heaven i said lord you've got to change my situation but this is where i was standing i've loved god all my life i've served god all my life i've given my entire life to god but nothing changed in my life i saw myself rising spiritually people liked me the hand and the anointing of the spirit was strong upon my life but this financial mountain refused to move i fasted for days dry fasting all kinds of fasting i prayed nothing changed the first book that would begin to give me an idea that there was something wrong i was doing in my life was discovering your purpose by my smooth it was not a book of finances but it it planted a seed and i said something is wrong something is wrong i listen it takes humility to break out of poverty if you are there arrogantly explaining yourself the bible says creation is waiting for the manifestation not the explanation [Music] i i remember that night when i cried to the lord of heaven i said lord you've got to do something about my life you have shown me visions of my assignment i'm not confused about my assignment i cried to god i cried to god and that was when i made up my mind the spirit of god never spoke anything to me in terms of oh thou my son stand up wipe your tears god didn't say anything the only word that god spoke to me was ask for the ancient parts right as for the ancient parts that's what the spirit of god told me asked for the ancient parts and he stopped here ah i said god what is the meaning of this that's not the kind of solution because you can imagine with my mind all i was thinking about was money to call the current hunger fest before we even talk of destiny destiny is you know when you are alive as for the ancient parts that's what the holy spirit told me he didn't say ask for the future part the revelation of that was son why do you want to discover what has been found why are you asking me to answer a prayer i answered before you were born my silence is because i do not answer the same prayer twice it's against the law of my majesty once have i spoken is you that will hear twice [Music] and i made up my mind i began to search the world and i fell into the teachings of bishop david jericho may god bless him may god honor him in life and in death it began to revolutionize my mind i said wow i never knew i was never taught tithing i was never touched this i began to explore from there the materials of kenneth hagin i started reading a lot of business i bought tons and tons of business books i read any and everything that had to do with finances [Music] and the moment i started doing that i couldn't make sense out of what i was reading the only thing i knew was that i was the one who was responsible for where i was i remember standing that night and saying lord i take responsibility i stop blaming people i stop hating people i make up my mind today i know what i did this was it a transition are you getting what i'm saying the transition from a poor mindset and a poor physical reality does not start by changing your physical reality it starts by the decision for your mindset to change like many of you many of you are this man standing right now something needs to change and if any prayer would be prayed this night is that the anointing of the spirit will come upon you so that your cup will run over now watch this this guy yes he's sitting like you right now listening to me teach and all of a sudden he makes up his mind i'm tired of where i am watch this i am ready for change do you know the first thing that will happen that decision that decision will experience a war in his mind look up look up everybody something in him will reject the decision he's trying to make the old man the old wine skin is fighting something about to come the moment you make a decision there will be war in your mind your old mentality will say what are you doing that's why they sang that song i'm coming out of my comfort zone because it's the zone you are comfortable you have blamed government right now this is what that decision will do to you when you stand other friends who come and say pastor femi aluta continue let's keep struggling and say no i've made a decision the first mistake or not mistake really the first challenge you will start experiencing your friends will say something about you is changing you are not looking like us are you getting me they will start fighting you they will start making you feel that the decision you are taking is a foolish one you two you will see the mountain and say when will i get there but make the decision watch this sooner or later a mindset this transition is is coming to personal family now initially he would not wash his clothes he would wear any dirty thing and live like that but that mindset is already something is shifting he's sleeping under the bridge he's wearing a dirty clothes he's going to start washing his clothes now the next time he appears with his clothes washed an eye on his friends something in his mind is now pushing him and saying you don't belong here anymore are you hearing what i'm saying he will start feeling it this level starts pushing him away because he transitions it will start with persecution it will start with gossip this is the pushing away he's saying we are secretly acknowledging that you are rising we are trying to bring you down but your determination is too great so we prosecute you out of this realm we drive you out of this realm everybody sings the song you just write every song and you are thinking let me go and watch an album and you hear a message about excellence and being world class and you settle down and say i'm packing up any project of album or anything i'm not producing anything i'm giving myself two years of intensely hazardous training all your friends are we ready to go to the studio say sorry i use the money to go on enroll in a music school they will hate you as you begin to learn about at leaping voice control vocal discipline what happens a shift is happening you are still here but gradually something is moving you the way you think when they are gossiping you are quiet very soon you find out that you can no longer connect with them it's a sign that the plane has started lifting a transition is happening you are still poor but something is changing you are moving to this second person this second person is a wealthy mentality but a poor physical condition wealthy mentality so now you have left the realm of a poor mindset poor physical condition you are now a wealthy mindset but still a poor physical condition this is the hardest part of the journey to world where there is a paradox there are two realms fighting within you in your mind you are already a rich man you have read the books but physically nothing is showing yet this is where many people give up because we beguile ourselves into thinking we are not making progress you do not know that you have left here yeah when you talk to a rich man you talk like him you are already happy because your mindsets are similar when you talk to a blessed man he says you are smart you are going far but your physical reality is still poor when you talk to a poor man he hates what you are saying but he can live with you because you feel so you are in between the wealthy place and the place of poverty and this is where great men fall because you are asking oh god i've been praying no you are reading the books you are hearing the seminars you are still eating the same thing you were eating but brother you are changing you are no longer where you used to be [Music] this is where a few of us who have taken some decisions ah here and there things are already working little money comes in one little breakthrough people already recognizing your paradigm but the truth is you are still physically speaking when they join you and this guy there is no difference but there is a difference is god speaking to us i wouldn't go back i can't go back to the way i used to be before your presence came and changed me hallelujah many of us are here right now at this point there is no physical cash to prove the way you talk is a lonely part because the rich cannot come to you and the poor will run away from you so you are alone mentally speaking you are here physically speaking you are here are you getting what i'm saying and that shift is very constraining you are still experiencing failures here and there but people do not know that the change has happened when they see you they call you with what you used to be or what they know you are there is no way you can prove to them you have left your realm don't be under pressure to prove any point the system itself will prove the point have you ever been taught this that you are learning have you been taught this this was a revelation that the holy spirit gave me i didn't read it in any book i wrote it down as he was dictating it for me the transitions that it all starts right here out fast at this level if you do not make a decision and allow the holy spirit to change your mind you are moving nowhere my brother get a job in nmpc at this level nothing significant will happen i guarantee you in the name of the lord right here you do not have results but here and there there are consolations you are receiving watch this at this point when you continue doing what brought you from here to here and add a few other things that i'll be teaching us next week what brought you from here to here is not the same thing that will take you from here to here there are some things you will add to it from here that will take you to the wealthy place and so it says thou has caused men to ride upon our heads we walk through water and through fire but thou protest us into a wealthy place i announce to you that there is a wealthy place there is the place that is beyond your place of birth there is a place that is beyond suffering and financial hardship many are unwilling to pay the price watch this many people in this area try to dress like that man to prove that they are there but their mindset betrays them they try to buy his kind of house and it strangles them they try to take their children to his children's school and he strangles them many in this place some of you here are giving people an impression you are there whereas this is where you are there must come a time in every man's life where you must take responsibility and humble yourself and stop lying if you are not a millionaire you are not if you show me one million naira i'm not interested because it's as deceitful as a piece of paper your mindset will prove to me whether you can show me that next year or that will be the last time you will show me one million error never get impressed when somebody shows you a car or a house let him show you his mindset and then you will know whether he can preserve what he has carried i can dash you money i can't dash you a mindset i can dash your house favor comes but the benefits of favor is built through wisdom the bible says through wisdom not to prayer not to favor favor brings the blessings lack of wisdom drives it away favor brings the rain your mindset is like a basket you keep it outside and all through the rainy season you lift it up and the only thing you have is a wet basket a fortist but not the reality my altar is calling you oh god my sacrifice is calling you oh god my baby is calling you oh god my decision is calling you oh god my seriousness is calling you oh god take my praise god take my praise oh god take my breaks take my praise it's calling you take my breaks take my praise it's calling you i look at my life today and i am humbled i was shedding tears this afternoon as i turned back to look at where god has brought me from and i said god you are faithful and god said no i'm not just faithful you too you are faithful it was our faithfulness together i know that sounds very religious but it took my embracing his faithfulness to take advantage of it i will never be poor again for the rest of my life till jesus comes it's not a confession it's not something i'm trying to claim i signed out honorably never to return to that realm again no matter what happens to the economy of nigeria there's no returning again you can make that decision it starts with a decision not a wishing not saying ah it's better for some people no never there was a time in this ministry pastor jacks is here the first time we were going for our crusade brothers and sisters believers came together and raised money we did not have money to pay the hotel the hotel where we would launch we saw all kinds of miracles on the crusade ground but it did not change our financial status let me tell you i was almost being locked in the prison because the sound people we could not pay them how much 150 000 i will never forget i laid down in frustration i remember one of my friends in frustration signed a check of 90 000 for me i was so happy i gave the sound people they went to the bank and they checked bounds and they returned back in anger and they said look we're coming to arrest you i said lord if the arrest means for the gospel my altar is calling you oh god my sacrifice is calling you i was in community market your car market your car market i've eaten there i know that i don't know how it is now but i know that place very well where you buy food and you don't order pure water pure water was a luxury what for when there is water in that jar [Music] you order gary soup and and and and and no meat tatingara exactly i remember telling the woman please don't embarrass me here this is what i have i didn't ask for meat [Music] as you are laughing i hope you are seeing the seriousness in what i'm communicating this ministry will never be poor forever till jesus comes your spirit opens me the treasures of your word and i will forever sing your praises your spirit opens to me the treasures of your word and i will forever sing your praise i will sing i will sing of the wonders of your word i will see out for joy [Music] i will see [Music] of the wonders of your word and i will forever see your prayers listen when god opens your eyes and gives you the key you come into a realm of dominion i don't care what is happening in your life right now let me tell you something i submit to you with all humility i know what it means to be poor and i know what it means to be blessed i can show you how to get there i may not boast to know all but i can show you something that can take you out of where you are next week i'm going to be sharing with us the formula in the last one year of my life i have learned more in fact let me tell you compared to the things i learned in the last one year i looked at myself i said joshua salman what what have you i have spoken in in in financial conferences i have spoken in business meetings but the thing that the lord opened my eyes to and god connected me to uncommon mentors on common mentors some dead some alive on common mentals whose words are like the words of god when you watch a master do something the proof of mastery is ease you will tear down the mysticism hallelujah this is where many of us are you are under pressure to do business because you think you already take you to the wealthy place calm down you notice we have not mentioned business we have not even mentioned money many times we're talking of mindsets there is a surgery god is doing and right here brothers and sisters is your dream come true right here is mission accomplished right here is the realm where you do not think about money again right here is the realm where you can serve god with peace of mind right here the name is the wealthy place the place where few have come is a place of rest you enter your financial sabbath right here is the place where high blood pressure will not kill you again right here is the place where no matter the stress of your village people or you financially it will be inconsequential right here is the place where you will serve god and fund your assignment and do that which god has called you to do in peace it's called the wealthy place this is god's destiny this is god's desire to transit you and my job in this series is to attempt with the cooperation of your seriousness and your diligence to show you the path that transits you from there to here because there is a wealthy place there is no fear here because you did not get your wealth by crooks and pranks now you will understand the definition of my my definition of financial prosperity not just the ability to have abundance but the ability to be able to replenish to multiply and to sustain its availability at this point you have the keys hallelujah right there where you are seated looking at me as anything i've said tonight made any kind of sense to you that there is need for you to live where you are every one of us is one of these three most of us very few if at all are here for the most part those who have paid attention significantly to their finances are right here and many people right here in koinonia and in the world are here they have camped here they are lying down there with no hope of rising yet in their minds they are deceitfully convincing themselves that one day you go better they are hoping that the day their grandmother dies there will be a sudden transition they are hoping that the day their enemy somewhere falls down and dies there will be a transition immediately if you are in that category let me announce to you before time save yourself hard shattering disappointment and embrace the pathway that fetals any covenant and any ancestry that fetals any yoke any spell i don't care who is invoking what there are two ways to bind satan one is by prayer the other is by knowledge your obedience itself will judge every disobedience [Music] write this down the major difference between the poor and the rich is their decision to prosper command their mindset command the major difference between the poor the rich and the poor is their decision to prosper command their mindsets their mental conditioning command and their comprehension of the true formula for wealth and abundance i'm going to be teaching you that next i will show you in plain terms the shocking formula that is responsible every single millionaire and billionaire you see except is a crook but anybody through the dignity of kingdom integrity was risen you will see it stare at you at the face i tell you next week some of you will share tears like this because you will say my goodness my goodness is this it hallelujah [Music] your mindset [Music] i'd like you to say in the name of jesus [Music] my mentality must change in the name of jesus i allow my mindset to be changed in the name of jesus i allow the power of god and the mind of christ to superimpose my mindset in the name of jesus i declare that i'm on my way unstoppably to the wealthy place say one more time i'm on my way to the wealthy place in the name of jesus i make a decision that i will never step on i make up my mind let this be the first step tonight into the wealthy place rise up on your feet i will sing the wonders of your word i will sing out for joy [Music] i will see of the wonders of your work and i will forever sing your praise hallelujah lift your voice and begin to thank god for the teaching tonight there is a place called the wealthy place there is a realm of wealth and [Music] abundance there is a mindset that has kept africa in poverty there is a mindset that has kept nigeria in poverty there is a mindset that has kept the church in poverty there is a mindset that has kept your family [Music] pray and thank him for this teaching it is the entrance of god's word that gives light and understanding unto the simple scapula [Music] hallelujah hallelujah now i'm going to take three prayer points very quickly prayer point number one i'd like you to say lord baptize me with an anointing that will make me serious about my finances lift your voice and pray kill everyone's seriousness brain take a table like approach you've never paid attention to it you are heading the path of destruction i tell you if you have just spiritualized it and left it there you are headed for the part of disappointment [Music] pray baptize me oh god with a supernatural grace to take my finances seriously knowing that my assignment will suffer without it my comfort in life will suffer without it the advancement of your kingdom will suffer without it take a tablet ladies are you praying don't say my husband will bail me out pray shake it take care of [Music] hallelujah hallelujah now pray and say lord i have decided and there is no going back i have decided may i not just be emotional now and then throw it back i've decided i have decided lift your voice and pray announce it let the devil hear you i have decided to embrace the part of the blessed i have decided consciously willingly i will never remain poor no it must change no it must change where my father did not cross where my mother did not cross oh i'm on my way get those check attention i'm on my way i may not look like it now but i'm on my way i submit to the disciplines submit to the trainings i submit to the disciplines it may cost me my comfort zone it may cost me my ego but i am ready for change pray pray god will honor your prayer it's a decision that will bless you it's a decision that will determine the way the next phrase of your life will be you may not do anything about yesterday yesterday is gone yesterday is gone stop regretting the past stop regretting the failure stop regretting the disappointment stop regretting the lack make the decision now make the decision now you may not know what to do you may not know how to go about it just make the decision [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] between this man this man and this man you know where you truly are don't lie to yourself many of us are here i'd like you to pray and say lord the mental transition that must happen for me to leave this realm to this realm to this realm i'm ready and i submit to it go ahead and pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] i submit to god not to money not to business but to the mental transition now i know that it's not just about cash it's not just about business it's not just about investments it's not just about a job is not just about access to world a mental transition pray no power will stop me i'm determined to shift [Music] are you praying lord i received lord oh the miracle of mental transformation is what is happening to you by the blood of jesus i received one more time lord i receive lord i [Music] [Music] there is no favoritism with god every single one of us who is interested can and should enter the wealthy place god is giving everyone an open check if you do not enter many of our parents if they had the opportunity to be mentored and taught if they had the opportunity to receive that mental transition there would have been billion years right now you have an opportunity many long for never received hallelujah hallelujah pick up your notebook i want to give you an assignment [Music] i want you to write exactly without any ambiguity you must not do it now write exactly what financial freedom means to you at what point in your life be as clear about it what does it mean for you at least let's use this level not forever let's just use the level that brings you into britain how much resource coming into you and how frequent will it amount to financial freedom to you right now what kind of abundance supply will need to come into your life don't be myopic and at the same time don't be childish don't get over right 10 billion per week that's nonsense you don't need that level of wealth now [Music] you never think if you do not make it a goal you never hear me learn this today anything you want to accomplish in life you must sex separate it out decide on achieving it and make it a go and you will see the power of god coming business people call it the power of the universe they do not know that all power belongs to god are you getting one of just do what i'm telling you to do be childlike about it don't argue and say i know i've read abc business book just be childish and do what i'm telling you to do write it down number two write down three things that financial abundance will do to you and your family right now knowing the situation of your life and your family i don't care whether you come from a rich family or not write three things under god [Music] i could give you a little expo it will give you comfort it will fund your assignment and it will fund the advancement of god's kingdom three things that the presence of friend if you were seated here right now and you had access to cash relatively unlimited imagine all the things you have wanted to do for people you are not that greedy it's because there is no money you are not that self-centered you are not that materialistic that great thing is because of lack and poverty that sense of materialism is because you've never had enough there's almost i have apples all the time in my fridge i like apple sanders i have apples all the time i remember when they used to buy apples sometimes they would buy apples and they'll cut one into four did that happen to you and you stand impatiently hoping for your tongue to come i thought i really was in love with apples there are many foods in fact there was a name my father used to call me i thought i liked food it wasn't that i like food every time you know you will miss a thing you want it as a matter of life and death but when god brings you to a position where you are in control of the supply that's when you will see your true state many of you don't know who you really are poverty has turned you into whatever you chase any man that comes around you are not that cheap it's because of poverty if you solve it you will see the stability in your life some of you as you are right like this if you pass and somebody corners you and tells you there's one four one nineteen around you just smile and say there are people that when you see them you know they are two peoples from their eyes they can't participate in anything if you want to hide something just call them they know how to do it for you all that dirty life you see is because it's not we should not be blaming people and be calling them fraud for one night have you taught them the way people are so desperate if you don't teach them they will do anything and everything why go into prostitution when there is a pathway in the dignity of kingdom integrity while going to impatience and armed robbery and fraud and all of this when there is a pathway with decency the dignity of kingdom integrity the last prayer point i'd like you to pray and say lord in the name of your son jesus christ walk on my mind again walk on my mind walk on my mind walk on my mind pray that's the limit brothers that's the limit sisters that's the limit man of god that's the key to the next level businessman that's the key let's cry to god walk on my mind [Music] pray next week i'm going to be teaching us the components of a wealthy mindset [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let's just steal out one minute and pray can you passionately pray for your loved ones and and say lord i vow that if you show me this key i will reveal it to my loved ones and the people there are so many people that need to get out of this go ahead and pray lord i will extend the hand of mercy [Music] my family members are willing to let my wife is willing to let my husband is willing to let my children are willing to learn my business contemporaries are willing to learn they just don't know the part show me oh god and let me be an agent that will advocate this mental transition [Music] hallelujah lift your hands let me pray for you father in the name of your son jesus christ i pray by the power of the holy spirit that through this series let there be a financial revolution [Music] in the name of jesus christ lord this thing is not so hard the problem has always been that we have not been mentored properly we have not been taught the keys and so we have blind desires without direction but lord we cry in the name of your son that through this series you will open our eyes exactly to the keys to wealth in the name of jesus christ we desire that our levels change but father we have learned that it all starts with a decision and lord we have decided the next thing oh god is to transit us mentally all those stumbling blocks that have kept us in poverty as we'll be learning and be learning the solution to them in the course of this series we pray for your help you will be our ebeneezer you will help us in the name of jesus lord i pray that your spirit will remind us of these things in our sleep that all through this week we will give it seriousness in the name of jesus christ lord we know that our assignments are dependent on this we know that the quality of our lives are dependent on this we know that the advancement of the kingdom is dependent on this and so we refuse to trivialize it we receive grace from heaven in the name of jesus christ amen and amen [Music] i'm coming out of my comfort zone [Music] and for the rest of my life into my destiny and for the rest of my life my answer will be [Music] [Music] yes [Music] coming out of my comfort zone some other places in my life that's comfortable god is challenging me to trust and believe for to go where i'm not gone i must do what i've not done so i'm coming out of my comfort zone though it may cost me some friends i'll walk alone god is challenging me to trust and believe for to [Music] if you're worshiping with us here for the first time please keep standing everybody will soon round up you're worshiping with us for the first time thank you guys i'd like you to make your way just come out here i want to welcome you on behalf of the entire ministry god bless you this is your first time coming here we love you inside and outside they are first timers please make your way right now to the front god bless you god bless you coinonia celebrate them [Music] celebrate them coinonia they're still coming [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord thank you so so much for coming this is koinonia god bless you we honor you and we thank you for making our time to come i believe that the lord brought you here bless you and lift you we want to pray for you this is koinonia and we're here every friday we just started a financial series and it will be lasting all through um the third week of this month i want you to pay attention to it and i guarantee you that the things you will be learning will transit you praise the lord we want to pray for you where bless people and when we pray for you truly truly you'll be blessed stretch your hand saints of god and let's speak over their lives in the name of jesus father we thank you for these ones that you brought young and old you brought them for your glory and by your spirit we pray that your passion for god will rise beyond anything we pray in the name of jesus that the glory of god will be strong upon your life that as you take steps based on the truths that we are sharing may you begin to see dramatic transitions in your finance in the name of jesus i bless you with the blessings of heaven may the lord bless you and keep you in the name of jesus christ now thank you very much for coming i'd like you to just follow the lady waving our hands and they will have your details and welcome you more warmly on our behalf just follow the lady god bless you thank you so so so much thank you so much celebrate them koinonia dearly beloved i hope you were blessed by this message do not keep the video to yourself share it as many as you can to help them bless check our home page for more of our messages subscribe to the channel comment on it like it see you on our next video bye pray pray pray for your destiny foreign [Music] lord grant me the discipline
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman sermons, apostle joshua selman 2022, apostle joshua selman worship songs, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman live, apostle joshua selman midnight prayers, apostle selman 2022, apostle selman live, joshua selman, koinonia apostle joshua selman, koinonia abuja, koinonia abuja live, koinonia live stream, apostle joshua selman praying in tongues, apostle joshua selman songs, koinonia global live, christocentric message
Id: ydLLGcaSkcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 38sec (12998 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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