Unlock Your Limitations - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] amen go to the gospel of saint luke chapter number 5 verse number 1 through 10 and there you will find my assignment for today very familiar passage of scripture but indulge me if you will as i share with you those things that god has pointed out to me to be relevant to these people at this hour we are on a trajectory every message is overlapping the other one building a staircase for us to climb out brick by brick we're coming out in the name of jesus not only we but our emotions our mind our will our attitude our dispositions are coming into recovery the trauma that held us is breaking loose now in the name of jesus shout amen and it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of god he stood by the lake of genocide and saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets and he entered into one of the ships which was simon's and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and talked the people out of the ship now when he had left speaking he said unto simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for drought and simon answering him said unto him master we have talled all the night and have taken nothing nevertheless at thy word i will let down the net and when they had this done they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net began to break and they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ships that we need some help that they should come and help them you got to have some folk around you oh god you got to have some folk around you that can help you not that can pull you down you need some help in fact for what god is getting ready to do in your life you're gonna need some help you're gonna need some help what god is getting ready to give you is too big for your boat glory to god you need that in your spirit right now you're gonna need some help to bring this in glory to god and they came and filled both the ships so that they began to sink i told you good god almighty when simon peter saw it he fell down at jesus knees saying depart from me depart from me for for i and lord i am a sinful man o lord for he was astonished and all that were with him at the drought of the fishes which they had taken and so was also james and john the sons of zebedee which were partners with simon and jesus said unto simon fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men oh god lord have mercy my subject this morning is unlock your limitations unlock your limitations in other words take the breaks off there are no limits to what god is going to do spirit of the living god falls fresh on us as we stand before your people for no other purpose but to share with them what you have invested in me let the word of god ravish and influence and consume all that hearing let the word be made flesh while it's being preached let it not just be recorded as just another sermon but received as divine direction i thank you in advance for what you're going to do have your way in this place in jesus name amen you may be seated in the presence of god i have been ministering the gospel for 45 years come september it will be 46 years that i've been preaching the gospel of jesus christ and i have found many many times that in spite of the fact of massive altar calls all over the world on almost every continent on the planet and seeing many many people come to jesus that they often come to jesus and still falls short of the abundant life that jesus has promised the getting people converted is not the end of my assignment because to convert them to jesus christ and leave them stuck with with a limited understanding of who they are in him is to short-circuit the promises of god oh yeah i have found more times than not uh what we believe isn't just one-dimensional it's not just a straight line it's not just a consistent belief without altercation contradiction controversy and pain that when people say i believe in god that doesn't mean that they are receiving everything that god has for them because it is possible to have conflicting beliefs for example it is possible to believe that god is say a healer that does not necessarily mean you receive the healing because you also believe that you somehow brought this on yourself so while you brag about god being a healer your belief system nullifies you from walking into divine healing because of your guilt or shame or conviction does not mean that you don't truly believe that he's able but will he do it for you oh it is possible to believe that god is going to open a door for you and yet believe you don't really belong in the door he opened these belief systems that we have often cancel out opportunities that god has genuinely given to us and yet we have difficulty walking into it because when we get in it we don't really feel like we belong there so we self-sabotage our way back down to the belief system from which we respond do you hear what i'm saying faulty belief systems that all of us fight to varying degrees can limit or delay what god has in store for you faulty belief systems they don't necessarily announce themselves they don't necessarily come with a warning tag you may not even be aware that you have a faulty belief system in fact more times than not in the 45 years of my ministry most of the people i have found with faulty belief systems were unaware that they had faulty belief systems they didn't really understand that they had faulty belief systems but it is true that you can have a faulty belief system that stops you from getting what god has for you that cancels out opportunities that the very thing that you are praying asking god to do you are doing things to destroy what you are asking him to do because you have a faulty belief system you're asking god for a peaceful home and yet raising hell you're asking god to bring your daughter back and yet pushing her away faulty belief systems can cause you to have contradictions that cancel out what you're expecting god to do in your life because you don't feel worthy or capable or as simple as comfortable i was amazed we started opening doors for formerly incarcerated people to have employment and we got them the jobs and we got them the opportunities but some of them when they got employed felt so uncomfortable they stopped going to work and then we had to rethink the thing it's a big leap to go from being in a cell to an office the binocular is different the terminologies are different the atmosphere is different the culture is different and there is a feeling of i don't fit here and anytime you don't fit even though it's better and even though you prayed for it you will cancel it out and go back to what's comfortable even if it is disturbing and self-destructive because it is familiar in other words you're going to live on the level of your belief system if you feel comfortable in poverty you will stay there and every time you get out you will mess it up till you get back there because that's your belief system it's not that you don't want better you like the idea better you shout about better you dance about better you ran up here and threw twenty dollars on the altar and danced back to your seat for better but when better came better look funny better taste it funny that the manna from heaven that god sent tastes funny to the children of israel because it was not familiar they were used to the to the food that came out of egypt and they cried out for the leaks and onions it wasn't that the leeks and onions were good it was that they were familiar this all ties into a system of belief and a faulty belief system will eat at you and destroy you remember remember the man with the demoniac son who who who who jesus asked him if thou he said lord if thou can't do anything and jesus said if you believe he said lord i believe but help my unbelief it is possible to believe and still have unbelief oh thank you for the 10 real people that clapped at me it is possible to shout all over the church and still get in the car and the devil tell you god is not real you're wasting your time and god is not listening at you god doesn't love you god doesn't care about you god didn't think about you god is blessing those other people you're not really one of them it is possible to shout and sing in the choir and then go home and feel like an imposter because you have faulty belief systems that allow you to truly believe lord i believe there's no doubt about it i believe but i need help somebody holler help i need help with my unbelief this man is aware of the contradictions that he lives with every day and the consequences of the contradiction are obvious in his son his son is the fruit of contradiction after he cast himself into the water and off he cast himself into the fire two completely different things one that should cancel out the other isn't it funny that he's off into the water and often to the fire and the water should put out the fire but that's how complicated we are one moment we're on fire and one moment we're drowning lord i believe would help my unbelief these belief systems can be both environmental and genetic predispositions environmentally we believe on the level we are surrounded when we surround ourselves with certain elements inevitably they develop a certain belief system of what is appropriate for you you think on the level of the people you run with their ideologies are contagious because they reward you when you dress a certain way they reward you when you look a certain way they reward you when you eat a certain food they reward you when you respond a certain way and when you break a rule they start saying you acting funny and sometimes in order to fit in we will dumb down our realities and our potential because we are affected by our environment are you hearing what i'm saying to you but we also have a predisposed genetic disposition that is inherited passed down from generation to generation both genetically and experientially that affects our belief system what your mama said what your daddy said what they didn't say what your grandparents did what they didn't do a predisposition that defines you with a change even in your molecular structure of your dna before you ever even got here we were talking the other day some things you are scared of and you don't even know why you're scared of it scared of heights don't know why i just can't hide scared of water don't know why i just scared the water scared to be by yourself don't know why just don't even realize that this stuff is passing down to you from generation to generation that some traumatized grandmama passed on into her baby the trauma that became your mama who passed it on to you she didn't even teach it to you it just came as a part of the package my mother didn't believe in women coming to her house on new year's day she did not believe in that she felt it was bad luck and the reason she thought it was bad luck is because her mama thought it was bad luck now i don't believe that but i do feel a little funny i'm not bad as mama i will let you in but i don't say nothing and before you talk about me how many of y'all cook cabbage and black-eyed peas on new year's day if you don't have cabbage and black-eyed peas any other day and you come from our culture at least on that day you're gonna have some cabbage and some black eyed peas cause you're supposed to it's not written in no book anywhere there's no scripture for it but all i know is when you go in the grocery store the cabbage is gone and the black-eyed peas are sold out we don't know why we eat it but we just like we don't know why we leave or we don't know why we go through certain things that we go through we don't understand what is going on in our life that does not mean that we are in a situation let's stop a minute and just pray for this brother right here i don't know what's going on but i know god is able spirit point your hand that way spirit of the living god falls fresh on him right now in the name of jesus you are a god that's more than enough your healing and delivering power is invincible and irrevocable i thank you now that you got medicines of all descriptions coming in the room touch heal and deliver in the mighty name of jesus for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever and ever amen amen let the doctors through let the doctors through let the doctors through right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus send help lord send medicine sin ministry send healing in the name of jesus i want somebody to just start praising god for healing [Music] [Applause] somebody just start praising god for healing no no no no no praise him like it was you [Music] just coming in the room just coming in the room my god's got medicines of all the scripture coming in the room just coming in the room [Applause] just coming in the room [Music] my god's got medicines of all descriptions coming in the room oh coming in the room just coming in the room my god's got medicines of all descriptions coming in the room oh coming in the room just coming in the room my god's got medicines all description coming in the room oh coming in the room just coming in the room god's got balances of all the scriptures coming in the room coming in the room just coming in the room my god's got medicines of all this pizza coming in the room we're coming in the room [Music] in the room [Music] [Music] come on in this room come on in this room just coming into the room my god's got medicines of all the scriptures coming in the room put your hands together let's pray them coming in [Music] just coming in the room my god [Music] coming in the room [Music] coming [Music] just coming in the room the lodge got fatter to the more concrete [Music] god's got medicine [Music] if you're watching online and you've been sick in your body you need to catch this healing power flowing through the screen just cut it in the room just coming in the room my medicines with all the scripture coming in the road [Music] [Music] [Music] right now give him a praise give him a praise [Music] give him a praise [Music] give him a praise give him a praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] you better keep some of that old stuff you don't need it you don't need it you better keep me a little bit of that old-timey holy ghost god's got medicine all descriptions coming in the room y'all don't know much about that god's got they're just coming in the blue [Music] he didn't even seem conscious he stood up started walking the power of god is stronger than the calamities of men somebody said yes lord god [Applause] i'm gonna keep on preaching you can be seated [Music] that's that kind of stuff make me go to running [Music] ow [Music] he's got it he's got it my god my god [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] you've got to you've got to know that you know that you know that no weapon formed against you [Applause] it didn't say it would be formed it just said it won't prosper look at somebody say the devil is alive [Music] he's a liar [Applause] so i want you to get this word be seated hear ye the words of the lord this is just another example of why we need our belief system to be in such a state that in the time of trouble you don't have to go on a fast to get a touch from god look chandovo coach i you don't have to go on a three-day fast or call your prayer warriors or your intercessors or anybody else that you can stand flat-footed and say satan [Applause] [Applause] the blood is against you what i'm trying to do is get you past all of these isms and schisms and and and and these things that we're doing that are making our life harder that are making our life more difficult that are making us not even understand what miracles are this generation thinks getting a new car is a miracle pray for me that i can get a car the devil got a car the dope dealer got a car the prostitutes got a car you don't need god to get a car if you got a 7.0 score and a little down payment you get a car a miracle when your leg grow back a miracle is when you had a heart attack and god raised you up a miracle come on somebody we got to get back to real your house ain't no miracle a whole lot of people got a house i know it feels like a miracle to you and i don't mind you being grateful but don't be ignorant there are people who don't believe in god got a house but our belief system has so encapsulated us by the culture that we're in that we have brought that god down to the culture we're in and we have made him lord over stuff [Music] and it's because we have these innate uh tendencies to be affected by the culture around us the culture around it effect trial you want to but it affects you you have to build up walls around your spirit not to let it affect you it affects everything it affects the way you dress it affects the way you think and it varies from region to region from territory to territory you got a church culture you got a corporate culture you you got an entertainment culture you even in the same city there are different cultures and different regions and area codes and zip codes and there are also different spirits [Applause] in different regions of the city that create a culture the power that culture has over cognition is what i'm talking about it is you know it's over over cognition over your ability to think thoroughly through the process that you find yourself in a situation where the culture has affected your common sense a year ago a bird flew in my house a bird flew into my house mama said when a bird fly the house means somebody gonna die oh y'all laughing at me if you want to i don't believe it but i did get him out of there i said you got to go then i had to fight [Music] the residue of stuff that i know don't even make any sense but it leaves a residue on you [Music] i told a friend of mine they kept talking about how old they were i said you ain't that old stop you're only old because you think you old the president don't think he'll the last president didn't think hey was old hillary don't think she all we're the only ones sitting up in our 60 thought about y'all i i got my plot other people going back to school getting a degree at 70. these belief systems cause you to experience failure in a way that is that is important i was reading about this one anorexic girl whose dream was to go to college and and and to be a doctor and she she was smart and she was bright but she couldn't go to school because she on the other hand she was she believed she was fat so she was so anorexic that she stopped eating and she stopped eating till she got so weak she couldn't go to school conflicting beliefs kill dreams y'all can't eat like this this is too heavy for y'all y'all can't think like this conflicting beliefs make you pray for boaz but you heard at the barbershop all men are dogs conflicting belief systems get in your head and cancel out your progress and stop you from reaching what you're trying to reach are you hearing what i'm saying and all of a sudden you find yourself it's difficult to educate people past their belief system i believe this is more than a collection of beliefs it's it's a network it's an interconnection one with another it's a system it's a system we've been trapped in a system for years and years a system of benevolence [Music] a system of benevolence a system of desperation a system of feeling inadequate a system of having to prove you're human a system of trying to validate your own presence in the earth there's a system at work and systems are invisible but they manifest themselves in tangible ways or you hear what i'm saying and people penalize you when you go against the system they lock you out you're not one of us and our desperate need to belong somewhere for fear of being isolated makes us submit to systems that are beneath your dreams but before i finish preaching today i'm gonna wake up somebody's dream i'm gonna light a fire up under somebody today i'm gonna i'm gonna bring something to your spirit that's gonna shake you loose it's a it's a highly highly coherent but not totally consistent network where constituents beliefs support each other logically and largely they do not contradict one another they hang around they build up a fortress and a family until everybody around you has a similar set of beliefs you don't believe it break into something that's existed 10 years get a job in an office that's existed 10 years there's a there's there's one written in the manual and then there's the unspoken culture of the organization and when you're an outsider until you understand the culture it becomes very difficult to function in that environment because culture cancels out cognition culture had gotten into hebrews so deeply that even when they knew pharaoh was dead they danced on top of it knew he was dead and when they got ready to make a picture of what god looked like they made the egyptians god because they had gotten out of egypt but egypt hadn't gotten out of them [Music] that's why just educating people and sending them to school to get degrees doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be liberated because the first time you make them mad they gonna pop their neck and go back to where they came from if you don't break the cultural belief system that holds you hostage [Music] i'm talking about a a complete overhaul of your belief system and now if if keeping your friends is important to you leave now if everybody clapping for you in your circle is important to you leave now but if getting up is important to you and going on with your life stay tuned i got something for you are you with me i want to tear down the whole system and potentially increase the level in your life of your ability to receive what god has for you and i want you to open your heart and begin to receive what what in the world are you talking about bishop what does that have to do with luke chapter five verse one i'll tell you why because when jesus was preaching in genessery and he comes down the sound and simon is not yet called peter he's not even a disciple he doesn't even know that much about who jesus is or what's going on simon is just a fisherman when jesus encounters simon the bible said that simon was washing his nets his belief system said it's over they had talled all night and caught nothing and his belief system had taught him that if you can't catch at night [Music] you can't catch at all his limited belief system has left him in a place of giving up on what he needed to make his business work and when jesus came along that's right he gave up when jesus came along jesus is confronting fishermen who are washing their nets which is a sign i have given up and i want to know is there anybody in here who's washing your necks who has decided it's too late i'm too old i'm too fat i'm too this i'm too bad i'm too thin i'm too short i'm to whatever it is that made you wash your necks i want to challenge you today because jesus is about bringing simon into the awareness that his belief system is wrong washing your nets means you have given up hope that you can go any further and you have settled to be on the sidelines of life rather than to be in the game made yourself comfortable with an empty boat no fish which means no business and you have decided this is as far as you can go and some of you even justified by saying if the lord would have meant for me to catch fish he would he would have blessed me to catch me so it must not be god's will for me to catch any fish well here comes god walking in jesus down to the seashore and simon is washing his nets washing your nest means deciding that nobody will ever love you washing your nest means deciding that you can't go any higher or any further than where you've gone washing your neck is giving up on your dream and deciding that all of your effort was for naught because it didn't work like he thought it was going to work he quit he's alive but he quit he's breathing but he quit he's functioning but he quit you'd be surprised at the people in here that are breathing and dead they breathe them but they quit they got their makeup on but they quit they got the dress on but they quit they got their suit on but they quit they came to church but they quit they quit long time ago let me tell you something divorces don't happen when the papers come people can quit and still be fixing breakfast do you hear what i'm saying to you people can quit and still be giving roses quitting isn't just a removal of the body from the situation it's the removal of the spirit from the situation and peter's spirit has been broken and he's washing his nets and jesus comes down there and disrupts everything that peter believes jesus whenever jesus comes let me warn you he will disrupt everything i know you want a nice neat little jesus that fits comfortable inside your belief system that won't shake up anything that won't get you out of your comfort zone that won't make you have to go for yourself that won't make you have to stand for yourself i know you want a nice little neat little jesus that you can fit into a package of what you've been taught about jesus but jesus was a rabble rouser jesus was radical jesus was a yoke breaker wherever jesus went he terrorized the city he turned it upside down if jesus got in a city all bets were off on how things were going to go and everything was going according to plan until jesus come nuts somebody tell them jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming he's coming into your house he's coming into your finances he's coming into your business he's coming into your life he's coming into your plan he's coming into your future and everything you thought you were through with god is getting ready to do a new thing god is getting ready to do something radical god is ready to start it up rising [Applause] and jesus walks over he don't even know whose boat it is he just gets on the boat and then says to simon thrust out a little from land listen at this and all of a sudden you you see simon have to put down his nets and get back on the road that alone is revival [Applause] just stop feeling sorry for yourself and talking about what didn't work and how you worked so hard and how you put so much into it and how you toiled all night and nothing came through you ain't got time to rehearse all that stuff that's over that's over that's over you can't do nothing about that that's over you can't fix that that's over you can't change that that's over that's over that's over that's over that's over you are spinning up your today rehearsing your yesterday don't let your yesterday steal your today that's over that's over that's over that's over that's over that's over maybe there's a higher purpose for the boat than what you know jesus says thrust out a little from land and jesus turns peter's business into a platform this is the only time in scripture that i can that i know of where jesus turns a boat into a podium and jesus gets on the boat and sits down and the crowd is all on the beach and he thrusts out from the land and turned the boat into a pulpit and he sits in the pulpit and he teaches i do not know what he taught but it must have been mesmerizing enough that he could sit on a boat without a mic that was thrust out from the land and not lose a crowd good god can't nobody preach like jesus if jesus gets into a place he'll turn it upside down do not know that jesus never had a pa system never had a microphone never had a camera never had a flyer never had a business card and yet he preached to thousands of people 5 000 men not to mention women and children and people would rather faint than miss hearing him preach he didn't even have to jump he didn't have to whom he didn't holler jesus sat down and the crowd didn't leave jesus sat when he preached he sat on the mount of olives and preached the beatitudes sit on me jesus sit on me jesus sit on me jesus what i'm going ain't working sit down with jesus jesus sat down on the boat and he began to minister and as he began to minister the bible said when he had finished preaching now notice this this is this is interesting it never tells us what he preached it tells us that he preached he brings us all the way up to the boat the boat thrust out from land jesus sets down and starts to preach they'd never tell us what he preached they just say when he had finished they said when he had finished there are some things that god has kept a mystery [Music] because the real power here isn't just in what he said but what he did [Music] and when he began to speak these words and had ended speaking he now says to simon and wait a minute maybe this is not about the sermon maybe this is about simon maybe the sermon is just the vehicle that jesus traveled to capture simon's attention maybe a simon that jesus is after maybe a simon that jesus wants to get to and make him understand what's going on and he says to simon he says to simon what he told me to tell you launch out into the deep launch out they don't hear me lord wish i had a group of choir somebody is anybody ready for this launch out into the deep get out of the shallow water go out into the deep launch out into the deep god's got something for you buddies in the deep look at somebody saying you ain't deep enough the reason it's not happening for you the reason you're not getting it the reason you don't get the breakthrough the reason it's not materializing in your life is that you haven't gone deep enough and peter says simon says i can't go lord i've been told it all night and i haven't i didn't ask you about last night now that's what might say i'm going out there i'm going all the way out there i i don't i i don't see no fish i i don't i don't i see no sign of fish but i'm going all the way out there i was getting ready to give up but i'm getting ready to have a paradigm shift devil you thought i was gonna quit sight you thought i was finished sag you thought i was done sad you thought you held me down didn't you sigh i ain't down i'm going out into the deep nevertheless is thy word [Applause] i am tired of living within limitations i am tired of coloring inside of the lines i'm tired of being a good little boy and eating my apple and going to bed i'm getting ready to launch out into the deep i'm getting ready to get radical i'm getting ready to go to the next level somebody's watching me online you don't realize that the only reason god gave you a business is so that it could be his platform and god has maneuvered you into a position so that he could get the glory out of your life and you're frustrated trying to work out the problems in the business the problem isn't in the business the problem is in you when god gets your attention everything in your business is gonna change everything in your life is gonna change everything on the boat is going to change launch out into the deep [Applause] somebody holler deeper oh bishop how can i go deeper i'm in a pandemic i don't care what you in when god says go into the deep go into the deep stop telling me about the last two years i don't care nothing about that i want to tell you about the next two years god said launch into the deep launch into the deep just when they think you're going to wash your nets just when they think you're going to quit just when they think you're going to stay at burger king lunch lunchtime who am i preaching to look at your name and tell them i'm getting ready to launch you can't launch you can't go if you can't launch you can't go if you ain't with me you can't go i am no longer willing to stay on the shoreline to keep you company i'm going to launch out into the deep if i got to launch by myself if my mama don't go if my daddy don't go if my sister my brother don't go i'm going to launch out into the deeper because i have permission and once i have permission i can do it i know it's not supposed to work in the daytime the fish are normally biting at night but if jesus says it it's gonna happen at any time just when the devil thought it wasn't gonna happen just when you thought you missed your season just when you thought it was over god said launch out into the deep and suddenly i realized something simon owns the boat but jesus owns the sea i said simon holds the boat but jesus owns the sea and what you want ain't in the boat it's in the sea and jesus knows where your fish are slap somebody until he knows where the fish are oh he knows he knows he knows he knows he knows he knows he knows where the fish are wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute it's the wrong time ain't nobody fishing all the boats are docked everybody's quiet everybody's being passive everybody's laid back peter the only fool out there in the middle of the water in the middle of the day at a time when no fisherman would be out in the water because when the sun goes up the fish go down they eat at night or early in the morning and at a time there's not supposed to be fish jesus says launch into the deep whoever i'm preaching to is not even supposed to work like it's gonna work you get ready to break a rule you're getting ready to go into another dimension you get ready to do something out of season it don't even make sense but god's gonna do it you thought it was too late but god's going to do it launch out into the need shake yourself like this i break every limitation that's been on you i break every limitation that held your back i break every limitation that stood in between you and what god said is going to do this is about unlocking your limitations this is about kicking the brakes off have you ever tried to drive with the emergency brake on you can do it but it's god's getting ready to kick the brakes off he's getting ready to unlock your limitation that drag that's been in your life that undertow that's been in your life the lord sent me here this morning to tell you he's going to unlock your limitation you've been frustrated you've been tied down you don't even gave up and started washing your nets but stop washing your nets it's time to launch your boat [Applause] you own the boat but he owns the sea and when they launched out into the deep they dropped their neck watch this this is important i'm almost finished they dropped their net net any tea anyt they didn't bring enough they didn't bring enough they thinking too small they're thinking too limited they only had one net with them when i met them they were washing nets but they only put one net on the boat anytime you see jesus on the boat you better bring everything you got because whatever god is talking to you about is bigger than anything you ever did in your life i came to tell you it's bigger are you hearing me it's bigger than you think it is are you hearing me online it's bigger than you think it is that little net you got ain't gonna be enough cause god's gonna do exceedingly abundantly above all you may ask or think you didn't bring enough for what god is about to dump in your life press down shake it together run it over god's going to take you into overflow help somebody holy help you're about to get in a good trouble you're about to get in good trouble this ain't bad trouble this is good trouble this is the kind of help you need when you have underestimated what god is about to do in your life and you realize that what you brought is not enough for where he's taking you it's all about the nets it's all about the nets it's all about the nets when we start out we're washing nets and when we get to the boat we're breaking nets a net a net why didn't you throw everything you had at it peter why didn't you throw more at it if jesus says drop your nets you should have dropped everything you had but because of your belief system your reluctance to even go in the first place you only threw a net at it there's nothing about crosstalk tired jesus ain't no fisherman no way he a carpenter's son what does he know about fish i'm just going to placate him and throw a net one net and so many fish that have been waiting on obedience god is waiting on obedience as soon as you stop playing pity pat with god and break down to obedience and do what he said do god's got the fish on reserve they're waiting on you the money's not going to be a problem the buildings are not going to be a problem the employees are not going to be a problem god's got all everything you need waiting on you but because you keep throwing a little bitty net at it just that did you that just that that did you have destined that god said you're gonna break your net [Applause] because you're just talking about enough and you're with elsa die who is more than enough so here's peter out there simon and he's thrown out his net and and so many fish are in the net that the net that he was washing is now breaking and he has to help no no no yeah yeah they went back on the shoreline and here they come getting on their boats and they're coming out to tug it in in order for you to get what god is about to give you you're going to need partnerships whoever's taking this message seriously let me drop this on you you're gonna need strategic alignments you're gonna have to have backup in place to receive on the level that you're going to right now you cannot do this like you normally do it you have got to have a network because you're coming against a system you're coming against a system and anytime you're coming against a system it takes a system to overcome a system and so when he hollers for help he gets back up coming from every direction and even when his boys come in and they start dropping in their nets they still were about to break how many fish had peter missed all of these fish were in the genaserat lake he just left god didn't create the fish they were there look at how much he missed my father ran a janitorial service used to make me mad and fire we'd be cleaning up offices sweeping the office he'd come in behind me and sweep the office i just swept and said boy look at what you missed wherewit's just sweeping where what in the world what's going on here look at look at this look at this look at him look at what you missed and i couldn't say nothing because i knew he didn't throw the dirt down do you have any idea what you missed while you washing your nets and you think you threw there's so many fish waiting on you to obey god that when you obey god your net and neither the net of your partners will be enough but together they pulled it in it's gon it's gonna stretch you it's gonna stretch you it's gonna take you out of your comfort zone it's gonna challenge your belief systems it's gonna come against all the things that have been inbred in your head that define you but it's yours and you have permission you have permission you have permission you have permission you have permission you have permission and listen it ain't even supposed to be happening during the day but god's going to give it to you out of season out of sequence out of order out of line doesn't make sense no natural order no sequence to it it's not supposed to happen during the day i've been out in the ocean in the heat of the day and when it gets real hot the fish go deep they get away from the heat they go down deep where it's cold this is not supposed to be happening god is going to give you something that's not even supposed to be happening it's not even supposed to be happening not at this time in your life not at this stage in your life not at this point in your career not at this point in your ministry not at this point in your business [Music] if you would tweak your traditions and get away from your limited belief system this message is a warning that your limited belief system is going to make you miss the drought of fish that god has for you [Music] you are called to the deep not the shallow [Applause] you cannot do deep business in shallow water you have got to have a system to fight a system you have been groomed to have low expectations now he's going to do something abundant in your life abundant in your life wait don't clap yet because your nets are going to strain to the breaking point to bring this in it's going to take everything you got you cannot be how you are that's just how i am no no all of that's got to break because in order to bring this in you're going to have to break your limited belief systems and what you've said to yourself i'm almost where i want to be are you with me are you with me i said are you with me this is more than about the fish yes they brought in multitudes of fishes it was amazing fishes king james version fishes you don't say that's not good english but it is king james they brought in multitudes of fish that is great that is wonderful that is commerce that is economy that is prosperity that is equity that is resources that is peter's business exploding beyond human comprehension and filling his boat and filling his partner's boat until everything associated with peter got blessed because peter had an encounter with jesus it is not a result of peter's righteousness because simon peter says to jesus i am a sinful man so the fish are not a reward for his righteousness the fish are a reward for his obedience do you hear what i'm saying to you the fish are a reward for his obedience [Applause] and let me tell you what jesus says to him i am going to bless you and your business and i am going to give you more fish than you could ever imagine i am going to unlock your limitations and give you an exceedingly abundantly beyond blessing that's going to strain all of your systems to bring in [Music] but let me tell you something peter for me this is not about your bottom line i am going to make you fishers of men [Applause] you care about prophets p-r-o-f-i-t i care about prophets p-r-o-p-h-e-t and i am going to bless your prophets so that you can discover that you are a prophet i kind of go a little bit deeper let me go just a tiny bit deeper i i got so much let me just go a little bit deeper the amazing thing is this conversation happens twice it starts peter's ministry and then at the end of his ministry when peter goes to fishing down at the end because jesus has been crucified risen up from the dead and peter goes official it happens again you remember when jesus was walking on the seashore and this is after the cross and after the resurrection and jesus hollered at the disciples who were all on the boat with peter and it almost reads like the same thing children have you any meat [Music] and they said no lord we have toiled all night and we have caught nothing and jesus says to him thrust your nets on the other side and the bible said when jesus said that peter jumped off the boat the fish jumped in the net peter jumped off the boat because when it jumped when he jumped off the boat it triggered his first encounter with jesus and he had come full circle into a deeper understanding of who jesus was in his life and understanding who jesus is in your life will help you to understand who you are in your life peter says i'm not gonna make the same mistake twice yes he's gonna bless me with the fish but it's not about the fish it's not about the fish it's about the master and peter jumps off the boat naked and starts swimming to the shore only to find out that when you make jesus first the fish you gave up you will have lost nothing because when he gets to land jesus is cooking wait wait you left unscaled fish but because you left unscaled fish and made me first i have prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies and you're going to walk into a blessing that is prepared for you because i always knew that when push came to shove you would make the right decision and i always knew so i didn't wait for you to jump to start cooking i was cooking all while you was fixing to jump all while you were swimming i was preparing a bless and whoever i'm preaching to god is preparing something for you that is going to blow your mind and if you unlock your limitations god is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you may ask or think the bible said that in the last chapter of the gospel of saint john that they had caught saint luke they had caught 157 fishes and they had brought them all into the boat but peter didn't care nothing about none of them he left them all behind and he started swimming for jesus and he got more than he gave up [Applause] tell your neighbor you're gonna get more than you give up tell your other neighbor you're going to get more than you give up these these are bookend stories these are bookend stories they almost have the exact same words and we never see peter on a boat again because he has stepped into the higher purpose of which the boat was only a tutor now i don't know whether the the person i'm after is online or in this room or maybe both but if i'm talking right to you wave at me hold me make some noise [Applause] don't weep over nothing you lost nothing you spent nothing you invested not the time the talent or the money what god's got cooking up for you is better than any thing you could have done by yourself [Applause] i believe the holy spirit brought it back to me it's actually 153 fish he left all of them it's 153 of it he left all of them to walk into what watches [Music] he walked into a prepared blessing so prepared that he didn't even have to scale it wash it or cook it god is getting ready to walk you into something that he prepared just for you and i really do believe and i'm praying for that brother but i really do believe that the enemy was so afraid of you getting this word that he sent every distraction possible because he's afraid that god is going to unlock your limitations and you're going to come into that press down shaken together running over a miracle that the holy spirit sent me here to preach to you and that's why i resisted the temptation to shout and went back to preaching because whenever the enemy shows out it is only a distraction to stop you from doing what you were doing before go back to doing what you were doing before and finish your assignment because god is going to honor obedience somebody shout obedience god is going to honor obedience in spite of what happens in spite of having to pray in spite of singing a song my obedience was to complete my assignment i don't know what your obedience is but whatever the holy spirit is saying for you to do now is the time to do it and i believe that god has got something prepared for you that is phenomenal it is going to challenge your limitations it's going to challenge the limitations of the infrastructure you have built because you have built an expecting little return your nets will break with the weight of what god is going to release in your life i walked in the door and i looked at donna standing there and i just somebody just sent me uh a clip with a picture of you and your mother and you she's getting ready to debut her chicken and waffles uh at al bernays next sunday next sunday next sunday at al bernays one of the finest restaurants in the city is going to be offering her and her mother's chicken and waffles on their menu and it debuts next week when i tell you that god has a prepared blessing for you you can think it's just a sermon if you want to but some folks are stepping out on god's word and stepping into what god has for them never in the history of al bernays has two black women gone in there and changed the menu with a product that they own but the word is the word i don't care if you're black white brown female male rich poor young oh when god gets ready to move god's gonna move how old is your mama yo her mama's 81 years old miss laverne is is is going famous at 81. you can be old if you want to at 81 years old she is going famous at 81 and this is just the beginning eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither have entered into your heart the things that god has in store for them that love him you're going to pop up in unlikely places you're going to pop up in places that they never thought you'd be i would expect you to pop up at some soul food restaurant i would expect you to pop up at some barbecue joint over in the hood i would not expect you to pop up at albany's downtown where all the rich people go to eat but god said i'm getting ready to blow your mind i'm getting ready to take you into a realm that that your eyes have not seen and your ears have not heard and i'm gonna tell you what you we need to go to our days and pack that place out until there's waiting lines and total pandemonium because we need to get behind each other and watch god work supernaturally in our life we need to jam our bernays out if you watch it online we need to do it until they run out of syrup they run out of waffles they run out of chicken we need to do it and do it and do you know why when one of us breaks through then everybody can break through bit of old shot bit by bit and door by door god said i'm going to use your business as a platform i don't know who's watching online and i don't know what you believe in god to do but god is getting ready to open up a door for you he's getting ready to break a yoke for you he's getting ready to change the situation for you he's getting ready to bring you into a place that you never thought you'd be seeing before and all you have to do is obey his word who am i preaching to who am i preaching to let me see who i'm preaching to type on the line if i'm preaching to you if i'm preaching to you if i'm preaching to you if i'm preaching to you if i'm preaching to you if i'm preaching to you i'll talk to you when i get through preaching but while i'm preaching both of us can't preach at the same time you sit down when i get through i'll talk to you i'll talk to you when i finish now clap your hands and give god a praise give him a crazy praise give him a holy ghost pray give him a holy ghost pray give him a holy ghost praise give him a holy ghost praise give him a holy ghost pray give him you know y'all plan with me i said give him a holy ghost praise give him a holy ghost pray give him a holy ghost pray give him my holy voice for you i pray your systems jam up i pray that you run out of flour you run out of chicken you have to increase your deliveries i pray to god blow your mind and to all of the 70 000 people that are watching me online get ready get ready get ready the kingdom is going to take over places you have never seen the kingdom of god before god's children god's children god's children with little bitty nets tired overworked underpaid overlooked ignored but god is getting ready to make your latter day your greater day and i dare you to praise him right on your couch right in the living room right at the table i dare you to praise him like you lost your mind i dare you to praise him in a spirit of expectation i dare you to praise him in a spirit of gratitude i dare you to praise it like you expect god to do amazing things in your life the bible said god would do a thousand times more a thousand times more in your life he would bless you and give you a thousand times more he said it to isaac in the middle of a famine he can say it to us in the middle of covia if god gets ready to bless god don't care nothing about no kovid god don't care nothing about no statistics god doesn't care nothing about what people say the blessing is on you launch out into the deep launch out into the deep launch all the way out into the deep launch out into the deep and watch god bring it to pass in your life [Music] i'm gonna ask a hundred people i'm glass 100 people that have a dream a vision a business a ministry a hope a calling a stirring to join us i want to write a thousand dollars check i'm over i'm gonna ask a hundred people in this room to give a thousand dollars right now i'm gonna ask a hundred people online to follow me and give me i want everybody else to just tithe on it and give a hundred dollars but if you're one of those people that this spoke to you in a prophetic way about what you're about to do about what's about to open up for you and god has blessed you to join the bishop and giving a thousand dollars i want you to do it if you're not i want you to join on your level 100 i want you to commit it and show it and i want your obedience to unlock cook fish cook fish we're not looking for raw fish we're looking for cooked fish we're looking for a prepared opportunity a prepared release for the people of god are you with me are you with me i would get on this if i had to move money from one account to the other i would get on this if i had to call somebody and shift something around and do something i would get in on this because there is an overflow coming the enemy wouldn't have sent an attack if god wasn't gonna do something god is getting ready to do something amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing something your thousand dollars couldn't pay for it's gonna blow your mind it's gonna blow your mind it's gonna blow your mind it's gonna blow your mind glory to god glory to god i see donna writing so and god's gonna blow your mind he's gonna blow your mind he's gonna blow your mama's mind he kept her alive to see that her latter day would be greater than her formula who would think that at 81 years old your face would be on boxes and in stores all over the country what a gift to give your mother what a gift to give your legacy what a gift to give your life some of you have the heart for it but you haven't had the opportunity for it and god is getting ready to give you an opportunity and this ain't nothing but a sign that the best is yet to come i unlock your limitations right now in the name of jesus i unlock it right now in the name of jesus press down shaken together and running over shall mean give unto the abuser you don't have to sow it you can ignore it you don't have to pay attention it's obedience that he wants if he's not speaking to you pay me no mind if he's speaking to you obey him when peter obeyed god everything changed in his life [Music] help me to identify the places in my life of limitation things that i'm doing that's cancelling out my own success stubbornness and hottiness and hatefulness that's killing out my dreams help me to destroy those belief systems bird flying in the house all that crazy stuff that passes down to us some of it not so innocent that's that some of it diabolical some of it crippling the way i handle money the way i think about myself the way i think about my life the way i think about me even though i think highly of him if i don't think better about me paul said i can do all things through christ which strengthens me i got the through christ real good help me with the i can somebody holler help me with that i can that's the kind of prayer we gotta we gotta pray better i'm not talking about this i'm talking about praying specifically i can do all things through christ which strengthens me lord help me with that i can't lord i believe help my unbelief show me the areas in my life that are stopping me from reaching the abundance that you have for me fix me lord i came to you broken i'm a sinful man i came to you shattered i came to you with negative belief systems that were inbred in me i got to shed this i'm running out of time i can't spend the rest of my life fighting my daddy's devils my mama's devils my grandmama's devils i gotta have a breakthrough and i need it right now i want to loan and not borrow i want to be the head and not the tail i want to be above and not believe glory to god who am i talking to thank you jesus thank you jesus bring that thousand dollar seat and lay it right on the altar you can't do it but you can give it online give it online right now give it online right now give it online right now i'm not going to wait long i'm not going to big i'm not going to go out in a trance because i got some bigger fish to fry than this i got to make this altar call but i want those people who heard from god and are making decisions off of this message i want you to sow into it right now text to give giving over your phone whatever god says do but those of you that are obeying the holy spirit i want you to lay it on the altar it is not the seed that you're laying it is the obedience i lay my obedience before god i lay my obedience before god i expect god to do some things in my life and i'm willing to go out of my way and i walk down these steps and i'll walk past people and i'll step around people to get into the purpose and the destiny that god has for me because i know the voice of god and i know when god is talking to me and i know when god has said something to me this lines up too much to with what i've been praying about and what i've been thinking about and i want god to unlock my limitations i want him to take the breaks off i want him to stir me up i want him to release me glory to god i'm going to break generational curses off of my family i'm going to break it so my children can see that you can be more you understand what i'm saying so my children can see and my grandchildren can see that nothing is impossible to him that believes are you with me my god my god if you are watching this broadcast and i'm not saying it because i'm here i'm saying it because i know god gave me this word it is a privilege if you can receive this word now some people heard it but they can't hear they saw it but they can't see but if you can see and hear this word it's only because the spirit has opened your eyes and ears to receive it and that's a blessing act on this word right now i'm getting ready to pray [Music] and i don't want you getting ready to give i want you to have given so that when i pray i can blanket your sacrifice up unto the mantle of prayer for the rest of the new testament we never see peter on a fishing boat again because god takes us from faith to faith and from glory to glory and from level to level and he keeps on doing great things in us taking us higher and higher for his own divine purpose look at your neighbor and say god is not through with you stop washing your nets stop washing your nets stop washing your neck stop giving up on your dream jesus is gonna sit on your boat and it's gonna change the trajectory of the rest of your life it's gonna change everything when jesus sits down on your boat can i pray right quick if you've given in any form of fashion hold your hand up hold your hand up hold your phone up whatever you got to hold up hold it up whatever device you gave on thank you jesus if you've got an envelope running up here thank you jesus eternal and all wise god we are just your humble servants you hold the master plan to what we were born to do [Music] to what we were created to reach and be [Music] spiritually naturally emotionally personally every area of my life is in your hands i can never unlock my limitations without you because you are the key i pray that that key would unlock limitations dysfunctions disorders depression anxiety uneasiness unworthiness incompetence i pray god that you would stick that key in that lock and unlock us that we could live our lives at our fullest potential no matter what season it is in our lives whether we're as old as mother laverne or whether we're eight years old i pray that the power of the holy spirit would have blessed us to accomplish our purpose in our lifetime and we would see your glory not for personal gain but to let the world know to let the world know that you are our father you are our father and whatever you give us belongs to you and whatever we give you belongs still to us that we are one with you we are connected we are united now lord somebody needs a financial breakthrough to reach the hope of their calling let it happen in jesus name amen give me the best praise you got [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,245,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, going past my limits of faith, i have a strong belief
Id: 8Ubi7_FOmWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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