Abandoned Storage Containers "LABELED BREAKABLE" FOUND! 2020 #31

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you guys ready hey man whoa whoa we hit the jackpot guys wade with wade's adventures and you're watching the ventures youtube channel a family channel we scour the state of oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our youtube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's going on guys welcome in we have a interesting video today because we are using a new camera a gopro eight happy birthday to myself grandma adventures got me a gopro eight for my birthday but we're still trying to get used to the camera i think we're not going to have any more blurry crazy uh footage anymore which is going to be awesome this gopro is amazing but we're going to have to figure this thing out so bear with us this episode i am going to be opening boxes as well because the old camera i had to tap the screen every time we showed something because it was blurry i think the gopro is not going to have any of those issues so i'm actually going to share a seat next to gram adventures and we'll open up some boxes together this is going to be a test run because i'm not too sure how far away and if the items are going to be showing up really well so let me know in the comments what would you prefer the old way or the new way of course it's gonna be the new way because we're getting rid of the old camera but let's get going they can let us know what improvements all right well you know what we might have to use this as our blooper video until we learn how to use the camera excuse me one of us has gained weight but i know it's been okay i'm gonna move over okay we only have one tool well you're gonna have to use your hands i can okay so let's get going let's try this blooper video out shall we yes i'll go first all right guys this stuff is not in boxes because uh those you who don't know thursdays 4 p.m to 8 p.m we have auctions on our youtube channel where we auction off everything you see here and i had to use a box they've heard this before i think it was uh the moose you know that big moose yeah i had to use a box for the big moose and so i had to get this stuff out of the box and this is what was in there but uh let's start with this first of all start with your favorite item that this would have been a great unbeatable this is a birdhouse mansion oh mansion it's a mansion it's got a tin roof like dad's uh barn does but it's a mansion it's got a lot of different rooms in it guys this is like a crib style birdhouse yes and there's no birds in there and nothing sure nice it looks it's so pretty and it's probably 15 to 20 inches oh look it could be look at the glue maybe she made this i don't know but i like it i'm gonna keep this though guys we're not selling it we're not selling it okay all right you opened that one oh wait wait wait this is that that one's horrible you open that one all right but it's tape okay use that one what tool are you gonna use oh my gosh how do we run out of tools [Laughter] yes we do oh we even get them in the storage that's odd okay so that tool wasn't working good for this i'm just gonna use my hands here let me i got it the reason the tape doesn't seem as strong as it did when we first started doing these videos it's so weird it always like oh wow oh what are those they're mini little jars aren't they little flower pots [Music] oh someone told me what those are it's like that bear no they go on um fans yeah yeah how do you hook them on them though i wonder well oh the fans have their chain already yeah all right we don't have any fans wow i think they're made out of like what are they made out of they look like they're ceramic yeah yeah they're ceramic there's a bunch of them they're sure nice there we go okay there you go oh that one that one's chained broke and they're they look older guys i like the little flower pot there we go i like the flower pots the best and there's some flowers they are pretty amazing i love those okay yeah that's pretty cool and i would say they're about what two inches long they're two inches tall yeah okay good what do you have i have little scrapbook stuff it's all the glittery shiny stuff and it looks like let's see two pots i think different shapes and they're glittery they're confetti stuff that people use in scrapbooks they're glittery we have a lot of it but i like these the stars i like the stars big stars little stars lots of stars gold star oh these are these all say 50 you you throw those on someone just turning 50 years old you throw yeah i never got it when i was 50 years ago okay no i won't do it to you it's blated food well yeah i don't want a belated 50. um you save them for and add 20 to make them 70. [Laughter] add some 20s to those 50s and throw them on me there's a lot of them here so we'll lock these up and put them in the auction they're confetti but they do use them for scrapbooking like here's happy a lot of happy faces and lots of confetti okay or we could just have a party and throw them around for everybody and show them how they work that's true but i don't want to do that oh wait wait i'm gonna put them over here all right and these are actually made in the united states these little containers i like them because they have the little knobs and they're really solid plastic okay you do that one i'm gonna open the rest of these up oh this one is hooks for things clothes pins tools little somethings little black something lots of old screws this is like a handy hardware little thing a handy hardware yeah some random stuff in here yeah handy hardware there we go okay you're the watch man you're the jewelry person you go for it so we have a disney watch but it's missing the um glass to it that's probably why it was in there huh yeah missing the glass i love little velvet bags well you can have this one what could be in it um okay so this is oh it says elizabeth on here it says oh here's the certification of quality assurance it's from the historic society well what is it and is it queen elizabeth oh that'd be cool wouldn't it i love kings and queens yeah it just says elizabeth is that a coin yeah oh it's a coin commemorative coin of queen elizabeth in a heart love it and it has all the information i don't know how far we are from the camera guys so this is a test video yeah we'll fix anything that goes wrong today for the next one all right let's move this guy in here i love that see good things come in velvet bags oh my god that is true okay can you open that one and i'll open this one oh yeah he'd give me this one it wasn't on purpose because i've never been in here okay so i've got this necklace here oh what stones in it it's pretty um honestly i don't think this this is not a real this is not real it's more coffee it's amethyst yeah it's light blue right yeah it happens to be for the much of the month of march what happens to be mine there you go thank you thank you and it's um it's i mean it's a cool piece you don't think it's real i don't think so i don't i don't see any markings and the gold is really kind of like that we'll check it out though but it's still pretty yeah i mean i'll check it out for sure all right you open these things up they're security envelopes whoa wow it's a jewelry show prize is what it says on the box we have a pearl necklace in here but it's not looking real they're stones what they're jewelry show prizes and a disney and they're different stones weird i like you put them in you have made in the united states you have to put them in your own setting somebody was for march because there's a lot of the uh wow oh that's amethyst yeah so there's three of them in there yeah there was three wow i'll put them back in here that's not bad fun kind of cool we haven't got much jewelry in here but we have gotten a little bit oh butterfly that's a pretty big one guys butterfly pan yup i like the black and white and we have a small this does look like it's probably an old sterling necklace in here and there's one box left the anticipation oh wow ooh amethyst this is genuine amethyst and it's a square i love it we may auction this off i like squares better than rounds should we auction this one off if you want to it's awful pretty isn't it we'll love that okay that wasn't a bad little drawer i liked it we have any more drawers like that i hope uh okay we can see through so we know we don't yeah yeah that's a pretty good indication um all right you open that one and i'm opening this one oh oh great you did it upside down like i almost did oh my god but then i caught it right away okay what is up with this we got a half of a brush well you can still use it for like a beard or something i mean i'm not gonna try it on your beard i think not demonstrate how to use a beard brush that you make yourself oh look at this this is a oh that's kind of cool sherry's choice 41s japan i have never seen a knife like that it's an older one um so i'm wondering about this one if anybody's in the confetti please let us know we've been getting a lot of that we have every kind of confetti you can possibly want maybe you need to auction off confetti we have enough well i might group it all up and yeah auction off because [Music] [Laughter] oh there we go okay lots more confetti oh my gosh let's have a confetti party there's a lot in here okay and then you can see that that's the lazy way it's a no tool way okay oh that's white we got oh look at that little teeny tiny blue stars confetti i mean there's just so much in here oh they're coming out oh i should throw them on the way no no no no no no well i thought i'd decorate your hat i made that mistake before and spend an hour cleaning it okay all right so guess what i'm gonna let you open this one we know why no it's we know what it is there could be something under it all right something buried in confetti here we go whoa whoa whoa confetti going everywhere and i can't see it okay there's some more look at these old yolks oh no these are magnets these are old magnets i love those they're really old there's somebody that's taking a drink every time i say i love they said on the last video so they're gonna get drunk he's gonna have a problem so these are all old magnets and their main taiwan oh now we have like green themed confetti just be careful very sharp are they razors or silicone fragments oh that would be silicon fragments well oh we got even moose confetti well confetti for days all different kinds of days we have like 50 more boxes i don't even know what to tell you okay there's just way too much confetti and i can't get the bottom drawer open but i'm telling you there's elephant confetti in there at least that's what it looks like i did get a magnifying glass but i forgot to bring it i think they've seen enough confetti so high haven't you okay what else we got it's some kind of a tool it's a mini iron yep and it would they wanted that's an iron how cute for little things they wanted 25 bucks back in the day i wonder if you use that on paper and stuff could be because they have a lot of paper and we have this rack i don't feel like there's anything in here i'm not too sure what this is for probably hang some up what do you think i think i'm getting ripped off that's the jewelry didn't have anything in it the box doesn't have anything on it that's what happens i'm gonna okay you open those up ooh these are these are nice these are they'd be great for some of the stamps the travel stamps so these are brand new and they're huge oh wow it's a rusty it's even got cobwebs what there's even cobwebs in the window so you can abandon birdhouse [Laughter] that's gonna be our title abandoned birdhouse there's a bunch of cobwebs in there this is actually a really cool piece and some um i'm collecting birdhouses now that we've got a bunch from this unit i think this one matches it you know how they have those abandoned videos on youtube which i love yep oh look at this one they decorated this one and painted it you can tell they did it some of their artwork oh this one's oh that one too they've been decorating them how cute these are cool and here's one they haven't got to yet that also has cobwebs i'm going to get cobwebs inside these wrappers oh that means there might be spiders this is a small one okay three three two three all right what do we got oh you do you always do the good stuff yeah i know what probably got spiders all over me now what are those those are drawings aren't they i don't know they did them on weird paper or they're it looks like it's wallpaper doesn't it look like it's been peeled oh it is wallpaper maybe this came from one of their old houses or something they have these kind of drawings on their wall i mean everybody has their own taste i guess but it feels like wallpapers i think so because they're all the same yeah how weird okay and unique i think it's unique let's put it back there you go don't bend one all right [Applause] all right hand me a box oh god there's a lot in this box the first thing we have is a pumpkin ashley she may actually want this pumpkin she has very high taste and decorations since we started [Laughter] um all right let me get this stuff on she had it before but she really has it now oh my gosh this thing's gonna take a while it's really full oh my gosh i want to see what the first one is to see what the theme of the box is i have to grab all these out of here real quick and then we'll go through them what is the bears i don't know yet i went through one layer oh layer gosh there's so much my third layer it's gonna fragile oh wow we got a few more layers though i'm still playing it is fragile i'm still pulling them out over here oh we're getting there now that was not nice okay i had to clean this up well you shouldn't have started something you don't want to finish i'm the janitor well now you've janitored yourself into work oh look at that itches too darn it i gotta go take myself out this looks like an old pumpkin doesn't you got a lot of cleaning to do mr janitor that is a it's got a uh metal leaf yeah it's real cool i got another one down here i want to keep all that okay so i don't think there's anything in here i hope you don't throw anything anymore because i'm gonna spread it all around if you do okay so now janitor now we have to open these up there's a bunch of them here hopefully you guys can see that better get something to drink you're gonna need coffee something to eat because it's gonna take a while they're real oh oh my god i love it it's a candle holder isn't it i don't know but that's pretty neat that is a is it metal yeah well these aren't the frogs aren't but that's so it's metal and some kind of uh plastic no it's not not plaster there's some there's something think of the name but it is definitely a candle holder i think i think it's a candle holder sure cute oh we don't know what we're going to find in here oh these are frozen really exciting oh this is a frog globe that's what it says boy they really did tape it oh we got another uh oh look at this this is a pretty pumpkin i love the color oh yeah it's all ceramic now they kind of we're getting the theme here hitting the theme frogs and uh pumpkins so far this is a big one oh this one's real heavy it says something on the bottom too [Music] it's like five wrappings wow oh it's a candle it's a candle pumpkin wow this would go great on poshmark it almost looks like a real pumpkin the shine on it yeah but it is a candle it's got a wick right there it's a heavy candle it's a 2.5 uh times 4.5 so diameter pumpkin 1997 chicago 1997. i'd love to go to chicago that's over ashley said chicago's a really nice town the windy city oh oh that's what they meant i i like that better than a globe wow i love it it's so cute that thing is and it's it's lights you don't know what you're going to find in this this has been the mystery units from this somebody's going to love this we'll put this on your poshmark oh i feel lucky oh here's a little uh pumpkin candle it's in a ceramic pot but at the candle inside it it doesn't smell like anything guys all right well we've had strong filling candles i got one in my room right now you don't even have to light it wait is that when we open it up here oh yeah oh here's another one this probably went actually yep oh wow there it goes matches perfect and went in the frog yeah it matches perfect the colors okay moving right along oh so fun i only like fake frogs i do not like live frogs yeah well um i was watching mountain man oh you got another one oh that one goes with the yeah i don't think i could open it i keep it in there yeah just keep it in there keep it nice i think this is from the same there's a set of them right here yep well this one is glass look at this one isn't that a gourd yeah it does look like is that how you say it it's a board it's a gourd when you videotape you can't have your own language you gotta say it the way everybody says it okay i'm just glad these things are not taped um because that's the worst yeah it's really nice that you can open the bags isn't it yeah i think they probably realize that too i think they started running out of tape near the end i do yeah oh here's another one that matches that they're identical now this one's a little bigger oh they're a step little bigger okay oh i feel so itchy still i'm not happy oh you'll be fine that's what he says about everything oh this one is kind of cool i like that too it's a green pumpkin it's not ready yet [Music] okay okay moving right along right along i like this box i don't care if it takes a while i'm liking it it is actually it was a smaller box too they really get a lot in their boxes every one of them oh look at this one it goes with those that's a pumpkin too so now we have two of them guys we'll keep them in there but those would go really well in poshmark are you setting it over there yeah don't wad it up nope you i'm taking it home with me today so if you get anything if you buy anything from grandma's poshmark the links are below and you see this tissue paper you know you know where it came from i love tissue paper okay you want to do this one we'll grab these let's show yours first though it's a bigger one and it's ceramic i think there oh that one's a mop it's mate it's not shiny it's matte at least i think that's what it is what we used to call the paint that wasn't shiny it's matte all right let me move this frogs over here wow those are just really nice okay so we also have some knives those that were wondering we'll probably auction these off they said they're made in taiwan i think they're probably eighties maybe nineties there's one in here that's brand new yeah they're i don't know a lot about knives they have their own sharpie stone with them they have a sharpie stone right there and so yeah it just says 420 stainless they're pretty big probably i like the end of them eight inch blades look at the circle oh and it's got a compass compass yeah on there those are pretty powerful oh yeah we're not let's cut our steak with them i'm an expert i see that um i think i need to move over so there's two of them so we're gonna put these on the auction okay guys we'll put that in that later okay all right you want me to grab one yep you're the box person now i got demoted ooh okay i think your box is way more i know actually phil's you get all the good ones not really we got a lot of those haven't we haven't gotten so far i think we've gotten two so far but do they stack on each other or what no i think they just had five or six figures lemonade in one water and one kool-aid they're the these are not cheap those are not cheap all right that was it oh no there's something else in here oh you're not what is going on um this is a mini food chopper hill this is a mini food chopper i wonder if it's really in there or if something else is in the box no i think it's i bet it is we're gonna check just to make sure because you never know with this unit right no i've been surprised many times here you go thank you let's see get in there i've never seen a therapy foot roller before it looks almost brand new though it looks like it hasn't been used it does look brand new but we'll have to see for sure this 2005 toastmaster who made that all right what do you have so i have nothing heard of a foot roller yeah okay they you got corrected by the way by who um who would dare do that everybody everybody was like that's not a hand roller that's a foot roller that little remember the little one where you rolled your hand against it oh well you can tell i don't know what foot roll yesterday's episode okay these are actually not cheap these um thermoses some of these go for good money online oh this is a starbucks coffee thermos well that would so you can't see it but that's starbucks right there um what is this one it's a starbucks they're nice ones they're i like them no this one's not a starbucks this one could be oh this is starbucks is that a leather wood yeah it's a well yeah i mean it feels like leather on the outside this is starbucks thermos yep that's an older one so these two definitely would sell well online for pretty good money because they weren't probably weren't cheap and then we have some ice trays ice trays oh i love the long nice trays never seen those before those would be cool to keep we might keep those i like uh different kinds of ice trays different shapes so you just put a long one or a couple longer ones i want those in there put them they wouldn't they look good in a clear glass have those long and you can even do them in colors they would look so good here's your foot would you jump up there wait i want you to demonstrate the foot roll no come on i don't know how they work are you sure this is a foot one well what else would it be because the rest it said football foot log original foot log made in the united states wouldn't that hurt your feet original foot log i don't know i mean maybe not it does feel like it's never been used i don't know well we'll go i'll give it a go all right there you go oh my gosh it's ashley's box okay touched by an angel we have a few of them that's an angel winnie the pooh wizard of oz i love the wizard of oz and then we have a random one i've never watched oh look at this what is that it says the studio video collection disney and it's got these three in there which that i've never actually watched oh the ones sealed one is sealed what is it who's that i don't know is that mr disney i oh the walt disney story sealed not for individual sale it wasn't for individual sales wow this actually may be worth some money guys and then we have this guy ashley's gonna want those frank and ollie i've never heard i've heard of the reluctant dragon but i haven't heard of frank and ollie wow somebody's gonna want these i think it's going to be her name's going to be ashley ashley oh dear and it comes with this what is that what's this oh no don't say anything yet that's surprising that looks like this is a surprise don't give it away okay i'm i'm really thinking they're gonna love this i haven't seen some of these um are new we haven't seen like we've seen toy story and toy story pop out of the unit and let me see if there's any diamonds too but i haven't seen oh no diamonds some of these the secret garden is one of my favorite old movies yeah i love it follow us up we have friends yeah prince of egypt rescuers two some of those are new oh what's this black one oh oh the night before christmas how fun would that be that's a good one that's a good one the magical voyage land before time that was a classic see we get to experience all this again with the boys yep robin hood is on our robin hood then we have the quests for camera the right mouse i love anything tarzan i like old tarzan new tarzan tarzans are great yep okay this guy lion king ice age yeah that one was sealed though i'll have to look at that one although i'm feeling never heard of that that's interesting so that was it all right well don't get don't get overwhelmed when you see how great this one is because after all those disney movies i think this is gonna top it okay let me see we have bags of dryer lint ooh is that what that is that's what i think it is it is and there's a bug in there oh nevermind it's on top oh really yeah that's disgusting after what you did to me hello what is up with the who would keep all this i don't know they might use it for stuffing who knows that's disgusting that's going in the trash oh here's a christmas tree automatic water i never even knew there was such a thing i've never heard of that before wow and an empty christmas tree light box this was done the made in the united states manufacture this is probably uh 80s wow never seen that before yeah see yeah i i guess you just you can has the hose you can just fill it up hook it up i guess there's the lights that go into that value pack of that box here's the lights next the lights were exciting all right i'm running out of room what do we got a random really odd really odds and ends i'll let you go through that odds and ends old wallet oh with old pictures in it too yeah we don't show those oh this has got i think uh this has got old cd old old something in there i think it's personal personal stuff let's see what itches is it uh is it um oh chicken pox i feel like i've got chicken pods that's cool i was born to have a chauffeur tropher not to be one i like that that cute keychain and we have um a cool piece here you tell them what all this is you're the electronic you tell them i'm testing out the camera to see which angles okay i know what those are those are calculators something on top is something some old calculators go for really good money guys you tend to look them up people will pay big money for some older calculators shop an ad oh this you know what this is this is when you go to the grocery store and you you basically put how much oh so that way you know how much you're spending in the old days yeah that way you know how much you're spending yeah wow that's old that is old i bet that's from the 50s this is this was made in hong kong that's old here's a old marble oh here's some sewing stuff that's a sewing kit we're trying to put a bunch of sewing stuff together for the auction some old keys a lot of people collect keys yep and what else do we have here um brass plaque is this a toledo toledo scale company toledo ohio and this was on something and it's a brass plaque kind of cool i put that on ebay somebody might want it from that company another calculator and we have this guy so i don't know what that is but all right let's show you what you got there's more pink personal paperwork in here guys but we like to respect the family i do love the big bags oh they're new frames oh these are all new oh this one's broken careful so these are new this one broke i think they're all the same but these are all yep oh they put this so they didn't break there's black and then there's brown all sealed we like new stuff huh yep that will probably put either some of these we'll put on poshmark or some we'll do local when we open the shop back up when probably nice four years no no no sooner than that we need to clear some stuff out yep okay oh my gosh what did you find this whole bag is framed all new frames oh there's more all different styles of frames oh my gosh there's more here let me let let's take all that you got the bag look at this okay i don't think we need to show them all these okay there's frames here frames there everywhere oh look they put one of their drawings in there i do like that that's nice one of their drawings a lighthouse isn't it yep because i recognize that's cool oh wow you found some more with drawings and what we weren't gonna look yep they did oh my gosh this is what they did with them that's what i would love to have we're going to sell them but that's what i wanted one whole room barn drawings yep 2011. that's crazy oh they're nice i'm so glad we looked at them that one's in color it's not black and white which i like black and white by the way there we go all different frames oh this one's not oh gotta be careful this glass is broken oh this glass broke look at those those are so pretty yeah you think you could auction those off i could yeah i already did some but there are frames ooh okay these are all these are these yeah these are just brand new somewhat but i don't know i have a lot of frames and this was in there too it's a real nice lid but a random lid a random lid yeah i'd save it because it probably goes through a nice pan somewhere these are all just sealed yeah mini ones match the big one yep okay moving right along moving right along whoa this is heavy this says 2000 how-to books and manuals all right get it everybody needs help well no you don't you have youtube nowadays yeah back then you didn't have youtube some of these books go for good money this was printed in the united states that one particularly these are hard oh so these are kind of like home repairs home repair type stuff you know oh this one's on building decks that's what you want to do build yourself a new day i wouldn't mind a gazebo too can you fix it yourself that's a thick book some of these hands will look and see if they go good yeah the family handyman helps since okay here we go this would be great for women that have husbands that don't quite do it and you need to give them a little hint give them a handy tool yeah let's give them this oh there's a bunch of these in here these are from lifetime books oh that's really putting on wallpaper paper properly or could be it could be uh ladies out there you know too that you know women do it too yes there's some yeah i know [Applause] oh there's a lot in that series yeah that'd be a cool series that one's full well there's a lot of them in here and these are all from um live time i'm gonna let you do this box is it that bad no i'm not sure you know how i can't see real well i'm thinking i think something i might not want to lift up i'm not sure [Applause] okay no it's not a dry snake [Laughter] it's corn oh oh but we do have some lighters these are sealed guys brand new yeah oh good oh it's not a snake oh these are candles corn candles yeah holiday candles oh that's a lot better than what i thought they were they paid 10 bucks back in got them upside down 2 000. wow oh my gosh this is disgusting what is that don't you dare don't you dare pay back would be pretty bad it looks like jello in a bottle don't it no this is supposed to be apple cider potpourri well i think crystals turned into it turned into something that's disgusting okay this one is more liquid that looks like more what it should be i i wouldn't open either one of those and we got three of them nope we have more oh this one's even really disgusting look at that lost one that hair joe no wild jasmine okay anyways you guys get the idea all right that's disgusting it's weird that we can't find liquid stuff in here a lot a lot of it okay we have battleship electronic this is a really cool game talking battleship and it looks like i wouldn't i mean it's a big boy this is the talking one that was one of my favorite games when i was younger i love them we have the old-fashioned kind yep that's a really cool game i don't know where my knife went oh there's where it went [Applause] okay this one says stamping videos 2008 oh but it's not stamping videos it's pots and pans okay what's in that foil thing this says i mean oh this is just let's say that's had better days what's in here oh oh that's kind of cool what would you do it must have another part to it somewhere it's a heating tray maybe you cook it no i think that's a little broiling tray and then you can put the lid on it later i don't know he could be right i could be right we both can be wrong i think oh here's some more of these these look brand new guys never use they're for your stove i don't know what that was oh that's cool looking oh this is made in italy what's the front of it look like have you ever heard of that brand before tramana tina meanwhile from italy have you ever heard of that i don't know but i think you should keep that one it could be worth some money i don't know you love the cook and that's a different one you don't have yep yep yep yep all right next next next eight assorted tall tumblers i'm gonna open yours up or i'm gonna give you this one and all of them you know what that lemonade looks good on the front oh oh oh oh that might be something that i wish i had but you're gonna see it and then i'm gonna not have it i just know it what do you have over there if i if that's what i think it is it's not stamps it's not no it said susie zoo stamps on the side nope these are massive whoa beer cups now that's a beer mug beer mugs and there there's four of them or five over here guys wow these are beautiful see i'm not gonna get them all out because they're in there perfectly but and they're heavy a pound each at least dad puts all his in the freezer oh yeah you put him in the freezer it's look at this indented they're they're all the same but feel that the glass feels so smooth and then the bottoms indented those are very nice mugs or glasses yeah these are nice i would keep those way those are nice yeah they're all the same all right what do you think of boxes this is the video it's wrapped it's been 40 it's been over 50 minutes wow yeah let us know what you guys think of the new camera it's pretty cool um we just need the adjustment yeah we're gonna we're gonna watch this episode make sure it goes all right hopefully you guys liked it uh make sure you hit the thumbs up button and leave us as many comments as you can guys it really helps out it brings up the video when you guys leave a lot of comments fun to read yeah i love reading them just because i don't reply does not mean i didn't read it every single comment we read and i like it and thumbs up it when i read it so that way we can make sure that we look at every single comment that you guys do because there's nothing worse than like feeling ignored right so that's why i always read all your comments i like it and thumbs it up when i read it so and we try to respond as many as we can just been a hectic time to last that's been great all right guys talk to you soon and see you in tomorrow's episode right right anything else you want to put see you tomorrow i hate last words any last words i don't have last words okay all right my words always go on see you guys what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma adventures poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units i'll put her link below if you want to shop her poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her poshmark also this is my poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayne's ventures poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these two poshmarks also ebay we have quite a few items on this public account 500 items everything that you find in the storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units 34. it comes up to 25 cents per video and i teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and i teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to wade's adventures youtube right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that join button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on youtube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and i shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: undefined
Views: 18,834
Rating: 4.9314284 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned Storage Containers, LABELED BREAKABLE, Found, 2020, Storage Containers, storage containers for sale, storage containers auction, collectibles, all storage containers, Storage, Self Storage, storage auction, storage hunters, abandoned, abandoned places, exploring, abandon, abandoned buildings, Storage units, storage lockers, storage wars, storage unit finds, auction, live storage auction, abandoned storage, how to buy containers, storage treasures, live auctions, buy, sell
Id: rn16s_jMlVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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